3 minute read

Founder's Message

Dear reader,

“Servant Leadership.” It is a term commonly-used in Christian circles. Specifically, the adjective-noun phrase is used to describe an aim of the American Heritage Girls–to develop servant leaders. But what exactly is a servant leader, and from where do we derive this concept?

Simply put, a servant leader shares power while placing the needs of others first. A servant leader helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

In Philippians 2:5-11, Jesus is by definition a true servant leader. He places the needs of His followers first, even with the full knowledge of His own death on the cross. As a leader, Jesus had a clear purpose and direction. As a servant leader, He understood each disciple’s giftedness, gave them work that aligned with their gifts, held them accountable, and helped them with their weaknesses. He always took time to explain, time and again, where He was going–giving the “why” behind the “what.”

Jesus knew the importance of His brief time on earth. He had to impart the Gospel to His disciples as the souls of generations to come were at stake. He equipped His disciples to solve problems and make decisions in view of His purpose. Under His tutelage, the disciples were to make believers of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

Christ showed that the position of humility (servant) coupled with an understanding of His mission (leadership) was timeless and powerful. Today there is no better model of a servant leader than Jesus, the Son of God.

Some of the most important lessons from Jesus on this topic according to the International Leadership Institute include:

• Serve from a place of humility. Jesus consistently takes a lowly position and provides care for an immediate need. From washing others’ feet prior to a meal, to speaking to the woman at the well, Jesus comes to the other ’s level, never from a place of superiority.

• Wow others with extravagant service. Back to the feet washing example. By serving at the lowest level of servitude, that of the person who washed feet before meals, Jesus shocks His disciples. Jesus consistently went above the “call of duty” and served others.

• Never abdicate your leadership authority. Jesus consistently states that He is the disciples’ “teacher and Lord.” Servant leaders don’t just serve, they lead. They are intentional in their influence and cognizant of their calling.

• Serve with love. Leading through serving is not about manipulating people into following us but loving people as an expression of our love for God.

By checking her heart posture and recognizing her influence, your daughter can reflect Christ’s love to a desperate generation. American Heritage Girls is here to help you along the way.

Serving Him,

Patti Garibay

AHG Founder & Executive Director

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