HANDMADE is Our Heritage
From Families Who Make the "RIEHL" Difference
Our farm features 100 local family craft businesses offering hand made products. All locally made!

• Quilts to Brighten Your Home

Discover the beauty of Traditional Amish Quilts with wide selections of King, Queen or Single.

• Country Gifts & Crafts
The ultimate gift waits for you including souvenirs, Quillows, hand bags & purses, leather goods, things for the kids, for your baby, and more!
• Body Care
All natural body care made in Lancaster County, PA., including lotions, soaps, lip balm and more.

• For the Home
Decorate your space and bring it new light including kitchen items, home decor, pillows, lap throws, wall hangings, bird houses & feeders, brooms and more.
Mon.–Sat. 8 a.m.–5 p.m., CLOSED SUN Evenings by appointment only. For our catalog or information call 800.957.7105 | 717.656.0697
Beautiful Window into the Quilted World at Riehl’s Quilts & Crafts

Whenever I have the opportunity to step out of the office and show some friends around the Amish countryside, I always make sure to include in my “tour” certain standards, such as passing by a one–room school, seeing a field full of green and leafy tobacco (looks pretty despite its dubious health effects) and there’s one stop that I just have to make. That is at Riehl’s Quilts & Crafts. Riehl’s is a lovely Amish family farm, and like most Amish farms multiple generations live on site, tending the land and working together to provide a quiet, serene place to be. However, unlike many farms in the area, this is one homestead that visitors are welcome to stroll and see. There is a barn on site where visitors can see where the family’s horses, ponies, and goats live, a carriage house that often has a buggy or two to view, and what many call the area’s best shop with Amish made quilts and crafts. When giving a “tour” I often have to gently pull my people out of the shop before they spend the whole afternoon browsing.
Riehl’s quilt and craft shop is quite large, filling a barn built specifically to house the store, cooled by fans running on “Amish electricity” and lighting to match. Roughly half of the store is devoted to quilts, while the other half is stocked with candles, books, baskets, scented soaps and other personal care products, toys, jams and jellies, and small craft items. It is the quilt–room that always draws my attention.
Such beauty and functional artistic expression make surrounding oneself with quilts a sublime experience.
Riehl’s provides not only a way to see handmade Amish quilts, but the full spectrum and variety of handmade Amish quilts. It seems like each time I visit, I find a new design to critique. My current favorite is the “Ocean Waves.”
In the world of quilting, the “Ocean Waves” pattern is truly a longtime favorite. The design was created by taking squares quilted with single flower design; rows of small triangles quilted in a straight line, cream triangles quilted in a crosshatch pattern, vines and leaves outline quilted with background of crosshatch squares, outer boarder quilted with a larger diamond pattern. At the moment, these quilts are one of the best sellers at Riehl’s because they’re
a combination of this beautiful concept of patterns. With the pattern continuing out to the edge of the quilt, thus continuing colorful waves all the way out to the very edge of the quilt. Not that I think a quilt should be handled in such a way to get it dirty, the absence of a white border does mean the “Ocean Wave” does not show dirt as easily as other patterns. Even with around 70 ladies (Amish friends and neighbors of the Riehl’s) in addition to the Riehl womenfolk themselves providing the stitching and sewing handiwork, it takes 4–5 weeks to complete the pieced, patchwork quilt blueprint of a “Ocean Wave.” All of the patchwork is done on a sewing machine, and then the quilting is completed by hand. Other popular quilt patterns at Riehl’s include Country Love, Wedding Ring, Dahlia Log Cabin, Heirloom and Penn Dutch Sampler, as well as their selection of other crafts.
Riehl’s Quilts & Crafts might have a gorgeous and grand mortise and tendon store building now, but over thirty years ago, when it all started, the craft “shop” was simply two of the Riehl family’s daughters sitting along the road selling potholders that they had carefully made. Seeing the success the little entrepreneurs had, the family thought perhaps they should sell some quilts as well. They put some quilts on a bed in their home and told some local tour guides about their new shop and visitors started to come down the lane to their farm. Thirty plus years later, visitors are still enjoying the Riehl family hospitality.
Riehl’s Quilts & Crafts is located at 247 E. Eby Road, Leola. The shop is open 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday–Saturday, closed Sundays. For more information call (717) 656–0697 or visit visit www.riehlsquiltsandcrafts.com
See Our World From a Buggy!
All About Aaron
Did you know?
Aaron was Jessica’s first horse!?
Embrace the moment and travel the countryside in our locally made horse drawn Amish carriages!

All About Jessica
Born a small town girl, it was Jessica's dream to own a horse and carriage where she could share our lifestyle with others. She and her siblings attended a one-room schoolhouse and experienced the rigors of winter and hot summers. At the young age of 14 when her eighth grade education ended, Jessica had the opportunity to select the interior color of her buggy, choosing which style wood dashboard she wanted, and items such as a speedometer versus hand-powered windshield wiper! YES, even 30 years ago every family custom ordered the interior design of their Amish carriage. An opportunity presented at Plain & Fancy Farm to open a carriage business for visitors. In the next moment, Jessica found her favorite horse and named him Aaron, and soon began offering a carriage ride experience to travelers who were seeking to learn more about the Amish, Mennonites, and Old Order Brethren of Pennsylvania. Tracing our heritage back through Pennsylvania Dutch trails, to the Dutch Brethren of the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, Jessica and her dad had a new found joy of telling others about our way of life.
Today, Jessica's family lives in one of the oldest known standing homes in Lancaster County. It's now been over 31 years that the family has maintained the passion to share the Christian faith and "reasons" for living a Plain lifestyle. Within those years, Jessica and her five siblings are now parents to a combined 15+ children! Every few years another one of the children got to start learning how to drive a horse. In Lancaster County, you will see children as young as 6 or 7 years old driving their miniature pony to town!
Just as we continue to grow and develop, our communities continue to adapt to newer technology that may be permissible to utilize within the home or at work. It is important to understand that Amish and other Plain community members do not have a specific religious belief against technology. Their faith in the New Testament teaches them to follow verses such as John 15:19, to be in the world, but not of the world. No matter the progression, the simplistic lifestyle still holds strong! On our ride you'll have the opportunity to ask questions about day to day life, Don't forget to ask about the electrical sources in our homes (electrical wires are still non-existent).
In Jessica's home, and in a select few of the Plain churches, children are permitted to go to school beyond eighth grade. When Jessica had the opportunity to do local farm calls with a veterinarian, she found a love of medicine and caring for our horses.
Once she obtained her vet technician degrees, she worked five years in a horse operating room. She quickly discovered her true passion was caring for not just animals but humans also. Being the eldest sibling, she led by example and soon her next four siblings followed suit in pursuing healthcare degrees. Jessica’s sisters remain in Lancaster County practicing nursing within the local communities.
Today, you may see Jessica or her youngest sister Miriam offering buggy rides. This is your full opportunity to learn first hand about our childhood and the Christian beliefs that still hold true to us.
A Family Tradition that Never Disappoints
No matter the stage in life or agenda of the day, guests, locals (and even our drivers) find riding in a horse drawn carriage to be very relaxing! Even after thousands of carriage rides, Jessica, Sarah, Rachel, Miriam and their two brothers still love taking an evening joy ride in the carriage. When you come to our buggy ride, every ride begins with a ride through our covered bridge!
As Jessica and Miriam continue to expand our rides, we now offer many public, private and “themed” buggy rides. Inquire about scheduling your next special moment and create memories to last a lifetime!
We have team carriages so your group can ride together! Group rates available for 20+ riders.
“Ride back in time, before the car or plane was ever imagined...”
summer hours
Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Standard Rides
Country & Cookie Tour
Adults: $18.00 Child: $12.00 (age 3-12) 2 & under: Free
A 30-35 minute tour passing a cluster of Amish homes and businesses in an all Amish area. Travel our country roads, the way we travel! Cookies, snacks and drinks are USUALLY available for purchase, depending on our Amish neighbors availability.
Amish Farm Tour
Adults: $35.00 Child: $16.00 (age 3-12) 2 & under: Free
A 50-60 minute ride to Lancaster’s best! Experience our way of life on a real working Amish farm. Tour the barn, see the cows, chickens, goats, and horses. Discover life without electricity and how the Amish remain separate from traditional American society!

The Sunday Ride
Adults: $20.00 Child: $12.00 (age 3-12) 2 & under: Free
A 30-35 minute tour passing numerous Amish farms. Our local drivers can answer your questions and talk to you about points of interest.
Private Journey Tours
For a truly unique experience, book your own private tour, with your own driver, horse, and buggy. Our guests call it “ unforgettable”!

