November/December 2020
at the Cattlemen’s Congress
Heifers | Bulls | Bred Females | Genetic Lots Sunday, January 10, 2021 | 1 pm | Oklahoma City, OK For more information or to consign to the sale, contact: Dustin Hurlbut:: 605-380-8052 | Heather Counts:: 517-214-0927 |
2020 North American International Livestock Exposition Schedule & Information
The Way I See It
2021 National Junior Heifer Show Tentative Schedule & Sponsorship Opportunities
2021 Cattlemen’s Congress Schedule & Information
Ken Culp, III, Ph.D.
2 8 12 16 18 20 22 23 26
Upcoming Events ACA Bulletin Notes From The Field…Dustin Hurlbut AJCA Board of Directors Update ACA Ladies Auxiliary Update ACA Board of Directors Update New Adult Members New Junior Members Show Reports
Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Dec. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 10
Consignment Deadline: -C- The Difference Sale Winegardner/Klingaman Harvest of Excellence Sale, Allen County Fairgrounds, Lima, Ohio, 1 pm EST NAILE Junior Chiangus & Chianina Shows, Louisville, Ky. ACA National Chiangus & Chianina Shows, Louisville, Ky. Entry Deadline – 2021 Cattlemen’s Congress ACLA Annual Meeting, 7 pm EST, via Zoom ACA Board of Directors Meeting, via Zoom ACA Annual Membership Meeting, 7:30 pm CST, via Zoom
Jan. 10 Jan. 12
-C- The Difference Sale, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1 pm Cattlemen’s Congress Junior & Open Chianina & Chiangus Shows, Oklahoma City, Okla. Jan. 22 The NebraskaN Livestock Show Junior & Open Chianina & Chiangus Shows, Grand Island, Neb. June 19-24 National Junior Heifer Show, Chickasha, Okla.
The Official Publication of the American Chianina Association 1708 N. Prairie View Road PO Box 890 • Platte City, MO 64079 816.431.2808 • 816.431.5381 (fax)
STAFF Jennifer Roach Executive Director Cheryl Minyard Registrar/Membership Coordinator Heather Counts Director of Shows & Activities ACJ Editor (517) 214-0927 Dustin Hurlbut Director of Sales & Marketing Western Region Field Rep (605) 380-8052 Production by American Chianina Journal ACJ (ISSN 1068-8021) is published quarterly at PO Box 890, Platte City, MO 64079. Subscription price is $25 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Platte City, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: ACJ PO BOX 890 PLATTE CITY, MO 64079 2017 YEAR LETTER “E” 2018 YEAR LETTER “F” 2019 YEAR LETTER "G" 2020 YEAR LETTER “H”
On the Cover: The Winegardner/Klingaman Harvest of Excellence Sale is Nov. 7 in Lima, Ohio.
2020 NAILE Schedule of Events – Updated Thursday, Nov. 12-Friday, Nov. 13
– Junior Cattle Arrival
– Open Cattle Arrival starting at 6 pm
– Junior Show Check In – 10 am
– NAILE Junior Show – Broadbent Arena Time TBA
– Open Show Check In – 9 - 11 am
– ACA National Show – Freedom Hall following Maine-Anjou show
Please note: No meetings will take place during NAILE. The ACA Membership Meeting will be held virtually on Dec. 10, 2020. Information will be sent to all active ACA members before the meeting.
Important Information – All cattle must enter at Gate 1 – All animals must have valid health certificate – All beef cattle required to have a USDA 840 EID tag – All cattle must have negative ELISA or PCR BVD-PI test – Facemasks/covering must be worn – COVID Waiver Wristband & Entry Pass required for entry onto grounds – Building Access Badges required for entry to barn
Regulations & schedule subject to change by NAILE. Watch ACA social media and website for updates.
by Ken Culp, III, Ph.D. Chairman of the Board, American Chianina Association
erving on the Board of Directors for the ACA is not for the faint of heart. It is both a huge commitment, as well as a tremendous responsibility. Rest assured that it is not taken lightly by those whom the membership has elected to serve. The board consists of 12 individuals; one elected to represent each of the ACA’s four regions; with an additional eight serving in at-large positions. Association by-laws stipulate that a maximum of four individuals may serve from any region at a time. Boards are faced with important, weighty issues and are challenged to make decisions based upon the best interests of the association, its membership, and breeders. These decisions become more difficult because our breed is very diverse and is composed of a variety of breeders, including Italian Fullblood, Chiangus, Chianina, Chiford, as well as club calf and commercial producers. Many times, the best interests of one group conflict with the best interests of another. Decisions are further complicated because breeding principles and the personal convictions of individual board members must sometimes be compromised to protect the Association’s bottom line. Moreover, each board must deal with decisions that were made by other boards, often decades earlier. Each board uses current information to make the strongest, most well-informed decision possible. However, the impact of that decision is sometimes not felt or observed while the directors making the decision are still seated on the board. Early Registration Requirements Originally, the ACA registered cattle by fractions (rather than percentages.) To be eligible for registration, the minimum amount of Chianina blood required was one-quarter. (It is important to note that one-quarter was expressed as ¼ rather than 25%.) Registering quarter-blood cattle was easy in the 1970s and 1980s, when there was an abundance of Italian Fullblood genetics available; all of which were fresh and new;
providing a remarkable new outcross. Additionally, in the 1970’s, the industry had shifted to leaner, faster-growing cattle. Tallow was no longer a valuable product; cattlemen selected faster-gaining, leaner made cattle. In response to this industry shift, the show ring began selecting larger framed, leaner, later maturing cattle. Italian fullbloods provided the easiest avenue to transform “beltbuckle” cows to larger framed, later maturing cattle in a single generation. Amendments Made The “quarter-blood registration requirement” was eventually amended; with the minimum requirement being lowered to 1/8, largely due to the influence of a single sire. BC Total Power 2CA was born on March 14, 1985. This extremely popular sire, who sired champions in both breeding and steer shows, eventually had 2, 266 progeny registered. Unfortunately, Total Power was 15/32 blood. Because the ACA didn’t “round up” fractions, he was not considered a half-blood. Therefore, when mated to non-registered females, his offspring were 15/64 … 1/64 shy of being a quarter blood. Not wanting to lose the considerable registration revenue that Total Power was generating, the minimum registration requirement was reduced from ¼ to 1/8. Rules of Registration Amended to Remove Minimum Later, another Board amended the Rules of Registration, removing the 1/8 minimum requirement and replacing it with the stipulation that at least one parent be registered with the ACA to register a calf. That single decision, made by a board in the previous century, probably had a greater impact on the loss of Chianina blood in the pedigrees of cattle recorded with the ACA than any other decision in our association’s history. I’m not criticizing that board; they made the best decision possible based up on the information that was available at the time.
