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Volume CXL, No. 
Borsellino ’12 lays out scope of Senate initiatives OPINION
Amherst, Massachusetts
Teng ’12 discusses social nature of Spanish dining ARTS&LIVING
Women’s tennis beats Williams, maintains No. 1 ranking SPORTS
PETA Youth Division Contests Meat-Eating Ethics, College Food Policy with Debate Society Brianda Reyes ’14 Managing News Editor
On Monday, April 18, 2011, peta2, the youth division of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), hosted a debate at Stirn Auditorium with the Debate Society. The debate revolved around the question, “Is eating meat ethical?� Arguing for the unethical nature of eating meat were PETA’s Vice-President Bruce Friedrich and the Debate Society’s co-president Justin Patrick ’12. Arguing that it is ethical were Jane Kessner ’14 and co-president Lilia Kilburn ’12. Friedrich began by explaining that one does not have to change one’s beliefs to agree with his argument. One of his arguments was that eating meat propagates world hunger because raising animals is resourceintensive. For example, 98 percent of the world’s soy is fed to farm animals. He ended his time by questioning the integrity of people who believe there is nothing wrong with eating meat by
Photo courtesy of Lilly Jay ’15E
The debaters were (left to right): PETA Vice-President Bruce Friedrich, Jane Kessner ’14, Lilia Kilburn ’12 and Justin Patrick ’12. asking if they would kill the animals themselves. Kilburn argued that animals are unable to create a form of social contract in which the animals have a
moral obligation to humans. She also argued that famine is a “political probOHP Âľ QRW D SUREOHP WKDW FDQ EH Ă€[HG through not eating meat. Patrick, a life-long vegetarian,
College Sees Spike in Thefts Brianda Reyes ’14 Managing News Editor
Over the past three weeks, the College has been experiencing several thefts, particularly in unlocked rooms. Everything from wallets, coats and backpacks to cell phones, keys and iPads have EHHQ UHSRUWHG 0RVW QRWDEO\ WKHUH KDYH EHHQ Ă€YH reports of stolen laptop computers. The laptop thefts all occurred in either common areas or unlocked rooms. Campus Police released a statement informing the College community about these thefts and encouraging them to protect their belongings. “These are obviously thefts of opportunity,â€? the release said. “The opportunity is created when you leave your possessions unattended in a nonVHFXUH ORFDWLRQ UHJDUGOHVV RI KRZ EULHĂ \ Âľ In the most recent thefts, students have been able to give descriptions of the suspect and the vehicle he drove. According to Ed Zaniewski, the Deputy Chief of Campus Police, they are working with other police departments in the area where similar thefts occurred. “In the most recent thefts, witnesses report seeing a suspect who is described as a slightly older than college age white male, six feet tall with sandy blonde hair, clean-shaven and last seen wearing a light blue and white checkered buttondown shirt and khaki pants,â€? the release said. “He was carrying a black backpack.â€? Hannah Greenwald ’14 is one of the students whose laptop was stolen from her unlocked room in James Dormitory. When she returned to her room after taking a shower, she realized that her laptop and her roommate’s were gone. “I was pissed off and frustrated, both with my-
self for not having locked my door and obviously with the thief,â€? Greenwald said. After noticing the thefts, she called campus police who she said have “been extremely helpful throughout the entire process.â€? Campus Police had a meeting for residents of James and Stearns Dormitories informing them of the suspect’s description and giving them advice as to how to stay safe. Campus Police recently proved instrumental in the recovery of an iPad. Chris Friend ’14, also a resident of James, had his laptop and his iPad stolen from his unlocked room. “I still can’t believe the lengths to which Campus Police went to recover my stolen items,â€? Friend said. A few days later, he heard back from Campus 3ROLFH 8VLQJ DQ $SSOH DSSOLFDWLRQ RIĂ€FHUV ZHUH able to track the iPad to an apartment complex in 6SULQJĂ€HOG 0DVV 7ZR RIĂ€FHUV GURYH WR WKH ORFDtion and wrote down the plate numbers of every car parked in the complex. After waiting for a few hours, the tracking system showed that the iPad had been moved to location in Holyoke, Mass. 2IĂ€FHUV ZHQW WR WKH ORFDWLRQ WKDW WKH V\VWHP indicated where they found a car that had also been in the apartment complex. They waited for several hours until the driver returned to the vehiFOH DQG EHJDQ GULYLQJ $V KH GURYH RIĂ€FHUV QRWHG that the tracking system was following the same route as the car. They contacted Holyoke Police and had the car stopped. The driver was arrested for possessing the stolen iPad. To prevent more thefts from happening, Zaniewski advices students to participate in the laptop registration program that Campus Police offers
See Police, page 3
WKHQ WRRN WR WKH à RRU DQG GLVFXVVHG the College’s purchase of factory-produced food rather than looking for more eco-friendly options. In his argument against meat eating, he said that
the content of beings’ DNA — the DNA of a human versus the DNA of an animal — is not relevant to the talk of morals. He also argued that the cruelty that animals face could be considered felonious if analyzed. Kessner went last and argued that, when it comes down to it, there is nothing “inherentlyâ€? unethical with eating meat. She argued that there is currently a transition toward the better treatment of animals. Kessner also said that the corporations are behind some of the issues, rendering part of the debate as political. She also mentioned the need for more conscienticious meat eaters. Friedrich delivered a few closing remarks in which he explained that the College is not living up to its standards by continuing to use battery-caged eggs in the dining hall while comparable institutions have moved to better options. According to him, battery cages are an unethical treatment of the chickens. He urged the College to PRYH WRZDUGV Ă€QGLQJ EHWWHU RSWLRQV Lilly Jay ’14 contributed reporting.
Exit the President: A Commitment to Financial Aid Amidst Recession June Pan ’13 Managing News Editor
On June 30, 2011, President Tony Marx will conclude his time at the College in order to serve as the President of the New York Public Library. In this three-part series, The Student examines the highlights of Marx’s presidential legacy. The College boasts on the front page of LWV ZHEVLWH WKDW WKH DYHUDJH Ă€QDQFLDO DLG SDFNage provided to students is over $37,000. Fully KDOI RI WKH VWXGHQW ERG\ EHQHĂ€WV IURP Ă€QDQcial aid, and the College’s commitment to its no-loans policy means that students need not worry about being haunted by the cost of an excellent education. Following a need-blind SKLORVRSK\ HYHQ GXULQJ GLIĂ€FXOW HFRQRPLF WLPHV WKH &ROOHJH¡V FRPPLWPHQW WR Ă€QDQFLDO aid has been a direct investment in a more socioeconomically diverse campus community. This commitment has been especially notable DV RQH RI WKH GHĂ€QLQJ DVSHFWV RI 3UHVLGHQW Tony Marx’s tenure at the College. “[Before Marx] there was an assumption that all Amherst students were middle class or above,â€? said Raquel Cardona ’05E, who was employed by the College as a Special Projects Fellow from 2005 to 2009. “Now it’s well known that approximately 60 percent of stuGHQWV KHUH DUH RQ Ă€QDQFLDO DLG Âľ Marx, Cardona believes, “made it much easier to be a student from a minority or lowincome background.â€? 8QGHU WKH DJJUHVVLYH UHFUXLWPHQW DQG Ă€-
The independent newspaper of Amherst College since 
nancial aid policies advocated by Marx and WKH $GPLVVLRQV 2IĂ€FH WKH QXPEHU RI VWXGHQWV from low-income families has more than doubled during the last eight years. But despite huge strides in recruiting low-income students, Marx felt that still more could be done to diversify the campus. “Highly-talented, middle-class students who come from great schools ‌ [and] who want to be at Amherst were not coming,â€? said Marx. “We concluded that required debt was part of the reason.â€? It cannot be proven that the no-loans policy was directly responsible for rounding out student demographics, but Marx believes available evidence speaks for itself. “The representation of the middle three income quintiles at Amherst has gone up every year since this program was put in place,â€? said Marx. “It’s making a difference, and I know it’s making a difference to those families.â€? The cost of an Amherst education remains SULFH\ IRU PDQ\ PDNLQJ Ă€QDQFLDO DLG FULWLFDO in students’ decisions to apply to and receive their education at the Fairest College. This is nothing new, according to Marx, who sees the dollars poured into supporting students’ education as simply another chapter in the College’s history. “Every student at Amherst is subsidized,â€? said Marx. “Even those paying full tuition ‌ are being subsidized by generations and endowments collected before.â€? Thus, according to Marx, his own aggres-
See Marx, page 2
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The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
EDU Holds Inaugural Event, Marx, College Weather Recession Features Spoken-Word Artist Continued from page 1
Sarah Ashman ’14 News Section Editor
Last Thursday, the College’s newest student group, the EDU, held its inaugural event. Aspiring teachers and those interested in education and education reform gathered in the Morris Pratt ballroom to hear a spoken word performance by poet Carlos Andrès Gòmez and to take part in a discussion about education facilitated by Professor Hilary Moss. Before EDU founders Daniela Fragoso ’13 and Dan Alter ’12 made any mention of the EDU itself, they gave the stage to Gòmez, who began a performance of education-themed poetry with a poem about racism and tolerance. For the next half hour the teacher-turned-artist captivated his audience with his raw, emotionladen performance. Gòmez closed his set with a poem called “What’s Genocide,â€? which offered a telling look into a failing New York City school. Gòmez spoke of how he was chastised for letting his students hear poetry that contained profanity and how, in an attempt to prove a point, he asked an assembled group of students to raise their hands if they had ever heard of the Holocaust. All did. He then asked those who had heard of the Rwandan Genocide to raise their hand. Eventually, one student raised her hand, and Gòmez, excited, asked her what the Rwandan Genocide was. “Carlos,â€? she said, “what’s genocide?â€? It was then, Gòmez said, that he realized how much of a disservice the educational system could be to children, especially minority children — and, enraged, he wrote “What’s Genocideâ€? as a way to express what he would have liked to have told his students. “Carlos being here tonight was a dream come true,â€? said Alter, “but unfortunately we won’t be able to bring him every week.â€? Gòmez’ poem, with its thought-provoking WKHPHV RQ SXEOLF HGXFDWLRQ IRUPHG D Ă€WWLQJ backdrop for the EDU’s inaugural meeting. Following Gòmez’ performance, Professor Moss
facilitated a full-group discussion about the public education — both its purpose and issues surrounding it. Alumnus Buster Nelson ’01, who was on campus to receive the Class of ’54 Commitment to Teaching Fellowship, challenged other attendees with his own view on education. “Education is about control,� he said. “Education was designed, in part, to be able to control what people are thinking or what they are feeling about where they’re living.� A vigorous discussion followed, as the organizers had hoped for the event. Fragoso and Alter stressed that they did not have a pre-set agenda for the event, but rather hoped for everyone to participate and jointly form the goals for the group. “Since there is no education department at the College, [Dan and I] thought that there needed to be an opportunity for students to meet other students who are passionate about education and to talk about educational issues,� said Fragoso.
Photo by Sarah Ashman ’14
Carlos Andrès Gòmez performed at the EDU’s inagurual event on Thursday.
VLYH Ă€QDQFLDO DLG SROLFLHV DUH LQWLPDWHO\ FRQnected to the College’s long history of providLQJ Ă€QDQFLDO VXSSRUW IRU LWV VWXGHQWV ´>7KH $GPLVVLRQV 2IĂ€FH@ KDG DOZD\V looked for talented, low-income students with potential who might not have had many opportunities,â€? said Cardona, “but Marx was the Ă€UVW WR GR WKLV LQ D PDVVLYH V\VWHPDWLF LQVWLtutional way.â€? 7KLV FRPPLWPHQW WR Ă€QDQFLDO DLG ZDV SXW to the test with the global economic downturn of 2008. The College’s endowment had SHDNHG DW ELOOLRQ LQ EXW WKLV Ă€JXUH would decrease by 25 percent over the next two years. “It was a very challenging and uncertain time,â€? said Dean of Faculty Gregory Call. “It was unusual for Amherst to feel affected by the economy.â€? In response to the global recession, the Advisory Budget Committee (ABC) was IRUPHG WR GHYHORS D Ă€VFDOO\ VXVWDLQDEOH SODQ for the College’s immediate future. Composed of faculty, students, administrators, staff, trustees, alumni and parents, the ABC presented its recommendations for managing a reduced endowment without compromising the College’s tradition of academic excellence. “The College looked at what its priorities were in the good times, and we did what we could to maintain them,â€? said Treasurer Peter Shea. In balancing expenditure and quality of teaching, Shea felt that the College minimized its losses by setting priorities and making marginal changes. “For the most part, I think, there was agreement among our constituents that we couldn’t turn our back on what Amherst stood for.â€? “[We tried] to be thoughtful about what was important to do and what we could do without,â€? said Marx. “But at the same time, we didn’t lay off any staff at a time when almost every one of our peers did exactly that. :H GLG QRW ZLWKGUDZ IURP RXU DJJUHVVLYH Ă€nancial aid policies. And we continued to hire more faculty than we ever had in a generation,
because we knew ‌ if we don’t have great faculty for the future, we can’t be a great institution.â€? Call praised the President for “committing WR LQFUHDVH DQG PDLQWDLQ UHVRXUFHV IRU Ă€QDQcial aidâ€? and, furthermore, for being able to “sustainâ€? such resources. In a concrete example of this commitment to socioeconomic diversity, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Tom Parker noted that the College continued WR Ă \ ORZ LQFRPH VWXGHQWV WR FDPSXV IRU IUHH “That’s pretty rare and pretty amazing,â€? said Parker. “Very few schools have that luxury.â€? Though costly and risk-laden in an unpredictable economic climate, Marx’s commitment to a diverse Amherst reaped its own rewards — both intangible and concrete. “The proof is in the pudding,â€? said Marx, “in the quality of the students, the feeling of the place, and ‌ the alumni contributions. We announced the largest fundraising campaign in the worst possible economic moment in my lifetime, October 2008. We set a goal. We have almost reached that goal in less than WKUHH \HDUV IRU D Ă€YH \HDU FDPSDLJQ :H JRW the two biggest gifts in the history of the College — one, the biggest unrestricted gift in the history of any college.â€? Encouraging such gifts are part of a president’s job description, but Marx believes that the generous alumni contributions were inspired rather by the College’s continued work in broadening the student body’s talent and diversity. These gifts were investments in a shared belief of what Amherst means and a vision of what Amherst can be. “In the end, it’s not about me,â€? said Marx. “It wasn’t a gift to Tony Marx. It was a gift to what Amherst was doing.â€? 7KH JHQHURXV Ă€QDQFLDO VXSSRUW RI DOXPQL then, stands as a monument to Marx’s theory — and, furthermore, to a vision of a better, more diverse Amherst. Brianda Reyes ’14 contributed reporting. Next week: Students, faculty and administrators give their personal perspectives on the President and his legacy.
