July 16' Wheelhorse

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Representing Carriage Driving in the United States and Canada

IN THIS ISSUE: nOtes From the Editor ......................................... 1 neWs ADS Board of Directors Candidates ...... 2-3 Paying Tribute to Frolic ............................. 4 Happenings 2016 Annual Members Meeting Registration Form .................................. 5-6 ClAssiFied Ad Classic Meadowbrook Cart For Sale ........ 8

Stay tuned for coverage from the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair in the August issue of Richard O’Donnell drove his pair of Hackney/Clydesdale crosses to the Pair Driving Championship at Devon. Photo courtesy of Devaney Iglesias/Phelps Media Group

Articles that appear in The Wheelhorse do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of The American Driving Society, Inc. (ADS), its Board of Directors or staff, nor does publication of said articles constitute an endorsement of the view they may express. Accuracy of all material is the sole responsibility of the authors. Appearance of an advertisement in The Wheelhorse does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the ADS of the goods and services therein.

July 2016


From the Editor


t’s been a wonderfully eventful month since our last issue of The Wheelhorse. I had the opportunity to meet many of you at the Gladstone Horse Driving Trials and at the Devon Horse Show. I attended marathon day at Gladstone and was thrilled with the quality of the obstacles and the great organization of the event overall by the volunteers at the Gladstone Equestrian Association. I felt myself longing to be in the driver’s seat behind those incredible equine athletes. I loved my time at Devon-the grounds are just over an hour from my house and I was able to spend several days at the show. My children were able to attend a few of the sessions and soaked up the country fair atmosphere and excitement from the main ring. Interestingly, the Devon Horse Show intersperses carriage driving and coaching classes with other disciplines such as saddle seat riding, show jumping, and show driving-what a great way to expose the young generation to the many options for participation in equine sports. Stacy Carlson has been busy in the ADS office with many projects. She has been working tirelessly on the new website which, I might add, is elegant and easy to navigatelook for the unveiling of that later this summer. Stacy is also processing membership renewals, and working with licensed officials, the annual meeting committee, and is active on The Omnibus. And speaking of The Omnibus, if your show is not on the ADS site you may have more work to complete on your online Omnibus. Email stacy@ americandrivingsociety.org with questions. There are more big things on the horizon at The American Driving Society, Inc. this summer. We look forward to the start of the new ADS Consulting Executive Director, Louise Rothery, on July 1. I had the opportunity to meet Louise at the Devon Horse Show in late May, and I’m very excited for the leadership she’ll bring to the ADS. She and I both, along with Stacy Carlson, plan to attend the ADS Annual Meeting in September in Southern Pines, North Carolina. Don’t forget to register for that event soon! You can find the registration form embedded in this issue of The Wheelhorse. The committee has a full week planned with both educational and social events on the calendar for those days in September. Please note the list of Board of Directors candidates that follows. We’ve compiled a comprehensive article on the candidates for the August issue of The Whip, so look for their biographies in the next issue of our magazine. As always, please call or email me with ideas for editorial in upcoming issues of The Whip and The Wheelhorse. We are always interested in printing coverage from your organized drive, show or event-simply send me your coverage in a word document, along with high resolution pictures to illustrate your article. Contact me to discuss advertising your competition win, event, business, or horses/ tack/equipment for sale in an upcoming issue of The Whip. We make advertising fun! Our graphic designer, Cathy Baer, is masterful at crafting personalized ads right to your specifications. And, as always, I am glad to assist with conceptualizing an advertising plan for you or your business. You can reach me at abbie@americandrivingsociety.org.




ADS Board of Directors Candidates By Patrick Cheatham


he American Driving Society, Inc. (ADS) Nominating Committee presents below its slate of candidates for election to the Board of Directors for the term of office beginning January 1, 2017. This slate is significant in that it contains candidates new or returning to the Board of Directors for half of the positions. Elections will be held during the ADS Annual Members’ Meeting in Southern Pines, North Carolina on September 24, 2016.


