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Sharing e-Learning Resources – Contributions to an Infrastructure in Thuringia H.-D. Wuttke1, S. Fincke2 and K. Henke1 1 2

Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Bildungsportal Thueringen, Erfurt, Germany

Abstract— Sharing e-learning resources can save money and time especially, when highly interactive or graphical impressively learning objects were produced and offered to an broader audience. The paper describes an infrastructure for sharing learning objects, criteria for choosing suitable objects and methods for publishing them. Metadata to describe them as well as some examples of such objects offered by the education portal Thuringia are presented. The data collection is delivered as a web-service into other data-bases, provides by government or company-networks. Thus, data have to be captured, edited and proved only once and are available in different portals for different target audiences. Index Terms— Internet portal, learning objects, meta-data, referatory, repository.

I. INTRODUCTION The German Free State of Thuringia has established an educational Web-portal, the “Bildungsportal Thüringen (EPT)”, as an information network about further academic education and e-Learning. For the successful realization of the web portal the focus was set on two fundamental important topics:  Establishment of a network of people (the sources of information) for the timeliness and accuracy of the data provided at the portal and  Information technology solutions that mostly automatically manage the processes of publishing and delivering the educational information. Actually the EPT focuses its activities on collecting metadata about highly interactive or graphical impressively learning objects to provide them to a broader audience. That way, costly resources can be shared and used in different scenarios. In developing are services to use scenarios and potential of networked repositories, because the importance of e-learning learning objects for the provision of flexible and high-quality learning scenarios increases. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: First we give an overview about the services and technical background of the EPT. In the next section we discuss possibilities of sharing learning resources between different institutions and in different learning scenarios followed by a section that provides some examples of the learning objects, we are talking about. Finally we conclude the actual results and give some hints for future developments.

SERVICES OF THE “BILDUNGSPORTALTHUERINGEN” The aim of the education portal EPT is to create transparency concerning the heterogeneous and distributed existing information about training opportunities, elearning materials and information to support lifelong learning by Thuringian universities. The portal provides standardized, comparable, timely and targeted group tailored information in form of metadata, which are presented online and also delivered to connected databases. The online information is available since 2002 at the Internet portal The collected information follows a common metadata schema and is recorded by the portal database included in. Sources of information that are subject for summarizing in the Internet portal are usually of very variable quality. The objective of the portal editors is to recognize these differences and to harmonize the information by rechecking and correcting the raw data. A content management system (CMS) serves as technical basis of the portal. It is used for the workflow management of the editing process of multiple editors and supports the data management and archiving, the parallel data access from connected data bases and services for data updates and quality management. Thereby the workflow management supports different scenarios for the provision of information and allows the delegation of tasks comprehensible in between the team including the regulation and transformation of access rights. For the individual education planning, users of the EPT can find some additional information about the providers and their special support services combined with the educational offer. The access statistic of the information units in the EPT shows that the provided additional information is of great importance [1]. For an efficient and high-quality provision of this information the EPT uses an online editorial board of experts that verifies and actualizes the portal content periodically. Supplemental to the available search engine and filtering capabilities the content is also available in form of about 20 target groupspecific information sets, the so-called "subject lists". These lists contain information about further education, online university courses and special topics about related conferences and events. In addition to present information on the pages of this education portal it is forwarded to other portals and databases. Filtering algorithms allow directing the data only to such connected portals or databases that are interested in the selected topics. These targeted services II.

for data connections exist for external partners as well as for internal partners like the Ilmenau University of Technology (IUT). For example in that case, the information is collected and edited only one time but visible at many portals. Using an XML-file as data-exportformat, the metadata of the e-learning materials or hints to events provided by the EPT are transferred to Typo3Server of the ITU, processed there, and displayed on the Web-sides of the ITU in their corporate design. This ensures the consistency of the data and avoids extra editing effort. In addition to different display variations of the information in the EPT and on the Web-sides of the ITU, the structure of the information and the selection of details can also be adjusted. The careful selection and the choice of appropriate use of metadata affects the possible exchange of data within the network of cooperating partners and with other systems. Experiences of recent years have shown that the education portal as a network node and senior expert is able to advise and raise awareness of the network partners. Thus, employees of these institutions, which have usually little or no knowledge of the specification of data models, profit from these experiences. The standard-conform use of metadata also determines the degree of possible automation of specific services. Since the implementation of the automated data exchange usually requires significant resources, this is profitable only for stable, long-term partners in networks. Simple solutions, such as an integrated search window for Web pages, offer a cost-effective alternative [2]. An overview of the metadata processing derived from the EPT gives Figure 1.


