Amin's architecture portfolio 2016

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architecture & design



Amin Yazdi

Vol. 2 2016

Eugene, OR (5 years) Rock Springs, WY (2 years)

Vancouver, BC Georgia

3 4

Yerevan, Armenia (2 years) 1



Tampa, FL

Tehran, Iran (16 years) Dubai, UAE Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1 year)


Places I’ve Lived Places I’ve Visited Places I Will Visit [1]

Major Travels* 1 - week-long road-trip to central Iran with a dear friend (2005) 2 - ten-day geology field trip to Hawai’i (2010) 3 - fourteen-day solo bicycle ride for 1,000 miles (2011) 4 - four-day backpacking trip in the Zion and Grand Canyon National Parks (2015)

* These adventures have changed the way I see the world and have had an amazing impact on my personal and professional growth.

AN INTRODUCTION My passion for architecture is in the functionality of what we design. Whether it’s a glass from which we drink or a room in which we live, if it does not function well it is not a good design regardless of how beautiful it may be. To me, aesthetics is a by-product of functionality and efficiency. I think Buckminster Fuller described an ideal design process really well: “When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty, but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.” For architecture to function properly, it needs to respond to its context. A contextually driven, sustainable, functional architecture is what I would like to keep learning about. This portfolio contains only a fraction of what I have done and learned here at the University of Oregon. I have spent five years in the design school and have tried to do my best work in every project. But at the end of the day, after all the models I built and after all the drawings I drew, I learned the most from the discussions and conversations I had with my peers and colleagues. The thought of the impact that we are going to have on the next generation of building projects has been a driving factor for me this entire time. For the hope that our built environment will be more responsive not only to human culture, economy, and human factors in general, but also to the ecosystems and other forms of life with whom we share this planet.

CONTACT +1 307 922 4270

I hope you enjoy going through this portfolio! - Amin Yazdi


This portfolio holds a collection of some of my academic and nonacademic works in architecture, art, and design. Each project had its own means of presentation, but for convenience they are all presented in this book in a similar layout, while keeping the original presentation’s spirit. [3]

table of

CONTENTS DESIGN STUDIOS Block One Urban Gradient Brookings City Hub CLASSES Building Enclosures Passive Heating and Cooling COMPETITIONS

06 07 11 15 20 21 23 26

Data Cloud PROJEKT

27 29




33 35 [4]

Co-Director of Public Relations American Institute of Architecture Students May 2015 - Present

Graphic Designer UO Student Rec Center June 2013 - Present

Facility Manager UO Student Rec Center September 2012 - December 2015

Engineer Intern JFC Engineers and Surveyors May - August 2011


IMAGE: on the island of Maui



BLOCK ONE Project Date Professors Partners Media

Parking Garage in Springfield, Oregon Spring 2015 Judith Sheine, Mark Donofrio James Chrisman, Connor Davies Revit, Rhino 3D, V-Ray, Adobe Creative Suite, Physical Models

PROJECT BRIEF New engineered wood products are making it possible to reduce the carbon footprint of tall buildings and their uses. In this studio we worked with the city of Springfield to design a mass timber parking garage for their new development along the Willamette River, as a demonstration of what engineered wood products manufactured in Oregon can do to both increase job growth and reduce the environmental impact of construction. For this project we kept the CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) structure simple yet expressive both inside and out, allowing the parking garage to be easily constructed but also stand as a symbol for what this new wood material can do. The parking garage becomes block number one, the anchor point of change to this new and exciting area. Block One is not just a parking garage. It is the start of something new.

hand-drawn section leading to Willamette River [7]

Block One: mass timber parking garage

THE HEART We designed this garage with the concept of changing the purpose from a passive, single-use structure to something that does so much more. Not only does the parking garage support cars and visitors to the neighborhood, but it also provides energy and waste management systems for the neighboring businesses. The garage cleanses the storm water run-off and creates a better ecological environment for all. The garage creates a closed loop system supporting the ecology and neighboring urban context.






