2015 AMIDEAST Annual Report

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Chair and President................................ 1 Highlights of 2015 ..................................................................2 Empowering Youth and Women..........................................4 Advancing English Language and Workforce Skills ........ 10 Building Institutional Capacity ......................................... 14 Improving Lives through International Study ................. 18 Financial Statements........................................................... 22 Donors and Sponsors.......................................................... 23 Senior Staff .......................................................................... 25 Board of Directors ..............................................................26 Advisory Boards .................................................................27 Training Partners ................................................................28 Field and Project Offices ......................................................31

AMIDEAST marked its 35th anniversary in Tunisia by moving to a larger, modern facility in Tunis that will enable it to serve more people, particularly youth in need of the education and training that are key to their ability to realize a brighter future.


Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST is a private, U.S. nonprofit organization with a long and distinguished record of engagement in international education, training, and development assistance in the Middle East and North Africa. Working with local, regional, and international partners, it provides programs and services to improve educational opportunity and quality, expand access to U.S. study, strengthen local institutions, and develop language and professional skills for success in the global economy.


AMIDEAST is dedicated to expanding opportunity through education and training, while strengthening mutual understanding and cooperation between Americans and the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa.

CHAIR/PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, The theme of our 2015 annual report is inspired by countless men and women across the Middle East and North Africa who are “giving back” to their communities—as doctors, teachers, scientists, community activists, artists, and writers. Many are using knowledge attained during international study and professional development programs supported by AMIDEAST. Others benefited from our in-region training programs that empower youth and women through the development of skills to enhance their employability, entrepreneurial capabilities, and community engagement. They include people like … • Mariam, a computer scientist who used her new entrepreneurial skills to establish an academy that teaches computers and technology to children in Lebanon • Iman, a Hope Fund alumna who chose to take knowledge acquired during her college studies in the United States back to Gaza to teach the next generation • Omar, a medical student who took community service skills learned as a high school exchange student in the United States to a new level by volunteering during Yemen’s civil war in a hospital desperate for staff to treat injured civilians Rather than contribute to “brain drain,” these men and women are adding to the region’s potential. Over the past five years, AMIDEAST programs targeting just youth and women have reached more than 75,000 individuals, with more than 18,000 in 2015 alone. These programs greatly improved their prospects for individual success. Viewed through a broader prism, they are producing a powerful ripple effect in a region in need of positive outcomes. Education and training—high priorities in normal times—are ever more so in this period of turmoil. We remain committed to our core programs and services, while continually adapting to meet new needs, whether to ensure the continuity of a unique organization dedicated to expanding educational opportunity for Palestinian youth or to assist Syrian refugee children and Yemeni students in the United States. We thank you for your generous support, which makes our mission possible. We look forward to working together in the coming months and years.

Mary W. Gray Theodore H. Kattouf Chair President and CEO








In Morocco, AMIDEAST pledged to help the National Ministry of Education transform the teaching of English in the country’s public schools by delivering AMIDEAST’s Professional Certificate in English Language Teaching (PCELT) program to more than 250 English language educators. The Commitment to Action, which was announced at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Middle East & Africa Meeting, will help the francophone North African country meet the need for English speakers who are critical to sustaining growth in leading economic sectors such as tourism, international trade, and technology. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT

In Yemen, AMIDEAST launched the Yemen Emergency Student Support Fund soon after the start of the civil war in March 2015 to help university students in the United States—many of whom could no longer afford their studies— maintain their academic status. Thanks to the dedication of local staff, many programs and operations continued during the closures of AMIDEAST’s offices in Aden and Sanaa. Youth in the Aspire and AMIDEAST Internship Programs (shown in photo) welcomed the reopening and resumption of normal programming at the Aden office in the latter half of September 2015.

In Lebanon, AMIDEAST worked with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and NGOs to help the country’s public schools ameliorate the social challenges associated with a high influx of Syrian refugees into their classrooms. The USAID-funded Quality Instruction Towards Access and Basic Education Improvement (QITABI) program also addresses barriers that are causing enrollments of Syrian refugee children in Lebanon to be as low as 20 percent. The capacity-building measures introduced by QITABI will benefit both Lebanese and Syrian students by alleviating pressures on school resources and improving the learning environment for all.




In Jordan, Lebanon, and Morocco, 270 women secondary school graduates benefited from the first full year of the Union for the Mediterranean-labelled Skills for Success—Employability Skills for Women program, and plans were laid for training rounds in Egypt and Tunisia. Meanwhile, in Egypt, AMIDEAST and the International Labor Organization launched Women@Work, targeting unemployed women college graduates of Egypt’s public universities. Both programs were based on Skills for Success®, an AMIDEAST training model designed to help recent graduates develop English language, basic business, and job search skills that are key to overcoming obstacles to their employment.

For Palestinian youth seeking a college education, the Hope Fund will continue to be a source of opportunity, thanks to AMIDEAST’s decision to assume full responsibility for the organization’s operations and thereby ensure that this worthy and much-needed initiative continues. AMIDEAST’s commitment to the Hope Fund and its mission of expanding educational opportunity for Palestinians dates to 2000, when it began serving as the Hope Fund’s chief in-region partner. Since that time, it directly helped more than 80 young men and women, many from refugee backgrounds, to access scholarships for undergraduate study at U.S. colleges and universities.

In Egypt, AMIDEAST was pleased to have been selected by USAID to implement the U.S.-Egypt Higher Education Initiative (HEI) Public University Scholarships program, an eight-year, $27 million initiative that will open doors to higher education for 400 financially disadvantaged men and women. Students will study non-traditional fields critical for Egypt’s economic growth, expanding the country’s pool of knowledge workers. The program also features English language training, career counseling, and opportunities for students to broaden and apply their learning through internships, business/entrepreneurship experiences, and U.S. study.





are as enthusiastic and energetic as their counterparts elsewhere; they aspire to become productive members and contribute to their respective societies and communities even in the face of daunting challenges, from high unemployment to the spillover of conflict that stifles dreams. In 2015, we worked with more than 18,000 young men and women, many from underserved backgrounds, to expand access to higher education, develop skills that lead to educational and career opportunities, and empower them to engage in their communities.


At youth centers managed by AMIDEAST on behalf of OCP Groupe, over 1,750 youths received training during 2015 in employability skills, entrepreneurship, and nonprofit management, expanding youth opportunity in the midsized Moroccan cities of Benguerir, Khouribga, and Laayoune.
















y drawing on our strengths in English language training, academic advising, scholarship program management, and testing, AMIDEAST is able to provide a ladder of educational opportunities for talented, underserved youth. The ENGLISH ACCESS MICROSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM provides a foundation of English language skills for youth ages 13-20 from economically disadvantaged sectors. The program emphasizes English language instruction, ICT, critical thinking, leadership development, and community engagement. In 2015, more than 6,400 teenagers from Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, West Bank/Gaza, and Yemen participated in this transformational program, bringing to more than 28,500 the number of girls and boys who have benefited from U.S. Department of State-funded Access microscholarships managed by AMIDEAST offices.