CROSS-INSTITUTIONAL USE OF LEARNING OBJECTS Training opportunities can be in many forms: as pure lecture, as tutor-supported e-learning course, but also in mixed forms as "blended learning" offer. Among the elearning programs, there are also those which are assigned to the personal learning without any tutorial support. They are available as a free interactive content regardless of location and time. Thus, e-learning in various manifestations and forms of use is already part of a large offer of the applied didactic scenarios and supports individual pathways in lifelong learning. A variety of services to support the use of e-learning in universities and other educational institutions is provided by the EPT. Services, important for students, are:  Assist in selection of appropriate learning objects (learning content and provider)  Guaranty for pervasive access to desired contents according to availability, advanced materials and expertise  Provide administrative services for protected content with access restrictions or personalized knowledge assessment. For many users, especially teachers, services are important, which allow the use of different teaching approaches and support flexible and modular designed learning materials. Therefore focus on EPT is the use of relevant and standardized metadata to describe available e-learning materials for different views and scenario.

Universities University of Erfurt Ilmenau University of Technology University of Jena Bauhaus University Weimar F. Liszt College of Music Weimar


Metadata in the educational portal Thuringia

Universities of Applied Sciences FH Erfurt FH Jena FH Nordhausen FH Schmalkalden



Data Interface Automated access to the metadata from external databases Figure 1. Metadata processing and information flow

Services for searching and displaying online information Export for print products Targeted, tailored metadata-export

The modularization of e-learning content (reusable learning objects, RLOs) and the development and testing of content sharing models are current trends that will be supported by the services of the EPT. There are a large number of materials embedded in specific learning environments and therefore not searchable and not yet included in the educational portal at the necessary granularity. These materials are available only as complete courses, making the reusability of learning objects more complicate. In addition, there are also efforts in various projects, enhancing the exchange of learning objects. The aim is to extract from existing e-learning materials fine granular components in such a way that they just can be used without restricting the freedoms of teachers. Therefore the learning objects have to be identified, decontextualized and described in a context free manner (e.g. physical effects like waves that where taught in connection to a multimedia lesson and therefore described as audio signals with loudness and pitch of sound should be described concerning the physical properties of waves like amplitude and frequency). For the retrieval of these learning objects a uniform description with metadata is important. To complete the metadata, also community-driven web technologies such as user-based tagging and ranking should be used. Projects such as bidding approaches that are of importance for a future development of the education portal Thuringia. Focus in development the EPT is therefore to extend the network in the area of e-learning. The focus of the development is given to the management of learning objects and services for processing and exchange of learning object according to different models for right management. A basis for the exchange of learning objects delivered on behalf of the EPT provides the study “potentials of networked repositories” [3]. The described existing and planned services to the EPT will help universities in future to offer a better support for lifelong learning scenarios. Such programs to future nonconsecutive master degree programs are already in preparation. These include legal framework for the recognition of professional qualifications, but also the further integration of e-Learning-based learning events in the curriculum.

collection of interactive tools. Using these tools the students can explore their knowledge and get new ideas. For each of the teaching themes special educational tools are developed to support the practical design process of digital systems. TABLE I. gives an overview about the tools and themes. The educational tools are a collection of applets and remote laboratory experiments, tailored to special needs of the teaching process. As can be seen in table 1, there are different themes; the applets can be used for. Thus for an appropriate re-use, their content needs to be described with respect to the specific theme. E.g., to show the relation between a Karnaugh map and a circuit, realizing the same function, the hazard-applet, shown in Figure 2 can be used as well as for explaining the occurrence of hazards in digital circuits. But, if someone is looking for the first mentioned theme (Karnaugh map and digital circuit), he will not search for the term “hazard” to find an appropriate learning object. That shows the importance of right metadata and the necessity to give different descriptions and views to the same object. TABLE I. Themes Tools BMA BAA Karnaugh QMC Hazards Program. devices Flip Flops Remote lab









+ +

+ + +

+ + +



+ +


Dyn. Effects

Automata +


+ +

+ +

Figure 2 shows the user interface of the educational tool “Hazard exploration”.