Amish Soul Food An Authentic Fusion
By Clinton MartinFusion, in the culinary sense, can sometimes be forced, producing some regrettable food trends. Just look at pineapples on pizza. However, when two cultures, two food ways, collide in an authentic, organic, natural progression, some of the world’s favorite comfort dishes are born. In Amish Country, we may be witnessing the newest fusion cuisine, with the publishing of celebrity chef Chris Scott’s “Amish Soul Food Kitchen” title.
Fans of Bravo TV’s “Top Chef” series would recognize Chris Scott from season 15 (2009.) But he wasn’t born in front a television camera, nor was he raised in Philadelphia or New York’s hip, restaurant scene (where he has plied his trade before and after attaining fame.) Rather, he was born in Coatesville PA, the Chester County steel-mill-town on the eastern edge of Lancaster’s Amish Country. (The “Amish settlement” of Lancaster County is not wholly contained within the County and spills out into parts of Chester and other neighboring counties.)
Scott grew up eating a unique fusion of foods, cooked most of the time by his maternal grandmother Pearl, who he simply called “Nana.” Her home in Coatesville was where he spent most of his childhood. The “fusion” food? A combination of southern Soul Food, things she knew from her antebellum southern roots, and PA Dutch cooking, which was the culture surrounding her in the area’s markets, farm stands, and grocery stores. While he didn’t know it at the time, he was being taught “Amish Soul Food” by learning at the apron strings of his beloved grandmother.
“Recipes + Stories from an Amish Soul Food Kitchen” is literally an
Homage (the word features on the cover of the book quite prominently) to Scott’s Nana, with each recipe coming originally from her hand, though tweaked and nudged one way or the other by Scott’s culinary vision.

Take for instance his recipe featured in the book for Crispy Fried Corn on the Cob with Buttermilk Ranch. This
is a delightful combining of Amish Country’s favorite summertime treat, sweet corn roasted on the cob, with the soulful spices and methods of the south. The dressing for the corn, as noted in the book, is also an absolutely perfect condiment for catfish.
The “Knight Bus” from Harry Potter goes Amish?
By Clinton MartinLocal bus companies operating
“line runs” to Florida in the winter for Amish snowbirds? Old news. Everyone knows the Amish from Lancaster County (who normally don’t fly on planes) take long-haul bus rides to sunny Sarasota to escape the colder months. Or, just visit any Amtrak station in south-central PA in the winter and you’ll see Amish waiting for their southbound sunny express.
However, one local Lancaster County bus company raised a few


(Continued From Page 6)
The recipe for Pennsylvania Dutch Tater Tot Casserole is also testament that these recipes don’t necessarily have to be fancy, or out-of-touch with the average person. This recipe takes that school-lunch guilty pleasure and gussies it up in an approachable way to create a truly delicious comforting potluck prize.
The book is a very interesting read, because it contains many stories about Scott’s upbringing, community, and food memories, coupled with the recipes to bring them to life. Unlike so many food trends and fads, that are eagerly seen in the rearview mirror after an all-to-long moment in the limelight, Amish Soul Food is a fusion and a food trend that I welcome wholeheartedly and would love to see grow and thrive in Lancaster County and beyond.
I think Chef Chris Scott is on to something. As he wraps up his thoughts in the book, I echo here, “Be Well, Everyone. Feed One Another. Love One Another.”
eyebrows when they established a line run of a completely different sort. Enter “Mexico Connections.” Melard Coach, out of Ephrata PA, took one of their 56 passenger motorcoaches and modified it to accommodate passengers on a Pennsylvania to Mexico journey. However, this line run is not for vacationers, snowbirds, or spring breakers.
The Mexico line run is for medical trips. The Amish have long since gone to Mexico for certain medical procedures. Being all-cash healthcare customers, they’d found thrift in seeking medical care in Tijuana and other Mexican border towns where their dollar goes much further in the healthcare market. Simply
put some complex procedures in the US can be purchased much cheaper in Mexico, even when factoring in the cost of traveling there and back, hotel stays while there, etc. The reasons most Americans would not risk it don’t seem to faze the Amish.
The “Mexico Connections” motorcoach reminds me a little of the “Knight Bus” from the fantastical Harry Potter universe, what with bunks for weary travelers to sleep a wink, though the bunks are securely fastened to the floor on this real-world vehicle. The motorcoach will carry 24 passengers maximum, with bunks for 12. In other words, there are not enough bunks for everyone to lay down at the same time, so travelers are encouraged to work out shifts where they each take turns sleeping.
Additionally, there’s a couch, two tables, a coffee pot, refrigerator, and a microwave. Perhaps more importantly, in order for the motorcoach to be able to legally make such a long journey in only 48 hours, there are two drivers, who alternate driving responsibilities within maximum on-duty limitations.

in Amish Country

Do you enjoy searching for antiques? Perhaps you are looking for that special something, or you just enjoy searching for a surprise to add to your home decor. Maybe you hope to find an item worthy of an “Antique Roadshow.” Whatever you discover, once you find it, it becomes your personal treasure.
What makes Lancaster County such a great place to go antiquing? One obvious answer would be that this area has a rich history going back hundreds of years to the first settlers in the early 1700’s. Many of us have stuff in our attics that we have forgotten about, or inherited. Who knows what may be out there either at a yard sale or an antique shop?
Here in Lancaster County we boast thousands of antique shops and dealers. The Adamstown area alone has over 3,000 antiques dealers, and is known as Antiques Capital, U.S.A. The many locations stretch out along Route 272, just off Pennsylvania Turnpike, Exit 286.

Whether you are after a rarity, or just something old that intrigues you, you’ll find everything from sheet music to music boxes, pocket watches to kitchen sinks, nostalgic clothes to beautiful wardrobes to hang them in. Glassware, crafts, toys, clothes, artwork, china, quilts and fabrics, memorabilia...the list is endless!
Information for the First–Time Visitor
Here in Lancaster County, over 40,000 Amish (pronounced Ahmish, not Ai-mish) serve as living reminders of a quieter time, a time when the horse and buggy was the mode of transportation and families lived and died in the same small communities. The first Amish, so named for Jakob Ammann, arrived in Lancaster County and nearby Berks and Chester counties in the early 1700s to take part in William Penn’s “Holy Experiment” of religious freedom. Originally called Anabaptists, they came to America from Europe to escape religious persecution by both Protestants and Catholics. The county is now home to three Anabaptist groups called the Amish, Mennonite and Brethren.
In 1525, after the Reformation, a group of Swiss Brethren felt that only adults should be baptized. They met secretly in a member’s home and confirmed their faith by re-baptizing each other as adults, even though they had been baptized as infants in the state church. Thus, they became known as Anabaptists, which means rebaptizers. Because of their beliefs in adult baptism, non-violence, and separation of church and state, they were viewed as “radicals,” and thousands were tortured and killed in the following years. Nevertheless, the religion spread into other areas of Europe.
In time, the different Anabaptist groups became known as Mennists or Mennonites, after the greatest of the Anabaptist leaders, Menno
Continued on page 34
Rite has been making natural products that address many common health needs. From respiratory infections to back & neck pain, eczema to food poisoning these products have come to the rescue in cases where commercial western medicine simply fails. These well designed holistic, allnatural solutions address problems completely and are based on science as well as North-American herbology.
The Nature’s Rite philosophy is to design products that offer a wellrounded and complete solution. They: 1) Relieve the symptoms, 2) Fix the problem and 3) Help the body to heal. This holistic approach is more sophisticated than typical single-herb preparations. Yet, the customer need not be an herbal expert to apply them. Each product is directed towards a particular malady and contains all of the ingredients necessary to accomplish

this 3-point holistic solution. If you are having digestive problems… we have a Digestive Rehabilitation Kit. If you have sinus problems, we have Sinus Kits to choose from. If you have Sleep Apnea or Restless legs… Each product is a complete solution for each problem.
All of our remedies are made in an FDA audited GMP facility right here in Sarasota Florida. We take great pride in making the best products for you and we are constantly testing them to ensure quality and effectiveness. If you are a scientific type, just contact us and ask for some of our testing reports. If you like to read about the formulations to understand why we selected the ingredients, we offer a book called HealthCare ToolKit that explains everything that you need to maintain the health of your family naturally.
Of course, all of our products are backed by our un-conditional moneyback guarantee. If you are not happy with the product for any reason, we will
refund the cost upon return. Our return rate is very, very low. In fact, we think that once you try one of our products, you will want to try them all. And you can. We have some heavily discounted assortment boxes to meet the most common health-tool needs and save you money!
Steven Frank designed these products to use on his family and friends. He is very happy to share them with you and your family. From the Nature’s Rite family to yours, we wish to help you stay healthy naturally; the way God intended.

