15 minute read
Haflinger Championship Challenge: Going Strong After 11 Seasons
The Haflinger Championship Challenge (HCC) is a program that tracks a horse’s placings that compete at qualifying shows and classes. The placings are turned into points that accumulate year over year as the horse competes in the required classes at the qualifying shows. The HCC program was started in 2008 and has been growing ever since. At the end of the 2018 show season the HCC program has 522 Haflingers participating (see the list for all the Haflinger names).
Since 2008 to present calendar year the shows that have participated in the HCC program are: AHR National Show (2011 to 2016 and 2018), Buckeye Haflinger Show (2008 to present), Central Ohio Haflinger Show (2010 to present), New York Gold Classic Haflinger Show (2008 to 2016), and Western Pennsylvania Haflinger Show (2008 & 2009).
The 522 Haflingers in the HCC program are competing in either 1 or up to 10 of the 11 different divisions. The following are the divisions of the HCC program: Dressage Training Level, Driving, English W/T, English W/T/C, Halter - Mares, Halter - Stallions/Geldings, Horsemanship, Obstacle Driving, Western Dressage, Western W/J, and Western W/J/L. Each division has a set of classes that a horse will be shown in at the shows participating in the HCC program. For a complete listing of class information you can go on the Internet and visit the HCC website at www.haflingerchallenge.com.
A horse that is exhibited in the required classes of a division at any or all of the qualifying shows for the current calendar will have their placing turn into points. The points awarded for a placing are based on the number of entries that show in a given class. For example if there are 10 horses in a class then first place receives 10 points, second place receives 9 points, third place receives 8 points, and so on. The points that are accumulated for the calendar year are used for year-end awards for the different divisions, as well as, the points add up year over year to qualify for a HCC lifetime achievement award for each of the HCC divisions. The lifetime achievement awards are: merit (50 to 99 pts.), excellence (100 to 249 pts.), superior (250 to 499 pts.), and supreme (500 + pts.). Also there is a versatility award that requires the horse to have accumulated points in each of the following divisions: Driving with greater than 100 pts., English W/T/C with greater than 100 pts., Halter (M or S/G) with greater than 25 pts, and Western W/J/L with greater than 100 pts.
So far in the HCC program there are 10 Haflingers that achieved the versatility award. Below is a table that shows the Haflingers and the year the versatility award was achieved.

A few Haflingers achieved a supreme (500 + pts) lifetime achievement award. These Haflingers are: Bonita Rox PA (Driving division in 2014), Like A Charm KCH (English W/T/C division in 2014), All American Ladd WRF (English W/T/C division in 2014), Lietzl WGF (Western W/J division in 2016), Whispers of the Fruit CA (Western W/J/L division in 2014). For a complete listing of horses and their lifetime achievement award level in a division you can review the files on the HCC website in the lifetime points link.
The below table highlights the number of horses and points awarded in the HCC divisions through the 2018 calendar year show season.

