presented by
14 Cover Photo Outtakes 18 Beautiful Eyes Contest
38 Play In The Water
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
Winners - weeks 1 – 8
40 Spend Time With Family
& Wonderful Sponsors
42 Spend Time With Friends
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
46 Spend A Day At The Beach
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
48 Arts & Crafts 50 Summer Treats & Chews 54 Amazing Kids! 56 We Love The Pitties 60 Compassion
20 Grand Prize Winners 22 Steppin Out
25 Jump In A Pool
26 Smell The Flowers
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
28 Chill Out
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
32 Enjoy The Weekend
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
34 Have A Birthday Party
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
Dog Pics from Facebook Fans Dog Pics from Facebook Fans Dog Pics from Facebook Fans
Ashley Owen Hill
62 Inspire
Mike Arms
64 Passion
Natalia Villaveces
66 Courage
No Kill Movement
68 True Grit
Justice For Bella
70 Trail Blazer
Tamira Thayne
72 Devotion
Dawn Ashby
74 Believe
Rudy: A True Story
6 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Solid Gold SunDancer
A chicken-based dog food is finally here. Several years ago, Solid Gold decided to develop a chicken-based dog food. Then, came the bird/avian flu and chickens were contaminated and chicken-based dog foods were pulled off the market. Solid Gold waited. Then, in 2009-2010 the chicken/egg salmonella poisoning caused many chicken-based dog foods to be recalled. Now, chickens have been given a clean bill of health, so Solid Gold introduced SUNDANCER. This unique dog food is an advance of all other chicken-based dog foods on the market. Peas are a good source of protein, but caused gas in many dogs. However, we researched and found that if tapioca and the grain quinoa were mixed with peas, gas doesn’t form. So we used these unique ingredients. Tear stains in some dogs are problems. It is usually an allergy to some ingredients in the dog’s food. However, we found Chia seed/ AKA Salba, neutralizes this problem. People may know Chia seed as Chia Pets, that clay head that sprouts “hair” when water is added. But Chia is much more than a novelty Chia has been called the Ancient Grain of the Future. Aztecs and Mayans mixed the seeds with water to form a gel. It was taken internally not only as a cleanser to remove irritants in the intestinal tract, but was used for endurance. It was the only food used by ancient warriors and athletes during an activity. When the gel was applied topically to wounds or skin irritations, the skin healed rapidly. We also put Chia for internal healing in our Sundancer dog food. The most fascinating ingredient in our SunDancer is curcumin, the root from the turmeric plant. It has a 4,000 year old history for curing a variety of health problems in India. Curcumin is known worldwide as the “Indian Solid Gold”. That’s a nice déjà vu expression. Perhaps, curcumin is most well-known for its use in cancer. The Indians say that there are 33 channels of cancer, and curcumin address all of them. The University of Maryland Medical Center found that curcumin lowered bad cholesterol to reduce the cause of stroke. It also reduced pressure on the eye. Curcumin gives mustard the yellow color and the spice flavor. See Dr. David H Frig, MBA found turmeric/curcumin inhibited amyloid plaque from forming in the brain which contributed to Alzheimer’s disease. In 1958, the U.S. Congress wanted to fund a study for the elimination of cancer using turmeric/curcumin. But the big pharmaceutical companies put forth such a large lobby, that it was stopped. They said such a study would interfere with the revenue from their cancer drugs. One pharmaceutical person said that if this curcumin were so effective, they would synthesize it and make it into a prescription drug. In 1971, President Nixon agreed to begin a new curcumin/cancer study. But the Watergate problem stopped that. Look for our shiny purple bags of Solid Gold SunDancer dog food. We also use fish to support the DNA of Oriental dogs, Arctic dogs and dogs originally from England, Scotland, Ireland, and all water dogs (such as labs, poodles, terriers, retrievers, and sporting dogs). If you don’t add fish to these dog’s diet, they may develop allergies in the lower legs and chew or lick their feet. Look for the two dancing dogs on the bag of our hermetically, vacuum sealed bags for freshness. Do not pour the food out into another container. Open the bag, scoop out what you need and close with bag clips or clothes pins. The act of pouring exposes the food to air. We use no chemical preservatives in our fresh Solid Gold dog foods. A Funny Story Sissy, the owner of Solid Gold, was recently at a dog show and it was quite warm. Someone commented that the news said that the planet, Saturn, with its rings, was heating up the galaxy. A near-by 10 year old girl standing close by said she knew what Saturn looked like. She said “that’s the planet with the hula hoops”. Now, don’t you feel old! Solid Gold Holistic Animal Nutrition Center 1331 N. Cuyamaca, El Cajon, CA 92020
For a catalog or store near you, call or email us at: (619) 258-7356 (M,W,F 10-5 PST) or E-mail us at or
76 78 80 83 84 86 88 91
Working Dogs: A New Breed of Ranch Hand Featured Author Blair Boucher non Profit Santa Cruz SPCA Amazing Dog! Stacey Mae Mountain Amazing Dog! Emma Zen Chiapuzio Pet Photographers
92 95 96 98 100
Entrepreneur Profile Kyla Duff y
Business Profile Pet Kiss Products
104 106 108 112 116 118 120 122
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Business Profile Canine Rehabilitation Dog Food Profile Evanger’s Dog Food Dr’s Corner Keeping Dogs Safe From Mouse Traps and Rat Bait Health Responsible for our Dog’s Health and Wellness natural Health Columnist Dr. Harvey Wellness Vitamins & Supplements Safety Walking Your Dog Training Doug & Elizabeth Simpson Dog Parent Families Bedtime Books Happily Ever After Chris Hoar & Jimmy 2 Shoes Happily Ever After Catie Sellers & Magoo Happily Ever After Blake Ovard and Tugg Everyday Doggie Heroes American Humane Association
Advanced nutrition for senior dogs Dogs can benefit from specialized senior formulas as early as age six-or a little older for smaller breeds. Innova® Senior, New California Natural® Senior and New EVO® Senior dog foods are specifically enhanced nutritional formulas created to help keep your senior dog living as young as he feels.
Added Ingredients to Support Senior Health
To learn more about senior nutrition and how it can help your dog visit:
Innova, California Natural and EVO Products are sold at Independent Pet Specialty Stores. “EVO”, “California Natural” and “Innova” are registered trademarks and “The Ancestral Diet Meets Modern Nutrition” and “Pure & Simple” are trademarks of Natura Pet Products, Inc. ©2011 Natura Pet Products, Inc.
Jamie M. Downey, Founder/Publisher with Cheyenne, Chester and Cassie
Instead of writing a long-winded publisher’s note for the summer issue that you may or may not read, I’d rather compose a very tempting “to-do” list for you and your dog to indulge in this summer! Life is short, so make sure you seize the moment, enjoy every day, and spend quality time with family, good friends, and canine kids!
1 – Take a moment to smell the flowers! 2 – Spend a day at the beach or a lake! 3 – Just chill out and hang with the dogs! 4 – Jump in a pool, even if it’s a baby pool! 5 – Take a long nap in the middle of the day! 6 – Buy vanilla ice cream with a cone for dessert! 7 – Invite the family over for a weekend bbq! 8 – Invite the dog’s best friend for a sleepover! 9 – Meet good friends with dogs for yappy hour! 10 – Take a pet-friendly vacation with the dog!
e American Dog wishes all our loyal readers, subscribers and fans a wonderful Th summer filled with much joy, lots of love, oodles of happiness and adventures galore!
Sincerely, J amie M Downey Founder / Editor in Chief Heather Green, Associate Publisher with Bella, Remington and Jaidyn
10 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
foUndER / PUBliShER
JaMiE M doWnEy
hEathER gREEn
aSSoCiatE diRECtoR
ShaRyn BERglUnd
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JaMiE M doWnEy laUREn WinEBERg KElly MayER MiChaEl antonE
CovER PhotogRaPhER
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CaSEy RodaRBal SondRa lEvinE dEBoRah JohnSon nanCy allEn JaMiE M doWnEy KiM thoRnton
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JaMiE M doWnEy
diStRiBUtion ManagER
John haddoCK
ann JaMiSon EMMa BRoWn
COnTriBUTinG PhOTOGraPherS: hEathER gREEn, JaMiE doWnEy, BREnna EWing,JEff EWing, EnRiQUE tUBio, taMRa Monahan, taMiRa thaynE, JEff daniElS, daRin aShBy, BlaKE ovaRd, RiChaRd MandEl, dEBRa Jo ChiaPUzio, JaiME RoWE, angiE RogERS, MaRia SChiEffER, ShERRy StoRER, BRian diEhl COnTriBUTinG WriTerS: SaSha lEvinE, MiKE aRMS, Ryan Clinton, taMiRa thaynE, JEff daniElS, aShlEy oWEn hill, dEBRa Jo ChiaPUzio, taMRa Monahan, BREnna EWing, loRilEigh MoREland, dR. Elliott haRvEy, dEB dEMPSEy, dR. StaCy d. MEola, ChRiS hoaR, CatiE SEllERS, doUg & ElizaBEth SiMPSon HOW TO REACH uS: The Dog Publishing, DBA: The American Dog 20269 e. Smoky Hill Rd. #B-136 Centennial, Co 80015 Phone: (303) 840-6111 (Colorado) For advertising inquiries Letters to the Editor/Story Ideas: email to:
Subscription rate is $20 per year within the united States, Add $20 postage per year for Canadian subscriptions. We do not ship to foreign countries. u.S. funds only. Subscribe online:
Subscribers: if the postal service alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within one year. email change of address to: Postmaster: Please forward change of address to: The Dog Publishing 20269 e. Smoky Hill Rd. #B-136 Centennial, Co 80015 Copyright 2011 No part of this publication may be reproduced without expressed written permission of the publisher. No part may be transmitted in any form by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Publisher accepts no liability for solicited or unsolicited materials that are damaged or lost. Views expressed by editorial contributors do not necessarily reect the views of the publisher.
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
w o D e i m a By J
m ie by Ja hoto
S D I K F O D E ney
On Sale September
PEOPLE AND DOgS INCLUDE: StEPhaniE BERglUnd and BRyan EhRMan With thEiR dogS, BailEy (yElloW laB) and WinSton (BlaCK PoodlE) JUliE EhRMan With hER SChnaUzER, toBy anai valdEz With hER BoXER, WRinKlES 14
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
We wanted to share some of the outtakes from the cover shoot! outtAke Photos By JAMIe DoWney
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
anai valdEz With hER BoXER, WRinKlES
IN GOODYEAR, ARIZONA Photos By heAther green
JUliE EhRMan With hER SChnaUzER, toBy, and BoSton tERRiER, lil z
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
StEPhaniE BERglUnd and BRyan EhRMan With thEiR dogS, BailEy (yElloW laB), aXEl and WinSton (BlaCK PoodlES)
Week 4 Winners Week 3 Winners
Week 2 Winners
Week 1 Winners
Charlton Dane
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Week 8 Winners Week 7 Winners
Week 6 Winners Week 5 Winners
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
Biovet Testimonials Kaya, a 13-year-old Husky-Lab mix. She had severe hip and arthritis pain in her hind legs. Four days after taking the Biovet Antioxidant Pet Wafer, her pain subsided. After just seven days, she is able to walk normally. Thank you Biovet! - S. Lamb
Mulligan stew Pet Food donated 12 evanger’s Dog Food donated 12 delicious gift baskets worth $60 each delicious gift baskets worth $60 each to the winners in weeks 1 to 4 contest. to the winners in weeks 5 to 8 contest. visit visit Hopi, a 15-year-old yellow lab. She had lost her strength in her hind legs. Thanks to Biovet Pet Wafer, her quality of life has improved. She is back to chasing cats again. - D. Durazo The Biovet Pet Wafer has brought back the sparkle in my dogs’ eyes. Their coats are soft and silky again, thanks to Biovet. The best part is that they look forward to their daily “treat.” They love the taste. - T. Costa Riley is half bull mastiff and half lab. He has Lymphoma, and the Chemo has made his hind legs weak and wobbly. Thanks to Biovet Dismutase, he is improving. Thank you, Biovet. - E. Cushing A 10-year-old Border Collie Mix could not stand on his hind legs. The right leg had atrophied and he could not put weight on it for two years. Thanks to Dismutase, in two days he was walking. In just one week, he was putting weight on the leg he had not used in two years. - M. Mitchell
scoutdog studios donated two custom Biovet International donated three pet portraits worth $200 each in the healthy gift baskets worth $100 each grand finale contest for weeks 1-4 to the in the grand finale contest for weeks Sylvie, a long-haired miniature Dachshund, had become winners Charlton Dane and trooper! 5-8months to the Bella, Wally and paralyzed in her back legs. Thirteen after winners surgery and twice-daily doses of Dismutase, Sylvie walked again! visit Deuce! visit Thank you, Biovet. - M. Fisher
CONGRATS TO THE FIVE GRAND FINALE CONTEST WINNERS! For more information please call toll free: (800) 468-7578 Charlton Dane 20
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Lille Bella
Hagrid Panda
Saje man
Phoebe 22
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
moose Just Chicken Nutritious white chicken breast meat Low-fat, quality protein High-value training treat
ts e p y k c i n i f s! i h t Your r fo g e b will We include free samples With every Web order
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Follow us on Twitter at or Facebook at
Make sure to have fun, enjoy the day, and live life to the fullest - you and your dogs! 24
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Deva & Baron
Franklin jake
Neka & Aspen
Frankie The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
Gibbs Moki
Pabsty Duchess
Rio Tiberius
Rosie 26
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
THEY REALLY ARE THAT GOOD! Finally, allergy free chews! Scout & Zoe始s
provides dogs with what they want...a yummy tasting, long lasting, splinter free organic chew. Find your dog the perfect chew at Find us on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube!
Stacey mae
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Saje man
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
Rosie Pinto
Toby Putny
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Buster johnny Cash
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
Jake's Party KIYOMI
Tank 34
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Lily, Rosie, Britney
Gus Knox Stacey Mae 36
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
4219 Xenon Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (I-70 & Ward Rd) Open 7 days a Week Day Care: Mon-Fri: 7am to 6pm Boarding: Mon-Fri: 8am to 6pm Sat: 8am to 4pm Sun: 2pm to 5pm
Visit our online store for unique gifts
The Brown Fur Crew
Reme greta
winston 38
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
molly, Harper & Cleo
Cheyanna Petey
moose & Panda
gibbs The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
reeSe & JOey
DeUCe & CriCKeT
SOnny & GreTa
Dahane & DUKe
rOSie & reaGan
CrySTaL & GerTie
SheLBy & SUnny 42
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
PanDa & mOOSe
BO & aVa
anUBiS & maria
STaCey & ChanCe
OLiVer & TiCO The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
$$$$$$$$ Become a Successful Magazine Publisher Pre-release Specials at Fabulous Introductory Prices
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w w w. t h e a me ri ca n dogm a g. com
Want to Work With your dog everyday? Start your own “online” dog magazine and pet directory as low as $9,000 Start your own “print” dog magazine and pet directory as low as $18,000
check to see if your city or state are available!
