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Message from the Chair and President

Dear Friend, We are pleased to present our annual report for 2021. Its theme—Shaping a Brighter Future—highlights the ultimate measure of our programs: their ability to empower thousands of individuals each year to shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities. In a region beset by economic and political challenges—including violent conflict—the urgency of our mission is clear.


The theme also speaks to Amideast’s impact—past and future—as we mark an important milestone in our history. Seventy years ago, the organization was founded to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between Americans and the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). While this remains at the heart of our mission, our priorities and capabilities have evolved.

Exchanges today seek to instill the global perspective that youth will need to address 21st-century challenges. High on our list of priorities is supporting underserved youth to gain the skills and knowledge that can lead to jobs, rewarding careers, and the ability to help their communities thrive. No less important are other goals: opening doors to higher education for individuals with disabilities, enabling American students typically excluded from traditional study abroad opportunities to experience the MENA region, and supporting the region’s English teachers to adopt instructional methodologies that can increase students’ proficiency gains and, in turn, their educational and career opportunities.

As we begin our eighth decade, we are certain that our objectives will continue to evolve in response to global needs and priorities, but our commitment to shaping a brighter future will remain constant. On behalf of everyone at Amideast, we thank you for your support and look forward to continuing our work together.


The Honorable Deborah K. Jones Chair, Board of Directors The Honorable Theodore H. Kattouf President and CEO

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