Discover the Charm

Of the many unique village names that dot the Amish Country map, one of the more interesting is Bird-in-Hand.

The story of the town of Bird-in-Hand is as colorful as the name itself. To be correct, the town is really a village, since it has no governing body. When Bird-inHand celebrated its 250th Anniversary (1734 – 1984), a commemorative booklet was put together. It outlined a brief history of the town…
The William Penn, an English Quaker, had founded the colony of Penn’s Woods (Pennsylvania), and

settlers began arriving from Europe in the early 1700’s, moving westward from the port city of Philadelphia. English Quakers and Swiss Mennonites were the early settlers. The Quakers built a meetinghouse and two-story academy, which stands today, next to the fire company. But over the years, the Germans “made the greatest lasting impact.”
A friendly relationship existed between the early settlers and the Shawnee and Conestoga Indians, who were, of course, the area’s first inhabitants. They taught settlers how

to deaden trees, use deerskin, prepare corn as food, and use medicinal herbs. But as the white settlement grew, there was less hunting available, and many Indians became peddlers or beggars.

“When the Old Philadelphia Pike became a well-established route of transportation for those traveling west to the Alleghenies, Lancaster became known as the gateway to the west.” The trip by stagecoach for passengers,

or Conestoga wagon with freight and merchandise, lasted several days. Inns were built every few miles, identified with signs held by an iron pole or attached to the side of the building.
The reason for these signs was twofold. First, they could be understood by all nationalities. Secondly, many teamsters or wagoneers were poorly educated and could not read. If they were given orders to stop at a certain inn, they could do so by recognizing the artwork on the signboard.
The old legend of the naming of Bird-in-Hand concerns the time when this pike was being laid out. Legend says that two road surveyors were discussing whether they should stay at their present location or go to the town of Lancaster to spend the night. One of them said, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” and so they remained. The sign in front of the inn is known to have once “portrayed a man with a bird in his hand and a bush nearby, in which two birds were perched,” and soon was known as the Bird-in-Hand Inn.
The original hotel was destroyed by fire about 1851. By the following year, a three-story hotel was built to replace it. More recently, it was known as Bitzer’s Hotel before becoming the present Village Inn of Bird-in-Hand, now on the National Register of Historic Places. The Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County noted that it “may be one of the few 19th century inns in the context of a small town in Lancaster County, which survives with a high degree of architectural integrity.”
The Bird-in-Hand Mill, built by James Gibbons in 1770 at the west end of town, “is probably the oldest mill in Lancaster County that is still being used” commercially, now known as Nolt’s Mill. The datestone in the wall has the misspelled word “biult,” perhaps an error made by a local German.
Gibbons is an important name in the town’s history. Quaker activists, the Gibbonses operated the primary “underground railroad station” for slaves escaping from the South. It is said that Hannah and Daniel Gibbons helped about 1,000 slaves. “A single tap on the window at night indicated
to everyone in the family that a fugitive was there. The escapees were taken to the barn and in the morning brought to the house separately,” where each was given a new identity.

The year 1834 marked the beginning of construction of the 86-mile Pennsylvania Railroad line between Philadelphia and Columbia. Bird-in-Hand, with its tanneries, feed mills, coal and lumberyards, was the most important stop on the Lancaster to Coatesville section. Horses were used to pull the cars. In 1836 a second track was laid and locomotives began pulling the cars.
Well into the 1900’s, everything from flowers to live ducks were shipped

from the village to large cities by the railroad. As late as the 1950’s, mail was “hung from a long arm and caught by a moving train.”
Even with a bridge over the tracks, there were fatalities and an underpass was dug so that the main street would go under the train tracks. It opened in 1928. To this day, road traffic goes under the train tracks on Route 340.
Some of the other interesting businesses around the village over the years have included a Christmas tree plantation, archery targets, potato chips, dried corn, ceramics, wagons, carriages, and raising ducks.

Slow down. Relax. Breathe. You’re in “Amish Country” in Central Pennsylvania, Lancaster County. It’s a different world here. In Amish country, the daily hustle and bustle is traded in for the slower, more tranquil pace of life in the rejuvenating countryside. Here, the splendid choir of birds fills the air as the sounds of car traffic disappear and the natural, welcoming sounds of hooves and buggies appear. This is where you are enveloped by the endless and vibrant green pastures, where the sights of cattle peacefully grazing on endless real turf puts you at ease.
Perhaps it is this peaceful atmosphere of Lancaster county that attracts more than 9 million visitors annually, both domestic and international combined, aside from the major attractions and great shopping. Perhaps it’s because this rich countryside is primarily made up of the unique Pennsylvania Dutch Amish community, “the plain folk”. The Amish paint a uniquely self-sufficient
Slow Down. Relax. Breathe. You’re in Amish Country
and simple way of life, whose values and lifestyle shape the countryside of Lancaster County into what it is now, and who contribute to the $2.3 billion economic growth of the county. Tourists flock from all parts of the country and world to visit and learn about the Pennsylvania Dutch, to savor their mouthwatering Whoopie and shoofly
pies, jams, jellies, and cheeses, and to shop at local Amish businesses–such as Isaac “Ike” Stoltzfus’ genuine leather goods shop, Forest Hill Leather Craft.
For the past 46 years, Ike has relished life in Lancaster County with his family and community, and 19 years ago, he decided to open up Forest Hill Leather Craft to produce leather

goods using only 100% genuine leather. Ike and his two younger sons now run the business together. Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Ike and his sons and learning more about his business and seeing for myself just how the Amish values and beliefs pervade every part of their life, including business. Ike’s workshop and store are located in the quaint ‘Bird-inHand’ area. Drive on Forest Hill Road too quickly and you will miss the only lawn sign identifying his business; there are no big billboards, signage, or attention-drawing lights. A charming abode, humble farm, and a rustic, A-framed shop makeup Ike’s twoacre property which is surrounded by miles of serene countryside. Stepping through the single door into the shop, battery operated lights and propane fueled lamps dot the ceiling. Simple wooden shelves full of neat leather goods boast something for everyone. Bright, richly toned crossbody bags, handbags, wristlets, and elegant belts
for the ladies; wallets, customized leather-wrapped mugs, and Ike’s infamous belts for the men; watch bands, leather-covered padfolios, laptop bags and briefcases for the career-bound individual; various leather accessories for children and much more! Be sure to ask Ike about customizations and monogrammed accessories! Ike’s quality items are intricately designed as well as durable, boasting off his hours of fine craftsmanship. He provided me with a behind-the-scenes tour of his workshop located on the second floor. His workshop is simple; just a few pieces of equipment powered by batteries or propane adorn the space; the same type of lanterns and lamps on the first floor, dot the workshop ceiling, and the perfect amount of sunlight fills the shop during the day. Ike welcomes children and customers to tour the workshop, so remember to ask him for a tour if you plan on stopping by!
At Forest Hill Leather Craft, each product is a labor of love individually crafted with integrity, creativity, and care. Ike’s leather goods begin with

a pure, simple ingredient–100% superior, genuine processed hide–that he gets from Wickett & Craig, a company which has been in business since the late 1800’s and is located only 3 hours away from Ike’s shop. Turning raw hide into prime grade genuine leather is a lengthy process, but the result is desirable high-quality material that lasts a lifetime! Ike uses only solid pieces of hide so you will not find a single item in his store made of partial leather or mixed synthetic materials. Leather goods purchased from Forest Hill Leather Craft are sturdy, will last you a lifespan and will save you a lot of money on repairs and replacements. (Ike offers repairs for any leather goods, whether purchased at Forest Hill Leather Craft or elsewhere.) That day I took home a real leather crossbody bag that made me feel like a million bucks… which will save me a million bucks!

