Original Clinical Formulae Since 1979
Original Clinical Formulae Since 1979
Original Clinical Formulae Since 1979
Original Clinical Formulae Since 1979
I don’t eat SALT or SUGAR at home. I never have. But when I go out to eat, or eat at a friend’s house, OH MY GOD, it’s like my mouth is burning from the gross amount of salt and sugar in normal food. People are poisoning themselves with these 2 condiments. Two of the worst things for your Kidneys that cause so much Kidney Disease are salt and sugar. Just the typical American lunch of a Coke and a few slices of pizza has more sugar and salt in it than an adult should consume in an entire day. (1 can of Coke = 38 grams of sugar).
—Dr. SchulzeOver 25 million American adults suffer with daily incontinence and over 30 million Americans over 65 use ADULT DIAPERS. Over the past 20 years, adult diaper sales have increased over 500% and become a $17.6 BILLION industry worldwide! Worse, more than 15 million Americans are expected to report some type of kidney and bladder illness this year, and roughly 60% of these cases will be potentially deadly if no positive lifestyle changes are made.
Painful, debilitating bouts with kidney stones are skyrocketing in America. In the late 1970s, kidney stones occurred in only 3.8% of the U.S. population, affecting 8 million people. Today, due to highprotein diets and increased stress, about 12% of Americans—an estimated 40 MILLION—can now expect to suffer from a stone during their lifetime
Over the past 40 years, cases of diabetes have increased by almost 600% in America, and it’s reaching epidemic proportions. In 1980, 6.8 million suffered with diabetes, but today it’s 38.4 MILLION. This is due to one thing: excess weight! Diabetes lowers your life expectancy by an average of 12 years and increases your chance of suffering with depression by 94%!
Over the past two decades, the number of Americans with kidney failure has quadrupled to more than 808,000, now being treated at a cost of $29 BILLION annually via dialysis (69%) and transplants (31%). Each year, over 130,000 Americans are newly diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and put on dialysis. After five years on dialysis, only about 25% of patients are still living. After 10 years, less than 8% are still alive.
The only reason your kidneys are failing is because they are trying to filter blood that is more like toxic sludge. If you clean up your lifestyle, improve your food program, and flush out your elimination organs (especially your bowel, your liver, gallbladder, and of course, your kidneys) your kidneys and body will heal themselves.
Your Kidneys are the Only Organ that Produces Active Vitamin D for You!
Vitamin D promotes strong, healthy bones and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis.
Your Kidneys are Responsible for Assimilating Vitamins & Nutrients!
Low blood sugar, headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, low energy—these are all linked to poor nutrient assimilation by your kidneys.
Your Kidneys Filter All Of Your Blood Every Hour!
All of your blood passes through your kidneys every hour! Just like the oil filter in your car, once your kidneys get clogged, they can’t do their job
Your Kidneys Help Regulate Your Blood Pressure!
Nine out of 10 Americans will suffer from high blood pressure at some point in their lives.
Your Kidneys Manage the Production Of Red Blood Cells!
Your red blood cells carry oxygen to every cell in your body. If your kidneys are not working efficiently, your red blood cell count can waver drastically.
Your Kidneys Help To Regulate All Body Fluids!
If you suffer from dehydration (too little water) or edema (too much water), your kidneys are definitely out of balance.
In his clinic, Dr. Schulze discovered that, even though your kidneys are complex, keeping them healthy and doing their job efficiently is actually very simple… and, it’s one of the most important things you can do for your health!
You see, every organ in your body—in fact, every one of your 100 trillion cells—have the same two basic functions: In and Out, In and Out, In and Out.
Assimilate nutrition IN; and eliminate waste OUT. And, when it comes to the OUT (the elimination of waste), your body only has two major ways to remove this waste. Your solid waste is removed by your bowel, and your liquid waste is removed by your kidneys and bladder.
So FLUSHING your Kidneys out with his Herbal Detox program once a year just makes really good sense.