The KENNEDY-LUGAR YOUTH EXCHANGE AND STUDY (YES) PROGRAM is another rung on the ladder. With AMIDEAST’s support, it has enabled more than 2,200 teenagers from across the MENA region to complete an exchange year of high school in the United States, living with a host family and learning firsthand about American community life. This year, 208 high school students from Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia, West Bank/Gaza, and Yemen were selected for the coming academic year. SCHOLARSHIP SEARCHES. Access and YES students blossom academically while their strong English skills enable them to access higher educational opportunities that require proficiency in English. These opportunities include the Diana Kamal Scholarship Search Fund (DKSSF), an AMIDEAST initiative that assists Arab


youth with outstanding academic credentials who wish to pursue undergraduate studies in the United States but lack the resources to do so, and the Hope Fund, a scholarship-search initiative similar to the DKSSF that was established in 2000 to expand opportunities for higher education for academically qualified underserved Palestinian youth. Thanks to these initiatives, 15 students from Lebanon, the West Bank/Gaza, Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen received scholarships to Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Harvard, Hollins, and Lehigh Universities; Columbia College for Women; Earlham, Lafayette, St. Olaf, and Swarthmore Colleges; and the Universities of Denver, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. OTHER PROGRAMS. The doors to higher education were opened for nearly 225 other students by other programs. They included 64 students who were awarded Tomorrow’s Leaders Scholarships; 79 academically promising, socioeconomically disadvantaged Palestinian youth enrolled in Palestinian universities, supplemented by professional skills training and internships, through the American-Palestinian Local University Scholarships (A-PLUS) Program; and 79 students who obtained admissions to colleges and universities in the United States through the Competitive College Clubs and Opportunity and Abraham Lincoln Incentive Grants Programs offered through EducationUSA advising centers that AMIDEAST operates in six countries. Meanwhile, in Egypt, the Access Pipeline advanced the likelihood that 35 top-scoring Access students would receive U.S. university scholarships or other post-high school opportunities, while 107 disadvantaged public high school graduates were awarded scholarships to pursue excellence programs in Egyptian public universities through the new USAID-funded U.S.-Egypt Higher Education Initiative (HEI) Public University Scholarships Program.

> Giving Back

IMAN ABU AITAH is an alumna of three highly competitive U.S. Department of State programs — the Access, YES, and Abraham Lincoln Grant programs. Through the Hope Fund, she received a full scholarship from Columbia College, where she graduated last May with highest honors in her double major, biology and English. Iman lost her parents, two brothers, and a nephew in a single bombing incident in July 2014, but this tragedy did not dampen the spirits of this exceptional young woman. Out of a strong desire to give back to her community and support her remaining family members, she returned to Gaza. Today she is a middle school math teacher and hopes to eventually teach English and science as well. “For now, teaching is my platform to make a change,” she says. “But I hope to also find other ways to give back to my community. I am very grateful for where I am now, which wouldn’t have happened had I not been part of these programs.” EMPOWERING YOUTH & WOMEN

AMIDEAST President Theodore Kattouf (left) congratulates proud graduates of the English Access Microscholarship Program in Gaza.



ommunity service is a core component of the KENNEDY-LUGAR YOUTH EXCHANGE AND STUDY (YES) PROGRAM. In countries where AMIDEAST has offices, our staff members manage YES alumni networks that keep the spirit of service and volunteerism alive for alumni who come away from their year as exchange students empowered to contribute to their communities. In 2015, youth put those lessons of community service into practice, some in dramatic ways,

such as by volunteering as emergency medical personnel during the fighting in Yemen. YES alumni also engaged through “YESTalks: A Global Citizen’s Journey,” an event hosted by AMIDEAST/Tunisia that provided a platform for extraordinary YES alumni to share their personal stories of growth. In addition, alumni focused throughout the year on creating and improving local YES alumni associations to support long-term, sustainable, self-driven projects.

EMERGENCY ROOM VOLUNTEER YES alumnus OMAR AL-MATERI is a shining example of how the YES Program can instill community service awareness. Beginning in April 2015, as conflict raged in Yemen, Omar volunteered in the emergency room at one of the few functioning hospitals in Aden. The first-year medical student

> Giving Back

assisted with nursing duties and during surgeries, working 12-18 hours a day and facing challenges ranging from lack of food and supplies to ongoing shelling. He also took intensive emergency field training in anesthesiology in order to fill the hospital’s shortage of anesthesiologists.

My volunteering experience in the U.S. helped me develop my self-confidence and become more understanding, so when war started in my country, I headed to the nearest hospital to offer whatever I can to help the wounded and ease their pain."






oung women graduates across the Middle East and North Africa represent a valuable, under-tapped human resource. AMIDEAST is helping to unleash it through two key initiatives that utilize AMIDEAST’s Skills for Success®, a curriculum tailored to meet the need of the region’s large pool of unemployed graduates for transferrable job skills, such as English language proficiency, problem solving, critical thinking, and computer skills, which together with job-market savvy will enhance their chances of employment and career success. In 2015, 180 women in Jordan and Morocco, all recent high school graduates, completed the first round of training of Skills for Success—Employability Skills for Women, a program offered in partnership with the Union for the Mediterranean in support of the UfM’s goal of advancing the socioeconomic empowerment of women in the Euro-Mediterranean region. In addition, 90 women in Lebanon began the program, and plans were being laid to offer training rounds for 90 women in each of Egypt and Tunisia in 2016. When complete, this initiative will have improved the job prospects of 450 women.


Meanwhile, in Egypt, WOMEN@WORK deployed the Skills for Success curriculum to address the needs of recent women graduates of public universities

The ILO-funded Women@ Work project helped recent women college graduates in Egypt realize their dreams of a decent job.


who have been unable to find employment. A pilot round of training was offered in partnership with the International Labor Organization (ILO), benefitting 22 women, while the inclusion of a train-the-trainer (TOT) component required each woman to deliver customized training to at least 20 younger women — or more than 400 for their entire group. The pilot program’s success led the ILO to agree to fund an extended version for 194 women in 2016, with a potential indirect benefit from the inclusion of the TOT component of spreading awareness of valued job skills to nearly 4,000 young women. Women’s economic empowerment was also advanced through the ARAB WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT (AWEP), an AMIDEAST-Citi Foundation initiative that provided entrepreneurship skills training to nearly 300 underserved women in eight countries since its launch in 2011. During its fourth year, 57 women in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Morocco learned basic business skills and received coaching and mentoring during the six-month program. Many AWEP participants, including Mariam Haidar (see insert), have gone on to use entrepreneurship to fill needs in their communities.



> Giving Back

ISRAA AL ERAKY was unable to find work despite her degree from Cairo University’s Law School. After completing the Women@ Work program, she was hired as a team leader at RSTN, an IT consulting company, thanks to the program’s efforts to connect graduates to employers. But it was the experience of conducting training of younger women students at the law school that built her confidence. Returning to deliver the training in the same lecture rooms where she had attended classes as a student was also inspirational. “I have always had this dream to teach students in my own school,” said Israa, who is now working on her master’s degree in labor law and looking forward to delivering training to more groups of young women.

> Giving Back

Children, especially girls, in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley have few opportunities to explore their creativity and develop technical skills that could open doors to educational and employment opportunities. MARIAM HAIDAR set out to change that. While participating in the AWEP program, she developed a plan for Edutek, a new academy where children can learn robotics and coding, game development, and entrepreneurship. Mariam calls her experience in AWEP “life-changing, as I had access to inspiring mentors. I was exposed to opportunities, skills, and the knowledge to trust my intuition and make my business a success."

I have always had this dream to teach students in my own school.”


The MENA region has the largest gender gap in workforce participation.

Source: Union for the Mediterranean 2015 ANNUAL REPORT




IN TODAY’S WORLD, SKILLS EMPOWER. Students and professionals who master the English language and a variety of workforce skills are able to open doors to educational and career advancement. Organizations depend on their skilled workforce to improve their productivity and competitiveness and realize the sustained growth required to create much-needed opportunity for the region’s young population. In 2015, AMIDEAST was pleased to support the goals of 60,000 individuals and nearly 200 organizations through its training programs.












Students in AMIDEAST English language classes such as this one in Cairo benefit from quality instruction and innovative programming, delivered in a supportive and collaborative learning environment.




tudents and professionals in the Middle East and North Africa improved their economic earning capacity in immeasurable and sustainable ways as a result of AMIDEAST’s English language training programs. In 2015, more than 51,600 individuals of varying ages and skill levels enrolled in English language courses offered by AMIDEAST training centers. Our trainers also worked with numerous organizations to strengthen the competencies of nearly 2,800 employees in English for the workplace, including for such specialized fields as law, medicine, and journalism.