You own the domain name for your city or state selected Online magazine and pet directory to generate potential income up to $100,000 a year or more! Print magazine with online pet directory to generate potential income up to $200,000 a year or more! Complete training course for print magazine Complete training course for online magazine Continuous marketing and sales support Set-up social media on facebook and twitter for your city for more information about starting your own magazine email: or call Jamie M downey 303-840-6111
ith prot E SUN (w
46 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
IOUS CO (Hum CKTAIL ans o nly!)
arts & crafts
Illustrations created by
You’re invited to a
we’re having a
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 47
arts & crafts
48 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Summer Dog Treats & Chews!
Evanger’s Jerky Treats
EVANGER’S FREEZE DRIED TREATS 50 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Summer Dog Treats & Chews! GREAT LIFE’S DR. WOOFRS TREATS
JUST CHICKEN The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 51
Biovet Testimonials Kaya, a 13-year-old Husky-Lab mix. She had severe hip and arthritis pain in her hind legs. Four days after taking the Biovet Antioxidant Pet Wafer, her pain subsided. After just seven days, she is able to walk normally. Thank you Biovet! - S. Lamb Hopi, a 15-year-old yellow lab. She had lost her strength in her hind legs. Thanks to Biovet Pet Wafer, her quality of life has improved. She is back to chasing cats again. - D. Durazo The Biovet Pet Wafer has brought back the sparkle in my dogs’ eyes. Their coats are soft and silky again, thanks to Biovet. The best part is that they look forward to their daily “treat.” They love the taste. - T. Costa Riley is half bull mastiff and half lab. He has Lymphoma, and the Chemo has made his hind legs weak and wobbly. Thanks to Biovet Dismutase, he is improving. Thank you, Biovet. - E. Cushing A 10-year-old Border Collie Mix could not stand on his hind legs. The right leg had atrophied and he could not put weight on it for two years. Thanks to Dismutase, in two days he was walking. In just one week, he was putting weight on the leg he had not used in two years. - M. Mitchell Sylvie, a long-haired miniature Dachshund, had become paralyzed in her back legs. Thirteen months after surgery and twice-daily doses of Dismutase, Sylvie walked again! Thank you, Biovet. - M. Fisher
For more information please call toll free: (800) 468-7578
jESSICA SONDgEROTH aniMaL Lover and coMpaSSionate artiSt! Jessica Sondgeroth is a senior in high school in Colorado and her art teacher, Sheryl Wasinger says, “Jessica is working on an area of concentration that focuses around animal abuse. She has several other pieces of work on this topic. She loves animals and hopes to study to become a veterinarian.”
mADISON VORVA & RHIANNON TOmTISHEN concerned girL ScoutS Boycott girL Scout cookieS to Save orangutanS! These two young animal advocates, now 15-years-old and in high school, have been working diligently to save the orangutans for four years now. Madison and Rhiannon say, “Our goal is to remove all palm oil from all Girl Scout Cookies across the U.S.A because palm oil is grown on what used to be rainforest land but has been cleared for palm oil plantations. This means that orangutans and many other endangered animals lose their habitat and their chances of survival.” For more information or to contact: Website: | Blog: Email:
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 55
56 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Lady Bug
Ceejay & Princeton
Holly The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 57
Entrepreneur, Animal Advocate and Animal Rescuer! Sasha Levine reports
photos courtesy of Lucky Dog Rescue
Ashley Owen Hill has been rescuing dogs since she was five years old. Now, as President of Lucky Dog Rescue and the owner of Lucky Dog Retreat Boarding Kennel in Meridian, Mississippi, she looks back through the years at her natural affinity for helping animals: “I would beg my parents to take me every day after school to play with the dogs at the pound. Several of our family
pets were death row babies from the shelter. At the pound, I would look into the dogs’ eyes and see pain, fear, and despair. But those same eyes conveyed dreams, love, and hope. So as a child, I decided to dedicate my life to replacing their pain with happiness, and that’s exactly what I’ve done. I honestly feel that I was born an animal rescuer.” At age nine, she started her own business, The Pet Sitters Agency, and
60 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
took care of people’s pets while they were away. Though it has been far from easy, she has turned her life-long goal of helping dogs into a reality. Her motivation, she admits, comes from the remarkable resilience of the dogs themselves. Ashley says that most of the dogs she rescues have been exposed to the “worst the world has to offer.” She explains, “Most of them have been chained, beaten, and starved for most of their lives. Before me, they never
encountered kindness on any level. But when I look at them, I see no trace of anger. There is no resentment. No self-pity. There is only the desire to be loved. It is truly the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed, and it inspires me every day.” Her most heartening rescue is that of a Pit Bull named Rudy who would eventually become her own. Abandoned on a chain for weeks without sustenance when his owners moved away, Rudy was slowly starving to death. When Ashley took him into her home and nursed him back to health, he sparked in her a love for the Pit Bull breed. After Rudy passed away suddenly of a heart attack on July 8, 2010 at the age of three, Ashley’s life changed forever. She was determined to save more lives than ever before. “He is the inspiration behind every Pit Bull I have saved since his death.” One week after Rudy’s death, Ashley took what she calls “that leap of faith” and began the process of opening Lucky Dog Retreat. She describes the boarding facility as a super fun vacation place for dogs while their parents are away.
She feels fortunate to be able to combine her day job with her passion for animal rescue. While she is able to work with family dogs on a daily basis, she also has time to rescue less fortunate dogs and rehabilitate them. She started her nonprofit organization, Lucky Dog Rescue. “My rescue is focused on saving the forgotten souls—dogs from death row, worst-case dogs, and the terminally ill. I spend a lot of time rehabilitating dogs who have endured unimaginable suffering, and then I place them in loving homes.” Ashley is an amazing role model to children and adults alike of how just one dedicated person can make big improvements in the lives of homeless and abused animals. Because of other people’s lack of action to end the suffering of these animals, Ashley is compelled to work even harder. Though she is heartbroken about the things she has witnessed, she is resolute not to let the pain break her. “These dogs need someone to be their voice, and I fight to be a voice for them every day.” She wants to inspire others to get involved and advocates that every person is
capable of making a difference. She says that because shelters are overcrowded, the best way to help is to foster a dog. Many rescue groups, like Lucky Dog Rescue, are dependent on foster home volunteers to provide the space to save lives. “Fostering is honestly the most rewarding thing you can ever do, because you will truly save a life.”
For more information or to contact: Lucky Dog Rescue Blog: Become a fan on Facebook at: Lucky Dog Rescue Blog Become a friend on Facebook at: Ashley Owen Hill Ashley is the Mississippi area rep for Dogs Deserve Better Also the Mississippi/Alabama state liaison for Animal Rescue Corps And the marketing/communication director for Pet Pardons
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 61
INSPIRE Photos courtesy of Helen Woodward Animal Center
MIKE ARMS— President of Helen Woodward Animal Center
By Mike Arms
When I was growing up, I didn’t know that I had a deep love for animals, but I always knew that I liked them and would never dream of harming one. Right out of school, I found myself in New York where an employment agency convinced me that I should start my career working at an animal organization.
York City were going through a phase back then. To prove how tough and macho they were, to show that they had no emotion, they would torture animals. I would get what was left. I decided to leave animal welfare, so I gave my two weeks notice. But when I was down to my last six days, my life took a turn.
car that hit him had snapped his back and left him there to die.
During my first seven months, I found my work at this animal facility to be very stressful emotionally, and I was tormented mentally by what I was witnessing. At this time, back in the late 60s, this facility was killing 140,000 animals annually. There was no discrimination—it could’ve been the cutest 8-week-old puppy or kitten or the most magnificent Golden Retriever or Siamese cat—and the holding period was 24 hours. If no one adopted or claimed a dog or cat within that short time, the animal was killed. What’s more, the street gangs in New
In the Business of Saving Lives!
They said, “You are not taking it anywhere.”
There was a dog who was hit by a car on Davidson Avenue in the Bronx, and, on being told there were no drivers available to get this little one, I decided to take the ambulance out and rescue this pet myself. When I arrived at the scene and stepped out of the ambulance, I saw a little guy who looked just like Benji from the movies. His back was curved backward so badly, I knew the
62 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
As I reached down for the little dog, three fellows came out of an apartment building doorway and asked, “What are you doing?” I said, “It’s obvious. I’m taking this little one to the hospital; he’s dying.”
“Is this your dog?” I asked them. They stated, “No, we have bets on how long it’s going to live.” “You guys are sick,” I replied and then proceeded to reach down, lift the little one up, and cradle him in my arms. He was shaking so badly I thought he might fall. So I just looked down at him, and he was staring back into my eyes as if he were looking into my soul. He held me spellbound for those seconds in time,
and his body relaxed as if to say “I feel safe now.” As I turned to reach for the ambulance door handle, the three thugs beat me from behind, stabbed me, and left me in the street. That’s when I found the compassion that these animals have for us—a compassion that we as human beings will never be able to emulate. This little one had one more act of kindness to give to mankind, and he blessed me with it. This little one should not have been able to move by any shape of the imagination, yet he found a way to crawl to my side and lick me back to consciousness. He would not give up on me until I opened my eyes again. And when I opened my eyes and stared into his beautiful brown eyes one more time, I began to realize what had taken place. I lay in that street and I cried and I prayed, “Don’t do it, don’t take my life today. Give me another chance, and I will devote my life to animals.” On that day, I realized how emotionally tied I am to these magnificent creatures. Since that moment, I have helped to facilitate the saving of more than 7 million animals. I run Helen Woodward Animal Center as a business, the business of saving lives. Helen Woodward Animal Center is really the facility of the future, of which animal organizations, when they grow up, should try to emulate. In this country, or anywhere in the world, you may find a pet adoption center, but that pet adoption center will not have a fully equipped equine hospital, and vice versa. Or you may find a pet boarding facility, but they will not have a therapeutic riding program for the physically and mentally challenged. You may find a therapeutic riding program, but they will not have a small animal hospital. And you may find a small animal hospital, but they will not have a large humane education center offering day camps to teach children how to share the Earth with animals. We are the only facility in the world to have all these, and other programs, under one umbrella. During my career, as the architect of our international pet adoption program, I
have worked with my team at Helen Woodward Animal Center to create an Animal Center Education Service. Animal welfare workers including Board Members, Executive Directors, Managers, and Volunteers, have come from all over the world to learn the business of saving lives. We offer these workshops, which are three days of very intense training, every other month. We cover everything from adoptions, marketing, fund raising, board roles and responsibilities, public relations, and more. Most importantly, these workshops are free. At Helen Woodward, we find the value of life to be priceless; therefore, we cannot put a price on our training.
I have been asked to speak and present workshops at places throughout the world, including the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the Caribbean Islands. I have assessed many organizations and conducted many board retreats. My fee for these services is always zero. Animal facilities are not my competition; they are my friends, and helping them enhance the animals’ quality of life is what the Center and I are all about. One of my proudest achievements is when I partnered with the Iams pet food company to create the Iams Home 4 the Holidays program. When this program started in 1999, the 14 organizations in San Diego that were involved collectively adopted out 2,563 animals. Last year, during the holiday season of 2010, close to 4000 organi-
zations worldwide worked together, and we successfully brought attention to and found homes for approximately 1.1 million pets. Helen Woodward Animal Center is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of animals as well as enhancing the wellbeing of humans. There are so many successful programs at the Center; I think your readers would love to read more about our wonderful AniMeals program that helps feed the animals of shut-ins, so they do not have to relinquish their pets. If we were to go into detail about all of our programs, we would consume the entire magazine. I was asked, “Do I have any personal pets?” My answer is that three dogs and one cat allow me to live with them. Two of the dogs, a Shepherd mix and Pit mix were adopted from an animal facility on Long Island. Their names are Queenie and Preem. Wilson, our Yellow Lab, had been rejected from the Guide Dog foundation for having a bad heart, but our hearts were too big not to take him. Finally, our cat Baby, the true ruler of the house, was found half dead of upper respiratory infection on the street in Long Island. We would ask The American Dog Magazine readers several things: 1.) If you’re planning to add a pet into your home, please visit your local animal shelter. You just might be surprised at how quickly you’ll fall in love. 2.) If you have some time on your hands, go down and volunteer at your local facility. 3.) If you should find that, at the end of the month you have a little extra money left in your budget, donate it to your local animal shelter to help them with their work. It was people that caused the sad animal situation in this country, and it will take people working together to fix it. For more information or to contact: Helen Woodward Animal Center 6461 El Apajo Rd Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 756-4117
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 63
Dedicated to helping the animals Natalia Villaveces—writer, producer, actress, and television host for the Telemundo series Nitido—miraculously finds time in her schedule to be a strong advocate for animals. Having grown up spending a great deal of time on her grandmother’s farm, feeding the resident cows, chickens, pigs, horses, and donkeys, she was always an animal lover. When other girls her age were playing with dolls, Natalia wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by animals. “Even at a young age, I knew they were special to me. I also had this whole ugly duckling thing going and I recall how comforting it felt to be next to them.” Dogs, turtles, and fish resided in her own household, but she also treated her grandmother’s farm animals as beloved pets. She was amazed at the similarities between pigs and dogs. “[Pigs] respond to their names and like to play with toys. Not to mention the obsession with having their bellies rubbed.” Her activism truly began when she was introduced to the reality of factory farms and puppy mills when she moved to the United States. “It’s not to say that in my home country, Columbia, this doesn’t occur,” Villaveces concedes, “but it seems like it is on a massive scale here. The more I discovered, the more I wanted to know.” She watched documentaries such as Food, Inc. and Supersize Me and read books such as Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer and The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. What she learned “turned [Villaveces’] world upside down.” She expounds on this: “It has made me feel ashamed that I had been so blind to the very cruel truth. As a TV talent, I’ve participated in campaigns for fast food chains and other products that treat animals like inanimate objects, and it is a harsh reminder that turning profit comes at any expense—no matter how much suffering is involved. I refuse to be a part of that now. That’s why I scrutinize every meal I eat and product
I buy, because I know my purchasing decisions affect the welfare of countless animals.” Natalia is currently an active member of several animal welfare organizations, including PETA, for whom she’s recently proudly accepted their invitation to promote veganism; ASPCA; and Bernie Berlin’s rescue, A Place to Bark. Villaveces first saw a reference to Bernie Berlin’s work rescuing dogs from puppy mills about a year and a half ago in a tweet from The Humane Society. She immediately researched Bernie’s rescue operations by watching many online videos demonstrating the deplorable conditions forced upon the puppy mill dogs. “It immediately brought upon a great sadness that was quickly and powerfully overcome by a need to act and do something about it,” she says. She contacted Bernie, and the two have been close friends ever since. Though Natalia has a demanding schedule, she always finds time for the little puppy mill rescue dog of her own named Bella. She also finds time to positively affect the life of other animals in need. Whether it’s through using social media to get strays adopted or stopping traffic to prevent homeless pets from getting hit, Natalia tries to “have at least one victory a day.” Natalia describes her actions at this point as transcending motivation. Because animals can’t speak or stand up for themselves, she feels that she and others like her have the duty to be their voices and protectors.
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reported by Sasha Levine
More information about Natalia and her dedication to animal welfare visit: and you can friend her on Facebook at: Natalia Villaveces.
