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October 2016

Representing Carriage Driving in the United States and Canada


NOTES From the Editor ......................................... 1 ADS NEWS Annual Appeal........................................... 1 ADS Hours to Drive .................................. 2 New Feature to ADS Website ................... 2 OPINIONS From Between My Blinders ...................... 2 NEWS A Loss at Shelburne Farms ...................... 3 UPCOMING EVENTS Columbus Day Weekend at Touchstone .. 3 CAA Level I and Road Driving Proficiency Evaluation Preparation Clinic ................ 4 ADS Pacific Region Weekend .................. 4


From the Editor


y bag is packed and I’m off in the morning to the ADS Annual Meeting. I’m most excited to meet members of the society and put faces to names. ADS staff members Stacy Carlson and Louise Rothery will be in attendance, as well. They, along with a great committee of volunteers, have organized what looks to be a wonderful weekend. This October newsletter is packed with news and upcoming events from the ADS and the carriage driving community, as well as Hardy Zantke’s regular column, From Between My Blinders. Do you have news to include in The Wheelhorse? Email to abbie@americandrivingsociety.org and put Wheelhorse in the subject line. We’re going to press with a wonderful issue of The Whip right after the annual meeting. If you’d like to place a last-minute ad I can take those until October 1 for our November publication.



Annual Appeal Donating to the ADS

The Annual Appeal 2016

E Stay tuned for coverage from the Palsson Clinic in the November issue of Jeffrey Stuhfauth and his daughter Megan with Applejack are pictured here. Photo by Louisa Emerick.

Articles that appear in The Wheelhorse do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of The American Driving Society, Inc. (ADS), its Board of Directors or staff, nor does publication of said articles constitute an endorsement of the view they may express. Accuracy of all material is the sole responsibility of the authors. Appearance of an advertisement in The Wheelhorse does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the ADS of the goods and services therein.

ach year the American Driving Society, Inc. (ADS) makes an annual appeal for donations to its members. The reason is simple, the memberships, officials’ license fees, show fees and all other income do not meet the costs of member benefits. Donations have always subsidized the budget of the ADS. The ADS is fortunate that former donations and bequests have allowed the organization to make investments that produce income for the society. Currently the ADS has $1,105,000 invested and that generates $40,000 a year in income. Part of that portfolio income is used to pay the cost of keeping the ADS legal in all 50 states, through state registrations and reports. Another part, up to $12,000 per year, is used to fund the projects of the eight regional directors, thereby supporting and growing membership. In 2016, members will be offered a choice to donate to operations and help fund the general cost of running the ADS or to increase the investments of the society by donating to the ADS Fund. Or the donor may simply say, use my gift as it best suits the ADS. The ADS is a bit like your public radio or TV station. There is membership and other income, but that does not cover the costs, thus fundraising is essential to provide the services the ADS provides. When you receive the appeal, which will be sent by mail and followed up by email and personal phone calls, please consider making a tax deductible 2016 gift. We won’t send you a monogrammed coffee mug, a boxed set of Downton Abbey DVDs or even a pretty calendar, but you will know you are supporting the only organization in North America that promotes the sport you love. -John Freiburger, Claire Reid, Natasha Grigg, and Mike Arnold


ADS News

ADS Hours to Drive

New Feature to ADS Website



Paperwork Deadline Nov. 1

ADS Matters Blog

DS members who enjoy recreational driving can earn recognition for time spent in its pursuit in the Hours To Drive program. Hours To Drive, which operates on the honor system, is designed to be a simplified version of the old ADS “miles program” for recreational drivers. You drive your horse or pony and write down the number of hours on the log sheet spent on the box seat that day. ADS Hours to Drive logs are due November 1. Please submit to the ADS office at PO Box 278, Cross Plains, WI 53528 or by email to stacy@americandrivingsociety.org. ADS Youth Championship logs are also due November 1. Download the form here and submit to the address above: http://americandrivingsociety.org/Portals/ADS/forms/ YD_championship_frm.pdf