I wanted to learn more, so I asked away…

Q: What prompted you to start this type of business in Lancaster County?
A: “I worked at a harness shop in the area for 14 years, but most of the products were made of synthetic material. I thought it would be nice to work from home selling real leather and having my own schedule. I am not in the farming industry, and I don’t need a big farm to run a business. I like Lancaster, I have lived here for 46 years, and I have 2 acres of property. The tourists are here in Lancaster so I can make a living. This is home.”
Q: What is the story behind the name? Does your business have a vision and mission?
A: “The shop sits on Forest Hill Road where we make good leather products that last a lifetime. Our values, faith, and integrity shape the business.”
Q: What is your clientele, and can you identify your busiest season(s)?
A: “We get visiting tourists, and we have our local customers. The Amish do not wear belts. Our busiest season is the summertime, and after Christmas is the slowest.”
Q: What are some of the challenges you’ve encountered running your own business?
A: “Learning how to price products initially, especially with the changes
in supply and demand. Growing the business too fast and not being able to catch up. Learning how to stack orders in order to deliver products on time. It can also be a challenge to balance home and work life.”
Q: Do you harness any type of modern technology for your business?
A: “We don’t rely much on technology, but we have several vendors who sell and ship belts. The less you use the better you are, but we do need to use a few things.”
Q: Part of your increase in visitation is due to word-of-mouth and print advertising. Walk us through your
relationship with the Amish Country News (ACN) publication.
A: “We have been in business for 19 years and started advertising several years ago with a different magazine but felt ACN would be a better fit for us, and it was. The first small ad paid for itself, and it has increased our visitation. Advertising is good for tourists.
This is the seventh year we have advertised with the magazine.”
Q: What advantage(s) does a consumer have when buying from Forest Hill Leather Craft?

A: “There’s value in buying local. If you get something from overseas you

may not have a warranty or be able to return it. We offer repairs on any leather products, whether purchased here at our store or elsewhere. We offer customizations on any product. You get to buy directly from the owner.”
Q: Where do you see Forest Hill Leather Craft in 5-to-20 years from now?
A: “I have thought about expanding but I don’t have any goals at the moment. For now, I will continue the business with my sons and hope that one day they will keep the business in the family”. Lessons from the leather: you put good in, you get good out; less is more; and there is much value in the simple.
Ike and his business are symbolic to the Amish countryside, whose values and humble ways of life have shaped the area that keeps bringing back millions of tourists each year for a relaxing, rejuvenating experience. Getting to meet Ike and tour his shop was a neat experience, and learning about the plain ways in business provided great insight and is a good message. He kindly hosted me for several hours as we chatted away, and he permitted me to take photos of his products and the shop. Summertime is here and it’s both a beautiful and busy time for the Amish and Lancaster County.
Be sure to add Forest Hill Leather Craft to your trip itinerary and stock up on Christmas gifts for your family. Ike offers delivery so that you can purchase your leather products from the shop’s e-commerce page, www. craftedclass.com, which includes the latest catalog. His property is actually six miles north of the center of Bird-inHand, just a short jog north of Route 23 near the town of Leola. Easiest way to get there? Plug 225 Forest Hill Road, Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 into your GPS, (717)-656-8758. So, next time you are on Forest Hill Road, don’t drive too quickly or you will have missed the leather shop, and remember to slow down, relax, and breathe… you’re in an Amish Country.

The Quilt Shop at Miller’s
The Quilt Shop at Miller’s will celebrate their 25th anniversary this June. During the month of June, stop by the store for live hand-quilting demonstrations every Wednesday from 11 AM to 1 PM. Store visitors will also be able to enter their names in a drawing for a quillow, a special handmade quilted blanket that folds up into a decorative pillow. On June 21, the store will host a big anniversary event where a free gift will be offered to the first 50 store visitors. There will also be a trivia game and live handquilting demos that Wednesday.
This store got started 25 years ago when store manager, Annette Nauman, was inspired to open The Quilt Shop at Miller’s in honor of her late grandmother, who was a hand-quilter. Nauman’s goal was to ensure hand-quilting didn’t become a lost art. She went to work knocking on the doors of local Amish and Mennonite families inquiring if anyone would be interested in selling their quilts at a new store that was opening soon. It took time to develop trusting relationships with these local artisans, but Annette proved that she could offer a safe and loving space to sell these artists’ handmade and handstitched quilts.
On June 22, 1998, the doors of The Quilt Shop at Miller’s opened just a few doors down from Miller’s Smorgasbord. Over the years, the business grew until the shop had over 30 consigners contributing to the store. Today, The Quilt Shop at Miller’s specializes in
Bird–in–Hand Cont’d from Page 11
The town post office was established in 1836 as the Enterprise Post Office. “Enterprise” was then the official name of the town, until the final change back to Bird-in-Hand in 1873.
After a large fire in 1896, people discussed the need for a fire company. In the early days, hitting a circular saw alerted the men of a fire. The year 1916 saw the change from horse-drawn to motorized fire equipment. Today the
Celebrating 25 years
We are celebrating 25 Years of Business in June. To help celebrate, the Quilt Shop at Miller's will hold live quilting demos every Wednesday in June from 11 AM - 1 PM.

Route 30 • 2811 Lincoln Hwy East, Ronks, PA Located next to Miller’s Smorgasbord
selling hand-stitched quilts crafted by Amish, Mennonite, and local artisans of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The store offers 3,500 square feet of retail space with hundreds of high-quality handmade quilts, all in varying designs and sizes, including bed quilts, lap quilts and baby quilts. The shop also sells a wide variety of handmade goods, such as quillows, potholders, aprons, baby cloth books, dolls, table runners, wallhangings, wood items and much more.
Visitors to the store appreciate the knowledgeable and helpful employees that will take the time to explain the art of handmade quilts, the various

patterns and designs, the artists who made them, and the efforts that goes into each quilt. The Quilt Shop at Miller’s takes pride in maintaining relationships with and showcasing the craftsmanship of the local Amish and Mennonite communities, while also keeping the art of hand-quilting alive and valued.
Stop by The Quilt Shop at Miller’s at 2811 Lincoln Highway East (Route 30) Ronks, PA 17572, to see these beautiful works of art and to purchase one for your home. While you are here, don’t forget to stop by the other Shops at Miller’s including Locally Made Food Shop and Miller’s Smorgasbord.
Shop a variety of Miller’s Bakery items, locally made jams, jellies, pickled goods, dressings, oils, vinegar, mustards, coffee, jerky, fudge, snacks, and more!
Gift giving is made easy with our Locally Made Gift Boxes!
Hand-in-Hand Fire Company remains Today, the town of Bird-in-Hand is still small, said to have a population of only about 300 people. On any given day, there may be more visitors than inhabitants. Many are city folks who have come to enjoy the country atmosphere, history, and shopping. It is said that visitors “can still expect friendly shopkeepers, homegrown Lancaster County foods, and restful lodging for
Route 30 • 2811 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks, PA Located nex t to Miller’s Smorgasbord

Lantz Homestead

A Generation of Amish Quality

As most of you know, the quality and craftmanship of Amish goods and products has always been, in my opinion, a step above most other goods available out there on the market today. Not only regarding the past but continues to earn that A1 reputation continually now and for the future. The work ethic and commitment to quality of the Amish Communities has always stood out to me as a positive go-to for the products they create for their community and patrons. As you drive through some of the winding roads of Amish Country, Central Pennsylvania, you can see that quality
everywhere you look, as you pass by the Homes, Farms, and Businesses that dot the countryside.
Somewhere in between Bird-In-Hand and Gordonville Pennsylvania, on one of those winding roads, you will come across Lantz Homestead Quilt Barn. A pristine Amish farm and shop, just off of Musser School Road. The quilt shop is a new addition to the Lantz Homestead, but quilt making on this century old farm has been an important staple for over thirty years. John & Rachel and their family have handcrafted heirloom quilts for other shops for many years. R-S-L quilts have become a well sought-after emblem of fine quality craftmanship and artistry. H
In 2020 the Lantz family decided to build their own quilt shop on the farm. Right where their corn crib that housed the food for their cows used to stand. This seemed like the best course of action, as the Lantz family were experiencing how difficult it was to compete with the commercial craft world. The Lantz family wanted to create a store where they could sell local and handmade items directly to their local community and those visitors that traveled in for a visit.