None of us have a crystal ball and it isn’t possible to determine what impact an individual decision will have on the association in the future. Boards in the 1970s were faced with entirely different challenges than those facing later boards. This was a time of tremendous growth in the life of our organization. The association had to be formed; bringing with it a variety of consequential decisions. Three major governing documents were created, including the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws of the Association, and Rules of Registration. I have read each of these documents multiple times. Each reading brings an appreciation for the foresight and vision of the ACA’s “Founding Fathers” in creating a structure that has not only withstood the test of time, but has also been flexible enough to be amended as necessary over the course of time. Similar to the United State Constitution and Bill of Rights, these documents have served us well throughout the history of our association. Each of these documents have been appropriately amended by later boards, reflecting the evolution of society and the changing needs of the association and its membership. It is, however, a tribute to the ACA’s “Founding Fathers” who had the vision to create three documents that have each withstood the test of time. Finally, in 1999, the computer programmer advised the Board to change from fractions to percentages. The Board took the programmer’s advice, and, based upon a vote of the entire ACA membership, the documents were amended again. These changes, made by well-meaning boards, more than a quarter of a century ago, and based on (what was then) current information, have contributed, in part, to the declining percentages in the amount of Chianina blood in cattle being registered with the ACA. Some boards chose to ignore the declining registration numbers (and decreasing revenue) and simply continued to operate in the same manner with “business as usual.” The downside of this was that the Line of Credit at the Platte Valley Bank very nearly got out of hand. It took years of operating frugally, coupled with significant spending cutbacks, to retire the debt at the bank. Tough decisions had to be made to protect the financial integrity of the association. Programs that did not generate revenue were often sidelined; not because they weren’t good programs, but because we didn’t have the luxury of operating them if they were unsustainable. Now that the ACA is debt free, the Board is extremely cautious about living within our means. Sometimes we are faced with
decisions that must be made that conflict with our own principles and convictions. These challenges cannot be ignored; they must be addressed, considered, debated and resolved. Composite Heifer Show Pilot Test The decision to pilot test a Composite Heifer Show (heifers that have less than 6.25% Chianina blood) at the 2021 National Junior Heifer Show provides a useful example. The AJCA Board of Directors scheduled a meeting in conjunction with the ACA fall board meeting. Both boards have long expressed an interest in providing opportunities for networking and communication. Six members of the junior board made the trip to Platte City and met on Saturday, September 19. At the conclusion of their meeting, they asked to meet with the ACA Board. The Junior Board brought us a single issue; their desire to add a “low percentage show” at both the NJHS and the NAILE. (As a side note, the discussion of a low percentage show was also on the ACA Board of Directors agenda, but the junior board was not aware of this). Members of the Junior Board were resolute and united in their desire to implement a “low percentage show.” The ACA Board questioned the juniors diligently and they stood firm and united. Personally, while I disagreed with their assessment that adding such a show would dramatically increase both the number of cattle as well as the number of youth participating in the NJHS, I was most impressed with their passion, conviction and their ability to frame and defend a convincing argument. The board took their request to heart and considered it carefully. Ultimately, what was requested and what was decided were different things. The decision to offer a one year, single show trial, was not made lightly. In fact, it was the most hotly debated, emotionally charged, contentious discussion that I have ever witnessed during my tenure on the ACA Board of Directors. It was not a unanimous decision. In the end, the motion passed; not because the majority of directors were in favor of exhibiting Composite heifers, but because the board believes that we might see an increase in the number of cattle exhibited at the 2021 NJHS, and also realize a bump in both registration and membership numbers. The following table profiles the number of cattle registered in each composite category for selected years from 2003 through 2019. (Note: A Commercial cow is one that is added to the ACA Herdbook to register progeny. A Foundation cow is one that is regis-
tered with another breed association and is imported to the ACA decrease of Chianina blood in these animals from 2004 through Herdbook to register her progeny.) 2010. Culp moved that breeding cattle born on or after January 1, The table 2012 must have a depicts a minimum of 6.25% Chiangus Chiford Chianina Fullblood Commercial Foundation Total 43.93% loss in Chianina blood in registrations order to participate 2003 3984 2 3577 62 1154 527 9306 from 2003 in ACA nationally 2008 2583 10 4485 36 1409 685 9208 to 2019. The sponsored shows greatest decline or sales. Seconded 2013 1225 18 3686 17 830 491 6267 came from by Esch. Motion Chiangus with a carried unani1171 2 3798 26 473 318 5788 77.44% decline. 2018 mously.” We have got to 2019 899 10 3738 45 318 208 5218 turn this trend This issue was around. very important to In 2019, of the 3738 Chianina cattle added to the ACA Herdme 10 years ago; it remains equally important today. Although book, 851 were heifers with less than 6.25% Chianina blood. This not part of the original motion, it was the intent of the 2010 means that Composite heifers accounted for nearly one-quarter Board to increase the minimum percentage over time. Obviously, (22.77%) of all Chianina cattle (including heifers, steers, and that has not happened; boards evolve, directors rotate on and off, bulls) that were registered last year. perspectives change. There were two primary questions that the Board wrestled with To me, the decision to pilot test a Composite show at the 2021 when debating this decision. NJHS boils down to two key factors. These factors are integrity and 1. Will adding a Composite Show at the NJHS result in an financial sustainability. increase in the number of cattle and exhibitors at the 2021 NJHS? Integrity… 2. Will adding a Composite Show result in increased registraFirst considering the issue of integrity, a breed association must tions or memberships? stand for something. Breed identity is a challenge for our assoTime will provide the answers to these two questions. (You can ciation. While the Italian Fullbloods are easily recognizable, our bet that these numbers will be examined and studied carefully Chianina, Chiangus, and Chiford cattle are not. They are difficult and thoroughly.) to distinguish from other breeds. This lack of breed identity proFrom a personal standpoint, I will admit that this was a chalvides a serious challenge in marketing and promotion. A breed lenging issue to explore. Let me quote a section of the minutes association must stand for something. The 6.25% minimum is from the ACA Board of Directors’ meeting on April 9, 2010. equivalent to 1/16 blood. The question that I wrestle with is “how low are we going to go?” At some point, we have to draw a line “Low Percentage Registrations: Culp shared a collection of and stand for something. There are those who contend that our tables documenting the Chianina Percentages by Breed Type, current 6.25% minimum is already too low. Percentage, and Gender, since the inception of the American The issue of offering a Composite show becomes more palatChianina Association. Additionally, Culp presented a packet of able to me if both parents are registered in the ACA Herdbook. (In information including the Grand and Reserve Grand Champions my mind, if both parents are registered with the ACA, the breeder at Denver, Ft. Worth, the Junior National and the North American is being intentional about breeding Chianina cattle.) Another from 2004 to 2010 and the percentage of Chianina blood in option considered was to require both parents to be registered; each of those cattle. Tables were included showing the general but only one would be required to have an ACA pedigree. (In this
case, the other parent could be registered with another recognizable breed association and we diminish the amount of undocumented DNA derived from commercial cows.) Neither of these options gained much traction during our discussion. My personal conviction is that I serve the American Chianina Association. The ACA is NOT the “Show Cattle Association of America.” While I serve the ACA membership, I do not feel obligated to provide a registration or show service for individuals who choose to breed their females to sires from other breeds, then look to the ACA for an opportunity to register and show them, simply because no other breed association will recognize them. I will acknowledge that some might find this to be an arrogant perspective; I, however, prefer to think that it is an issue of breed integrity. I believe that our association records Chianina genetics, as opposed to undocumented DNA that no one has bothered to register. Financial Sustainability… The second factor is one of financial sustainability. The two primary revenue streams for the ACA are registrations/transfers and memberships. Together, these two categories accounted for exactly 70% of ACA’s revenue in the 2019 calendar year. When both registrations and memberships decline, the association absolutely needs the income derived from registering Composite (low percentage) cattle. Some directors argue that because we register the cattle and accept fees from breeders to provide this service, we are, therefore, obligated to allow them to exhibit. Other directors contend that purchasing a Composite heifer could be a way for a junior member to “breed up” to a Chianina heifer. Other directors believe that the most important factor to consider is increasing the number of cattle exhibited and the number of juniors participating in the National Junior Heifer Show. One thing is certain; the organization must be sustained to continue to offer services to its membership. Without a pedigree, it’s just a calf. The entire issue probably boils down to the decision made three decades ago, when the Rules of Registration were changed from a 1/8 (12.5%) blood minimum, to simply requiring that at least one parent be registered with the ACA in order to register progeny. I firmly believe that the overwhelming majority of commercial cows entered into the ACA Herdbook could be legally registered Chianina cows, if their owners had simply taken the time or made the effort to register them. It’s not difficult to go back a couple of generations and find an ancestor that’s been registered in the
ACA Herdbook. Most of our Chianina cattle actually have more Chianina blood than the registration paper documents; simply because no one took the time (or spent the money) to keep up their papers. Once again, the current board is placed in a difficult position and forced to make a decision with circumstances that were set into motion decades ago by a different group of well-intentioned people. We won’t know whether the decision to offer a one year, single show trial for Composite (less than 6.25% Chianina blood) heifers will result in increased registrations and memberships for the ACA, or an increase in the number of cattle exhibited and/or youth participating in the 2021 National Junior Heifer Show, until at least next year. However, its time to be innovative and try something different. We must reverse the downward trend in registrations; the livelihood of the Association depends upon it. Serving on the Board of Directors for the ACA is not for the faint of heart. It is both a huge commitment, as well as a tremendous responsibility. We are presented with challenges and opportunities that must be considered and resolved. Generally, there are no easy answers. We do the best that we can with our resources, given the current situation. We follow the trail blazed by previous boards, but often must reconsider how the environment, situation and circumstances have changed. Rest assured that these difficult decisions are not taken lightly by those whom the membership has elected to serve. This is a tremendous responsibility. The ACA is fortunate that the current board of directors consists of passionate, well-intentioned, committed individuals who have the best interest of the association in mind and at heart. It is an honor to serve as chairman of this group as we navigate these issues and seek innovative, yet practical ways to resolve them. While we don’t always agree on the best course of action, we are committed and resolved to do the best we can to ensure the sustainable future of our Association. That’s the way I see it.