reports and meeting minutes there too. There might still be some minor glitches in there—nothing is ever perfect—but have you been on the new ADS website lately? I have been—and yes, for my taste it still loads a little too slowly, but perhaps that’s also due to my own slow internet connection. I am working on upgrading that—and I’m promised our webmaster is working on improving the speed of the site too. Speaking of our webmaster: Let me share my recent experience with you: Last weekend I went on the website to look at the ADS Championship Criteria—and there was a link to download it. When I clicked on it, I could see that my computer was downloading, but then it did not open anything nor could I find anything downloaded. I am not very computer savvy—so wasn’t sure, if it was once again me being too dumb, or if perhaps the link wasn’t working properly. As I was thinking of writing an email to our webmaster bringing this to his attention, I saw a link “Need help with the ADS website” in the lower right corner of my screen. So I clicked on it - and wow, we had a live chat! Our webmaster Joe Barry himself came on right away—on Saturday evening at 7:30 pm his time! He checked out the link for me, said it worked fine for him and what I was looking for was a document in Word from the old website. So perhaps “Word” didn’t work on my MacBook—and that’s perhaps the reason I didn’t get it (I did find it in the meantime). Joe promised me to send me a copy—but if I could wait till the next day, as he was just about to turn out some horses for the night. Yes, of course, no problem, I did not need that urgently—we are all horse people—and turning out horses for the night certainly has priority in my book too. I only needed it in preparation for judging at Kansas City, then two weeks down the line, and Joe promptly e-mailed it to me at the beginning of the week. But I still can’t get over it, that we, our small ADS, have a webmaster who came on immediately when I clicked that button—and that on the weekend and in the evening. Amazing! Now, that is service! Thank you Joe, and thank you ADS. Happy driving

From Between My Blinders Live chat on the ADS website

By Hardy Zantke


y the time you read this, of course, the ADS Annual Meeting has just happened at Southern Pines and I hope many of you had a chance to attend and see all the good things that are happening at the ADS lately: Meeting our new Consulting Executive Director Louise Rothery, as well as our new Whip and Wheelhorse Editor Abbie Trexler, meeting the face of our office - Stacy Carlson, our current Board members as well as the next ones, meeting old friends and making new ones and enjoying the great hospitality of our hard working members and volunteers who put it all together in Southern Pines—with Honorary Director Kelly Valdes and Co-Chair of the ADS Development Committee Claire Reid at the forefront—but many more helping them. Unfortunately I could not go this year as I had prior family obligations in Germany at the same time. So along with those of you who could not go either—we’ll need to find out what happened through word of mouth of friends who went as well as through modern media—like Facebook posts, CD-L, perhaps some reports already in this issue of The Wheelhorse too - or else, I’m told Abbie will give us more details in the November Whip. I look forward to it all. But in the meantime—we do have a great new website up and running for the ADS, and I’m sure we’ll find committee

Do you have news we can use? Email your carriage driving news to abbie@americandrivingsociety.org, subject line Wheelhorse. 2

DS Matters is meant to provide a vehicle for communicating and receiving open feedback on items important to the ADS. It is open for all to read and for members (once logged in) to make comments that can be seen by all. When you write, please remember this is can be read by all, but only ADS members can comment. Not a current member? Join or renew now! If a particular comment or thread gets unruly, those comments will be removed from the discussion. Please register on the new site if you have not already http://americandrivingsociety.org/MyADS/Login.aspx The system will automatically log you in once you register. Under My ADS - ADS Matters Blog Check out the hot topic of the ADS/USEF relationship on the blog. We look forward to some great discussions! Thanks, Mike Arnold – President



A Loss at Shelburne Farms A letter from President Alec Webb Dear Friend of Shelburne Farms, In case you have not already heard the news, I am writing to let you know that early Sunday morning September 11, the Old Dairy Barn at Shelburne Farms was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Fortunately, no people or animals were hurt. We are deeply saddened by this huge loss and are still a bit in shock. Located across from the Breeding Barn on our Southern Acres campus, the Old Dairy Barn was an important presence and quiet partner in our programs. The incredible timber frame structure was skillfully crafted 125 years ago. Its loss forever changes the landscape at Shelburne Farms and at the same time heightens our appreciation for how much every historic building contributes to the fabric of this property and community. The barn housed thousands of feet of the most beautiful lumber in the world. Slabs of wood, milled from 38 species of trees that grow on the Farm, lay stacked together as whole logs. Each told a wordless story that only our woodland stewards Marshall and Dana knew. That lumber was awaiting a new life as furniture to be used and enjoyed by future program participants at Shelburne Farms. The Old Dairy Barn also housed our dreams and vision for growing Shelburne Farms as a place for shared learning. Our

board, staff, and consultants had invested a lot of time and collective thought planning for its future rehabilitation as a residential learning center that would someday anchor and elevate our work educating for a sustainable future. The structure is gone. Yet, the inspiration it gave us to see the amazing educational potential of Shelburne Farms is stronger than ever. On the practical side, the barn was appropriately insured given its current use and condition. We made a carefully considered decision to insure the charitable contributions that went into stabilizing the building instead of trying to cover its full replacement cost. With the exception of our Historic Barn Tour, we are fortunate that we are able to continue to operate our programs and enterprises. In response to those of you who are sending in wonderful unsolicited contributions, we have created a Resiliency Fund (https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/shelburnefarms resiliencyfund) in honor of the Old Dairy Barn and the lumber that was lost. The Fund will help with expenses not covered by insurance and support additional fire protection improvements, new tree plantings, and campus planning for residential programming on the Farm. We are so grateful for the outpouring of community support. Thank you for your care and thoughts as we work to adapt and grow from this unexpected turn of events. Sincerely, Alec Webb, President

