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American Meditation Institute
Transformation The Journal of Yoga Science as Mind/Body Medicine July April--September June 2022 2022
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AMI Classes for July - September 2022
AMI MEDITATION The Foundation Course
Developed & Taught by Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) Expand Your Understanding and Appreciation of
How Your CONSCIENCE Can Work for You AMI MEDITATION provides a time-tested, practical curriculum that will bring joy and fulfillment back into your life! You’ll learn how to easily transform stress, worry, anger, depression and burnout into energy, creativity and will power––by employing the Super Conscious Wisdom of Your Conscience. And as you practice what you learn, you’ll successfully balance all your personal and professional responsibilities.
AMI MEDITATION CURRICULUM is derived from the award-winning book, The Heart and Science of Yoga ® and the new book, YOUR CONSCIENCE
by Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) Yoga Science & Philosophy–WEEK 1
Yoga Psychology & Ayurveda–WEEK 4
How to use the mind for the best choices How to create new, healthier habits Understanding pain as an agent for healing Increasing energy, will power & creativity Antidotes for worry, stress and depression
Coordinate the Four Functions of the Mind to access the power and Inner Wisdom of Your Conscience Use the power of NOW to build and heal relationships Ayurvedic Medicine & Nutrition for your health
AMI Meditation–WEEK 2
Yoga stretches to detox the lymph system and benefit your muscles, nerves, joints, glands & internal organs Physiological benefits of yoga postures
Systematic procedure for AMI Meditation Diminishing distractions with your Mantra Learning the one-minute meditation Building focus and fearlessness
Breathing Techniques–WEEK 3 Breath as Medicine How breathing irregularities foster dis-ease Three-part diaphragmatic breath
Easy-Gentle Yoga Exercises–WEEK 5
Mind/Body Self-Care Plan–WEEK 6 The healing power of prayer The practical benefits of contemplation Creating a therapeutic self-care plan for yourself Learning to budget your time Integrating spiritual beliefs into daily life
AMI MEDITATION FOUNDATION COURSE is Live on ZOOM Endorsed by Dean Ornish MD, Bernie Siegel MD, Larry Dossey MD
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americanmeditation.org • Tel. (518) 674-8714
Taught by
Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) AMI’s Foundation Course was developed and is taught live on Zoom by Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev). Leonard is a noted educator, philosopher, Yoga scientist and founder of The American Meditation Institute. He is the author of The Heart and Science of Yoga® and the mind/body medicine journal, Transformation. He is a direct disciple of Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Leonard’s lectures are enlivened by his inspiring enthusiasm, vast experience, humor and clear teaching style. He has taught at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The New York Times Yoga Forum, Kaiser-Permanente, numerous medical schools and the U. S. Military Academy at West Point.
AMI MEDITATION FOUNDATION COURSE BENEFITS In 2008, AMI conducted a retrospective case study of the AMI MEDITATION COURSE The findings included these positive, life-enhancing, health-promoting changes: • Significant reductions in stress and fear • Improved energy levels • Reduced cholesterol levels • Decreased anxiety and depression • Increased creative capacity • Diminished or extinguished • Lowered blood pressure • Diminishment of migraine headaches acute and chronic pain • Lowered heart rate • Decreased irritable bowel symptoms • Weight loss • Improved restorative sleep • Enhanced happiness and optimism • Increased breathing capacity
Medical Accreditation PHYSICIANS • PAs • NPs (18 CMEs) americanmeditation.org/physician-cme This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of Albany Medical College and The American Meditation Institute. Albany Medical College is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Albany Medical College designates this Live activity for a maximum of 18 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.TM Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Registration Includes: Lifelong support, a 20-minute Guided Meditation, a copy of The Physiology of Easy-Gentle Yoga, and a FREE subscription to AMI’s Transformation journal.
Health Insurance Coverage Check with your health insurance plan provider.
The Practical Guide to Optimize Your Conscience “This short book is long on wisdom. Highly recommended.” Dean Ornish MD “This book is a gift for humanity.” Bernie Siegel MD
UPCOMING CLASSES Live and Interactive
On ZOOM with
Leonard Perlmutter Founder of the American Meditation Institute
July 26 - Aug 30
6:30 -8:30pm ET, $695.
