2 minute read
Vote From Abroad
US citizens abroad have been hearing about severe postal mail delays, both to and within the United States. As overseas citizens only get their ballots 45 days before the general election, and air mail has been taking that long in some states, what can citizens do to ensure that our ballots will arrive in time? The answer: make a plan now! 1. Make sure you have requested your ballot this year. Even if already registered, overseas citizens should request their ballots every calendar year they want to vote. Go to www.votefromabroad.org to fill out the one page form. Choose to receive your blank ballot by email, because you’ll get it faster. Then, make sure to check that your state election official received your form. 2. Find out how you can submit your voted ballot. For the most up-to-date info, go to www.votefromabroad.org/states. Most states allow some form of electronic submission: email, web portal and/or fax - but 19 states require ballots be mailed. Check what methods your state allows - and be aware that rules are changing! Some states that previously allowed only postal mail ballots have recently changed their rules to allow electronic ballot submission - including IA, MO and RI.
3A. If you do have electronic ballot submission options, take advantage of them. Check for your blank ballot in your inbox on September 19, and return it right away! For more information, go to: https://www. votefromabroad.org/faqs/22. Most states allow you to track your ballot, or you can email your election official to confirm it was received and accepted: votefromabroad.org/ states - scroll to to ‘Where is my ballot?’. 3B. If you must return your voted ballot by postal mail, you can vote today using a Federal Write In Absentee ballot, or FWAB. This is a special back-up ballot for overseas voters. For complete instructions, go to votefromabroad.org/fwab.
The answer: make a plan now!
If you vote by FWAB, you should still check your inbox for your state ballot on September 19 and mail it in too. This is NOT voting twice! If both your FWAB and your
state ballot arrive in time to be counted, your election official will discard the FWAB and count only the state ballot. Why send in the state ballot too? Voters make fewer errors on official state ballots, they are easier for election offices to process, and some states will only allow you to use the FWAB to vote for federal offices (President, US Senate and US House) - so if you vote in state and local elections, you may only be able to do so on the state ballot.
Remember: Election officials are going to be coping with record numbers of absentee ballots this year. Make your voting plan now, vote by the fastest method your state allows, and vote early.
Questions? - Mail to: votefromabroaduk@gmail.com
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