Upcoming Events

Columbus Day Weekend at Touchstone Farm Oct. 7-10, 2016


he American Driving Society’s Northeast Recreational Drive will be held over Columbus Day Weekend at Touchstone Farm. Festivities will include loads of driving at-will over unspoiled historic property, country dirt roads, and open fields with limited traffic. There’s a great barbeque at our farm on Friday night, and on Saturday there will be a cones scramble and safari drive. There are also opportunities to practice a cones course and dressage in a regulation dressage arena, followed by a therapeutic driving demo presented by Touchstone drivers. Saturday night, there will be a reception and banquet dinner at Timberdoodle Club. On Sunday there’s a drive to the surrounding farm and a blessing of the horses and carriages on Sunday morning. The recreational driving weekend concludes at approximately 2PM Sunday, Oct. 9th with the closing brunch and presentation. You can also book time with your favorite instructor-contact us directly for a list of those available over the weekend. The registration form is available on the Touchstone Farm website. All event and stabling questions should be directed to Leona Anastasi at 774-276-0490 or email at lanastasi@charter. net or stablinglanastasi@charter.net. Onsite stabling opens at noon on Friday, October 7th. One day truck-in opportunities are welcomed. Onsite lodging at Touchstone Farm is also available. For lodging details please call Kris Young at Touchstone Farm at 603-654-6308. Topping off the list of great possibilities for those of you who wish to try your hand at the Carriage Association of America’s

Driver Proficiency evaluation without having to travel to Florida, this is your chance! Jerry Trapani will be with us for the weekend to offer either Level 1 or Level 2 for those interested. Register directly on the CAA site. There is no better time to drive in New England than in the height of the fall season. Sincerely, Isabella (Boo) Martin,M.Ed. Executive Director & Founder Touchstone Farm 13 Pony Farm Lane, Temple, NH 03084 Contact Touchstone Farm at 603-654-6308 and visit our website for more details: www.touchstone-farm.org.

Advertise in Sell your equipment and equines, promote your business, or celebrate your great season with an ad in The Whip. We’ll customize a plan to fit your needs and goals. Advertising is fun again! Contact abbie@americandrivingsociety.org to reserve your space. 3

Upcoming Events

The American Driving Society, Inc.


he Carriage Association of America has instituted a progressive evaluation program to increases awareness and knowledge of driving and how to do it safely. Drivers are evaluated on their knowledge of horses, horse care, carriages, harness, harnessing, hitching, and driving. The program starts with Level 1 and Road Driving, and continues through Level III and up through Instructor and Evaluator levels. Read more and get your syllabus online at carriageassocationofamerica.com/driverproficiency-program/. Thursday, October 13, 2016. 1-4pm at Kathy Grave’s House in Yreka, CA. Contact: Kathy Graves 530.842.5636 kgraves@4fast. net or Michael Wakefield 541.891.1321 Michael@ trentofarm.com for more information or to reserve your space.


ocated at in California at Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds and Heart K Ranch. Join us for a fun, educational, relaxing weekend of driving and enjoying the beautiful fall colors. Saturday, October 15 will bring instructional clinics and cones and obstacle courses at the fairgrounds in Quincy. That evening participants will be treated to a catered dinner and a showing of The Caravan. Sunday, October 16th all will trailer about an hour to Gennesse, California for an approximately ten-mile drive on the scenic Heart K Ranch, part of the Feather River Land Trust. Contact Veronica Campbell (562)431-7264 or t.v.campbell@verizon.net for more information and registration forms.

P.O. Box 278, Cross Plains, WI 53528

October 13, 2016 in Yreka, California

ADS Pacific Region Weekend, October 15-16, 2016

Phone: 608-237-7382 • Fax: 608-237-6468 E-mail: info@americandrivingsociety.org www.americandrivingsociety.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

CAA Level I and Road Driving Proficiency Evaluation Preparation Clinic

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