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Founder's Message

Founder's Message


A skillful weaver positions his natural-colored threads up and down on the loom. Then he begins weaving richly colored threads across it, in and out. The colorful threads are WOVEN, broken, exchanged, and WOVEN again to bring forth the image from the tapestry. From the plain colored threads that provide structure to the vividly colored threads that bring life to the artwork, together, they create a masterpiece of strength and beauty. Once a tapestry is complete and hung, it is breathtaking and changes the atmosphere of the room—producing a joy that overcomes the dark walls beneath it.

Every American Heritage Girl is a colorful masterpiece WOVEN together thread by thread by the Skillful Maker. God strung the parts of every girl’s life together as she was being formed. Through, over, and under, God knit her personality, character, skills, and giftings together to form the unique person He has created her to be, encouraging her to accomplish much for His glory.

This 2023-2024 AHG Program Year, not only will every girl learn how God has WOVEN together her identity as an individual, but how God has WOVEN her life with those around her to lead and influence her family, Troop, and community! Join American Heritage Girls in building up the next generation of women who know they are wonderfully and fearfully made by God and bring glory to His name.

WOVEN on Purpose

To be WOVEN is to be intricately and purposefully created. God designed the most majestic mountains and the unknown depths of the seas. He placed countless constellations in time and space. He formed the most distant galaxies unseen to the naked human eye, but we, His people, remain His

most treasured, beloved creation. It makes sense, then, that in our current world, the most precious gift of our creation would be under such attack. The sanctity of unborn life, the dignity of disabled, ill, or elderly life, the beauty of male and female creation—they all fall prey as victims of uncertainty or downright disagreement in our world. In order to counter this culture, it’s up to ministries, like American Heritage Girls, to come alongside families to educate, encourage, and empower the next generation of girls to stand for God’s timeless Truths.

This generation of girls faces an innumerable amount of cultural confusion, conflict, and uncertainty. But God’s intricate plan for His people isn’t uncertain—after all, He is all-knowing. It is, instead, the sinful nature of humanity to stray from God, to question His intentions, His nature, His actions and analyze it all through our own fragile understanding. “Did God really say…” or “Did God really mean…” Sound familiar? It should! We can trace this sinful nature back to the very beginning, to the story of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3, Eve is prompted by the serpent to question God, asking “Did God really say ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Our culture places this same question mark next to God’s Truths and makes everything subjective to individual interpretation. Fueled by the incitement of the enemy, our humanistic worldview is narrowed to our own short-sighted lens, and we fail to recognize real Truth for what it is. But God! He gives us the tools to overcome uncertainty and confusion in His Word and by the gift of the Holy Spirit. With our feet firmly planted on Him, the Solid Rock, we know humans make mistakes, not God. We know, because we are His most beloved creation, that we are made, WOVEN, on purpose.

WOVEN with Purpose

With this Godly Truth in mind, our girls can make sense of what is uncertain in the world. This mindset is known as a “Biblical Worldview”. Raising a Godly girl starts with establishing a foundational Biblical Worldview, that is, a worldview formed in Truth and considered in every facet of her life. Thanks to a Biblical Worldview, she knows she was WOVEN on purpose, with purpose because she trusts God’s promises. AHG firmly believes in giving girls a worldview that hinges on God’s Word. Why? Because a Biblical Worldview is an everlasting source of authority and wisdom— Biblical Truths stand the test of time. A Biblical Worldview will never be obsolete for our girls, because His Word is always relevant.

Today’s culture seems to be at a fever pitch, a breaking point. There are some topics that we, as parents and ministers to young children, never in a million years thought we would have to address. Yet here we stand. Issues of mental health and suicide, sexuality and gender identity, the dignity of all human life from womb to tomb—they’re topics and conversations happening at a younger and younger age no matter how intentionally we try to shield our children from the darkness.

We cannot know what the conversations or cultural beliefs of tomorrow will be—but we know what God believes. We know where He calls us to stand—on the path of righteousness. Applying a Biblical Worldview, no matter the issue, will be a strong first step in quelling confusion, quashing doubt, and recognizing fact from fiction. Incorporating a Biblical Worldview education into your Program Year can be as simple as weekly WOVEN devotional readings at Troop meetings or as robust as embarking on the G.R.I.T. with Grace girl leadership programming. For more on how to aid Troop families develop and instill a Biblical Worldview, we welcome you to share the free Raising Godly Girls Guide to Biblical Worldview, available on the Raising Godly Girls blog.

WOVEN for a Purpose

Your Troop is on the front lines of today’s culture battle, reinforcing every girl’s identity as a daughter of the King. In a world seeking to undermine the value and dignity of human life, our Creator reminds us in His Word: “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows,” (Luke 12:7, NIV).

As we embark on another Program Year together, we are united in the effort to uphold the purpose of every girl entrusted by God to partake in this ministry. While AHG guides girls to discover their life’s passions through badgework and leadership curriculum, it is the ultimate goal, the Mission of AHG, to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. It is the fervent prayer of every Board Member, Staff Member, volunteer, Charter Organization, and parent that each girl who encounters AHG would come away knowing that she was WOVEN by her Creator with purpose, for a purpose. It is only through the merciful love of God that each girl will come to know His incredible and purpose-filled plan for her life.

This Program Year, seek out ways to celebrate the life and uphold the Godly, feminine design of every girl in your Troop. Go a step further and extend this Godly love to the under-served in your community. Your Troop can be a champion of God’s love for all life. Seek out opportunities for service projects that support pregnancy care, hospice care, elderly care, and homeless care. Being God’s hands and feet on earth means upholding the dignity of life, in all its ages and stages, through intentional and tender loving care. AHG is honored to partner with The Radiance Foundation in the creation of the “Respect Life” Service Spotlight resource. This document, outlining how Troops can introduce life-affirming conversations, activities, and service, along with other WOVEN-related materials can be found on AHGfamily.

WOVEN Together

The 2023-2024 Program Year is sure to be a display of God’s faithfulness to His children and His ministry. As your Troop seeks to plan another year of faith, service, and fun, know that you are WOVEN together with tens of thousands of other members seeking to fulfill the same mission goal—to build women of integrity. Troop volunteers, Staff, Board Members, Charter Organizations, and families are united and ready to answer this call. With the Holy Spirit’s provision and guidance, AHG is doing the hard work of building God’s Kingdom here on earth— raising up a generation of girls who know they are WOVEN on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose.

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