AUS Media Clippings Newspaper Clippings of American University of Sharjah 5 December, 2013
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Culture & Education NEWS Posted on: Friday 29 November, 2013 1:30
Sheikh Nahyan attends AUS National Day celebrations
His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates Minister of Culture, Youth and Social Development, attended the main celebration of the 42nd UAE National Day at American University of Sharjah (AUS) yesterday, November 27, 2013. Organized by the Office of Student Affairs and the Emirati Cultural Club, this event is part of the week-long celebration of the UAE National Day at AUS. The day’s festivities began with His Excellency taking a tour of the El Etihad Art Gallery panorama in the Main Building, followed by the opening ceremony and welcome address. Entertainment for the crowd continued into the night and included a performance by Emirati scouts, poetry recitation, and traditional songs and dances. Other ethnic clubs, such as the Bahraini Cultural Club, also participated in these events expressing their appreciation to the UAE. “It gives me great pleasure to offer my sincerest congratulations to all on the wonderful occasion of the UAE’s 42nd National Day celebrations,” said Dr. Thomas Hochstettler, Acting Chancellor of AUS. “We at AUS have always marked this occasion with great fervor and spirit. This year in particular our campus has come alive with numerous events celebrating the Emirates. On behalf of the entire AUS community, I would like to convey our best wishes to our leaders and to the people of the UAE.” “As has been an AUS tradition for many years, various events are organized on campus to mark this special occasion. With the theme of this year’s National Day celebrations being ‘Spirit of the Union,’ we have focused on hosting activities that promote unity and patriotism,” said Dr. Moza Al Shehhi, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. “As we take pride of our students’ work, we submitted our entry to various governmental organizations in a bid to win the title of ‘The Best University Celebrating National Day.’ I
congratulate our great leaders and the people of the UAE on this occasion,” added Dr. Al Shehhi. The celebration began on November 11, with a student campaign launched to gather National Day greetings and messages for His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE. Other activities included a traditional Emirati breakfast and lunch and a National Day Sports Festival organized by Student Athletics and Recreations Department. Mohammad Al Thani, president of the Emirati Cultural Club, said, “National Day is a very dear occasion for all Emiratis. The celebrations are an expression of our love for our country and for our great leaders. We do hope that our events at AUS will be as successful as the National Day celebrations set across the UAE.”
Emirates Trends: 5 Ways Dubai Expo 2020 will Affect Sharjah
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Emirates Trends Monday, December 2, 2013
5 Ways Dubai Expo 2020 will Affect Sharjah With Dubai winning the Expo 2020 bid, many are going on speculating and analyzing how this win will positively impact the city. I thought of doing it a little different, and look into how this win will impact the Emirate of Sharjah over the next years.
1. Better Employment Opportunities for University Fresh Grads The Sharjah University City is home to quality universities including the American University of Sharjah (AUS), one of the world's top 450 universities. Recent years have made the job search process quite challenging for fresh graduates resulting in entry level positions offering lower salaries compared to pre-2008 era. With the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs, it is expected that the labor market will slowly transform back into a job seekers market resulting in better job offers for the Emirate's fresh graduates.
Sharjah University City
2. Investment Opportunities in the Sharjah Real Estate Market Sharjah Holding is currently developing an integrated mixed-use community known as Al Zahia that will include a range of villas, apartments, and commercial units. With Al Zahia offering investment opportunities and with its location being in close proximity to E311 (Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road) and E611 (Emirates Road), and with also the property prices continuing to increase in Dubai, it is expected that more Arab expats will either choose to settle in Al Zahia with their families, or invest in it.
Emirates Trends: 5 Ways Dubai Expo 2020 will Affect Sharjah
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Sharjah - Al Zahia Project Location
Also with rent prices in Dubai expected to pick up over the coming few years, it is only natural to expect that rent prices in Sharjah will follow suite. 3. More Tourism Facilities and Attractions Shurooq, the Sharjah Investment and Development Authority, is currently developing a number of touristic attractions in the Emirate including the Heart of Sharjah (the biggest heritage project in the region of its kind), Al Bait Hotel (a true Emirati 10,000sqm 5-star luxurious retreat), Sir Bu Nair Island (located 65km off the coast of UAE), and Al Jabal Resort The Cheddi Khorfakkan,which is unique in the sense that it links two concepts, a Fort that will be open to public, and a Village.