A thank you goes out to all past and present show managers and HCC committee members for all their hard work and dedication to put on shows to make the HCC program a success. Also thank you to all the farms and exhibitors that participate with their Haflinger(s) at the shows that work within the Haflinger Championship Challenge.
For more information and details please visit the HCC website at www.haflingerchallenge.com.
A AAA Review HMF A Bed Nego CRHF A Black Tie Affair NW_HRZN A Cool Dude WWH A Fire of DAF A Firecracker HCA A Gold Review HMF A Golden Dandy A Golden Mark A Justin A Perfect Reflection MHS A Perfect Storm DAF A Rock A Rockin' Colton GFH A Trinity MHS Abalon BWS Abbey Emma Abel of Chestnut Ridge Abella TSH Abrianna SFF Absolutely Alert Absolutely Awesome Accolade of Genesis Ace High of DAF Act of Valor HOF Ada Anemone Adam's Valley Adara of Cedar Lane Addy's Adam PAH Adios CNH Adonis SDH Afghan NTF Aftershock MJW Akanak of M&N Akiro HOS Akiva HOS Akrobat HOF Alad's Prince KCH Alamo Jo CSS Albis Sonnenschein PRS Alert The Press DFM Alexander RWF Alexander the Great Alexandrite MJW Alfa of Genesis Alistar RVRW All American Ladd WRF All Inclusive of Genesis All-Charm PGF Allenstein PA Allie RSGF Allure of Genesis Ally PPGH Almendra Almost Legal YES Alomar RVM Alonizio CCF Alpine CEH Al's Arrow DARH Always Alert GVS Amadee MHS Amadour TOF Amara GHP Amazing Gold MMH Amber Jack TMHF Amber RVA Amelie AH American Angel HCA American Express FAH Ameriprize of Showme Amigo AMS Ammunition TLCS An Expensive Decision YES An Irish Jig WHHF Anastasia of KHA Andretti JRMH Andrew Jackson PHHF Andrit NTF Anemone II YES Anemone's Accomplice YES Angel MHS Animator VVH Anita's Legacy Ann Marie TCIN Anna WRF Anthony Key Antonio Rose of Lilac Farms Antourage of Genesis Apache HML Aphelia TGC Apollo's Hunter WRF Applause April Dawn MHS April-Joy Arawak LHF Arbow BWS Archie’s Boy Ariel HFB Arlen NHH Armani KCH Armbro YHS Armenia Country Road Arneigh MBM Arnem Holland CRHF Arnie WAH Arno's Little Magical Dude Asti FCH Atom Atom SFF Atta Boy Luke GVS Attorney's Son Audacious TSH Audi WGF Audio Vidual CRHF Auf Wiedersehen MLF Augenstern HOF Augusta ABE Aura of Genesis Aurelia of Genesis Aurora HOF Authentic Rock MJW Autobahn of Genesis Avalanche Amber Style BOB Avalanche AMS Averil YES Aviator GGF Avion of Genesis Awe Struck of Genesis Awesome Joe Awesome-Gold MMH Axel Aras PRS Axel Foley KCH Axel SNA Ayel YES Barbie Doll by Nando HNMH Beauty's Lady RVH Belle Vande Haflinger HOEV Berkshire HNMH Bethany's Beauty PA Bet-She-Rox PA Betty Lou VYHF Birdena Waltz LJH Bombshell of Genesis Bonita Rox PA Bonnie Brie of Showme Bonnie LJH Brittney BWS By Design of Genesis Caballa HHFH Calliope PTA Candie's No Limit RP Carmelena Cashmere of Genesis Casianna Belle FPS Casino Cassady of Sugarcreek Catch the Moment WRF Catch You Later ABE Cha Lie-A-Star Chalybeate MHS Charisma OOS Charlotte THF Cheri Lynn Rose CEH Cindarella II SFF Classic Beauty SGH C-Me Waltz Win LJH Cocoa Chanel Colleen Cover Girl Cover Girl BOB Cozy's Dutchess Crystal of Excellence Dancin in Aruba