If you’ve even casually glanced through the pages of The American Dog Magazine before this moment, you are no doubt aware of the ever growing “No Kill” movement. The movement, which is largely decentralized but connected by a common dedication to improving the outlook for lost and homeless pets who enter animal shelters, is a policy-based, counterstatus-quo effort to dramatically reduce the unnecessary killing of healthy and treatable companion animals at animal shelters in the United States and beyond. It is a movement of compassion and commitment and a movement that rejects traditional—and largely mythical and disproved of—excuses for the
conditions and outlook that most animals face today at public and private shelters alike.
has expanded to add communities like Shelby County, Kentucky and Marquette County, Michigan.
Even though it is largely decentralized, the success of the movement has been rapid and measurable. Today, there are No Kill animal shelters, defined as open-admission shelters that save 90% or more of all impounded dogs and cats, in communities all across the United States. They exist in cities that are rich and poor, cities that are rural and urban, and cities in the Northern and Southern United States. They are communities like Charlottesville, Virginia; Tompkins County, New York; Reno, Nevada; and Hastings, Minnesota. More recently, the list
And, truth be told, there will very likely be new communities announced by the time you read this story; that’s how fast the landscape of America’s animal shelters is changing.
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One of the most exciting places in the No Kill movement is Central Texas, where two communities are nipping at the heels of No Kill success. Due to the extraordinary work of Executive Director Cheryl Schneider, along with her staff and the volunteers at the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter, the county directly to the
Saving Lives One Community at a Time! Abigail Smith (formerly of Tompkins County, New York), who is committed to No Kill and brings a proven track record of success to the city’s already exciting and fruitful efforts.
north of Austin, Texas, saved more than 90% of all impounded dogs and cats from the months of December 2010 to March 2011. In Austin, too, the municipal Town Lake Animal Shelter—which serves a county of 800,000 people and averages a shelter population of far more than 20,000 animals annually—has also saved approximately 90% of impounded dogs and cats during the same period. And more great things continue to be expected in Austin. A nonprofit and the largest private shelter in the city, Austin Pets Alive recently announced its intent to expand beyond the city’s borders. At the same time, the City of Austin has recently hired a new shelter director,
In addition to the communities that have achieved or are close to achieving No Kill status through leadership and programmatic implementation, there is also a growing effort to pass legislation to force old-guard, high-kill shelters to implement basic standards of decency and humane care (and, when applicable, humane euthanasia). The State of Delaware passed a version of the “Companion Animal Protection Act” in 2010, and similar legislation has been introduced in the Texas and Rhode Island legislatures. Although each is different in its details, these acts often seek to ban gas chambers in favor of more humane lethal injection, bar shelters from killing animals when 501(c)(3) rescue groups are ready and able to save them, end unethical breed-discrimination adoption policies at shelters, require shelters to publicly and honestly report their intake and outcomes data, and end the practice of “convenience killing” (i.e., killing healthy, adoptable animals while cage
space remains available). In other words, these acts aim to force shelters to do the things that most people think their shelters are already doing. As I’ve said before, we will end the horrific levels of systematic shelter killing that take place all over the United States today—roughly three to four million animals a year. It is not a matter of whether, but when. But the movement continues to need smart and compassionate Americans—like the readers of The American Dog Magazine—to join in and stand up for our nation’s sheltered animals. You can get started today by following the No Kill Advocacy Center and No Kill Nation on Facebook and by reading two incredibly important books in this movement: Redemption and Irreconcilable Differences by movementleader Nathan Winograd. The animals will thank you.
For more information please visit:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 67
Justice For Bella
By Jeff Daniels
What is a tipping point? In sociology, a tipping point is defined as an event in which a previously rare phenomenon becomes dramatically more common. In epidemiology, it is the concept that small changes will have little or no effect on a system until a critical mass is reached. Then a further small change “tips” the system and a large effect is observed. Simply put, a tipping point is about change. According to Malcolm Gladwell, change is marked by an “epidemic.”
What happened to Bella was tragic enough, but now she has become a symbol for something even bigger. This was not an isolated incident. We have an epidemic in this country: an epidemic of police shooting dogs, an epidemic of police unjustifiably killing our beloved family pets. Just Google the phrase “police shooting dogs,” and you will immediately be exposed to page after page of infuriating cases. Sadly, we learned about this epidemic the hard way—by losing our sevenyear-old daughter’s best friend, by losing Jaxson’s companion, by losing an ambassador to the breed, by losing a member of our family. But we did not stand by quietly and accept this injustice. We went to the animal control department the next day to get answers. That is when we captured the officer on tape admitting that she showed no aggression, and that he shot Bella after only twenty minutes on the scene because “he had other things to do.”
photo by Jeff Daniels
In Cabbarus County, North Carolina, we reached a tipping point. A year ago, our beloved Isabella Blue was unlawfully shot and killed by a sheriff ’s deputy working in animal control. Even though the officer admitted that she showed no aggression towards him, Bella was shot in the back as she ran away. He chased her in between two houses and gunned her down in front of neighbors and children.
And that is when we learned about another epidemic: the needless and inhumane killing of 80 percent of all incoming animals at our shelter. Our investigation uncovered a dirty little secret. Our animal control department is part of a status quo in the U.S. where four million companion animals are needlessly killed every year simply for being lost or temporarily homeless. But there is hope. We are approaching a critical mass, an increasingly more common phenomenon. All around the country, citizens are demanding change, and communities are taking killing off the table. And they are being rewarded with great results. No healthy or treatable animals are being killed in their shelters, officers are reuniting 65–85 percent of all lost animals with their families, and non-lethal methods of capture are the norm. The ugly truth is that there is an epidemic in our country, an epidemic of
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companion animals being killed in our shelters and on our streets. But the buck stops here. The change begins with us. We are the tipping point! If you don’t know what is happening at your shelter, ask questions. See whether they are following the No Kill Equation. If you do know that your shelter is killing (most shelters kill 50 percent or more of all incoming animals), and you know it is wrong and needs to change, then you are their best hope. The change begins with you! To see the video of the officer who shot Bella and to learn more about her story and our campaign for change, please visit:
To learn more about the No Kill Equation and how communities are saving over 90 percent of all animals in their shelters, please visit:
Ja x
Tamira Thayne Peaceful Dog Warrior By Tamira Thayne Founder of Dogs Deserve Better
photos courtesy of Dogs Deserve Better
Will the foster dogs of Dogs Deserve Better finally get good newz? Dogs Deserve Better, a nonprofit dedicated to ending the chaining of dogs and bringing man’s best friend into the home and family, has been actively rescuing, fostering, and rehoming chained dogs nationwide since its inception in 2002. After nine years, we estimate we’ve rescued approximately 3500 formerly chained or penned dogs. We’ve then fostered them in our own homes or in those of dedicated volunteers, and we’ve gotten the dogs inside the homes of loving families. But we’ve longed for a center of our own—a place where our dogs can call home, where they can learn to know love and not indifference, where they may live inside and not outdoors chained by the neck, and where
they may be part of a pack and not leading a solitary existence day and night. A November 2010 case in Allegany County, Maryland, brought home to me not only how amazing we rescuers can be when we all pull together, but also how much it is time for DDB to grow up and move on to a place of our own. Michelle Ingrodi, a Baltimore cat rescuer who was home for the Holidays, got wind of a horrendous situation: two dogs were trapped in an uninhabited, garbage-laden house, and another two dogs were living chained outside the house, underweight, worm-ridden, and crying out for attention. Her cell phone pics of the dogs’ plight quickly made Internet news. Dogs Deserve Better
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CSI Chief Marie Belanger led the charge for us, coordinating a Facebook plea, getting local media involved, and garnering hundreds of phone calls to the proper authorities demanding action for these poor neglected pups. When the dust settled we had a success on our hands. The property owner turned all four dogs over to the Allegany County Animal Control. Yay! The AC was willing to release the dogs to DDB, but we had to act fast; the shelter director was well known for euthanizing animals, and, without foster homes for the four dogs, we were forced to pull them out and put them into boarding. Well, if you know me, you know that I hate boarding—not because the people
Br odi e BEfore
Ba xton BEfore who own boarding kennels are bad people (they are generally loving and kind). It is because when we as an organization put dogs in boarding, the public perceives this to be a sign that the emergency is over, the dogs are safe, and that they can move on to the next big story. The rescuers are left holding the bag. We compile boarding bills daily that quickly add up to hundreds—even thousands—of dollars, with no foster homes in sight and dogs who are not getting the medical attention, housetraining, or socialization that is needed for them to find new homes. Such was the case with the four dogs Zoe, Jax, Brodie, and Baxton. Unable to find them foster homes, I ended up fostering all the dogs myself, except Jax, who was adopted directly from the boarding facility. First I brought Zoe and Baxton home, the two shyest pups,
Zoe BEfore
After because they needed more immediate socialization. Zoe, a gorgeous but oddly quiet Malamute mix, was the first to get a home. Her new mom has reported that she has since heard her first bark and is celebrating the finding of her voice. Brodie came next. The beautiful yellow mixed breed quickly found a home with a divorced military sergeant who was planning a full travel itinerary for himself and his new best friend. Baxton is still here with me. I call him Poppet because he’s so silly and, oddly enough, loves to pose for the camera. He’s still shy with most new people and not fond of kids, but he would come to trust the person or persons lucky enough to adopt him as a member of their family. Over the years, Dogs Deserve Better has been able to tuck away a little money here and there toward our rehab center for chained and penned dogs, and since February, we’ve been actively pursuing
purchasing and transforming Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennels into the DDB Good Newz Rehab Center for Chained and Penned Dogs. The idea of turning a place that was so harmful to dogs into a place of love and light for these beings is both compelling and empowering to us as dog lovers. Stay tuned to for the outcome or to become involved in our quest. We believe a loving center is on the horizon for the foster dogs of DDB. Hold on, babies. Good Newz is coming! It’s time.
For more information or to make a donation: Dogs Deserve Better PO Box 23 Tipton, PA 16684 877- 636-1408
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 71
DEVOTION photos by Darin Ashby
Devoted Volunteer and Foster Mama Saving Dogs from a Life on the End of a Chain! by Tamra Monahan
Dawn Ashby is passionately devoted to rescuing dogs chained up by neglectful owners who treat them as unloved pieces of property. Saving these dogs is her life’s work, a mission that began with one lonely puppy who was chained at the far end of a desolate backyard. Dawn witnessed the inhumane treatment of this Labrador mix-breed pup, and she was heartsick as she watched him grow up all alone in mud and feces. Year after year, the dog was chained outside, and when neighbors called animal control officials and the
police, they were told there were no existing laws to help him.
When his owner returned home, the dog never made a sound.
To ease the dog’s suffering, Dawn often gave him food and water. As he grew restless on the chain, he became more aggressive—but not toward Dawn, one of the few people who showed him compassion. Eventually, she was the only person who could approach him, and he even began to act as if he were her dog. Chained next to Dawn’s property, far away from his owner’s home, the dog would become excited when she pulled into her driveway.
An affectionate bond grew between the big, black dog and Dawn, who brought him lots of toys and bones. But one afternoon, Dawn realized she needed to do more for her canine friend when she saw something that unexpectedly proved to her that toys without companionship are meaningless. As a neighbor in an adjacent yard tossed a toy to his own dog, the black dog watched longingly through the chainlink fence, then rooted through
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DEVOTION his pile of playthings until he found the same toy. Dawn’s heart ached for the lonely dog who held the toy in his mouth, slowly wagging his tail as he stood on his circle of ground worn from years of pacing. When he tossed the toy into the air and caught it, Dawn knew that this dog understood. He understood that he wanted a family, he wanted to play, he didn’t want to be chained. He longed to be part of something, part of someone, and to live a life where people would toss a toy to him to fetch. “It would be a day that changed my life,” Dawn says. “I had to call someone. I needed to call someone who would help him. Sadly, there was no one to call. No one would help. In that same moment yet another truth presented itself to me. I am someone. I am that someone who can help.” Dawn searched the Internet and found Dogs Deserve Better, an organization created by Tamira Ci Thayne that works to save chained and penned-up dogs, enact laws against chaining dogs, and promote a world where dogs are free from the shackles of chains. As soon as Dawn discovered that she was not alone in her fight for dogs’ rights, she immediately volunteered for Dogs Deserve Better and has fostered hundreds upon hundreds of backyard rescues in her home. “I’ve seen laws change, I’ve watched as other organizations joined in the fight, I’ve witnessed Tami struggle as her compassion and dedication to DDB opened her to adversity with finances, family, friends, enemies, the courts. I’ve observed her growing strength, I’ve made an amazing friend in her and I love her dearly,” she says.
Dawn’s devotion to saving animals from the cruelty of humans began with an act of kindness by her older brother. When he saw a man beating a young Doberman and shouting that the dog was too stupid to be taught, her brother offered the man twice what he paid for the dog, and the man took it. That night, Dawn came home and found a skinny red Doberman hiding behind the family’s living room chair. Her heart melted, and she was thrilled when her brother told her she had the job of caring for their new dog and teaching her not to be afraid through love and kindness. This job planted a seed in Dawn, a seed that would grow into a desire to help dogs who have been abused and neglected by their owners.
enough people know me, and I have become a trusted ally.”
“I’ve volunteered for many rescues,” she says. “A couple of my favorites have been United Animal Nations and Illinois Dalmatian Rescue, but Dogs Deserve Better will always remain closest to my heart. I can’t imagine a time I won’t be volunteering for DDB. I also drive transports for many other rescues and individuals pulling pound animals from death row and getting them to safety. Much of the time I’m not really sure which rescue I’m volunteering with when I answer a call for help. Fortunately
Dawn is always fostering a dog or two, and she encourages other people to get involved in fostering rescued dogs because the need is greater than the resources available. Dogs Deserve Better is constantly looking for quality foster families who can provide love, some training, and a place to stay until a forever home is found.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” The day Dawn Ashby decided to break her silence was the day her life changed forever. “You and me…our lives begin the day we break our silence about things that matter. The lives of chained and penned backyard dogs will begin when they cease to exist as pieces of unwanted, unloved, forgotten property and become valued as part of a family. This will only happen because of us, because of you and me. Together we will end this suffering that has been an accepted norm of our society for far too long.”
For more information or to make a donation:
“I’m indebted to Dogs Deserve Better and Tamira Ci Thayne. I owe my life to a 24/7-chained, skinny mixed-breed, forgotten backyard dog,” Dawn says. “He helped me find my voice, my purpose; he changed me from a silent citizen to an outgoing advocate. I will never feel small, insignificant, or silent again. I am someone making a difference.”
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 73
It’s Your Turn!
A true story of despair and rejection turned into happiness and love! By Ashley Owen Hill, Founder/President of Lucky Dog Rescue
I see a dog, and my heart breaks into a million tiny pieces that fall at my feet as teardrops. The dog is skin and bones, and his spirit is completely shattered. The dog has been beaten, tortured, and starved. The dog has been subjected to the bone-chilling cold, the scorching heat. The dog knows all too well the feeling of hunger, pain, and suffering. This dog has lived his entire existence on a 3-foot chain, never having heard the words “good boy” nor been touched by a caring hand. He was never free to run or play nor able to escape the abuse. This dog has been beaten every single day, for as long as he can remember. This dog has lived his entire life in a state of sheer terror—never knowing when the next blow would come or what would trigger the next beating. This dog watched as his family packed up all of their belongings and moved away without him. This dog waited for weeks on a chain for them to return for
him. They would never return for him. This dog waited, with hopes, dreams, and love, he waited. This dog ends up at the pound, where he is immediately placed on death row. He is again restricted from running and playing, this time by a cage. He is again terrified for his life, as he should be—he doesn’t have much time. This dog waits as, day after day, no one stops at his cage. He sees the children run to the cages containing cute little puppies, and then watches as the pups leave with their new families. He sees a family pass him by, to visit the dog in the next cage. At first, he thinks they will stop for him, and he goes to greet them, tail wagging. As the people play with the neighboring dog, this dog sits, watching, waiting, longing for his turn. And then, he watches as the other dog joyfully prances past him, on her way to a new home. For days, this boy gets up to greet every family that comes past his cage.