President Mike Arnold (North Carolina)

Vice President Daniel M. Rosenthal (New Jersey)

Secretary Margaret Grillet (Delaware)

Treasurer Josh Rector (Virginia)

Combined Driving Marc Johnson (Massachusetts)

Development Natasha Grigg (Massachusetts)

Dressage Tracey Morgan (Maryland)

Education John Porter (Florida)

Event Standards Esther “Boots” Wright (Florida)

Governance & Bylaws Elaine Kendig (Pennsylvania)

Licensed Officials Ruthie Graves (Massachusetts)

Pleasure Driving Jeffrey B. Morse (Massachusetts)

Rules Linda Yutzy (Texas)

Northeast Leona Anastasi (Connecticut)

Recreational & Mid-Atlantic Heidi Ferguson (Delaware)


Southeast Linda Bennett (Florida)

Central Carol Millhoan (Ohio)

Midwest Deborah Bridges (Nebraska)

Northwest Ann Craig (Oregon)

Pacific Region Pam Miller-Mitchell (California)

Southwest Keith Yutzy (Texas)

*Past President John Freiburger (Wisconsin)

Directors At Large

Diane Koopman (Massachusetts)

Audrey Bostwick (Pennsylvania)

Mike Lyon (Tennessee)

Kacy Tipton-Fashik (Florida)


Teresa Bron (Washington)

Gwenyth Bassetti (Washington)

Heather Kuenzi (Wisconsin) 3


Paying Tribute to Frolic June 2, 2016 Dear Driving Friends, We all have lost a founding member of the ADS, a dear friend and a huge force in American driving with impact worldwide. Today Frolic would have been 80. He hated birthdays but I think he would have appreciated this letter. For the last four years a letter went out to all those who drove at Winterthur asking the drivers to show Frolic our appreciation for all he did by sending a contribution to the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art. This year I thought I would send a letter to Frolic’s entire community of driving friends and suggest something similar. The Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art has established a Frolic Weymouth Endowment Fund. Several of you have already contributed to this fund. But for those of us who may not be aware of this fund and would like to show him our appreciation, I would like you to consider the following levels of support: Four-in-Hand drivers $1000 Pair drivers $ 500 Single drivers $ 250

Remembering our Departed Friends in

Celebrate your departed carriage driving horses with a Remembrance ad in The Whip.

We offer these full page ads in both color

and black & white at half price all year long. Book your Remembrance ad with

abbie@americandrivingsociety.org, (530) 902-8065.


The Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art will be publishing a thank you article in its publication The Catalyst and I wanted to make sure his community of driving friends was part of this effort. Frolic was always so generous to us over the years. He hosted 37 Winterthur events and one hundred times that many dinners, parties and fun drives with all of us, Please consider and support this suggestion by sending a check in the enclosed envelope. Thank you again. With kindest personal regards and love for Frolic, Claire Reid Welsh Ponies – George, Belle, Gambler, Peppercorn Return Address: Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art Membership & Development Office PO Box 141 Chadds Ford, PA 19317-0141


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Ads Annual Members Meeting

Southern Pines, NC • September 22-25, 2016 This year’s meeting will take place in the heart of one of the largest driving and golfing communities in the country. The meeting will host many marked drives, driving clinics, seminars and tours of the local area. Please mail your registration to the address at the bottom of the form, You may also submit by email to stacy@americandrivingsociety.org. Questions may be directed to the ADS office at (608) 237-7382. Registrations are due September 2nd, 2016. One form per person please. Name:____________________________________ ADS #_________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ State:__________________________ Zip:__________________ Telephone:___________________________ E-mail:_______________________________________ Arrival Date:__________________________ Departure Date:________________________________ Name for Badge: ___________________________________________________________________ Complete Registration Package Includes all programs, tours and demonstrations, Thursday Welcome Reception, Friday and Saturday Lunch, Saturday Dinner Dance & Awards, as well as the all-access hospitality tent. Spouses and immediate family members will be eligible for member pricing.

I would like to purchase a complete registration package ______ $200.00 Members

______ Non-Members $275.00

NOTE: One year ADS membership included with non-member registration. Dinner Dance & Awards only: Includes Saturday Night Dinner Dance & Awards and members meeting on September 24th, 2016. Programs, tours, demonstrations and additional meals are not included with this option.