HOF De Heaven Debi Rose CHF Debut BW Deja Vu SH Dora RKH Emadora HOF Excellence Defined HOF Fabalina Faiola EMS Fair Lady AMS Faith by Fire DAF Famosa Lou SFF Fantasy AMS Fantasy RWF Ferrari NTF Festiva BW6 Fiddle HCPH Figurin YES Fiona ODA Fire and Ice AMS Flamboyance of Genesis Flawless WSF Floridian AFH Flower MMH Flyaway Foolish Pleasure WOF Frances MBM Fransisca GVS Fraulein YCH Frisca NTF Gabby RVM Gen Glinda RVM Glisten TOF Gloria DF Gloria MHF Golden Angel RAH Goodness Showing TSH Google GF Grace Full Waltz Grega is Gold CRHF Gretchen RVM Hallie GHJ Hannah Ho CRHF Harmonie TOF Hearthrob of Genesis Heidi GFH Hershey JK Herzlieb Hint of Excellence Hit's Adorable Jenna GFH Holly of Excellence Hope HOF Ikea TOF Iris RWF Isolde La Bale Agwisance Joelle Elda GTA Kay's Amazing Grace MMS L Princess Bethany DSJ La-Dot's Dazzle Lady Aphesian MDH Lady Ashly WBF Lady Liz RWF Lady of Steel Lady Stelaka GGHF Lady's First La-Fonda-Gold MMH Lakeside Breeze MJW Lakeview Laci Lamosi GGHF Laura WOF Lavinia-Lena YES Lawrita GVF Leala HFB Leap of Faith Legacy of Cedar Lane Lexi MDH Lexus LLRH Libby Gold MMH Liberty LLRH Lietzl WGF Like A Charm KCH Lilac of the Valley Lilly Hill RP Lily O'Brien of Showme Limelight of Genesis Limited Edition HNMH Limited Edition KCH Limousine BHF Linde Star MJW Lindy's Gold Standard Linka Little LuLu MMM Little Star of PVAMD Liza Luray Lola RGG Lori-Lee HA Lorrie FLH Love You Long Time YES Lovely Starlight HCA Lovey Loyal Lisa DCH Luann DARH Lucky Princess MMS Lucky Star MMS Lucky Sunday MHS Lucy-Lori Lucy's Alexia WRF Lylett's Rose Lynn of Cedar Lane M an M CRHF Mackinac RM Macy Luray Magdelena BOB Magical Lights WRF Magnetic Attraction Magnut Mai Waltz WRH Majors Cory's Cal SUNRA Malisa MSC Mammoth Rock MMS Mandolyn RVRW Manx RVRW Maretta PHHF Margarite Margo YES Mariah GHJ Marissa ODA Markeen AFH Markeeta Marquis MJW Mary Lou GHHF Mary Rose LEF MaryLue RR Master Mike YHS Master Starfire MW Maximum Exposure YES Medina's Miracle CRHF Megabyte LLRH Melissa TMHF Mellow GHJ Melody of Excellence HOF Merryleggs Mia Waltz WRH Michels Storm Midas Touch II NTF Milleniums Easter Treasure Millennium Treasure TOF Mindy JA-LO Minister JPH Mint Celebration of Genesis Mint Legacy of Genesis Mirata YES Miss Bluegrass MHS Miss Couture MLF Miss Mae Is Golden Miss Mandy CRHF Mister Bob MCHF Mister Spirit Misty TSH Misty's Babe RR Model Design NKA Molena Monte SV Montey Lane Moonshine VVH Morafic JW MR Spirit FOF MT Aztec Gold MMS Musique New Horizons My Country Lady PGF My Darling LVH My Fair Lady My Music Maker MHF Mystic AFH Mystical Jewel MJW Nacho Nadal New of Showme Nakota Norman Nancy's Golden Waltz Nandos Class Act HNMH Nandos Legacy Nandos Next Treasure Nandos Nittany Knight Nandos North Star Nanticoke Napayshni GGHF Napolean Mast Stables NASDAQ Hits Again GFH Natalie CHUF Nautical Adventure MJW Nautical Mile TOF Navigator NTF Nazareth New of Showme ND Vision HBA Neeko of RKFH Neiman Marshall Nellie LMD Nelson Trotter Nelson Willie JEMS Nemo AFH Neo Nebula of Green Acres New Level New Magic SUNRA New Millenium Nando New York TMA