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AHR Ambassador Performance Award Program
This AHR Ambassador program is designed to recognize individual Haflinger horses who participate publicly in competitions, performances, educational demonstrations, and other public events. Haflingers who demonstrate their training and versatility to the public – be it under saddle, in harness, or in hand – help promote our wonderful breed. The AHR created this program to recognize these superstars! This program is included as part of your AHR membership, so if you’ve been missing out, enroll now in the AHR Ambassador Performance Program for FREE! To register, visit http://haflingerhorse.com or contact Susan Haszelbart at (303) 882-2462 for a copy of enrollment and submission forms.
Congratulations to the following AHR Ambassador performance award participants who reached milestones in 2016!
Diamond Ambassador – More Than 30 Points
Anastasia of KHA and Jessica Hanney achieved 60 points.

Sabreena Sue CRHF and Suzanne Morisse attained 59 points.

Afghan NTF and Alice Morse logged 58 points.
N’Tempo SSH1 and Linden Thompson charted 56 points.

Neon Fire HIS and Ray & Diane Mansur recorded 52 points.
Nice and Big LVH and Emma Kane listed 52 points.
Wil-Von Mikas RVH and Tara Williamson earned 37 points.
Majors Amigo KH and Ray & Diane Mansur registered 35 points.
Maty TCF and Sylvia Miskoe noted 33 points.
Aftershock MJW and Jacquelyn Woodward chronicled 32 points.
Crystal’s Luck Charm and Paul Peterson documented 32 points.
Axel Foley KCH and Sydney Kerr reached 31 points.
Mister Mawby SV and Rebecca Kuc achieved 30 points.

Nacho and Elizabeth Tillman attained 30 points.
Ruby Ambassador – More Than 20 Points
Cassandra OOS and Jan Chambers logged 28 points.
Washington S-SN and Amy Hanney charted 28 points.
Auto Bahn of Genesis and Jessica Hanney recorded 26 points.
Nanticoke and Deborah North listed 24 points.

Allison Of The Valley AD-EL and Paul Peterson earned 23 points.
Cheri Lynn Rose CEH and Amy Hanney registered 23 points.
Abalon BWS and Suzanne Morisse noted 22 points.
Abed-Nego CRHF and Suzanne Morisse chronicled 22 points.
La-Fonda Gold and Peggy Patterson-Cini documented 21 points.
Sapphire Ambassador – More Than 10 Points
Violet Rose TMF and Karol Fair reached 19 points.

Wagner GJF and Corey McCommon achieved 18 points.
New Champion ODA and Ray & Diane Mansur attained 17 points.
Sinna and Jacquelyn Woodward logged 17 points.
Jennifer NKA and Marilyn Ulicny charted 15 points.
Alf TC and Cynthia Bates recorded 12 points.
Amazing Gold MMH and Jacquelyn Woodward listed 12 points.
Archie TC and Cynthia Bates earned 12 points.

Flyaway and Patti Montoya registered 12 points.
MT Aztec Gold MMS and Tracy DiSabato-Aust noted 11 points.
Congrats to all who participated in the AHR Ambassador performance award program in 2016!
Wheaton BCH and Emily Gibson chronicled 5 points.
Niagara YES and Kathie Hanson documented 4 points.
Cahinnio K and Kate Mas reached 2 points.
Demeter Wulf and Mike Hanson achieved 2 points.
Mr. Tomy Haflinger MUD and Mike Hanson attained 2 points.