Book Catalog

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FAMILY LAW Book Catalog


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The Section has a very successful book publishing program. Our authors are the country’s leading family law experts who lend their expertise through our publications program.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Collaborative Law: Achieving Effective Resolution in Divorce without Litigation, 3rd Ed. Pauline Tesler $139.95/$109.95 (PC: 5130214) The third edition of Collaborative Law is substantially revised and expanded. This edition serves both as a broad, comprehensive introduction to collaborative legal practice for lawyers new to the area as well as a current reference for more experienced practitioners. The Complete Guide to Mediation: How to Effectively Represent Your Clients and Expand Your Family Law Practice Elizabeth Potter Scully and Forrest S Mosten $99.95/$89.95 (PC: 5130209, PC: 5130209EBK) Mediation and alternative dispute resolution are a top priority for policy and programs in courts and family law professional organizations. Clients are asking about mediation and expect their family lawyers to be mediation-friendly, knowledgeable and competent. This updated edition is your complete resource for gaining knowledge and skills to attract clients interested in mediation and effective negotiation.

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Navigating Emotional Currents in Collaborative Divorce: A Guide to Enlightened Team Practice Kate Scharff and Lisa R Herrick $69.95/$59.95 (PC: 5130177, PC: 5130177EBK) Designed to help all professionals— lawyers, as well as mental health professionals, financial neutrals, etc.— who practice in the area of Collaborative Divorce, this important new book explains how marital dynamics (both conscious and unconscious), combined with the traumas of both the current divorce and those resulting from previous situations, will be re-enacted within the Collaborative process. If these traumas and dynamic re-enactments go unaddressed, misunderstood or unmetabolized by the team, they can impede progress, create difficulty in team functioning, result in a compromised agreement, or cause a complete break-down of the process itself.

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Assisted Reproductive Technology Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Lawyer’s Guide to Emerging Law and Science, 2nd Ed. Charles P Kindregan Jr and Maureen McBrien $89.95/$74.95 (PC: 5130178, PC: 5130178EBK) As more people turn to assisted reproduction, the legal issues surrounding it have become increasingly complex. Beyond representing patients or clinics, numerous legal problems are arising from the technology’s application. Disputes about disposition of embryos and gametes in divorce are perhaps the most common, but assisted reproduction technology (ART) impacts many other areas of the law, including personal injury, insurance, criminal law, probate and estate planning, and government.

Business Valuation The Lawyer’s Business Valuation Handbook: Understanding Financial Statements, Appraisal Reports, and Expert Testimony Alina V Niculita and Shannon Pratt $149.95/$124.95 (PC: 5130172) Comprehensive yet accessible, this handbook explains all aspects of determining the value of a business, including definitions of value, accepted terminology and bodies of evidence, and recognized valuation methods. Written by recognized authorities in the field, they explain how to dig beneath the surface to find the most pertinent facts and interpret the data.

The Lawyer’s Guide to Cost of Capital: Understanding Risk and Return for Valuing Businesses and Other Investments Roger J Grabowski and Shannon Pratt $169.95/$139.95 (PC: 5130205, PC: 5130205EBK) Cost of capital is arguably the most important concept in all of finance, as it is the expected rate of return that market participants require to attract funds to an investment. The cost of capital estimate is the essential link that enables a business to convert a stream of expected income into an estimate of present value. It is a matter frequently litigated in the Federal Courts and the Delaware Court of Chancery, as well as in state courts nationwide.

Children’s Issues The Adoption Law Handbook: Practice, Resources, and Forms for Family Law Professionals Jennifer Fairfax $139.95/$119.95 (PC: 5130182) Adoption is a process that can require both time and patience. In handling an adoption case, the family lawyer guides the client through the different types of adoptions, identifying and determining the applicable laws for a particular adoption, to ensure they can legally finalize the adoption in a proper jurisdiction. The Adoption Law Handbook is a concise, accessible resource that explains all aspects of handling an adoption case.

