October 2015 American Pistachio Growers eNews

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Send Us Your Pistachio-Inspired Holiday Recipes!

IN THIS ISSUE: Food Nutrition Conference & Expo 2015 Eat American Pistachios and Celebrate Good Health Bob Beede’s October Pistachio Task List Crop Insurance Seminars LeadOn Program Accepting Applications APG Receives Federal Grant Funds Pistachio Pumpkin Cheesecake by Cheryl Forberg

Trans-Pacific Partnership Act Agreement Benefits California Farmers California Delegation Urges Continued Support from Congress American Pistachio Industry 2016 Annual Conference

Send Us Your

Pistachio-Inspired Holiday Recipes

The holidays are right around the corner, and we know there are lots of delicious holiday pistachio recipes out there. APG would like to share some of your holiday favorites. Send us your recipes and we will feature them on our website AmericanPistachios.org, in our social media channels or in our holiday edition of APG eNews.

Featured holiday recipes by APG Ambassador Cheryl Forberg, RD, Chef and Nutritionist for NBC’s Hit Show The Biggest Loser. To view the recipes, click on the name of each recipe.

Holiday Green Beans with Pistachio Pesto


Be sure to include a photo of your recipe.

Spinach Salad with Smoked Turkey and Pistachios Sweet Potatoes with Pistachio Butter

Cornbread Stuffing with Sausage, Dried Fruit and Pistachios


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) 2015 Nashville, Tennesse, October 3-6, 2015 Registered dietitians love pistachios and tend to be advocates of eating our healthy nut. At this year’s FNCE, APG provided yet another reason for them to love pistachios with breaking news about the benefits of eating pistachios for weight management. An infographic (see page 5) highlighting the potential links of eating pistachios and weight management, along with other many health benefits, was distributed to booth visitors. To help illustrate the news, APG Ambassador Cheryl Forberg, RD, who is the chef and nutritionist for NBC’s hit show The Biggest Loser, along with former contestant, Sonya Jones, were there to give their testimony of how Sonya lost an incredible 144 pounds during the show’s 16th season while including pistachios in her daily diet. Read more …

Just days before her FNCE tradeshow appearance in Nashville, Cheryl Forberg did TV interviews on NBC, CBS and for the Entertainment Weekly Nashville show. While giving a live demonstration of pistachio-infused recipes, Cheryl talked about American pistachios being an ideal snack and ingredient. The timing of those shows means they aired in the hotel rooms of the 12,000 attendees at the FNCE show.


Eat American Pistachios and Celebrate Good Health A new research article, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, suggests that eating pistachios does not cause weight gain or an increased risk of obesity when included in a healthy diet. Given pistachios’ nutritional attributes, it’s easy to see how they can be a useful part of a balanced and varied diet and active lifestyle – both essential for good health. To help spread this powerful news, APG created an infographic that highlights the potential links between eating pistachios and many health benefits – most important their role in weight management. This educational piece was distributed to more than 12,000 registered dietitians at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food Nutrition Conference and Expo. Over 2,500 influential health professionals received the news of the study’s results via our quarterly nutrition e-newsletter, American Pistachios Nutrition Unshelled in August. To download the infographic click here.

This new study highlights links between eating pistachios and

weight management as well as a many of other health benefits. Meet the powerful pistachio!

Eating pistachios while dieting has been linked to better WEIGHT LOSS outcomes, lower body fat & reduced waist circumferences. Researchers found the protein and fiber in pistachios combined with a low glycemic index helps curb hunger pangs and slows the rise in blood glucose levels after meals. Numerous studies have shown nut consumption is not associated with weight gain or increased obesity risk.

Studies suggest pistachios may help people with diabetes manage blood glucose levels due to their low glycemic index, low saturated fat, fiber, and healthy fats.

The minerals in pistachios, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, and manganese, may benefit blood pressure.

The phytosterols in pistachios may help to improve lipid profiles (lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol).

Studies show that people who regularly eat nuts, including pistachios, tend to have higher-quality diets.

Phenolic compounds, which function as antioxidants, are found in pistachios and may help promote a healthy heart.

The combination of vitamins and minerals found in pistachios may help promote bone health. Pistachios contain Vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, and manganese.

Lutein and zeaxanthin –responsible for pistachios’ yellow & green hues – may protect against age-related macular degeneration (vision loss).

Pistachios contain about 13x more lutein and zeaxanthin than the next highest nut. These phytochemicals have been associated with a lower risk of some types of cancer.

LEGAL / REFERENCE Notes: Source for the nutrient contents of pistachios: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26, 2013. 1, Source for all nutrient functions: M. Bulló, M. Juanola-Falgarona, P. Hernández-Alonso, J. Salas-Salvadó, Nutrition attributes and health effects of pistachio nuts, British Journal of Nutrition (2015), 113. 879-893. Doi:10.1017/80007114514003250.

AmericanPistachios.org BJN INFO USA 092015


October Pistachio Task List By Robert Beede, U.C. Farm Advisor, Emeritus

Harvest: It was fast and brutally disappointing for many growers in areas with insufficient chilling. Many growers report harvesting 100-200 pounds, and some orchards were apparently not harvested at all. Orchards on the east side of the southern San Joaquin Valley performed much better where the chill accumulation was higher. I have heard of nearnormal crops in this region, with split and blank nut percentages typical for the area. Read more ‌


“Why Pistachio Growers Should Purchase Crop Insurance” Seminars APG is presenting an informational pistachio crop insurance seminar led by James Otto, Senior Risk Management Specialist, USDA. Many pistachio growers experienced a major crop disaster this year. Primarily, lack of chill hours in the winter, along with warm springtime temperatures, caused lack of pollination resulting in very low yields. With the availability of USDA-backed federal crop insurance, pistachio growers will learn why they should seriously consider crop insurance as a risk-management tool, what coverage levels are available, and how the pistachio crop insurance plan works.

The seminars will be held in conjunction with Pacific Nut Producer Magazine’s Tree & Vine Expo, and its Grape, Raisin & Nut Expo: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2015

Bakersfield 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm UC Cooperative Extension Kern County 1031 South Mount Vernon Avenue TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015

Turlock 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Pacific Nut Producer Magazine Tree & Vine Expo Stanislaus County Fairgrounds 900 N. Broadway TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015


Featuring James Otto

9:30 am – 10:30 am Pacific Nut Producer Magazine Grape, Raisin & Nut Expo Fresno County Fairgrounds 1121 S. Chance

James is a Senior Risk Management Specialist for the Risk Management Agency’s California Regional Office. During his tenure with the Risk Management Agency, he has held several positions that have given him experience and perspective from all areas of crop insurance. He has also been a member of numerous task groups to develop and improve crop insurance programs and has provided program training to the growers and the crop insurance industry for more than 20 years. 7

APG’s LeadOn Program Wants You! Are you interested in learning more about the pistachio industry? Becoming a leader in the industry and within APG? Applications for the 6th annual APG Leadership Program (LeadOn) are now available! We encourage APG members to engage in this year-long education and training program. The program consists of leadership training and education seminars led by APG and industry leaders. For more information about this program, contact Dianna Short at (559) 475-0435 or email DShort@AmericanPistachios.org. Click here to download LeadOn’s program application.


APG Receives Over $309 Thousand in Federal Grant Funds The United States Department of Agriculture has announced funding for the 2015 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP). California received $19.7 million out of approximately $63 million awarded nationwide. APG was awarded $309,403 for promotion of American Pistachios in China.

APG is planning to host a series of culinary and baking seminars with celebrity chef Nancy Silverton in China and Hong Kong.

APG is planning to use the funds to host a series of culinary and baking seminars to promote pistachios as an ingredient to the hotel industry in China and Hong Kong. Read more ‌


Trans-Pacific Partnership Act Agreement Benefits California Farmers The United States Trade Representative’s Office (USTR) has announced agreement with all the parties on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Act (TPP). This agreement will provide many benefits to American agriculture and the pistachio industry. Specifically, Japan, Malaysia, and Vietnam will eliminate tariffs on all tree nuts upon passage of the Act by each country. For more for more information, including a state by state analysis, click here.

California Delegation Urges Congress to Continue Support of Water Objectives APG continues to work on behalf of our members to address California’s ongoing drought. Recently this letter was submitted to members of Congress urging them to act on legislation to help restore water supplies to California’s farms and communities. Read more …





APG Annual Conference February 17-19, 2016

You Can’t Afford Not to Attend! Register today. Activities include important organization and industry updates, informative presentations and sessions, and a Groovin’ 70s Gala. APG members receive substantial discounts and are first in line with room reservations, sponsorships and exhibit opportunities.

JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa was chosen for its spacious centralized meeting space that will allow the exchange of information and ideas to flourish, and its breathtaking grounds, and rich amenities.

Order Your 2016 Annual Conference Tee Today!

Gear up for the annual conference with these bold tees from APG. Don’t wait! Buy today, and plan to show off your industry pride at our biggest event of the year. To register for our annual conference and to order your annual conference t-shirt click here. 11





9 River Park Place East, Suite 410 Fresno, CA 93720 USA Telephone: (001) 559.475.0435 Facsimile: (001) 559.475.0624 www.AmericanPistachios.org

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