Newly Luray Next Level GHJ Niagara YES Nic Dreamy Guy Nice and Big LVH Nick of UD Nicknack JAH Nick's Bill FM Nik KVH Nikko TH Niles RAH Nipper L & CH Nissan Noah New of Showme Nobelius II MJE Noble B S-SN Nordel Nordic HCF Nordstar HFB Norman's Nathan Northern Blaze Northrup FOF Nostalgic DFM Notorious Whiz Notting's Spirit GFH Noval WRH N'Pressive N-Sufficient Evidence YES Nu-Knight CSA Nunavik GF Nu-Star Metric HBA Nutty Buddy LCH N'Vincible MJW N'Vitation Only MJW Ophelia Olinda DTA Percious Moment PIM's Third Verse VHH Rachael of Rose TOF Racine of Genesis Radiance of New Horizons Rafinja of New Horizons Ravenna of Lilac Farms Razel CAF Razz Ma Tazz HNMH Reahna of Lilac Farms Reality Check of Genesis Rendezvous of Genesis Renita Ressonance of New Horizons Reveillon TOF Rhapsody of New Horizons Rhoda Mae DTA Ricola DTA Romantique of Lilac Farms Rosella HOF Rosina of New Horizons Rowena GHJ Rumor Has It Of Genesis Sabreena Sue CHF Sally GHH Sally Sue Sandy WOA Sarah NTF Savanna CSS Sepastian WRH Serenade of Whale Cove Serenity TPH Sharon FLH Shasta Shebang WYLDE Shirley of TMHF Shyann LAH Sinna Skipper CAH Soba TCF Spaetzle Spectacular Suspense HFB Spider's Prima Donna S-Rivalin Stamp of Excellence HOF Stand Scout of Showme Standard of Elegance HOF Standard of Perfection HOF Standing Ovation New Horizon Stanhope WRF Star Superior Stardust of Excellence Starnberg MHS State of the Art of New Horizon Status Quo of Excellence Status Quo of Genesis Stelaka PHHF Sterling Straightshot of Excellence Strasburg de Gerval Stroke of Luck Styleschutz Suetta PMF Syndee New of Showme Tessa Thalia YES The Girl's Got It YES Unique WHF Vaballa HHSH Vi' Anna CRHF Victoria's Charm PGF Viktoria HOF Vinny Vivacious HOF Waimea Willo Waldo of RKFH Walker GVF Waltz With Me MHF Waltzing William SGH Washington S-SN Weasel RWF Wetherby Whispers of the Fruit CA Whiz Bat 109 Wilbur LBF Wild Chaos MVSH Wild Flower MMS Wild Gold MMH Wildwood BR Farm Will Beat the Storm of 2s Will Go Too Wil-Von Mikas RVH Windy Streams Glory MVSH Win's Son WAH WinSome Willo LOH Winstar CRRH Winter Gold MMH Winterschein DCH Wintersons Gold MMH Wise C Lance GVF Wiz Bang LMP World Famous TLCS Wrace of Chestnut Ridge Wrangler SFF Wrendition of Genesis Wyatt Earp SBH Zanadu GGHF Zihna II GGHF
The Haflinger Championship Challenge (HCC) 2018 Award Ceremony was held October 5th, 2018 at Windy Knoll Farm in Sullivan Ohio. The HCC was comprised of three shows in 2018, the Buckeye Haflinger Show, The AHR National Show, and the Central Ohio Haflinger Show. The Award Ceremony was well attended, and the HCC committee was pleased to give out some exceptional awards in 2018. Many, many thanks to Steve Verhoff who has faithfully compiled the HCC points year after year! There are 13 year-end divisions for which the HCC awards prizes. Additionally, HCC Lifetime Achievement Certificates and Plaques were awarded. For 2018, there were 27 Merit Award Winners (50 Points Achieved), 8 Excellence Award Winners (100 Points Achieved) and 2 Superior Award Winners (250 Points Achieved).
10 and Under Youth Division