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Child-Custody Jurisdiction: The UCCJEA & PKPA Marie Fahnert and MÊlyse Mpiranya $69.95/$54.95 (PC: 5130207) This clearly written guide provides family law practitioners with the practical knowledge and tools they need to analyze the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA). Child Sexual Abuse in Civil Cases: A Guide to Custody and Tort Actions Ann M Haralambie $99.00/$89.95 (PC: 5130097) According to recent statistics, the number of both reported and substantiated child sexual abuse cases continues to increase. As a result, it is highly probable that most family law practitioners and judges will be involved in a case where an allegation is raised regarding sexual contact or activity between the child and a member of the child’s family or household. Child Sexual Abuse in Civil Cases by Ann M. Haralambie cuts through the clutter of assumptions, myths, and preconceived ideas to provide a balanced, informative, and ultimately strategic guide to handling cases of abuse in non-stranger situations and the legal interventions available to the practitioner.

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Children Held Hostage: Identifying Brainwashed Children, Presenting a Case, and Crafting Solutions Stanley S Clawar and Brynne V Rivlin $89.95/$74.95 (PC: 5130197, PC: 5130197EBK) How do you identify a child alienated by one parent against the other? This practical guide discusses all aspects of a case where an alienated child may be involved, from identifying the process to making the presentation in court. Creating Effective Parenting Plans: A Developmental Approach for Lawyers and Divorce Professionals Brenda J Payne and John N Hartson $64.95/$54.95 (PC: 5130141) Create a developmentally and age appropriate parenting plan that meets the needs of children at the time of divorce. This is an effective resource for advising clients in developing parenting plans that change over time to adapt to the best interests of the child. It explores creating schedules of alternate parenting time with the best interests and developmental needs of the child considered first.

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The Hague Abduction Convention: Practical Issues and Procedures for Family Lawyers, 2nd Ed. Jeremy Morley $149.95/$129.95 (PC: 5130217) Handling Hague abduction cases is challenging and fulfilling. Although Hague cases are tried very quickly, they still require an intimate knowledge of the Convention and of the voluminous case law that has developed around it. Hague cases also require a complete understanding of international child custody law in general and in particular, for U.S. practitioners, of the relationship between The Hague Convention and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act. The Indian Child Welfare Act Handbook: A Legal Guide to the Custody and Adoption of Native American Children, 2nd Ed. B J Jones, Kelly GainesStoner and Mark C Tilden $79.95/$69.95 (PC: 5130150) Revised and updated, The Indian Child Welfare Act Handbook is a one-of-a-kind guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, which was enacted to ameliorate the problem of the massive removal of Native American children from their homes by both state welfare agencies and private agencies and to ensure that those children, once removed, would be placed in homes that reflect their cultures and traditions. It examines case law from courts around the country - it is not an issue confined to reservations and their border towns.

Finance & Divorce The 1040 Handbook: A Guide to Income and Asset Discovery, 6th Ed. Jack Zuckerman $99.95/$79.95 (PC: 5130200) This classic reference explains how to use the 1040 return as a discovery tool in divorce cases, showing where to start a review and how to discover cash flow and the existence of assets. A line-by-line analysis of a hypothetical couple’s federal tax form and its schedules provides guidance for drafting a detailed and effective discovery plan for assets and income. The Business Tax Return Handbook, 4th Ed. Jack Zuckerman $99.95/$79.95 (PC: 5130208, PC: 5130208EBK) Learn how to extract key financial information in discovery with The Business Tax Return Handbook. A companion volume to bestselling The 1040 Handbook, this is an invaluable tool for reviewing commercial business and professional practice returns to gather information and prepare a complete discovery plan for family law cases. A variety of hypothetical examples using 2008 business returns are used to illustrate points in the text, including the most common forms and schedules for partnerships, corporations, and unincorporated businesses.