Sep 13 - Oct 18
(6 WKS)
6:30-8:30pm ET, $695. (6 WKS) Required Texts available at AMI Bookstore: The Heart and Science of Yoga ® Your Conscience Physicians: $995; PAs, NPs: $895
The Complete Manual for Health and Self-Realization “This book is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and a great service to humanity .” Acharya Sivaguru: K.S. Dixitar
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americanmeditation.org • Tel. (518) 674-8714
CALENDAR FREE: EVERY SUNDAY GUIDED MEDITATION & SATSANG LIVE on ZOOM • Sundays 9:30-11:00am ET with Leonard (Ram Lev) & Jenness AmericanMeditation.org/sunday
JULY 2022 JUL 11 - AUG 15: SACRED JOURNEY see p. 5 Mon. Nights, 6:30 - 8:30 PM ET (6 wks) Live on ZOOM
see p. 4
Sat. Mornings, 10:30AM-12:30PM ET (2 wks) Live on ZOOM
JUL 26 - AUG 30: AMI MEDITATION see p. 2-3 Tues. Nights, 6:30-8:30 PM ET (6 wks) Live on ZOOM
Ne w ! YOGA SCIENCE LAB How to Practice Meditation-in-Action Valerie Chakedis Ed.D. and Jennifer Masters Prerequisite: AMI MEDITATION Foundation Course
Level II: In the AMI Meditation Course, you learned that your thoughts are your most valuable asset. The Yoga Science Lab® will help you examine your thoughts and expand your ability to focus your attention. The techniques learned in seated AMI Meditation are applied in every duty and responsibility throughout the day. This process is called Meditation-in-Action. As you experiment with the Truth reflected by your Conscience, you’ll develop decision-making skills that will enhance your confidence in all relationships. As you have already learned, to experience real freedom you must be centered in the present moment, know who you are, and follow your Inner Wisdom. The Yoga Science Lab® can help you achieve that freedom! SATURDAYS, 10:30AM - 12:30 PM ET, $75. JUL 23 & 30; SEP 10 & 17 (2 WKS) LIVE ON ZOOM
AUG 22 - OCT 3: YOGA PSYCHOLOGY Excl. Sep 5, see p. 4 Mon. Nights, 6:30-8:30 PM ET (6 wks) Live on ZOOM
see p. 4
Sat. Mornings, 10:30AM-12:30PM ET (2 wks) Live on ZOOM
SEP 13 - OCT 18: AMI MEDITATION see p. 2-3 Tues. Nights, 6:30-8:30 PM ET (6 wks) Live on ZOOM
see p. 4
Mon. Nights, 6:30-8:30 PM ET (6 wks) Live on ZOOM
OCT 20 - NOV 3: MAKING THE BEST CHOICES see p. 5 Thurs. Nights, 6:30-8:30 PM ET (3 wks) Live on ZOOM
American Meditation Institute
Bringing Yoga Science to Life
July - September, 2022 • Vol. XXV No. 5 ©2022 PO Box 430, Averill Park, NY 12018
americanmeditation.org \ Tel. (518) 674-8714 ami@americanmeditation.org AMI is a tax exempt, non-profit 501(c)3 educational organization. Donations are fully tax deductible.