Quilts, gifts, and home decor items are what you will find nestled into this quaint little shop. In addition, they also have a great selection of floor and table lamps that have been converted to be powered by cordless tool batteries (DeWalt, Milwaukee, and Makita). And in 2021, they started carrying the Sonrise Poly Rockers, Gliders, Gliding Ottomans, and Accent Tables, another quality product that is also proudly manufactured in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
So, as you pack up the family to have a visit to Amish Country, in Central PA, remember to add this location to your GPS, Lantz Homestead Quilt Barn, 870 Musser School Road, Gordonville, PA 17529 (717) 661-1265. Visit LANTZHOMESTEAD.COM

A Small Town with a Big Heart

Celebrating 15 Years, the Chester Valley County Balloon Festival is a must–attend event providing family fun for all ages. Friday, June 16, 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Saturday, June 17, 2:30 PM –9:30 PM and Sunday June 18, 2:30 PM –7:30 PM. Held at Willowdale Steeplechase, 101 East Street Rd. Kennett Square.

of Penn’s Woods. By 1712, they had secured land in Lancaster’s Pequea Valley as the area’s first white people, living peaceably with local Indians.
Visitors to Lancaster from the east on RT 30 travel through Paradise, just one of our many intriguing town names. The town’s story traces back to Europe over 300 years ago, to the area of the Palatinate in Germany
where Protestants had settled following the declaration of King Louis XIV that all Protestants in France would be persecuted. Fearing a French invasion, many accepted the invitation to settle in the New World in William Penn’s colony
The origins of RT 30, also known as “Lincoln Highway,” date back to Lancaster’s Colonial days when the frontier county needed a highway to connect it with the provincial capital Cont’d on Page 20
WELCOME Summer 2023!
We Are Open Regular Hours ALL YEAR LONG!


MALL IS CELEBRATING THEIR 26TH YEAR! Located at 3371 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, Pennsylvania, on Route 30. Four miles west of Route 41 and only six miles east of Rockvale Square Outlet Mall. They are only minutes away from everywhere and everything Lancaster County has to offer. It's Not Just an Antique Mall – It’s Your Destination!

WITH OVER FIVE MILLION DOLLARS OF INVENTORY, their huge 26,000 square foot facility houses a wide variety of antiques and collectibles, displayed by over 125 dealers featuring fine items such as: furniture, glassware, Railroad, Mining and Fire Fighting Memorabilia, coins, sterling silver, clocks, advertising, jewelry, fine china, toys, books, postcards, trains, Christmas, pottery, linens, primitives, kitchenware & much, much more! It is impossible to tell you everything they have to offer. You will be amazed at the quality selection.

HOUSED INSIDE THE ANTIQUE MALL, IS AN OLD TIME GENERAL STORE, which will take you back in time to the Mom & Pop stores of years ago. With a wide variety of antique and collectibles including Pharmacy, Tool Supply, Barber Shop, Hardware Store, Haberdashery and more!! They offer convenient parking for over 100 vehicles, with a spacious area for campers, trailers, and tour buses. You will find it such a pleasure to shop in their clean, climate-controlled, brightly lit and carpeted mall. Absolutely one of The Best shopping experiences in Lancaster County! As if your shopping experience couldn't possibly be any better, a Gift Shop and Restaurant are located on the premises to make your memorable day complete!
THROUGH SATURDAY 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, closed on Tuesday. Visa / MasterCard / Discover / Debit Cards accepted. Gift Certificates, Layaway and Shipping Available. For more information call: (717) 442-8805 during business hours or visit us on at www. CackleberryFarmAntiqueMall
of Philadelphia. The road that was constructed is now Route 340, still referred to as the “Old Philadelphia Pike.” Soon, it was apparent that the Pike was insufficient to handle

the increasing traffic, and in 1790, a commission to survey a new route was created. Since the cost was too much for the state to undertake, the company charged with building it was given the power to demand “reasonable” tolls from users. Investors received dividends earned from tolls collected along the gates of the turnpike. (As the toll was paid, the gate or “pike” was turned, hence the term “turnpike”).
The Act described the construction of the highway, which was to be a bed of small crushed stones on top with, rather than dirt, larger stones underneath to prevent carriage wheels from cutting into the soil. This revolutionary system of road construction is credited to a John McAdam, whose name became the term for paved or “macadam” roads. The turnpike opened in 1795 as the first long–distance, hard surfaced road in the country. Taverns and stagecoach shops grew up along the turnpike for weary travelers. Of these, the Revere Tavern, dating back to 1740 and originally called the “Sign of the Spread Eagle”, still proudly stands today. In
1841, the tavern became the residence of Reverend Edward V. Buchanan and his wife Eliza Foster Buchanan. Eliza was the sister of Stephen Foster, whose immortal songs will always be a part of Americana. Foster not only penned music at the tavern, but sent many of his manuscripts to Eliza, also a talented musician, for her approval. On the banks of the Pequea Creek, Eliza and Stephen played many of Stephen’s 200 songs, including “Way Down Upon the Swanee River” and “Oh, Susanna.”
Wherever you happen to call “paradise,” we hope you can see that a little bit of our own Paradise won’t do you any harm!

REMINDERS for Visitors to Amish Country
Although thousands of visitors come to Lancaster County to experience a bit of the Amish lifestyle, the Amish are a private people and find the attention somewhat disconcerting. It is important to respect their feelings while you’re visiting. With that in mind, here are a few tips for fostering good relations between the Amish and non–Amish.
NO PICTURES Please! Don’t ask an Amish person to pose for a picture. Most will politely refuse. It is against our Amish neighbors convictions to have their pictures taken, except in very special situations. Please respect this belief and do not take photos without permission, just as you would like to have your beliefs respected.
HOLD YOUR HORSES Driving along area roads, you will no doubt encounter numerous Amish carriages, or “buggies,” as visitors like to call them. Do not honk your horn, because the sound may frighten the horse and cause an accident. Instead, wait until it is safe to pass and then give the buggy plenty of room. Be sure not to cut back in the lane too sharply in front of the horse. The county’s roads are generally wide enough that you should be able to pass most buggies without much of a problem.
NO TRESPASSING Do not trespass onto private Amish property for a closer look. Amish homes are not museums, and Amish people are not exhibits. Respect their property and privacy as you would like others to respect your own. You can get a good sense of Amish life at many area visitor attractions and on guided tours.
WAVING Do not be offended if the Amish do not wave back to your friendly gesture. With all the people who wave to them throughout a day, they would be waving back all day if they did!
A FINAL WORD Remember the Amish are not on vacation and are not costumed actors. They are real people going about their daily lives. They are not here to serve as tour guides or attractions for visitors. This, after all, is their home, so please respect their beliefs and lifestyle.
Real. Good. Food.
Part Eatery. Part History Lesson.
Dining Options
Lancaster’s Traditional Smorgasbord OR Soup, Salad & Bread Smorgasbord
Reservations Strongly Encouraged|Walk-ins
Reserve Online at Millers1929.com or call 717-687-6621
Voted LNP Lancaster County Favorite Buffet 2022, Lancaster Magazine Best Buffet/Smorgasbord of Lancaster 2022, 2023 USA

TODAY 10Best Readers’ Choice Best Buffet in the US, and Lancaster’s Best Buffet by Clipper Magazine 2022. A ServSafe Winner.
Full Wine, Cocktails and Beer Menu Available.
Exp erie nce
WITNESS the emotional story of an Amish teenager's struggle in Jacob's Choice, where he must choose between his faith and the modern world. 3–D sets, special effects, unique "ghost–like" characters, all on five screens.
EXPLORE the Amish Country Homestead, the region’s only Officially Designated Heritage Site Amish home then sit at a desk in the Fisher Amish Schoolroom furnished authentically with desks and more from an actual Amish classroom.

TOUR the magnificent back roads through Amish Farmlands with a certified tour guide in complete comfort onboard one of our 14 passenger busses.

SATISFY yourself that you’re making the most from your Amish Experience. Since 1959, the area’s first, and still foremost, interpretative source of Amish Culture.

Amish Farmlands Tour

Journey along back country roads, deep into the Amish Farmlands to discover sights rarely seen. Under the watchful eye of your certified guide, you’ll gain insights into the “how” and “why”of an ever–changing culture, and see at–the–moment activities of the Amish. If you’ve seen the Amish portrayed on the various “Reality” TV shows, and you wonder what really is true and not true about the Amish, this is the tour you won’t want to miss! We’ll debunk myths about the Amish and provide accurate, respectful, and authentic information, just like we have done for over 60 years.
Duration: 1 1/2 hours Mon.–Sat.
Rare is the opportunity to meet with Amish families willing to share their traditions and beliefs with you. In a group whose size is never more than 14, this is the only Amish Tour to be designated an official “Heritage Tour” by the County of Lancaster. Visit an Amish farm at milking time, stop at a Cottage Industry, and finally enjoy a visit and chat with one of our Amish friends in their home.
Duration: 3 hours
Monday through Saturday 5:00 p.m.

The SuperSaver Package includes the Amish Farmlands Tour, the acclaimed “Jacob’s Choice” at the Amish Experience F/X Theater, and a tour of the Amish House & One–Room School.

