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A Letter from the Founder

A Letter from the Founder

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 2020-2021 AHG Program Year! This is the year that I thought might never come… 25 years of ministry. The Lord knew that AHG was to continue despite my doubt and has remained faithful to His promise given to the founders so many years ago. He chose the time and the place, the people and the resources, the message and the vision. AHG was CHOSEN to exist for a time such as this.

And what exactly is “this time”? The world is in chaos and desperate for the refreshing water that only the Lord will provide. In the noise of the time, God may seem so far away. It is difficult to hear the “still small voice” as mentioned in 1 Kings 19:12, NIV: “After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.”

Despite the voice of God being sometimes difficult to discern, we know that He remains faithful. Our cities may be burning, our people divided, our hearts stone cold, yet He remains and His calling on our lives remains.

Webster defines the word “chosen” as the one who is the object of choice or of divine favor. In the New Testament, “chosen” is almost always a translation of the Greek eklego, meaning “to pick out, chose, select for oneself.” Generally, in the New Testament, it is God who chooses and it is those who choose God who are chosen by Him.

AHG strives to engrave on the hearts of girls that “therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12, NIV). As followers of Christ we are called to walk worthy of our calling, and walking worthy is outwardly demonstrated by the fruits of the Spirit.

This year as we share in the celebration of our Silver Anniversary, may we remember that as His chosen people, we are to love as Jesus loved and serve as Jesus served. May we not just bask in the promises of our Maker but actively share the good news of our Sovereign Lord with others. This world has always been in need of this message, but with today’s “earthquakes and fires”, it seems more important than ever.

My prayer for this special year is that the Lord is glorified in every way because His chosen people have intentionally shared His love through the activities and Ministry of AHG. His powerful love cannot be kept under a bushel, but rather, His light overwhelms the darkness thus impacting cities, communities, and the world in His name. Today is THE day to say “yes” to the sometimes “still small voice” of our Sovereign, Almighty God, and light the candle of Christ’s love in our dark world.

Be encouraged. We have been chosen exactly for a time such as this.

Until next time,

Patti Garibay

AHG Founder & Executive Director

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