THE CAMPUS CRIME LOG Entries from April 12 to April 18, 2011 April 12, 2011 12:22 a.m., Mayo-Smith House 2IÀFHUV UHVSRQGHG WR D QRLVH FRPplaint and issued a warning to a VHFRQG à RRU UHVLGHQW 2IÀFHUV DOVR detected the odor of smoke in the room and three students who were present admitted to having smoked. 7KH\ ZHUH HDFK ÀQHG April 13, 2011 8:15 a.m., Barrett Hall A professor reported that it appeared WKDW VRPHRQH KDG EHHQ LQ KHU RIÀFH since she was last in it. The invesWLJDWLQJ RIÀFHU GLVFRYHUHG ZKR WKH person was, and the professor requested that no action be taken. 12:12 p.m., Alumni Gymnasium A visitor reported the theft of three credit cards from his wallet which was left in an unlocked locker. The cards were used locally and in New Hampshire. Investigation continuing. April 15, 2011 10:25 p.m., LeFrak Gymnasium $Q RIÀFHU TXHVWLRQHG D PDQ KH REserved looking through coats which
ZHUH OHIW RQ WKH à RRU GXULQJ D FRQcert. The man claimed he was looking for his own. After checking his LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ WKH PDQ ZDV DVNHG WR leave the concert. 11:44 p.m., Moore Dormitory $Q RIÀFHU UHVSRQGHG WR D FRPSODLQW of loud music and found gatherings RQ WKH VHFRQG DQG WKLUG à RRU ZLWK loud music. The volume of music ZDV WXUQHG GRZQ RQ HDFK à RRU 11:56 p.m., Morris Pratt Dormitory $Q RIÀFHU HQFRXQWHUHG DQ XQGHUDJH VWXGHQW RQ WKH ÀUVW à RRU ZLWK VHYHUDO bottles of alcohol. She was identiÀHG DQG WKH DOFRKRO ZDV FRQÀVFDWHG
6:39 a.m., Keefe Campus Center $Q RIÀFHU UHVSRQGHG WR D UHSRUW RI a man inside the basement women’s room. The building was closed at WKH WLPH 3ULRU WR WKH RIÀFHU¡V DUrival, the man left the building. The RIÀFHU ZDV DEOH WR ORFDWH KLP DW &Rhan. The matter was referred to the 'HDQ¡V RIÀFH 12:38 p.m., Davis Dormitory A student reported the theft of an iPhone valued at $800. She last had it with her when she was at the Spring concert in LeFrak. Case open.
April 16, 2011 12:54 a.m., Cohan Dormitory $Q RIÀFHU GLVFRYHUHG DOFRKRO OHIW XQDWWHQGHG LQ WKH ÀUVW à RRU FRPPRQ room. It was disposed of.
6:02 p.m., Tyler House $Q RIĂ€FHU RQ SDWURO GLVFRYHUHG WKUHH men behind a storage shed near TyOHU 7KH\ ZHUH LGHQWLĂ€HG DQG IRXQG to have no association with the College. They were directed off college property.
1:00 a.m., North Dormitory $Q RIĂ€FHU UHVSRQGHG WR D FRPSODLQW of a group of males yelling on the IRXUWK Ă RRU KDOO 8SRQ DUULYDO WKH RIĂ€FHU ZDV WROG WKDW WKH PHQ KDG OHIW the building.
6:12 p.m., Valentine Dining Hall 2IÀFHUV UHVSRQGHG WR D UHSRUW RI disruptive behavior and people throwing things. Upon arrival, Food Service staff reported there had EHHQ D IRRG ÀJKW LQ RQH RI WKH GLQ-
LQJ URRPV $Q RIÀFHU REVHUYHG D student throw an item, and he was LGHQWLÀHG 7KH PDWWHU ZDV UHIHUUHG WR WKH 'HDQ¡V RIÀFH April 17, 2011 12:50 a.m., Pond Dormitory 2IÀFHUV HQFRXQWHUHG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ thirty students in the basement with hard alcohol. The alcohol was conÀVFDWHG 1:01 a.m., Moore 2IÀFHUV LQYHVWLJDWHG D VPRNH GHWHFWRU VRXQGLQJ LQ D WKLUG à RRU URRP and found it was caused by mariMXDQD VPRNH 7KH UHVLGHQW ZDV ÀQHG $100. 9:37 a.m., Converse Hall $Q RIÀFHU LQYHVWLJDWHG DQ LQWUXVLRQ alarm and found it was accidentally set off by an employee.
3:01 p.m., Alumni Gym A parent reported the theft of her wallet from her purse which was left along a wall during a fencing match. The wallet contained $45 cash and credit cards. Case open. 9:35 p.m., Morris Pratt $Q RIÀFHU UHVSRQGHG WR D UHSRUW RI D EXUQLQJ RGRU RQ WKH WKLUG à RRU DQG found that a resident was burning inFHQVH 7KH LQFHQVH ZDV FRQÀVFDWHG DQG KH ZDV ÀQHG IRU FUHDWLQJ an endangering condition. April 18, 2011 12:18 a.m., Pond 2IÀFHUV UHVSRQGHG WR D ORXG PXVLF complaint and found a large unauWKRUL]HG SDUW\ LQ D ÀUVW à RRU VXLWH The party was shut down. There was loud music at three other rooms, and it was turned off.
The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
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Association of Amherst Students Senate Elections
Candidate Statements
CLASS OF 2012 Justin Baker Rhett While I have no experience in Senate, I believe I would be a worthy candidate for this position because I am passionate about aiding in the AAS’s efforts to improve student life on campus. Many students have expressed concerns regarding numerous aspects of student life — the hours of operation at Schwemms, FRQJHVWLRQ DQG WUDIÀF LVVXHV ZLWK 7$3 VSDFHV )URVW /LEUDU\ DQG Spring Concert performers, to name a few. If elected senator, I will do my best to enhance students’ day-to-day lives, while also trying to improve upon bigger events to ensure life at Amherst is the best it can be.
about Amherst you want to change, e-mail me at mdebutts14@ amherst.edu. I hope to have your vote this Friday. Chris Friend I believe my broad experience and many ideas would make me a strong senator. I am currently the publisher of The Amherst Student, managing the largest sum of money on campus outside of the AAS. As well, I am one of the VPs of the Debate Society, and recently I ran our annual debate tournament. I want the AAS to SXW PRUH IRFXV RQ WKLQJV WKDW KDYH D ORZ FRVW EXW ODUJH EHQHĂ€W OLNH H PDLO QRWLĂ€FDWLRQV IRU SDFNDJHV ,Q JHQHUDO , ZLVK WR LPprove the Senate by making it more outwardly focused, rather than inwardly concerned. Vote Friend!
Rohan Mazumdar I foresee my role in Senate as one of aiding Noah Gordon its transformation from a body that focuses Next year the AAS more than ever needs on its ‘existential’ issues, to one that agsenators with experience and vision. We gressively pursues the implementation of need senators with the experience to keep SURMHFWV WKDW EHQHĂ€W WKH VWXGHQW ERG\ :KLOH the Senate running as we enter a year in I have my own issues such as orientation, which we’ll be drafting or modifying a new advising and the College’s social experience to work on, I would constitution; especially when our most exalso push for an overall change in culture surrounding the Sen- perienced senators are graduating, many of our sophomores are ate’s mandate. going abroad and others are not returning. We need senators with CLASS OF 2013 vision to pursue the issues important to the student body and Warren Knowles make them known to the new president taking the reins. Vote for As a student at Amherst, I’ve co-chaired the a candidate with both experience and vision. Don’t rock the ark: Pride Alliance, organized events through Vote for Noah this Friday. the Multicultural Resource Center as a peer programmer and now serve as a Diversity Ian Hatch Intern in Admissions. As a senator, I will My decision to run for the AAS is solely advocate to continue Amherst’s commitment motivated by a desire to help the student WR GLYHUVLW\ DQG Ă€QDQFLDO DLG WR FUHDWH JHQGHU QHXWUDO KRXVLQJ body. While I would never call the AAS policies for Residential Life and to revamp the Amherst College “corruptâ€? or “useless,â€? it seems to me that website’s interface for students. I hope my input will provide the all too often efforts to improve student life senate with a different perspective. falter under the weight of internal senate matters. I hope (in my small way) to change this if I am elected. Gabi Mateo Volkart , GR QRW ZLVK WR KROG KLJKHU RIĂ€FH Âł PDNLQJ $PKHUVW D EHWWHU I had a really interesting year as a Senator SODFH GHĂ€QHV WKH OLPLW RI P\ DPELWLRQV in which I learned a lot. I met people and participated in many discussions that made JJ Hoffstein my perspective of Amherst evolve. I realize My name is JJ Hoffstein, and I am running there is a lot we can do, and I believe in the to be a senator for the class of 2014. As a emphasis of the improvement of communivarsity athlete, I will provide a new, fresh cation. We can enrich and diversify our community if we faciliperspective which the Senate desperately WDWH WKH Ă RZ RI LQIRUPDWLRQ , DP ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG IRU DQRWKHU needs. I am a critical thinker: focused, creyear in Senate to contribute even more and focus on an increase ative and hardworking. I also know how to in participation, involvement, awareness and all those elements do the macarena — a vital skill for any senator. Additionally, I that make our community a more enjoyable and engaging place. secretly love Michelle Branch — if you see someone driving in a red jeep with the windows down singing aloud to “All You Cole Morgan Wanted,â€? it’s probably me. For all these reasons and more, I am Hello, my name is Cole Morgan. I have proud to be running for Senate. served on the Senate as one of your senators and your class chair for two years now and Nazir Khan have become familiar with the Senate’s atHey everyone! I’m Nazir Khan and I am PRVSKHUH DQG SURFHGXUHV , Ă€QG WKH SROLWLFV running for senator of the class of 2014. of my position less interesting than I do the Being at Amherst for practically a year now, primary functions of the Senate. I enjoy helping in whatever way I’ve gotten into the groove of things and I can to ensure that clubs and students receive adequate funding really understand how things work around for their events and helping to relay student opinion to adminishere. I have many ideas to improve our trators and faculty. I would love to continue doing so next year experience at Amherst. For example: I notice that the Alumni and would greatly appreciate your vote. Thank you. Gymnasium doesn’t even have a clock. Small changes like this can go a long way to improving student life and will be central John Yarchoan to my work if I am elected. I ask for your vote to re-elect me to the Senate. My main focus as senator will conAllan Landman tinue to be to close the disconnect that exists With the nomination to the AAS Senate, between the student body and the AAS. I, Allan Landman, promise to do what I The Senate spends too much time debating believe is most important for my fellow stuSenate precedent that the student body could dents. That is, I promise to be open to their FDUH OHVV DERXW ,QVWHDG WKH 6HQDWH VKRXOG IRFXV RQ Ă€QGLQJ SUDFideas and concerns and represent them at all tical solutions to real problems on campus. To this end, I have times. I have been on Senate for a year and worked with other senators to, among other projects, improve on the Budgetary Committee for a semester, and with that instithe ASIP program and hold town hall meetings. A vote for me tutional knowledge I hope to facilitate talks between students is a vote for real action on issues that affect the student body. and their senators through town hall meetings and hopefully, a future AAS Online Forum. We senators are here to represent CLASS OF 2014 you, and I plan to do exactly that. Matt deButts I’m running for re-election because I love Maia Mares this school and I want to change it for the As a senator this past year, I worked to better. As your senator, I am currently workincrease historical presence on campus ing on an AAS campaign concerning faculty through the creation of historical exhibits evaluations, an archival initiative to revive in dorms, increase awareness of mental the history within old dorms and a push for health on campus by participating in sevnew landscape designs around renovated buildings. I’m always eral focus groups and increase sustainabilwilling to take up another cause, so if you have something ity by opening discussions with athletics
DERXW VZLWFKLQJ WR WHUU\ WRZHOV LQ WKH ÀWQHVV FHQWHU LQVWHDG RI paper towels. Going forward, I hope to continue these efforts by further researching dorms and creating more exhibits, serving on the Seligman Input Committee, talking with administration regarding mental health resources for students, switching to hand dryers in bathrooms and reopening discussion about a campus farm. Jacob Ong As a freshmen senator, I have spearheaded and implemented several initiatives which EULQJ WDQJLEOH EHQHÀWV WR WKH VWXG\ ERG\ Therefore, I am seeking a second term as senator to advance and reinforce my initiatives. Particularly, I will develop a more structurally vigorous enterprise and innovation program on campus and again expand the AAS shuttle service, with the savings from a new shuttle deal, most likely by arranging for shuttles during the winter break. I will also focus on reforming existing AAS budgetary policies and procedures to better suit the needs of student clubs, groups and individuals. Jess Sidhu As a senator for the Class of 2014, I will work to improve student life here at Amherst in a variety of ways. I am currently working with other senators to create a Speaker Board, which will focus on bringing bigname speakers to campus. I am also working to create House Councils within each dormitory that will have separate budgets to spend on items for the common rooms of dorms. Finally, I am also working on a proposal that guarantees future renovations of dorms do not remove ballrooms and social spaces, as was done in the Triangle. Meghna Sridhar I’m running for a seat in the AAS because I feel I have the motivation and experience to make a meaningful change at Amherst. As secretary of the International Students Association, a section editor at The Student, a Budgetary committee clerk and an active MRC volunteer, I have led and organized many events and programs to spread diversity, awareness and information in the school. As senator, I plan to expand arts visibility on campus, LQFUHDVH HIÀFLHQF\ RI VHYHUDO IDFLWLHV OREE\ IRU DYDLODELOLW\ RI late night resources, ensure the new leadership of the college is committed to diversity expansion and engagement and make the Senate a more visible, open and transparent force for the student body to positively interact with. HouPu Wen Why hello there, Amherst! I am the Head Physics teaching assistant for Physics 16 and on the board of the Tango Club and Mindfulness and Meditation club. I am also an active member of the arts scene on campus, having performed in two studentGLUHFWHG SOD\V DQG FXUUHQWO\ LQ D VWXGHQW GLUHFWHG ÀOP %HQML Skylar also loves me. I’d love to talk to you! More funding for non-freshmen RC’s, and prevent Schwemm’s from GETTING RID OF NANTUCKET NECTARS. God Bless America.
Police Recover iPad
Continued from page 1
to facilitate the recovery of the thefts should they happen. He also encourages students to not leave their possessions unattended in unlocked rooms or common areas or allow “unfamiliar people to ‘tail-gate’â€? into the dormitory. Also, after having seen the tracking system work on Friend’s iPad, he encourages students to use tracking software on their possessions. $OWKRXJK &DPSXV 3ROLFH LV ZRUNLQJ WRZDUGV Ă€QGLQJ WKH other stolen things, the paranoia on campus continues. “My roommate and I keep our door locked at all times, and I keep thinking I see shady characters around campus only to realize that they’re actually just students,â€? Greenwald said. “Mostly it was just a wake-up call: even though 90% of the time you can leave your door unlocked and your laptop sitting out and nobody will bother with it, there is always a chance that something bad will happen.â€? Campus Police encourages the community to contact them about any suspicious person or activity immediately at (413) $Q\RQH ZLWK LQIRUPDWLRQ VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ UHJDUGLQJ WKH thefts should contact the police at (413) 542-2291.
The Amherst Student
Letters to the Editor Wednesday, April 20, 2011
College Should Partner to Improve Concert It seems all too often that we criticize the College’s Spring Concert for failing to live up to expectations. Yet it seems that for as far as the Program Board (PB) has come in re-tooling its approach, each year swaths of the student body are left dissatisfied. Whether it’s unhappiness with the choice of artists, the venue or the disappointment of having artists back out at the last minute, it’s become clear that the journey to Spring Concert is fraught with potholes. Therefore, our criticism centers on the premise of holding the Spring Concert at all. The dissatisfaction with Spring Concert isn’t new — what has changed is the nature of the problem. Over the past few years, the PB has polled the student body in search of performers (with price tags included), increased the performance budget and patched together a litany of other resolutions to improve the event. But the ship seems to be sinking faster than anyone can plug in resolutions. When it’s not the money, it’s the artists. When it’s not the artists,
it’s the lack of an atmosphere in LeFrak. This year, the problem seems to be the fate of $20,000 left over after Travie McCoy backed out. It’s long been time for the College to consider no longer hosting an autonomous concert, and instead partnering with one or more of the Five Colleges in order to jointly bring in a firstclass act. This would provide us with a gigantic boost in funding, so we could afford to bring in a more expensive artist. Granted, we may not be getting Lady Gaga, but we won’t be settling for a Mike Posner. Posner did his best to put on a premium performance, but considering that we could have had Lupe Fiasco this year, the Duke graduate could do no better than runner-up. In addition, the expanded student base of multiple colleges would guarantee a higher attendance than the few hundred that our student body managed for this year’s concert, and thus liven up the Concert’s atmosphere. Even though PB sold tickets on Friday, there was undoubtedly too much breathing room by the
time the Concert wound down. The expanded body of students would significantly dilute the Amherst voting base, meaning that we may not get the artist that the majority of students at the College vote for — but then again, we aren’t getting the artist we vote for now, anyway. We recognize that this might be an unpopular idea; on the surface, there is something that just doesn’t seem right about the College’s Spring Concert being something that may not always be held at the College. Some may argue that this action would be, in essence, giving up the concert. The reality, however, is that given our resources, it is time to consider the possibility that we cannot do it alone. It would be an imperfect union with whichever college we end up partnering with, especially in terms of negotiating the concert site and the dollar figures. However, we think that the benefits gained — primarily, having a Spring Concert that the majority of students believe is worth attending — are worth those trade-offs.