Bulletin Proposed Rule Changes to ACA Rules of Registration
The ACA Board of Directors has proposed the following rule changes for the Rules of Registration. The first reading was held at the September 2020 board meeting in Platte City. Rule VIII.C.1. Insert “AI” between “all” and “ACA”. Proposed rule will now read: All AI ACA registered bulls born after January 1, 2017 must be DNA parent verified before their progeny can be registered. Implication: Approving this rule change will mean that ACA bulls used naturally as well as bulls from other breeds will NOT need to be DNA parent verified before their progeny can be registered. Rule VIII.C.2. Strike the rule. Proposed rule will be struck: All ACA registered natural calves born after January 1, 2019 out of a cow that is fifteen years of age or older at birth of the calf must be DNA parent verified. Implication: Approving this rule change will mean that cows that are 15 years old and older will not need to be DNA parent verified in order to register their progeny. Rule X.B.1. CHIANGUS Replace “6.25%” with “6.249%” Proposed rule will now read: Any mating between two parents registered in the ACA Registry which results in offspring that meet the ACA Registry requirements under Rule II, Section C, Article 1. CAX x any Chiangus results in a Chiangus if mating results in an offspring who has 6.249% or less of any breed, Commercial, or “other”, besides Chianina or Angus. Implication: This rule was originally
written incorrectly. The maximum percentage of “Other” breeds, in addition to Chianina and Angus must be less than 6.25%…not 6.25%. Rule X.B.1. CHIFORD Replace “6.25%” with “6.249%” Proposed rule will now read: Any mating between two parents registered in the ACA Registry which results in offspring that meet the ACA Registry requirements under Rule II, Section C, Article 2. Hereford or Polled Hereford x CAX, Chianina or Chiford results in a Chiford if mating results in an offspring who has 6.249% or less of any breed, Commercial, or “other”, besides Chianina or Hereford. Implication: This rule was originally written incorrectly. The maximum percentage of “Other” breeds, in addition to Chianina and Hereford must be less than 6.25%…not 6.25%.
Egg Extravaganza – Postponed
Due to COVID regulations at the NAILE, the Egg Extravaganza event planned for there has been postponed. Please watch for more information on plans for this exciting event.
Cattlemen’s Classic Selected as Alternate Location for NWSS
The American Chianina Association (ACA) Board of Directors met via conference call Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020 to discuss an alternative show location for the postponed 2021 National Western Stock Show. Per board action, the ACA selected the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City as the location for an alternate show location for the postponed 2021 NWSS shows. The ACA will continue with the same events and shows as planned for the National Western Stock Show, which will include open and junior
Chianina and Chiangus Shows. The shows will be on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Junior Show is scheduled for Noon with the Open Show to follow at 2 p.m. Location of the shows will be the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, Okla. Entries are due Nov. 20. Entries must be made online. Look for more information in this issue.
-C- The Difference Sale Planned for Cattlemen’s Congress The ACA will conduct the -C- The Difference sale on January 10, 2021 at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City. Consignments are now being accepted for the live auction sale. Please contact Dustin Hurlbut at 605380-8052 if you are interested in consigning a live or genetic lot. Consignments are due Nov. 1. Photos and information for the sale catalog must be submitted by Nov. 15.
Chianina & Chiangus Shows Offered at The NebraskaN
The NebraskaN Livestock Show will have junior and open Chianina & Chiangus Shows at their show in Grand Island, Neb. Shows are scheduled for Friday, Jan. 22. Check their website for more information.
ACA DNA Department Now Operational
ACA members may now process all DNA through the ACA. Members should contact the office to request supplies before submitting DNA through DigitalBeef. Instructions on how to submit DNA may be found on the ACA website under the Genetics/Testing tab. For more information, please contact Jennifer or Cheryl at the ACA office.
Bulletin Membership Requirement to Each year the membership of the American Register Cattle
Directors Elected to ACA Board
Chianina Association elects 4 members to serve on the board of directors. Nominations are due September 15 of each year and ballots are mailed to every active adult member on October 1 when an election is necessary. This year, there were 4 qualifying nominations for 4 positions, therefore, no election is necessary and no ballots will be mailed to members. The 4 nominees will take office during the ACA Annual Meeting and Board Meeting to be held virtually this year the first part of December. Information regarding those events will be sent to our active memberships soon. Elected this year for 3 year terms are: Ryan Dunklau – Northwest Director Andy Higgins – Southeast Director Justin Tracy – At Large Director Keith Schrick – At Large Director
Effective Sept. 1, 2020, anyone registering cattle with the ACA must be an active member. There will no longer be non-member fees. If you are not an active member when you register, you will automatically be charged a membership renewal or new membership fee. If you have questions, please contact the ACA office.
ACA Releases Redesigned Website
The ACA website got a redesign and is now live and active. We hope this website is easier for our membership to utilize and that you find it helpful and informative. If you have any questions, please contact your staff.
events? Send this info to Heather at heather@ and we will add it to our upcoming events listing in the ACJ as well as on the website. This is a free service to our members. Don’t miss out.
Photos Needed for Breed Promotion
The ACA is in need of current photos to use for breed promotion throughout various publications, brochures and other media. While you are out in your pastures, take some photos of your cattle and email to Heather at We need photos of bulls, females, calves, herds, feedlot photos, kids working with their calves and more. The options are endless. Thanks for your assistance is helping us promote this breed we all love.
Submit Upcoming Sales & Events
Do you have an upcoming sale or event that needs to be listed on the ACA upcoming
The ACA Annual Membership Meeting is going Virtual! Due to circumstances at the NAILE and the need to limit attendees, in person meetings are not allowed. Therefore, the ACA Board of Directors decided to move the Annual Membership Meeting to a Live Zoom format. The meeting will be on Thursday, December 10 at 7:30 pm CST. All active members with an email address on file will receive an email with the link to the meeting. We will also share the link on the ACA website.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your ACA staff. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 | CHIANINA JOURNAL |
NOTES FROM THE FIELD By: Dustin Hurlbut, Director of Sales/Marketing, ACA Field Representative
ince my last news from the road it sure seems I have been almost everywhere around the country! I have been to 10 states recently. I’m not going to go into politics but I can tell you after being in so many states the last 60 days I am for sure thankful to live in South Dakota! I had not worn a mask until I started flying and boy the first day was an eye opener. 8 hours in a mask is enough to make a guy go crazy! My first stop in Kentucky was to have breakfast with our president Ken, then it was off to Derek and Kelsey Evans’ farm to see the donors, bull and heifer calves as well as their new herdsire, DAJS Blackout along with Greta, Kennedy’s show heifer. The cattle at the Evans’ were as good as you can see anywhere in the country. They had some bull calves sired by GOP Fair Play and they are stout made, functional and eye appealing cattle. They took one to the Eastern Regional, and were named Reserve Champion Chiangus Bull behind their herdsire, DAJS Blackout. Then we headed to the pasture to look at the cows that GOP Fair Play was covering naturally. He looked very good on grass and they are excited to get more calves next year sired by him. If you are needing a calving ease sire to use be sure to put Fair Play on your list; calves come easy, grow and have the show ring look to them! I was then off to meet up with Val Shields. The hospitality was great from Val and Vicki! We went on a tour of pastures with a chauffeur! Thanks to Ethan for driving us around on the narrow and not so straight roads of northern Kentucky! We saw calves sired by VBS Manly, an HA Cowboy Up son, that Val raised that is in top 1% of the breed for weaning weight and yearling weight. He used him on many different types and kinds of cows and VBS Manly stamped his set of calves; they are all long bodied and stout made! Ethan drove us off to another pasture where Manly was running on cows and he looked really good! Then we were off to Jared and Angie Simpsons to look at the fall calving cows and saw the cows that Jared and his dad Danny bought from CK Cattle in Alabama. Thanks again for the hospitality and to Ethan for driving us around! Next I was off south to stop by Ard Ridge Farms. When I stopped by Neal and Leonard were in the showbarn with the
kids and grandkids working on breaking some and getting ready to head to a show that weekend. Neal said his daughter has been bitten with the show cattle bug and 605.380.8052 after riding through the cows with them I would say he has a new herdsmen on his hands as well! Neal will be putting on a lot of miles in a truck and trailer headed to shows! We saw some really good Chiangus replacement females along with a handful of cows that are the front pasture kind. He has a set of embryo calves at a cooperator’s herd that they are excited about. If you are in need of a Chiangus bull be sure to give Neal a call. Then it was off to Tennessee. My first stop was at John Woodroof’s. John had a really good set of replacements females up in the lot and told me he had sold a show heifer out of that bunch that had been delivered already. We then looked through a group of bulls he was feeding and had for sale before going out to the cow herd to see some calves that he was getting ready to wean. He had some very nice, long, stretchy bull calves that would sure add some pounds to a calf crop. If you are looking for herd bulls give John a shout; they were top end kind! Next stop in Tennessee was at the Higgins’. I met John and Andy at the show barn. We looked at some calves that were freshly weaned, then we were off to the pastures. I am glad John knew where we were going because honestly I was pretty much lost a one point! But I can tell you that the cow herd is flat awesome! The cows sired by HIGG Remedy stuck out the most in my mind! If you are out and about looking at cows this is a must see set, all the way through! We ended the tour with a stop back at the barn to look at the heifers they are getting ready for their online sale the end of October. To pick a favorite was pretty much impossible. The set is deep and as good as you will find! That evening we went out for dinner and then I headed to Nashville and got stuck on the interstate in traffic because of a accident. Mapquest said I was less than 30 minutes to my hotel and that turned into 2 ½ hours by the time I found an alternate route! I was then home for a few days and before it was off to Indi-