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He waits eagerly by the gate for his turn to show that he’s special. But no one ever stops for him. Eventually, he stops getting up. Day after day, this dog waits. He sees the others, one by one, heading out the door, but it’s never his turn. He watches each person pass him by, but he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t know that his emaciated frame makes others look away. He doesn’t know that his eyes don’t shine due to the years of torture. He doesn’t know that his coat is dull from improper care or that he smells because he’s never had a bath. He doesn’t know he is of a breed that doesn’t stand a chance and he is of a color that is all too common. He just knows that he wants to go home, and he is beginning to understand that it will never happen for him. And so he waits with shattered hopes, dreams, and love. He waits to die. On the day his time runs out, I arrive for him. As I approach his cage, he doesn’t
photos courtesy of Lucky Dog Rescue
even lift his head. What’s the use? No one is here for me. No one wants me. Why doesn’t anyone want me? When I stop at his kennel, he barely looks up at me. He is certain that I couldn’t be there for him. No one has ever been there for him.
So, I bend down. I gently touch his head, and I say, “It’s your turn, buddy. Let’s break outta this joint.” As I loop the leash around his head, his tail slowly begins to wag. He follows me, timidly, with uncertainty of where I will lead him.
I look into his cage. I see a dog, and my heart breaks into a million tiny pieces that fall at my feet as teardrops. I see a soul so wounded, so broken, that he has given up all hope.
On death row, you walk one way to die, and the other way to live. He and I head down the path of the living.
On this day, I am there for no other reason than to save his life. I know that I am there to take him, but he doesn’t know that. He waits for me to keep walking on to the next dog, but I’m not going anywhere without him. I open the gate, and say, “Come on, buddy. Let’s go home.” He has no idea what this means. He is unsure, afraid, and heartbroken. For days, he has waited for someone to come for him, and no one ever did. Now, he is waiting to die. He assumes that’s why I’m here.
And I watch the smile spread across his face, as we step out into the sunlight.… This dog was my Rudy. The dog who would eventually steal my heart more than any other pup I have ever known. This dog was the most special boy that ever lived, and he had been sitting on death row, waiting to die. Until that day, Rudy had only known abuse and heartbreak. From that moment on, he never knew pain again. Rudy’s time with me was so full of happiness, that he never stopped
smiling. Every day, he thanked me, with a love so powerful, it will stay with me forever. On July 8, 2010, Rudy died of a sudden, unexpected heart attack. It was the worst day of my life. But on that day, I stood over Rudy’s lifeless body, and I didn’t see a dog. I saw my son. I saw my child, my heart, my life. I saw a once-forgotten soul, who will be remembered forever. I saw the reason for everything I am, and everything I do. I saw a boy who didn’t die in the pound, but rather lived in my heart. And so, on every trip to the pound, I look for him. Another Rudy is waiting to die. Another broken spirit has given up. Another lost soul will become yet another statistic, unless we save them.
For more stories from columnist Ashley Owen Hill please visit:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 75
Working Dogs
A New Breed of Ranch Hand
b y Ta m r a M o n a h a n
Wyoming rancher Juan Reyes’ cattle are no match for his herding Border Collies.
Herding cattle and sheep has changed from the days of cowboys roaming the prairie on horseback. Nowadays, many ranchers have traded their horses and lassos for ATVs and whistles because they discovered the best ranch hands aren’t cowboys. They’re cow dogs. For hundreds of years, Border Collies have been used to herd livestock, but American ranchers were reluctant to use them because they didn’t understand the advantages of dogs versus those of cowboys. After all, how can a few dogs move a huge herd of cattle or sheep across a vast wilderness? But with training —mostly for the humans—herding dogs can outperform cowboys at a lower cost and with higher dependability.
Juan Reyes, a cattle rancher in Wheatland, Wyoming, says that using one horse and three dogs to work 600 head of cattle is cheaper and more efficient than using cowboys. One dog can do the work of three cowboys, because a good herding dog moves quicker and is more agile than a rider on a horse. The same is true for herding sheep. Every summer, Pete Meike of Kaycee, Wyoming moves about 3,000 sheep 50 miles to the Bighorn Mountains. And every autumn, he moves them back to his ranch—each time without using trucks. Pete, along with his trusty Border Collies and a few ranch hands, transports sheep the old-fashioned way: they walk. With one person in front flagging for traffic and another in the
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photos by Tamra Monahan
back working with the dogs, Pete and his crew move the sheep at a fraction of the cost of using trucks and trailers. But without a pack of good herding dogs, this would not be possible. According to Pete, two or three dogs do the work of a team of humans, and anyone who tries to walk sheep 50 miles would be in “awful sad shape without a good dog.” Ace is one of Pete’s best dogs on the trail because this Border Collie knows instinctively how to keep sheep together, moving in the same direction. Without prompting from Pete or anyone else, Ace manages the sheep, watching constantly for strays who wander from the herd. Frequently, a lamb will
Working Dogs
Red, a Border Collie owned by Juan Reyes of Wheatland, Wyoming, loves to mix it up with cattle.
wiggle through a barbed wire fence to get to greener pastures, but Ace is quick to gently prod the baby back through the fence to rejoin the herd. When Ace is working, Pete’s job is much easier. The best herding dogs try not to bite or bark when working with cattle and sheep to avoid startling the animals. A powerful presence and imposing body language do more to move the herd than bites and barks. Much of a herding dog’s power comes from his eyes and posture—eyes focused, head down, body crouched in a predatory stance. By resembling a predator lurking around the flanks of the herd, Border Collies send a message to the sheep and cattle: obey or else. “The idea of a predator is already in livestock, so if the dogs are trained properly and they’re handling the stock quietly, you don’t need all that biting and barking, and you won’t have mishandling of the livestock,” says Lisa Cunningham, who also uses Border Collies to handle sheep and cattle on her Wyoming ranch. “They have a lot of power to intimidate livestock with just a look and their body movements.” Not all Border Collie puppies are cut out for the life of a ranch hand. Experienced dog handlers like Juan and Pete look for the herding instinct from the moment a dog is born, and only those with a natural predilection for herding make the team. “If they have an intense herding instinct as a pup, that’s a very important part of
what I’m looking for,” Juan says. “If they have that instinct, then we can teach them to do the job we want them to do.” Training for most herding dogs begins at around eight months. The desire to herd is innate, but the dogs must get accustomed to being in close quarters with larger animals, especially cows and their deadly hooves. At Juan’s ranch, the puppies are introduced to a group of cows to see how they interact. If the pup is too shy or scared, he’ll need more work or he might not make it as a four-legged ranch hand. However, if the pup’s drive to herd and move the cows overpowers his fear, then he’s sure to become part of ranch’s canine crew. When it comes to herding cattle and sheep, ranchers are smart, but their dogs are smarter. The knowledge of herding by using side-to-side sweeps, circling around, cutting in close, and making eye contact is instinctive in good working Border Collies. All the handler has to do is teach the dogs words or whistle commands for each maneuver. Control of the dogs is achieved with using either voice or, more often, whistle commands. The rancher knows where he wants his livestock to go, but it is nearly impossible for one man to move a herd of sheep or cows. However, one rancher and a set of good dogs can get the job done. Though herding comes naturally to Border Collies, these dogs have to go beyond instinct and think for themselves when they’re on the job. Grazing cattle and sheep roam across within thousands of acres, so dogs must
gather livestock from miles away. Isolated from the rancher, herding dogs must learn to make decisions on their own to collect and move the animals. Then, when the dogs return to the rancher’s view, they once again take commands from him to guide the livestock into place. The best herding dogs are hardwired to herd sheep and cattle, a career for which they were destined. Nothing makes them happier than to be outside working livestock with their owners. Running through golden prairie grass with the sun on their backs, the wind in their faces, and the smell of cattle and sheep filling their nostrils is heaven on earth for these Border Collies. Ranch life is good.
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 77
AutHoR oF:
reported By SaSha Levine
Discrimination is still legal in this country. And according to Blair Boucher, breed-specific legislation (BSL) is widely accepted by many areas. Boucher explains, “One fact that I think many people fail to acknowledge—and that Pit Bulls: Villains or Victims? drives home—is that both the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have long warned against breed-specific legislation.” She goes on to call BSL an irresponsible approach that will not create safer communities. Further, Boucher says that standing up against the severe abuse of Pit Bulls and taking a rational and humane approach to safer communities were her motivations for writing this book. She discusses how history has shown us two things about the type of unfair labeling that BSL incorporates: 1) When society applies terms such as “dangerous,” “violent,” and “vicious” as descriptors for any dog breed, that breed becomes popular to substandard owners as status symbols. 2) Abusive owners who cannot find the banned
breed will simply obtain a new dog of a different breed to abuse and neglect. Either way, the result will be the same: a vicious dog, no matter the breed. Blair wants readers to understand that though these dogs are not the first breed to suffer from unwarranted attacks, Pit Bulls and Pit Bull-type dogs have long been subjected to rampant prejudice and extreme violence. “To ignore, tolerate, or champion this abuse by blaming the victims is unproductive and ethically wrong.” Hoping to put an end to this cycle, Boucher advocates the need to effectively address the human behavior responsible for abnormal canine aggression. And here is where the second theme of her book, responsible dog guardianship, shines through. Boucher not only wants to educate the public about sufficiently supplying their dogs with a healthy environment, she also aims to promote stiff penalties for abusing animals and endangering community safety. “One of the first steps in tailoring laws that protect animals, children, and communities as a whole is to more clearly define animal abuse in a uniform,
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
universal manner.” She advises anyone who sees animal abuse to report it immediately. Investigations into animal cruelty will often reveal additional crimes, such as domestic violence or child neglect. “Humane education programs,” Boucher says, “create empathy, build character and self-respect, promote creativity, and develop critical thinking skills. Dog bite prevention programs are also an essential component of the education process. Children especially need to understand how to appropriately interact with dogs, no matter the breed or size.” More information may be found through organizations such as the Latham Foundation, Pit Bull Rescue Central, the American Humane Association, and the A.S.P.C.A. Even though the situation may be desperate, Blair does not give up hope. She deduces that because hatred and prejudice are often borne of fear and ignorance, education is always the best place to start.
to purchase this book please visit: dog-breeds-m-z/pit/
NON PROFIT photo by Brenna Ewing
TEACHING For Animals Children Compassion
By B r enna Ew in g , H u m a ne E duc at io n M a n a g e r,S a n ta Cru z SPCA
The first time I walked into an elementary school classroom, with my teaching partner Lupita, I was extremely nervous. Lupita, on the other hand, was totally at ease and ready to provide the kids with a really good story. When the kids first saw Lupita their expressions showed a mix of interest, excitement, and concern. They were concerned because Lupita is missing one of her
legs; although, it doesn’t seem to affect her confidence. She is always ready to share with the children how losing a leg hasn’t slowed her down at all. So the concern on the children’s faces usually melts away once they see how happy and enthusiastic Lupita is. You see, Lupita is a three-legged Chihuahua who was rescued from the streets of Juarez, Mexico. She visits many classrooms
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with me to teach children not only about dog safety and caring for animals but also about how being “different” is perfectly okay. These kinds of character lessons are included in of all my presentations so that, even though they may be generally about animals, they are easily relatable to people or even the environment. The
NON PROFIT kids can understand that Lupita has three legs because of people’s neglect. No one provided care for her canine family. Her mother, a stray dog in Juarez, was afflicted with Distemper while she was carrying Lupita. This caused Lupita to be born with a birth defect that left one of her front legs unusable. Before she found her forever home, she would drag her leg on the streets, unable to move it or feel it. Luckily, she was rescued and a veterinarian removed her leg so that she could move around more easily. This surgery happened when she was still a puppy so she has lived most of her life with just three legs. Lupita’s story is a common one heard in shelters and rescues, but in the classroom it seems entirely new and fascinating to the kids. I find that telling an animal’s individual story, such as Lupita’s, is often the best way for children to understand the important part we play in our pets’ lives. Another story that I tell to pre-K through first grade children is Buddy Unchained by Daisy Bix. Buddy is a dog who is neglected by his family and abused by the neighborhood children until he is rescued by a shelter. He is then placed into a new forever home with a caring family. I love this story because it is told from Buddy’s perspective, or what we believe Buddy’s
photo by Jeff Ewing
perspective might be in his situation. Even though people are to blame for his unhappy circumstances, he doesn’t understand why such bad things have happened to him. Thus, when a new family comes looking for him he jumps into their arms and their lives without a second thought—forgetting all about the past. And when the second family fulfills his basic needs, he is happy. I explain to the children that our companions look to us to provide them with what they need; therefore, we can directly affect how happy or unhappy the animals become. Providing for their needs is not unlike the way the parents or caregivers do for dependent children. The students and I talk about the things that our animals need from us, and they soon realize that those things are not at all different from what they need themselves. I ask the children how they like to feel. They usually respond, “Happy.” Then I remind them of a simple tenet I learned when I was a child: Treat others as you like to be treated. I tell them that this is true for all living things and is an easy way to remember how to treat animals. My hope is that I will help this next generation to view their pets as family members who deserve to have their needs met just as much as any other member of the family.
All of the children I meet love to talk about and hear about animals. Before Lupita and I leave, they want to tell us all about their own animals and how they take care of them. Or they want to hear more about Lupita or the animals that are currently looking for homes at my shelter, the Santa Cruz SPCA. We have piqued their interest, which I hope will keep them thinking about animals and the things they have learned today. Now, when I go onto school campuses with Lupita, I often hear her name being shouted excitedly from across the schoolyard by children who have met her before, maybe even as long as a year ago. It always makes me feel good to know that we are getting through to them as they remember Lupita and her story. Maybe this is the shift in human-animal interactions that I am starting to see in these children, which may someday put me out of a job. Well, a girl can dream can’t she?