I would like to purchase a ticket for Saturday’s Dinner Dance & Awards ______ $100.00 Members

______ Non-Members $150.00

NOTE: One year ADS membership included with non-member registration. I would like to bring _______ horse(s) to drive in all scheduled and at-will drives.  Stabling costs: $150 per stall for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Extra days are $25 per night per stall. 30 amp hook-ups $50.00. No water available. I plan to arrive on ___________________________ and depart on ________________________ Contact Kelly Valdes for extra stall nights - (910) 603-2449 Golf Cart Rental: Golf carts are available by contacting: Carolina Carriage - (910) 295-0574 for delivery at Big Sky.

Continued on next page 5


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ADS Annual Members Meeting Sponsorship Levels I would like to make a donation (at the level I’ve checked below) to help sponsor the 

2016 ADS Annual Members Meeting. Questions? Please contact Stacy Carlson at stacy@americandrivingsociety.org, or call (608) 237-7382.

 Coachman - ($1,500 +) • Introduction at Saturday night banquet • Logo on all event signage - located at all official functions • Logo and link on ADS Annual Meeting webpage • Full-page ad in meeting program (8.375 x 11, trims to 8.125 x 10.75 high resolution pdf file) • Your signage/banners at banquets and at barns • Announcements throughout the weekend  Four-in-Hand - ($1,000 - $1,499) • Introduction at Saturday night banquet • Logo on all event signage - located at all official functions • Logo and link on ADS Annual Meeting webpage • Half-page ad in meeting program (6.375 x 4.75 high resolution pdf file) • Announcements throughout the weekend  Tandem - ($500 - $999) • Name listed on all event signage - located at all official functions • Link on ADS Annual Meeting webpage • Half-page ad in meeting program (6.375 x 4.75 high resolution pdf file) • Announcements throughout the weekend  Pair - ($250 - $499) • Name listed on all event signage - located at all official functions • Link on ADS Annual Meeting webpage • Quarter-page ad in meeting program (3.875 x 4.75 high resolution pdf file) • Announcements throughout the weekend  Single - ($100 - $249) • Name listed on all event signage - located at all official functions • Link on ADS Annual Meeting webpage • Listing in meeting program • Announcements throughout the weekend  Meal Function/Hospitality Sponsor (Actual Cost) • Exclusive signage rights to meal function • Introduction and reserved seating at meal function - ability to address crowd • “Sponsored by” designation in all printed schedules, registration materials, and meal tickets • Advertisement on back of meal ticket • Your printed materials and booth space at meal function • Four representatives at meal function I’ve enclosed a check (made payable to the The American Driving Society, Inc.) in the amount of $_____________ Please charge $_____________ to my


 MasterCard

Account #___________________________________________ Expiration Date______________ Security code (3 digits that appear on the back of most cards) :____________ Name as it appears on your card:________________________________________________ Signature of cardholder:_______________________________________________________

Send this form and payment to:


PO Box 278, Cross Plains, WI or fax: (608) 237-6468.

Dan Rosenthal in the water hazard at Gladstone with his Dartmoors Lizwell Gambling Queen and Singletree Tabitha Twichit, Theresa Alexander navigating. Photo by Abbie Trexler.

Send Us Your Photos! ADS is continuing to build a photo library to use on the website and in other promotional materials. Email in your high resolution photos of your carriage horses to info@americandrivingsociety.org. Photos must be accompanied by permission for unlimited use by the photographer.

Want to write for

Send us a 50-word article proposal via email to abbie@americandrivingsociety. We are interested in historical and contemporary pieces that celebrate carriage driving in its many forms.

We can’t wait to see what you send in!


Classified Ads

Classic Meadowbrook Cart - $1200

A rare find. Made by Valentine & Co., Long Island 1900’s. Now offered for sale after years of pleasure driving. EC. Thetford, VT. Call (802) 785-4410 or email: sret340@gmail.com

Advertise in the ADS Publications!

Advertising options available to fit every marketing budget. Call (530) 902-8065 or E-mail: abbie@americandrivingsociety.org

Phone: 608-237-7382 • Fax: 608-237-6468 E-mail: info@americandrivingsociety.org www.americandrivingsociety.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED P.O. Box 278, Cross Plains, WI 53528

The American Driving Society, Inc.

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