ana. I stopped by Schaeffer Show Cattle to look at a set of show heifers and yes the quality was over the top good! Tim and crew do an excellent job from start to finish on the cattle they sell to families and customer service is a top priority for them. I know we will see many of the heifers in backdrop photos this fall and next summer! Next up I was off to see Larry Garrett of Garrett Show Cattle. He showed me what he had in the barn that they were getting ready for the Eastern Regional. One in the barn was a bull calf sired by Who Da Man, and later in the week at Eastern Regional he was Reserve Chianina Bull. Then we were of to Wade’s place to look at a couple heifers that he had been working on. When we got there they were clipped out ready to go to a show so I asked Larry if they were taking them to the Eastern Regional? Larry said no they were not. To make a long story short I talked Larry into bringing them along to show! I probably wasn’t very high on Wade’s list that day but I think they were happy that they took them along to show! Watch for these two heifers this fall and next summer! I bet if you’re in the hunt for a competitive show heifer yet you could talk them into selling one of them! After having lunch with Larry I was off to Green Oak Farms in Ohio. While at Green Oak Farms I saw an elite group of heifers that they were getting ready for online sales this fall. Many of them are dual registered. So if you are still hunting for a show heifer give Dillion or one of the guys a shout! Last stop of the day was at AP Show Cattle. I met Kevin at the
farm where they were getting heifers and steers ready for their online sale the end of September. They were a very deep set of steers and heifers and I am sure the families that bought these cattle will be at the backdrop a lot this show season! A definite must stop if you are out and about looking for show cattle in the future! Next I was off toward Sheets Chiangus to meet Doc Sheets and get a tour of his cow herd and the freshly weaned calves and also the stock he was taking to Eastern Regional! He had a great day at the Eastern Regional with heifers he had sold in the past and a bull he exhibited! I saw Doc getting his picture taken a couple different times with champions! We then headed over to Dr. Horstman’s to look at a donor cow that Doc Sheets had been flushing and we looked through some heifers while we were there for the Horstman sale. Doc is retired now so if you are ever in the area I am sure he would love to show you around and maybe he would take you golfing as well! I have heard he is a pretty good golfer! Next up was the Eastern Regional Show in Rensselaer, Indiana. We had a very good turn out and it was laid back, fun filled day. Everyone was happy to be able to show and get some of the calves out for the first time of the year! I was then headed home and the computers crashed at the airport and I was delayed 5 hours Sunday morning before I could get headed home! I like being on a schedule and not being late so this drove me crazy! I spent two days at home and then headed off to Grand
Island, Neb., for the Western Regional Show. We didn’t have big numbers, however we did have Supreme Champion Bull with the Chiangus bull exhibited by the Satree Family ,DAJS The Fixer! And 3rd Overall Supreme for Hadley Dunklau! Next up was the South Dakota State Fair where we had a very good showing with over 35 head in the show. Look in this issue for results of Nebraska State Fair and South Dakota State Fair. Then along came Long Range Planning and Board meetings. On my way down I stopped by Twig Marston’s for a herd visit. Twig was busy getting a couple heifers ready for the Kansas State Fair. It’s always fun visiting with Twig and going through his cow herd! Recently I have been to Becking Farms to see their offering of show heifer prospects and an elite Chiangus bull calf! Be sure to watch for details on this bull calf. You will want to see this guy! Contact Lance for pictures and a video of him. I ran up to Steve Melroe’s in North Dakota to look through his calves and the Encore cattle are flat good. It doesn’t matter if they are bulls or heifers they are good quality stock! Steve told me this is his best set of bulls he has ever offered and I would agree with him! They are big, stout made bulls that will go on to sire top end calves! Be sure to watch for a sale date coming soon. Sale will be sometime in February. Let Steve know if you want to stop by to view the calves or look at the cow herd. On my way home I stopped in northern South Dakota at PAR FIVE CATTLE in Lake City, where they were busy getting ready for their online sale coming up. They have been raising and selling dual registered cattle the past several years. The set was deep all the way through, they were very sound and functional! If you get to South Dakota be sure to put them on your must stops; you won’t be disappointed! My next trip took me to Nebraska to go through the Tracy Cattle sale offering. The set this year was outstanding and deeper than ever! They had some flush sisters to Fetish and Enabler that were all good and stood out! The Fetish heifers on the sale are an example of what Justin and Kaylee are trying to do with their program. Raising stout, deep bodied feminine females that can get out and move that will last a long time! Definitely need to stop by to see these cattle in person!
I then stopped by KQM Cattle to look at the Rutts’ sale offering and their Chiangus bulls. Like always they are a great set of show heifers that I think will go on and make a huge difference in the new owners cow herds! The bulls were stout, sound and powerful so if you are looking for a herd bull next spring give Robin a call. I have come across a lot of bull calves this fall that will go on to make a difference on a calf crop for someone. If you are in search of a new herd bull please give me a call and let me help you find a bull that will fit your needs! As I write this we have secured a date for a Chianina Sale in Oklahoma City, Okla., in January so let me know if you want to be a part of it whether you have a bull, heifer or genetic lot give me a call! Let’s get you involved in the -C- Difference Sale! See you down the Road!
Oklahoma City, OK January 1-17, 2021
Schedule of Events Friday, Jan. 8 10 am - Arrival & Stalling Saturday, Jan. 9 10 am - Noon – Check In Junior & Open Cattle Sunday, Jan. 10 1 pm – C The Difference Sale – Super Barn Sale Arena Tuesday, Jan. 12 12 pm – Chianina & Chiangus Junior Show – Jim Norick Arena 2 pm – Chianina & Chiangus Open Show – Jim Norick Arena
Entry Deadline: Nov. 20 Junior Ownership Deadline: Dec. 1 Late Entry Deadline: Dec. 10 Judges: Dave Allan - Junior Kevin & Brady Jensen – Open
For more information, visit:
Motivation in Uncertain Times by Berren Strope, At Large Director Taylor Pinkerton, President Northeast Region • Indiana • Term expires 2021 765.580.9681 • Kylie Pickard, Vice President At Large • Michigan • Term expires 2021 269.948.3762 • Savannah Garrett, Secretary At Large • Indiana • Term expires 2022 765.969.4532 • Allyson Beninga, Treasurer At Large • South Dakota • Term expire 2021 605.496.4592 • Payton Jackson, Public Relations At Large • Georgia • Term expires 2021 706.340.2150 • Courtney Bockman Northwest Region • Nebraska • Term expires 2021 402.637.6353 • Jillian Bryant At Large • Missouri • Term expires 2022 573.489.4732 • Trace Helser At Large (SW) • Nebraska • Term expires 2022 308.883.3875 • Tatum Miller At Large • Texas • Term expires 2021 432.230.1178 • Hannah Smith Southeast Region • Georgia • Term expires 2022 828.371.8726 • hannah.smith@students.
here has never been a year quite like 2020. Of course, you can always fall back on Covid-19 as the main reason, but there has been more. Derecho in Iowa that destroyed many farms, homes and operations. Packing plants have shut down, terrible fires and drought across America and more. Through all this though, no industry has shown more perseverance and dedication than the Ag industry. And no breed has shown more dedication to its breeders and juniors than the Chianina breed. When many thought that junior nationals would be canceled, we announced the show would go on. When Ohio said that we couldn’t have the show there, we didn’t give up. With the help of both the Chianina and Maine-Anjou associations, we were able to find a fantastic location in Sioux Falls, S.D., to host “Livin’ for Summertime!” We were also able to hold shows like the Eastern and Western Regional Chianina shows and were well represented in champion drives across many different state fairs and youth events. Many exciting events are planned for our breeders and juniors. Louisville is arriving faster by the day and the Denver replacement show in OKC will be here before we know it! Looking further to next year’s junior nationals in Chickasha, Okla., the Chianina Association has decided to add a Composite Chianina Heifer show as a 1-year trial. This means registered Chianina cattle that are under 6.25% will have a separate show at junior nationals. This event will be tested at junior nationals and only offered there. For more information, be sure to check out the American Chianina Association website to learn more. It is this kind of great news that makes me proud to be a part of the Chianina Association. We persevere through uncertain times, and we give not only juniors but breeders across America a chance to exhibit Chianina cattle. To me, this is what makes not only the cattle industry but the livestock industry as a whole so special. These are the lessons that the cattle industry and the Chianina breed have taught me and they are why I am proud to serve as a Director for the AJCA and am motivated and excited for the future. We have many exciting opportunities coming up for our juniors and breeders. I can’t wait to see you all in Louisville and OKC!