For more information: Santa Cruz SPCA 2685 Chanticleer Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95065 (831) 465-5000
photo by Brenna Ewing
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 81
AMAZING DOG! photos by Richard Mandel
STACEY MAE MOUNTAIN— Dedicating Her Life to Helping Others via Her Teddy Bear Project! Reported by Tamra Monahan
Stacey Mae Mountain has a talent for making people smile. Using a combination of teddy bears and TLC, this lovable Greater Swiss Mountain Dog delivers joy to patients in nursing homes and hospitals in Canon City, Colorado. When she was two years old, Stacey Mae’s owner Richard Mandel began taking her to a nursing home, and she became an instant hit with the nurses and patients. This caring canine, who now visits there twice a week, has become an integral part of the nursing home, and she loves the attention and affection she receives from everyone. “It was great to see people’s faces light up as they got a visit from Stacey,” Richard says. “Some people like holding her leash in their hands and keeping her close to them.” Stacey Mae’s visits are wonderful, but her owner thought it would be a great idea
to give the nursing home patients something to hug when the cuddly canine was not around. If you can’t hug a dog, the second best thing is a soft teddy bear. So, Richard and his daughter Maria began the Teddy Bear Project. During the 2010 Christmas season, Stacey Mae delivered teddy bears to nursing home patients and to the St. Thomas Moore Hospital where Paula Sheagley passed them out to children. Stacey Mae and her teddies brightened the holidays for young and old patients who needed a dose of love. “When we went to the nursing homes, we would rub the teddy bears against some of their faces so they could feel the softness, and they loved it,” Richard says. “When we handed one guy a teddy bear and a little blanket, he looked at us and said ‘I am going to cry, this is very nice. Merry Christmas.’ It is amazing how one little teddy bear could have such an impact on someone’s life.”
The huge success of this project has inspired the Mandels to collect and distribute even more teddy bears, and they’ve discovered people all over the world who want to help. This year, they hope to collect and deliver 100 stuffed bears, and their goal is to have the Teddy Bear Project become a yearly event, changing the lives of people by way of a remarkable dog and a bunch of bears. “It really has been amazing working on the Teddy Bear Project,” Maria says. “Watching people from all around the world coming together to help Stacey Mae deliver joy is great.” An amazing dog, a soft bear, and lots of love are making the world a better place one teddy bear at a time.
For more information:
Become a fan on Facebook at: “Stacey Mae” or email:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 83
EMMA ZEN CHIAPUZIO Is Raising Money to Buy Pet Oxygen Masks!
photos by Debra Jo Chiapuzio
By Debra Jo Chiapuzio (Emma’s mom)
There’s a lot of talk these days about pet oxygen masks. What are they? Who are they for? Why are they needed? How can I help? To answer all your questions, let me introduce you to Emma Zen, Canine Ambassador for Biker Dogs® and SpokesDog for TEAM O2™. Emma is a Labrador/Great Dane mix who survived the 2007 Santiago Canyon fires of Orange County, California. She ended up homeless at the shelter, and I adopted her when she was four months old. I never could have imagined the life we now live. Emma Zen hit the doggie trail hard and it didn’t take long to find out that she had a purpose. She is trained for service, therapy, and stage and film, but her favorite role is that of a volunteer. Motivated with the desire to help others, Emma Zen the fundraiser was born, and she became a dog with a cause. Her conquest: to provide pet oxygen masks to as many first response units as possible. What are pet oxygen masks? They are specifically designed cone-shaped oxygen masks that fit the muzzles and
snouts of canines, felines, and other household pets. Far too many pets die each year from smoke inhalation and other breathing difficulties. By getting the right equipment into the right hands, we are hoping to increase the number of survivors. Whose hands should they be in? The oxygen mask kits are for first responders—fire fighters, emergency medical services, search and rescue teams, USDA Forest Services, and other emergency responders who are typically first on the scene. These kits are intended to be carried on their trucks, fire engines, and other frontline vehicles. Why are supplies needed? The more I have gotten involved in this endeavor, the more I have discovered that many, though no where near all, stations do carry them. When I do find them in a station, I typically find only one set of oxygen masks and four frontline vehicles. There is a lot of room for new placement. How can you help? You can spread the word! Awareness is an important role. Tell a friend, send an email
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and pass this article on to everyone you know. Hold a fundraiser in your city, and we will purchase the kits with your contributions and send them to your local fire department. Provide a financial gift at, and we will get the kits out to other communities as well. It really is that simple. Together we can make a difference. So far, TEAM O2 has placed 25 kits into circulation. We invite you to visit our website to view the recipients, find product information, and obtain a list of assistance options. We deliver in person whenever possible, and we always offer the equipment in the names of those who helped sponsor the station. One of the successes that gave us great pride was a street fair in Monrovia, California, where a dollar at a time from the public eventually provided enough funds for all of the frontline vehicles in the city— all four of them. Proof that every dollar does count!
For more information: Please visit
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Kelly L. Mayer Design The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
Pet Photographers!
Tamandra Micheal has had a life-long passion for animals—dogs, in particular. The deep connection began early; dogs offered unconditional love and acceptance, which became a refuge that helped her through growing up with a disability. Animals inspired her to create art, and for many years she was content to paint dogs until she bought a professional camera for reference images. A new creative outlet and career path was born. Her work concentrates on capturing each dog’s beauty and spirit. Her portraits are simply about love, as her tagline says, “every dog is a work of heart.” Visit
Abe Ortiz love of photographing special moments began in his youth with a simple Kodak instant camera given to him by his Grandfather. After refining his technical photography skills, Abe continued to fulfill his creative drive as a hobbyist shooting 35mm film and, ultimately, made the conversion to digital photography as a professional. As a pet photographer, he has an ability to make pets feel at ease which enables him to showcase the pet’s most beautiful, special and unique qualities and personality. Visit
Carol DiMaggio Vicarra first became interested in photography after getting her family’s first Goldendoodle. Then photographing pets developed into one of her strongest passions. Carol is a self-taught photographer who has been shooting pets for six years now. Being an at-home mom has allowed her the luxury of having enough time to do what she loves most: capturing her pets in their most natural poses—creating funny works with goofy looks or simply overall beautiful portraits. To see more of Carol’s work visit
86 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Pet Photographers!
Heather Green is a photographer whose specialty is capturing the unconditional love between people and their pets. Her soulful, glamorous portraits are in demand from New York City to Aspen to Los Angeles. Viewed through Heather’s lens, every one of her subjects—famous or anonymous, four- or two-footed—has the appearance of a pampered celebrity. To view her work and to book a portrait sitting, visit
Joseph Frasciello began taking pictures as a hobby some 13 years ago photographing his own dogs and also taking photos of friends’ dogs and giving them prints as gifts. What started out as recreation has turned into a life’s passion. Shortly thereafter, when he began taking photographs at a local shelter, he soon found that people fell in love with the dogs just from seeing their photographs on the Web site. He actually helped find the shelter dogs a home and even saved their lives. For more info, visit
Lisa Scarsi started concentrating on photography as a business in the late 90s. It was only a matter of time until she mixed business with pleasure and started doing pet portraits. Lisa likes to capture the essence and personality of every dog, cat, or horse she photographs. With each photo session, art is created and family heirlooms are made. Lisa balances out her efforts by doing a good amount of pro bono work for local rescues and charitable causes. To see more of her work, go to
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 87
ENTREPRENEUR photos by Jaime Rowe Photography
Founder of Happy Tails Books
Reported by Sasha Levine
Kyla Duffy teaches sales management classes at University of Colorado Leeds School of Business. She is also a member of the Imperial Flyers, a flying trapeze and circus arts club. It seems that whatever Kyla sets out to do, she accomplishes. And underprivileged canines are lucky in this because she has recently combined her talents to actively advocate for dogs in need. What seems like a strange combination of talents has proved to be quite a valuable asset. Duffy’s in-depth understanding of both sales and storytelling have helped her to create Happy Tails Books (, a publishing company that donates at least 25% of its net profit to more than 225 rescues nationwide. Her aptitudes for business and teaching have also buoyed her abilities to direct a 501c3 nonprofit educational organization called Up for Pups ( But it’s Kyla’s gift of being a true entertainer that really captures the public’s attention when she travels the country performing the Don’t Kill Bill advocacy show. “My passion for animal welfare is fairly recent,” she admits, “as I had no idea about the suffering going on in the
dog breeding industry. Three years ago, I was simply a person who wanted a dog…. I knew I wanted a Boston Terrier—I think I had seen one on TV and just thought that if I had one in my home, I’d never stop laughing. I found MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue [through] and contacted them about a dog. My husband didn’t really want us to have a dog, so I talked with him about fostering. The volunteer’s exact words were ‘Honey, if your husband doesn’t want a dog, he definitely doesn’t want to foster. You never know what you’re gonna get.’ Two weeks later, we had our first foster dog.” One foster dog in particular, Bill, had a lasting impact on them. He had spent his first two years of his life in a chickenwire cage as a puppy mill breeding dog. He was their second foster, and their only “foster failure” in 42 foster dogs-to-date. After having Bill with them for only an hour, he escaped and got lost in the woods! He was found three weeks later and seven pounds lighter by some kind-hearted people who happened to be walking adjacent to Bill’s gourmet dinner of carcass. “He had a gash so deep in his arm that we could see the muscle. Needless to say,
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during the rehabilitation process, which truly took years, we decided to keep him.” Three years later, the Duffys still adore their quirky Boston. Bill inspired Kyla to educate more people about how great rescued dogs really are and how life-changing volunteering with rescues can be for both dogs and humans. “One day I woke up with the idea for Happy Tails Books. I thought I could publish books full of stories from foster and forever parents, highlighting life with rescued dogs.” Bill was also the muse for the Don’t Kill Bill show, a theater experience that advocates rescue volunteering and adoption. It consists of two aerial fabric acts and eleven multimedia stories about adopted dogs. “It’s not about the sad faces on the ASPCA TV commercials. It’s about hope—a hope born of an outpouring of support for the efforts of those who are working to create change. If we each just inspire a few people to adopt or at least visit breeders before getting a dog, we can stop the suffering.”
For more information please visit:
BellaDOG Magazine’s 3rd Annual
PET EXTRAVAGANZA Saturday, November 5th, 2011 9:00AM - 6:00PM
4800 Highway 301 North, Tampa, Florida 33610
DON’T MISS THIS ONE! INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER TRADE SHOW FOR THE PUBLIC FEAT URING: The Latest & Greatest Pet Products and Services for a Shop til you Drop Great Time! FREE Gift Bags, Florida Weiner Dog Races, Pug Parade, Giant KID Zone, Cool Pet Tricks, Educational Seminars, Fur Ball Fashion Show, Johnny Peers and the Muttville Comix Show, Face Painters, Artists, Q & A’s with Veterinarians and Trainers, Silent Auctions, Exciting Raffle items to win including Weekend Beach Giveaways, and Pet Training Sessions, Tons of FREE Product Samples, Live Entertainment, Concessions with Full Bar, and So Much More! Tickets: $5.00, Kids 10 and Under Get in Free! Leashed Pets Welcome For Exhibitor & Sponsorship Information Call Scott at 727-215-9444 Visit Us Online at or email questions to
w w w. B e l l a D O G m a g a z i n e . c o m The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 89
BUSINESS PROFILE photo courtesy of Pet Kiss Inc
PET KISS INC Helping Pets Live Healthier, Happier Lives! The American Dog reports
Pet Kiss Inc., committed to helping pets have healthier and happier lives, was founded in 1995 by animal lover Orlando Miguel. Because many dogs and cats were forced to endure poor quality—and often dangerous—ingredients in pet care products, Orlando had a vision to enhance the world of pet care by developing all-natural products that are safer and healthier. Nowadays, people can find Pet Kiss products, ranging from oral hygiene to food supplements to delicious dog treats, at veterinary clinics, pet stores, grooming shops, health food stores, catalog companies, and online. Best known for its easy-to-use pet dental products, Pet Kiss delivers convenient oral hygiene to fight Fido’s plaque and tartar, whiten teeth, and freshen doggie breath without brushing.
did, because the family dog with the horrible hound breath was getting lonely. “Everyone I knew was complaining about their dog’s breath,” he explains. “This is a problem because people are reluctant to get close to their dogs when they have terrible breath. Then the pets don’t get the love and attention they need.” Good oral hygiene plays a critical role in cats’ and dogs’ overall health, and Orlando’s team discovered some unsettling facts after several months of research: approximately 80% of dogs and 70% of cats showed signs of oral disease by the young age of three! “So I developed a simple solution,” he says. Just add a capful of Pet Kiss Plaque and Tartar Control in your pet’s water once daily. This is the safe and effective method applied by Pet Kiss customers for over a decade.
to Orlando, the unsightly staining around a dog’s eyes can be gently removed without the use of bleaches, peroxides, or any antibiotics, which are present in many anti-stain products. “Simply wipe around the dog’s eyes followed by a spray in his food each day,” he says. “[This] will help remove unwanted tears stains from the inside out.”
“Dogs can’t brush their teeth,” Orlando says, “and owners usually won’t do it, so I created Pet Kiss Natural Breath Freshener.” Thank goodness Orlando
One of Pet Kiss’s newest products is Crybaby, an all-natural solution formulated to remove the infamous tear stains common in many dog breeds. According
For more information:
From nose to tail, Pet Kiss wants every pet to have the best health possible in the most natural way available. Orlando started his company in 1995 by using natural ingredients. Now, sixteen years later, Pet Kiss is still devoted to its core principles. “Pet Kiss will continue developing superior products to help pets achieve their best overall health. Healthy pets, happy people—naturally!”
Visit or call 1-800-684-2600
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 91
Canine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group Dedicated to enhancing or improving a dog’s life through exercise, recreation, and rehabilitation! The American Dog reports
It started as a glimmer in a Yellow Lab’s eyes and continues as an evolving adventure with three business locations! The idea for Canine Rehabilitation and Conditioning Group (CRCG) started with Indy, a Yellow Lab who loved to swim. There were few clean and safe places in the Denver metro area to let her swim, and certainly nothing indoors. After Indy passed away from bone cancer, Clark came along and subsequently developed a shoulder problem. Not wanting to do surgery, her owner sought other options and was able to successfully rehabilitate Clark’s shoulder. Thus the CRCG business concept came to fruition. Clark’s owner, Lori Beuerle, opened CRCG in 2005 with business partner and physical therapist Marty Pease. Fun. Exercise. Rehab. Chances are, your dog could stand any combination of the three. Swimming might be just the thing for your four-legged friend, and Canine Rehabilitation and Conditioning Group, LLC (CRCG) is the place. Just as for humans, non-weight bearing exercise is great for keeping healthy dogs healthy and returning injured dogs to a life of activity.
CRCG offers recreational services for healthy dogs and rehabilitation services for any dog who has an orthopedic issue. In the rehabilitation arena, their certified therapists (licensed physical therapists and licensed veterinarians) provide therapy for post-injury or surgery. Lori explains, “We use underwater treadmills, endless pools, and other physical therapy modalities to aid recovery. We can also assist with other orthopedic conditions, as well as neuromuscular, age, weight management and other physical problems or impairments.” CRCG’s newest facility (opened June 2010) in Broomfield, Colorado, boasts an indoor Dock Dogs regulation pool. Rocky Mountain Dock Dogs, a group that uses the CRCG facility to practice and host regular club meetings, states, “Lori Beuerle and the CRCG Facility in Broomfield have been an integral part of taking the Rocky Mountain Dock Dogs Club to the next level. This was largely due to Lori’s diligence in crafting a pool to the Dock Dogs specifications and the ability for our handlers and dog athletes to be able to practice in a ‘real competition’ dock and pool. It also pro-
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vides a place for our members to gather together besides actual events in a more laid back and relaxed atmosphere.” Additionally, Rocky Mountain Dock Dogs says, “The indoor facility provides us with a unique advantage that our club can offer year round practices, keeping the membership base growing and experienced dogs in top condition. CRCG also supplements our club with an incredible classroom offering with AV equipment to provide in-depth clinics, giving advantages to our members by taking a deeper dive into the techniques of the sport. They offer other conditioning advice, supplements and retail products many club members utilize for keeping the dog athletes at the top of their game.” CRCG offers business consulting services about how you can open a facility in your area.
