Ellen Georgi
field notes
caption Tour participants walk past a golf course on the way to the Rosenstock site.
The Conservancy Hosts Tour of the Rosentock Preserve East—The staff of the Conservancy’s Eastern region office recently hosted a tour of the Rosenstock Preserve as part of Maryland’s Archeology Awareness Month. The tour was attended by members of the Archeological Society of Maryland (ASM), the Monocacy Archeological Society, and current and former Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) archaeologists Maureen Kavanagh and Tyler Bastion. Rosenstock was preserved through a cooperative effort between Aldi Inc., the City of Frederick, and the Conservancy.The site features an extraordinary well-preserved Late Woodland village dating from A.D. 1300-1450 with artifacts
that are rarely found east of the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. For many of the participants it was their first opportunity to visit the site since they had taken part in the research conducted by the ASM and the MHT in 1979, and then from 1990 through 1992. The group recounted many stories from their experiences then, which included finding structures and the discovery of a pit containing unfired raw clay for ceramic production. They also saw how the site has changed over the last 20 years as well as what the Conservancy has done to manage it.
summer • 2012