3 minute read


By Tim Baros

Standing At The Sky’s Edge

Standing at the Sky’s Edge, winner of several Olivier awards last year, is thankfully back for those of us who missed it the first time around.

A National Theatre production now at the Gillian Lynne Theatre in Covent Covent, Standing at the Sky’s Edge tells the story, in three different decades, of the occupants of a council flat in the Park Hill buildings in Sheffield. It’s very well orchestrated, with the set being a partially exposed tower block, as we get introduced to the occupants of the flat separately, but then as the show gets going, their stories intertwine with each other and at times all are on the stage at the same time - cleverly done! First off is a working class couple just starting out - in 1960. Then in 1989 an immigrant family from Liberia move in to start their lives in a new country. And lastly, in 2015, a single woman - Poppy - moves into the flat. She has fled London (and her ex- girlfriend) to start a new life. And as the clock ticks along, so do the stories. Babies, relationships, drama, breakups, and yes death, all take place within the span of 70 years in this show, hailed as a home grown triumph. It’s quite a journey! www.lwtheatres.co.uk/whats-on/ standing-at-the-skys-edge-2/

Director, Robert Hastie, has an easy job thanks to the cast of over 25 characters (Laura Pitt-Pulford playing Poppy is the standout), are all very good, while the band, situated on the second floor of the stage/tower block, are visible but not obvious and not in the way. The music and lyrics, by Richard Hawley, are beautiful, and while the second half in no way compares to the first half, Standing is memorable and one of the best shows now playing in the West End.

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