For more information: Canine Rehabilitation & Conditioning Group 3760 S. Lipan Englewood, CO 80110 (303) 762-7946
"Overall, this is the best dog training video I've seen. Yes, better than the Monks of New Skete, or any pop culture TV show on Animal Planet. These folks really care and are sincere about helping people create a true and long lasting relationship with their dogs. Highly recommended to all dog owners!" ~Amazon review
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 93
Evanger’s Dog and Cat Food Company
As natural as it gets!
The American Dog reports
What are you feeding your dog? Byproducts, additives, and preservatives lace the ingredients of most dog foods on the market shelves. Now, when dogs are more than ever considered part of the family, why would anyone choose low-quality food to sustain them? Holly and Joel Sher, the owners of Evanger’s since 2002, can only think of reasons why people should feed the family dog food made of the highest-quality, most wholesome, and nutritious ingredients. “Many people today cook for their pets,” says Holly Sher, “and we believe that using human-grade meats is essential to keeping our pets happy and increasing their longevity.” Evanger’s, a company that was started in 1935 by Fred Evanger, has always been devoted to canine health. “[Evanger] started making his own pet food for his champion Great Danes in the 1930s because he was not satisfied with the commercial pet foods that were available to him at the time…. We strive every day to maintain Fred Evanger’s commitment to quality and quest to keep pets healthy and happy.” Evanger’s is the only privately held and family-owned canned pet food manufacturer in the country. In fact, the Shers say that all of their ingredients are sourced from the United States, with the exception of some New Zealand
photo courtesy of Evanger’s Dog Food
lamb meats that must be imported because it is required for their overseas business. Not only that, but nearly 70% of their raw materials are sourced locally in the Chicagoland area. “Our company-owned refrigerated truck picks up the raw materials from our local suppliers on a daily basis to be used in our pet food production within 24 hours of reception,” explains Holly. That means the faster they get the ingredients canned, the fresher it will be for the dogs at home. And the dogs at the Sher home will not eat anything less. “Of course they eat our products! They formulate our products,” says Holly. Lilly, their Siberian Husky, and Yukon, their SamoyedChow mix, were the reasons they invented Hunk of Beef, which is Evanger’s best-selling product today. Since Yukon was a puppy, the Shers had difficulty getting him to eat. Then they developed Hunk of Beef, which is a large piece of premium beef in a can, and Yukon went nuts for it. “Our dogs would probably go on a hunger strike if we downgraded their food. That’s one of the reasons we stay so committed to the quality of our products. We are taking the food home to our own pets.” Over the years, the selection has grown. They have just launched a line of new
products. Many customers put in requests for specific doggy dishes, and Evanger’s listens, does their research, and creates new meals. For example, canned sweet potato options have been a popular request. After noting that it’s a terrific source of many vitamins and minerals, including Beta-Carotene, Vitamins C and B6, Manganese, Copper, Potassium, and disease-fighting fiber, they decided to launch 100% Sweet Potato, which just hit the market. They also just added 100% Raw Freeze Dried Beef Hearts and 100% Raw Freeze Dried Beef Lungs to their Nothing but Natural treat line. “I have wanted to offer a freeze-dried treat for a long time because it is the healthiest treat a pet can have if it’s minimally processed, which our treats are.” This is just the tip of the freezedried iceberg. Evanger’s offers a wide selection of grain-free, kosher, organic, and premium selections for your pooch. “Whether you want to make a suggestion for a new pet food line, you want to ask a question about a particular ingredient we include, or you just want to talk about your dogs and cats, we love hearing from our customers.”
For more information please visit:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 95
Dr’s Corner
Rodenticide (mouse and rat bait) toxicity is frequently seen in dogs. Pets often get into the bait in spite of our efforts to hide it in places thought inaccessible. Once ingested by your dog, it is considered a medical emergency. There are several types of rodenticides that are commonly sold. The majority of rodenticides are vitamin K antagonists such as bromadiolone and brodifacoum, which means they inactivate vitamin K in the body. Vitamin K is essential to stop bleeding in most species, including rodents and dogs. Without vitamin K, even normal activities or small injuries that would not normally cause significant bleeding may cause life-threatening bleeding. Bleeding due to rodenticides can be either external, where it is openly visible, or internal, where it would be less noticeable to the owner. The treatment for vitamin K antagonist rodenticides is relatively simple if caught early (less than 24-48 hours) from ingestion. Treatment may include inducing vomiting, administering activated charcoal, and treatment with vitamin K. If the dog is already bleeding, the treatment should be more aggres-
sive. The dog will need to be hospitalized and may potentially need to receive a blood transfusion. Another common rodenticide called bromethalin is not related to the vitamin K antagonists despite its similar name. This type of rodenticide causes neurologic signs including stumbling, weakness, paralysis, and seizures. Treatment for this type of rodenticide is similar if it is caught early and may include inducing vomiting and repeated doses of activated charcoal. If the dog is already showing signs of toxicity, hospitalization and supportive therapy is advised. There are many types of rodenticides on the market. Therefore, if you suspect that your pet may have ingested its contents, it is very important for you to bring in the packaging to your veterinarian so that he or she may evaluate the active ingredients. Simply knowing the brand name (for example, d-CON®) is not helpful and may delay proper diagnostics and treatment. If you must use a rodenticide bait in your house, garage, or barn, I recommend using one of the vitamin
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K antagonist baits, because they are easier to diagnose and treat if your pet ingests the bait. Saving the box (with the active ingredients listed) in a place you can get to it quickly in an emergency will aid in your pets treatment. Pets are amazing at getting into seemingly unattainable things, so be very diligent about the location where you choose to place the bait. In addition, check the bait regularly to ensure that it is still there, and remove the bait when it is no longer necessary. If your pet is ever exposed to a rodenticide and you suspect he or she may have ingested some of the bait, it is important to take your pet to your veterinarian immediately for proper treatment. Early intervention may eliminate the need for aggressive treatment and hospitalization and may also minimize life-threatening complications. With early detection, and sometimes aggressive treatment, most dogs will recover from rodenticide ingestion and go on to lead healthy lives with no long term complications.
For more information visit:
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The responsibility of our dogs’ health and wellness rests with us, their guardians~
By Lorileigh Moreland, Owner of Pet Empawrium
Her name was Bruin’s Black Magic of Stehekin. I called her Magic. She came to me from a reputable breeder in New Mexico as an 8-week-old Newfie fur ball. She was my remedy for depression. She was my healer, my teacher, and my canine soul mate. She was the inspiration, Chief Executive Dog, and co-pawprietor of the Pet Empawrium & Spaw. Her final battle was short-lived. At the end of January, Magic was diagnosed with Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia. But, it was a blood clot in her lung that took her from me, in less than a day. It seemed so benign compared to all that she had been through in her short life. Like most puppies, by the time Magic was four months old, she had gotten 33 vaccines. At 6 weeks, she’d received a DPv (canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus). At 8 and 10 weeks, she received a DA2PPVL+CV (canine distemper virus, adenovirus type 1 (hepatitis) and adenovirus type 2 (respiratory disease), canine parainfluenza virus, canine parvovirus, leptospirosis and corona virus. At 12 weeks, another DA2PPVL+CV and a Giardiavax, and finally, at 14 weeks, a final DA2PPVL +CV, Giardiavax, and the Rabvac rabies vaccine.
Because of her reactions to the vaccines, Magic’s and my journey into nutrition, wellness, education, customer service, and advocacy began. When we opened Pet Empawrium on November 29, 2002, we began with a passion for nutrition. After all, it was a species-appropriate raw diet that saved Magic’s life when she was four months old, suffering from vaccination-induced parvo. And it was this same species-appropriate raw diet we continued with to control her canine atopic dermatitis, or atopy. But it was in February of 2003, at a seminar with Dr. Martin Goldstein, that I learned about the horrible injustice that was put upon Magic by being vaccinated over and over, again and again. I realized then that I would never be able to undo the damage that was done to her by a vet who was more interested in economics than in keeping current on vaccine protocols. So, with the hope of saving other dog families from similar heartaches, I will share what we learned about vaccinations. First, it must be understood that vaccinations are not harmless. A vaccination is a medical procedure that can adversely affect canine health and wellness in both the long and short terms. Vaccines can trigger adverse reactions including (but not limited to) anaphylaxis, acute
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autoimmune illnesses, chronic immune mediated diseases, atopy, organ failure, neurological and behavioral diseases, and even cancers. Some of these adverse reactions may have a short period of duration, but many of these diseases can, and do, persist over a lifetime and may even lead to death. Vaccines are a form of pathogen (virus, bacterium) combined with components such as aluminum, formaldehyde, ethanol, phenol and animal organ tissues being directly injected into the dogs’ body tissues, bypassing natural oral and nasal entry routes (with the exception of rabies). These components in their myriad of combinations depress the immune system leading to autoantibody production. Here is where vaccination will present as chronic disease. It is also imperative to understand that the term “vaccination” is not the same as “immunization.” Vaccines are supposed to provide the stimulus for the body to create antibodies that can effectively produce an immune response to pathogens. In some cases, there are non-responders: those dogs who will never develop an immune response to a vaccine. Yet we keep vaccinating them! Dr. Ronald Schultz, D.V.M., explicitly states in an interview that every
photos courtesy of Lori Moreland
major vaccine manufacturer has done duration-of-immunity studies for a minimum duration of 3 years with its core vaccines. All fifty states have adopted this protocol. Because of these findings, every vet, pet owner, town, city, and county can be confident that all vaccines may be given at a minimum of 3-year intervals and should therefore adopt this protocol, as well. Some municipalities, though, are not compliant with this. The disconcerting news doesn’t end there. Another common practice is the use of polyvalent vaccines, exposing the dog to as many as 8 antigens in a single syringe! This is certainly not the way of natural exposure, which is obtained one antigen at a time. This allows the body to respond to that antigen with an immune response before natural exposure to another. So, how should you vaccinate your dog? You must, through your own diligence, decide what is right for your dog and your family. You must be your dog’s advocate. Our dogs can’t speak for themselves, so it is our responsibility to speak for them, loud and clear. Do be polite, don’t offend. This will go a long way in helping our vets to understand our concerns. So, here are a few facts to keep in mind when deciding how you want to vaccinate your dogs:
1. Every major canine vaccination manufacturer has completed a study for a minimum duration of immunity for 3 years for all core vaccines. 2. All 50 states have a mandatory rabies vaccination requirement. They have all approved the 3-year protocol, but you still must check with your local county and city laws. 3. The following states allow for exemptions or waivers to the rabies vaccination requirement: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. (They vary by state, so know the statute.) 4. All vaccine inserts include something to this effect: “for the vaccination of healthy dogs…” 5. Core Vaccines: Dr. Jean Dodds considers Parvo and Distemper core vaccines, and Dr. Ronald Schultz adds adenovirus to his core recommendations. 6. Non-Core Vaccines: This decision should be based on the risks posed by where and how you live. On February 18, 2011, my dog Magic crossed the rainbow bridge, but not before leaving a legacy of knowledge
and education with her passing. Magic did everything on her own terms, including leaving this world; she chose her time and place. And she always found a way to communicate with me, and her passing was no different. She let me see her spirit just one last time— as a shooting star. I believe that there will come a day that our veterinarians—and human medical doctors for that matter—will look back on vaccines and other invasive medical procedures with the same incredulity we look at ancient medicine today. But, as of this moment, the responsibility of our dogs’ health and wellness rests with us, their guardians.
For more info or to contact Lori Moreland: Visit the Website at: Email: Phone: (303) 467-7777
For further information:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 99
NATURAL HEALTH photo courtesy of Great Life Performance Pet Products
with Dr. Elliott Harvey
BACTERIA THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO HEALTH By Dr. Elliott Harvey, Founder of Great Life Performance Pet Products
Normally when we think of bacteria, we think of the new strains of flesheating bacteria, E. coli, staph—including MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a difficult-to-treat type of staph that can cause potentially life-threatening infection. We have relegated bacteria to the category of things to avoid, but that’s not necessarily accurate. Three classes of bacteria inhabit the intestinal tract. The first class of bacteria lives harmoniously in the intestinal tract, benefiting the body. These bacteria feed on waste products from food consumption. Among the by-products of their metabolism are proteins, vitamins, and other substances that benefit the body. Some of these bacterial by-products stimulate the immune system; other friendly bacteria alter the acidity of areas inhabited by invading microbes, preventing some from settling in to cause havoc. The word probiotic refers to these friendly bacteria and comes from two Greek words meaning “for life.” The second class of bacteria peacefully coexists
within the digestive tract doing neither good nor harm. The third class is the potentially pathogenic group, again including hundreds of possible bad guys like E. coli and S. aureus. These parasitic or toxic bacteria also produce toxic metabolic by-products that can increase the risk of cancer, cause immune dysfunction, or produce digestive diseases. The parasiticbacteria can convert substances in the intestinal tract into debris that is toxic to the body. This debris can be absorbed from the intestinal tract into the blood, where it can adversely affect the body’s organs. These bad guys have been linked to IBD and skin infections. Probiotic bacteria work by competitive exclusion. This means that the greater the number of different species of friendly intestinal bacteria that are present in the intestinal tract, the harder it is for the competing bad bacteria and yeasts to get started. The friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus, acidophilus, streptococcus, and others are destroyed by a variety of factors including antibiot-
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ics, chlorinated water, stress, heat, etc. “Unfriendly” microorganisms such as disease-causing bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and parasites can also upset the balance by destroying a significant number of the good guys. Replenishing the good bacteria daily can help protect the balance and keep it in your dog’s favor. Probiotics are not the same thing as prebiotics—nondigestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial microorganisms already in the colon. Prebiotics like inulin are an important food source for probiotics. Prebiotics are found naturally in many foods, and can also be isolated from plants (e.g., chicory root). Some dog foods now contain both prebiotics and probiotics; all Great Life Performance Pet Products dog and cat foods contain the important prebiotics and probiotics, making separate supplementation unnecessary.
For more information or to contact Dr. Elliot Harvey: Visit or email:
Save Lives, Serve Communities Join the Corps
photo by Kristina Bowman/Animal Rescue Corps
1380 Monroe St. NW #326 Washington, DC 20010-3452
DOGS NEED vitamins, supplements, antioxidants, and probiotics to promote a healthy digestive tract, aid in the
digestion of food, and boost their immune system. By taking care of you dog, you will help your dog with a longer, healthier, and happier life!
here are SoMe great productS to try. pLeaSe viSit their WeBSiteS for More inforMation.