IV. BEST PRACTICE E XAMPLES – HIGHLY INTERACTIVE AND 3D LEARNING OBJECTS A. Learning objects for teaching computer engineering Teaching “Design of Digital Systems” as part of the computer engineering curriculum is tagged by a lot of theoretical stuff. The function and the structure of digital circuits can be described by means of Boolean algebra and automata theory. Our teaching concept, published in [5] and [6], starts by the design of combinational circuits. Different means, describing the same function, are suitable in different steps of the design process. After learning several description methods it is difficult for students to understand interrelations between them. That’s why our concept includes some problem based parts as well as possibilities for “Learning by doing”. We have realized two concepts for “Learning by doing”: a laboratory, were students can design, verify and implement digital circuits and control systems and a

Figure 2. User interface of the hazard applet

Learning to avoid dynamical effects in digital systems involves the following scenarios with using the Hazardapplet:

    

Design of a function and analyze possible conditions for functional hazards, Simulation of functional hazards by using the applet, Designing a circuit in a sum-of-product form and analyzing possible structural hazards. Realizing the same function in a product-of- sum form and analyzing the number of possible hazards again Comparing the results and looking for rules to avoid structural hazards.

The applet can be used for free at the Internet, see: s.html. B. Interactive Web-based 3D-Learning objects for teaching electrical engineering Multi-media, interactive and web-based learning objects (LOs) in different levels of complexity have a long history at the Department of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (GET) of the Ilmenau University of Technology. Those learning objects are offered in an open Web-based learning environment. Among these threedimensional learning objects electric motor models states a novel development direction since 2008. An illustrative representation of complex relationships through computer visualization is an efficient way to give students a better understanding of practical phenomena in

a theoretical university environment. In order to achieve this, an explicit link between abstract mathematical models and the practice-oriented real construction is provided. In addition to physical models, both interactive, three-dimensional models and immersive virtual reality models could be bridging the gap between theory and practice. The learning objects support the knowledge transfer to close the gap to the practice, which results from lack of experience with real models. The learning objects in this way give incentives for individual research-based observation of the students. A challenge in addition to professional content production is the “free of charge” distribution of content within the meaning of the open access idea. Other fields of interest are the simple search and access for the target group as well as a secured long-term electronic archiving based on metadata standards. The 3D components of the model are embedded in a Java applet and can be used in a flexible way for online scenarios. By designing Webbased 3D applications, the learning objects are browserand platform independent. The merging of the parameterized, interactive 3D representation with predetermined characteristic curves allows the demonstration of the impact of design changes on the operational behavior of the engine. Selected design parameters of the engine can be manipulated by graphic control elements and displayed immediately in the virtual 3D model as well as in the theoretical parameter curves as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Interactive 3D-Model of an electrical engine

The 3D model can be moved, rotated and scaled as a whole. Individual parts of the complete model can be varied in their transparency, and be switched on or off. Particularly interesting are manipulations of components which have a direct impact on the parameter curves. These include several bar shapes and their variations and the associated characteristics of efficiency, torque and performance. The sets of parameters are transferred dynamically and presented in real time on the 3D model.

Figure 4. Commutator series-motor

Figure 5. Stepping motor

The 3D models were produced in the frame of diploma thesis of students in a media technology study. V. CONCLUDING REMARKS The “Bildungsportal Thüringen” (EPT) provides, with its technology, infrastructure and proven networks of partners, a simple, durable and affordable way to present learning materials to the interested target groups. Because the EPT is networked in a versatile way, it offers excellent multipliers for the GETsoft learning content. An example of such a multiplier effect is the cooperation of the EPT with the Thuringian School Portal1 (TSP). The TSP has become aware of the science content from our university by EPT marketing activities. The special GETsoft 1

