A rch A e o l o g i ca l
C o nser v anc y
mark michel
The ruins of one of the structures at Copán, a World Heritage Site.
Guatemala Highlands and Copán When: January 7–17, 2010 Where: Guatemala and Honduras How Much: $2,695 per person
($300 single supplement)
the archaeological conservancy
Rain forests, snow-capped volcanoes, and magnificent lakes make up the landscape of the ancient Maya in the highlands of Guatemala. On our tour you’ll experience a complete spectrum of history— from ancient Maya ruins to modern-day Maya cities. Our travels will take us from beautiful Lake Atitlán to the Honduran rain forest, where we will visit Copán, considered to be the crown jewel of the southern Maya cities. John Henderson one of the nation’s leading Maya scholars, will accompany us on the tour. This stele depicts 18 Rabbit, one of Copán’s greatest rulers.
fall • 2009