Antioxidant Pet Wafer
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Dismutase Enzyme
Pet Flora
Solid Gold Sealmeal
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Dogzymes Phyto Flex
Dogzymes Digestive Enhancer
Dogzymes Ultimate
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
By deB deMpSey, co-oWner of MouthfuL’S pet BoutiQue,
INGREDIENTS: 1 tBsP. CoConut oIL 1 PounD grounD turkey 1 CAn PureeD PuMPkIn or sWeet PotAto 2 CuPs grAteD zuCChInI 1 PounD ChoPPeD MushrooMs 2 grAteD APPLes 1 CuP (Fresh or Frozen) BLueBerrIes 1 PounD CottAge Cheese 1 CuP FILtereD WAter or ChICken Broth (MADe WIthout onIons or sALt)
I’ve been cooking for my dogs for years and wanted to share my basic recipe that I prepare for my pack. Follow it exactly the first time and then use it as your inspiration the next time. If you make a small batch and you can use it within 3–4 days, refrigerate immediately. Or, try what I do. Make a double or triple batch and freeze it in small glass jars. These can be easily thawed in a bowl of cold water and provides you with an “instant” meal topper that you can be proud of. Heat up a heavy French Oven pot and melt coconut oil all over the bottom of the pot. Gently brown ground turkey without overcooking. Add pumpkin, zucchini, mushrooms, apples, and blueberries. Pour water or broth
over mixture and toss. Cover and lightly steam for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly before using an immersion blender. Blend to your desired consistency and further cool the pot. Gently stir in the entire tub of cottage cheese and divide into small glass jars. Freeze and use within 6 months. *This recipe is not intended to be a “complete and balanced diet” by AAFCO standards. In other words, don’t feed this every single day for every single meal for the rest of your dog’s life. The recipe doesn’t have the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals for daily feeding. (If that’s what you’re after, check with your Holistic or Integrative Veterinarian for guidance.)
Recipe approved by Dr. Angela Krause, an integrative veterinarian with Belleview Animal Clinic in Englewood, CO (
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011
WALKING THE DOG Have you ever been walking your dog on a leash and been attacked by dogs off-leash?
Unfortunately, there are many irresponsible owners who can’t control their dogs or who let their dogs run loose in the neighborhood. Dog owners should invest time and money in proper dog training and socialization, not only for their own dogs’ safety but also for the safety of the other dogs they come in contact with. Here are some great suggestions from our Facebook fans of items to carry to protect yourself and your dog when out on a walk and off-leash dogs get aggressive towards you or your dog.
tennis racket
walking stick
citronella spray
vinegar spray
pepper spray
dog biscuits
air horn
104 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
Don’t give up -
106 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
just make a change
By Doug and Elizabeth Simpson, Owners of Tenderfoot Training
When you are in a relationship that is frustrating you, you have a few choices: 1. Walk away—just leave it behind you and don’t look back. 2. Accept what is happening and decide to live with the consequences. 3. Try to force the other individual to change, which often leads to increased conflict. 4. Make changes in yourself in order to elicit change in the other. Even when talking about you and your dog, these same rules apply. So let’s look at these options in relation to your dog. 1. Walking away: Giving up is always an option, but is it best for you or your dog? Granted, not all dogperson relationships are a match, just as you wouldn’t want to marry every person you date. So, as a precursor, make sure the dog you bring home is a match for your life. Millions of dogs are abandoned each year because the person doesn’t want to take the time, money, or energy to learn how to improve things. So what happens when the next dog comes along and shows some troublesome behaviors? Do we just keep giving up, or do we take the time, energy, and effort to learn how to create successful changes? 2. Accepting what is happening and deciding to live with it: Many people learn to manage their dog’s bad behaviors by avoiding the situations that trigger them. Your life becomes limited and smaller and so does your dog’s because management controls but doesn’t
teach. It’s doubtful that this is the vision you had of your life with your dog. 3. Trying to force the other individual to change: This usually leads to lots of arguments and frustration. In trying to force a dog to change, people often resort to using devices such as shock collars, choke chains, head halters, pinch collars, and other physical punishments. But in the end the dog is only being good to avoid pain, and trust, a vital part of all relationships, is lost. Without trust, the relationship will not thrive. Frustration can lead to force, but what if you could learn to improve your relationship without frustration or force? A winwin for you and your dog. 4. Making changes in yourself in order to elicit change in the other: It is not reasonable to ask someone to become a completely different person in order to have a good relationship with anyone. But there are always positive adjustments we can make in ourselves in order to create positive changes in our dogs. Dogs show us who we are and what we need to work on. Ask yourself, do you have the patience to teach your dog patience? Do you reward the behaviors that you want your dog to repeat? Are you explosive in your corrections? Do you praise enough or too much? Remember that your dog can’t be different unless you are different. All relationships take effort, 2-legged or 4-legged. Dogs are typically very sensitive to the world around them, so you need to learn to be sensitive to your
dog’s actions and reactions. When your dog understands what you expect of him and what you are asking of him, he becomes confident in his world. Your dog will respect you more and listen to you better if you follow through with your directions and are consistent in your expectations. It is when they don’t understand what you are asking that they become confused and insecure, which causes them to behave badly. When you create a proper balance of love, trust, and respect, two powerful things happen: your dog does what you ask, and (instead of reacting to chase, bark, jump, bolt, or bite) he looks to you first for direction. A confident leader has a confident pack. Most people don’t practice proper drills and skills to teach their dog good manners. As any good tennis player, skier, or gymnast knows, you don’t just show up for the competition and hope for the best. They practice so they are ready for what happens. In your training, you need to set your dog up for understanding and success so that you are ready for real life when it shows up. When it comes to relationships, we are firm believers that life puts challenges in front of you so that you might learn. Perhaps the very things that are frustrating you about your dog are the very things you need to look at about yourself. You have to be willing to change what you do in order to change what your dogs does.
For more information or to make a donation: Doug & Elizabeth Simpson 303.444.7780
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 107
Dog Parent Families
who love their dogs and treat them
like family!
108 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
DOG PARENT FAMILIES photo by Angie Rogers
Angela and Barry Williams with Gus If ever around Chattanooga, Tennessee, you happen to notice a large Bullmastiff posing for photos with a little orange kitty, chances are it’s Gus. And the talented photographer will most likely be Angela Williams, Gus’ mommy. “I love taking photos and would love to one day specialize in pet photography,” says Angela. Thousands of viewers visit Gus-Williams/108675819151554 to see the tons of cute photos of Gus. She enters Gus in lots of competitions too, many of which raise money for good causes. She recently won a calendar contest to raise money for cancer research in animals. “We also enter Gus in local Halloween contests.” He’s so big, the Williams need to get creative. He won prizes (and lots of laughs) one year for wearing a cowboy hat, a scarf, and a bandaged paw with a reward sign that read “I’m looking for the man who shot my paw.” Besides contest fun, they love to take Gus on long off-leash hikes, or just to Petsmart where he gets a lot of attention and treats from his favorite cashiers. Angela describes another funny thing about Gus: “He makes this growly noise that sounds like he’s saying Mom. He uses that Mom voice when he wakes me up at 3:00 in the morning to go out. He melts my heart!”
Tracey & Dave Thompson with Moose and Panda Tracey describes her family as the average family of four: Mom, Dad, little boy, and little girl. The Thompsons adopted their little boy and girl from the Seattle Humane Society. Moose, a Boxer/Pit Bull mix, was the first canine addition. Even though they took him on walks and to dog parks , Moose was turning into a couch potato. So, a year later, they decided to find him a sibling. “We went through several prospects, but without much luck. After another uneventful introduction, one of the staff members said two more dogs had just been put in the kennels. I went back, checked them out, and Panda was there grinning from ear to ear and wagging her tail so hard I thought she might fall over. We had people introduction, and then the moment of truth: the Moose introduction. They hit it off wonderfully!” Tracey loves to provide the healthiest diet for her canine kids. They both are on a raw food diet, which, Tracey says, has been awesome for their teeth, hair, and skin. “I love making their food - and watching their little faces waiting in anticipation for their dish.” She gives them healthy treats, too, but makes them work for their rewards. Both have completed Basic and Super Manners classes. Moose earned his Canine Good Citizen certificate, and Panda is working to get hers. “We learn so much from them and they give us so much love in return!”
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 109
DOG PARENT FAMILIES photo By Maria Schiefer
Ashley and Mark Rogers with Raja, Reme, Riley, and Robin When Ashley first saw three-month-old Riley, she didn’t think she was that cute. “To be honest, the only thing I knew of Pit Bulls was what I heard in the media.” After some debate, her husband, Mark, finally said, “It’s this puppy or no puppy!” Ashley had just lost her mother to cancer and needed something to lift her spirits. “Now I can’t imagine our lives without her. You don’t always get the dog you want, but you get the dog you need,” says Ashley. She devoted much time to training the receptive pup. When Riley was about six months old, the Rogers returned to the NSPCA and adopted Reme, a nine-week-old Pit Bull. “They got along great. Reme loved to torment Riley, and she would just let him.” When Ashley returned to the NSPCA to get information about microchipping, she met Reme’s mom, Raja, who was being kept in the office of Kari, a staff member. Raja was undergoing heartworm treatment. She came up to Ashley and put her head on her lap. “This was a big deal since she had never reacted to a new person that way before. Kari was practically crying and asked if I would adopt her. We brought her home two days later.” The couple decided three dogs was enough until Ashley met Robin, another heartworm positive Pit Bull, while volunteering. Now, all their dogs are healthy and happy. “They each provide something different to our lives. And for that we are very thankful.” photo by Sherry Storer
Michelle Duckworth with Gabriel, Reagan, Elijah Blue, Killian, Hannah, Chloe, and Cassidy Michelle Duckworth loves her four-legged fur-kids. “They are my passion. Most of my activities include the fur-kids; my world does revolve around them, just like it does for [others’] human children.” Most of them are rescues, because after all, her home is the base of a Dachshund sanctuary in Wilmington, Ohio. A few other breeds also share the sofa for some TV snuggle time, like Gabriel, the 7-year-old Afghan Hound who Michelle has dubbed the “Drama King.” Reagan is a 2-year-old Giant Schnauzer who likes to hike on bike trails with his little pals. They all pile in Michelle’s bed at night and leave her little room. “And Chloe the Dachshund snores,” she says. “I have so many characters! Some are little clowns, always trying to make you laugh.” She says that Dachshund Killian is the adventurer hound who loves to wear clothes. Dachshund Hannah is the patrol officer who keeps everyone in check. Cassidy is her 1-year-old blind Dachshund who navigates the house like a pro. She loves going places and meeting new people. “Each one has their own unique personality,” she says. All the fur-kids get treated with homemade frozen pumpkin yogurt treats, peanut butter doggie bones, garlic and cheese doggie bones, and honey carrot cake. Lucky dogs!
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Elaine and Bob Segale with Sweetie, Tessa, and Lulu The Segales dogs instinctively know the term “Beach Day” and are raring to go. “In fact,” Elaine says, “the car is their second favorite place to be—riding with Mommy and Daddy on an adventure.” What’s their first favorite place? Home with the Segales, of course! Sweetie, a 12-year-old rescue dog actually came with their house. “She was just a puppy in 1998, but she loved the home in Sebastopol and the two acres she could romp on endlessly, so when we bought the home from a friend of my husband’s, she came with the house.” The family got Tessa, a two-year-old Yellow Lab, and Lulu, their baby Black Lab who recently turned one, when Bob had retired from the San Francisco Fire Department. He had plenty of time to watch over them and develop little rituals, such as swimming in the pool, throughout the day. When Elaine comes home, she likes to stimulate their minds with at least 15 minutes of training and daily games of hide-and-seek. “We are doggie parents to our pups— they get their checkups, teeth cleaned, ears cleaned, baths, fun and play…schools and good meals. I miss them when I’m at work but know they’re having a good time with their daddy and that they will be excited when I get home. Isn’t that what doggie parents are all about?” photo by Brian Diehl (
Cindy Dunston Quirk with Scout and Zoe When Cindy became the proud “Momster” to Zoe, a now 11year-old German Shepherd, and Scout, a two-year-old German Shorthair Pointer, she didn’t know they would inspire her to start her own business called Scout & Zoe’s (, which sells allergy-free antler chews. Because of their allergies, Cindy began searching for a product Zoe and Scout could chew on to help clean their teeth. That three year search lead her to develop dog chews from shed elk antlers. When Cindy and her husband Steve went to pick out both of their fur-kids, it was Zoe and Scout who actually chose them. “We went over to select [Zoe] on Easter Sunday in 2000. …One pup came over and began chewing on Steve’s shoelace. Her other sisters and brothers took off playing in the yard but she stayed close to us loving all the attention we were showing her. That is when we knew she had chosen us as her parents.” Scout was also the unique one of his litter. The pup Steve keyed in on kept running around and grabbing sticks and then bringing them to Steve and chewing on his shoelace. “I would move Heaven and Earth for Scout and Zoe,” Cindy says. “We do not have children of our own so our furry pals are our kids.”
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 111
BEDTIME BOOKS All books reviewed by Nancy Allen
THE DOG FRIENDLY HOME: DIY Projects for Dog Lovers by Ruth Strother
This is a great book for those of you who would love to do-it-yourself and make projects for your home that are different from mass-produced store products. Coffee tables, dog ramps, agility weave poles, dog beds, a nightstand bed, a green doghouse, a castle doghouse, and many other projects will get you excited over what you can make to enhance your dog’s life and your own.
This is a must-read book for all animal lovers. Using scientific studies, Peterson shows us that by observing the lives of animals we may gain new understanding of our own lives. We see how animals practice cooperation with each other, treat each other fairly, and even sacrifice their own lives to save another of their own kind. Hopefully, reading this book will help everyone realize how and why we should treat animals with more compassion and respect than we do now.
HOLLYWOOD BARKS! The Tails Behind Famous Dogs, Their Co-Stars, and Their Companions by Tim Flach
This is not only a great, interesting, and charming book about dogs who star in movies and commercials, but it also has interesting info about many of the human celebrities who perform alongside the dogs, with pictures! We learn how dogs are trained to act, making their performances seem totally natural. We are also given training tips and lessons with which we can teach our own dogs to perform at home. A portion of the proceeds is donated to dog rescue organizations.
TRAINING YOUR DOG THE HUMANE WAY: Simple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors and Raising a Happy Dog by Alana Stevenson
Stevenson provides solutions for most of the problems we have with our dogs such as house-soiling, separation anxiety, aggression, and much more. We learn how to train our dogs humanely, which is the only way we should. A great book to have and to give to dog friends who need the training tips.
112 Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
CHERISHED: 21 Writers on Animals They Have Loved and Lost by Barbara Abercrombie (Editor)
This book answers the question: “What do our beloved pets teach us and how do we move beyond loss to celebrate their memory?” If you love animals, you will laugh, cry, and realize how you (and everyone else who cherishes their beloved pets) will feel when these animals must leave and the grieving begins. All royalties will be donated to the Best Friends Animal Society. This is a heartwarming book to read or give to a friend who is grieving the loss of a beloved pet.
DOG SENSE: How the New Science of Dog Behavior Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet by John Bradshaw
Dog Sense is a fantastically written book about why dogs are progressively becoming less healthy and what we can do about it. Bradshaw gives valuable advice on how to treat and take care of your dog. He explains how they should be bred to be healthy and not just for looks. This is a wonderful book to read for us dog-lovers who want to understand where man’s best friend came from and comprehend “the world from a dog’s perspective.”