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The Complete QDRO Handbook: Dividing ERISA, Military, and Civil Service Pensions and Collecting Child Support from Employee Benefit Plans, 3rd Ed. David Clayton Carrad $129.95/$119.95 (PC: 5130166) Providing a basic knowledge of all aspects of the substantive law of QDROs, this handbook offers step-by-step guidance and advanced techniques for all stages of the drafting and approval process, sample language and clauses with commentary, and other forms including model letters, forms, interrogatories, and checklists.

the Bankruptcy Code as it affects divorce and divorcing parties. Under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA), a bankruptcy filing is substantially more difficult and eliminates some of the benefits that used to be available. However, the root causes for the filing of bankruptcy remain: about a quarter of all bankruptcy cases are caused by divorce, often due to the costs of maintaining two households on a single salary, uncovered medical expenses, failing businesses, and job loss. Therefore, there are still situations in a divorce case where a bankruptcy case may be beneficial to both spouses.

Divorce in the Golden Years: Estate Planning, Spousal Support, and Retirement Issues for Clients at Midlife and Beyond Leslie Ann Shaner $139.95/$119.95 (PC: 5130171) A multitude of complex issues can be involved when handling the divorce of a couple who has achieved a level of personal and financial security. This book addresses how a divorce case is affected by estate planning established during the marriage, explaining how to review existing estate plans to avoid complications.

The Family Lawyer’s Guide to Stock Options Lester Barenbaum and Robert Feder $69.95/$59.95 (PC: 5130147) Over 14 million American workers now receive employee stock options - a number similar to the workers who belong to labor unions. It’s highly likely that most family lawyers will at some point represent a client who has or is entitled to some portion of this complicated aspect of marital property. The Family Lawyer’s Guide to Stock Options is a handy, practice-focused guide to all aspects of employee stock options and their equitable division in divorce.

The Family Lawyer’s Guide to Bankruptcy: Forms, Tips, and Strategies, 3rd Ed. Bruce Randy Steinfeld and Shayna Michele Steinfeld $139.95/$119.95 (PC: 5130202, PC: 5130202EBK) Now completely revised and updated, The Family Lawyer’s Guide to Bankruptcy is a valuable and concise resource for understanding the sweeping changes to

Lifestyle Analysis in Divorce Cases: Analyzing Spending and Finding Hidden Income and Assets Tracy Coenen $129.95/$99.95 (PC: 5130203, PC: 5130203EBK) With cases often involving complex financial matters, a financial expert or forensic accountant can play an integral part in a divorce case. One of the most important


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tools they can use is a lifestyle analysis: the process of tabulating and analyzing the income and expenses of the parties in order to confirm or refute income claims made by a spouse, among many other uses. Author Tracy Coenen, CPA, CFF, discusses these subjects in a manner that is logical and easy to understand, bringing clarity to a topic that can be confusing for attorneys, judges, and juries who often lack an accounting or finance background.

For Your Clients Divorce: Protect Yourself, Your Kids, and Your Future Randall Kessler $19.95/$16.95 (PC: 5130204, PC: 5130204EBK) A divorce may be the most important business and personal transaction that your clients will go through. This concise, user-friendly guide is written especially for clients. It is a road map that explains the entire process clearly and thoughtfully, helping them understand the process while clearing up some of the concerns and misconceptions that can occur during a divorce. Author Randy Kessler explains, step-by-step, the entire process of divorce, including how to select an attorney, knowing the questions to ask and the answers that are needed, how to prepare for trial, and much more.

Military Divorce The Military Divorce Handbook: A Practical Guide to Representing Military Personnel and Their Families Mark Eugene Sullivan $179.95/$149.95 (PC: 5130184) Covering all facets of representing

servicemembers and their spouses in divorce, this is a comprehensive and accessible resource. Drawing on his decades of specialized practice, Mark E. Sullivan offers clear explanations of key issues, such as the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and military retirement benefits.

