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Founder's Message

Dear Friends,

Welcome to this edition of AHG’s Heritage Headlines. Along with its regularly featured columns of news and updates, this volume contains articles underscoring the importance of today’s Christian adopting a Biblical Worldview. The American Heritage Girls’ Program and Ministry is centered around Christ and thus, a Biblical worldview.

What is a worldview? It is the set of assumptions and beliefs through which one sees the world. If you believe in the Bible, its teachings should affect the way that you view the world. A Christian will therefore, think differently than non-Christians, and this will affect every area of our lives.

A recent study sponsored by the Family Research Council and cited in their report “Perceptions about Biblical Worldview and Its Application” found that only 6% of Americans and 9% of Christian Americans actually have a Biblical worldview.

Consider this: Two thirds of Americans identify as Christians, and the study found that 51% claim to have a Biblical worldview. But here’s the clincher. When those supposed Bible believers were asked specific questions, the researchers found that of those Christians who thought they had a Biblical worldview, only 9% answered all the questions correctly. Clearly the study brought to light the need for education around the eternal truths contained in the Bible so applicable in today’s world.

Some items to note from the study include:

26% believe the personal accumulation of money and other forms of wealth have been entrusted to them by God to manage for His purposes.

[Only] 29% believe that the best indicator of success in life is consistent obedience to God.

[Only] 33% believe that human beings are born with a sinful nature and can only be saved from the consequences of sin by Jesus Christ.

[Only] 47% believe that when they die they will go to Heaven only because they have confessed their sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

[Only] 48% believe that it is very important for their religious faith to influence every dimension of life.

[Only] 49% say that their most likely source of moral guidance in any given situation would be the Bible.

[A whopping] 49% accept reincarnation as a possibility after they die.

American Heritage Girls is in a unique position to come alongside parents and the Church to underscore a Biblical worldview and the need for it. AHG is dedicated to building women of integrity–women anchored in Christ. AHG is an arrow in the quiver each girl needs to navigate today’s world. Our program and ministry will continue to root itself in His timeless truths.

May you be blessed by His enduring love,

Patti Garibay

AHG Founder & Executive Director

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