Berren Strope At Large • Nebraska • Term expires 2022 402.340.7188 • Shea Whaley At Large • Iowa • Term expires 2022 515.851.9206 •
Don’t Fret…Shows Will Go On by Allyson Beninga, Treasurer
anceled…a word we have all heard too many times this year. Shows across the country have been canceled because of COVID, but it seems most of the time another one pops up to take it’s place. The most recent cancellations have been the National Western Stock Show and now the Ft. Worth Stock Show. These are shows that we as Chianina members and breeders have grown accustomed to attending. And while we won’t be able to attend these in 2021, exhibitors shouldn’t fret. The Cattleman’s Congress in Oklahoma City will serve as an alternative show for the ACA activities that normally take place in Denver. The ACA is planning a sale on Jan. 10 and the Chianina shows, both junior & open, will be on January 12, 2021. This op-
portunity will take place at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. Gear up for a great time in Oklahoma City! With all the uncertainty in the livestock show world, we are so excited to offer this show. Although, it will not be the same, we will still all be together. We look forward to seeing everyone in Oklahoma City!
June 19-23, 2021 • Chickasha, OK
Look for more info on the Events tab at NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 | CHIANINA JOURNAL |
LADIES AUXILIARY The ZOOM BOOM! by Kelsey Evans, President Kelsey Evans – President At Large Director • Kentucky 859.553.3059 • Segayle Foster – Vice President Southwest Region Director • Texas 806.445-2496 • Barb Garrett – Secretary/Treasurer Northeast Region Director • Indiana 765.969.0921 • Jessica Cheesman Northeast Region Director • Indiana 765.468.7405 •
short letter to share some upcoming changes and dates! “We’re Moving to Virtual”, the phrase commonly heard since the beginning on this pandemic. And, as if you have not heard it enough already, it is going to be mentioned again, very shortly. As you know, the North American is not allowing any meetings to be conducted this year. To follow suit with the ACA Annual Meeting, the Auxiliary’s officers have voted to also conduct our meeting virtually. Please make plans to join us on Thursday, December 3rd at 7:00pm EDT via Zoom. The link will be made available mid-November on the Auxiliary, ACA and AJCA Facebook pages, as well as posted on the Auxiliary page of the website. We will discuss plans for 2021, recap 2020, recognize our ACA National Queen and Princess, as well as highlight the exciting new ideas we hope to begin launching over the coming months! We will also have a few elections that need to occur and need a great attendance to conduct voting. We realize this is not ideal but the only option we have currently and hope you can join us! Until then, be safe and those traveling to NAILE, we will be seeing you soon!
Marna Higgins Southeast Region Director • Tennessee 615.273.2656 • Amelia Weaver Southeast Region Director • Tennessee 615.636.3942 • Shawnda Foster Southwest Region Director • Texas 806.652.2383 • Bridget Schaefer Northwest Region Director • North Dakota 701.725.4902
Support the ACLA Scholarship fund by purchasing an ACA Brand T-Shirt! Just $30 each! Contact Jill Miller at 770-654-1510 to order.
Kaylee Tracy Northwest Region Director • Nebraska 308.660.7069 • Becky Sheets At Large Director • Indiana 765.714.1200 • Sue Comer • Scholarship Chair Indiana • 765.874.2228 Royalty Coordinator Kelsey Evans • 859.553.3059
ACLA Scholarship Fundraiser
Happy Holidays In a year of drought and uncertainty we thank God every day for the beautiful blessings he has given us. We wish you all a safe and Happy Holiday Season from KQM. ~Robin, Kelsey, Joe, Makayla, Quin and Hensley!
ACA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Time for Change by Derek Evans, At Large Director Ken Culp, III, Ph.D– President At Large Director • Kentucky • Term expires 2022 859.227.7506 • Justin Tracy – Vice President At Large Director • Nebraska • Term expires 2020 806.445-2496 • Andy Higgins, Secretary Southeast Region • Tennessee • Term expires 2020 615.330.6446 • Lyle Sexton, Treasurer At Large • Iowa • Term expires 2021 319.461.6337 • Randy Gaddis At Large • Missouri • Term expires 2020 660.562.9509 • Ryan Dunklau Northwest Region • Nebraska • Term expires 2020 402.369.2025 • Larry Garrett Northeast Region • Indiana • Term expires 2021 765.969.0154 • Mike Stoppel At Large • Kansas • Term expires 2021 785.445.2671 • Dr. Robin Sheets At Large • Indiana • Term expires 2021 765.583.4565 • Tyler Winegardner At Large • Ohio • Term expires 2022 419.236.4375 • Segayle Foster Southwest Region • Texas • Term expires 2022 806.445.2496 • Derek Evans At Large • Kentucky • Term expires 2022 217.218.0242 •
nlike many of you, I was not raised in the Chianina breed. I had the pleasure of being introduced to it by my wife Kelsey Evans (Culp). I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the National Junior Heifer Show in Louisville, Ky. While my wife would probably like me to remember our first cow show together and the memories that we made, I simply remember how good the cattle were and how much fun the Junior members seemed to be having. I knew right in that moment, I wanted to become involved and start raising Chianina cattle. Now mind you, I had attended many other cattle breed Junior Nationals before, but this event was different. I was hooked! I loved how the Chianina’s were so well made from the side, but were wide based, huge footed and packed with tons of shape and dimension. The cattle that hit me the hardest were the Chiangus females – maternal perfection with more bone, balance and muscle than the traditional Angus. I was purely a spectator at this event, but I knew I had to be involved in this breed, in some way. I was blown away with why the Chianina breed was not more widely popular, and I still struggle with this today. I realize that times are different and things cost a lot more than they used too. I believe the Chianina breed is resilient and the biggest thing the ACA offers is breeding versatility. From Fullblood, American Purebreds, Chiangus, Red Chiangus, Chiford and Chianina, we register them all. We allow our breeders to use their Chianina genetics how they see fit in their operations, whether you are a cow-calf guy, a commercial cattleman, a seed stock producer, a commercial feeder or a show family. The Chianina Association has something for everyone. My journey down memory lane is for a purpose – to inform you on how I was changed by a single moment or event in time like most people are and how it changed my course through life. Recently, the board of directors choose to implement a one-year trial Composite Show for registered Chianina heifers that fall below 6.25% Chianina. This show will be at the 2021 NJHS in Chickasha, Okla. I am grateful to be involved with breeders and livestock producers who are willing to embrace change. This is a very big step for our Junior program as many Junior Members and nonmembers have been able to breed, purchase and register these animals but were not allowed to exhibit them at our biggest Junior event of the year, the very same event that got me into this breed. If we can help one, two or ten Junior Members to develop their love and desire for this breed, I deem this opportunity a success. What we must realize and embrace is that these young folks are the future of this breed and of agriculture. The more members we can influence and inform through a Composite Show, a Chianina Show, a Chiangus or a Chiford Show, the better chance we have of surviving the agriculture exodus. My dad always told me he could present me with any opportunity but
The Time for Change…Continued it was up to me if I took advantage of it, and how far, how hard, and how serious I wanted to work at the opportunity. A few Board Members have received some backlash on this decision and if you do not agree, that is completely understandable, but for most of us true Chianina breeders, this opportunity will not affect how we breed, manage or develop our programs, it simply creates another opportunity for a sale that breeders might not have otherwise had and it creates an opportunity for that breeder to showcase to the youth exhibitor why he as a breeder choose the Chianina breed and the greatest Junior program in the country. With saying all of this, I think it is our job as breeders to promote, develop and inform all junior members on the breeding opportunities they have before them with high percentage Chianina cattle. While most of us know that junior members are going to breed their animals to the next hottest thing or the next National Champion, we need to change this perception. It is our job as leaders, breeders and mentors to inform them on other breeding opportunities and help mold junior members into something sustainable, for everyone in this breed. “There comes a time when you must choose between turning the page or closing the book.” -Josh Jameson. I thought this quote was very fitting for this article and for the time we are currently in at the ACA. Simply put, we
are in dire need of memberships, registrations and more participation from everyone involved and those that need to be. I wrote in my board introduction letter that if we, as an association, did not make big changes, we would cease to exist in 5-10 years. This has never been truer, and I do not want to see this happen to this great association. We have gone far too long with no change and added more rules and regulations than I can shake a stick at. Albert Einstein said it best, “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” While Einstein might have said it best, Socrates puts things into perspective, “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Things in today’s world are more divided than I’ve ever seen them, and I think we have all realized the freedoms we take for granted. This association is the very same way, and we must adapt or die. I certainly do not want to be responsible for the demise of our association and the ability to develop youth in animal agriculture. We all need to come together and stop all this bickering and support our breed, junior members and the ACA. Chianina might be our name, but breeding versatility is our game.