YOGA PSYCHOLOGY BHAGAVAD GITA STUDY Leonard (Ram Lev) and Jenness Perlmutter LEVEL II: In continuous six week installments this course presents the profound teachings of the Bhagavad Gita as a handbook on the science of life and the art of living. If you are seeking a manual or guide for the supreme task of living a fulfilling and purposeful life in the world today, this ongoing study will provide you the practical wisdom, tools, meaning, courage and confidence you need. Each week Leonard and Jenness will teach you how to reduce stress, enhance your health and creative abilities, while offering you a fresh, positive perspective on all your family and business relationships. This course provides the practical blueprint necessary to resolve all of life’s challenges. MONDAYS, 6:30 - 8:30 PM ET, $150. (6 WKS) AUG 22 - OCT 3; OCT 10 - NOV 14 LIVE ON ZOOM
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AMI Classes for July - September 2022
Living Purposefully
10 Indispensable Keys for Inspired Decision-Making
and Dying Gracefully
Leonard (Ram Lev) and Jenness Perlmutter
Leonard (Ram Lev) and Jenness Perlmutter
Level II : This course offers 10 practical guidelines for better decision-making. Known as the Yamas: ahimsa (non-harming), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (conservation of energy), aparigraha (non-possessiveness) and Niyamas: saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (selfdiscipline), svadhyaya (self-study), Ishvara pranidhana (self-surrender). These principles will help you reliably access your intuitive wisdom to resolve every issue skillfully. You’ll learn quickly how to recognize emotional triggers and transform the contractive power of the unhelpful, stress-provoking, negative emotions and habits into an expansive, creative and dynamic force. This course is highly recommended for all students. THURSDAYS, 6:30 - 8:30PM ET $125 OCT 20 - NOV 3 (3 WKS) LIVE ON ZOOM
Level II: To understand the purpose of life, we must try to understand the relationship between life and death. The two are partners––each providing a context for the other. Death is not the end, but merely a pause in an eternal journey. When both birth and death are understood and accepted, we see how our human life fits into the eternal journey of the soul, the fear of death subsides and life can be lived more skillfully and joyfully. Based on the ancient Katha Upanishad, this course reveals how to organize your life in practical, commonsensical ways that lead to expansion and growth. Every AMI student with a mind and body is encouraged to attend! Required text: Sacred Journey, by Swami Rama
MONDAYS, 6:30 - 8:30PM ET, $150. JUL 11 - AUG 15 (6 WKS) LIVE ON ZOOM
The American Meditation Institute
25th Annual Appeal–2022 AMI Needs Your Contribution to Reach our Goal of $150,000
Call: (518) 674-8714 Online: americanmeditation.org/annual-appeal
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5 Easy Steps to Heal Our Union By Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)
For over five thousand years, humanity has known that a group, organization, house or mind that is divided against itself by internal dissension and conflict cannot long endure. When you add to that equation an historic increase in the speed of change created by modern technology, strong emotions of fear and anger obsess the human mind. Our minds habitually dwell in the past or future–– saddened by memories of what we’ve lost, and fearful of not getting what we want or need. In turn, we experience a loss of selfreliance and self-confidence, an absence of creativity, a heightened sense of dread, and the weakened state of our own health and the health of the nation’s union. If you have been triggered by this kind of pain from one or more of the challenges on the following list, there is definitely something positive you can do to heal yourself, as well as to heal our nation’s union. And it will take only “5 Easy Steps.”
Abortion, Addiction, Aging, Anger, Anxiety, Bullying, Burnout, Civil Rights, Climate Change, Death, Depression, Education, Family, Fear, Food, Government, Greed, Gun Control, Health, Immigration, LGBTQIA, Marriage, Misogyny, Misinformation, Money, Moral Decline, Non-Truth, Parenting, Politics, Pollution, Poverty, Racism, SelfPreservation, Sex, Sleep, Stress, Terrorism, Violence, War. STEP 1 Understand the Law of Karma The Law of Karma states, quite simply, that actions result in consequences. Or, as Sir Isaac Newton stated in his Third Law of Motion, every action gives rise to an equal reaction, or “fruit” of that action. Many of us learned this in school, and we see examples of it every day of our lives. We push on a door, and the door opens. 6
It’s the mechanics behind the Law of Karma that make things interesting. STEP 2 All Reality Flows from Subtle to Gross Consequences Words & Deeds Thoughts What do I mean by the mechanics behind the Law of Karma? I’ll answer with a question: What makes a human being––you, me, anybody––take an action? In other words, what initiates an action? Consider this: before you or I take any particular action (in word or deed), we must first entertain a thought. Before we push on the door, we must think about pushing on the door. Sometimes we are consciously aware of the thought, for example, “I am angry.” In response to that thought, I might act by walking away, yelling or slamming the door shut. Often, however, we are less aware of the thoughts that cause us to act, as when we do something unconsciously, simply because it is a longstanding habit. Either way, the thought comes first, and then the action. As it turns out, the mechanics behind of the Law of Karma are also uncompromising: thought leads to action, and action leads to consequence. If we accept that every action begins with a thought, then studying the mind––as the source of all thoughts––becomes the key to experiencing a lifetime of positive consequences. Remember, consequences always have their beginnings in the mind. We are the architects of our lives. We determine our destiny, and if we honor the Law of Karma with discrimination, our destiny can even resolve all of life’s most perplexing challenges. That’s because all outer conflict, is a GROSS manifestation of pre-existing SUBTLE inner conflict. Without SUBTLE inner conflict, outer GROSS conflict cannot spontaneously manifest in the body, or in the world, as those many challenges that presently cause a rupture in our collective union.
