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State By State
Advocacy in Action
Updates from Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, and Utah
Become an AOPA State Rep. If you are interested in participating in the AOPA State Reps network, email awhite@AOPAnet.org.
Each month, State by State features news from O&P professionals about the most important state and local issues affecting their businesses and the patients they serve. This section includes information about medical policy updates, fee schedule adjustments, state association announcements, and more. These reports are accurate at press time, but constantly evolve. For up-to-date information about what is happening in your state, visit the Co-OP at www.AOPAnet.org/ resources/co-op.
In response to the advocacy of providers in the state, the Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy and Financing issued a statement September 8 announcing that the rate would be reverted to the original rate prior to the July 1, 2021, reduction. The department also announced that a rate-setting project is being completed to determine the appropriate rate for cranial remolding orthoses. To view the statement and the latest updates, visit the Colorado page of the AOPA Co-OP.
The newly formed Indiana Association of Orthotics and Prosthetics (IAOP) has elected new leadership. Eric Schopmeyer, CO, of Transcend Orthotics & Prosthetics will serve as president, and Tim Ruth, CPO, of Kenney Orthopedics, will serve as vice president. IAOP is focusing its efforts in the coming year on educating O&P professionals in Indiana about the goals of the organization, increasing membership, and building awareness of the organization. IAOP has a group on LinkedIn and will begin conducting outreach to Indiana’s O&P community soon.
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) has reappointed Billy Ray Campbell and Aaron Royster as members of the Kentucky Board of Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Pedorthics. Campbell, a Louisville resident, is a pedorthist at the Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic Care, and Royster, a La Grange resident, is a prosthetist and orthotist at Hanger Clinic. Both will serve terms expiring July 1, 2024.
New York
A coalition of O&P providers in New York continues to push for a budget resolution to increase the Medicaid fee schedule and protect patient access to O&P care in the state. The efforts of the group have gained momentum, supported by the introduction of bicameral legislation (S 7023/A 7892) that, if passed, would direct the New York commissioner of health to conduct a study on rate adequacy for orthotics and prosthetics. Visit the AOPA Co-OP for links to take action.
In August, AOPA members reported the removal of more than 50 A and L codes from the Utah Medicaid fee schedule, including those for cervical, spinal, and upper-limb orthoses, as well as external power for upper-limb and terminal devices. Analysis of the issue indicates that the removed codes may be needed for outpatient claims. AOPA is looking into this member-reported issue. For additional information and continued updates, visit the Utah page on the AOPA Co-OP.
AOPA has invested in a new resource that allows us to track legislative and regulatory activity related to O&P in every state. We will be updating the state pages on the AOPA Co-OP with alerts as they arise. Submit Your State News To submit an update for publication in the State by State department of O&P Almanac, email awhite@AOPAnet.org.