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Asthecountry'sleadingOsteopathicfoundation,wesupportthe entireprofessioncoveringallgeographies,specialties,andcareer stages.

The Foundation annually attracts hundreds of grants, scholarships, and award applicants. Our ongoing goal is to increase the number of grant recipients and the amount distributed, which we are able to do with the extraordinary generosity of our donors and the strength and vision of our partners


The success of our awards programs would not be possible without the nominators, who write compelling recommendations in support of students, residents, and physicians for our many awards, as well as the dozens upon dozens of volunteer reviewers who give their valuable time and expertise to ensure a robust and unbiased review process.

We are grateful.

Spotlight: Behind the Scenes

In addition to managing our awards programs, we also help manage grants and scholarship programs for groups like the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA), the American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics (AOAO) Foundation, and the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) Foundation, through our grants management software platform.

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