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STEP 3 Rely on YOUR CONSCIENCE 24/7/365
The more you eliminate your own SUBTLE mental and emotional conflict, by basing your thoughts, words and deeds on the Super Conscious Wisdom of YOUR CONSCIENCE, your brilliant mind can help resolve all of life’s challenges. That’s because YOUR CONSCIENCE, one of 4 Functions of the Mind, can access Perfect wisdom from the Super Conscious Mind and then reflect it into the everyday operations of your Conscious Mind. This empowers you to know the thought to think, word to speak and action to take that will not only heal our union, but will also enable you to fulfill the purpose of your life––without stress, pain or bondage. STEP 4 Understand and Coordinate the 4 Mind Functions To explain the workings of the human mind, a simple, conceptual diagram of a wheel (that can be turned by four spokes) is helpful. The rim of the wheel represents the body, and its hub (the soul of every human being) is the Divinity and wisdom that is our deepest nature. The four spokes represent the four functions of the mind 1. Manas (senses and logic) 2. Ego 3. Unconscious Mind (habits and memories) and 4. The Conscience (buddhi). The Conscience is the exclusive decision maker, and has the unique ability to reflect our Divine, Super Conscious Wisdom from the Super Conscious Mind, the intuitive library of wisdom at the very core of our being. In religious terminology, this core is known as the soul.
Through the eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, skin, hands and feet, the Senses gather information from the world. The Ego, influenced by the old, powerful reptilian brain, concentrates its efforts on keeping us alive, while the Unconscious Mind serves as a repository of our memories, imagination and experiences that the Ego believes will support self-preservation. These three mind functions act as advisors and lobbyists on behalf of their limited perspectives, but have no capacity to make a decision. Even though each of them is often wrong in their recommendations, they all are never in doubt. The Four Functions of the Mind are designed to coordinate their unique talents in order to formulate the thoughts to think, words to speak and actions to take that will lead each of us for our highest good. But when the Ego, Senses and Unconscious Mind become addicted to clamoring loudly for attention, the Conscience can fail to hear the quiet signal of the Super Conscious Wisdom. As a result, its decisions may be based solely on the loudest voice it hears. Therefore, many of our human actions are made on the basis of incomplete, biased and harmful misinformation that cause pain. By utilizing our mind’s decision making process as a scientific laboratory, we can train and parent the Ego, Senses and Unconscious Mind to coordinate with the Conscience. Each of us has the power to go beyond the stress and pain of 21st century living and to discover meaning, purpose and lasting fulfillment by unlocking the limitless wisdom and creativity of the Conscience to solve all of life’s challenges. STEP 5 Practice! Practice! Practice! It’s up to YOU! Experiment now with these 5 Easy Steps that turn conflict and pain into peace, happiness and freedom from fear, everywhere––from the inside, out. 7
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American Meditation Institute Super Conscious Wisdom for Life Education For Enlightenment Tel. 518.674.8714 • PO Box 430, Averill Park, NY 12018
A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation: As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump! It’s not as wide as you think. JOSEPH CAMPBELL
AMI MEDITATION Foundation Course
AMI MEDITATION provides a time-tested curriculum that will bring joy and fulfillment back into your life! New classes begin every six weeks. See pages 2-3 americanmeditation.org
American Meditation Institute
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American Meditation Institute