Sharjah Waterfront
With more people expected to choose the UAE as a home due to the Dubai Expo 2020 win, residents and tourists alike will seek such heritage and cultural attractions to get away a little from all the hustle and bustle. 4. More Companies to Start-Up in Sharjah Many young adults have been contemplating the idea of starting up their own business. The Sharjah Hamriyah Free Zone and the Sharjah Airport Free Zone, due to their relatively lower costs, will most likely attract many of those young adults with limited capitals to establish their companies. 5. New Mass Transportation Modes With Etihad Rail currently being underway, it is expected that by Expo year, the Rail would have already connected with the Emirate of Sharjah. This, as a result, will decrease dependency on motor vehicles as more people might prefer to commute comfortably in this highly anticipated alternative.
Emirates Trends: 5 Ways Dubai Expo 2020 will Affect Sharjah
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UAE Railway Network
How else do you think Sharjah will benefit from the Dubai Expo 2020 win? Posted by Rami Jaber at 5:56 AM
Labels: dubai expo 2020, Education, Expo 2020, Investment, Sharjah, Tourism, UAE
الثقافة والتعليم
الجمعة 29نوفمبر1:30 2013 ,
الشيخ نھيان يشھد احتفاالت الجامعة األميركية في الشارقة باليوم الوطني
شھد معالي الشيخ نھيان بن مبارك آل نھيان ،وزير الثقافة والشباب وتنمية المجتمع ،مساء أمس ،األربعاء ،االحتفال الرئيس الذي أقامته الجامعة األميركية في الشارقة بمناسبة اليوم الوطني للدولة. ونظم االحتفال مكتب شؤون الطلبة والنادي الثقافي اإلماراتي ،وجاء تتويجاً ألسبوع احتفالي باليوم الوطني للدولة في أميركية الشارقة. وبدأ االحتفال بجولة لمعاليه في معرض فني بعنوان "بانوراما االتحاد" في مبنى الجامعة الرئيسي متبوعاً بافتتاح الحفل بالكلمات الترحيبية .واشتملت بقية الفعاليات الترفيھية التي استمرت إلى المساء ،على عرض للكشافة اإلماراتية ،وأمسيات شعرية ،وأغان ورقصات شعبية .وشاركت األندية الثقافية األخرى كالنادي الثقافي البحريني باالحتفال تعبيراً عن تقديرھم وحبھم للدولة. وقال مدير الجامعة باإلنابة الدكتور توماس ھوكستيتلر " :إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أوجه أصدق التھاني للجميع في ھذا المناسبة الرائعة للذكرى الثانية واألربعين لليوم الوطني اإلماراتي ".وأضاف قائال إن أميركية الشارقة تستقبل ھذه المناسبة دائما باالحتفاالت البھيجة ،ووجه بالنيابة عن مجتمع أميركية الشارقة التمنيات بالنجاح الدائم لقيادة الدولة وشعبھا. وقالت الدكتور موزة الشحي ،نائب مدير الجامعة لشؤون الطلبة " ،كما جرت العادة في جامعتنا على مدى سنوات عديدة ،فإن مظاھر االحتفال باليوم الوطني تتنوع ،والفكرة الرئيسة الحتفاالت اليوم الوطني لھذا العام ھي "روح االتحاد" ولھذا اھتممنا بإقامة فعاليات تنشر أفكار الوحدة والوطنية ".وأضافت بأن الجامعة تفخر بأعمال طلبتھا فقد قدمت أعمالھم وأفكارھم لمختلف المنظمات الحكومية في مسابقة تحت عنوان "أفضل احتفال جامعي باليوم الوطني" وھنأت الدكتورة الشحي قادة الدولة وشعبھا في ھذه المناسبة . وكان االسبوع االحتفالي قد بدأ في 11نوفمبر بحملة أطلقھا الطلبة لجمع رساالت تھاني بمناسبة اليوم الوطني لصاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نھييان ،رئيس الدولة ،وتضمنت الفعاليات حفالت لألطعمة واألكالت الشعبية اإلماراتية ،ويوم رياضة وطني نظمه قسم الرياضات واألنشطة الطالبية. وقال محمد آل ثاني ،رئيس النادي الثقافي اإلماراتي" :إن اليوم الوطني مناسبة عزيزة على قلوب كل اإلماراتيين، وھذه االحتفاالت ھي تعبير عن حبنا لموطننا وقادتنا العظماء ،ونأمل أن تنجح أنشطتنا االحتفالية باليوم الوطني كباقي األنشطة القائمة في جميع أنحاء الوطن".