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Amina Khalfan Quraiban Almuhairi

Table of Content Designer Bio Designer Statement Packaging Design Design for Social Change Graphic Design Typography Web Design Visual Arts

Designer Biography Amina Almuhairi, Junior Graphic Design student at the college of Arts and creative enterprises at Zayed University. Since she was child she had a passion towards arts and crafts, she grew up with the love of arts in her. As well she was interested in photography. She chooses graphic design to be her major to explore and to express her self in this field. Web design, branding and illustration are her daily projects; painting is what she loves specially when it comes to portraits in oil painting and soft pastel. She started with a Polaroid, to a digital camera till she ended up by a professional camera and started to teach her self-how to be a professional in this field. As to Graphics and Arts her studies is developing her in this field as well she got involved in exhibitions and volunteered in some of the events as the down syndrome big day

Designer Statment Any work that comes out of me is representing my feelings, emotions, dreams and thoughts. I usually express my feeling on any work I work on and my personality reflects throughout the final outcome. You will notice that the outcome will be simple and modern. As a designer I would like to come out with a work that will make a change either in my society or in the whole country. How? To produce a work that is green friendly first of all, and designs it in a unique and a modern way that will suit almost everyone. My style usually depends on the work it self, but usually I like to produce some simple work but this concept don’t go with every work, sometime you have to challenge your self and to produce some colorful or unusual work but still that outcome should be recognizable and unique. To be inspired is an important point for every artist and designer. According to me my first inspiration is nature, producing a work inspired by nature is never no, it’s a huge world were I’ll be inspired by the colors, texture and feelings. As well my culture and our father Sheikh Zayed may his soul rest in peace is my biggest inspiration throughout producing a cultural theme product. Starting a new project is always started by a doodle to a clean sketch till I reach to digital. Since I was child I had a touch of Art but it was deep inside me, I always had a fear to try and experiment new or even including many colors on whatever I’m working on, and I grew up with this fear but I really wanted to break it down I had to challenge my self and go to the path what my hearts love, and truly specially when I entered Art I see everything around me is an Art, beside this I had an eye in photography I’m creative on this field because I’m inspired by my father as he is a great photographer toward me specially because he dives and takes brilliant photos under the sea. After I knew whom I am and what do I want to achieve in my future is to continue researching and learning more about my field, which is graphic, design because I see designing is a topic that grows by daily

‎  Designer Statment


Packaging Design

Self Promotional Package Self promotional package that will be as a give away for my clintes. Weekly planner in a box with a pen & my bussnies card.

‎  Packaging Design


Local Food Packaging

The goal of this project was to create a package for the 6th Annual UAE Heritage Festival. - Top left logo, Right brochure - Bottom left Stickers , Right Package Dieline

‎  Packaging Design


Design for Social change

Children’s stroy book

The “Unforgettable Night” is a children’s book, which talks about traditional Emirati textiles. The main character is Shaikha, who gains more knowledge about the materials through her elder sister Reem. Reem introduces her to the old textiles but also gives her a modern twist on her party dress.

Design fir social change

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Graphic Design

Dubai Branding

The goal of this project is to make a city branding for Dubai. Dubai is a modern, unique and a multicultural city where you will find people from different countries connecting in different ways. To brand Dubai, it should be something unique, modern and creative that will represent the real Dubai.

Graphic Design

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CACE Magazine

CACE magazine was created for the new college of Arts and Creative Enterprises in both campuses Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Magazine layout should be attractive and in the same time simple and readable. My concept is “Discover”. The front page is representing an eye, the eye for the reader who will discover CACE throughout the magazine. I made it dynamic and used four colors, which are the main colors “ CMYK “. As well I had made certain patterns that goes through the whole magazine. I made it simple and easy to read for the audience and the white color played a big role beside the four main colors. At last the back page will be exactly as the front page except for the white dot, which means the reader had discovered the journey of CACE and closed his eye.

‎  Graphic Design

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City Type Scavenger Hunt

Those two posters represent Dubai in two words Soft & Hard. - Left poster represent the word hard in the meaning Dubai is working hard and developing year by year. - Right poster represent the word soft in the way how our culture is soft in the meaning that the neagborhood in the past were one family. ‎  Typography

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Designing for the Web

Personal Portfolio Website

‎  Designing for the web

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Visual Arts


Self Portrait Oil on Canvas Summer-2012 46 x 35cm

‎  Visual Arts

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Chinese Paintings

Top lef: Bamboo Top right: Prawns Bottom: Abstract Fall-2012

Portrait Colored pencil on paper Spring-2012 42 x 59.4 cm ‎  Visual Arts

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Amina Almuhairi 00971558499499 Amina.k.quraiban@gmail.com www.aminasportfolio.com

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