Cody Green 801 Carroll Dr Prairie Grove, AR 72753-3178
Bruhn Farms Joint Venture Alan Bruhn 14535 Walnut Ave Mapleton, IA 51034-7155
Gunter-Britton Ranch Troy Gunter 15045 Sycamore Dr Morgan Hill, CA 95037-9401
Caves Cattle Co Brock Caves 12382 Route V64 Douds, IA 52551-8179
Neuge Family Livestock Rick Neugebaur 45909 Pittville Rd McArthur, CA 96056-8523
J&C Cattle Company Jessica Connor 2334 Vanderbilt Ave Waucoma, IA 52171-8105
Reid Cattle, LLC Mindi Reid PO Box 627 Wheatland, CA 95692-0627
JCAB Cattle Company Jason Randall 17457 170th St Letts, IA 52754-9448
Dunker Cattle Company Chase Dunker 4578 County Road 25 Ovid, CO 80744-9504 Pratt Show Cattle Dustin Pratt 32800 South Rd Pueblo, CO 81006-9446
Shady Grove Dairy Farm Inc Janet Peterson-Wentworth 45256 Seminole Trl Callahan, FL 32011-6029
Isaac Taber 707 W North St Abingdon, IL 61410-1052
Amara Sheldon 1930 E 850 S Brookston, IN 47923-8236
Southern Accent Farms Jake Hovden 2861 Clay Hill Rd Decorah, IA 52101-7602
CM Ranch Clint Mackey 536 N 1st Rd Overbrook, KS 66524-8807 Western Starz Ranch Rebecca Befort 2778 CR 250 La Crosse, KS 67548-4818
Hartman Show Cattle Aaron Hartman 214 Colony Dr Shelbyville, KY 40065-9630 Winmoore Farms Shawn Tyler Moore 173 Meridian Way Richmond, KY 40475-2889
Holloway Cattle Company Jonathan Holloway 13667 N 59th East Ave Collinsville, OK 74021-5754
Gross Hardship Acres 405 Bucksmills Rd Bucksport, ME 04416-4831 Williams Bros Cattle Steve Williams 69670 Calvin Center Rd Cassopolis, MI 49031-9548 Bachmeier Livestock Kevin & Theresa Bachmeier 13946 Dublin Rd Saint Paul, MN 55124-9238 Lyndorff Cattle Colin & Ashley Lyndorff 2076 61St St Magnolia, MN 56158-4049
Kelly Land & Cattle Kelly Dietrich 501 Tilden Rd Hamburg, PA 19526-8014 Dustin & Kayla Brown 27956 Lariat Cir Hot Springs, SD 57747-7385
Amelia Weaver 203 Lee Ave Woodbury, TN 37190-1323
Brent Meister 928 E Grove St West Point, NE 68788-1923
Blanks Red Angus Cattle Co. Michael Blanks 2773 Fm 555 Gilmer, TX 75645-6697
Wade Hilker Show Cattle Wade Hilker 27347 265th St Columbus, NE 68601-8576
Hoel Family Genetics Jarrod Hoel 2957 Interstate Hwy 27/87 Abernathy, TX 79311
Justin Jenkins 12050 Falcon Rd Crandall, TX 75114-5200
Parry Show Cattle Tim Parry 6260 Holladay Rd Hillsboro, OH 45133-8596 Slone Livestock Justin & Kayla Slone 139 Loop Rd West Manchester, OH 45382
Dylan Enyart PO Box 254 Vinita, OK 74301-0254
Walker Farm Wesley Walker 615 County Road 610 Dayton, TX 77535-5237
Delawder Show Cattle Brandon Delawder 17387 Lohr Ln Timberville, VA 22853-2600 Trembling Prairie Farms, Inc John Bobek N2575 County Road B Markesan, WI 53946-7271
Halle Delk 4501 Fowler Dairy Rd Harrison, AR 72601-9707
Maci Diaz 8334 Olive School Ln Winters, CA 95694-9651 Hannah Noren 2777 Yulupa Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95405-8584
Colbie Bruna 32640 County Road 33 La Junta, CO 81050-9570 Jacee Sumpter 77130 Highway 160 Branson, CO 81027
Paige Lyle 111 Cross Ridge Dr Centerville, GA 31028-1614 Lane Rigdon 2900 Tig Knight Rd Loganville, GA 30052-4312 Eli Smallwood 2561 Calvin Rd Monticello, GA 31064-4110
Hadlee Smith 508 W Garfield St Paris, IL 61944-2645
Laramie Barker 758 E Lisbon Rd Kendallville, IN 46755-3512 Cora Barnard 4972 S Bailey Rd Wabash, IN 46992-9321 Olivia Branam 1379 N Chamberlain St Terre Haute, IN 47803-9767 Cortney Hockemeyer 870 W McConnell Rd Columbia City, IN 46725-9565 Calan Lange 7755 State Route 262 Rising Sun, IN 47040-9148 Cora Mault 5250 W 200 N Kimmell, IN 46760-9771 Kinsey Nunemacher 58 E 200 S Tipton, IN 46072-8350 Brynleigh Sherman 4220 N 100 E Howe, IN 46746-9331 Michaela Steveson 3939 N Hidden Valley St Terre Haute, IN 47803-9673 Bailee Tracy 2825 W 450 N Columbia City, IN 46725-9517
Colton Anderson 1105 R Ave Boone, IA 50036-7452
Brady Barner 285 Martelle Rd Martelle, IA 52305-9614
Grace Shupe 422 W Richardson Rd Bad Axe, MI 48413-9008
Xavier Folk 14013 Center St Carroll, IA 51401-8749
Logan Wangler 865 W State Rd West Branch, MI 48661-9511
Nyla Wibholm 2711 Dows Williams Rd Dows, IA 50071-7537
Brett Marie White 19102 Meceola Rd Hersey, MI 49639-9605
Eli Witt 310 13th St De Witt, IA 52742-1130
Ethan Witt 310 13th St De Witt, IA 52742-1130
Madison Hall 18499 Road D Moscow, KS 67952-5230
Brianna Stokes 1646 Cherry Grove Rd Flemingsburg, KY 41041-8333
Taylor Hacker 4663 Packard Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813-9350 Logan Lauria 865 W State Rd West Branch, MI 48661-9511 Bryce Mulder 4696 26th St Dorr, MI 49323-9723
Luke Bjorklund 48240 280th St Henning, MN 56551-9219
Mary Katherine Stratton 1044 Bluebird Ridge Ln Crystal Springs, MS 39059-9669 Marlee Turner 505 County Road 300 Glen, MS 38846-9705
Reagan Delabar 1827 Front St Beatrice, NE 68310-5035
Ashton Bain 3785 Cochran Rd Lynchburg, OH 45142-9385 Audrey French 6484 State Route 303 Wakeman, OH 44889-9452 Aftyn May Graham 1695 Blessing Road Patriot, OH 45658
NEW JUNIOR MEMBERS Emma Helsinger 1937 W Holtzmuller Rd West Manchester, OH 453829705 Colten Luyster 62305 Dunfee Rd Belmont, OH 43718-9608 Hailey Snider 398 Felicity Higginsport Rd Felicity, OH 45120-9506 Connor Yochum 2880 Fender Rd Hillsboro, OH 45133-8837
Logan Alexander Bays 336191 E 970 Rd Wellston, OK 74881-6107 Kaylee Beehler 48700 E 150 Rd Bluejacket, OK 74333 Josie Chandler 855 County Road 1470 Ninnekah, OK 73067-3008 Lilly Christian 15821 High Ave Purcell, OK 73080-4490 Caddo Craft 811 Tottingham Rd Anadarko, OK 73005-5810 Hunter Harris PO Box 13 Washington, OK 73093-0013 Braden Lancaster 6512 Foreman Rd E El Reno, OK 73036-8601
Jasmine Latham 37590 Old State Highway 3 Centrahoma, OK 74534-5201
Lane Johnson 11725 33rd St Santa Fe, TX 77510-8487
David Morgan 12855 Bristlecone Rd Henryetta, OK 74437-7545
Tressa Lynn Jones 355 County Road 309 Panhandle, TX 79068-7212
Brody Wallis 5336 Ns 3727 Allen, OK 74825-6418
Kodie Landers 506 S Main St Ravenna, TX 75476-7816
Sadie Wynne 8100 Harryman Rd Newcastle, OK 73065-1247
Cailey Mullarkey 1 Oak Walk Missouri City, TX 77459-4728
Bailey Nobles 20489 County Road 1740 Mathis, TX 78368-4404
Macie Eitel 501 Tilden Rd Hamburg, PA 19526-8014 Audrey Robertson 1582 Barlow Two Taverns Rd Gettysburg, PA 17325-7040
SOUTH DAKOTA Eliza Helvig 119930 459th Ave Arlington, SD 57212
Kenneth Cotie Jr 5310 Chinaberry Grv Missouri City, TX 77459-6204 Carson Greenway 601 Fm 2358 Wolfe City, TX 75496-3295 Emily Guerra PO Box 182 Banquete, TX 78339-0182