Negotiation Premarital Agreements: Drafting and Negotiation, 2nd Ed. Linda Ravdin $139.95/$119.95 (PC: 5130218) Now fully updated and expanded, this book explains the critical aspects involved in creating a premarital agreement, from the law of validity to the terms involved and the lawyer’s role in the process. This edition includes a new chapter on postmarital agreements and a discussion of the Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act. It also includes state law summaries in all 51 jurisdictions and a model agreement as well as sample letters and related forms. Settlement Negotiation Techniques in Family Law: A Guide to Improved Tactics and Resolution Gregg Herman $69.95/$54.95 (PC: 5130192, PC: 5130192EBK) Improve settlement negotiation skills in your family law cases. Veteran attorney Gregg Herman discusses the many concepts in divorce settlement negotiation, explaining fundamental concepts and theories, the specialized aspects of divorce negotiation, and current and evolving topics in negotiation.

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Practice Development 101+ Practical Solutions for the Family Lawyer: Sensible Answers to Common Problems, 3rd Ed. Gregg Herman $139.95/$119.95 (PC: 5130167) Learn how family lawyers have made their practice more effective. Their advice and experience is distilled into concise tips organized in 15 categories, including custody, fees, taxes, discovery, valuation, premarital agreements, settlement, trial tactics, and post-divorce issues. Becoming the Tech-Savvy Family Lawyer Melissa A Kucinski and Daniel J Berlin $69.95/$59.95 (PC: 5130198, PC: 5130198EBK) Efficiency is key to maintaining and building a legal practice, especially for family lawyers. This manual considers their unique routine and environment to assess the tech gadgets that will fit into a practice, focusing on tools that are mobile, accessible, and have a user-friendly interface. Client Letters for the Family Lawyer: Saving Time, Managing Relationships, and Practicing Preventive Law Mark Eugene Sullivan $89.95/$74.95 (PC: 5130199) Manage client questions about family law issues with this library of informative, client-friendly handouts. Forms cover both general and state-specific legal issues, explaining important information in an easy-to-understand manner, many in Q&A format, and can be modified to suit your practice and jurisdiction.

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Counseling Unmarried Couples: A Guide to Effective Legal Representation, 2nd Ed. Frederick Hertz $99.95/$84.95 (PC: 1620613, PC: 1620613EBK) This new, revised and expanded edition of Counseling Unmarried Couples will give you the tools you need to serve the legal needs of this growing segment of society. Beyond summing up legal rules and writing competent agreements, a representative of this market needs to integrate and interpret the legal rules for your clients in a realistic, comprehensible, and meaningful manner. Only by doing so can you effectively guide your clients, heterosexual and homosexual, in making wise decisions about their homes, their children, and their assets. Forms, Checklists, and Procedures for the Family Lawyer Mark A Chinn $69.95/$59.95 (PC: 5130174, PC: 5130174EBK) Written by a divorce trial lawyer for divorce trial lawyers, this hands-on manual provides forms, checklists and procedures for every aspect of family law practice, from beginning to end. Mark Chinn, an experienced family lawyer, has divided the documents into chapters that follow the typical progress of a case, such as “Initial”, which deals with client intake and file set up, and “Discovery and Litigation” which deals with subjects such as filing the complaint, temporary hearings and answering discovery. This logical organization structure in Forms, Checklists, and Procedures for the Family Lawyer will help you locate specific forms quickly and easily, and look ahead to what other documents might be needed for the current case.

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How to Build and Manage a Family Law Practice (includes CD-ROM) Mark A Chinn $64.95/$54.95 (PC: 5130140) A must-read for any family lawyer, this book helps you understand the specialized skills and knowledge necessary to build and manage a successful and rewarding practice. This sixth book in the popular “Practice-Building” Series takes a no-nonsense, nuts-and-bolts approach in explaining the most critical issues for developing a thriving family law practice. Mastering Crucial Moments in Separation and Divorce: A Multidisciplinary Guide to Excellence in Practice and Outcome Kate Scharff $69.95/$59.95 (PC: 5130213) Written by two experienced and respected leaders in the field of separation and divorce, this book is a roadmap for efficiently and effectively helping even the most "difficult" clients to achieve their best possible outcomes. Litigators, mediators, collaborative professionals, mental health professionals, financial experts and allied professionals—from beginners to veterans—will find new, inspiring, practical tools they can put to use at tomorrow’s client meeting.