The Newspaper of Amherst College since 1868
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The Amherst Student LV SXEOLVKHG ZHHNO\ H[FHSW GXULQJ &ROOHJH YDFDWLRQV 7KH VXEVFULSWLRQ UDWH LV SHU \HDU RU SHU VHPHVWHU 6XEVFULSWLRQ requests and address changes should be sent to: Subscriptions, The Amherst Student %R[ $PKHUVW &ROOHJH $PKHUVW 0$ The offices of The Student DUH ORFDWHG RQ WKH VHFRQG IORRU RI WKH .HHIH &DPSXV &HQWHU $PKHUVW &ROOHJH 3KRQH $OO FRQWHQWV copyright Š 2009 by The Amherst Student, Inc. All rights reserved. The Amherst Student logo is a trademark of The Amherst Student, Inc. Additionally, The Amherst Student does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or age.
Letters Policy The opinion pages of The Amherst Student are intended as an open forum for the Amherst community. The Student will print letters under 450 words in length if they are submitted to The Student offices in the Campus Center or to the paper’s e-mail account (astudent@amherst.edu) by 9 p.m. on Sunday, after which they will not be accepted. The editors reserve the right to edit any letters exceeding the 450-word limit or to withhold any letter because of considerations of space or content. Letters must bear the names of all contributors and a phone number where the author or authors may be reached. Letters and columns may be edited for clarity and Student style. The Student will not print personal or group defamation.
Saumitra Thakur ’11, President of the AAS, Romen Borsellino ’12, Presidentelect of the AAS, and Josh Mayer ’13, author of the proposed constitution, wrote a Letter to the Editor regarding Friday’s vote to approve or discard the recently-written draft for a new constitution. This Friday, the student body will have the opportunity to vote in a referendum on a new Constitution for the AAS. Today, the incumbent and incoming Presidents and the author of the new Constitution write to encourage you to vote ‘no’ in the referendum. This position is not based on the merits of the document, but on its circumstance. We believe that the new Constitution has triggered a discussion on AAS Constitutional reform for the coming year. The process that has brought the upcoming
referendum to the ballot — requiring the signatures of 10 percent of each class — demonstrated that the student body demands reform. However, the input on the document itself was incomplete. In such a major reform effort, it is imperative that all community voices be heard. To resolve the situation, the authors of this article propose the formation of a Committee on the Constitution and Bylaws. This Committee, tentatively composed of an equal number of Senators and non-Senators, would seek input from all stakeholders to be incorporated into new foundational documents for the AAS. By the end of the 2011-2012 academic year, the Committee would make these recommendations to the Senate and the student body for another vote.
Roger Guzowksi, the Five-College Recycling Manager, wrote a Letter to the Editor addressing students’ end-of-theyear options for dealing with the items in their rooms and the positive effects of the community outreach programs that use donated items. When students move out at the end of the year, they leave behind a lot. Years ago, most of the stuff that the students left EHKLQG HQGHG XS LQ D ODQGÀOO +RZHYHU thanks to waste reduction and recycling efforts at Amherst College, students are leaving behind less stuff, and more of the items that they do leave behind are diverted back to local communities. 7KH ÀUVW VWHS LV HQVXULQJ WKDW VWXGHQWV keep items they need for future years. Too many of the items that used to get left beKLQG ZHUH LWHPV WKDW VLPSO\ GLGQ¡W ÀW LQ the trunk of the car or were too expensive to ship home at the last minute. Three things have helped to reduce this: ‡ 7KH UHF\FOLQJ SURJUDP VWDUWV DGYHUtising earlier to make sure students have enough lead time to plan for the end of the year before they get too busy ZLWK ÀQDO H[DPV SDSHUV DQG WKHVHV ‡ 7KHUH KDV EHHQ DQ LQFUHDVH LQ RII campus storage options. The College does not endorse any particular storage company, but there is no doubt that studentinitiated storage options like All College Storage and MAStorage have helped to convince students that over-the-summer storage is a viable option. With these storage options, students are supporting ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV LQVWHDG RI ÀOOLQJ ORFDO ODQGÀOOV ‡ ,PSURYHPHQWV LQ WHFKQRORJ\ KDYH changed the nature of what students have. Twenty years ago, packing up your computer, your television, your stereo and your music collection required a moving van. Now, for many students it merely means folding up their laptop and carrying away their smart phone. That makes keeping stuff at the end of the year a much more viable option for many students. For the clothing and other items that are still left behind, more and more of those items are returned to local communities to help people in need. Each year, the College collects between 10,000 and 20,000 pounds of clothing and other donations. Once collected these items are picked up by several local charitable organizations, primarily the Franklin Area Survival Center and Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Holyoke.
The Franklin Area survival center provides free food to needy individuals and families in the Franklin County Area. Franklin County is home to 26 communities north of Amherst. Many of those communities are rural and almost 13% of the population is living with food insecurity. Franklin County has among the three highest poverty rates of any county in Massachusetts, and is among the bottom three in median income. Clothing and household items that are donated to the Center are sold at an extremely reasonable cost at the center’s thrift shop. The proceeds from the thrift shop are then used to support the food pantry, which in turn provides support to hundreds of families and individuals. At Big Brothers Big Sisters, volunteers serve hundreds of children from Hampden County and the towns of South Hadley DQG *UDQE\ 7KH EHQHÀWV RI PHQWRULQJ DUH PHDVXUDEOH DQG VLJQLÀFDQW &KLOGUHQ who have a Big Brother or Big Sister are: ‡ OHVV OLNHO\ WKDQ WKHLU SHHUV WR
“Each year, the College collects between 10,000 and 20,000 pounds of clothing and other donations ... these items are picked up by several local charitable organizations, primarily the Franklin Area Survival Center and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Holyoke.â€? start using illegal drugs ‡ OHVV OLNHO\ WR VWDUW GULQNLQJ ‡ OHVV OLNHO\ WR VNLS D GD\ RI school ‡ OHVV OLNHO\ WR VNLS D FODVV The clothing and other items donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters are re-sold through Savers stores in Western Mass. DQG &RQQ 3URĂ€WV IURP WKRVH VDOHV VXSport Big Brothers Big Sisters. On Earth Day, Facilities Management staff will be distributing bags to student rooms for the collection and donation of unwanted clothing. Simply place any unwanted clothes into the plastic bags, label the bag to designate it for donations and leave your bags in the common area or ORXQJH RQ WKH Ă€UVW Ă RRU
The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
Page ď™ˆ
The Best Weekend of All-Time
h, hello there. So I’ve been thinking about my column of late, and for the most part I’ve been discussing some issues on campus that deal with student life — a phrase that, really, just refers to “how students at Amherst are living.â€? I’ve brought up a number of issues with housing and campus life that I feel Amherst should be improving upon. That said, I want to recognize that for us as Amherst students, OLIH LV SUHWW\ DZHVRPH , Ă€JXUHG WKHQ WKDW IRU WKLV ZHHN LW was time to write about something that stood out to me as a pertinent article topic: this past weekend was, like, the greatest weekend ever. There was so much going on; people were out and about; the fun-to-not-fun ratio was at an all-time high; it was all just so‌Amherst-y. Allow me to elaborate. This weekend, the greater Amherst College area held host to four fantastic goings-on: the Spring Concert featuring Mike Posner, the outdoor day-party known as Tom Jones, “Extravaganjaâ€? on the town common and the annual Admitted Students Weekend (better known as Prefrosh Weekend). That all these HYHQWV KDSSHQHG LQ D KRXU SHULRG PDGH LW RQH ZLOG $PKHUVW weekend. And despite the arctic April weather conditions for much of the weekend, I saw unprecedented numbers of people out and about, enjoying the great times. I thought the Mike Posner-fest in LeFrak was good — even though people came into it with fairly low expectations. I look at it this way: maybe people wanted someone different, but Mikey P put on a solid show with plenty of music that people could dance to. And although his facial expressions were generally bizarre, he was enthusiastic, got the crowd into it and really enjoyed waving his arms. Extravaganja, a “cannabis reformâ€? festival on the town green, was hands-down the best people-watching event in world history. For those of you not there, the scene was something like Venice Beach meets Hampshire Halloween. Gotta love the Amherst locals. This weekend also coincided with the annual prefrosh weekend, when young prospective students
life at amherst David Zheutlin ’11 David Zheutlin ’11 seeks to open a broader discussion of student life issues on campus. He is a history major, captain of the club volleyball team and an active member of Social Council and the Fun Police. In his spare time, he enjoys relaxing, eating candy and taking long walks on Pond Beach.
descend upon Amherst and spend a weekend trying to pretend they’re in college (which, of course, never works since it’s so easy to spot those prefrosh). But overall, all the prefrosh I saw seemed to be loving the ’Herst and getting excited to be a part RI WKH FODVV RI D QXPEHU ZKLFK DV D VHQLRU VRXQGV ULdiculous). 7KH KLJKOLJKW RI WKH KLJKOLJKW Ă€OOHG $PKHUVW ZHHNHQG though, had to be Tom Jones, which has been a staple of springtime for the past three years. The outdoor grilling and chilling event was, as usual, well-run and highly attended, with unlimited quantities of steak, lobster and premium natural light beverages available for consumption. In the past, the event has been blessed with gorgeous sunny weather. This year, though, WKH ZHDWKHU ZDV DEVROXWHO\ RIIHQVLYH Âł ZLQG\ ORZ V QR sun to be found. But I think that’s just why I’m so impressed with the 2011 edition of the Jones. Despite the unnaturally gross April day, the men and women of Amherst were out in full force, relaxing, talking and getting their fun on. What makes Tom Jones such a great event is that it’s one of those few moments each semester where it truly feels like we have an Amherst community. For the day, Amherst as a whole drops everything and comes together with the goal of having a great time with one another and enjoying our time at WKH Ă€QHVW FROOHJH RQ HDUWK 1RZ FHUWDLQO\ QRW HYHU\RQH ZDV there, but my point is this: what I saw assembled at some random backyard behind Hitchcock was a slice of Amherst — and it was a fairly large one. Anyone could get a ticket and feel comfortable spending the day relaxing with their friends and classmates. There was no unifying “tagâ€? you could put on the group to classify them except this: Amherst. And that’s cool. Simply put, Tom Jones brings our quirky, diverse and fascinating student body together for a day of collegiate entertainment. There aren’t many events around campus that can boast, “bringing the Amherst student body together.â€? LipSync is one RI WKHP WKH +RPHFRPLQJ %RQĂ€UH LV DQRWKHU PD\EH WKH RXW-
Senate Does Work: Making Money and Improving Student Life
his Friday, the Student Body will elect a new Senate for the upcoming school year. Monday night’s meeting proved to me that the AAS is truly heading in a direction towards making student life issues a priority, which is something that I, and many others, have long hoped for. I hope to see a new Senate that continues this focus. Here are some things we talked about Monday night: Current senator and future Judiciary Council &KDLU *HRUJH 7HSH ¡ XQYHLOHG D 6HQDWH SURMect that he has been working on for the past few weeks: purchasing GPS’s for student use. Tepe WKRXJKW LW ÀWWLQJ WKDW LI ZH OHQG FDUV RXW WR VWXdents, we should lend GPS’s as well. His idea was initially to have the GPS’s distributed to a student when they pick up the keys for a campus van from the police station. Unfortunately for Tepe, Campus Police seemed to be working on things that they found more important than distributing GPS’s to students. Fair enough. So he went to the good folks at Frost who said that they would be happy to check the systems out to students. While his idea started out as one that would only lend them to those renting campus vans, it has evolved into a something where any student can rent a GPS, which will be particularly helpful to seniors who need to drive to job interviews in other cities ‌ student life initiatives for the win! As you all probably know, Merrill Science Center and Davis Dormitory will both be torn down in the coming years to make way for a new science building. AAS President Saumitra Thakur ’11 came up with a great idea to both preserve our history and make a few bones while we’re at it: sell bricks from Merrill to alumni, particularly science students who likely spent the majority of their Saturday nights/time at Amherst in the building. The Senate loved the idea. Not as well received, however, was my
idea to also sell alumni the bathroom tiles from Davis Dormitory ‌ this would ensure a souvenir for many of the students who have never set foot in the science center! Senator Alex Stein ’13 announced that the new Amherst website “Scrutiny,â€? which allows students to evaluate their professors online, should be ready by May 13. On a related note, a number of students have been meeting with the administration to advocate for stronger teacher evaluations (which would be done through the College, as opposed to Scrutiny, which would be
door Val barbeques qualify. But overall, there aren’t that many times when you can really look at an event and say that there was a random assortment of several hundred Amherst people in attendance and having a great time. I wish we had more of these kinds of events — and I’m not talking about outdoor parties, I’m talking about times where everyone at Amherst is sharing a common experience other than simply going to school here — because they’re the times that make our community stronger. Amherst used to have a number of traditions that certainly contributed to that sense of community. Unfortunately, we don’t have too many anymore. I’m not saying we have to bring back old traditions that they had in the early 1900s, but LW ZRXOG FRQWULEXWH VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ WR RXU VHQVH RI VWXGHQW OLIH LI we were to have more fun-times-in-common. Some schools have “Mountain Day,â€? where classes are cancelled and everyone hikes up a nearby mountain (not a bad idea); others have a daily empty-hour where nothing is taking place, so that everyone is guaranteed to be free at a certain time (great idea). Maybe we could take some of these ideas and relate them to Amherst — “Antonio’s Day?â€? “Bird Sanctuary Day?â€? “Everyone Drive to Williams and Mess Around Day?â€? — as a way to replicate the sense of community that one gets from attending something like LipSync or Tom Jones. Because, as we all know, sharing common experiences makes us feel closer to one another, and being closer to one another makes us love Amherst even more than we already do. It’s a beautiful thing to feel like part of something larger than yourself — and larger than your own day-to-day college experience. And here we are part of something larger than ourselves: it’s known as $PKHUVW DQG LW¡V EHHQ WKH EHVW VFKRRO LQ WKH ¡&$& VLQFH So let’s try to get more of these kinds of things going — I think everyone will be surprised how much fun they have, how many new people they meet and how much more comfortable and communal Amherst will start to become.
Pain in the AAS Romen Borsellino ’12 Romen Borsellino ’12 is an AAS senator and SHE who writes a weekly column detailing the goings-on of the Senate and giving his take.
events that will engage a large cross-section of the campus. Their proposal? A foam party. The two hope to use AAS funds to throw a rager in D WHQW RXWVLGH WKDW ZRXOG EDVLFDOO\ EH ÀOOHG ZLWK bubbles. Their goal is to get funding from the Budgetary Committee and do this within the next couple of weeks. One of the more unresolved discussions we had at Monday night’s meeting, led by senator Sam Bell ’11, pertained to an abundance of student security and campus police at Amherst parties, the latter of which, Bell thinks, is too much.