3 3

BUILDING FORM Traditional parking garages are big masses and only serve one function in their life span: accommodating cars. We divided this mass into two smaller volumes to match the neighboring buildings and allow daylight inside. The result is a building with two masses connected with light bridge elements.


2 17


1 10

1 2 3 4

Retail / Commercial Courtyard Community Gathering Ramp

Second Floor Plan


Block One Structural Grid Plan 1’ = 1/16”


24” deep beams 18” deep beams cross bracing 48’ 16’


shear walls CLT panel direction

BELOW: physical model at 1/32”=1’


The structural plan shows the direction of CLT panels, the CLT shear walls, different beam depths, and cross bracings. Structural Plan [9]





Fin to Column Connection Detail

exploring the fins

FIN DETAIL The exterior fins that act as lateral bracing split the columns and rest underneath the beams. Wood acts as a defining framing element while the steel members rest in between and are concealed, acting as a subtle contrast to the celebrated wood structure. These fins extend down to the sidewalk, framing each commercial space and connecting the garage to the public space. Beams Connection Detail

BEAM DETAIL The connections are designed to be primarily wood that lock into place sandwiching members between them. The horizontal beam elements are fixed to the columns by threading rods throughout the entire structure and forcing the two elements together.

courtyard stairs on the 3rd level [10]

URBAN GRADIENT Project Date Professor Partner Media

Urban Design in Eugene, Oregon Fall 2014 Mark Gillem Gilbert Villalobos Hand Drafting, Rhino 3D, V-Ray, Adobe Creative Suite, Physical Models

PROJECT BRIEF Highway 99 in west Eugene serves as an important transit arterial supporting over 30,000 vehicles a day. Its purpose as a state highway helps guide through traffic in an efficient and timely manner. As a result, the surrounding areas have suffered immensely, spurring sprawl and poor planning development and regulation. Our goals sought to revitalize a two-mile stretch of the highway corridor to support the local community and transform this threshold into a destination. Our approach maintains original right of way width and instead of attempting to make great changes to the arterial, takes advantage of the “side-street” network that creates better opportunities for intimate urban hubs detached from the highway.

LEFT: physical model at 1”=200’ RIGHT: illustrative plan of the proposal [11]

Protect existing residential single family homes

Minimize impact on original right of way

- Support existing residential with medium density housing adjacent - Create communal nodes around residential development

- Move designated bike lanes to the sidewalk ? ? ? -Maintain the same number of thru lanes (4)

- Provide additional on street parking

- Reduce width of thru lanes - Strengthen link between residential zones by implementation of new connecting ‘side streets’

- Widen median - Public transit designated lane in median




+ Use existing streets immediately adjacent to boulevard for potential new hubs + Intersect new and existing streets at a 90-degree angle + Build-out on the side streets less than the main boulevard’s to create intimate hubs + Establish transit stops within close proximity to an urban node

+ Support existing residential area with medium density housing adjacent + Create communal nodes around residential development + Provide additional on-street parking + Strengthen link between residential zones by implementation of new connecting side-streets

+ Move designated bike lanes to the sidewalk + Maintain the same number of through lanes + Reduce width of through lanes + Public transit designated lane in median



FOUR NODES There are four transit stations along this two-mile corridor placed within half a mile of each other. These stations create the main urban nodes along the boulevard. These nodes are voids creating open public spaces and views to the Cascade Range.

02 Theater Station

Three of the main nodes, each with different attractions, are represented on the right. The first transit stop (Four Corners Station) is the entry to the site from downtown Eugene. The images below are process drawings showing how we took advantage of existing open spaces to create the urban nodes. 03 Gilbert Station



04 Pacific Station


aerial view of the re-designed boulevard 99


BROOKINGS CITY HUB Project Date Professor Media

Recreation Facility in Brookings, Oregon Winter 2015 Megan Haight Physical Models, Rhino 3D, V-Ray, Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD

BACKGROUND: site plan/analysis BOTTOM RIGHT: site model [15]



This studio project was to develop a proposal for a Community Recreation Center for Brookings, a town of 6,500 people on the southern Oregon Coast. The program includes spaces that are diverse and rich. The 50,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility will include an aquatic center, family recreation spaces, a fitness center, exercise rooms, and locker rooms.