environment offers technical and didactical proofed content for electrical engineering education. GETsoft content that is already integrated in the EPT may be transferred directly via the EPT-API to the TSP or to other portals and repositories. Other learning objects can be exchanged via the IMS-package2 export from the GETsoft database. The authors of the learning objects are listed in the EPT as a contact person and can give quickly and easily professional support. The EPT has established as a part of the information infrastructure of the Free State of Thuringia. For delivery services of information in high quality the intensive involvement of network partners is essential for ensuring the quality of the information and the target group formats. This organization has been the practice of the virtual network comprising a central coordination office in Erfurt as well as a network of people with defined areas of responsibility. The services provided, support the expected changes in future educational scenarios of the universities. The education portal Thuringia supports the participating universities particularly in fulfilling the following tasks:  Cross-institutional transparency of shareable learning resources for all phases of the Student Lifecycle  Targeted communication and marketing of offers in regional and national information systems,  Providing information to support flexible teaching scenarios  Assistance in development and prototype testing of new forms of organizing the higher education at universities by using and sharing learning resources. Here in particular, the means for detecting distributed heterogeneous existing information with the possibility of personalized treatment is of interest for the universities. Further development potential is seen in the systemwide networking of information resources and services at the system-wide investigation and processing of information (for example, to support the consulting and configuration of individual learning pathways and offers). Data exchange with co information systems can be implemented easily if the terminology, such as subjectspecific ontologies between networking partners can be constructed systematically. A relevant quantity and accessibility of these ontologies reduces the effort for the implementation and use of high-quality, cross-system services significantly. Due to the expected growing importance of e-learning resources, the EPL focuses its activities this year on the further development of the network and the infrastructure for delivering learning objects. REFERENCES [1] J. False, S. Fincke, H.-D. Wuttke: Ergebnisse und Konsequenzen einer informetrischen Analyse des Bildungsportals Thüringen, 24. Oberhofer Kolloquium zur Praxis der Informationsvermittlung, Fachtagung der DGI: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und 2

Informationspraxis e.V., in Magdeburg, 10.-12.04.2008. Tagungsband S. 87-101, ISBN 978-3-925474-62-0. [2] H.- D. Wuttke, K. Schmid, “The Bildungsportal Thüringen – A contribution to the transparency of eLearning,” Grindelwald, February 21-23, 2005 Proceedings of the WBE 2005, IASTED, Editor: V. Uskov, ISBN (Hard-copy): 0-88986-480-2, ISSN 14827905, pp 195-200. [3] A. Zobel, Ch. Lukaschik, M. Hupfer, “Machbarkeitsstudie zur Integration dezentraler ELearning-Inhalte für Thüringen – Ist-Analyse, Anforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen”. Im Auftrag des Bildungsportals Thüringen, 2008. [4] H. - D. Wuttke; K. Henke, “Teaching Digital Design with Tool - Oriented Learning Modules ("Living Pictures"),” 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, Mass., November 6 - 9, 2002, CD – ROM, ISBN 780374444, pp. S4G 25 - 30. [5] H. - D. Wuttke; K. Henke, “Tool - oriented learning modules and laboratory for teaching digital design via the internet,” ICEE - 2002, International Conference on Engineering Education UMIST, Manchester, Great Britain, August 18 - 22, 2002 CDROM. [6] H.-D. Wuttke, K. Henke, V. Neundorf, “The “Bildungsportal Thüringen”- Collecting and Distributing

Meta Data About eLearning-Content, eInternationalization of Education,” Conference proceedings (EIE-10), Ivano-Frankivsk, December 2010. [7] H.-D. Wuttke, S. Fincke, “Life Long Learning Future Business Fields for Universities,“ to be published at the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies – CompSysTech’11, Vienna, June 2011. AUTHORS H. - D. Wuttke is with the Ilmenau University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Automation, Integrated Communication Systems Group, 98684 Ilmenau, Germany, POB 10 05 65 (e-mail: S. Fincke is with the educational portal of Thuringia, 99084 Erfurt, Puschkinstrasse 19, (e-mail: K. Henke is with the Ilmenau University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Automation, Integrated Communication Systems Group, 98684 Ilmenau, Germany, POB 10 05 65 (e-mail: This work was supported in part by the Thuringian Kultusministerium and partly by the EICEL-Project.

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