Plain & Fancy
The Only Place Where You Can Do It All...
Drive along the area’s only AAA Scenic Cultural Byway, and when you’re mid–way between Bird–in–Hand and Intercourse, you’ll discover the ten pristine acres known as Plain & Fancy Farm, and home of the Amish Experience Theater, Country Homestead, farmlands & VIP tours, buggy rides, shopping, restaurant and hotel.
Amish Country Homestead & Schoolroom
Visit the only officially designated “Heritage Site” Amish house. As you walk through the nine rooms with your guide, unravel the riddle of Amish clothing, life without electricity, and eight–grades–in–a–room education as you sit at authentic Amish school desks.

Visit–in–Person Tour
This officially designated “Heritage Tour” is a rare opportunity to meet and talk to the Amish personally. On this exclusive tour you will go right into the barn on an Amish farm at milking time, visit with an Amish artisan at his workplace, and then enjoy a personal visit and conversation right in an Amish home.

Jacob’s Choice at the Amish Experience Theater
Discover what it means to be Amish through an immersive film as you become part of the emotional struggle of the Fisher family to preserve more than 400 years of Amish traditions. Five viewing screens, a unique barnyard setting and special effects create a one–of–a–kind experience.

Amish Farmlands Tour
Journey down rarely traveled back country roads, deep into the farmlands, to discover the sights sought after by visitors. Gain insights into the hows and whys of an ever–changing culture from certified guides in mini–shuttles. Stops may include a roadside stand, quilt shop, country store or craft shop on an Amish farm.
Aaron & Jessica’s Buggy Rides
Aaron & Jessica’s drivers are happy to share life stories and answer questions.
Smokehouse BBQ and Brews
Please see right hand page.
The Country Store
Find books, DVDs, candles, toys and dolls, kitchen and home items, souvenirs, local handcrafts, Amish clothing, straw hats, bonnets, and last but not least...tasty treats.
AmishView Inn & Suites
Rated the Best Hotel in Lancaster County

The place for the perfect getaway or family vacation with indoor pool, hot tub, fitness center, and hot hearty breakfast. Plus, many rooms have whirlpools or footed tubs, fireplaces and more.
Meets Kid–Friendly
The family–friendly building includes a wide array of beautiful, award–winning rooms, suites and amenities including an arcade that will satisfy the requirements of any family. The adults–only building features elegant, Grand King rooms, fulling the needs of adults seeking a tranquil escape.
Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet
Lancaster’s best complimentary hot breakfast buffet includes made–to–order omelets, eggs, pancakes, and Belgium waffles with endless helpings of bacon, sausage, country potatoes and much more. Plus, don’t forget tasty bakery items from our own Miller’s Bakery. Menu items subject to change.

Other Amenities

Every room or suite includes a kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, sink and coffee maker. Serta Presidential Suite beds, wi–fi, DVD players, lighted make–up mirrors, irons, hair dryers and the Tarocco line of shampoos and soaps. Plus, there are so many things to do on the Plain & Fancy Farm.
Get the Whole Story at: AmishViewInn.com • 1–866–735–1600

No Place Quite Like It
Calling all cars, trucks, motorcycles, airplanes, and runners and walkers. Come out and join the Rotary Club of Lancaster for their 6th Annual Rotary Wheels and Wings Festival & 5K, Saturday, June 24, at Lancaster Airport and Brethren Village. FREE to the Public. For info visit www.lancasterrotary.org. To register for the 5K, visit https://runsignup.com/Race/ PA/Lititz/WheelsWingsFestival5K

There is no place quite like Lititz, and everyone should plan to spend some time there while in Amish Country. Lititz Springs Park is a popular spot for locals, and the site for many community activities. Indeed, the town’s 4th of July Celebration, begun in 1818, is reputedly the oldest continuing community–wide observance in the United States. Historians say the springs are what brought Indians to the area. Spearheads have been found nearby, dating back to 6,000 B.C. A recent local journal states that “Main Street was traveled by human beings for at least 10,000 years.” When you come to Lititz, you’ll want to travel Main Street, too.
The Lititz story is tied to that of the Moravian faith in Bohemia. It was in the present–day Czech Republic that John Hus and followers founded the Moravian Church in 1457. Historians note that since this was 60 years before Luther’s Reformation, the Moravians may lay claim to being the oldest organized Protestant Church. But over the course of the Thirty Years War, its 200,000 members nearly disappeared. In the 18th century, a renewal of the Moravian Church came through the patronage of Count Zinzendorf of Saxony. He invited all those persecuted for their faith to come to his lands in Saxony.
As was the case with other persecuted religious groups in Europe,
many Moravians sought freedom by taking the perilous journey to the New World, arriving in the early 1700’s, with the main settlements becoming established in Pennsylvania and North Carolina.
Missionary work was integral to the faith, and preachers were sent from the Moravian community in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Zinzendorf himself arrived in America in 1742. A local resident, John Klein (Kline), was so moved by hearing Zinzendorf’s preaching that he made arrangements
to transfer his lands over to the Moravian community in 1755. It was in the following year that the town actually got the name of Lititz, the German spelling for Lidice, where European Moravian reformers had taken refuge in 15th century.
In addition to mission work, music and education were important to the Moravians. In fact, the Lititz schoolhouse erected in 1746 marked the beginnings of what was to be Linden Hall, the oldest continuously operating residence school for girls in the United States.
For about a hundred years, Moravian church members were the only people permitted to live in town. A Brothers’ House and Sisters’ House were erected for the unmarried, although they did not live communally. It was not until 1855 that non–Moravians were allowed to own their own houses. The Brothers’ House played a role in the American Revolution. George Washington ordered it used as a military hospital between 1777–78. Some 1,000 soldiers were nursed here, about half of whom died and were buried nearby.

Two names are linked forever with the history of Lititz—Sturgis and Sutter. It was Julius Sturgis who opened the first commercial pretzel bakery in the New World in Lititz. The year was 1861, and the site at 219 East Main Street is on the National Register of Historic Places. A tour of the bakery is unlike any other. Inside, you get to try your hand at pretzel twisting. It’s not as easy as it looks. Guests also may see the old brick bake ovens, as well as the more modern facilities. The bakery can be reached at 717.626.4354.

John Sutter was born in Switzerland and in 1834, fleeing creditors in Europe, arrived in New York. He headed west and sailed up the Sacramento River to begin a settlement. By 1848, work was being done on a mill when some gold flakes were spotted in the water. Soon Gold Rush fever struck and Sutter’s land was overrun. Because of his need to be near Washington, D.C. while seeking reimbursement for his lost lands, the Sutters stayed one summer at the Springs Hotel in Lititz. They decided to settle there, and promptly bought a home and placed their children in school. The inn once named the General Sutter Inn, is now known as the Lititz Springs Inn. The Sutter home built in 1871 is across the street at 19 East Main St. It was in a Washington hotel room where Sutter died in 1880, still involved in unsuccessful attempts at redress from the government for his seized lands. Sutter, a Lutheran, was buried in the Moravian cemetery, normally reserved for Moravian church members.

With my family’s and my busy schedule, it’s usually difficult to find the time to get together and spend any sense of quality-time together, other than holidays, and even then, it can be challenging. I think there are times when others might relate and find this to be true at one point or another, with most families that are always on the go. Let alone making the time for an outing or vacation. Other times in the past, it would be more of a “Staycation”. But recently, my family and I had an opportunity to spend some quality time together and take in a show at the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre.
Only minutes away from most lodgings and other attractions in Amish Country, it didn’t take long for us to arrive at this welcoming establishment that is the “Dutch Apple” of entertainment.