Eric Quiroz 4614 Deepdale Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78413-3108 Colby Stewart 1095 LCR 124 Mount Calm, TX 76673-3561 Julia Stone 4644 Veneto Dr Frisco, TX 75033-7135 Natalie Stone 4644 Veneto Dr Frisco, TX 75033-7135 Cole Vandygriff PO Box 248 Abernathy, TX 79311-0248 Creed Vineyard PO Box 1121 Bridgeport, TX 76426-1121
Rylee Ridgely 17387 Lohr Ln Timberville, VA 22853-2600
Brayden Taylor 2718 26th St Parkersburg, WV 26104-2729
Leah Bobek N2575 County Road B Markesan, WI 53946-7271 Jacob Kohl 1388 Mayfield Rd Hubertus, WI 53033-9624
Steer Rewards Program
Payouts for Major Fat Shows, Influential Shows &Minor Shows
1. Steers must be registered and transferred to an ACTIVE junior member on or before the entry deadline. (The actual day the work was done) 2. Awards will be paid to the junior member after both an official photograph and press release from show officials have been received by the ACA (information can be emailed to 3. If the show offers a division for Chianina steers, the steer must be shown as a Chianina.
Major Fat Steer Shows – Payout - $2000 - Money split 50/50 between breeder and owner
A. American Royal C. National Western Stock Show E. Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
B. North American International Livestock Exposition D. Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
If a Chianina steer is not selected as Grand Champion but a qualifying steer places in the Top 5 a graduated scale will be used. ($800 for Reserve, $600 for third, $400 for fourth and $200 for fifth) for the highest placing steer in the show.
Influential Steer Shows - Greater than 200 head of steers exhibited or a State Fair or Expo – Payout $500
If a Chianina steer is not selected as Grand Champion but a qualifying steer places in the Top 5, a graduated scale will be used. ($400 for Reserve, $300 for third, $200 for fourth and $100 for fifth) for the highest placing steer in the show.
Minor Steer Shows - <200 head of steers and >100 head of steers exhibited – Payout $250 If a Chianina steer is not selected as Grand Champion, $125 will be paid to the Reserve if he qualifies.
If your steer qualifies, please send results documentation and photo to Heather Counts at Once info is received, a payout will be sent from the ACA office. For questions, please contact Heather at 517-214-0927. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 | CHIANINA JOURNAL |
EASTERN REGIONAL JUNIOR & OPEN SHOW Rensselaer, Ind. • Aug. 29, 2020 • Judge: Jon Davis, Bidwell, Ohio & Dean Elder, Hanover, Ill.
Grand Champion Chianina Female – Junior
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer – Junior Ferree Miss Bella Exhibited by Cassidy Barker, Kearney, Mo.
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Chianina Female
Grand Champion Chiangus Female – Junior RSRS Khloe ET Exhibited by Claire Sennett, Waynetown, Ind.
Reserve Champion Chiangus Female – Junior Grand Champion Bred & Owned Chiangus GOP Greta Garbo 910G Exhibited by Kennedy Evans, Campbellsburg, Ky.
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Chiangus Rockin R Prada 951 Exhibited by Kaylee Rowlett, Medina, Tenn.
Grand Champion Steer – Junior Show KHCF Monop Man Exhibited by Brooke Hayden, Lowell, Ind.
Reserve Champion Steer – Junior Show Mr 510 ET Exhibited by Noah Hayden, Lowell, Ind.
Grand Champion Chianina Female – Open SC Lynn 5G ET Exhibited by Claire Sennett, Waynetown, Ind.
Reserve Champion Chianina Female – Open Ferree Miss Bella Exhibited by Cassidy Barker, Kearney, Mo.
Grand Champion Chiangus Female – Open RSRS Khloe ET Exhibited by Claire Sennett, Waynetown, Ind.
Reserve Champion Chiangus Female – Open GOP Greta Garbo 910G Exhibited by Kennedy Evans, Campbellsburg, Ky.
Grand Champion Bred & Owned Chianina Female
SC Lynn 5G ET Exhibited by Claire Sennett, Waynetown, Ind.
HOCK 1 Oak ET Exhibited by Catelynn Hockemeyer, Columbia City, Ind.
Reserve Champion Chianina Bull LBG He’s Da Man ET Exhibited by Savannah Garrett, Richmond, Ind.
Reserve Champion Chiangus Bull EVNS Fair Game 037H Exhibited by Evans Cattle Co., Campbellsburg, Ky.
Grand Champion Prospect Steer Reserve Champion Prospect Steer HOCK Skye EVNS GQ 11G Exhibited by Catelyn Hockemeyer, Columbia City, Exhibited by Avery Rowlett, Cypress Inn, Tenn. Ind.
Grand Champion Chianina Bull RSRS Outlaw Exhibited by Sheets Chiangus, West Lafayette, Ind.
Grand Champion Chiangus Bull DAJS Black Out 93 Exhibited by Evans Cattle Co., Grand ‘Ole Place Farms & Doug Satree
NEBRASKA STATE FAIR ALTERNATIVE SHOW Grand Island, Neb. • Sept. 2, 2020 • Judge: Josh Mavencamp
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Open Show 3rd Overall Heifer – Open Show Grand Champion AOB Heifer – Junior Show Supreme Champion Heifer – Junior Show DUNK Ace 901G ET Exhibited by Hadley Dunklau, Wayne, Neb.
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer – Open Show Reserve Champion AOB Heifer – Junior Show HOLT RAU Ms Janie 222G Exhibited by Journee Reeson, Hoskins, Neb.
Grand Champion Chianina Bull DAJS High Roller 546 Exhibited by Doug Satree, Montague, Texas
Grand Champion Chiangus Bull Supreme Champion Bull DAJS The Fixer 132 Exhibited by Doug Satree, Montague, Texas
Reserve Champion Chiangus Bull MADD Anheuser Exhibited by Madeline Sonnenfeld, Minden, Neb. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 | CHIANINA JOURNAL |
WESTERN REGIONAL JUNIOR SHOW Grand Island, Neb. • Sept. 2, 2020 • Judge: Kyle Roseboom
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer DUNK Ace 901G ET Exhibited by Hadley Dunklau, Wayne, Neb.
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer HOLT RAU Ms Janie 222G Exhibited by Journee Reeson, Hoskins, Neb.
Huron, S.D. • Sept. 4, 2020 • Judges: Cristie Gable, Colo. - Open; PD Miller, Wyo. - Junior
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Open Show Lady Gaga Exhibited by Trevor Mente, Adrian, Minn.
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer – Open Show RJC Miss Fu Man Chu 925G Exhibited by Bob Stoltz, Mount Vernon, S.D.
Grand Champion Chianina Bull – Open Show HOLT Mr Good Driving Exhibited by Holt Cattle Co., Ipswich, S.D.
Reserve Champion Chianina Bull – Open Show WOLL Own It All 005 Exhibited by Lindsey Wolles, Dell Rapids, S.D.