SAVING ZASHA by Randi Barrow
This is an adorable book, based on true events, for kids 9–13 years old. Told from a child’s perspective, it tells about the plight of dogs in Russia during and after World War II. The story also “tackles some of life’s hardest lessons about war, hate, forgiveness, hope, love, and man’s best friend.” Readers will be rooting for the beautiful German Shepherd, Zasha, whom Mikhail desperately tries to save, while his not-so-good, sneaky friend Katia just as desperately tries to find and, Mikhail thinks, destroy.
FAT CATS & LUCKY DOGS: How to Leave (Some of) Your Estate to Your Pet by Barry Seltzer and Gerry W. Beyer
Pet lovers need to read this book. If anything happens to you, how will your pet be protected from being placed in a shelter or being euthanized? You need to set up a plan now so your pet’s survival is both enduring and comfortable. This book covers the laws in different states for setting up pet trusts, choosing a permanent caretaker, and more. It also covers info for Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Read this book and be prepared.
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 113
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Jimmy 2 Shoes
Injured, Death-Row Dog— to Forever-Family Member!
By Ch ri s Ho a r (Ji mm y 2 S h o e s’ n e w daddy! )
The most incredible feeling is adopting a dog from death row and saving a life! Dogs are a big part of my life. I run a Facebook application called Pet Pardons with two amazing women, Ashley Owen Hill and Jamie Metcalf. Pet Pardons is dedicated to saving the lives of dogs on death row in shelters across America by finding them adopters. But, I had never personally adopted one of these dogs before. As many people know, my friend Ashley has spent her life rescuing dogs. During the time I have gotten to know her, she has become a huge inspiration to me. One night we were chatting on the phone when we saw a picture of a little two-year-old Chihuahua mix on Facebook. He had no name—just a number—and he had deformed legs, apparently caused by breaks that were never set correctly. That night, Ashley and I decided to name the very scared
and injured little guy “Jimmy 2 Shoes.” Why the name Jimmy 2 Shoes? Well, as Ashley says, “Chris calls me ‘One Shoe,’ because I can only ever find one of my shoes. I, in turn, call Chris ‘Two Shoes,’ because he manages to find both of his. Therefore, when it came time for the name, we went with Jimmy 2 Shoes—to make him part of our ‘Shoe’ family.” He had less than 24 hours to live before he would be euthanized, and I knew what I had to do. The next morning I got up early and set off from San Diego for Orange County to rescue this little guy. When I arrived at the shelter, it was cold. There were hundreds of cages, and they were all outside. The nonstop barking was made worse by the fact that all the dogs were shivering. I have been to animal shelters many times over the last few years, but
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it never gets easier. As I walked down the path looking for cage number 300, the sad faces looked at me as if to say, “Please mister, choose me. I will be good, I promise.” It was heartbreaking, and I knew that many of these dogs were not going to make it out. Five out of ten dogs that come into a kill shelter are euthanized, which equals one every 10 seconds in America, or about 10 million a year. And then I saw him; he was so tiny and cute. He jumped up excitedly, craving attention as I stroked him through the metal bars. The name we had picked out for him fit so perfectly. “Hello Jimmy 2 Shoes,” I whispered to him. The shelter let me spend five minutes with him in a run to get introduced. He took to me immediately, and I, of course, fell in love with him. I had to wait four days for him
to be neutered and get his shots. Then, I finally got to go pick him up. The adoption itself just took a few minutes and cost about $100, and then they brought him out. When the girl handed Jimmy 2 Shoes to me, it was such an amazing feeling, it’s hard to describe. I had saved his life, and now I got to take him out of that awful place. He clung to me so tightly and pushed his head next to mine. I’m pretty sure he knew he was being rescued. When he got into the car, he was clearly scared, cowering with his head down. But he was also very curious. The way Jimmy 2 Shoes couldn’t stop staring out the window gave the impression that he had never seen anything before. He was looking up all the time as if to say, “Wow, that building is ridiculously tall.” The ride back home took about an
hour, and by the end he was actually sleeping on my lap. I don’t think he had slept much at the shelter. Within just a few hours of arriving at the office, my adopted dog had already started to change. It was dramatic. He was running after balls, jumping on to the couch, and his ears were up. His tail was now wagging constantly, and it was clear that he understood that things were going to be very different for him. When I took him home, he was no longer afraid, just curious. He met Mitsy and Piglet, my other two pups, and within minutes he was running around the garden with them, before trying to mount Mitsy. Needless to say, she was not impressed with any of that. His first night, Jimmy 2 Shoes slept in my bed under the covers and pressed
up against me, and he slept like a rock. The next day he woke up for the first full day of his new life. He is a different dog from the one I picked up not 24 hours ago. Now I can’t even leave the room without him following me, and he’s gaining confidence by the hour. He is filled with love and seems to have been waiting his whole life to show it. What I have learned is this: I may have saved his life, but Jimmy 2 Shoes and all the others I have helped are the ones who are saving mine. If you have never adopted a dog, then I suggest you do. There is nothing like it, and you will never regret it.
For more information about Pet Pardons: Become a fan on Facebook at Pet Pardons Visit the website at:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 117
MAGOO’S MIRACLE! shot, Abused, Left Blind and Abandoned… Then, Finally Rescued!
after By C ati e S e ll e r s (M a g o o ’ s m o m )
I am from a town in Tennessee where the general consensus is that a dog is just a dog. There are a lot of stray dogs here. Nine in my neighborhood, the last time I counted. There used to be ten. The tenth one’s name is Magoo now, and this is his story. My husband Curtis and I were getting ready for bed on the night of January 14th, and my husband had just gone out in the freezing temperature to take
the dogs for one last potty break. I was already in bed when Curtis flew back into the room. “That dog is outside!” he hollered. I hopped out of bed and threw my slippers and a coat on. We had seen “that dog” many times in the neighborhood, limping, but he was always too scared to come to us and eternally elusive, no matter what we tried. We always feed the strays, so he would often come and nap on our patio furniture stored in our carport during
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photos courtesy of Catie Sellers
the winter. But if we got anywhere near him, he was gone in a flash. As I walked outside that night, I could see him in the neighbor’s yard. Even at a distance I could tell that he was tense and scared. I knew we had to get him out of the snow. My husband went to one side of the yard and I to the other, and we slowly started walking towards him, baiting him with treats and praise. He wanted nothing to do with us. He backed away and aimed to take shelter on our neighbor’s
before carport, where he tried very hard to squeeze his large frame under a very small car. As we got closer, I turned on my penlight. I could see that something was very wrong. When I shined the penlight into his eyes I couldn’t see a pupil, iris, or anything resembling either one. I feared he was blind. Eventually, we were able to slip a lead around his neck and pull him out from underneath the car. We took him straight to an emergency vet to make sure that he wasn’t in any immediate danger. After we had him on the lead, he would actually let us touch him, hold him, and pet him. The doctor said he wasn’t in any urgent danger, so we took him home and found a kennel for him. Because he was blind, I was terrified that he would be aggressive with the other animals in our house. But he never showed one ounce of aggression, not towards us or our cats and dogs. The next morning, we took him to Stage Road Animal Hospital (our regular vet). Dr. Pearce confirmed our fears: his sight was gone and could not be saved. We also found out that he was between 1–2 years old, full of intestinal parasites, heartworm positive, and suffering from a broken hip. As we x-rayed his hip to assess the full damage, we found something horrifying—buckshot (from a shotgun shell). Dr. Pearce decided to do more extensive x-rays and found that his head, face, and back legs were riddled with buckshot. This poor dog had been shot at least once, probably twice, at some point during his puppyhood. The mystery of his blindness was, unfortunately, solved. We were told that he would need orthopedic surgery, heartworm treatment, vaccinations, deworming, and a whole lot of love. Curtis and I were concerned that he would never be able to have a normal life, so we heartbreakingly discussed euthanasia for a few days. Most people thought that this would be the best thing for him. I finally went and asked Dr. Pearce what he thought. He told me that the dog could live a
normal and happy life in a home where he was safe and wouldn’t need his sight. It was settled then—we were all in. We decided to name him Magoo (corny, huh?). A few weeks later, when he had gained enough weight to have orthopedic surgery on his hip, Dr. Pearce went in and removed the head of his femur. The doctor told us that he would always limp, but it wouldn’t cause him pain. It has been about a month since Magoo’s surgery now. He walks with no pain and actually trots sometimes. He plays with toys, wags his tail at us, and even begs to have his belly rubbed! Some habits still remain from his life of torment and abuse—he barks and runs away from everyone who gets near him except for my husband and me, and he won’t accept food or treats from anyone but us. But, if you were him, would you? He will start his heartworm treatment this month; after which, he will be healthier than he has ever been.
backlegs Small dots are buckshots
xray of headsmall dots are buckshot
We thought briefly about finding him another home, but in my heart of hearts, I knew he was ours from the minute I shined the penlight into those sad, scared eyes. Everyone tells me that “he is one lucky dog,” but I think my husband and I are really the lucky ones. I would like to say a VERY special thank you to the wonderful staff and Dr. Pearce at Stage Road Animal Hospital. They have helped us in so many ways, and I could never leave my babies with anyone else! I would also like to thank all of the amazingly caring people that donated funds to help with Magoo’s surgery and treatments. I could never tell you all how much that meant to us and Magoo. And thank you so much to Jamie Downey and The American Dog Magazine for letting me tell Magoo’s story and helping us put a name and face to animal abuse in this country.
The almost healed insicion
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 119
Left for dead on the side of the road. . .
before Sa s ha L e v i ne re p o rt s
Superheroes originate from the most unexpected places. On the night July 6, 2010, a call came into the Fort Worth police dispatch. One little puppy was reported as badly burned on the side of a busy road. When the police officer arrived at the location, he found a blanket that was staked to the ground, and on that stake was a small sign that read “dog.” Waiting for animal control to arrive, the officer sat for about an hour with the future little superhero—an eleven-pound, fourmonth-old Bull Terrier puppy, who had been tightly wrapped in that blanket.
photos courtesy of Blake Ovard
Blake Ovard, Fort Collins Animal Control Officer, had no idea how much his life would change from just one look at this pup. He describes the dog as having been “almost one big scab because of all the sores and infections. But he was still sweet and cute—in one of those ugly cute kind of ways… He got his name because he tugged at our heart strings sitting all alone in the kennel cage, basically blind, and just wanting to be loved. So, his name became Tugg almost immediately,” he says. Ovard explains that even though it was first thought Tugg had been badly
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burned, upon further examination at the shelter determined that he actually had an severe case of demodex mange and secondary infections. Not only that, but the pup had also developed kennel cough and had become lethargic from malnutrition and dehydration. “His eyes were swollen shut from the infections, and he could barely find his way around the cage he was in.” Because Animal Control does not provide the type of medical attention that Tugg desperately needed, the staff searched for any rescue to take him. Over a week went by with no results. But Ovard noticed
then rescued, saved, and adopted!
after a spark in Tugg. He describes it as an ‘I want to live’ attitude in every small action he did. So when Tugg’s time was up, Blake and his wife Kim decided to adopt the small Bull Terrier and get medical attention for him that Sunday. “The emergency vet said he was too far gone and had to be put down,” Blake recalls. But the couple refused to give up. They quickly made another appointment with their regular veterinarian, Dr. Morris, at Southwest Fort Worth Animal Hospital. Dr. Morris told them that there was a chance. “Any chance was all we needed!” says Ovard. It was touch and go for a while. For a few months, the couple was worried that every day might be his last—he was so weak from battling for such a long time. But as the days went by, he got slightly better, and better, and then after weekly vet visits and lots of love, Tugg was a healthy dog.
The Ovards were so happy, they created a Facebook page devoted exclusively to Tugg. They intended to simply update the page so some of their friends could keep track of how he was doing. “Now he is a superhero, with more than 5000 friends all over the world!” Blake says. “He has been invited to [participate] in special events, ride in a fire engine and a helicopter, help teach kids about pets, and be the featured speaker at Lions Club and Rotary Club meetings.” He has also been invited to be the special guest of top tier dog shows and meet state representatives, mayors, and other elected officials. He has been a top story on the local news and has been asked to be a celebrity dog model for a K-9 fashion show for charity. “We never know what he will be invited to do next!” Tugg is a favorite among school kids in the Fort Worth School District. Blake says, “He goes and tells his story to the
kids, and he teaches them how to better take care of their pets.” After each presentation, Tugg allows all the kids come up and pet him. “He does particularly well with special needs kids. Those children seem to share a bond with Tugg when he is in the room, and you can almost sense a peace come over them when he is there.” When Tugg isn’t working, he likes to share quality time with his new kitty and doggie siblings, play with his toys (especially his Duckie), and cheer on the Texas Rangers with Blake. “This little dog has done so much in such a short time, it just amazes us!” Tugg has single-pawedly changed this wonderful family’s lives for the better. Become a fan on Facebook at: Tugg the Bull Terrier Puppy You can also email Tugg at:
The American Dog Magazine | Summer 2011 121
presented by
An American humane Association Certified Animal safety representative™ keeps a canine cast member warm on the set of Marley & Me and makes sure “no Animals Were harmed”®.
By Mark StuBiS, chief coMMunicationS officer, aMerican huMane aSSociation
Since its founding in 1877, American Humane Association has been at the forefront of virtually every major advance in protecting children, pets, and farm animals from cruelty, abuse and neglect. Today, we’re also leading the way in understanding humananimal interaction and its role in society.
effective prograMS that Make a difference As the nation’s voice for the protection of children and animals, American Humane Association reaches millions of people every day through groundbreaking research, education, training, and services that span a wide network of organizations, agencies, and businesses. Our scope of vital, effective programs includes: • Red Star Animal Emergency Services™, established during World War I at the request of the U.S. government to tend to animals on the battlefields of Europe. Today, our Red Star national first-responder team deploys to hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and other animal emergencies nationwide. • “No Animals Were Harmed”®, based in Hollywood to oversee the humane treatment and safety of
animals in film. We monitor tens of thousands of animals appearing in more than 2,000 film and television productions each year. • Our farm animal welfare certification program, American Humane Certified — the nation’s first, largest, and fastest growing independent animal welfare program dedicated to the humane treatment of farm animals. • Leading-edge programs that protect children from abuse and neglect in communities across America and provide better outcomes for at-risk children and families who find themselves in the child protective services system. • Animal-assisted therapy, which draws on the remarkable power of the human-animal bond to help children and adults heal, learn, and find comfort and motivation. Through these and other essential programs that improve quality of life for children and animals, American Humane Association advances the values of compassion, caring, and hope. • American Humane Association’s Hero Dog Awards™ One way
Summer 2011 | The American Dog Magazine
we’re celebrating the special bond between people and animals is by leading the search for America’s top Hero Dogs. Voting for American Humane Association’s Hero Dog Awards™ is currently under way at Dogs were nominated in eight categories: Law Enforcement and Arson Dogs; Service Dogs; Therapy Dogs; Military Dogs; Guide Dogs; Search and Rescue Dogs; Hearing Dogs; and Emerging Hero Dogs, which includes ordinary dogs who do extraordinary things. Finalists in each category will be judged by a blue-ribbon panel consisting of both celebrities and animal experts— including Victoria Stilwell and Whoopi Goldberg — to determine the winning American Hero Dog. The winner will be announced at the first-ever American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards™ gala, presented by CESAR® Canine Cuisine, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles on Oct. 1, 2011.
Learn more about American Humane Association at:
Vote for your favorite Hero Dog at:
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