Right from the beginning and up-front, we experienced electricity that was in the air just as others were arriving. With the anticipation of the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre’s opening of their 37th season, featuring Footloose - The Musical, live and on stage. Directed & Choreographed by Amy Marie McCleary.
Now if you saw the original 1984 film adaptation, starring Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, John Lithgow, and Dianne West, you know how iconic this film had become within the industry and a genuine teen anthem film, to say the least. In some ways it may have been even deeper than that. So, my expectations were pretty even keeled, but it was an opportunity to spend quality time with family that pressed us all forward. As we entered, we took our place in line, which moved rather
quickly and efficiently. From there, we were escorted directly by a staff that were not only professional, smiling, and attentive to our needs, but also seemed to enjoy the fact that we were all there. Our destination… seating area B16. Almost smack dab in the middle of the seating floor of the theatre. What a great view of everything. Our Waiter/ Usher, “Brian”, wasted no time ensuring our party’s comfort was taken care of, as we prepared to enjoy a buffet style meal and a show. Garlic chicken, a seafood casserole, roasted beef, along with mashed potatoes and all the trimmings and countless other items lay available for the taking. And that salad and desert bar! WOW! What an ensemble of goodies for the senses. Needless to say, it was very delicious too!
Then came the start of the show, leading out with a boisterous rendition

of the song, “Footloose.” The energy of the music and the performers really got you moving in your seat, right from the start! Through every chorus, every scene, you felt yourself drawn into the ambiance and nostalgia of the era, the music, and the energy of the whole presentation. The lead actors, Jordan Radis (Ren McCormack), Emily Dunn (Ariel Moore), Robert Tully (Rev. Shaw Moore), and Moriel Behar (Vi Moore) were exceptional in the roles they were cast. Personally, I found that Audrey Taylor Ford (Rusty), who had an amazing voice by the way, along with Jamie Goodson (Urleen) and Maddie Garbaty (Wendy Jo) really brought the house down with their contribution of satire, comedic timing, and musical prowess. For me, the whole show was great from start to finish, but these
three characters really assisted in putting a delightful bow to wrap things up and bring the show to that finer finishing edge, that is “entertainment”. The whole ensemble was a pleasure to experience, that’s for sure. The energy of the musical, from start to finish, was a blast for my family to enjoy!
The Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre really knows how to put on a show! So, the next time you want to get away from life’s strife’s, the hustle and bustle, even if for a couple of hours, that’s chock full of family fun, then the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre is definitely the place to go! GPS: 510 Centerville Road, Lancaster, PA 17601. For more information call (717) 898-1900 or visit www.dutchapple.com I hope you enjoy the experience as much as we did. Enjoy!

New Holland & Blue Ball
Blue Ball Leola
30th Annual Auction, Saturday, June 10, 7 AM –3 PM. It’s a one–day event this year. Come enjoy savory food, and quality auction items: flowers, quilts, housewares, sheds and more!

All proceeds support the mission of Lighthouse!

The instability in Europe in the late 1600’s spawned and nurtured the pioneer interest in the deep forest lands of Pennsylvania — 60 miles inland from Philadelphia. In 1681 William Penn received his 40,000 square–mile land grant to settle King Charles’ debt to his father. Himself a Quaker, Penn had experienced religious persecution firsthand, and decided to establish his American colony based on complete religious freedom.
This entire century had been one of continued misery for the peasants of the
Palatinate (western Germany). The Thirty Years War had raged across the area with barbaric ruthlessness. The peasant inhabitants fled to nearby Holland for refuge. And within a decade of the end of that conflict, King Louis XIV of France started a new religious war in the same general area. These Palatinate peasants were exhausted by war’s desolation, and were ripe for a new start. Traveling land agents for William Penn’s new colony found willing ears. In addition to religious freedom and a peaceful existence, Penn offered cheap land. The stated price was
100 English pounds for 5,000 acres. (At today’s rate exchange, this would be less than $.04 an acre). By the year 1702, a goodly number of Palatinates had immigrated to Pennsylvania, and Queen Anne, newly reigning in England, was delighted that Penn was colonizing his immense grant without drawing off the population of Britain.
The area today called New Holland was practically covered by virgin forests— sturdy timbers of oak, ash, chestnut, and walnut. By 1728, William Penn had been dead for 10 years and his American colony, called Pennsylvania, was being administered by a proprietary governor while the sale of land was formalized by patent deeds.
In 1802, when a post office was established and an official name was necessary, there was no objection to naming the town New Holland.
These grateful people remembered how extremely kind the inhabitants of Holland were to them, with assistance thought to have included funds to cover the cost of the refugee German immigrants’ ocean voyage.
This was no small matter when the alternative was indentured service for a period of years. For adults, indenture frequently meant four to seven years of labor without pay. Minors served until their 21st birthday. But still, William Penn’s Quaker Pennsylvania was liberation compared to the Europe they fled seeking freedom of religion, assembly and speech for all, hopefully, none of which we take for granted today.
A Town of Trains & Heritage
All aboard! Strasburg is a destination all its own in Dutch Country, home to many well known attractions.

To name just a few ––– the Strasburg Rail Road, Sight & Sound Theatres, Ghost Tours of Lancaster, Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, National Toy Train Museum, and the Choo Choo Barn. But you may not know much about the interesting history of “Train Town.”
Strasburg, named for the city in France, was actually “founded” by a Frenchman, Pierre Bezaillion, who traded with the Delaware Indians. The story goes he came to the area in 1693, as French fur traders opened up the first path through this area from Philadelphia to the Susquehanna River.
As early as 1716, when the first wagon was used for hauling goods, the path became known as the Conestoga Road, and the wagons that traveled them eventually became known as Conestoga Wagons. Main Street Strasburg was developed during the next half century as traffic on this road increased considerably and the first log houses appeared in the village about 1733.
Strasburg continued to flourish in the 18th century primarily because of its location along the major wagon routes between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and the Susquehanna River.

As Strasburg flourished, so did its neighbor to the east, Philadelphia. The commercial interests of Philadelphia
pressured the State Legislature to improve the transportation network into their city. As a result, a series of canals along with the Philadelphia and Columbia Rail Roads were constructed. Strasburg residents became alarmed at the possibility of losing their commercial position and there soon emerged a charter for the Strasburg Rail Road to construct a rail line connecting Strasburg

Bird–in–Hand Pg. 10
Intercourse Pg. 35
Paradise Pg. 18
Strasburg Pg. 31
New–Holland | Blue Ball Pg. 30
Lititz Pg. 26
with the Philadelphia and Columbia Rail Road main line near Paradise. Finally in the 1850’s, trains were hauling freight and passengers.
About 100 years later, business had dwindled, and a severe storm in 1957 destroyed much of the track. It seemed the SRR had reached the end of the line.
A Postcard in Every Turn

To the rescue came a group of local train enthusiasts who began bringing the SRR back to life in a totally new way. They added passenger cars and buildings, and today’s Strasburg Rail Road was born, destined to become one of Dutch Country’s top attractions.

Appropriately enough, the State decided to build an expanded Rail Road Museum of Pennsylvania across the street, the ideal place to preserve the history of railroading in Pennsylvania. With the other train attractions nearby, it’s little wonder that Strasburg has earned the title of Train Town, USA!
First-Time Visitors

Cont’d from Page 8

Simons. It was in the late 1600’s that Ammann broke away to form a group that more strictly adhered to the founding beliefs and practices of the first Anabaptists.
The differences between the various Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren groups are in their interpretations of the Bible, their uses of modern technologies such as automobiles and electricity, the values they place on education, their uses of English, and their degrees of interaction with outsiders.

The Amish believe that “worldliness” keeps one from being close to God, so they choose to live without many modern conveniences and technology, such as cars, television, videos, etc. Rather than use the electrical grid, they have bottled gas stoves and refrigerators.
They do not live in seclusion from the rest of the world. Amish farms can be seen interspersed with modern farms throughout the countryside, and there is much daily interaction between the Amish and the non-Amish (“English”) community. Contrary to popular belief, the Amish do not live the same way they did 300 years ago. They have adopted many things to make life easier, but are careful not to accept new technology without considering its effects on their family and community lifestyle.

It's More Than a Name
Perhaps no other town in the entire country can claim its fame on one simple thing — its name. Harrison Ford drove a buggy past the road sign on a memorable visit in the Hollywood blockbuster hit of the movie “Witness.” For years people have postmarked “Intercourse” on envelopes, and the jokes from visitors who travel through Bird–in–Hand to Intercourse are endless. There are several theories for the name, but that which we find most plausible follows.
Around 1730, the Old Provincial Highway (now Route 340) was laid out to connect Philadelphia with Lancaster. Conestoga wagons hauled freight back and forth between the two cities. Providing rest for travelers and horses, taverns sprouted along the way, becoming centers for news, gossip, and commerce. The construction of a log tavern in 1754 at the intersection of Newport Road and the Highway took “Cross Keys” as its name.
It remained such until 1814, when the name was changed to Intercourse as part of a failed real estate scheme of a Mr. George Brungard, who had acquired 48 acres of nearby land and attempted to lay out a town site and divide it into sections for sale by a lottery, advertising “151 handsome building lots of $250 each to be drawn for by number.” Renaming the town made sense, as intercourse
had a common usage referring to the pleasant mutual fellowship and frequent intermingling which were so common in the informal atmosphere of the quiet country village.