I first opened my clinic in Hollywood, California in the 1970s and ended in Malibu, California in the 1990s. The only reason I’m telling you this is so you get the picture (pun intended) that my patients were myopically focused on LOOKING GREAT and also having tons of ENERGY.
My patients were print models for magazines and catalogs, actresses and actors, even stuntmen and women. And, they ALL came to me wanting more ENERGY, better looking SKIN, thick and shiny HAIR, and strong, fast-growing NAILS.
The biggest benefit of DETOXING your body is certainly increased health. But, the amazing side effect of DETOXING INSIDE is LOOKING AWESOME OUTSIDE!
I wish I had a dollar for every person that has come up to me over the past 45 years and told me my skin looked great or they wished they had my energy. I look and feel great for two reasons: I get GREAT NUTRITION IN, and I get the BAD WASTE OUT (DETOXING)!
And, if there was only one Detox that had the biggest impact on how you looked, it is certainly my KIDNEY DETOX. In fact, I would always prescribe it for patients with bad skin problems.
Beyond that, I DON’T want you to become one of the 40 million Americans with kidney and bladder infections and diseases. Or, one of the 25 million Americans using adult diapers due to incontinence. Or, one of the 100,000 newcomers to kidney and bladder disease just this year! Especially when a simple, seasonal 5-Day Detox might have avoided almost ALL of these nightmares…and still can! I want to make sure you don’t become a disease statistic.
I truly hope that, when I write these Special Reports, that I convince yet another group of Americans to abandon their sickly life of “managing” their diseases and being a pharmaceutical drug addict. Instead, I want you to create a new life of feeling great, having more fun, more health, and living disease-free. I’ll never give up. If I can save even one person each month, it’s worth it to me.
Friends, there is nothing better than feeling awesome, having tons of energy, and laughing, loving, and being blissed-out, plus looking and feeling hot this summer! The information I give you in this month’s Special Report can make this dream a reality.
“If you want to LOOK GREAT, FEEL AWESOME and have TONS of ENERGY, then an easy spring Kidney Detox is a great way to guarantee a great summer! Kidney cleansing is the absolute BEST way to keep your kidneys and bladder eliminating your body’s waste and functioning at their PEAK! In the clinic, my 5-Day KIDNEY Detox worked 100% of the time to create healthy kidney and bladder function.”
— Dr. SchulzeIf you want to stay healthy, keeping your kidneys in good working condition is essential. Every organ in your body depends on your kidneys staying healthy and strong. In fact, all the cells in your body need nutrition brought in and waste eliminated out, and they need your kidneys to do this!
Clogged and sluggish kidneys impact every system of the body, because your kidneys are such a key part of delivering essential vitamins and oxygen to your cells and getting waste and toxins out.
In his clinic, Dr. Schulze’s 5-Day KIDNEY Detox (which includes K-B Formula, K-B Tea and Detox Formula, along with the Kidney/Bladder Flush Drink) worked 100% of the time! Whether it was a person’s first or 50th kidney complaint, it always worked!
Kidney health isn’t so difficult to manage with a 5-Day KIDNEY Detox. Herbs are the safest and most powerful way to support your kidneys and urinary tract. They work mostly by increasing your flow of urine, which naturally flushes and cleans your urinary tract.
Keep your blood clean—flush your kidneys and bladder!
✓ FLUSHES, CLEANS, and DISSOLVES deposits from your kidneys and bladder.
✓ Keeps blood HEALTHY and CLEAN.
✓ Helps to MAINTAIN normal blood sugar, which helps every organ in your body to work better.
“Your Female Formula helped with my sex drive, which is needed for my husband and I to have another child! Thanks!”
— Nicki H.“Over a period of about two years, I was having many female problems and couldn’t find anything to help. After doing both your liver and kidney cleanses, I noticed a big difference in how I felt. I also started using Female Formula, and since then, I have not had any problems with yeast infections or any other female problems.”
— Barbara B.✓ Dong Quai Root, Chaste Tree Berry, and Wild Yam Root are the go-to herbs to support female health in Chinese, European, and American Herbal Medicine. Over a BILLION women worldwide use Dong Quai as a lifesaving hormone balancer.
