3 minute read

Founder's Message

Dear friends,

Welcome to this edition of Heritage Headlines which focuses on service–one of my favorite topics!

It seems like just yesterday when my days and weeks were filled with planning, communicating, and facilitating an exciting program for the girls in my Troop. The work was difficult and challenging, yet this season was one of the most rewarding periods of my life. Thirteen years of volunteering with the Girl Scouts and eight years in an AHG Troop provided me with two decades of memories that have lasted my lifetime. I pray those same memories are fondly entertained by the dozens of girls whose lives were impacted by the service I provided.

As AHG volunteers, you too are making an incredible eternal impact on the hearts and minds of the girls you serve by generously investing your time, talent, and treasure. Your legacy of service will be multiplied by the people in whom you have invested.

Throughout my tenure as a volunteer working with girls, and now as a leader of volunteers who work with girls, one area remains constant: Girls love service. Girls grow emotionally and spiritually from serving. Girls become more compassionate and empathetic when they consider others’ needs. Girls feel like they are contributors to the greater good when they serve. They feel they are an active part of the solution rather than contributing to the problem. They feel great self-worth when they give their treasure of time to another. They often find their vocation and passion through gifts of service.

The importance of service in a youth’s life is confirmed by research. According to studies conducted over the last two decades, youth experience the following when engaged in community service projects:

• Better overall health. Volunteers show an improved ability to manage stress and stave off disease

• Reduced loneliness and depression

• Increased sense of life satisfaction

• Better grades and self-image

• An increase in humility and selflessness

• The ability to use their unique giftings

• An ability to share Christ’s love in a tangible way

Couple these benefits with “placing legs” on a girl’s faith while advancing the Kingdom of God, and you will find that dedication to serving others has an incredible eternal impact on one’s life.

When founding AHG, one of the primary ideologies that underscored the essence of the Christian faith was service. So important was this belief, that the idea of Service Stars developed even before the first badge was written. Now, AHG’s tagline “Faith, Service, Fun” still rings true 26 years later.

May your year be filled with impact and with service.

May God bless you richly as you serve Him,

Patti Garibay

AHG Founder & Executive Director

The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. –Matthew 23:11-12, ESV

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