My goal was to create a civic hub for this small community, to have a building in the city center not only for physical fitness but also for community gatherings, lectures, and shows. It is a place to grow.


Analyzing the site, understanding the site constraints, and experimenting with physical modeling were my main drivers in this project. 3 Second Floor Plan

BELOW: section and elevation studies

1 1 2 3 4 5

Lounge/Circulation Admin. Offices Community Gathering Roofrop Fitness Area Indoor Running Track

First Floor Plan

2 [16]

SECTION MODEL This model aims to show many aspects of the design: Structural system, relationships between the different spaces - outside and inside - and the mechanical systems.

The two halves of the model fit together (with dowels and holes) to make one full model at 1/8”=1’. The full model is 18” x 32” with a 4-inch-thick base. [17]

PHASING The project was designed in a way so that it could be built in phases without interrupting the operations of the facility. Working with a budget added new and exciting challenges to the design process. gymnasium expansion under construction

ENTRY CONDITION The idea of a screen wall at the south entry was to allow light inside the building while keeping the privacy of patrons exercising on the upper level.

south entry from the parking lot [18]

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) University of Oregon September 2011 - June 2016

Associate of Science in Engineering Western Wyoming College August 2009 - May 2011


Winner of “The Future of Architecture and Allied Arts� student design competition Published in UO publications for Block One and Urban Gradient

Outstanding Honors Program Student of the Year 2010-11

IMAGE: in the slot canyons of southern Utah



Double Pane Cascadia Window Metal Flashing Water Barrier 1 2"

Plywood Sheathing and Air Barrier

Knife Plate

2x4 Top Plate 2x4 Stud with Batt Insulation

2x6 Connecting to Column

BUILDING ENCLOSURES Project Date Professors Media

Passive House Detailing Fall 2015 Donald Corner, John Rowel AutoCAD

Tape Metal Flashing 2" Rigid Insulation

2x6 Stud with Batt Insulation 2x6 Header 1 2"

Gypsum Board

Wood Trim



L-Bracket Connecting Window to Wall

Amin Yazdi Window Junction at Tran Building Enclosures Joe H. 3" Project One

Cascadia Inswing Double Pane Window 1 2"

L-Bracket Fastening the Window

Plywood Sheathing and Air Barrier

Wood Blocking Wood Finish

Water Barrier



2x4 Top Plates Supporting Window Metal Flashing 1 2"

CLASS BRIEF These are only a few of the construction details we did for this passive house project. We were required to detail and choose material to meet the standards of a passive house in all of the projects for this class. [21]

Wood Exterior Finish Running Vertically

2x6 Top Plate

2x4 Studs with Batt Insulation

2x6 Studs with Batt Insulation


Vapor Barrier

2" Rigid Insulation

1 2"


Gypsum Finish

Metal Roof Sheet Water Barrier 1 2"

Plywood Sheathing 2x10 Roof Rafters

Fastener Wall to Roof 2x6 Double Top Plate Wood Blocking

Furring Wood Finish Running Vertically Vent 2x8 Wood Blocking Water Barrier

Vapor Barrier

Double Top Plate 2" Rigid Insulation 2x4 Studs with Batt Insulation 1 2"

Plywood Sheathing and Air Barrier

2x6 Studs with Batt Insulation Trim 1 2"

Gypsum Finish

Double Pane Window

Water Barrier Tape Metal Flashing

Amin Yazdi Window Head Detail at South Wall Building Enclosures Joe H. 3" = 1' Project One



PASSIVE HEATING AND COOLING Project Date Professors Media

The heating strategy that I chose for this project is direct gain. The large volume of mass, that is also used for passive cooling, absorbs sun’s heat coming from the south windows and radiates it back into the space slowly through the course of a day. With this direct gain system, on a clear day in January, the low interior temperature will be 73 degrees and the high temperature will be 84 degrees.

