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AUS MEDIA CLIPPINGS Newspaper Clippings of American University of Sharjah

September 28, 2010

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G ulf Today


Monday. September 27. 2010

Sultan felicitates varsity students

Ruler wishes successful academic year

SHARJAH: His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, UAE Supreme Council Member and Ru ler of Sharjah felicitated t he students of the Un ive rsity ofSharjah (VO S) an d the American Univers ity of Sharjah (AVS) on th e occasion of t he beginnin g of the new acade m ic year a nd wished them a s uccessfu l season of lea r ning. The Ruler, wh o is also the S upreme Pres iden t of the University of S ha rjah, expressed his happiness over the opening of the new campus of the VOS in the Kalba city with the beginning of t he new academic year. He said that he feels a sense of fulfilment whenever a new door of learning and science is opened creating additional opportunity for t he peo ple in the emirate t o seek knowledge.


Mohammed AI Taher I The Gulf Today

Sheikh Sultan felicitated students of th e University of Sharjah and the America n University of Sharjah on Sunday.


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