An Attempt at Utopia?
This building once housed workers at Feltville. It is one of the nine buildings from that period that still stands.
The 19th century saw a number of utopian communities. Historical accounts suggest Feltville was one of them. An investigation of this village challenges those accounts.
ew Jersey is the most densely populated state in the union, and Union County, where the small community of Feltville was once located, is one of the most densely populated counties in the state. But there’s no evidence of this deep in the woods where a 12-member crew was excavating on a humid day in mid-July. A path they cleared two summers earlier is the only means of reaching this area. Caked in mud, kneeling on gardener’s knee pads, depositing dirt samples in
By Debra Galant
Archaeologist Matt Tomaso
winter • 2003-04