Trial Practice Attacking and Defending Marital Agreements, 2nd Ed. Brett Turner and Laura W Morgan $159.95/$129.95 (PC: 5130188) Make the strongest argument for your client with this in-depth research and analysis. Focusing on the legal issues of validity and construction in marital agreements, the authors demonstrate how identifying the best argument can benefit the client while avoiding potential drafting problems. Confronting Mental Health Evidence, A Practical PLAN to Examine Reliability and Experts in Family Law, 2nd Ed. John A Zervopoulos $99.95/$89.95 (PC: 5130210, PC: 5130210EBK) This book describes and applies the practical four-step PLAN Model, based in caselaw and professional psychology’s literature to help lawyers organize, critique, and use psychological materials and testimony when examining experts and framing legal arguments. The Divorce Trial Manual: From Initial Interview to Closing Argument Lynne Z Gold-Bikin and Stephen A Kolodny $119.95/$109.95 (PC: 5130122) This step-by-step manual is designed to help the practicing family lawyer effectively and successfully navigate through the complexities of domestic litigation. This is a much-needed resource, as most divorce lawyers spend more time in court than any other type of so-called “litigation lawyers.”

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Electronic Evidence for Family Law Attorneys Timothy J. Conlon and Aaron Hughes $79.5/$63.95 (PC: 5130216) Issues of access to and the forensic use of electronic evidence are front and center to our social agenda—and nowhere are those issues more complicated than in family law. This state-of-the-art book explains the complexities of evidence as well as how to effectively integrate this knowledge into your family law practice. The authors put this information in clear terms for lawyers who must speak about these issues with clients, with expert witnesses who command vast experience in the field, and with judges who may have little familiarity with the subject. The Family Law Trial Evidence Handbook: Rules and Procedures for Effective Advocacy Steven N Peskind $149.95/$129.95 (PC: 5130194) Written especially for lawyers handling divorce cases, this common-sense guide discusses the fundamentals of evidence and how to use them to advance a case. With a focus on family law evidentiary issues, it explains concepts and theories in an easy-to-use format with Practice Points.

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Forensic Psychology Consultation in Child Custody Litigation: A Handbook for Work Product Review, Case Preparation, and Expert Testimony Philip M Stahl and Robert A Simon $89.95/$69.95 (PC: 5130195, PC: 5130195EBK) Offering practical advice on understanding the psychological dynamics often found in these cases, the authors use real-world examples and detail a logical process for critiquing the evaluation reports of others and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a case. How to Examine Mental Health Experts: A Family Lawyer’s Handbook of Issues and Strategies John A Zervopoulos $79.95/$59.95 (PC: 5130193, PC: 5130193EBK) Recognize, analyze, and address mental health expert issues encountered in cases with this efficient practice guide. Examining issues through the dual prism of the legal and psychological perspectives, the book offers a structured approach for developing clear direct examinations, sharpening cross examinations, and composing effective, compelling arguments to the court. One Hundred Days Before Trial: A Family Lawyer’s Guide to Preparation and Strategy Steven N Peskind $99.95/$79.95 (PC: 5130212, PC: 5130212EBK) One Hundred Days Before Trial provides an antidote to trial anxiety, usually caused by poor planning and insecurity. The author

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offers an alternative to the mad-dash scramble model of trial preparation, with a simple message: start early with the end in mind, develop a plan, and maintain selfdiscipline to work the plan on a regular basis.