Champion: Elliot Bizjak of Walnut Ridge Farm; Reserve Champion: Peyton Bizjak of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Peyton McIntyre of TLC Stables, Lexie Yingling of Walnut Ridge Farm, Liam Ellingson of Shady Grove Haflingers, and Ty Woodward of Woodward Performance Haflingers
English W/T Division

Champion: Whispers of the Fruit CA of TLC Stables; Reserve Champion: Nazareth New of Showme of Runway Stables; Top 5: Gabby RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm, Melody of Excellence HOF of Walnut Ridge Farm, and Wrendition of Genesis of High Time Equine
English W/T/C Division Winners

Champion: Gabby RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Reserve Champion: Excellence Defined HOF of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: A Cool Dude WWH of Walnut Ridge Farm, Like A Charm KCH of Walnut Ridge Farm, and Arlen NHH of Walnut Ridge Farm
Western W/J Division Winners

Champion: Wyatt Earp SBH of Edelweiss Haflingers; Reserve Champion: Cha Lie-A-Star of TLC Stables; Top 5: Archie’s Boy of TLC Stables, Aurelia of Genesis of Rancho de Felicidad, Alamo Jo CSS of Edelweiss Haflingers, and Avion of Genesis of 3K Performance Horses
Western W/J/L Division

Champion: Whispers of the Fruit CA of TLC Stables; Reserve Champion: Wil-Von Mikas RVH of Siren’s Song Farm; Top 5: Aftershock MJW of Woodward Performance Haflingers, Aurelia of Genesis of Rancho de Felicidad, and Sally Sue of Verhoff Brothers
Classical Dressage Division

Champion: Gretchen RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Reserve Champion: Gabby RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Averil YES of Twin Birch Farms, Nunavik GF of Twin Maple Farm, and A Cool Dude WWH of Walnut Ridge Farm
Western Dressage Division

Champion: Sally Sue of Verhoff Brothers; Reserve Champion: Lietzl WGF of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Aurelia of Genesis of Rancho de Felicidad, Audio Vidual CRHF of Baker’s Acres, and Aurora HOF of Freedom Training &Repro.
Horsemanship Division

Champion: Whispers of the Fruit CA of TLC Stables; Reserve Champion: Cha Lie-A-Star of TLC Stables; Top 5: Gabby RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Wil-Von Mikas RVH of Siren’s Song Farm, and Sally Sue of Verhoff Brothers
Driving Division Winners

Champion: Milleniums Easter Treasure of Hendershot Haflingers; Reserve Champion: Gretchen RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Nandos North Star of Hendershot Haflingers; Top 5: N’Vincible MJW of Woodward Performance Haflingers, and Faith by Fire DAF of Twin Pines Haflingers
Obstacle Driving Winners

Champion: Mackinac RM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Reserve Champion: Cashmere of Genesis of Twin Pines Haflingers; Top 5: Mary Lou GHHF of Rosehill Half-Pints, Gretchen RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm, and An Expensive Decision YES of Twin Birch Farms
Senior Mare Halter Division

Champion: Milleniums Easter Treasure of Hendershot Haflingers; Reserve Champion: Gretchen RVM of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Aura of Genesis of Genesis Farm, Flyaway of Frog Hollow Farm, and Aurelia of Genesis of Rancho de Felicidad
Senior Stallion/Gelding Halter Division Winners

Champion: Arlen NHH of Walnut Ridge Farm; Reserve Champion: A Cool Dude WWH of Walnut Ridge Farm; Top 5: Whispers of the Fruit CA of TLC Stables, Wil-Von Mikas RVH of Siren’s Song Farm, and N’Pressive of Siren’s Song Farm
Junior Horse Halter Division Winners

