2 minute read

Message from the Executive Director & President


American Heritage Girls celebrates the freedom we have in Christ. We choose to LIVE FREE, to walk in the teachings of Jesus in the face of a confused and hostile society, knowing that it is only in Christ that true freedom is found. In that choice, we seek to come alongside those of like mind that we may help one another to be free in Him.

Freedom is at the core of the heritage shared by all Christians. Indeed, Jesus’ disciples are those who have freely chosen to follow Him wherever He leads. Freedom is also at the very foundation of our American heritage. This report will give you glimpses of the myriad ways that American Heritage Girls has fostered freedom this past year.

As we build women of integrity, we are keenly aware of the relationship between freedom and wholeness. Every girl, every parent, every family, every Charter Organization is facing pressure to conform to a world that rejects the freedom that God has promised and freely given to His children. From the basic tenets of our program to the words of encouragement in each Raising Godly Girls Minute, American Heritage Girls chooses to stand firm in our conviction that freedom is an essential part of each girl becoming the woman God intends for her to be. Badge work, campouts, earnest conversations with peers, and all the relational opportunities and activities that make up AHG reflect the freedom we have to become more like Jesus.

Our commitment is no accident. We earnestly seek direction from the Holy Spirit, through God’s Word, through prayer, and through the wisdom of fellow believers. We humbly ask that you join us in prayer for our whole community and for our nation. Please pray that the AHG community would continue to LIVE FREE by submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit— that our staff, volunteers, and girls would be shining examples of what true freedom is and of the fruit that such freedom can bear, for “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV) . We thank you for your ongoing partnership in sharing the gift of God’s freedom with girls.

May the Lord richly bless you,


AHG National Board of Trustees President


AHG Founder & Executive Director

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