Client Handbooks Give your clients tangible, easy-to-read information about what they can expect during their divorce and child custody proceedings. The following issues of Family Advocate have been designed and created especially for individuals or families going through a divorce. My Parents Are Splitting Up: A Graphic Novel PC: 51311003901 This client handbook issue of Family Advocate focuses on talking with kids about the divorce. Visitation / Parenting Time [or whatever you call it] PC: 51311003801 This client handbook issue of Family Advocate focuses on the time separated or divorced parents spend with their children, the kinds of problems that may arise and how to handle them. Finances: Before, During and After Divorce PC: 51311003701 This client handbook issue of Family Advocate is comprised of articles about financial information. Topics include: finance do’s & don'ts, bankruptcy, retirement plans, and what your financial disclosure form tells the Court about you.

Your Blended Family: A Guide for Parents & Stepparents PC: 51311003601 This client handbook issue of Family Advocate is comprised of articles that contain real-life guidance for parents and children living as part of a blended family. Topics include: co-parenting, blending religious practices, introducing the children to your significant other, discipline, and how children experience the blended family. Prepare for Key Events in Your Case PC: 51311003501 This client handbook issue of Family Advocate will help clients learn about key events in a domestic relations case. The articles provide basic explanations of key events that will help maximize the effectiveness of the lawyerclient relationship. Topics include: financial disclosure, hearings on temporary orders, depositions, mediation, and meeting with the custody advisor.

Client Handbook Prices 1 copy @ $12.95 ea 2 to 5 copies @ $8.00 ea 6 to 10 copies @ $7.50 ea 11 to 25 copies @ $5.50 ea 26 to 50 copies @ $4.00 ea 51 to 100 copies @ $3.50 ea 101+ copies @ $3.00 ea

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Order by phone by calling the ABA Service Center at 800-285-2221 and giving them the Product Code ("PC") number.

Catalog Addendum - Latest Publications: Developing a Successful Assisted Reproduction Technology Law Practice Author: Richard B Vaughn & Stephanie M Brinkley Product Code: 5130219 List Price: $89.95, Member Price: $69.95 A nuts-and-bolts handbook to understanding and mastering the elements of an Assisted Reproduction Technology legal practice, this guide is written by practitioners who each have a legal practice focused on ART law. From the unique marketing and networking considerations to sample forms and agreements, this guide is a complete "how-to" for building an ART practice.

The Special Needs Child and Divorce: A Practical Guide to Evaluating and Handling Cases

Pet Law and Custody: Establishing a Worthy and Equitable Jurisprudence for the Evolving Family

Catalog Addendum - Latest Publications: Developing a Successful Assisted Reproduction Technology Law Practice

Author: Barbara Joan Gislason

Author: Richard B Vaughn & Stephanie M Brinkley

Product Code: 5130220

Product Code: 5130219

Pet Law and Custody: Establishing a Worthy and Equitable Jurisprudence for the Evolving Family Author: Barbara Joan Gislason Product Code: 5130220

List Price: $149.95, Member Price: $119.95

List Price: $89.95, Member Price: $69.95

List Price: $149.95, Member Price: $119.95

A valuable contribution to legal jurisprudence, this book examines in detail the progression of law that affects animal law in general, and the various aspects that particularly impact pets and companion animals. Unique, inspiring, and interesting, author Barbara Gislason clarifies how scientific knowledge about the cognitive abilities and emotional characteristics of other animals should lead to legal developments.

A nuts-and-bolts handbook to understanding and mastering the elements of an Assisted Reproduction Technology legal practice, this guide is written by practitioners who each have a legal practice focused on ART law. From the unique marketing and networking considerations to sample forms and agreements, this guide is a complete "how-to" for building an ART practice.

A valuable contribution to legal jurisprudence, this book examines in detail the progression of law that affects animal law in general, and the various aspects that particularly impact pets and companion animals. Unique, inspiring, and interesting, author Barbara Gislason clarifies how scientific knowledge about the cognitive abilities and emotional characteristics of other animals should lead to legal developments.