A Study of Passive Strategies Fall 2014 John Reynolds Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office

CLASS BRIEF This class was one of the most interesting classes I took here in Oregon. We went through extensive calculations and analyses to incorporate passive strategies on a mixed-use building. Each student worked with a different climate and building which resulted in diverse approaches in achieving passive standards.

Well-insulated envelope to minimize heat-loss

Concrete floors and walls to act as thermal mass

Triple glazed windows reducing heat-loss in the winter RIGHT: south-north section at winter solstice [23]

BOTTOM LEFT: passive cooling design strategies by climate BOTTOM RIGHT: south-north section at summer solstice


Total floor: South glass: Total gains (open): Total gains (close): Summer Design DB: MDR:


3,432 ft 690 ft 2 2 14.5 Btu/h ft 2 15.6 Btu/h ft 94 F 35 F

One of the cooling strategies incorporated in this project is the night ventilation of high-mass. The main material for the building is assumed to be exposed concrete. The high mass absorbs heat from space during the days and cools down during nights. The Mean Daily Range (MDR) of 35 F makes this whole process possible. The temperature change of 35-degrees between days and nights allows the high mass to cool down during the dark hours.

Operable shading provides 100% protection in the summer

Desirable ratio of window height and floor area

Operable window wall allowing cross-ventilation



Languages Farsi (Persian) - Native English - Fluent French - Basics

Digital Media Rhino 3D - V Ray - Grasshopper - AutoCad Photoshop - Illustrator - Indesign - Revit

Hand Media Physical Models - Concept Models - Hand Drafting

“ is through place that we put out roots, wherever birth, chance, fate, or our traveling selves set us down; but where these roots reach the deep and running vein, eternal and consistent and everywhere purely itself, that feeds and is fed by human understanding.” - Eudora Welty, “Place in Fiction” The Eye of the Story, 1956 [25]

IMAGE: hiking near Escalante, UT



PROJECT BRIEF In every century about 100 species go extinct. In the past century, over 2,200 species have gone extinct. This means we are in the midst of a mass extinction event and it is caused by the human race! And our digital world has contributed to this event. Server farms across the globe use a great amount of energy and contribute tremendously to our negative impact on the Earth.

DATA CLOUD Competition Date Advising Professor Status Media

Building for Machine (main function) [27]

eVolo Skyscraper Competition 2016 January 2016 Nancy Cheng [results not yet announced as of Jan. 2016] Rhino 3D, Grasshopper, V-Ray, Adobe Creative Suite

Building for people (support)

This project proposes to place infrastructure for server farms in a high rise in an urban setting to try to solve some of the problems created by our way of storing data today.

Mechanical Support (recycling waste heat)

BACKGROUND: data cloud at sunset OPPOSITE: birds-eye view of one module

DATA WALL The idea of a data wall or simply just a building envelope system controlled by data is similar to old cathedrals. There were paintings and images on the glazing to tell a story and preserve traditions. What could a system similar to that look like in the 21st century? The new data-responsive wall assembly is meant to communicate to us what we cannot see or feel or understand. If knowledge is defined as “processed data”, this wall is meant to give us knowledge while giving us an enclosure. To battle the current mass extinction, perhaps some of our old traditions must go extinct first. Can the wall go extinct?

Can we create building envelopes that respond and adapt based on interior and exterior changes?