✓ Chaste Tree Berry is scientifically documented in European clinical trials to successfully treat everything from acne, menstrual problems, and PMS to poor lactation and fibroids.
✓ Damiana Leaf is a popular female aphrodisiac throughout history.
This potent herbal blend shifts your sex drive from reverse to fast forward, balancing your body chemistry, and giving you a feeling of powerful overall feminine health.
✓ Wild Yam Root contains plant-based steroids once used in the Americas for hormone production
✓ Licorice Root and Hops Flowers stimulate feminine energy while increasing circulation to the female organs.
The phytochemicals in these herbs stimulate the pituitary and hypothalamus glands in the brain, which control the production of hormones. Balanced hormones increase feelings of wellbeing and slow the aging process.
This powerful, extra-strength formula was designed specifically for crisis situations related to PMS, menstruation, menopause and fertility, to BALANCE female hormones for better health—and IMMEDIATE RELIEF!
“I’ve used Male Formula for years along with Super Ginseng!! Can’t say much here but, I’m 68 and my wife is always smiling!!”
— James S.“It always helps to have tremendous confidence in the quality of the ingredients. Over the years I have never been disappointed with Dr. Schulze’s carefully crafted and timetested products. I am well-pleased with Male Formula.”
— Wayne W.✓ Stimulates sexual energy, desire, and performance
✓ Have more frequent and harder erections
✓ Increases sperm production
Male Formula can be used by men of any age—from those who want more sexual satisfaction, all the way to men who have lost their sexual drive. These herbal phytochemicals stimulate sexual desire and energy to promote more frequent, harder erections for longer durations while increasing sperm production and quality in healthy men. The #1 comment: “I feel like I’m in my 20s again!”
Stimulates Sexual Performance With No Side Effects!
✓ Combats exhaustion and supports a sense of emotional well-being
✓ Heightens sexual performance and promotes harder erections!
✓ A natural herbal aphrodisiac
✓ Stimulates male sexual performance, stamina, strength and power
✓ Increases the length and width of your erection
✓ Have sex longer and more often
The three herbal complexes found in Dr. Schulze’s Male “SHOT” will stimulate libido, enhance sexual performance, and tune-up the nervous system to give you more strength, stamina, and the best sex of your life. Experience longer, harder erections that last longer, and give you an explosive release that will make your partner’s head spin!
In the 1970s, Dr. Schulze designed FEM+ in his clinic to fill a desperate cry from his female patients who were suffering with what is now known to be ‘Premenstrual Syndrome’ or PMS. In the 1980s and early 1990s, while medical doctors were still telling women, “It’s all in your head,” Dr. Schulze was using FEM+ Tonic to help thousands balance their hormones, calm their nerves, reduce bloating and water retention, and totally eliminate PMS symptoms.
✓ Regulates and balances a woman’s body chemistry during her monthly cycle
✓ Helps women regain control and stop suffering from terrible mood swings, irritability, and bloating
✓ Reduces bloating, eliminates water retention, and calms the nerves
These hormone balancing herbs stop the crash and help your body ease into your menstrual transition. Dr. Schulze added nervine and sedative herbs to relieve the stress that comes with PMS and calm your nerves. Lastly, he added diuretic herbs to reduce bloating and water retention that also comes with PMS.
Dr. Schulze’s bottom line, “The FEM+ Tonic saved jobs, relationships, marriages, and even lives.”
✓ Supports healthy urine flow
✓ Promotes better sleep
In the clinic, this herbal formula never failed to help Dr. Schulze’s male patients develop healthy prostates and allowed them to urinate freely and sleep through the night.
The average male who came to the clinic with prostate concerns had to get up two or three times in the middle of the night to pee. Their urine stream was not as strong as it once was, and they had issues with urine force and flow. In the clinic, the program Dr. Schulze gave to all of his male patients with these common experiences was simple and it worked. Support your prostate health naturally!