Responding to the growing value placed on English language proficiency in francophone North Africa, AMIDEAST continued to build its capacity to serve greater numbers of learners. In Tunisia, where enrollments marked a second solid year of growth, AMIDEAST moved to larger quarters in Tunis. Equipped with 25 percent more classroom space and state-of-the-art technologies, the new facility will permit it to deliver training to the increasing number of young Tunisians eager to learn English for academic and career advancement. English courses were also offered at AMIDEAST’s centers in Sousse, Monastir, and Lac II.

In Morocco, AMIDEAST supplemented its ongoing English language programs in Rabat and Casablanca by continuing its outreach to the country’s provinces in partnership with the OCP Foundation to expand youth opportunity in cities where the large phosphate company operates. English language training was an important component of the employability skills programs offered to over 1,750 trainees at three OCP youth-focused skills training centers that AMIDEAST manages in the cities of Benguerir, Khouribga, and Laayoune. In Gaza, despite ongoing turmoil, AMIDEAST’s dedicated teachers delivered English language training to nearly 6,500 individuals, representing an increase of 27 percent over the previous year. In addition, AMIDEAST offered a special educational and psychosocial program to address the severe post-traumatic stress that affected 2,000 children in the aftermath of the summer 2014 war. The program, which was funded by the American Consulate in Jerusalem, deployed an English language storytelling campaign at 80 UNRWA and private schools as well as child-focused community institutions, using a mobile library of carefully selected stories to help children express their feelings.



shortage of qualified English teachers stands in the way of the region’s ability to realize the youth opportunities and improved business performance that are increasingly linked to English language proficiency. In just four years, AMIDEAST’s Professional Certificate in English Language Teaching (PCELT) has proven to be a valuable teacher development program aimed at different classrooms across the MENA. In 2015, AMIDEAST delivered PCELT training in partnership with World Learning/SIT Graduate Institute and with funding from the GE Foundation, U.S. embassies, and the AMIDEAST/Lebanon Advisory Board to 168 teachers in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Yemen. By year’s end, nearly 500 teachers in the region were PCELT-certified. PCELT also reached some of the most challenging


classrooms in the region, thanks to special initiatives that brought this program to educators serving marginal communities, such as refugee schools in Palestine and isolated populations in rural Yemen. An impact evaluation of the effectiveness of the PCELT program, undertaken across eight countries during 2015, concluded that PCELT teachers significantly outperformed their peers who had not received this training. PCELT’s emphasis on practices that create a learner-centered, interactive classroom translated, moreover, into solid evidence of students’ increased use of English, engagement with collaborative group work, and respect for others’ points of view. With consistent results across all countries, the study reaffirmed PCELT’s potential for making a significant difference in the learning experience of tens of thousands of students in the region.

DEVELOPING MANAGERIAL AND PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AMIDEAST worked with public and private sector organizations in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Tunisia, and the UAE to help develop the talents of their staffs and improve managerial competencies, leadership, productivity, and competitiveness in the global context in which many of the region’s growing companies seek to operate. These efforts, which benefited 5,200 individuals, included courses in management skills developed and certified by the Project Management Institute, as well as the use of a range of assessment tools that measure language and other workforce competencies.

ADVANCING ENTREPRENEURSHIP No single size fits all when it comes to nurturing the region’s emerging entrepreneurs. In 2015, AMIDEAST offered diverse training options in this critical area: • In Lebanon, the AMIDEAST Entrepreneur Institute, with funding from the AMIDEAST/ Lebanon Advisory Board, provided mentoring and workshops in basic business skills for 39 new and aspiring business owners. • In Morocco, OCP training centers in Benguerir and Khouribga offered a special track to foster entrepreneurship among local youth. The ninemonth programs fostered nearly 60 startups. • In Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Morocco, the Arab Women’s Entrepreneurship Project (AWEP) provided training and mentorship to 57 underserved women seeking to start a business or expand an existing one. • In Oman, AMIDEAST supported the government’s strategy of strengthening the country’s small and medium-size enterprise (SME) sector by providing workshops for 80 entrepreneurs through the Inspire and Celebrate Mentorship Programme, a component of the government’s Riyada initiative; and delivering basic business skills training and mentoring to 12 business owners through Al Wathbah Academy, a major corporate social responsibility initiative of the Bank of Muscat.

> Giving Back

ENGLISH TEACHER In Yemen, the Rural Teacher Training Program, underway for several years until temporarily interrupted by the outbreak of civil war in spring 2015, is helping rural English teachers like RABEE AHMED become more effective teachers. Equally important, the program’s emphasis on reflection, collaborative teamwork, and critical thinking has inspired him to look beyond the daily tasks of language teaching and identify an important role for education as his rural community recovers from the impact of war: “Through education we can build generations of Yemenis whose physical and mental growth can lead Yemen to a very bright future. As a teacher, I will encourage my students to build a sense of community.”

> Giving Back

BUSINESSMAN Targeted training not only improves a business’s outlook; it also benefits its most important asset: its people. That’s what HUSSAIN M. MOHSIN took away from his participation in Al Wathbah Academy’s seven-month course that combined mentoring with training in such business basics as how to raise capital, develop a business plan, strengthen marketing and branding, manage human resources, and develop leadership and management. “The elements introduced in such a short period of time are great tools that will enhance the productivity of the people around me and motivate us to do better.”

“The elements introduced in such a short period of time are great tools that will enhance the productivity of the people around me and motivate us to do better.” — HUSSAIN M. MOHSIN, MANAGING DIRECTOR, AL QABAS PRINTING PRESS 2015 ANNUAL REPORT





STRONG INSTITUTIONS EMPOWER individuals, enabling them to be more effective workers, supervisors, teachers, and administrators. Societies also benefit from strong institutions capable of meeting the civic and social needs of their members. Working with regional and international partners, AMIDEAST implemented programs that enhanced capacity and productivity in education, public administration, and other vital sectors in Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia.











Palestinian students are excited to use new laboratory equipment provided by the School Support Program (SSP) as part of a broad strategy of improving the learning environment in 50 public schools in marginal areas of the West Bank.




N LEBANON, AMIDEAST continued to support the education reform strategy of Lebanon’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). Through the USAID-funded DEVELOPING REHABILITATION ASSISTANCE TO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS IMPROVEMENT (D-RASATI) 2 project, underway since October 2013, it partnered with World Learning to implement components designed to strengthen the administration of individual schools, empower school leadership to undertake needed reforms, and enhance the role of extracurricular activities in Lebanon’s public schools. In this last program year, AMIDEAST delivered leadership training for the principals of 587 schools and 711 school leaders on school improvement teams organized at 204 schools. In addition, 163 school teachers and administrators received training on the implementation of extracurricular activities in the public schools.


In September 2014, AMIDEAST joined World Learning, MSI, and Ana Aqra’ to begin implementation of QUALITY INSTRUCTION TOWARDS ACCESS AND BASIC EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT (QITABI). Besides advancing institutional effectiveness across MEHE, the four-year, USAID-funded project will introduce measures to improve equitable access and learning outcomes in primary schools, both for Lebanese students and the large numbers of Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. IN PALESTINE, AMIDEAST advanced the basic education reform goals of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) through two major USAID-funded projects. Launched in May 2012, the four-year LEADERSHIP AND TEACHER DEVELOPMENT

(LTD) PROGRAM continued to support the MOEHE’s efforts to strengthen the capacity of school districts to empower principals and teachers so that they can help their 76,000 students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need for success in the twenty-first century. During 2015, these systemic reforms included the adoption of a model of professional development for principals and teachers and the integration of technology in teaching and learning and school management, achieved by equipping 144 schools with Internet connectivity, laptops, and LCD projectors. More than 1,850 principals, teachers, and district officials also benefited from professional networking conferences hosted by LTD in six school districts. In addition, LTD advanced the professional development of English language teachers in Gaza through the PCELT program, enabling the certification of 108 pre-service teachers and three faculty members as certified PCELT trainers. In its second full program year, the SCHOOL SUPPORT PROGRAM (SSP) continued to strengthen 50 targeted public schools in marginal areas of the West Bank. The schools’ principals completed an intensive 10-month leadership diploma program, while SSP-sponsored parent councils helped activate community involvement. In addition, SSP introduced a variety of extracurricular activities such as drama and debate to improve students’ social competencies; organized visits to the science and math museums at Al Quds University to inspire and enrich student learning; and offered career counseling. Student learning also benefited from SSP’s renovation and equipping of science laboratories, libraries, and computer labs.

> Giving Back

EDUCATOR As a school principal, SAMIA MUGHANAM is pivotal to the success of the education development process. After completing a leadership diploma program required of all SSP principals, she discovered just how effective she could be. In turn, this encouraged her to reach out to the community to create a much-needed child-friendly space for her students. Under her direction, teachers, students, and parents worked together to build a “green oasis,” equipped with tangible learning tools, a magnetic board, and


areas for music, drama, and puppet shows. The success of this community effort has made Samia feel more optimistic about her students’ learning prospects: “What we have done so far is great. Students want to wake up in the morning and come to school because they know that there are other places they can go besides the classroom. They know that things are improving, and new activities are being introduced.”

STRENGTHENING PALESTINIAN UNIVERSITIES The 10-year PALESTINIAN FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (PFDP) concluded in 2015, leaving behind a stronger higher education system, as well as a solid foundation on which Palestinian educators can continue to build as they seek to meet current and future needs. Implemented in partnership with USAID and the Open Society Foundations, the PFDP made it possible for more than 3,600 faculty and administrators at 19 universities and training centers in the West Bank and Gaza to benefit from PFDP degree programs, training, and other activities that introduced new concepts and models in teaching and learning, higher education management, national higher education policy, and international linkages and expertise. The PFDP also facilitated the establishment of centers for teaching excellence at An Najah National University, Bethlehem University, Palestine Polytechnic University, and Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie that will strengthen teaching and learning in Palestinian higher education for years to come.

ADVANCING WORKFORCE TRAINING IN SAUDI ARABIA For the second consecutive year, AMIDEAST managed the ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TECHNICAL BRIDGING PROGRAM at the Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic (SESP), a subsidiary of the Saudi Electric Company (SEC). Designed to strengthen the English language, math, and science skills of new SEC recruits, the year-long training program enrolled 450 trainees in its second cohort, starting in November 2014. Meanwhile, 34 trainees from the first cohort continued to receive theoretical and practical training at the Juaymah Training Center and were expected to join the other 300 trainees from the first cohort in early 2016 for on-the-job-training at various SEC worksites throughout the kingdom.

EDUCATING STUDENTS FOR THE WORKFORCE The MENA region lags behind other world regions in building a knowledge society. AMIDEAST was pleased to partner with USAID to help overcome the shortfall of knowledge workers in key sectors in Egypt and Palestine. During the first year of the eight-year U.S.-EGYPT HIGHER EDUCATION INITIATIVE (HEI) PUBLIC UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM, 107 disadvantaged public high school graduates received scholarships to pursue excellence programs at Egyptian public universities in specializations important for Egypt’s future. By also providing parallel training in English, business skills, and career planning, and practical experience with the private sector through internships, site visits, mentorship, and community service, the program is already having a life-changing impact on young lives.

> Giving Back

STUDENT “It’s not about how great you are, it’s about how great you grow,” says AMAR YASSER, an HEI scholarship student at the Faculty of Science in Ain Shams University in Cairo. This rule has guided his life ever since he discovered that, by volunteering, he could grow as an individual and help others develop. The HEI program also values volunteering, seeing it as a way to help students develop character and vision. Amar, who is majoring in geophysics, joined the student union “Chapter Team,” which aims to prepare geoscience students for their future careers through a mix of practical and academic learning. He also volunteered for Barah El Dairah youth magazine, contributing articles, writing the social media page, and helping to organize workshops to address youth needs. A firm believer in the concept of volunteerism, he hopes that many more young Egyptians will engage and pave the way for a better future for Egypt and themselves.

AMIDEAST was also pleased to support the MASTER’S SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR THE WEST BANK AND GAZA for the second consecutive year. Working with World Learning, it enabled 20 Palestinian students to receive scholarships to pursue their master’s degrees in the United States. The program aims to build capacity in critical areas, from hospital management, agribusiness, and industrial production and operations management to public administration, public policy, youth development, and transportation engineering.






AT THE CORE OF AMIDEAST’S MISSION IS EDUCATIONAL and cultural exchange. It fosters mutual understanding and cooperation between Americans and those who live in the Middle East and North Africa. It also expands opportunity, not only for the individual student or professional but for the communities and societies that benefit from the expertise and insights they bring to solving our common problems. During 2015, AMIDEAST was pleased to support the international study goals of more than 950 students and professionals from across the Middle East and North Africa and 540 Americans through its support of scholarship and exchange programs.












Helping prospective students in Oman (pictured) and elsewhere in the MENA region understand the advantages of U.S. study is an important outreach activity of the EducationUSA offices operated by AMIDEAST on behalf of the U.S. Department of State.



IMPROVING AMERICANS’ UNDERSTANDING OF THE ARAB WORLD In 2015, 296 students enrolled in summer, semester, or academic-year study options offered by AMIDEAST EDUCATION ABROAD PROGRAMS IN THE ARAB WORLD. Students earned credit for coursework in Modern Standard and colloquial Arabic, as well as area studies courses. As in past years, programs were offered in Jordan and Morocco. An important focus of activity was the customization of short-term programs. AMIDEAST assisted 16 U.S. institutions in the development and implementation of short-term education abroad programs in Jordan, Morocco, Oman, and the UAE. Through activities such as homestays, lectures, cross-cultural discussions, site visits to community organizations, service learning projects, and cultural excursions, 244 participating high school and college students gained invaluable insights that expanded their understanding of the region, and fostered newfound connections with its citizens.

By tailoring these short-term programs to meet sponsors’ objectives, AMIDEAST meets a variety of needs and interests. As in previous years, intensive language study was the focal point of several programs. Notably, two U.S. Department of State-funded programs in Morocco and Oman advanced the Arabic language proficiency of 38 secondary and post-secondary students. In another program in Morocco, 22 students from the University of Chicago studied Morocco’s role in regional history, as well as the Arabic language. Other customized programs enable participants to explore special topics, including the arts, engineering leadership, human rights and community service, and the Middle East dimension of peace and conflict resolution.


PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER As an international studies and geography dual-major at the University of Kentucky, Gwen Schaefer decided to study abroad in order to challenge her worldview and to meet people from diverse backgrounds. While pursuing a minor in Arabic and Islamic studies, Gwen was attracted to AMIDEAST’s program in Amman because of the emphasis on community engagement and the option to live with a Jordanian host family. The experience developed Gwen academically, professionally, and

> Giving Back

personally and inspired her to pursue a career in international service. Currently serving as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Macedonia, working on teacher training and youth engagement, Gwen says, “Because of AMIDEAST Education Abroad’s emphasis on community engagement and interaction directly with Jordanians through service learning opportunities, the program opened my eyes to the value of working in development and service-oriented fields.”

Because of AMIDEAST Education Abroad’s emphasis on community engagement and interaction directly with Jordanians through service learning opportunities, the program opened my eyes to the value of working in development and service-oriented fields.”



NURTURING GLOBAL LEADERS Societies benefit from the global perspective of their leaders. International study is invaluable for providing the firsthand experience and knowledge that prepares them and shapes their perspectives. AMIDEAST advanced the leadership potential of many young men and women from the region through its support of scholarship initiatives for study in the United States or at American-style institutions in the region. No program better illustrates the multiplier effect of educational exchange than the Fulbright Program, the U.S. Department of State’s flagship exchange initiative, which is dedicated to developing the talents of young men and women who stand out for their academic achievements, leadership potential, and desire to make a difference in their societies. Since 1970, AMIDEAST has been proud to administer the FULBRIGHT FOREIGN STUDENT PROGRAM FOR THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA. During the 2014–15 academic year, AMIDEAST cooperated with U.S. embassies and the binational Fulbright commissions in Egypt, Jordan, and Morocco in administering grants for 265 men and women from Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia, UAE, West Bank/Gaza, and Yemen. In addition, it helped place 160 Fulbright program nominees from these countries in study programs for the 2015–16 academic year. Also of note for its focus on leadership development was the TOMORROW’S LEADERS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, an initiative launched in 2007 by the U.S. Department of State Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) to create a cadre of university-aged youth from across the MENA region who are civic-minded, intellectually able, and professionally skilled, capable of becoming future community, business, and national leaders. In 2015, 64 highly motivated, talented men and women received Tomorrow’s Leaders scholarships, covering their undergraduate studies at the American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, and the American University in Cairo, joining nearly 250 other young men and women who have benefited from this initiative.

> Giving Back

ARCHITECT Alumni of the FULBRIGHT FOREIGN STUDENT PROGRAM gain vital skills and know-how from their graduate programs in the United States. Through the Fulbright Community Action Grants Program, alumni in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and the West Bank/Gaza launched 15 unique community-based projects in 2015, including initiatives that benefited Lebanese breast cancer survivors, taught underprivileged Iraqi youth about computer science and robotics, brought awareness of “green” living in Jordan, and exposed Egyptian children to traditional music. In the West Bank, Fulbright alumna and architect May Sayrafi used her grant to involve local students in the redesign of popular public spaces in Al-Bireh: “These installations set a great example of the role that students can play in the community, and that creative design…can be applied in real life and have a strong impact on many members of the community.”

A D V I S I N G AND T E S T I N G SERVICES AMIDEAST supports the international study goals of thousands of MENA students through its extensive advising and testing operations in the region. In 2015, it hosted and helped sponsor a network of nine EducationUSA Centers in Egypt (Cairo and Alexandria), Gaza, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia, the West Bank, and Yemen. Part of the U.S. Department of State’s network of more than 400 EducationUSA centers, these centers assisted 135,000 individuals seeking information and guidance about study opportunities in the United States. In addition, as an international leader in the field of standardized testing, AMIDEAST operated high quality testing centers that administer the key tests required for university admissions in the United States and elsewhere. These centers, located in 16 countries, administered 187,000 tests.



September 30, 2015 (With Comparative Totals for 2014) ASSETS 2015 Cash and cash equivalents $5,252,881 Reimbursable expenditures under contracts and grants 8,510,984 Receivables, net 2,856,749 Promises to give, net 435,850 Prepaid expenses and other 2,465,175 Inventory, net 695,853 Investments 12,537,321 Property and equipment, net 2,816,683 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

$6,712,940 5,540,444 2,656,825 724,367 4,039,440 575,651 13,336,411 1,335,090



LIABILITIES Accounts payable Line of credit Severance payable Accrued expenses Refundable advances Deferred revenue Capital lease obligation Deferred rent

$5,831,466 1,369,561 1,990,363 2,863,285 5,056,638 452,724 356,421 1,869,990

Total liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted Undesignated Board designated endowment Temporarily restricted Total Net Assets



$4,917,170 1,834,445 1,895,256 2,188,840 5,608,527 410,832 242,033 232,517



2,090,540 10,868,655 12,959,195 2,821,853 15,781,048

3,227,421 11,538,834 14,766,255 2,825,293 17,591,548




Year Ended September 30, 2015 (With Comparative Totals for 2014) 2015 Temporarily 2014 Unrestricted Restricted Total Total SUPPORT AND REVENUE Grants and contracts $50,098,680 $- $50,098,680 $51,257,883 Fees for services 22,896,670 - 22,896,670 23,850,576 Contributions 87,701 529,623 617,324 701,481 Investment (loss) income (145,629) - (145,629) 1,446,930 Other 35,971 - 35,971 6,867 Net assets released from restrictions 533,063 (533,063) - Total support and revenue 73,506,456 (3,440) 73,503,016 77,263,737 EXPENSES Program services: Field offices 45,929,688 - 45,929,688 38,784,915 Exchange programs 13,963,065 - 13,963,065 23,371,769 Other programs 1,837,057 - 1,837,057 1,853,419 Total 61,729,810 - 61,729,810 64,010,103 program services Supporting services Total expenses
















14,766,255 $12,959,195







DONORS AND SPONSORS We are grateful to our donors and program sponsors for their generous support, without which our work would not be possible. The donations reported below were received during fiscal year 2015 through June 30, 2016.





UAE Government

Richard Abdoo Isan Abuzeni Osman Hassan Alameddine Mondher Ben Ayed Curtis and Judy Brand Georges Chakra Mounir Douaidy Paul and Faten Falkenbury Samir Hulileh Nasser Kamal Romen Mathieu Minds Unlimited Foundation Talal Nassereddine



Anonymous Frederick Seibold



Kutayba Alghanim Walid Assaf Amid Baroudi Moustafa Bissat Paul Boulos Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed Bugshan Antoine Frem Georges Makhoul Youssef Matar Mustafa Miqdadi Anis Nassar Suliman S. Olayan Foundation Tarek J. Sakka Asmahan Zein



Amine Abboud Hussam Abu Issa Elias Aburdene AIG Lebanon Michel Asseily Rabea Ataya Habib Debs George Doumet C. Pardee Erdman Ali Ghandour Rana Zaim Idriss Maha Kaddoura Samer Khoury May Makhzoumi Bashar Masri Eddie and Lilian Moutran Harry Nadjarian Wafa Saab Robert Tarazi



James Abdo Loutfi Aboussouan Samir and Mary Abu Ghazaleh Bassam Aburdene Odeh and Candace Aburdene Jamal Aloul Salwa AlSiniora Baassiri Seema and Yacoub Atalla Stacy Bakri Judith Barnett Rindala Beydoun Salim Chaar Walid Daouk Fouad El Khazen Fawzi and Lili Farah Wyche Fowler Edward Gabriel Joseph Hajjar Said Nohad Hallab Mouna Hraoui Fahd Jajeh Fadia Kamal Antoine and Carol Kareh Theodore Kattouf Tarek and Marina Kettaneh D. Patrick Maley III Robert Pelletreau, Jr. Ghassan Skaff

Up to $999

Earl Abbe Rudayna Abdo Joseph Abi Raad Nayla and Ramzey Alami Kahlid Ali Michael Ameen Geoffrey and Lee Anderson Anonymous Charbel Aouad Taline Artine Salah Asad Souheil and Tania Assaker Bilal and Deena Ayyub Aida Bamia Joseph Bellipanni Sara Birk Imad and Lamia Bissat Sarah Bou Ajram Serenella Boustany Daniel and Kathleen Bowman Larry Bowman and Margaret Dillon Allan and K. Dempsey Carpenter Jane and Max Carter Sarajane Spotts Ciampa Sherrill Cleland Latha and William Dawson Vincent and Kerry DeSomma Robert Dillon Morry El-Badry Hasan El-Khatib Sabrina Faber W. Michael Fagen Khaled Galal Tarek Ghandour James Grabowski Mary Gray James Griffin Rosanne Grimaldi Sami and Hanan Haddad Charlotte and Robert Hall Sameer Hassan

Zehra Hassan Henri Helou Kathryn Hopps and Shibley Telhami Barbara Howard Marvine Howe Kathleen Hunt-Abene Evelyne Karam Nadim Karam Gloria Keller B.B. and Noelle W. Khleif Rami and Celine Khoury Catherine Kiami O’Malley Tarek and Amal Kombarji Marie-Marguerite Kosseim Huda and Jochen Kraske Lina Kreidie Matthew Kuehl Abla Lahoud C. Lloyd and Elizabeth J. Lipscomb Ann and John Loikow Marilyn Sutton Loos Leilani and Robert McConnell MEP Designs, Inc. Nayla Moawad Mehrnoosh Mohammadian Eugene Worth Mulligan Sara Najjar-Wilson Monica Nelson Amer and Kristen Nimr Robert and Sharon Norberg Leslie Nucho Carol Gay Olson Bill Oxley Patricia Pilcher Edward Prados Mariana Ramadan Corey Reis Ann Boon Rhea Patrick and Virginia Riley Joshua Ruebner William Rugh Ziad Said



Christine Salame Janet and Ramzy Salem Joseph Sassine Helena Simas

Naji Skaff Nancy Skibek Phillip Stone Nancy Ghantous Tennis

Thomas and Brenda Tirrell Nicholas and Patricia Veliotes

Eric Vincent Hillary Wiesner Neil Yarhouse Rami Zreikat

The following donors purchased tables for the AMIDEAST/Lebanon Gala Dinner, held April 8, 2016, in Beirut: Nadim Abboud Hussam Abu Issa Pierre Abi Jaoude Walid Assaf Michel Asseily Association of Banks of Lebanon Hanna Ayoub Amid Baroudi Mahmoud & Barbara Batlouni

Imad Beydoun Moustafa Bissat Booz Allen Hamilton Rosy Boulos Nabil Bustros Habib Debs Mounir Douaidy (2)* George Doumet Fransabank/BLC Antoine Frem Farid Gebran

Raghida Ghandour Rana Zaim Idriss Toni Issa Rabah Jaber Maha Kaddoura Sami Khoury May Makhzoumi Youssef Matar Mustafa Miqdadi Harry Nadjarian (2)* Anis Nassar (3)*

Wafa Saab Robert Tarazi Asmahan Zein Jean Zoghzoghi

Denotes the number of tables purchased.



American Bar Association American Councils for International Education Associated Colleges of the Midwest Bank Muscat Binational Fulbright Commission of Egypt Bowling Green State University Castle Worldwide Choate Rosemary Hall School Citi Foundation Colorado State University Council of International Schools Cyprus Fulbright Commission Educational Testing Service Flemish Department of Foreign Affairs Foundation for International Education GE Foundation Global Dimension for Education and Training (GDET) Gulf Fairs International Labor Organization John Jay College of the City University of New York Jordanian-American Commission for Educational Exchange Kosmos Energy Kryterion Lauder Institute of the Wharton School Linden Tours Miami University of Ohio Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange


Nexen, Inc. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Occidental Petroleum Corporation of Oman Ocean County College OneWorld Now! Open Society Foundations Orascom Construction Industries Foundation PepsiCo Riyada Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic The Suliman S. Olayan Foundation Tunisian Bar Association Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education Union for the Mediterranean University of Maryland/College Park University of Miami University of Minnesota Carlson Global Institute University of Nebraska/Omaha University of Pennsylvania University of Virginia University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of State Middle East Partnership Initiative U.S. Education Group World Bank World Learning

SENIOR STAFF OFFICERS THE HONORABLE THEODORE H. KATTOUF President and CEO KATE ARCHAMBAULT Vice President Exchange Programs CRAIG MOLYNEAUX Vice President Finance and CFO VINCENT V. DESOMMA Vice President Business Development JAMES T. GRABOWSKI Vice President Field Operations LESLIE S. NUCHO Vice President Programs GREGORY TOUMA Vice President Administration

HEADQUARTERS MANAGEMENT NUHA AL-KHATIB Director, Information Technology SARA Z. BIRK Controller ELISABETH WESTLUND DAHL Director, Business Development KATE DEBOER Director, Fulbright Foreign Student Program JULEANN FALLGATTER Director, Advising and Testing Services CARA LANE-TOOMEY Director, Education Abroad

AMANDA SMITH Director, Office Systems ALICIA WALLER Director, Human Resources


JENNIFER WELLS Director, Contracts and Grants





MAHA HASAN Assistant Country Director

QUINCY DERMODY Chief of Party, HEI Public University Scholarships Program

SAID ASSAF Chief of Party, Leadership and Teacher Development Program

EDMOND CHAMATT Alexandria Branch Director

CHRISTIAN FAGUERET Chief of Party, School Support Program


ANEES ABU HASHEM Gaza Field Operations Manager




SABRINA FABER Chief of Party, Tawasul Project




DAVID HEURING Director, Education Program Development

HASSNA LAZAR Director, Operations

MORAD QAHWASH Regional Manager, Information Technology



HELENA SIMAS Regional Director, English Language Programs


BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS *DR. MARY W. GRAY Chair Professor of Mathematics, American University United States *THE HONORABLE THEODORE H. KATTOUF President and CEO Former U.S. Ambassador United States *THE HONORABLE NICHOLAS A. VELIOTES Vice Chair Former President, Association of American Publishers; former U.S. Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State United States


*DR. PAUL F. BOULOS President, COO & CTO, Innovyze United States MS. KATHARINE CUSHING Managing Principal, 7Sisters LLC, and Founder Newport Global Summit United States THE HONORABLE ROBERT S. DILLON (EMERITUS) Former AMIDEAST President and CEO, former Deputy Commissioner General of UNRWA and U.S. Ambassador United States MR. HASAN M. EL-KHATIB President, Dena Corporation United States

*THE HONORABLE ROBERT H. PELLETREAU Treasurer Former U.S. Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State United States

MR. ANTOINE N. FREM Vice Chairman, INDEVCO Group Chairman and CEO, Interstate Resources Lebanon


THE HONORABLE EDWARD M. GABRIEL President, The Gabriel Company; former U.S. Ambassador United States

MR. RICHARD ABDOO (EMERITUS) President, R.A. Abdoo & Co., LLC United States *DR. ODEH ABURDENE President, OAI Advisors United States MR. KUTAYBA YUSUF ALGHANIM Chairman, Alghanim Industries Kuwait DR. MONDHER BEN AYED President and CEO TMI Tunisia MS. JUDITH BARNETT President, The Barnett Group, LLC United States


MR. MOHAMMED GRIMEH CEO, Standard Chartered Securities (North America); Regional Head of Financial Markets, Americas United States DR. ALAN W. HORTON (EMERITUS) Former Director, Center for Mediterranean Studies United States MRS. GHADA IRANI United States DR. PAUL JABBER President, Globicom Inc. United States

DR. SAMIR KHALAF (EMERITUS) Professor of Sociology and Director, Center for Behavioral Research, American University of Beirut Lebanon DR. MARY E. KING (EMERITA) Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies University for Peace, Costa Rica; Visiting Fellow, Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, England United States *MR. D. PATRICK MALEY III Hanover Energy Associates France *THE HONORABLE WILLIAM A. RUGH Former AMIDEAST President and CEO; former U.S. Ambassador United States MR. FREDERICK C. SEIBOLD, JR., Consultant; former Vice-President and Treasurer, Sears World Trade United States H.E. LEILA ABDUL HAMID SHARAF Senator and former Minister Jordan DR. MOSTAFA TERRAB President and CEO, OCP Groupe Morocco MR. J.T. (JACK) TYMANN (EMERITUS) President, Smart Partnerships International; former President of CBS/Westinghouse International Services Co. United States DR. HILLARY WIESNER Program Director, Transnational Movements and the Arab Region Carnegie Corporation of New York United States

ADVISORY BOARDS AMIDEAST/LEBANON ADVISORY BOARD (ALAB) MR. ANIS NASSAR ALAB Chair Chairman Anis Nassar Group of Companies United Arab Emirates

MR. MOUSTAFA BISSAT General Manager and Chairman National Technology Company, Eduware Lebanon

MS. ASMA ZEIN ALAB Vice Chair General Manager, Infofort Lebanon–Crypta SAL Lebanon MS. WAFA SAAB ALAB Secretary CEO and Board Member Tinol Paints International Co. Lebanon

DR. PAUL BOULOS President, COO & CTO Innovyze United States

MR. AMINE ABBOUD Former Chairman and CEO Nestle Waters (Middle East, Africa and Central Asia) Lebanon MR. HUSSAM ABU ISSA Vice Chairman and COO Salam International Investment Ltd. Qatar DR. SALWA ALSINIORA BAASSIRI Director General Rafik Hariri Foundation Lebanon MR. WALID ASSAF Chairman and General Manager Societe Moderne Libanaise Pour Le Commerce (SMLC) Lebanon MR. MICHEL ASSEILY President Prime Investments Lebanon MR. HANNA AYOUB Chairman Hameng Holdings Company Lebanon MR. AMID BAROUDI Director Eastern Consultants Group Limited (BVI) Lebanon

MR. NABIL BUSTROS Co-founder, Chairman and CEO MIDIS Group Lebanon MR. HABIB DEBS President and CEO Advanced Technology Systems Co. United States MR. MOUNIR DOUAIDY General Manager and CFO Solidere Lebanon MR. GEORGE DOUMET Chairman and President Federal White Cement Ltd. Lebanon MR. ANTOINE N. FREM Vice Chairman, INDEVCO Group Chairman and CEO, Interstate Resources Lebanon MS. RANA ZAIM IDRISS President and Founder The Gulf Company for Development and Real Estate Investment Lebanon MS. MAHA KADDOURA President Kaddoura Association for Philanthropy Lebanon

DR. GEORGES MAKHOUL CEO Constellation Holdings United Arab Emirates MS. MAY MAKHZOUMI President and CEO Makhzoumi Foundation Lebanon MR. YOUSSEF MATAR Vice Chairman Dar Al-Handassah Lebanon MR. MUSTAFA MIQDADI Co-Director Agrimatco Ltd. Jordan DR. NADA MOURTADA-SABBAH Vice Chancellor for Development and Alumni Affairs American University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates MR. HARRY NADJARIAN Chairman and CEO Industrial Motor Power Corporation United States RIAD SADIK Chairman Habtoor Leighton Group United Arab Emirates MS. TANIA SEMAAN Founder and Director Semaan Foundation United Arab Emirates MR. ROBERT TARAZI Managing Director Beton Qatar MR. SALIM ZEENNI Chairman American Lebanese Chamber of Commerce Lebanon




MR. AHED BSEISO President Home Engineering Company West Bank

MS. MAHA ABU SHUSHEH Chairwoman, Palestinian Shippers Council; Manager, Abu Shusheh Contracting West Bank

MR. SAMIR HULILEH CEO, PADICO Holding Company West Bank

MR. SAID BARANSI Chairman, Palestinian-American Chamber of Commerce West Bank

MR. NASSER KAMAL Chairman Palestinian Construction Product Company, Ltd. West Bank

MR. HASSAN KASSEM CEO, Dimensions Consulting West Bank MR. BASHAR MASRI Chairman and CEO Massar International West Bank MR. TALAL NASSEREDDINE CEO, Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company West Bank


Aden Vision Training & Consulting, YEMEN Al Akhawayn University, MOROCCO Al Azhar University, GAZA Al-Ibdaa Private School, OMAN Al-Quds Bard College for Arts & Sciences, WEST BANK Al-Quds University, WEST BANK Al Sahwa Schools, OMAN American University, DC An-Najah National University, WEST BANK Appalachian State University, NC Arab American University of Jenin, WEST BANK Arizona State University, AZ Art Center School of Design, CA Augustana College, IL Azzan Bin Qais Private School, OMAN

B Ball State University, IN Bank Muscat, OMAN Bard College, NY Barnard College, NY Bates College, ME Bethlehem University, WEST BANK


Beyond Excellence, JORDAN Birzeit University, WEST BANK Boise State University, ID Boston University, MA Bowling Green State University, OH Bridgewater College, VA Brigham Young University, UT Bryn Mawr College, PA

C California Polytechnic State University, CA California State University/ Fresno, CA California State University/ Fullerton, CA California State University/ Sacramento, CA Carleton College, MN Carnegie Mellon University, PA Central Michigan University, MI Claremont Graduate University, CA Clark University, MA Clemson University, SC College of Wooster, OH Colorado State University, CO Columbia College, IL Columbia College for Women, SC Columbia University, NY Concordia College, NY Cornell University, NY

Creative People Solutions, YEMEN

D Dartmouth College, NH Denton Wilde Sapte LLP, OMAN DePaul University, IL Dorval, MOROCCO Drake University, IA Drexel University, PA Duke University, NC Duquesne University, PA

E Earlham College, IN East Carolina University, NC Eastern Mennonite University, VA École Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, MOROCCO Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, PA Emerson College, MA Emory University, GA Emporia State University, KS

F Fairleigh Dickinson University, NJ Fifth Dimension, YEMEN Florida Institute of Technology, FL Franklin & Marshall College, PA

G George Mason University, VA Georgetown University, DC The George Washington University, DC Georgia College & State University, GA Georgia Institute of Technology, GA Gettysburg College, PA Global Nomads Group, NY Gonzaga University, WA Grand View University, IA Grinnell College, IA Gustavus Adolphus College, MN

H Hamline University, MN Hartford Seminary, CT Hartwick College, NY Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Harvard University, MA Hawaii Pacific University, HI Hebron University, WEST BANK Hollins University, VA Hood College, MD Howard University, DC Hunter College, NY

I Illinois College, IL Indiana State University, IN Indiana University/ Bloomington, IN Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, IN Institut de l’Agdal, MOROCCO

J The Johns Hopkins University, MD

K Kansas State University, KS Kent State University, OH KPMG, OMAN

L Lafayette College, PA Lehigh University, PA

Le Petit College, MOROCCO

M Manhattan College, NY Manhattan School of Music, NY Marshall University, WV Maryland Institute College of Art, MD Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA Metropolitan College of New York, NY Michigan State University, MI Michigan Technological Institute, MI Microsoft, EGYPT Missouri University of Science and Technology, MO Mohammed V University, MOROCCO Monmouth College, IL Montana State University/ Bozeman, MT Montclair State University, NJ Mount Holyoke College, MA

N National Institute for Educational Training, WEST BANK New York Medical College, NY New York University, NY North Carolina State University, NC North Dakota State University/ Fargo, ND Northeastern University, MA Northern Arizona University, AZ

O Oakland University, MI Ohio State University, OH Old Dominion University, VA Oman Rail, OMAN OMRAN, OMAN Oregon State University, OR

P Palestine Polytechnic University, WEST BANK Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, PA

The Pennsylvania State University, PA Portland State University, OR PricewaterhouseCoopers, OMAN Purdue University, IN

Q Qasid Arabic Institute, JORDAN Qurum Private School, OMAN

R Reyadah, YEMEN Rice University, TX Roanoke College, VA Rochester Institute of Technology, NY Roosevelt University, IL Rutgers University, NJ

S Saint Michael's College, VT Sarah Lawrence College, NY Saudi Electric Services Polytechnic, SAUDI ARABIA Save the Children, WEST BANK School for International Training, VT Silatech, QATAR Smith College, MA Southern Illinois University/ Carbondale, IL The State University of New York/ Albany, NY The State University of New York/ Buffalo, NY St. Cloud State University, MN St. Lawrence University, NY St. Olaf College, MN Swarthmore College, PA Syracuse University, NY

T Tanmia, MOROCCO Temple University, PA Texas A&M University, TX Trinity College, CT Tulane University, LA

U United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), WEST




BANK/GAZA University of Alabama/ Tuscaloosa, AL The University of Arizona, AZ University of Arkansas/ Fayetteville. AR University of Arkansas/ Little Rock, AR University of Bridgeport, MA University of California/ Berkeley, CA University of California/ Los Angeles, CA University of California/ Riverside, CA University of California/ San Diego, CA University of California/ Santa Barbara, CA University of Central Oklahoma, OK University of Cincinnati, OH University of Colorado/ Denver, CO University of Denver, CO University of Florida, FL University of Georgia, GA University of Illinois/Chicago, IL University of Illinois/ Urbana-Champaign, IL University of Kansas, KS University of Massachusetts/ Amherst, MA University of Massachusetts/ Boston, MA University of Massachusetts/ Lowell, MA The University of Memphis, TN University of Minnesota/ Mankato, MN University of Minnesota/ Twin Cities, MN University of Missouri/


Columbia, MO University of Missouri/ Kansas City, MO University of Nebraska/ Lincoln, NE University of Nebraska/ Omaha, NE University of Nevada/ Las Vegas, NV University of New Mexico, NM University of North Carolina/ Chapel Hill, NC University of North Carolina/ Charlotte, NC University of North Carolina/ Greensboro, NC University of Northern Colorado, CO University of North Texas, TX University of Oklahoma, OK University of Oregon, OR University of Pennsylvania, PA University of Pittsburgh, PA University of Richmond, VA University of Rochester, NY University of Scranton, PA University of South Carolina, SC University of South Dakota, SD University of South Florida, FL University of Southern California, CA The University of Southern Mississippi, MS University of Texas/Arlington, TX University of Texas/Dallas, TX University of Toledo, OH The University of Utah, UT University of Washington, WA University of Wisconsin/ Green Bay, WI University of Wisconsin/ Madison, WI University of Wisconsin/

Milwaukee, WI University of Wisconsin/River Falls, WI University of Wisconsin/ Stout, WI

V Valparaiso University, IN Villanova University, PA Virginia Tech, VA

W Washington and Lee University, VA Washington State University, WA Washington University in St. Louis, MO Wellspring, EGYPT Wesleyan University, CT Western Michigan University, MI West Virginia University, WV Williams College, MA Wilson College, PA Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA World Learning, DC

Y Yale University, CT


CAIRO 38 Mohie El Din Abo El Ezz Street, Dokki, Giza Mail: PO Box 417, Dokki, Giza 12311 Phone (inside Egypt): 19263 Phone (international): +20-2-19263 Fax (inside Egypt and international): +20-2-3332-0413 Email: egypt@amideast.org ALEXANDRIA 28 Damieta Street Roushdy 21311 Phone (inside Egypt): 19263 Phone (international): +20-3-19263 Fax (inside Egypt) and international: +20-3-545-8475 Email: alexandria@amideast.org


ERBIL House #11, Ashtar TV Street Near Mar Youhanna Al-Mahamdan Church Ainkawa, Erbil Mail: PO Box 8/981, Ainkawa, Erbil Phone: +964-750-737-3200 Email: iraq@amideast.org BAGHDAD GEI Institute Al-Zaytoon Street, across from AlZawraa Park Al-Harthiya, Baghdad, Phone: + 964-780-620-9267 Email: iraq@amideast.org


AMMAN 8 Princess Basma Street, Wadi Abdoun, Amman Mail: PO Box 852374, Amman 11185 Phone: +962-6-592-9994 Fax: +962-6-592-9996 Email: jordan@amideast.org


KUWAIT CITY Commercial Bank Building, 2nd Floor Opposite Al-Awadhi Mosque Ahmed Al-Jaber Street, Sharq Mail: PO Box 44818, Hawalli 32063 Phone: +965-2247-0091 Fax: +965-2247-0092 Email: kuwait@amideast.org


BEIRUT Bazerkan Building (Nijmeh Square, next to Parliament) Beirut Central District Mail: PO Box 11-2190, Riad El Solh Beirut 1107 2100 Phone: +961-1-989901 Fax: +961-1-989901, ext. 100 U.S. Fax: +1-202-776-7101 Email: lebanon@amideast.org


RABAT 35, zanqat Oukaimeden, Agdal, Rabat Phone: +212-53-767-5075; Fax: +212-53-767-5074 Email: morocco@amideast.org CASABLANCA Zenith 1, Etage 3 Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Phone: +212-52-225-9393 Fax: +212-52-225-0121 Email: morocco@amideast.org


MUSCAT Al Jami’a Al Akbar Street Airport Heights–Ghala Mail: PO Box 798, PC 116, Mina Al Fahal, Sultanate of Oman Phone: +968-2459-0309 Fax: +968-2459-0360 Email: oman@amideast.org


RIYADH Al Kindi Plaza #59 Diplomatic Quarter Mail: PO Box 94473, Riyadh 11693 Phone: +966-011-483-8800 Email: saudiarabia@amideast.org


TUNIS 33, rue Ahmed Ramy Cité Jardins, 1002 Tunis Belvédère Mail: BP 351, Tunis-Belvédère 1002 Phone: +216-71-145-700 Fax: +216-71-145-701 Email: tunisia@amideast.org LAC II 114, Av. Lac Nord. Les Berges du Lac II 1053, Les Berges du Lac Phone : + 216- 23- 782-232 Email: lbouteraa@amideast.org MONASTIR: Av. du Combattant Suprême. Ghomrassi Building, 8th Floor, 5000 Monastir Phone: +216 73-460-770/95-995-071/ 53-040-932 Email: monastir@amideast.org SOUSSE Avenue Yasser Arafat (next to Planet Food) 4054 Sahloul, Sousse Phone: +216-71-145-770 Email: sousse@amideast.org


ABU DHABI CERT Technology Park Higher Colleges Complex Sultan Bin Zayed First Street Abu Dhabi Mail: PO Box 5464, Abu Dhabi Phone: +971-2-445-6720 Fax: +971-2-443-1489 Email: uae.info@amideast.org



DUBAI Block 2B, Office G-01 Knowledge Village, Dubai Prometric Testing Center: Phone: 971-4-367-8176 Fax: 971-4-367-8039 Email: uae-cbt@amideast.org Other Exams: Phone: 971-4-367-2208 Fax: 971-4-367-8039 Email: uae.info@amideast.org


EAST JERUSALEM 8 Al-Ya’aqubi Street East Jerusalem Mail: PO Box 19665, Jerusalem 91196 Phone: +970 (or 972)-2-582-9297 Fax: +970 (or 972)-2-582-9289 Email: westbank-gaza@amideast.org


RAMALLAH Al-Watanieh Towers, 1st Floor 34 Municipality Street El-Bireh, Ramallah, West Bank Mail: PO Box 19665, Jerusalem 91196 Phone: +970 (or 972)-2-240-8023 Fax: +970 (or 972)-2-240-8017 Email: westbank-gaza@amideast.org


HEBRON University Commercial Center, 3rd Floor Hebron University Street, Hebron, West Bank Mail: PO Box 19665, Jerusalem 91196 Phone: +970 (or 972)-2-221-3301 Fax: +970 (or 972)-2-221-3305 Email: westbank-gaza@amideast.org NABLUS Trust Insurance Building, 3rd Floor Amman Street, Nablus, West Bank Mail: PO Box 19665, Jerusalem 91196 Phone: +970 (or 972)-9-238-4533 Fax: +970 (or 972)-9-237-6974 Email: westbank-gaza@amideast.org GAZA Shaheed Raja St. No. 8/704 Bseiso Building, 8th Floor (Opposite the Arab Bank of Rimal) Al Jondi Al Majhool, Rimal Mail: PO Box 1247, Gaza City Phone: +970 (or 972)-8-282-4635 Fax: +970 (or 972)-08-283-8126 Email: westbank-gaza@amideast.org


Sana’a Off Algiers Street, Sana’a In front of Tunisian Embassy Mail: PO Box 15508, Sana’a Phone: +967-400-279; 400-280; 400-281 Fax: +967-1-206-350 Email: sanaa@amideast.org ADEN 142 Hadaiq Al-Andalus Street, Khormaksar, Aden Mail: PO Box 6009, Khormaksar, Aden Phone: +967-2-235-069; 235-070; 235-071 Fax: +967-2-275-456 Email: aden@amideast.org

2015 FAST FACTS • Provided English language and professional skills training to 60,000 students and professionals • Supported scholarship and exchange programs for nearly 1,500 individuals • Provided information on U.S. study to 135,000 individuals • Administered 187,000 computer-, paper- and Internet-based tests • Empowered more than 18,000 young men and women through special programs

America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. 2025 M Street, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036-3363 Phone: 202-776-9600 Fax: 202-776-7000 Email: inquiries@amideast.org Website: www.amideast.org

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