Data Geometry SOFT

Building Envelopes


Environmental Conditions Urban Condirions Building Envelope Programmatic Requirements Desires and Demands of Users

Light houses are always located in the boundary of the known and the unknown. With the beam of light they guide the sea vessels back to shore safely. The “Data Cloud”, with the metaphor of a lighthouse, is a guiding beacon to save our civilization from this occurring mass extinction and guide us to live lives in sync with the Earth and the Universe. [28]

PROJEKT Competition Date Partners Media

120 HOURS: Preserving Pyramiden March 2015 Andrew Friedenberg, Andrew Metzler Adobe Creative Suite

PROJECT BRIEF The theme of this five-day international competition was architectural preservation. Pyramiden was a former Russian coal manufacturing settlement on Norway’s northern-most island - Svalbard - that is currently abandoned with beautiful Russian architecture left behind. The task was to “develop new perceptions and novel ideas and to experiment with concept and programs for the preservation of Pyramiden that break the dictum of current practices.” [29]


PROPOSAL In the most fragile reaches of the Earth, the intensity and seriousness of climate change is most evident. Extreme environments bear the brunt of society’s choices; they experience accelerated transformation. Considering the wild, remote nature of Svalbard, we pose the question-how can we preserve and celebrate the pre-existing culture and vernacular architecture while minimizing the inevitable negative human impact?

PROJEKT is an awareness program that preserves Pyramiden’s history by broadcasting the town to all PROJEKT corners of the planet. During the daylight seasons this feed acts as a virtual museum where people can

In the most fragile reaches of the Earth, the intensity and view the architectural features andevident. naturalExtreme decay in real time - a visual experience similar to Norway’s seriousness of climate change is most concept of “slow-TV”, accessible from televisions, environments bear the brunt of society’s choices; they computers, tablets, etc. Through virtual exhibitions we bring the essencetransformation. of a farawayConsidering place to humanity’s doorstep. Viewers are placed on the land of experience accelerated the wild, remote nature of Svalbard, we pose the the question—how Pyramiden, without setting foot within ecologically fragile system. can we preserve and celebrate the pre-existing culture and vernacular architecture while minimizing the inevitable During the seasons of darkness in Pyramiden, projectors placed along the mountain ridge cast a negative human impact?

system of digital 3D architectural units onto the town below. Each unit represents an active viewer. As viewership of the broadcast increases, so do the number of units. These projections form a larger PROJEKT is an awareness program that preserves mass - a city - across the landscape simulating our environmental impact. We are projecting our impact Pyramiden’s history by broadcasting the town to all corners of[cause] the planet. During the daylight seasons feed actsour as aimpact upon us [effect]. onto the site, and the site isthis projecting virtual museum where people can view the architectural features and natural decay in real time -- a visual experience similar to Norway’s concept of “slow-TV,” accessible from televisions, computers, tablets, etc. Through virtual exhibitions we bring the essence of a faraway place to humanity’s doorstep. Viewers are placed on the land of Pyramiden, without setting foot within the ecologically fragile system.

OPPOSITE: broadcast of Pyramiden in New York during the night season BOTTOM LEFT: virtual museum viewed on a tablet BOTTOM RIGHT: viewership / 3D projections diagrams

During the seasons of darkness in Pyramiden, projectors placed along the mountain ridge cast a system of digital 3-D architectural units onto the town below. Each architectural unit represents an active viewer. As viewership of the broadcast increases, so do the number of units. Projections of these architectural units form a larger mass -- a city -- across the landscape simulating our environmental impact. We are projecting our impact [cause] onto the site, and the site is projecting our impact upon us [effect]. In all, we are establishing a network of camera/projectors mounted along the ridge-line above Pyramiden. Extraction of geothermal energy produces power to run this system, utilizing abandoned mines as infrastructure.




TRAVELING TENNIS ARCHITECTURE COFFEE DESIGN PHYSICS COOKING EXPLORING TEACHING RESEARCH CARPENTRY COMEDY FITNESS WRITING MOVIES AND MORE... My dream architecture project is to design for the Olympic Games. Whether a small pavilion or an entire Olympic village (with the sports complexes, housing, etc.) I have always wanted to be a part of a team that designs for the host country.


IMAGE: with a crown of corn minutes before eating!



UO REC Date 2015-16 Academic Year Position Graphic Designer Media Adobe Creative Suite

UO STUDENT RECREATION CENTER [uo rec] I have been working in the Marketing Office for about three years, creating brochures, maps, and screen ads. I work alongside a talented graphic designer, Chase Farrell, and together we have amazing discussions about design, business, and life! I learn something new every day at the office.



