Tips & Tricks For Facebook

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One of the most popular social media platforms – Facebook – has become indispensible part of everyone’s life. With over millions of profile on the site one will always want to attract attention to their individual profile or company fan page. Here are some easy and doable tricks that can help in increasing likes, followers and friends for the Facebook profile.

Have An Outstanding Cover Photo On The Profile Page

The first thing a user will look at is the cover photo, so select a photo from the album or internet that will steal the show. Use an image that will surprise, startle and create that ‘wow’ moment. It should just arrest the interest of the viewer.

Create An Eye-Candy Profile Photograph Half the battle is won with a fabulous cover and then the next destination for a viewer will be profile photograph. Select or create on using photo editor to capture the interest of the profile visitor.

Keep Updating The Status Updates On Regular Basis Don’t let your profile look dull or boring but keep on posting some interesting, funny and surprising status updates. This will keep the level of interest in your profile as it will fetch more likes and sharing on the Facebook platform.

Add Photos, Tag People and Invite Friends It is important to keep the Facebook profile active and that can happen by uploading photographs, tagging them with friends who will like and also inviting more people to join you or your group.

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