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Junior Show Lady Gaga Exhibited by Trevor Mente, Adrian, Minn.
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer – Junior Show JHC Ms Gabby 201G Exhibited by Charlee Holt, Aberdeen, S.D.
Grand Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Jaxon Schrag, Marion, S.D.
Reserve Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Rachel Derkson, Huron, S.D.
No Photo Available
Grand Island, Neb. • Sept. 27, 2020 • Judge: Kyle Roseboom
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer 4th Overall Heifer Exhibited by Brynn Younge, Wellman, Iowa
Reserve Champion Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Mallarie Yokley, Moundville, Mo.
West Allis, Wisc. • Sept. 25, 2020 • Judges: Bruce Stertzbach & Tom Hawk
Grand Champion Chianina Female – Open Show LLW CARD Caroline 236G Exhibited by Kylee Myers, Wyoming, Ill.
Reserve Champion Chianina Female – Open Show WEIS Stella 32G Exhibited by Brooklyn Curtin, Oxford, Iowa
West Allis, Wisc. • Sept. 27, 2020 • Judges: Jake Bloomberg & Jim Bloomberg
4th Overall Junior Heifer Grand Champion Chianina Female LLW CARD Caroline 236G Exhibited by Kylee Myers, Wyoming, Ill.
Reserve Champion Female JSUL Express Secret 9202G ET Exhibited by Tyler Miller, Armington, Ill.
Garrett Show Cattle
Roddy Sturdivant
Rob Postin home (706) 759–2220 barn (706) 759–2209
We specialize in half blood to fullblood.
P.O. Box 68 • Talmo, GA 30575 Phone: (706) 693-4133 or Fax: (706) 693-4359 Email: Web site:
Mama’s Boy – Fullblood
Larry and Barb Garrett
5772 N. U.S. Highway 35 • Williamsburg, IN 47393 (765) 969 -0154 • Email:
Gettinger Chiangus
Chiangus & Chiford Cattle Wayne & Jill Miller, Owners
5J/2GTHR Chianina
Chiangus Chimaine Club Calves
Farms, Inc. P.O. Box 330 Stephens, GA 30667 mobile (770) 372–0400 office (770) 921–3207
Selling Chianina & Simmental Bulls, Heifers & Steers Jeff Gettinger 3464 S 325 E Rushville, IN 46173 (765) 561-4434
Sam Gettinger (765) 561-3130
Black Ice – 95% Homozygous Black
Calving Ease High % High Performance Jim & Connie Johnson Cell: 515.745.3649
Semen available at Nichols Cryogenics Jerry & Jean Johnson Cell: 515.314.8939
Visitors Always Welcome
Clarahan Farms Dennis • Ryan • Neil
Garland Gehrke 6600 Locust Rd., Delavan, IL 61734 (217) 725-0521 •
Breeders of Chiangus Cattle 19425 280th Avenue • Harper, IA 52231 (641) 635-2454 – office Dennis: (319) 330-6377 Ryan: (641) 660-2713 Neil: (641) 660-2257
Sexton Chiangus Lyle & Stephanie Ty & Ashley Keiffer Ainsworth, IA
Chianina & Shorthorn Cattle Jim, Michelle, Jessie, Ben, Jordan
1319 Union Street • Morris, IL 60450 SXTN Empire
(319) 461-6337 – Lyle (319) 461-0519 – Ty
Advertise in the Chi Genetics Directory • $45/issue
• Ability to change ad with each issue • Keep your name in front of the membership • Contact Heather or Dustin to place your ad – Heather: or 517-214-0927 | Dustin: or 605-380-8052
814 Ard Ridge Rd. Nancy, KY 42544 Office & Fax: (606) 871-9454
Bryan, John & Jerry Schaefer P.O. Box 28 • Des Lacs, ND Bryan: (701) 721-8091 John: (701) 720-7220 Jerry: (701) 720-2061
Owners: Leonard & June Branscum: (606) 871-7859 Neal & Rebekah Branscum: (606) 872-5395
Champagne Farms
Fullblood Chianina Bulls & Females Available
Chris & Brandhi Howard 5365 West Highway 36 Sharpsburg, KY 40374 606.247.2154
Visit us at
Groveland Hills Farm Janet Haering 380 N. Brandt Road Ortonville, MI 48462 248-627-6197 • 586-808-1817 Registered A.I. Chimaine – Steers, Bred Cows & Heifers Clean, Gentle, Broke to Tie
Steve & Barb Melroe 8005 Hwy. 32 Gwinner, ND 58040 Steve (701) 680-0622 Tyler (605) 695-3295
Profit Through Performance 1st Sunday in March
Bull Sale
Bull Barn Genetics Stapleton, NE
H All Breeds H H Old Chianina Semen H 800.535.6173
NOW AVAILABLE: Bulls & Cows Cow/Calf Pairs Open & Bred Heifers Bull Calves
Adam F. Ambielli 412 Trimmer Road Califon, New Jersey (908) 832-2526
Ro ck Family Chiangus Long Valley, South Dakota Brandon & Sanna Rock 605.685.8480 – cell 605.462.6151 – home
Chiangus Breeding Sto ck For Sale
Carl & Gail Vanderkolk
Dorr, MI • (616) 896-9433 • Focused on Chiangus Genetics • Ace & other traditional Chiangus semen for sale • Limited number of Nevada Nights embryos for sale
Fullblood Chianina Breeder 1690 Bornt Hill RD Endicott, NY 607-760-9071 Ricardo Stefano
Jan & Brandon Johnson P.O. Box 475 Dunlap, TN 37327 Jan: 423-240-4411 Brandon: 423-447-7838
TEXAS David and DarLee Foster Jody and Shawnda Foster 570 FM 2883 1231 CR 57 Lockney, TX 79241 Lockney, TX 79241 806-652-3824 home 806-652-2383 home 806-983-7221 mobile 806-983-7225 mobile Office: 806-652-3351 Fax: 806-652-3738 Email:
Walter G. Mizes Ranches
John Coble, Consultant • (406) 254-2548 Scott Coble, Herd Manager • (423) 921-4221 Business Office: Old Mills Square 215W. Broadway St., Ste. D, • Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 272- 0225 Richard Alan Arnold, President & Manager
Willow Oak Chiangus Ranch
Fullblood Chianina bulls and females always available.
Call for video.
Charles McDonald Ranch Manager/Herdsman Hwy. 281 North Hico, TX 76457 (254) 796-4070 • Fax (254) 796-2330
• Watertown, Tennessee • John :: 615.207.4555 Show heifers & genetics Andy :: 615.330.6446 always available
Keith & Dana Schrick Business: (817) 613-0724 Cell: (817) 366-6435
Jason Schrick Business: (817) 596-0799 Cell: (817) 366-8511
Certified Brucellosis & TB Free Herd ID #20020090310
5J/2GTHR Chianina............................30 Ard Ridge Cattle Co.............................31 Bull Barn Genetics..............................31 -C- The Difference Sale..........................1 Champagne Farms.............................31 Clarahan Farms...................................30 Dunk Cattle Co................................... BC Foster Brothers Farms.........................32 Garrett Show Cattle.............................30 Gettinger Chiangus............................30 GG Cattle Co........................................31 Groveland Hills Farm..........................31 Henke Cattle Co..................................30 Higgins Farms....................................32 KG Farms............................................30 KQM Cattle.........................................19 Melroe Farms.....................................31 RiverBend Farm..................................32 Riverview Farm...................................31 Rock Family Chiangus........................31 RSE Farms...........................................30 Schaefer Chiangus..............................31 Schrick Land & Cattle Ltd....................32 Sexton Cattle.............................. 30, IBC Stefano Farms.....................................31 Talmo Ranch.......................................30 Tracy Cattle.........................................IFC Ventura Farm......................................31 VKR Cattle Co......................................31 Walco Farms.......................................31 Walter G. Mizes Ranches....................32 Kevin Wendt.......................................31 Whispering Pines...............................32 Willow Oak Chiangus Ranch..............32 Winegardner Show Cattle..............Cover
champion ffa commerical heifer, ‘20 ne state fair
grand champion ffa steer, ‘20 ne state fair
3rd overall heifer, ‘20 ne state fair open jr show
champion mainetainer, ‘20 world beef expo
grand champion heifer, ‘20 ne state fair open jr show
RYAN, CRYSTAL, HADLEY, WYATT, BLAYNE & KYLER DUNKLAU sale site: 85813 572nd Ave • Wayne NE 68787 mailing address: 57215 858th Rd • Wayne NE 68787 ryan: 402.369.2025 crystal: 309.221.1247 online at: