Knights of Columbus Newsletter Vol. 5

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this issue • • • • • •

50,000 th Wheelchair USA Chile Philippines Mexico Vietnam

Answering Prayers with the Gift of Mobility

Yamila Garrido, 8, can now go to school for the first time

WHEELCHAIR SUNDAY PARISH DRIVES FUND THE DELIVERY OF WHEELCHAIRS, GROW MEMBERSHIP IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, AND TEACH CHARITY AS A WAY OF LIFE! Wheelchair Sunday Our Mission The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization with a goal to deliver brand new, free wheelchairs and mobility aids to physically disabled children, teens and adults throughout the world who are without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair. The American


Mission will continue to

The most successful fund raising event for the delivery of wheelchairs is a “Wheelchair Sunday” parish drive. Please visit the Knights of Columbus page of our website at to download the “Wheelchair Sunday” booklet for the complete instructions on how to conduct a “Wheelchair Sunday” parish drive.

You can help make a difference in someone’s life.

Wheelchair Sunday “Easier than a pancake breakfast!”

We are changing lives, and answering prayers!

These parish drives are also the most successful membership tool you will ever experience. After seeing our video during Mass and hearing our presentation, parishioners will have a new understanding of the charitable work being done around the world by the Knights of Columbus. We then invite the gentlemen to join us, and the rest is done by personal contact outside at the information tables. You will change lives with the delivery of wheelchairs, and you will increase membership in your council.

change the lives of entire families with the gifts of hope, dignity, freedom and independence.

The Need We estimate more than 100 million people worldwide are in need of a wheelchair but cannot afford one.

Our gift

immediately changes the lives of entire families by answering prayers and making true.



It is easier than a pancake breakfast! Since 2007, Knights across the U.S. have been having “Wheelchair Sunday” parish drives to raise funds for the delivery of wheelchairs. These drives have sponsored tens of thousands of wheelchairs to the Bahamas, Chile, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, the Holy Land, Honduras, Kenya, Mexico, Philippines, Vietnam, and to Veterans across the United States, while adding hundreds of new Knights to the councils involved. Please visit our website to watch videos of Knights delivering wheelchairs around the world, read articles or donate. For more information or to mail donations: Dan Moberg Director of Public Education 2600 E. Seltice Way, Suite A-172 Post Falls, Idaho 83854 USA (208) 457-0745

American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

$150 Sponsors the delivery of a brand new wheelchair The

Our Program



ered by the American

The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization that delivers free wheelchairs to children, teens and adults without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair. Since 2003, Knights of Columbus have sponsored the delivery of more than 55,000 wheelchairs around the world to people in dire need of mobility. We deliver brand new, high quality wheelchairs by entire sea containers. The wheelchairs we deliver in 5 sizes (12, 14, 16, 18 & 20 inch seat widths) would sell for over $500 in a medical supply store, but because we purchase them in bulk and ship them by 100 to 280 wheelchair containers from the factories, directly to the country of destination, we can do this at an average price of $150 each. For entities interested in delivering an entire container of wheelchairs to a specific country or local destination, a gift of $16,500 will deliver a shipping container of 100 pneumatic, mountain bike or 110 solid tire wheelchairs to a country specified by the donor, from our list of approved destination countries. A gift of $42,000 will deliver a container of 260 pneumatic, mountain bike tire or 280 solid tire wheelchairs. A logo or short text of the donor’s choice will be stitched onto the back of each wheelchair when sponsored by container. At retail, these containers of wheelchairs are valued at $55,000 and $140,000. (For special sizes or delivery locations, costs may vary)



would sell for more than $500 in a medical supply store.

Yet because

we purchase wheelchairs directly from the manufacturer, and ship them 100 to 280 wheelchairs at a time by ocean freight containers



the country of destination, we can deliver this $500



each $150 donation we receive.

VISIT OUR SITE On our website you will see videos of wheelchair

The Wheelchairs we deliver allow children to go to school for the first time, adults to go to work to provide for their families and the elderly to get out of a bed they may have been confined to for years at a time. We are answering the prayers of entire families.

distributions around the

Over 100 million people worldwide need a wheelchair but cannot afford one!

by the gift of a wheel-

Our gift delivers Hope, Dignity, Freedom and Independence.

world, photos of people and their families who had their lives changed chair, and stories of our mission



lives in a very tangible

We estimate that each wheelchair delivered changes and improves an average of 10 lives!

and immediate way.

Since 2007, Knights across the U.S. have been having “Wheelchair Sunday” parish drives to raise funds for the delivery of wheelchairs. These drives have sponsored tens of thousands of wheelchairs around the world, while adding hundreds of new Knights to the councils involved.

Join Us!

For more information, to watch videos and download the “Wheelchair Sunday” handbook, please visit the Knights of Columbus page of our website at: 1

email Dan Moberg at:

Join us on a wheelchair distribution trip – Please for details.

50,000th Wheelchair It is always a special occasion when we visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. On this site December 12, 1531, Our Blessed Mother first revealed herself to St. Juan Diego. This simple man with humble regard for himself was anointed to become the messenger who would transform a nation and a hemisphere. Since 2003, Knights of Columbus have transformed the lives of more than 50,000 people, and every member of their family, with the gifts of mobility, hope, freedom, dignity and independence, by simply giving them a wheelchair. What has been revealed to the Knights is that we are answering prayers of entire families.

their own wheelchairs that day -many for the first time in their lives. Many wheelchair recipients told stories of prayers answered and lives changed. Tears of joy and grateful hugs were the order of the day. Each Supreme officer, board member and family member participated in the giving of the wheelchairs, and many lives were changed. The American Wheelchair Mission is grateful to everyone who helped make that special day happen, especially Msgr. Eduardo Chavez, Javier Martinez, William Olivera, and the hundreds of people who helped us to touch the poorest of the poor with the gift of mobility.

Supreme Secretary, Charles Maurer, carries a young girl to her new wheelchair in Mexico City

On a late February morning, the Supreme Knight, Officers, Board Members and their families joined the local clergy, and the Lady of Guadalupe Basilica council of the Knights of Columbus for a distribution of wheelchairs in the Basilica courtyard. Wheelchair distributions have taken place at the Basilica many times since 2003, but this was a very special occasion. 10 yearold Arturo Martinez received a gift from Carl and Dorian Anderson that represented the 50,000th wheelchair sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.


Arturo and his mother were very happy, as were the 20 other children and 50 adults who received

10 year-old Arturo Martinez receives the 50,000th wheelchair sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

Juan Soto, 12, receives his new wheelchair from Carl and Dorian Anderson

Msgr. Eduardo Chavez with Juan Altamirano, age 11

Supreme Chaplain, Archbishop Lori, blesses the wheelchairs at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Supreme Advocate, John Marrella, carries a young boy to his wheelchair

Nayeli Angeles, 9, with Carl and Dorian Anderson at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Francisco Guzman, 19, is so happy with his new wheelchair

Archbishop Lori carries Jesus Salinas, 12, to his new wheelchair


Our Veterans and Neighbors Since 2007, Knights of Columbus councils across the country have delivered thousands of wheelchairs to veterans and needy members of our communities. Recently, more than 2,000 wheelchairs were delivered in Arizona, California, Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, Texas and Utah, and most are now in the hands of veterans, their family members, or VA affiliated centers. The Knights of San Antonio sponsored a container of 280 wheelchairs for the Christus Santa Rosa Hospitals in San Antonio. Archbishop Gustavo GarciaSiller attended one of the distributions, and met 6 year-old Rodrigo, who was injured in a car accident. The two became fast friends, and spent lots of time together. “Jesus is among us,” said Archbishop Gustavo, “and the Knights of Columbus are living the Gospel, and answering prayers with the gift of these wheelchairs.”

to help anyone in need. One WWII vet in Washington, DC commented, “I may be past my prime, but give me a good set of wheels and I’m on the road to happiness!”

Archbishop Gustavo and little Rodrigo share a special moment in San Antonio

Our wheelchairs go to Honor Flight participants nationwide

New wheelchairs benefit veterans, our nation’s finest heroes

For the veterans and family members in need of mobility, our gift finds them through VA facilities, local parish outreach, and word of mouth. Veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam have benefitted from the gift of wheelchairs to the Honor Flight organizations Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of San Antonio takes Rodrigo, 6, for a ride in across the country. Our goal is his new wheelchair. Texas State Deputy, Terry Simonton, looks on.

4 American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

The Blessing of Mobility in Chile 280 new wheelchairs were delivered to needy recipients in 13 towns and cities in Southern Chile during Easter week. The inspiration for the shipment of wheelchairs came from 18 year-old Tess Danielson, a young lady with a love for helping the less fortunate. With her “Tess Gives Back” campaign online and between friends and family, she provided funding for half of the container of wheelchairs.

Osorno Volcano, located in the picturesque Los Lagos region of Southern Chile

Tess and her family participated in all of the deliveries. Knights of Columbus from California co-sponsored the wheelchairs for the second time in three years to this beautiful part of the world. The many stories of lives changed with the gift of mobility include Angelia Asovido in Arauco, who told us that she has not been able to go to church since she fell and injured her hip. With the gift of her new wheelchair, the first thing she will do is go to church and light a candle for all the people who made her wheelchair possible. Wheelchairs are very difficult to find in Southern Chile, and very expensive if they are available. Our gift changes lives in a very immediate and dramatic way.

Angelica Asovido, 66, in Arauco, said her new life will now begin

From Left to Right – Tess, Emma and Spencer Danielson speak to a grateful woman in Chillán, Chile

Sr. Maria Cecilia was so happy to have a new wheelchair for her friend in Constitución

Roberto Aguayo, 19, in Arauco, Chile said he could attend college because of his new wheelchair


Giving Hope in the Philippines In a period of 12 months, the Knights of Columbus in California, Nevada, Hawaii and Texas sponsored the delivery of 1,550 wheelchairs to needy recipients on four islands in the Philippines by holding Wheelchair Sunday parish drives!

prayers, gives hope for the future, and allows us to share the love and good fortune we have with our brothers and sisters in need.

California Knights sponsored 300 wheelchairs, 100 pairs of crutches, 100 canes, and 50 walkers to the Sacred Heart School in Cebu City, on the island of Visayas. St. Francis of Assisi parish in Henderson, Nevada sponsored 300 wheelchairs, 100 pairs of crutches, 100 canes, and 50 walkers to the Diocese of Calapan, on the island of Mindoro. St. Augustine by the Sea parish in Honolulu, Hawaii sponsored 300 wheelchairs, 100 pairs of crutches, 100 canes, and 50 walkers to the Compassionate Franciscan Sisters of the Poor in Naga City, on the island of Luzon.

With the gift of mobility, children can start school for the first time

This couple is so thankful for their wheelchair in Caloocan, Philippines

Texas Knights from Galveston and Houston sponsored 350 wheelchairs to the dioceses of Caloocan and Antipolo on the island of Luzon. Knights and parishes in numerous states contributed to 300 wheelchairs, 100 pairs of crutches, 100 canes, and 50 walkers to the Ateneo de Davao University in Davao City, on the island of Mindanao. The delivery of wheelchairs to any community lifts spirits, answers

Families are very grateful for the gift of mobility in Manila, Philippines

6 American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

A celebration of mobility in Malabon, Philippines

This young man can now go to work with his new wheelchair

Happy children in Calapan

Before her new wheelchair, this woman moved around on a furniture dolly

The Texas Knights were told they are answering prayers, many times in the Philippines

Galveston/Houston Knights, Peter Tan and Richard Butler, changed many lives in the Philippines

Texas Knight, Peter Tan, receives a tearful thank you from the wife of a wheelchair recipient in Manila, Philippines


A New Life for Children in Mexico The Teletón Rehabilitation Centers for Children throughout Mexico are saving the lives of children who have been disabled by diseases from birth or injury. Through their televised “Teletón” each year since 1996, they have raised the funds to build 22 of the most advanced and beautiful rehabilitation centers in Mexico, and have recently opened a children’s cancer hospital and autism center. The combination of medical and holistic therapies are allowing children to live happier and more productive lives. Parents are directly involved in the therapies at the CRIT centers, and continue the process at home. This approach is allowing children with afflictions such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other conditions to live better lives, and making it easier for parents to care for them. A wheelchair is one of the most common needs of the patient families, but they simply cannot afford one. Since 2005, CRIT centers have received thousands of wheelchairs donated by Knights of Columbus, allowing children to go to school, and relieving the parents of the need to carry their growing children everywhere they go.


The Knights and parishioners of Prince of Peace in Plano, Texas have sponsored and re-

cently delivered a 280-wheelchair container to the CRIT center in Chiapas, Mexico. Prince of Peace Wheelchair Sunday coordinator, Bill Weber said, “We are blessed to be able to improve the lives of so many children, and help the parents in a way they could never have imagined.” California Knights sent 280 wheelchairs to two CRITs in Mexico City, and to the Knights at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Milagros Limon, 9, in Magdalena de Kino, Mexico prayed for a new wheelchair to make her First Holy Communion, which we learned was just one day after we visited her

Angel Cano moving himself for the first time

Texas State Wheelchair Chairman, Sam Szalwinski, carries Ernesto Aguillar, 4, to his new wheelchair in Chiapas, Mexico

American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

Brothers with Muscular Dystrophy, Cesar and Carlos Perez, 13 and 15, got new wheelchairs in Chiapas, Mexico

Carlos Lopez, 5, will now be able to go to school in his new wheelchair

Leo Estrella and Laura Romero meet Luis Aguillar, 7

Bill Weber from Plano, Texas, has changed the lives of thousands of children with the gift of mobility

Jose Caballero, 6, said his wheelchair was the best new present he ever received

Carlos Carmarenia, 4, is so happy to have his new wheelchair

L to R – Texas Knights Sam Szalwinski, Leo Estrella, and Bill Weber give Carlos Carmarenia, 4, his first wheelchair in Chiapas, Mexico


Caritas Vietnam Answering Prayers Knights of Columbus have sponsored the delivery of many thousands of wheelchairs through Caritas Vietnam. People in need of mobility in all 26 Catholic dioceses of the country have been helped. Fr. Vincent Vu Ngoc Dong is the Secretary General of Caritas Vietnam. He and his staff coordinate with Caritas offices and parish volunteers throughout Vietnam to provide wheelchairs and humanitarian aid to the poorest of the poor.

“The experience of delivering wheelchairs in Vietnam is life changing. All notions of what it would be like, or how we would be treated, were thrown out the window. These are among the most warm, gracious, prayerful, and grateful people I have met in any part of the world.�

Bill LePage celebrates new mobility with Nguyen Quynh Thao, 22, in Saigon, Vietnam

For the past five years, Knights from Texas, California, Florida and Arizona, along with the AWM team, have traveled to Vietnam delivering wheelchairs - and a bit of themselves - to the people they meet. In the span of one year, Knights have sponsored the delivery of 1,295 wheelchairs, 200 canes, 200 pairs of crutches, and 100 walkers to the Catholic Dioceses of Bac Ninh, Danang, Haiphong, Hanoi, and Saigon, to be distributed by local Caritas staff and volunteers.

Nguyen Van Toan, 17, is carried to his new wheelchair by his sister in Hanoi, Vietnam

Past California State Chaplain Fr. John Neneman blesses a recipient in Saigon with Sr. Mary Kim Phuong looking on

Wheelchair Sundays held in communities with large Vietnamese populations in California and Texas provided the funds for the majority of the wheelchairs being sent to the Catholic communities of Vietnam. Past California State Chaplain, Fr. John Neneman said,


Sisters from Caritas Vietnam deliver mobility in Haiphong, Vietnam

American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

The Caritas Vietnam team was touched by the gratitude of the wheelchair recipients at St. Giuse Parish

A new wheelchair delivers the hope for a better future in Vietnam

Lives were changed in Vietnam by Texas Knights

Children are always curious, but welcoming

Past California State Chaplain, Fr. John Neneman, carries Doan Anh Thuan, 55, to his new wheelchair in Danang, Vietnam

Nguyen Van Toan, 17, receives a wheelchair, and his sister is elated, in Hanoi, Vietnam


Photo Gallery

Arturo Martinez, 10, demonstrates his talent with the 50,000th wheelchair delivered by the Knights of Columbus


It is easy to change a person’s life with the gift of mobility

Truong Thanh Khoa, 53, is very happy to have a wheelchair

Singing songs of praise in Bac Ninh, Vietnam

Fr. John Neneman visits with a wheelchair recipient in his home near Danang

Supreme Officers, Directors, Families and guests helped deliver wheelchairs at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

American Wheelchair Mission / Knights of Columbus

Arturo Martinez and grateful families at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico

Prayerful thanks for mobility in Vietnam

Sr. Ann from Caritas Hanoi shares a special moment with 20 year old Nguyen Trong Quy

Rodrigo, 6, loves his new wheelchair in San Antonio, Texas

Happy wheelchair recipients, Caritas Vietnam, and the American Wheelchair Mission team in Danang, Vietnam

Veterans in our VA medical centers ride in style


Knights of Columbus and Wheelchairs Since 2003, Knights of Columbus have sponsored the delivery of tens of thousands of wheelchairs around the world, and right here at home to veterans and their families in need of mobility. Since



across the U.S. have been having “Wheelchair Sunday” parish drives to raise funds for the delivery



Assumption Blessed Church



Virgin in



Pasadena, where


Gerard O’Brien coined the phrase “Wheelchair Sunday,” this program has spread across the country and sponsored thousands



chairs. The first 5 parish drives in Southern California raised enough money to sponsor the delivery of 1,000 brand new wheelchairs and added more than 150 new Knights to the local membership. Please visit the Knights of Columbus page of our website to learn how you can host a “Wheelchair Sunday.”

Yamila Garrido, 8, had her life changed immediately with the gift of mobility.

Please visit our website to watch videos of Knights delivering wheelchairs around the world, read articles or donate. For more information, please contact: Dan Moberg Director of Public Education 2600 E. Seltice Way, Suite A-172 Post Falls, Idaho 83854 USA (208) 457-0745 Tax ID 26-571639

Chris Lewis President 2505 Anthem Village Dr., Suite E-602 Henderson, Nevada 89052-5505 USA (702) 580-0705

© Copyright 2016 American Wheelchair Mission | Photos by: Randy Hale, Chris Lewis & Contributing Photographers

chairs. Beginning with

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