2 minute read
Dear America SCORES
Dear America SCORES poet-athletes,
In the beginning of 2022, I had the honor of being selected as the new America SCORES national Executive Director. Before joining America SCORES, I experienced many things and traveled to many places across the globe. In many ways, words and sports have been my passport to the world. But I started as an inner city kid in a city and classroom just like yours.
As I write this to you, I feel like I’m writing a letter to my younger self. When I was your age, I was filled with so much energy and so many ideas but they were trapped inside me. I didn’t have a safe place to release my energy and I was afraid to let my ideas out. That was an awful feeling. When I found sport and spoken word, my energy and my ideas finally found a home. I could run, jump, and kick without apologies or guilt and I could speak my mind and heart without fear or embarrassment.
I didn’t have a program like America SCORES so it took me a while to find my freedom of expression. I’m so happy that you have America SCORES, your coaches, and your teammates so you can find that escape as well. The games you play and words you write today will live on forever in your hearts and minds. I don’t remember every point scored or every line written from my youth, but I remember my teammates and my feelings well. I remember the sadness of losing and of wanting to give up. I also remember the joys of winning and the pride I felt for getting back up and trying again. I remember the frustration of looking at a blank page for hours trying to find the right words to match my feelings. And when I finally found the right words, I recall the fear of sharing those words with others. I remember the first time reading my work in front of a crowd and looking out expecting to hear boos but instead hearing applause and seeing smiling faces. Those memories are gifts that I still open and give myself when I feel doubt.
Reading your poetry and watching you play gives me that same inspiration, pride, and joy. During your lives, you will have more moments of fear, doubt, and disappointment. That’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of. So let me give you a prediction, some advice, and a request. My prediction is that you will have the confidence to get back up, overcome your fears, and get over your disappointments. My advice is to give yourself permission to be your true selves and show yourselves to others because you’re wonderful and worthy to be seen and heard. My request is that you help others when you see them down and doubting themselves. Continue to play freely, speak freely, and help lead others to that freedom.
Best Wishes, Icy Jones