Accessible Recreation

Credit Registration


The SRC is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment that promotes the right of every person to lead a healthy, balanced life. We encourage people of all abilities to participate in any programs and services offered. We provide a variety of accommodations and appreciate any comments or suggestions to improve your experience.

Contact Us Today 1320 E. 15th Ave. Eugene, OR 97403 541-346-4183 UO Student Recreation Center @UO_REC



For credit registration visit the DuckWeb. Up tp 12 PE credits can be applied towards a Bachelors’ degree.

Non-Credit Registration Non-credit registration begins the first day of each term. Register at the PE&REC Service Center located in the SRC Lobby.

Membership is required to use the Student Recreation Center. Memberships are available to students, faculty, staff, alumni, UO retirees/emeritus and members of the community. Spouses, domestic partners and dependents of students, faculty, staff are also eligible for membership. We also offer short term memberships such as day passes and access cards.

UO Student Recreation Center

Locker Rentals

Locker rentals are available in the SRC. Visit the PE & REC Service Center located in the SRC Lobby to rent a locker.

Equipment Checkout Equipment check-out stations are available in the SRC, rock wall, and the Student Tennis Center. A variety of sports equipment is available for day-use for free.

Court Reservations

The images on the right are from a brochure I made to promote facilities and programs offered at the UO Rec.

Physical Education offers 120+ activity-courses each term for university credit. The courses focus on skill development and improving physical fitness levels.

Court Reservations are available for racquetball, squash and tennis. Advanced reservations can only be made by current UO students and individuals who have a current membership.

Ball Machine Rental

Rent the ball machine and practice during the open tennis hours in the Student Tennis Center.

Restring & Regrip Racquets

PE & Rec offers a professional stringing service. This service is convenient with drop-off and pick-up located at the SRC Welcome Desk. Stringing service is available for tennis, racquetball, squash and badminton racquets.

Facility Rentals

EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity.

PE & Rec has a variety of spaces and activity areas available for rent.


There is a great range of classes offered for all skill levels. For complete list of classes visit the DuckWeb. Some of the categories are: + Aquatics + Scuba + Martial Arts + Fitness + Mind-Body

+ Leadership + Outdoor Pursuits + Running + Team Sports + Weight Training +Racquet Sports + Individual Activities


SCREEN ADS These are a couple of the digital screen ads that I’ve designed for UO recreation center. After an initial sketch I play around in Illustrator with different forms and ideas. I then take the graphics into Indesign and add text and the university’s branding elements including the “O”, the color bar, and the URL.


AIAS Date Position Collaborator Media



2015-16 Academic Year Co-Director of Public Relations Connor Davies Adobe Creative Suite

The American Institute of Architecture Students [AIAS] I share the Public Relations position in AIAS with an inspiring peer, Connor Davies, and together we have brain-stormed and designed many posters and awards for our student group to promote and advertise events. These are only a few of the posters we have designed.

Monday | 11.16.15 | 5:30pm | LA 206 AIAS is proud to welcome you to a social night filled with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Drop in for a casual discussion about what it is like to be in a design studio, get a chance to meet your mentee or mentor, and see some past studio projects from other students.



st. of the series

Ferguson & Shamamian

PANEL DISCUSSION Monday | 5:00pm | 11.02.15 | LA206 Come join us for a discussion with Judith and Joel about current trends and issues in the architecture world. Bring your questions and join the conversation.


Judith Sheine

Joel Pominville

Professor and Department Head

AIAS National Vice President

And come get candy!

Friday | 10.30.15 | Noon | LA278 Come learn about this established firm based in New York as we take room 278 to downtown Manhattan with skype. We will be speaking to: Oscar Shamamian


CONTACT +1 307 922 4270

I would like to dedicate this portfolio to my loving mother who is the source of all my creativity. She inspires me every day.

site model of Portland’s south waterfront at 1” = 150’

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