Image courtesy of refurbishedgpsguide.com
One senator successfully passed an initiative to connect students with GPS’s, illustrating the power of the Senate to improve student life. optional and run by students) to be implemented in the coming years. Many feel that there is a strong need for stricter faculty evaluations, seeing as how we are the only college, compared to at least nine of our peer institutions, that does not require evaluations for tenured faculty. On an unrelated note, Stein, along with Senator Sara Gehrdes ’11, stressed the need for more social
The main point he made is that with the increasing campus police presence at parties, we have been shifting away from a culture that advocates drinking as something that should be “sustainable, safe and social,� to a greater crackdown in general. This is a tough issue because while underage drinking is, of course, against the law, the College has often seemed to take a relaxed
approach to punishment as long as students do it safely. So this begs the question: are campus police actually stricter than they used to be? And if so, is there reason to be (in other words, has the culture of drinking here at Amherst changed)? Personally, I have not seen many signs that would point in any particular direction for either question, but these are the sorts of conversations that students should be engaging in. This is the type of thing that affects all (well, many) of us. Finally, the student body will be voting on a new Constitution this Friday. I strongly urge you to vote NO on it. Here’s why: 1) Under the new Constitution, the student ERG\ ZLOO QR ORQJHU JHW WR HOHFW DQ\ RIÀFHUV other than the AAS President. Instead, the President will get to appoint the rest of the Executive Board such as a Treasurer, Secretary and Judiciary Chair. I personally think this is undemocratic and puts too much power in the hands of one student. 2) This Constitution was written by a single student. I feel that a new Constitution should be created from the opinions of a broad spectrum of students consisting of both senators and nonsenators of all classes. 3) This new Constitution is really just an outline of what a Constitution could be, and would not work unless we pass tons of by-laws in addition. I ran for AAS President on a platform of implementing student life initiatives and I, along with other senators, have a number of great ideas we want to work on. But if this new Constitution passes, we will devote the majority of next year’s meetings to formulating and debating bylaws for the Constitution and have little time to actually talk about student life issues. The AAS needs to be about student life. :KLOH WKHUH DUH D QXPEHU RI à DZV ZLWK RXU current Constitution, this new one is not an adequate solution. Vote NO!
Arts living &
The Amherst Student
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Editor-in-Exile: The Social Side of Spanish Cuisine Elaine Teng ’12 Foreign Correspondent
What exactly is “American” food? Taking a look at this week’s Val menu, the tacos are from Mexico, the lasagna from Italy and even General Tso’s chicken, which I refuse to recognize as Chinese, gets its name from a Chinese general who is probably turning in his grave at the idea. Having spent the past few months spoiling my taste buds with delicious Spanish cuisine, I’ve been racking my brains for a typical American dish to intro-
duce to my Spanish friends, who usually laugh and tell me they’ve already had hamburgers. Finally, I came up with the answer: barbecue! That most American of foods, as American as you can be, really, without being a Superbowl commercial or the Fourth of July. Practically bleeding red, white and blue. I was wrong. Last weekend, a Spanish friend invited us to lunch at her family home, in a tiny village in the Riojan countryside where the people know her as so-and-so’s daughter and so-andso’s granddaughter and spend their Sunday afternoons lounging in the sun in the central
Photo by Elaine Teng ’12
Spanish cuisine emphasizes socializing just as much eating, with lunch often taking multiple hours.
square. We pulled up to a beautiful house, which was, like many large houses in La Rioja, surrounded by grapevines as far as the eye could see. While the family wine business had stopped with her grandfather’s death, my friend and her family showed us “the cave,” the underground cellar where they still store wine made 50 years ago from the family grapes, and the vat where the process started every year with the treading of the grapes. On the lunch menu was barbecue, Riojan style, which I must admit after stuffing myself, extinguished my last hope for American cuisine by being incredibly and distinctly delicious. Spanish meat is in itself more tender and flavorful, as they take much more care in the raising of the animals, which are then butchered at a younger age. But what makes Riojan barbecue so uniquely tasty is the fact that it is cooked upon the branches of the grapevines. Instead of throwing the grapeless branches away after the harvest, the people of Rioja save them to cook meat, leaving the pork chops, sausage, chicken and even blood sausage (surprisingly good if you don’t think about what it is) with the light, sweet flavor of the grapes tempting your taste buds beneath the salt and spices thrown upon the flames. Meals in Spain are an important affair, with all stores closing from two to four in the afternoon to observe the timeless lunch tradition (with or without a siesta to follow). While I make up for the rapidity of eating by sheer volume of food ingested, Spaniards believe that food should be savored slowly, bite by bite, in between good conversation and even better wine. That particular lunch, complemented by three different types of Riojan wine and a bottle of champagne, lasted for more than two hours, and by the end, we were all searching for a good place to stretch out for a nap in the sun. While the Spanish are not as known for their cuisine as their famous northern neighbors, it’s not for a lack of culinary tradition. Here in Logroño, it is customary to go out
for pintxos (more commonly known outside northern Spain as tapas). In practically every city I’ve been to, the tapas bars are always in the smallest, narrowest streets of the city that you probably wouldn’t dare to frequent at night were it not for the sheer volume of people. There are less than 50 bars in less than four blocks in the city, and each has its specialty, including shrimp and pineapple on a stick, lemon-champagne sorbet and my personal favorite, thin slices of Spanish ham baked on top of bread faintly touched by tomato. For about five Euros, you eat better than you would in a far more expensive restaurant, and what’s more important, you spend the time talking and laughing with your friends in the street, surrounded by dozens of people also there to revel in the food, company and early summer air. On a warm night, it seems like the entirety of Spain is out on the street. One particular night, when the world skipped straight to summer, I went out with friends at around midnight, and just before we arrived at one of the main streets, I was literally struck by the sheer noise coming from around the corner. All I could see were tables filled with people of all ages, from kids in junior high trying to impress each other to grandparents with their canes, and waiters scrambling around desperately trying to keep all the orders straight. They didn’t seem to care really what they were drinking, but simply that they were there, together, enjoying the simple joy of a cold beer and friends. What I really love about Spain is not the food, though that is undeniably delicious and has resulted in extra pounds that I hope Val will help me shed next semester, but the atmosphere that comes with it. While they really do enjoy their tapas and wine, I think the Spanish use them more as an excuse to come together, as a family enjoying barbecue in their countryside home, as friends on the street hopping from bar to bar, and as a community joined together by a common sense of the simplicity of happiness.
Fashion Passion:
Spring Cleaning, College Style
Danica Richards ’14 Contributing Writer
Bored with your clothes? It’s about that time of the year again when I open my closet, and I can’t find anything to wear. It’s not that my closet is actually bare, but nothing looks appealing anymore. I, of course, don’t have the money to simply throw out all of my clothes and buy new ones. So, what do I do? I could continue wearing my boring old clothes every day, or I could take matters into my own hands. But how? The thing is, there’s nothing truly wrong with my clothes. They’re all in good shape. The whites are still white, the colors still vibrant. But for some reason, they just feel...old. They’re no longer shiny, and the “new clothes” feel (similar to the new car smell) has faded. That doesn’t leave a good feeling in
the pit of my stomach, and I can’t keep going on like this forever, so it’s time to get to work. I’m looking for excitement, a way to spice up my wardrobe that requires minimal effort, and can easily be financed through the average college student’s minimum wage job. Let’s take my leggings. A staple during winter, but as summer is rapidly approaching, there is no need for my legs to be completely covered. An easy, do-it-yourself way to make old leggings seem new is to just cut them! Take a pair of scissors and drag them in long, thin lines across your leggings in order to achieve the perfect distressed look. Be careful not to cut directly into your leggings, as that will create large holes, which is not a flattering look for most people, and while you’ve got the scissors in your hands, you can do the same thing to old jeans or denim shorts. Along the same lines, you can
Image courtsey of vivianfashions.com
Cutting your leggings is easy and creates an edgy look.
also modify your shirts. Like with leggings, however, you have to be careful with the incisions you make. A neat idea is to take a loosely fitted white t-shirt and cut off enough fabric so that the t-shirt will fall above your belly button. Pair this with a tight camisole, so you don’t end up looking like you travelled here from the 90s. While the bare look works well for the model, it probably won’t work well for the average person. If arts and crafts isn’t for you, and you’ve got a little money to spare, consider buying a spicy staple for your closet. If your shoe collection is looking a little a dull, consider adding leopard print heels to the mix. Leopard print is easy to pair with your little black dress, and adds a lot of flavor for just one piece. So, as spring comes around, remember to do your own version of spring cleaning on your closet. Have fun, and be creative. There’s a lot you can do with what you already have!
Image courtsey of bloomingdales.com
Cut-off jean shorts are casual and great for hanging out in the summer.
The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
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Behind the Scenes
questions for Ernest LeBlanc
leave the house after breakfast, play, return for lunch, leave and play some more, return for supper, leave and play until it got dark. We had a great time. We also spent a lot of time in the ZRRGV H[SORULQJ ÀVKLQJ VZLPPLQJ DQG ZDQGHULQJ 7RGD\ \RXU parents wouldn’t let you do that sort of thing, but then it was quite normal. How did you end up in Amherst? I worked in the Boston area for almost 30 years. When my job DW DQ HQJLQHHULQJ ÀUP ZDV HQGLQJ , VWDUWHG D MRE VHDUFK 6WUDQJHO\ enough, the lead to the Amherst job was an ad that ran during the 6XSHU %RZO IRU &DUHHU%XLOGHU FRP &KLPSV ZHUH UXQQLQJ WKH RIÀFH and taking photocopies of their backsides! That caught my attention and, when I visited the site, I found the Amherst job posting, applied and was fortunate enough to be hired.
What is your position at the College? What does a typical day at work entail? , DP WKH EHQHĂ€WV DGPLQLVWUDWRU DQG ZRUN ZLWK DOO WKH EHQHĂ€W programs offered to employees of the College, such as health, dental, life insurance, retirement and number of others. I evaluate the programs, make recommendations for changes and negotiate with the LQVXUDQFH FDUULHUV IRU UDWHV DQG EHQHĂ€WV , DVVLVW LQ WKH GHYHORSPHQW of policies, procedures and implementation practices. It is part of my job to keep abreast of, and monitor, new developments, trends, OHJLVODWLRQ DQG UXOHV DQG UHJXODWLRQV LQ WKH Ă€HOG RI HPSOR\HH EHQHĂ€WV Today was a typical day. I reviewed statements and accompanying information for a segment of our employee population entitled to D FHUWDLQ NLQG RI UHWLUHPHQW EHQHĂ€W , DOVR FRQVXOWHG ZLWK WKH DXGLWRU IRU RXU UHWLUHPHQW SODQV WR Ă€QDOL]H DQ DXGLW UHSRUW DQG DVVRFLDWHG WD[ Ă€OLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV /DWHU LQ WKH GD\ DORQJ ZLWK P\ FRZRUNHU Philip Chapman-Bell, I met with a group of employees to ensure they XQGHUVWRRG KRZ WR XVH D QHZ EHQHĂ€W WKDW ZDV UHFHQWO\ LQWURGXFHG Then, on to the process of organizing and preparing the communication package of information for our upcoming annual reopening RI EHQHĂ€WV SHULRG ZKHQ HPSOR\HHV UHFHLYH QHZV DERXW FKDQJHV LQ WKH EHQHĂ€W SURJUDPV IRU WKH XSFRPLQJ \HDU DQG DUH DEOH WR PDNH changes. There are also numerous other random calls and issues that crop up and need to be attended to. You really can’t predict what is going to happen, but that keeps it interesting and makes the day go by quickly. Where did you grow up? I grew up in South Athol, Mass. What was your childhood like? We lived in the country and were part of a small neighborhood. I have four brothers. There were a number of other children in the neighborhood so we were able to play “teamâ€? sports, although with a somewhat reduced complement of players. In the summer we would
What is your family like? Do you have any pets? I am married, with two adult children. My wife is the director of child care services at the Athol Area YMCA. Although we don’t have any pets at the present time, in the past we typically had a dog, occasionally chickens and once a pair of goats. However, both my wife and I used to be teachers of natural science. So, we have had a menagerie of non-typical pets such as snakes, turtles, lizards, etc.
RQFH SUHSDUHG D à DPLQJR PRXQW ³ HYHQ WKH IDW ZDV SLQN What is your favorite hobby or activity? I enjoy bird watching immensely. For the last four years, I have participated in an Audubon Society sponsored breeding bird survey in Mass. This study is attempting to record the breeding status of the bird species residing in Mass. The results of this study will build on a prior survey done in 1974. What is your favorite memory of being at Amherst? 2Q P\ VHFRQG GD\ , DWWHQGHG D FDPSXV EHQHÀWV IDLU ZKHUH WKH YDULRXV LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQLHV DQG RWKHU EHQHÀWV YHQGRUV JHW WR PHHW with employees, answer questions and hand out small gifts. I immediately was thrust into my new role, meeting a number of people DQG DQVZHULQJ TXHVWLRQV DERXW $PKHUVW EHQHÀWV EXW , PDQDJHG WR XQFRYHU D PLQRU HUURU RQ RQH RI WKH YHQGRU¡V EHQHÀWV VXPPDULHV Later that day, I attended the annual retirement and service recognition dinner, an event that recognizes long-serviced employees and UHFHQW UHWLUHHV 7KLV ZDV P\ ÀUVW H[SRVXUH WR 9DO¡V DELOLW\ WR SURYLGH VXSHULRU TXDOLW\ IRRG WDON DERXW D EDQTXHW $IWHU WKH ÀUVW ZHHN , thought this might not be a bad place to work. -Jenny Potanka ’11
What is your favorite place in the world? As corny as it seems, it is my present home in Royalston, a small town bordering New Hampshire. I OLYH RQ DQ XQSDYHG FRXQWU\ URDG ZLWK DERXW ÀYH KRPHV on the street. It is a beautiful, peaceful location, with a nice variety of perennial gardens and surrounding woodland. It is a very relaxing place to live. What is your favorite thing about Amherst College? I like the varied members of the community; they are a diverse, dedicated and talented group. The compactness of the College layout makes it convenient WR PHHW ZLWK SHRSOH 'HVSLWH WKH ÀQDQFLDO VWUDLQV LQ the last couple of years, the College has been able to maintain its commitment to providing a high level of EHQHÀWV IRU LWV HPSOR\HHV VRPHWKLQJ PDQ\ RUJDQL]Dtions have not been able to accomplish. That makes my job much easier. Do you have any hidden talents? Probably a very odd one, although I haven’t utilized it for a number of years. I am a taxidermist. During my college years I was a wildlife management student at the Univ. of Maine in Orono. One of my work-study jobs was to prepare specimen skins of birds IRU WKH XQLYHUVLW\ PXVHXP , OHDUQHG WKH ÀQHU SRLQWV RI taxidermy from a graduate student, and continued this craft for a number of years, but only on birds. Over time, I have prepared mounted specimens as large as a à \LQJ %DOG (DJOH DQG D *UHDW *UH\ 2ZO DQG DV VPDOO DV D UHFHQWO\ à HGJHG DOELQR %ODFN FDSSHG &KLFNDGHH ,
Munchies With Max Paradise Found Indian food is one of the best cuisines in the world. Everything from the meats to the vegetables to WKH à XII\ LUUHVLVWLEOH QDDQ LV VSLF\ à DYRUIXO DQG ZRQGHUIXO 0\ VLVWHU and father have less exotic palates than my mother and myself, so Indian food reminds me of my mom. We always go to the same Indian restaurant at home and, very unlike my adventurous appetite, get the same thing. I started off the meal by sharing an order of Samosas, fried potatoÀOOHG WXUQRYHUV $OPRVW OLNH D JLant fried wonton, the Samosas have a crispy, golden brown outside and D à DYRUIXO VPRRWK SRWDWR ÀOOLQJ They are served with the traditional trio of Indian condiments that I affectionately call green stuff, red stuff and brown stuff. I have no idea what is in them, I have no idea what they are called or how to pronounce them, but all of them are great. The green is cool and refreshing, the red chunky and hot and the brown sweet and sour. Really, any of them in any combination is good on anything, and Paradise of India does these three
standard sauces very well. For my meal, I was delighted to see Paneer Masala: cubed homemade paneer cheese sautĂŠed in garlic, ginger and tomatoes with a creamy, spicy sauce. This dish is called something different at the Indian restaurant I always go to at home, but it was unmistakably the
Max Gilbert ’13
same thing. I also ordered some garlic naan, which was to be my last EUHDG À[ EHIRUH HLJKW OHDYHQHG IUHH days of Passover. The paneer was creamy and bursting with spicy, authentic Indian goodness. The naan was a buttery pillowy roasted garlicinfused carb bonanza that tastes almost like a cross between pita and-
Samosas, potato-stuffed pastries, are popular in India and throughout Asia and Africa. garlic bread. Half the fun of an Indian meal is the eating style. I love to tear off a piece of the naan and spoon the dreamy sauces over it. Or, you could use some of the luxuriously sweet and fragrant basmati rice to mix in with the dish. There’s also always the option of spicing up the food some Photos by Max Gilbert ’13 more with any of the aforementioned Paneer Masala is cheese served in a spicy sauce, here accompanied by garlic condiments. Mix it up, share and naan. have a great time with your food!
I tasted a friend’s Lamb Vindaloo, and I was much less pleased with it than the rest of my meal. The sauce was just average and the lamb was fatty. Although the meat may not have been so great, at least I now know where I can get my favorite Indian dish in Amherst. The only drawback is that the food is not cheap, but WKH FRQFHVVLRQ LV WKDW LW¡V YHU\ ÀOOLQJ Come hungry, bring at least a twenty and try something new!
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The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
An In-Ex-Plicably Unified Performance Daniel Diner ’14 Arts & Living Section Editor
“In-Ex-Clusion,â€? Kyle Ramsay’s senior Theater & Dance project in Performance, was performed in Kirby Theater on April 7 - 9 along with Sarah Perez’s “Rupture,â€? her senior project in Choreography. By constructing three unrelated pieces in various areas of stage presentation, Ramsay truly made a show on “Performance,â€? offering the audience a pleasant medley of DFWLQJ GDQFH Ă€OP DQG VRQJ ,Q WKH Ă€UVW SLHFH ´,Q ([ &OXVLRQ Âľ 5DPVD\ SOD\HG WKH UROH of Deymonne, a tragically intelligent yet troubled and misunderstood African-American college student. The piece starts RXW ZLWK D Ă€OP RI D FROOHJH GLVFLSOLQDU\ FRPPLWWHH UHYLHZLQJ Deymonne’s case. The committee recounts the actions of the
Photos by Lauren Wimbush ’11
The performance combines various aspects of theater, including dance, film and song. QLJKW LQ TXHVWLRQ DV Ă DVKEDFNV WR WKH LQFLGHQW DUH UHSUHVHQWHG through video. From the video and the committee voice-over, ZH OHDUQ WKDW 'H\PRQQH ZDV DW D SDUW\ Ă LUWLQJ ZLWK D ZKLWH IHmale. A white male, presumably the female’s boyfriend, comes by and motions for Deymonne to leave. Deymonne refuses to GR VR HYHQ DIWHU WKH PDOH¡V WRQH JHWV DQJULHU DQG WKH FRQĂ LFW escalates to a physical altercation. From the subsequent dialogue of the committee (which includes Gerald, the college’s only African-American dean, also played by Ramsay), we work out that Deymonne is blamed for the altercation. The dean attempts to “saveâ€? Deymonne while failing to account for the factors that led to his disciplinary problems. The piece ends with Ramsay coming up on stage and playing both characters, Deymonne and the dean, simultaneously playing out the battle between assimilation and inclusion by himself. Deymonne’s tale represents the faults of elite universities’ diversity initiatives; students from lower-class backgrounds are
eagerly sought and admitted but aren’t offered substantive transition aid into an environment that is essentially a new world for them. By playing both the African-American dean and the VWXGHQW LQ WKH Ă€OP DQG WKHQ DGGLQJ WR WKH FRQIXVLRQ E\ SOD\LQJ ERWK RQ VWDJH 5DPVD\ EULQJV DWWHQWLRQ WR VXFK Ă€JKWV WKDW DUH often internal rather than external. Even the most successful members of oppressed social groups cannot help but identify with the most downtrodden. The next piece, “Masc,â€? begins with two athletic men in ballet gear (custom tights and leotards) going through various dance-like motions, appearing to begin a ballet routine. After a few minutes a third man, dressed in a football uniform, runs back in between the pair and begins going through classic football movements (high-knees, lunges, agility drills, etc.) and the three play out a combined choreography routine for the rest of the piece. It is after the third man enters the stage that the audience truly understands what happened. Besides the uniforms, there is little distinction between the types of actions done by both sides. Thus Ramsay questions the entire distinction between sport DQG GDQFH +H VKRZV XV WKDW LQVWHDG RI D GDQFH WKH Ă€UVW DFWLRQ may be called an “athletic movementâ€? and the second can be called a “dance movementâ€? in place of a sport. Thus the lines between dance and sport are blurred. In fact, it is clear that not RQO\ GR WKH\ UHVHPEOH RQH DQRWKHU EXW WKH\ KROG LQĂ XHQFH RYHU each other. Ramsay toys with the hyper-masculinity that we attribute to sports and the near homophobia that keeps so many of those men away from dance. By deconstructing both types of activities, heteronormative sport is feminized to have more of a clear resemblance to the taboo male dance. Thus, the audience feels silly or, in some cases ashamed, for making judgments based on dress alone. ´0U 6DFFKDULQH Âľ WKH WKLUG DQG Ă€QDO SLHFH once again starred Ramsay, this time playing Mr. 6DFFKDULQH D VRXWKHUQ JHQWOHPDQ ZKR LV Ă DPboyant to the point of humor. Beginning with duo of “Jesus Loves Meâ€? by Ramsay and Jorrell Bonner ’12, the piece follows Mr.Saccharine as he recalls his burdens with the Southern Baptist Church, an organization that met his zeal for God but was ignorantly cruel and tactless in approaching his homosexuality. We listen to his story, which soon cuts to an eight-year-old version of himself (played by Bonner) asking God questions about himself, including the ever troublesome “Do You Love Me?â€? The piece then cuts to a short dance by Ramsay and Bonner to “Am I Living in Vainâ€? spliced with a homophobic sermon by Bishop Eddy Long. This continues through Mr. Saccharine’s following monologue where he answers the previous questions he posed to God and to KLPVHOI DQG Ă€QDOO\ HQGV ZLWK DQRWKHU GXR RI WKH old Negro spiritual “I Fly Away.â€? Mr. Saccharine has resorted to many methods to best live his life throughout the course of the piece, but eventuDOO\ OHDUQV WKDW WKH EHVW ZD\ LV WR VLPSO\ Ă€QG KLV own voice, to take care of himself before passing
Jorrell Bonner ’11 plays an eight-year-old version of Kyle Ramsay ’11, in addition to providing vocals. judgment. Though the overall show was somewhat disjointed, Ramsay does an interesting job incorporating the various elements of theater into a single project. He blurs the boundary lines between the various components of theater and conveys personal, heartfelt messages through each piece.
The Reading Room: Rhyme and Reason Miranda Marraccini ’12 Staff Writer
“Poetry makes nothing happen,� W. H. Auden wrote in his elegy for another celebrated poet, W. B. Yeats. In a way,
Book Review “The Anthologist� By Nicholson Baker Sep. 8, 2009 256 pages
Nicholson Baker’s latest novel, “The Anthologist,� proves how very right — and very wrong — that statement is. Poetry makes nothing happen. Almost nothing happens to Paul Chowder, the solitary, morose, whimsical and altogether charming narrator of this slim story. Paul is a poet, but not a great one like Auden or Yeats, just a pretty decent one who’s had some success in The New
Yorker and landed a commission to write the introduction to a new anthology of poetry called “Only Rhyme.â€? “Only Rhymeâ€? is, as its name suggests, a collection of rhyming poetry — something Paul Chowder doesn’t write but likes to talk about. A lot. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been able to muster up the energy or the concentration to write the introduction. Instead, he sits up in his barn with his dog Smacko, worrying about poetry being “a young man’s job.â€? All Paul’s worrying, procrastinating DQG XQQHFHVVDU\ RIĂ€FH FOHDQLQJ KDYH driven away his live-in girlfriend, Roz, which gives him even more time to mope around. But I promise you’ve never read such entertaining moping because, in Paul Chowder, Baker has created a rarity: a narrator who can make almost any subject engaging. When he sustains a minor Ă€QJHU LQMXU\ HDUQLQJ D ´UHSULHYHÂľ IURP his writing task, Paul admits: “A great whimpery happiness passed through me like clear urine.â€? He describes an inchworm this way: “It looked comfortably full of metamorphosive juices — full of the short happiness of being alive.â€? And he perfectly captures the sharp mania of fear that lies in wait at the end of a wasted week of low productivity: “And
then suddenly, you’re driving under that huge tattered banner, with that T and that H and that U and that frightening R and the appalling S — THURSDAY — and you slide down the steep slope toward the clacking shredder blades that wait on Sunday afternoon.� Paul is entertaining in these small moments of perception, when he sounds like a poet, not a prose author trying to imagine himself inside a poet’s mind. But he’s at his best when talking about poetry. He has his own theory of verse, an idea that pretty much all English poetry moves along at a “strolling rhythm� of four stresses to a line. If that sounds like unintelligible theory to you, don’t worry, because Paul Chowder is full of helpful examples, illustrative diagrams and even musical notation. At times, Nicholson Baker lets him go on a bit too long, like an annoyingly learned dinner guest who wants desperately to show you that his work is as interesting as whatever you were talking about before. But for anyone who’s ever read a line of verse and thought, you know, there’s something good about that, this kind of casual lecturing is sweetly fascinating. This is a book that makes you want to read out loud, to hear the music and magic that
Paul Chowder is trying to amplify for your pleasure. Unfortunately, apart from this poetic power, you also hear a few other things in Paul’s voice that are less appealing. There’s quite a bit of name-dropping in this book: forgotten or half-remembered
Image courtesy of www.acommonreader.org
poets who only the savviest of the savvy will recognize, editors and critics whom Paul casually praises or dismisses with weary familiarity. Baker wants us to believe that Paul lives in the poetry world so much that he sometimes shuts us out from it. 7KLV LV D IRUJLYDEOH Ă DZ :KDW VRPH might see as a more major problem is the feature of the book I most enjoyed: its lack of suspense. If not a lot happens then there’s not much to anticipate. It isn’t a book that you want to read all in one sitting; it reads like a very contemplative, very personal and often funny essay. “The Anthologistâ€? proceeds at its own strolling pace: a thoughtful one. Poetry makes nothing happen. Poetry makes everything happen. It is the driving force in this novel, in work and love and life. Poetry drives away the woman Paul loves and, by the end of the book, it might just bring her back again. Poetry makes Paul question everything KH¡V ZRUNHG IRU DQG SRHWU\ Ă€QGV WKH DQswers. Poetry causes him pain and then heals it. At a climactic conference in Switzerland at which Paul speaks, poetry tangles together all the strings of Paul’s OLIH DQG ZKHQ KH JHWV KRPH KH Ă€QDOO\ untangles them.
The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
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Track Teams Win a Pair of Women’s Lacrosse Upsets Middlebury Events at the UMass Invitational Amro El-Adle ’13 Carlyn Robertson ’14 Managing Sports Editor
The women’s lacrosse team faced off against Middlebury, Colby and Skidmore in the past ZHHN 7KH WK UDQNHG -HIIV upset 8th-ranked Middlebury last Wednesday with a 14-11 win, but fell to 10th-ranked Colby on Saturday. They held on after losing D VL[ JRDO OHDG WR EHDW 6NLGPRUH 11-10 Tuesday night. The Jeffs are RYHUDOO DQG LQ 1(6&$& play. Hillary Densen ’13 scored the opening goal against Middlebury, but the Panthers quickly retaliated with three goals in three minutes for a 3-1 lead. The Jeffs responded with a three-goal run of their own WR WDNH WKH OHDG ZLWK OHIW in the half, but the momentum would change hands yet again. Middlebury scored another pair RI JRDOV ZLWK WR JR XQWLO WKH EUHDN EXW 'HQVHQ VFRUHG ZLWK MXVW two seconds remaining to tie the game 5-5. The Panthers came back from the break ready to play, and scored another pair of goals to regain the lead. The Jeffs called a well-timed timeout and put away four goals LQ D VSDQ WR WDNH D OHDG Kelley Trapp ’11 started the run, Marta Randall ’13 added another WZR JRDOV DQG $OOLH +RUZLW] ¡ pushed the Jeffs out of the oneJRDO UDQJH DW 7KH WHDPV WUDGHG WKH QH[W HLJKW JRDOV ZLWK $QQHOLHV 2¡'HD œ VFRULQJ WKH QH[W SRLQW IRU WKH -HIIV Randall continued to fend off the 3DQWKHUV ZLWK WKH -HIIV¡ QH[W WKUHH JRDOV EHIRUH 7UDSS ÀQLVKHG WKHP RII ZLWK VHFRQGV WR SOD\ IRU WKH ÀQDO VFRUH RI 5DQGDOO VFRUHG D JDPH KLJK VL[ JRDOV ZKLOH 2¡'HD UDFNHG XS WKUHH RI her own. Densen and Trapp each added a pair of goals for the Jeffs. The Jeffs three-game winning streak was broken on Saturday by &ROE\ &ROOHJH 2¡'HD DQG 5DQGDOO started the game off to give the -HIIV D MXPS RQ WKH 0XOHV Colby responded with three goals, but Wyatt Davis ’13 stopped the
run to tie the game up at 3-3. 2¡'HD DVVLVWHG FODVVPDWH $OH[ Philie ’14, who put away a quick shot to give the Jeffs a 4-3 edge. The Mules scored again before the half, setting the teams at 4-4 at the break. The Jeffs needed to clean up their play, as they had QLQH WXUQRYHUV LQ WKH ÀUVW KDOI three of which directly resulted in Colby goals. Colby came out full throttle after the half with a four-goal run, doubling the Jeffs score at 'DYLV VHQW D SDVV WR +RUZLW] ZKR FXW WKH GHÀFLW WR EXW the Mules scored again to mainWDLQ WKHLU IRXU JRDO OHDG +RUZLW] VFRUHG DJDLQ DQG 2¡'HD SXW DZD\ a shot with 44.6 seconds to play, EXW DW WKH JDPH ZDV DOUHDG\ RXW RI UHDFK %HIRUH WKH JDPH WKH -HIIV KRQRUHG VHQLRUV /L] )R\H Gigi Maturo, Robyn Lightner and 7UDSS 7KH FODVV RI KROGV D UHFRUG DQG LV DW KRPH The Jeffs managed to fend off Skidmore’s ferocious second-half comeback and eke out an 11-10 win on Tuesday night. Skidmore opened the game 50 seconds in, EXW WKH QH[W VHYHQ JRDOV ZRXOG JR to the Jeffs, with seven different scorers getting in on the action. The Thoroughbreds scored again before the break, setting the score DW DW WKH KDOI 2¡'HD VFRUHG RQ D IUHH SRVLtion goal early into the second half, but Skidmore soon took back the momentum with a vengeance. They rallied and scored seven of WKH QH[W HLJKW JRDOV WR WLH WKH JDPH DW +RUZLW] VHQW D SDVV WR 2¡'HD IURP EHKLQG WKH QHW WR WDNH EDFN WKH OHDG ZLWK WR SOD\ EXW the Thoroughbreds scored another HTXDOL]HU DW WKH PDUN The teams remained scoreless XQWLO WKHUH ZHUH MXVW VHFRQGV left, when Randall put away a free-position attempt to give the Jeffs an 11-10 edge. Goalie MC McClellan ’14 pulled through for the Jeffs and blocked a point-blank shot with three seconds on the clock to hang on to the win. The Jeffs travel to Wesleyan on Saturday for another conference game.
Under  Armor
Cotton  Exchange
Forty  Seven  Brand
Vermont  Originals
In spite of the less than ideal weather last Saturday, both the men’s and women’s outdoor track teams sprung into action at the UMass Invitational, as each team topped the competition in one event, in addition to placing well in several others. Women The Lord Jeffs came up big in the 3,000m steeplechase, where Tori Sosnowski ’14 stormed through the Ă€HOG WR Ă€QLVK Ă€UVW LQ $OVR H[FHOOLQJ IRU $PKHUVW was Keri Lambert ’13, who pulled up second in the 1,500 ZLWK D WLPH RI DV ZHOO DV IHOORZ VRSKRPRUHV Sarah Daly, Kristen Moulton and Elodie Reed, who Ă€QLVKHG IRXUWK VL[WK DQG VHYHQWK UHVSHFWLYHO\ LQ WKH N Reed, who was named a Performer of the Meet by head coach Erik “Nedâ€? Nedeau, and Moulton both ran career bests. The two were a part of a much larger group of Jeffs who performed their career-bests at the UMass meet, as FR FDSWDLQ &KULVWLQD :RQJ ¡ 0DUOLV *QLUNH¡ $QQD +DJHU ¡ DQG -DPLOD 2GHK ¡ DOO Ă€QLVKHG ZLWK SHUVRQDO records in the 1,500m. The Jeffs had a strong showing in the 800m as well, DV 0HOLVVD 6XOOLYDQ ¡ /DXUHQ $OPHLGD ¡ DQG /DPEHUW VWXFN FORVH WRJHWKHU Ă€QLVKLQJ LQ VL[WK QLQWK DQG WK places, respectively. ,Q WKH UHOD\V D JURXS RI Ă€UVW \HDUV UDQ DQ RXWVWDQGLQJ UDFH LQ WKH [ Ă€QLVKLQJ MXVW VHFRQGV EHKLQG WKH WHDP IURP 6PLWK WR QDE VHFRQG SODFH 2XW LQ WKH Ă€HOG Ă€UVW \HDU 1DRPL %DWHV ODQGHG LQ VHFRQG SODFH LQ WKH WULSOH MXPS DIWHU OHDSLQJ P -RUGDQ 5RHKO ¡ WRRN HLJKWK in both the hammer throw and the shot put, with 36.00m DQG P UHVSHFWLYHO\
Photo courtesy of Steve Dao
Tori Sosnowski ’14, the only woman to win her event, took first in the 3,000m steeplechase.
ZKHUH $QGUHZ 5HHG ¡ IROORZHG KLP LQWR VHYHQWK place. In the 800m, Steve Corsello ’11 and Matt Melton ¡ ÀQLVKHG ÀIWK DQG WK ZLWK WLPHV RI DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ In the shorter distances, the Jeffs controlled the [ P UHOD\ DV WKH WDQGHP RI $QGUHZ 5HHG ¡ 7RPP\ Men 0RRUH ¡ 0DWW 0HOWRQ ¡ DQG 6FKHHW] FURVVHG WKH OLQH Senior Chris Eaton also maintained his dominance in LQ )LUVW \HDU -DYLHU 3DXOLQR VSULQWHG WKURXJK WKH WKH ÀHOG ZKHUH KH FRQWLQXHG D VSHFWDFXODU VHDVRQ ZLWK P LQ WR JUDE ÀIWK SODFH LQ DGGLWLRQ WR ÀQLVKLQJ D WRVV RI P LQ WKH KDPPHU WKURZ WR FDSWXUH VHFRQG QLQWK LQ WKH P place. The outdoor track teams will be busy this weekend, %HQ 6FKHHW] ¡ SURYLGHG PRUH RI WKH VDPH DV KH DV WKH\¡OO WUDYHO WR WKH 3ULQFHWRQ ,QYLWH RQ )ULGD\ EHIRUH dashed into second place in the 400m with a time of heading to the Little Three Championships on Saturday.
In Da Club
Quick Updates and Results for the Club Sports Teams
The women’s rugby team competed in the anQXDO %HDVW RI WKH (DVW WRXUQDPHQW 7KH\ RSHQHG with a 10-5 victory over Plymouth State in which $QQD 6DYDJH ¡ DQG .DWH 6FKHIIH\ ¡ VFRUHG 7KH -HIIV VKXW RXW )DUGKDP (OHQD 9LOODIDQD ¡ VFRUHG WKH RQO\ WU\ DQG 6FKHIIH\ HDUQHG VL[ SRLQWV RQ NLFNV 7KH QH[W GD\ WKH\ ORVW D KDUG IRXJKW JDPH WR +RO\ &URVV $IWHU D VFRUHOHVV ÀUVW half, Scheffey successfully kicked for three points, but the Jeffs could not respond to the subsequent Holy Cross try. — Carlyn Robertson ’14
MEN: Next game: Saturday at Wesleyan, currently 3-0 WOMEN: April 16: W (10-5) vs. Plymouth State, W (11-0) vs. Fardham University April 17: L (5-3) vs. Holy The men’s varsity one and two, women’s varsity two, and men’s and women’s novice one boats all won their races on Sunday. The men’s V1 boat is currently undefeated for the spring season. — Carlyn Robertson’14
April 16: Scrimmage vs. Middlebury FOIL: W (42-37) SABER: W (45-18) EPEE: W (45-28)
April 17: vs. Assumption, Brandeis and Clark
45  South  Pleasant  Street,  Amherst
WOMEN Varsity 1: 2nd Varsity 2: 1st Novice 1: 1st
The Jeffs defeated Middlebury in all three weapons in Saturday’s scrimmage. Club president Dan Kay ’11 said “We have a young ream, but the fact that we won so handily in epee and saber shows that we have D EULJKW IXWXUH 2XU IRLO VTXDG¡V FORVH YLFWRU\ ZDV DOVR impressive, considering the caliber of the foilists that Middlebury brought.â€? — Carlyn Robertson ’14
0RQGD\ 6DWXUGD\ DP SP ‡ 6XQGD\ DP SP www.ajhastings.com 413-Â253-Â2840
MEN Varsity 1: 1st Varsity 2: 1st Novice 1: 1st Novice 2: 2nd
ARMY OF DARKNESS: April 16-17: W (7-0) Conference Championship Tournament
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The Amherst Student, April ď™…ď™ƒ, ď™…ď™ƒď™„ď™„
Schedule WEDNESDAY: Baseball vs. Keene State, 4 p.m. Softball vs. Smith, 4 p.m. FRIDAY: Baseball vs. Williams, 4 p.m. Softball at Middlebury, 5 p.m. Men’s and Women’s Track Princeton Invite, 6 p.m. SATURDAY: Men’s Tennis vs. Brandeis, 11 a.m. Men’s and Women’s Track
Little Three Championships, 12 p.m. Softball at Middlebury, 12 p.m. Women’s Lacrosse at Wesleyan, 12 p.m. Women’s Tennis vs. Trinity, 12 p.m. Baseball at Williams, 1 p.m. Men’s Lacrosse vs. Wesleyan, 1 p.m. Men’s Tennis vs. Trinity, 2 p.m. Men’s Golf at Williams (Day 1 of 2)
vs. Bowdoin, 10 a.m. Men’s Tennis vs. Bates, 1 p.m. Men’s Golf at Williams (Day 2 of 2)
Baseball vs. Williams College
IN DEPTH Time: Saturday April 22 4 p.m.
TUESDAY: Baseball at Springfield, 4 p.m. Men’s and Women’s Track Mid-Week Meet, 4:30 p.m.
Site: Memorial Field Key Players: Amherst Brian Merrigan ’11 Thomas Wheeler ’12 Max McKenna ’11
Williams Harry Marino ’12 Cameron Susk ’12
SUNDAY: Women’s Tennis
&RPLQJ RII WKHLU EHVW JDPH VWUHWFK LQ ÀYH years, the men’s baseball team will look to sustain LWV PRPHQWXP WKLV )ULGD\ LQ D SLYRWDO 1(6&$& West matchup against archrival Williams. 7KH (SKV ZKR OHDG WKH 1(6&$& LQ EDWWLQJ DYHUDJH DUH ORRNLQJ WR EUHDN RXW RI D PLQL slump, having gone 5-5 in their past 10 games. The Jeffs, on the other hand, are coming off a 4-0 road trip, which included an impressive three-game sweep of Hamilton, giving the team their best UHFRUG WKURXJK JDPHV VLQFH WKH season. $GGLQJ WR WKH LQWHQVLW\ RI WKLV ULYDOU\ PDWFKXS are the conference implications of this particular game. The Ephs’ postseason aspirations are on the line, as they can be eliminated from playoff contention as early as Saturday, while the Jeffs are ORRNLQJ IRU WKHLU ÀUVW SRVWVHDVRQ EHUWK VLQFH DQG ÀUVW FRQIHUHQFH WLWOH VLQFH The Ephs will be led by reigning back-to-back 1(6&$& 3LWFKHU RI WKH :HHN +DUU\ 0DULQR ¡ EXW ZLOO IDFH D WRXJK FKDOOHQJH WU\LQJ WR FRRO RII 7KRPDV :KHHOHU ¡ ZKR WRUFKHG +DPLOWRQ pitchers last week. — Varun Iyengar ’14
Players of the week Liz Monty ’13 — Women’s Golf
Carlissa King ’11 — Women’s Tennis Carlissa King ’11 played a vital role in the Jeff’s dominating performance over Williams, pulling out a grueling win at No. 3 singles to JLYH WKH -HIIV WKHLU ÀQDO ZLQ LQ D triumph. The victory let the Jeffs to keep the No. 1 ranking in the counWU\ DV WKH\ EHDW WKH 1R (SKV IRU the second time this year. King and her opponent battled
EDFN DQG IRUWK LQ WKH ÀUVW VHW DQG IRUFHG D WLHEUHDNHU DW VL[ DOO .LQJ used some timely shot-making to FRPH WKURXJK ZLWK WKH ÀUVW VHW 6KH dropped the second set 6-4, and the match came down to a tiebreaker in lieu of a full third set. King held off her nerves and won the tiebreaker by the smallest of margins, 13-11. ³ .DUDQ %DLQV ¡
Women’s Golf Places Second Varun Iyengar ’14 Sports Section Editor
Monty’s score helped the 13thranked Jeffs to upset third-ranked :LOOLDPV DV $PKHUVW¡V VHFRQG SODFH ÀQLVK UHOHJDWHG :LOOLDPV to third place for the weekend. 0RQW\¡V RQ WKH ÀQDO GD\ RI competition was the lowest score by any Jeff on either day of the tournament. ³ .DUDQ %DLQV ¡
Women’s Tennis Crushes No. 2 Williams, Men Defeat Colby and Tufts Varun Iyengar ’14 Sports Section Editor
/L] 0RQW\ ¡ SXW RQ DQ LPpressive performance last weekend, leading the Jeffs to a second-place Ă&#x20AC;QLVK LQ WKH -DFN /HDPDQ ,QYLWDtional. Top-ranked Methodist Univ., won the team title, but Monty beat all Methodist golfers in individual FRPSHWLWLRQ WR Ă&#x20AC;QLVK VHFRQG RYHUDOO ZLWK D VFRUH RI RQO\ RQH VWURNH behind the winner.
Women The womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tennis team protected its SHUIHFW 1(6&$& UHFRUG DQG 1R UDQNLQJ with two victories over high-quality comSHWLWLRQ WKLV SDVW ZHHNHQG $IWHU ORVLQJ WKHLU WRS VSRW LQ WKH ,7$¡V QDWLRQDO UDQNLQJV at the end of March, the Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; strong play over the past two weeks re-earned them their No. 1 ranking, but also provided their opponents, Colby and Williams, with DQ LQFHQWLYH WR SOD\ VSRLOHU <HW WKH -HIIV handily dealt with both teams, dismissing &ROE\ RQ 6DWXUGD\ EHIRUH GHIHDWLQJ their archrivals by the same score the following afternoon. The Jeffs opened their weekend play in Waterville, Maine at Colby. The team VZHSW WKH GRXEOHV SOD\ DQG ZRQ IRXU RI VL[ singles matches to earn a convincing victoU\ $W 1R GRXEOHV WKH IUHVKPDQ WHDP RI Isabel Camacho â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 and Zoe Pangalos â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 shut out their opponents, 8-0, before splitting up to pick up wins in their respective singles matches as well. Camachoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory at No. 5 singles was impressive in its own right, as she edged out her opponent, LQ D WLJKW Ă&#x20AC;UVW VHW WLHEUHDNHU before running away with the second, 6-1. Winning the second match of the weekend proved to be a much more straightforward task for the Jeffs than it might have appeared on paper. The Ephs, UDQNHG 1R LQ WKH QDWLRQ KDG DOUHDG\ SOD\HG $PKHUVW GRZQ WR WKH ZLUH HDUOLHU this year when the teams met for a preVHDVRQ FRQWHVW LQ 2FWREHU 7KH VPDOOHVW RI margins, 5-4, had decided that matchup, which Williams lost as the higher-ranked team. In fact, that upset represented a reFHQW WUHQG EHWZHHQ $PKHUVW DQG :LOOLDPV in which the lower-ranked team had won HDFK RI WKH SUHYLRXV Ă&#x20AC;YH PDWFKXSV
Nevertheless, the Lady Jeffs did not back down from the challenge and, instead, earned their seventh consecutive YLFWRU\ RI WKH VHDVRQ $PKHUVW GURSSHG only nine games in sweeping the doubles points and pulled out four singles victories DV ZHOO $PRQJ WKRVH ZLQV ZHUH WZR LPpressive performances by Carlissa King ¡ DQG 1DWDVKD %URZQ ¡ DW 1R DQG No. 6 singles, respectively. King pulled out at tense third set, 13-11, after winning WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW DQG GURSSLQJ WKH VHFRQG %URZQ on the other hand, came from behind after ORVLQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW VHW WR SRVW D YLFWRU\ 6KH H[SODLQHG DIWHUZDUGV WKDW WKHUH ZDV ´VSHFLDO VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQFH LQ EHDWLQJ our archrivals and the team behind us in WKH 1&$$ UDQNLQJV VR FRQYLQFLQJO\ Âľ $PKHUVW¡V YLFWRU\ ZDV WKHLU WK WULXPSK LQ WKH ODVW PHHWLQJV EHWZHHQ WKH WHDPV and pushed their lead in the all-time series WR However, the regular-season challenges for the Jeffs do not end here. The team will look to use their big victories as a springboard this week, as they face off DJDLQVW 7XIWV 7ULQLW\ DQG %RZGRLQ LQ what will undoubtedly be three competitive contests. Men Great teams always seem to be able to look back on a season and identify a WXUQLQJ SRLQW D PRPHQW WKDW GHĂ&#x20AC;QHG WKH team for the rest of the year. The menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WHQQLV WHDP PLJKW MXVW KDYH IRXQG WKDW moment. Coming off what was unarguably their most impressive performance of the season over archrival Williams, the IRXUWK UDQNHG -HIIV URXWHG WKHLU 1(6&$& FRPSHWLWLRQ ODVW ZHHN WR LPSURYH WR on the year and 5-0 in conference play. It would seem that the Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; win over WilOLDPV KDV DPSOLĂ&#x20AC;HG WKH WHDP¡V LQWHQVLW\ and drive to a level which opponents will be hard-pressed to match.
The Jeffs began their weekend domiQDQFH ZLWK D VZHHS RI &ROE\ &ROOHJH $PKHUVW ZDV DEOH WR SXOO RXW DOO WKUHH GRXbles matches, each by score of 8-6, while VLQJOHV SOD\ SURYHG WR EH VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQWO\ PRUH ORSVLGHG ,Q Ă&#x20AC;YH RI WKH VL[ PDWFKHV $PKHUVW SOD\HUV ORVW Ă&#x20AC;YH RU IHZHU JDPHV with Chris Dale â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 prevailing most easily with a 6-1, 6-0 win at No. 4 singles. In the second matchup of the weekend, the Jeffs rolled to an 8-1 victory over Tufts. They swept the doubles play and dropped only one singles match en route to their eighth straight victory, moving into D WLH ZLWK 0LGGOHEXU\ IRU Ă&#x20AC;UVW SODFH LQ WKH 1(6&$& 7KH -HIIV¡ WRS Ă&#x20AC;YH VLQJOHV SOD\ers all earned straight set victories, while WKH WHDP RI 6HDQ 'RHUĂ HU ¡ DQG -XVWLQ Reindel â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 coasted to an 8-1 victory at 1R GRXEOHV $V LPSUHVVLYH DV WKLV ZHHN ZDV IRU the Jeffs, the story behind their remarkable performance truly begins a week earlier DJDLQVW WKHLU DUFKULYDOV $V WHDP FDSWDLQ 0RULW] .RHQLJ ¡ H[SODLQHG ´7KH ZLQ against Williams last week was monumental for us. It proved we have gotten to the point where we can deal with adversity DQG RYHUFRPH WHPSRUDU\ VWUXJJOHV %HDWing them without one of our best players, $XVWLQ &KDIHW] ¡ >RXW GXH WR LQMXU\@ was a huge accomplishment.â&#x20AC;? Since their victory over the Ephs, $PKHUVW KDV ORRNHG QHDU LQIDOOLEOH DV Colby and Tufts can attest to. The teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQFH LV WKURXJK WKH URRI DQG ZKLOH they remain wary of getting ahead of themselves, the potential for their continued growth and success is quite evident. <HW WKH\ ZLOO QRW EH ZLWKRXW FKDOOHQJH 1(6&$& FRPSHWLWLRQ LQWHQVLĂ&#x20AC;HV IRU WKH team this coming week with key matchups DJDLQVW %DWHV 7ULQLW\ DQG %UDQGHLV *LYHQ WKHLU H[SHULHQFH ZLWK DGYHUVLW\ KRZHYHU these Jeffs seem capable of handling the adversity with poise.
The Amherst Student, April ď&#x2122;&#x2026;ď&#x2122;&#x192;, ď&#x2122;&#x2026;ď&#x2122;&#x192;ď&#x2122;&#x201E;ď&#x2122;&#x201E;
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Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lacrosse Edges Out Springfield and Colby Brenton Arnaboldi â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 Managing Sports Editor
The magical moments keep coming for the red-hot menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lacrosse team, which is putting together a season to remember. The No. 10 Jeffs pulled out two thrilling comeback wins last week, HDUQLQJ YLFWRULHV RYHU 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG DQG &ROE\ &KDQQHOLQJ WKHLU inner Houdini, the Jeffs faced HDUO\ GHĂ&#x20AC;FLWV LQ ERWK JDPHV but battled back and scored clutch goals in last-minute situations. 7KH VXUJLQJ -HIIV RYHUDOO 1(6&$& KDYH QRW ORVW VLQFH a season-opening defeat to No 7XIWV RQ 0DU 6DWXUGD\¡V victory over Colby propelled $PKHUVW LQWR VROH SRVVHVVLRQ RI VHFRQG SODFH LQ WKH 1(6&$& standings. Perhaps more important, the Colby win eliminated a potential GLVWUDFWLRQ )LUVW \HDU KHDG FRDFK Jon Thompson, widely regarded as the catalyst behind the Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; resurgence this season, left Colby ODVW VXPPHU WR FRPH WR $PKHUVW Even as the Jeffs slogged to unGHUDFKLHYLQJ FDPSDLJQV LQ DQG 7KRPSVRQ VDZ D WDOent-laden roster with the potential to win a national championship. 7KRPSVRQ¡V LQĂ XHQFH KDV fueled a remarkable turnaround, as the Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; current 11-1 record represents a vast improvement RYHU ODVW VHDVRQ¡V PDUN 2II WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG 7KRPSVRQ KDV FRPpletely changed the culture of WKH $PKHUVW ODFURVVH SURJUDP instilling discipline and accountability while dispelling the typical â&#x20AC;&#x153;frat boyâ&#x20AC;? image associated with lacrosse players. His return to Colby thus served as a compelling subplot for Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clash between the Mules and Jeffs. The weekend contest featured an emotionally charged atmosphere, as the Mules played frenetic, vigorous ODFURVVH WR ÂśSURYH¡ WR 7KRPSVRQ that he made the wrong decision WR ÂśGHIHFW¡ IURP &ROE\ :KLOH the home fans heckled Thompson with signs reading â&#x20AC;&#x153;Moral Compass, South,â&#x20AC;? most of the Colby lacrosse players actually
HPEUDFHG WKHLU H[ FRDFK DIWHU WKH game. During his tenure at Colby, Thompson turned around a struggling program. The motivated Mules came RXW Ă&#x20AC;ULQJ IURP WKH RQVHW DQG $PKHUVW VWUXJJOHG WR PDWFK &ROE\¡V LQWHQVLW\ LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW TXDUWHU &ROE\ MXPSHG RXW WR D OHDG throwing the Jeffs into their secRQG WKUHH JRDO GHĂ&#x20AC;FLW LQ DV PDQ\ JDPHV $PKHUVW HUDVHG WKH JDS with three consecutive goals, and tied the game with 11 minutes left in the second quarter. Colby re-
Photo courtesy of Geoff Giller â&#x20AC;&#x2122;10
Star goalie Sam Jakimo â&#x20AC;&#x2122;12 has frustrated opponents all season with acrobatic reflex saves. gained its two-goal cushion later in the period, however, and carried a 5-3 lead into halftime. The Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; defense, however, went into complete lockdown mode in the second half, and nearly held Colby goalless for 30 minutes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an eternity in lacrosse. Spurred by this stingy defensive effort, the Jeffs slowly clawed their way back into contention, DQG OHG DIWHU Ă&#x20AC;UVW \HDU 'HYLQ $FWRQ¡V JRDO ZLWK UHPDLQing. The desperate Mules, however, did not give up, scoring with VHFRQGV OHIW LQ UHJXODWLRQ WR send the game into overtime. $V WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW H[WUD VHVVLRQ GUHZ to a close, the stage was set for late-game heroics from an unlikely source. With 1.4 seconds left LQ RYHUWLPH %HGD &KD ¡ Ă&#x20AC;UHG D quick shot past the opposing goal-
keeper, sending the Jeffs into a VWDWH RI MXELODWLRQ 7KH GUDPDWLF JDPH ZLQQLQJ WDOO\ PDUNHG MXVW the second goal Cha has scored all season. 2YHU WKH FRXUVH RI WKH JDPH Colby was relentless on the atWDFN Ă&#x20AC;ULQJ D WRWDO RI VKRWV RQ the day. The White Mules pulYHUL]HG $PKHUVW DW WKH IDFHRII VSRW ZLQQLQJ RI GUDZV WR dominate time of ball possession. $PKHUVW PDQDJHG RQO\ VKRWV EXW MXQLRU 6DP -DNLPR¡V URFN VROLG JRDOWHQGLQJ VDYHV HQDEOHG the Jeffs to keep the score close. Earlier in the week, the Jeffs VOLSSHG E\ D WRXJK 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG team, overcoming another 3-0 GHĂ&#x20AC;FLW WR HDUQ D YLFWRU\ 7KH Ă&#x20AC;UVW QLQH PLQXWHV RI WKH FRQWHVW ZHQW VFRUHOHVV EXW 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG H[SORGHG ZLWK WKUHH JRDOV LQ D VSDQ RI WR WDNH D FRPPDQGing lead. The Jeffs responded imPHGLDWHO\ KRZHYHU ZLWK $OH[ )R[ ¡ DQG &KHUQH\ VFRULQJ LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDO WZR PLQXWHV RI WKH RSHQLQJ TXDUWHU WR FXW WKH JDS WR $FWRQ WKHQ VFRUHG WZR PDQ advantage goals in the second TXDUWHU WR JLYH $PKHUVW D KDOI WLPH OHDG $IWHU FRQFHGLQJ the three-goal outburst, the Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; GHIHQVH VWLĂ HG WKH RSSRVLWLRQ E\ clogging up the slot area, therefore restricting shots to the perimHWHU 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG ZHQW PLQXWHV without scoring a goal. The contest remained a defensive grind in the third quarter, DV 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG¡V ODWH HTXDOL]HU ZDV the only goal in the 15-minute SHULRG 7KH DFWLRQ LQWHQVLĂ&#x20AC;HG LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDO TXDUWHU KRZHYHU DV ERWK teams found more breathing room on offense. 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG JUDEEHG D OHDG LQ WKH IRXUWK TXDUWHU EXW $FWRQ scored his third and fourth goals of the contest midway through WKH SHULRG WR JLYH $PKHUVW D HGJH $IWHU WKH 3ULGH WLHG LW DW ZLWK DURXQG UHPDLQLQJ WKH -HIIV SUHVVHG IRUZDUG LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;nal minutes, and were rewarded when Cherney scored the gameZLQQLQJ JRDO ZLWK OHIW LQ UHJXODWLRQ $PKHUVW¡V WHQDFLRXV defense then held strong to preserve the victory.
Softball Loses to Keene State Elaine Teng â&#x20AC;&#x2122;12 Foreign Correspondent
$IWHU D VWUHDN RI ZLQV DJDLQVW :HVOH\DQ and Hamilton that saw the Jeffs soar to a tie LQ Ă&#x20AC;UVW SODFH LQ WKH 1(6&$& :HVW WKH WHDP dropped a pair of close games away at Keene 6WDWH &ROOHJH RQ $SULO :KLOH $PKHUVW VSUXQJ WR D OHDG LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPH WKH\ FRXOG QRW ZLWKVWDQG D IRXUWK LQQLQJ 2ZO VXUJH that left them on the wrong side of a 4-3 scoreline, before falling 3-1 in the second game. )LUVW \HDU .DLWOLQ 6LONRZLW] FRQWLQXHG KHU KHDY\ KLWWLQJ ZLWK DQ 5%, VLQJOH WR RSHQ WKH VFRULQJ LQ WKH VHFRQG LQQLQJ RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPH before Reilly Horan â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13 drove in another pair ZLWK D VLQJOH WR FHQWHU +RZHYHU WKH 2ZOV KLW back two innings later, with a two-run hit over WKH OHIW Ă&#x20AC;HOG IHQFH DQG WZR PRUH UXQV WR JR XS 4-3 in the fourth. It was not all bad news for the Jeffs however, as pitcher Theresa Kelley â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13 added another solid performance to her EULOOLDQW VHDVRQ VWULNLQJ RXW Ă&#x20AC;YH KLWWHUV DQG only allowing four earned runs on 11 hits. Kelley also contributed to the team offensively in the second game, tying it 1-1 in
the fourth with a single, before Keene State FKDUJHG DKHDG WKURXJK .D\OD -R\FH¡V Ă&#x20AC;IWK home run of the season, and another run in WKH VL[WK WR VHDO WKH GHDO 7KH 2ZOV KDYH QRZ ZRQ IRXU VWUDLJKW DQG RI WKHLU ODVW ZKLOH $PKHUVW GURSSHG WR RQ WKH VHDVRQ 7KH JDPH DOVR PDUNHG WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH LQ JDPHV that Carolyn Miller â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 did not claim a hit, WKRXJK WHDPPDWHV 6LONRZLW] DQG .HOOH\ KDG two hits apiece. With the most crucial games of the season coming up, the Jeffs will put the doubleheader loss behind them and look ahead to their 4 p.m. clash with Smith today, and more imporWDQWO\ WKHLU EDWWOH IRU Ă&#x20AC;UVW VHHG LQ WKH 1(6&$& :HVW RYHU WKH ZHHNHQG â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keene is a strong team, but the losses were disappointing because we are too,â&#x20AC;? said $QQHPDULH ,NHU ¡ ´:H GLGQ¡W SOD\ DV ZHOO DV ZH FRXOG KDYH DQG ZH NQRZ LW %XW IRUtunately, that seems like ancient history now â&#x20AC;&#x201D; we are looking forward to a doubleheader against Smith tomorrow, and to a three-game conference series against Middlebury this ZHHNHQG 7KLV LV WKH PRVW H[FLWLQJ SDUW RI the season for us, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re only looking forward.â&#x20AC;?
Derekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dogma Derek X. Garcia â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13 Sophomore Derek Garcia, who claims to be somewhat FODLUYR\DQW RIIHUV KLV SUHGLFWLRQV IRU WKH 1%$ 3OD\RIIV despite believing that they are, in fact, unpredictable â&#x20AC;&#x201D; especially in the face of recent upsets. He ultimately WKLQNV WKDW WKH %XOOV DQG 0DYHULFNV ZLOO IDFH RII LQ WKH )LQDOV DQG WKDW 'DOODV ZLOO EH YLFWRULRXV
NBA Playoff Predictions Despite my apprehensions about predicWLRQV , KDYH GROHG WKHP RXW DQ\ZD\ HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ , GRQ¡W KDYH LGHDV 7KLV DYHUVLRQ to predicting comes from the inherent fact that no one can truly predict the future unless they are clairvoyant or have a time machine. It is at this point in my article where I would like to clarify that I am in fact somewhat clairvoyant, in that I did predict a Packers victory in Super %RZO ;9, ZKHQ LQ IDFW WKHLU SOD\RII SLFWXUH ZDV LQ GRXEW DW WKH WLPH *ORDWLQJ PXFK" 6R P\ UHDGHUV , JLYH \RX P\ 1%$ SOD\RII predictions. To add to all the unpredictable fun, this weekend has shown that upsets are in the making this year. I mean, who would have WKRXJKW WKDW HYHQ ZLWK D VHPL KHDOWK\ $QGUHZ %\QXP WKH /DNHUV ZRXOG EH WURXQFHG by Chris Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best Magic Johnson impresVLRQ" 2U WKDW =DFK 5DQGROSK KDG PDWXUHG HQRXJK WR OHDG KLV *UL]]OLHV WR D GHIHDW RI WKH RYHU WKH KLOO JDQJ WKH 6SXUV" $QG OHW¡V QRW IRUJHW 6XQGD\¡V XSVHW RI 2UODQGR E\ $WODQWD and the almost-upset of the Thunder. Taking into account those games, here are my predicWLRQV IRU WKH 1%$ 3OD\RIIV First Round: Western Conference: 6SXUV YV *UL]]OLHV 'HVSLWH WKH XSVHW LQ 6DQ $QWRQLR , VWLOO EHOLHYH WKDW 3RSRYLFK¡V WHDP KDV WKH H[SHULHQFH DQG OHYel-headedness to rebound in this series. They ZRQ¡W EH WRR VKDNHQ EHFDXVH RI WKLV ORVV $QG come on, if this series does come down to the wire, who do you think would be more reliable to make a clutch shot, Tony Parker or 0LNH &RQOH\" 7KH 6SXUV UXVK WKH *UL]]OLHV and take the series 4-1. /DNHUV YV +RUQHWV $V , LQWLPDWHG earlier, the key to the Lakers success in this seULHV LV WKH KHDOWK RI $QGUHZ %\QXP RU PRUH generally, a big man to relieve Kobeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scoring pressure and to muscle up on Chris Paul. It will, however, take time for this to happen, and I see the Hornets taking another game in Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;awlins after the Lakers win on Wednesday. %XW WKH /DNHUV ZLOO HYHQWXDOO\ RYHUFRPH WKHLU WHDP GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOWLHV WR WDNH WKH VHULHV 0DYV YV %OD]HUV -DVRQ .LGG ORRNV UHMXYHQDWHG DQG WKH 0DYV DUH SOD\LQJ good team defense. Despite the fact that La0DUFXV $OGULGJH KDV FDUULHG WKH %OD]HUV RQ his back this season, the pressure of the playoffs is too much for him to handle. The Mavs take this series 4-0. 7KXQGHU YV 1XJJHWV 7KH 1XJJHWV DUH WKH TXLQWHVVHQWLDO WHDP HDFK SOD\HU SURGXFHV LQ KLV VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F UROH LQ *HRUJH .DUO¡V game plans, while the Thunder sport some of the games best young guns in Kevin Durant DQG 5XVVHOO :HVWEURRN , H[SHFW VRPH VKRRWRXWV LQ ZKDW , KRSH WR EH WKH EHVW Ă&#x20AC;UVW URXQG VHULHV LQ WKH :HVWHUQ &RQIHUHQFH $OWKRXJK Karlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team plays more like a unit, they are VWLOO WRR LQH[SHULHQFHG DV D JURXS WR SOD\RII SUHVVXUH ZKLFK LV ZK\ , H[SHFW WKH 7KXQGHU to win this series 4-3. Eastern Conference: %XOOV YV 3DFHUV 1R FRQWHVW 3V\FKR 7 YV ' 5RVH" <HDK WKDW¡V ZKDW , WKRXJKW 7KH %XOOV ZLQ WKH VHULHV +HDW YV HUV )RU DOO WKHLU VWUXJgles this year, the Heat arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to cave easily. Despite a too-close-for-comfort win in WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPH PDWFKXS OHW¡V UHPHPEHU WKDW WKH\ KDYH /H%URQ DQG ' :DGH RQ WKHLU WHDP The Heat take this series 4-0. &HOWLFV YV .QLFNV 7KLV ZLOO EH WKH EHVW VHULHV RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW URXQG LQ ERWK WKH Western and Eastern conferences. The rivalryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s renewed and from what we have seen so far, the series looks like itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a WKULOOHU /HW¡V KRSH &KDXQFH\ %LOOXSV ZLOO EH able to make the festivities to make the game PXFK PRUH FRPSHWLWLYH %XW , VWLOO FDQ¡W
shake the feeling that the Knicks are what the Nuggets used to be before the trade â&#x20AC;&#x201D; with 6WRXGHPLUH LQ WKH PL[ %XW ZDLW LV WKDW UHDOO\ PXFK RI D GLIIHUHQFH LQ WHUPV RI GHIHQVH" 7KH &HOWLFV¡ H[SHULHQFH DQG WHQDFLW\ ZLOO FDUU\ them out of this series 4-3. 0DJLF YV +DZNV 7KH +DZNV VWROH ZRQ LQ 2UODQGR EXW , IXOO\ H[SHFW WKUHH WLPH 'HIHQVLYH 3OD\HU RI WKH <HDU 'ZLJKW Howard to steal the show the rest of the seULHV 7KH 0DJLF WDNH WKLV RQH %HVLGHV , canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t bear to part ways with Stan Van Gundyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s moustache this early in the playoffs. Conference Semi-Finals: West: 6SXUV YV 7KXQGHU 7LP 'XQFDQ¡V last hurrah ends here. The Spurs wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be able to handle the youth and speed of the Thunder LQ WKLV VHPL Ă&#x20AC;QDO PDWFKXS 7KH 7KXQGHU WDNH WKH VHULHV /DNHUV YV 0DYHULFNV :KDW D GHOHFWDEOH PDWFKXS )URP ZKDW ZH KDYH VHHQ in the past few weeks, it seems that the only player that is hungry for a win on the Lakers LV .REH %U\DQW +RZHYHU , GRQ¡W WKLQN .REH will be able to pull off the wins all by himself against Dallasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; team defense. I think Dirk and Mark Cubanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boys will take their talents to WKH &RQIHUHQFH Ă&#x20AC;QDOV DIWHU D WRXJK IRXJKW series win. East: %XOOV YV 0DJLF 'HVSLWH WKH IDFW WKDW 'ZLJKW +RZDUG LV WKH 'HIHQVLYH 32< LW still seems he is the only player on the Magic who plays defense. Chicago on the other hand, has been the epitome of defense this VHDVRQ , H[SHFW D %XOOV YLFWRU\ LQ WKLV VHULHV 4-0. +HDW YV &HOWLFV $IWHU D ORQJ DQG bruising battle with the Knicks, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think the Celtics will have enough gas to make it out of the Miami Heatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playoff Revenge 7RXU 2I FRXUVH WKH\ KDYH EHHQ VD\LQJ WKDW for the past three years, so I make this prediction with a grain of salt. The Heat win the series 4-3. Conference Finals: West: 0DYHULFNV YV 7KXQGHU , WKLQN WKLV LV WKH \HDU WKH 0DYV Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ EUHDN WKURXJK the Western Conference playoffs and return WR WKH )LQDOV Âł WKH 7KXQGHU ZLOO KDYH PDQ\ more chances in the future. The Mavs take this one 4-3. East: %XOOV YV +HDW $V PXFK DV , ZRXOG OLNH WR VHH D UHSHDW RI WKH 1%$ )LQDOV WKH %XOOV ZLOO ZLQ WKLV VHULHV 7KH\ ZLOO SURYH that it takes more than mega-signings to win playoff games and that it involves a team that is willing to clamp down and play team deIHQVH ' 5RVH LV SOD\LQJ OLNH KH LV RQ Ă&#x20AC;UH DQG KH KDV VKRZQ (DVWHUQ &RQIHUHQFH )LUVW 5RXQG YV %RVWRQ WKDW KH FDQ VKRZ XS LQ ELJ JDPHV DQG OHDG KLV WHDP 7KH %XOOV WDNH WKLV series to the wire, 4-3. The Finals: %XOOV YV 0DYHULFNV :LOO \RXWK JHW VHUYHG LQ WKLV VHULHV" 2U ZLOO 'DOODV Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ H[RUFLVH LWV GHPRQV DQG ZLQ WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;UVW 1%$ &KDPSLRQVKLS" %RWK WHDPV ZLOO EH KXQJU\ and have talented players to effectively play both offense and defense. Something tells me WKDW 'DOODV ZLOO KDYH WKDW H[WUD SXVK DQG ZLQ EXW QRW ZLWKRXW D Ă&#x20AC;JKW IURP ' 5RVH DQG WKH %XOOV 'DOODV XOWLPDWHO\ ZLQV WKLV VHULHV in dramatic fashion. Those are my predictions for this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1%$ 3OD\RIIV $V KLQGVLJKW KDV WDXJKW PH what will most likely happen is that I will ODXJK RYHU WKHVH SUHGLFWLRQV MXVW OLNH KRZ , ODXJKHG DIWHU , WDXQWHG WKH &KLHIV DQG %XFV when they were 4-0.
The Amherst Student
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sizzling menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lacrosse extends winning streak to 11 games PAGE 11
SWINGING FOR THE FENCES Jeffs surge to top of NESCAC West standings after sweeping Hamilton Karan Bains â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 Sports Section Editor
The baseball team had another successful series last weekend, sweeping three games from Hamilton in a relatively lopsided fashion. The Jeffs traveled to Hamilton on Friday, but showed no signs of fatigue from WKH WULS RQFH WKH\ WRRN WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG %HIRUH WKH game, co-captain Pat Harris â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 stressed the importance of staying focused for all nine innings, something that the squad as a whole needed to improve on after falling behind early in several previous games. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In a few games weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve turned up the intensity a little too late and werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to pull out a victory,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re working on now is to try to have that intensity from WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW SLWFK DOO WKH ZD\ WKURXJK Âľ His team heeded his words, putting on an impressive show both at the mound and at the plate. Starting pitcher Max McKenna â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 dominated from the outset, tossing a complete game shutout while striking out Ă&#x20AC;YH EDWWHUV DQG DOORZLQJ RQO\ Ă&#x20AC;YH KLWV 7KH shutout dropped McKennaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s earned run average to 2.19 on the season, while the rest of the team made sure McKennaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stellar performance did not go to waste. The offense came alive to support their pitcher and clobbered the Continental pitching to grab an 11â&#x20AC;&#x201C;0 victory. Thomas Wheeler â&#x20AC;&#x2122;12 led the charge with a career night, going 3-3 with two home runs and D GRXEOH +H KDG Ă&#x20AC;YH UXQV EDWWHG LQ DQG scored three of Amherstâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 11 runs himself. ,Q DGGLWLRQ FR FDSWDLQ %ULDQ 0HUULJDQ ¡ bumped his team-leading batting average up to .410 with a 4-4 night at the plate. Jose Espinosa â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 and Mike Samela â&#x20AC;&#x2122;12 each added a pair of hits as well. The Amherst victory broke a threegame winning streak for the Continentals, and Hamiltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fortunes would only get worse on Saturday. The Jeffs continued their offensive RQVODXJKW LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPH RI WKH GRXEOHheader, putting 15 runs on the board. While starting pitcher Fred Shepard â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 could not replicate McKennaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance from the
previous day, he and Dylan Driscoll â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 did enough to help the Jeffs to a 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 win. The offense gave the pitching staff a cushion at the very beginning of the conWHVW VFRULQJ Ă&#x20AC;YH UXQV LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW LQQLQJ Even so, the game was still in doubt until Ă&#x20AC;YH PRUH UXQV FDPH KRPH IRU $PKHUVW LQ the seventh inning, essentially deciding the outcome. Nolan Stewart â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13 went deep for the Jeffs, and his homer was only one of his three hits. Taiki Kasuga â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 also had WKUHH KLWV DORQJ ZLWK WKUHH 5%,V DV ZHOO Wheeler followed up his huge game on Friday with a pair of hits and a couple of 5%,V FRQWLQXLQJ KLV KRW VWUHDN However, the dominance could not continue in the second game of the doubleKHDGHU DV WKH -HIIV KDG WR Ă&#x20AC;JKW WR JHW D tough 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 win that did not lack in drama. Ryan Healy â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 pitched eight solid innings for Amherst, allowing only three runs on three hits to earn his third win of the season. The Jeffsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bats cooled down a bit in this one, but they managed a run in the Ă&#x20AC;UVW LQQLQJ EHIRUH 6DPHOD KLW D VROR KRPH run in the sixth to put one more run on the board. The score remained deadlocked at two until the top of the ninth, when Kevin Heller â&#x20AC;&#x2122;12 came through with runners on second and third and one out. Heller cracked a three-run homer that propelled the Jeffs to victory. The clutch hit gave the -HIIV WKHLU Ă&#x20AC;IWK VWUDLJKW ZLQ With the season past the halfway point, the Jeffs boast a solid 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 record and are 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1 in NESCAC West play. As Harris looks ahead to the rest of the season, he sees the enormous potential in his team and asserts that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our expectations are high, but our work ethic has been even higher.â&#x20AC;? This attitude should help the Jeffs as they go into a huge week. After Keene State comes to Amherst on Wednesday, the weekend series features a familiar opponent: archrival Williams College. The Ephs will come to Amherst on Friday before the two teams go back to Williams for a Saturday doubleheader, capping a series which promises to test the Jeffs and give fans plenty of excitement.
Photo by Kate Berry â&#x20AC;&#x2122;12
Max McKenna â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 tossed a complete game shutout against Hamilton, dropping his ERA to 2.19.
SEASON RECAP (15-5 Overall, 5-1 NESCAC) 9-1 in past 10 games Photo  Illustration  by  Lilly  Jay  â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14
Upcoming Schedule 4/22-23 vs. Williams, 4/29-30 vs. Wesleyan, 5/13-15 - NESCAC Playoffs
Kendra Stern Qualifies for Olympic Trials Carlyn Robertson â&#x20AC;&#x2122;14 Managing Sports Editor
Kendra Stern â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 swam at the Univ. of Michigan pool to qualify for Olympic Trials.
Less than two weeks after competing in the NCAA Championships, senior Kendra Stern, 'LY ,,, 1DWLRQDO 6ZLPPHU RI WKH <HDU TXDOLĂ&#x20AC;HG for the Olympic Trials. Early next summer, Stern will compete in three events in an attempt to qualify for the 2012 Olympic games. On April 8-10, Stern headed to the University of Michigan for the 2011 Eric Namesnik Grand Prix. Stern faced a number of challenges, including incredibly tough competition and the transition from a 25-meter short course pool to the 50-meter long course. Stern raced among the best of the best. â&#x20AC;&#x153;More than anything being at the meet was really inspiring,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having the chance to see some of the top swimmers in the country like Natalie Coughlin, Katie Hoff, Dana Vollmer, Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte race is really jaw-dropping.â&#x20AC;? Competing among these world-class athletes also gave her the chance to see them as regular swimmers. Stern recalled an incident in the crowded warm-up pool. She said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there were a bunch of people hanging on to the wall at one
HQG VR ZKHQ , Ă LS WXUQHG O ZDV IRUFHG WR EXPS into a few of them. It wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t until a split second later that I realized I was pushing off of Ryan Lochte...oops. It was funny to know that even Ryan Lochte gets in peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way in the warm up pool.â&#x20AC;? Stern did an excellent job maintaining her focus despite the unfamiliar and perhaps intimidating atmosphere, saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nerve-wracking to know that I was swimming in the pool with really fast people, but you just have to think of them as good competition, and you can use good FRPSHWLWLRQ WR IXHO \RXU RZQ UDFHV Âľ +HU Ă&#x20AC;UVW race was the 200-meter freestyle, in which she holds the NCAA Div. III record. She swam a 2:04.26 in the preliminaries, which was just out of reach of the 2:03.19 Olympic Trial cut. Stern FDPH EDFN IRU WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDOV WKDW DIWHUQRRQ DQG VZDP a 2:02.01, which put her in 10th place and earned her a spot in the Trials. To put Sternâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s competition LQ SHUVSHFWLYH VL[ RI WKH WRS HLJKW Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHUV LQ WKH 200 are on the 2011 World Championship team. Her next event was the 400-meter freestyle. Sternâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s preliminary time of 4:19.18 was .21 secRQGV EHORZ WKH FXW DQG VKH TXDOLĂ&#x20AC;HG IRU KHU VHFond event in the Olympic Trials. In the 100-meter freestyle, in which she also holds the NCAA Div.
,,, UHFRUG 6WHUQ RQFH DJDLQ QHHGHG WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDO KHDW to qualify. She swam a 57.26 in the morningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SUHOLPV EXW Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHG ZLWK D LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDOV seconds under the cut. Stern said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have always been a night-swimmer, so when I have to get up and swim fast in the morning for prelims, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s D FKDOOHQJH &RPLQJ EDFN IRU Ă&#x20AC;QDOV LV D ZKROH different story because there is more atmosphere and I get a lot more nervous, which means I get a bigger adrenaline rush.â&#x20AC;? Stern also used the prelims as a chance to adjust to the longer distance pool. For a 100 in a 25-meter pool, one swims four laps with three Ă LS WXUQV EXW LQ WKH PHWHU SRRO LW LV WZR ODSV DQG MXVW RQH Ă LS WXUQ )HZHU Ă LS WXUQV PHDQV WKDW swimmers take more strokes during a race and lose the advantage and acceleration of pushing off the wall. Stern said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had to adapt to completely different race plans than I am used to, and E\ Ă&#x20AC;QDOV , KDG D OLWWOH H[SHULHQFH XQGHU P\ EHOW Âľ The Olympic Trials will take place June 25July 2, 2012. Stern hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yet made her plans for training next year. She said â&#x20AC;&#x153;there are a lot of considerations I need to take into account and that is not something I can do immediately. I can only hope it works out for me that I can train somewhere warm!â&#x20AC;?