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new acquisition A VESTIGE OF THE MIMBRES

A Vestige of the Mimbres

The Conservancy obtains the Elk Ridge Mimbres site.


During their Classic period, the Mimbres people of Southwestern New Mexico lived in large, multistory cobble-walled pueblo structures that were constructed around central plazas. Some of the pueblos had great kivas that most likely served as community and ceremonial centers. Mimbres sites have been documented across much of Southwestern New Mexico, and the greatest concentration of large sites is in the Mimbres Valley and the areas adjacent to the Mimbres River.

Mimbres pottery is renowned. The black-on-white painted pottery bowls and jars are decorated with stunning geometric, naturalistic, and anthropomorphic designs. The pottery was frequently included among funerary objects placed with human remains at the time of burial. Bowls associated with burials typically have a “kill” hole punched in the bottom. Many pottery collectors covet the elaborately decorated pieces and are willing to pay very high prices for them. Consequently, almost all of the sites

These Classic Mimbres Black-on-White bowls were uncovered at the Elk Ridge Mimbres site.

located on private land in the Mimbres Valley have been destroyed by looters. In some cases, mechanical equipment has been used to dig through entire sites.

The Elk Ridge Mimbres site is located in the northern part of the Mimbres Valley. Unlike other sites in the area, it’s buried under as much as six feet of alluvium, which protected it for many years. One of the previous owners eventually discovered the site and, though he used mechanical equipment to dig for pottery, disturbed a relatively small area.

Recent investigations have determined that much of the site, including a large multi-roomed, cobble-walled architectural unit, is still intact. There is also a large rectangular shaped room that may have functioned as a great kiva. If so, it’s the only undisturbed great kiva left on private land in the valley. The northern portion of the site, which reaches into the Gila National Forest, is intact and protected.

The current owners of the Elk Ridge Mimbres site—a professional archaeologist and his wife—purchased the property in order to stop the looting, and they’ve managed to save a significant portion of the site. They recently approached the Conservancy about obtaining the site, and we’ve entered into an option to acquire it. —Steve Koczan Conservancy Plan of Action

Site: Elk Ridge Mimbres site Culture and time Period: MogollonMimbres Phase a.d. 1000-1150 aCquiSition: The Conservancy has negotiated a real estate purchase option with the owner. The purchase price and additional costs for developing management and public educational programs is $120,649. How You Can HelP: Please send contributions to The Archaeological Conservancy, Attn: Elk Ridge Mimbres site, 5301 Central Ave. NE, Suite 902, Albuquerque, NM 87108-1530.

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