Cross Examination: A Primer for the Family Lawyer

The Special Needs Child and Divorce: A Practical Guide to Evaluating and Handling Cases

Author: Margaret S. Price

Author: Stephen Gassman

Author: Margaret S. Price

Author: Stephen Gassman

Product Code: 5130163

Product Code: 5130215

Product Code: 5130163

Product Code: 5130215

List Price: $89.95 Member Price: $74.95 List Price: $99.95 , Member Price: $89.95 Family lawyers are dealing with a burgeoning number of cases involving special needs children. These families have much higher divorce rates and their cases often involve more specialized handling. To meet these demands, The Special Needs Child and Divorce by Margaret "Pegi" Price takes a practical look at what special needs are, how they are relevant in the arena of divorce, and what lawyers can do to make the system work better for these children and their families.

Unbundled Legal Services: A Family Lawyer's Guide Author (s): Forrest S Mosten & Elizabeth P Scully Product Code: 5130221

Cross examination can make or break your case, making it the most lethal double-edged sword in the trial lawyer’s arsenal. In Cross Examination: A Primer for the Family Lawyer, veteran family lawyer Stephen Gassman explains how to improve and enhance your skill at cross examination to advance your case. Cross examination can make or break your case, making it the most lethal double-edged sword in the trial lawyer’s arsenal. In Cross Examination: A Primer for the Family Lawyer, veteran family lawyer Stephen Gassman explains how to improve and enhance your skill at cross examination to advance your case. Family Advocate— Volume 40, No. 1 (Summer 2017) Product Code 51311004001

List Price: $89.95 Member Price: $74.95 List Price: $99.95 , Member Price: $89.95 Family lawyers are dealing with a burgeoning number of cases involving special needs children. These families have much higher divorce rates and their cases often involve more specialized handling. To meet these demands, The Special Needs Child and Divorce by Margaret "Pegi" Price takes a practical look at what special needs are, how they are relevant in the arena of divorce, and what lawyers can do to make the system work better for these children and their families.

Unbundled Legal Services: A Family Lawyer's Guide Author (s): Forrest S Mosten & Elizabeth P Scully Product Code: 5130221

Working With Your Lawyer List Price: $79.95, Member Price: $64.95 Family issues are among the most sensitive and pressing matters that enter our civil justice system, and the outcomes of these cases can affect entire families for years to come. This book provides a crucial step forward in matching individuals with the family law services they need.

List Price: $12.95 This Family Advocate Client Manual advises clients about how to work with a lawyer and other professionals to save money, time, energy, and additional heartbreak during divorce and related proceedings. It is designed to help clients focus on achieving the best result possible for their own unique situations.

Cross Examination: A Primer for the Family Lawyer

Cross examination can make or break your case, making it the most lethal double-edged sword in the trial lawyer’s arsenal. In Cross Examination: A Primer for the Family Lawyer, veteran family lawyer Stephen Gassman explains how to improve and enhance your skill at cross examination to advance your case. Cross examination can make or break your case, making it the most lethal double-edged sword in the trial lawyer’s arsenal. In Cross Examination: A Primer for the Family Lawyer, veteran family lawyer Stephen Gassman explains how to improve and enhance your skill at cross examination to advance your case. Family Advocate— Volume 40, No. 1 (Summer 2017) Product Code 51311004001 Working With Your Lawyer

List Price: $79.95, Member Price: $64.95 Family issues are among the most sensitive and pressing matters that enter our civil justice system, and the outcomes of these cases can affect entire families for years to come. This book provides a crucial step forward in matching individuals with the family law services they need.

List Price: $12.95 This Family Advocate Client Manual advises clients about how to work with a lawyer and other professionals to save money, time, energy, and additional heartbreak during divorce and related proceedings. It is designed to help clients focus on achieving the best result possible for their own unique situations.




Book Catalog May 2017

American Bar Association Section of Family Law 321 North Clark Street Chicago, IL 60610

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