Champion: Nautical Adventure MJW of Pine View Farms; Reserve Champion: Lakeside Breeze MJW of Pine View Farms; Top 5: World Famous TLCS of Pine View Farms, Liberty LLRH of Leisure Lane Reg. Haflingers, Status Quo of Genesis of Genesis Farm, and Nandos Nittany Knight of Hendershot Haflingers
Merit Award: Armani KCH (54 points), owned by Robert McMillan Jr and Linda Parsons, bred by Jonas A Keim
Excellence Award: Authentic Rock MJW (102 points), owned and bred by Woodward Performance Haflingers
Merit Award: Cha Lie-A-Star (50 points), owned by Saige or Lisa Matheny, bred by Bill D Byler
Merit Award: Gabby RVM (61 points), owned by Rachael Schindler, bred by Raymond A. Mast
Merit Award: N'Pressive (56 points), owned by Beverly Allen, bred by Kevin J Edwards
Merit Award: Nelson Trotter (50 points), owned by Rachael Schindler, bred by Albert R Hershberger
Merit Award: Whispers of the Fruit CA (59 points), owned by Terry or Lisa Schott, bred by Phil or Sharon Totten
Merit Award: A Cool Dude WWH (73 points), owned by Lou Sutton, bred by Raymond A. Mast
Excellence Award: Anemone's Accomplice YES (151 points), owned and bred by Dirk or Karen Young
Excellence Award: An Expensive Decision YES (109 points), owned and bred by Dirk or Karen Young
Superior Award: Arlen NHH (255 points), owned by Rachael or Kelly Cooper, bred by Allen A. Mast
Merit Award: Augusta ABE (55 points), owned by Paul, Natalie & Rachael Cooper, bred by Fred and Jana Abraham
Merit Award: Wyatt Earp SBH (51 points), owned by Laurie Szuter, bred by Larry Bain
Merit Award: Audio Vidual CRHF (56 points), owned by Donald Baker, bred by Robert McCrory
Merit Award: Wil-Von Mikas RVH (51 points), owned by Tara Ingalls-Williamson, bred by Amos S Esh
Excellence Award: Sally Sue (125 points), owned by Steve & Anthony Verhoff, bred by Rebecca C Etcheverry
Merit Award: An Expensive Decision YES (57 points), owned and bred by Dirk or Karen Young
Excellence Award: Archie's Boy (103 points), owned by Rachel Roesser, bred by James Schuebel
Merit Award: Augusta ABE (54 points), owned by Paul, Natalie & Rachael Cooper, bred by Fred and Jana Abraham
Excellence Award: Cha Lie-A-Star (130 points), owned by Saige or Lisa Matheny, bred by Bill D Byler
Merit Award: Excellence Defined HOF (64 points), owned by Kimberly or Brian Szymczak, bred by Robert Eicher Family
Merit Award: Gretchen RVM (50 points), owned by Lou Sutton, bred by Raymond A. Mast
Merit Award: Hershey JK (58 points), owned by Karen L Coulter, bred by Joseph A Yoder
Merit Award: Maretta PHHF (52 points), owned by Rachael Schindler, bred by Ivan Lee Zook
Merit Award: Wil-Von Mikas RVH (70 points), owned by Tara Ingalls-Williamson, bred by Amos S Esh
Merit Award: Gretchen RVM (51 points), owned by Lou Sutton, bred by Raymond A. Mast
Merit Award: Millennium’s Easter Treasure (52 points), owned and bred by Hendershot Haflingers
Superior Award: Mackinac RM (295 points), owned by Lou Sutton, bred by Olen J & Ruth Beitzel
Excellence Award: Cashmere of Genesis (107 points), owned by Melanie or Greg Cornman, bred by John or Michele Dunkel
Merit Award: Mary Lou GHHF (80 points), owned by Rhonda Gould, bred by Raymond Graber
Merit Award: Nobelius II MJE (55 points), owned by Peggy Brown, bred by Marvin Ery
Merit Award: WinSome Willo LOH (53 points), owned by Steve & Anthony Verhoff, bred by Kathy Dusseau
Merit Award: Aura of Genesis (54 points), owned and bred by John or Michele Dunkel
Merit Award: Gretchen RVM (51 points), owned by Lou Sutton, bred by Raymond A. Mast
Merit Award: Milleniums Easter Treasure (63 points), owned and bred by Hendershot Haflingers
Excellence Award: Augusta ABE (104 points), owned by Paul, Natalie & Rachael Cooper, bred by Fred and Jana Abraham
Merit Award: Whispers of the Fruit CA (65 points), owned by Terry or Lisa Schott, bred by Phil or Sharon Totten

Merit Award Winners (50 pts Achieved)

Excellence Award Winners (100 pts Achieved)

Superior Award Winners (250 pts Achieved)