Over time, Brungard’s scheme begat others. As recently as 1971, an enterprising soul tried to take advantage of the town’s name by selling deeds for one–inch square plots of Intercourse to visitors. Creative, but nonetheless a failure. By 1880, Intercourse had a population of 280 with a post office that actually
Come out and experience local food, music, history and community. Intercourse Heritage Day on June 16th and 17th at Intercourse Community Park, 3730 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gordonville, PA. Visit www.intercourseheritagedays.com

moved among stores or restaurants as owners hoped visits by residents would increase their business.
The local stagecoach service started around 1898 as “a single horse conveyance similar to a market wagon, with a roll–up curtain and double set of seats.” When the stagecoach driver knew of passengers beforehand, their comfort on cold days was added to with the placement of hot bricks heated in the oven, and wrapped in newspaper to preserve their warmth.
As the days of the dirt road drew to a close, so too did the stagecoach era. In 1923 a transit company was organized and bus service initiated to and from Lancaster. While “many of the Amish residents of the area were eager to see the line started, they did not want to invest in stock of the Company. Instead they bought books of tickets which were really prepaid bus fares.” Enough money was raised to buy a Mack Auto Bus for $6,800. It held 25 passengers and even had solid rubber tires!
Today Intercourse has been recognized as a “foodie” town by the Visitor’s Bureau. You’ll soon discover why walking the streets of this tiny hamlet is an absolute must–visit for everyone.
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Now Accepting Entries!

Amish Country is one of the most photographed areas in the world. Got great photos? Send them to us and see your photo in the pages of Amish Country News and win prizes!

Visit AmishCountryNews.com for Photo Contest prizes and more info. Email your HIGH RESOLUTION ONLY photos in JPG format to clinton@amishexperience.com (minimum size 8x10 at 300 DPI). Put 2023 Photo Contest in the subject line. File names should contain your name. Include your name, address and phone number with brief details of location and subject matter in the email. No more than five photos can be submitted. LOW RESOLUTION PIXELATED IMAGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
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Schwetz Mol Deitsch! PA Dutch In Spotlight
By Clinton MartinThe PA Dutch dialect is normally thought of as being an American spoken language, most notably by the Amish, but in reality, PA Dutch is spoken by a broader audience than just the bonnet and buggy demographic. Indeed, in America there are mainstream practitioners of the language, enthusiasts who keep it alive in their otherwise modern lifestyle.
In truth, PA Dutch, or at least the Germanic root of the dialect, is still celebrated and preserved outside the US as well. In Germany, there are cultural clubs and social and fraternal
associations dedicated to the “Pfaelizisch Dialect” (PA Dutch’s linguistic source.) One such club in Germany recently awarded it’s “Emichsburg Prize” to Douglas Madenford. This was the first time in the club’s history that someone outside of Germany has been bestowed the honor.

language and culture, maintaining a website dedicated to the language, while also being a podcaster, author, and blogger. His how-to book on learning PA Dutch, SCHWETZ MOL DEITSCH! AN INTRODUCTORY PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH COURSE, is available from Masthof Press & Bookstore (www.masthof.com)

Madenford’s website dedicated to all things PA Dutch can be accessed at www.PADutch101.com
For Plain People, Sunday is a day of rest, but there are many things to do in Amish Country on Sundays. Save some of these for your Sunday sight–seeing.
Aaron & Jessica’s Buggy Rides
717–768–8828 | www.AmishBuggyRides.com
Amish VIP (Visit–in–Person) Tour
717–768–8400 | www.AmishExperience.com
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
717–898–1900 | www.DutchApple.com
Gish’s Furniture
717–392–6080 | 717–354–2329
Good’s Store
“Weekdays Only”
Hershey’s Chocolate World
717–534–4900 | www.Hersheys.com
Jake’s Country Trading Post (717) 687–8980 |
Miller’s Smorgasbord
800–669–3568 |
Smokehouse BBQ & Brews at Plain & Fancy Farm
717–768–4400 |
Village Greens Miniature Golf
1444 Village Road, Strasburg, PA 17579 (717) 687-6933 | www.villagegreens.com
Water’s Edge Mini Golf
717-768-4653 | www.watersedgegolf.net
Madenford is a native speaker of PA Dutch, having grown up on a farm in Berks County (Lancaster County’s northern neighbor, which was actually the site of America’s first Amish settlement, though the Amish community would move south out of Berks after a short time.) His grandparents and parents spoke PA Dutch in the home, so he naturally grew up bilingual, “Deitsch” and English.
Besides now being an Emichsburg Prize winner, Madenford is a German language teacher (the “high-German” variety) at both High School and University classrooms. He’s a musician, playing in a mountain-folk style band, the Broken Spokes. Naturally, he’s also a great enthusiast of PA Dutch
Amish Experience
717–768–8400 | www.AmishExperience.com
Cackleberry Farm Antique Mall
717–442–2600 | www.CackleberryFarmAntiqueMall.com
Choo Choo Barn 717–687–7911 | www.ChooChooBarn.com
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
717–898–1900 | www.DutchApple.com
Hershey’s Chocolate World
717–534–4900 | www.Hersheys.com
Jake’s Country Trading Post (717) 687–8980 | www.JakesHomeAccents.com
Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery
717–626–4354 | www.JuliusSturgis.com
Miller’s Smorgasbord
800–669–3568 | www.MillersSmorgasbord.com
Renninger’s Antique Market
717–336–2177 | www.Renningers.net
Smokehouse BBQ & Brews at Plain & Fancy Farm
717–768–4400 |
Strasburg Scooters
717–344–2488 | www.StrasburgScooters.com
Turkey Hill Experience 844–847–4884 | www.TurkeyHillExperience.com
Village Greens Miniature Golf 1444 Village Road, Strasburg, PA 17579
(717) 687-6933 | www.villagegreens.com
Water’s Edge Mini Golf 717-768-4653 | www.watersedgegolf.net
Family, Friendship and Community — Is There An App For That?
By Edward BlanchetteAs we approach the horizonal beginnings of a new Summer, most people are gearing up and looking forward to getting out, as Winter is now behind us. And we are looking forward to seeing you all, here in “Amish Country”. However, on more of a serious note, there may be some who may be feeling out of sorts, stuck, and finding it difficult to get into the stream of things. The world has been through a lot and is still going through a lot. With more people working from a home base and a lot of connective live interactions between people becoming less and less or being disconnected all together. We find more live social interactions being replaced with and by social media, streaming, and other online interactions. Essentially putting us apart more than together, thus creating a very lonely existence for some.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an expert or doctor and I don’t even play one on TV. I’m not giving anyone advice, just bringing a bit of light and awareness to a concern. I’ve recently been hearing some reports, here and there, that loneliness is becoming more prevalent and consequential within our communities across the nation. See the shared links below. I work and deal with people every day in my professional experiences, both adults as well as our community’s youth, within multiple
communities I service. So, after over 40 years of business relationships and 20 years of being involved with youth mentoring & sports, I tend to notice these differences coming down the pike. Sometimes, it’s hard not to. But then sometimes, we miss those signs and red flags.
For myself, I’m naturally a bubbly, social, and outgoing personality. Always ready to say “Hi” give a smile, shake a hand, or strike up an impromptu conversation. It’s always been easy for me, because of what I do. And yes, just like now, there are those times I too get stuck for a bit behind a computer screen or locked in on multiple phones, as communication is what I do. Being in the Hospitality & Information Industry, I see it as our responsibility to get those people, when they come to the Amish Country, to hopefully become involved and be able to interact within our community, even if it’s for a little while, during their visit.
So, when you arrive in the Amish Country, unplug. Enjoy a tour or two. Take in a show or enjoy a park, a petting zoo, or an amusement park. Go with friends and family to the ballpark, restaurant, and experience the small businesses that dot the country side to enhance your shopping experience. But most of all, remember to ask the person near you ,as you make eye contact, “Are you Okay?! I see you, and you’re not alone”.
America has a loneliness epidemic. Here are 6 steps to address it (CLICK HERE)
The Lifeline and 988 (CLICK HERE)

Amish Recipes for Simplifying Mealtime from Wanda E Brunstetter .
Keep It Simple. Put It All in One Pan.
From New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, is a new cookbook that features ways to simplify meal prep and cleanup. When you are busy and don’t want the hassle of a multi-step, multi-dish meal, keep it simple and put it all in one pan. A brand-new compilation of recipes from Amish cooks will help you manage mealtime with ease. Over 200 recipes include: breakfasts, soups, casseroles, sheet pan meals, skillet meals, salad as main dish, and even some desserts.
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Amish Visit-In-Person Tour (3 Hrs.)

$59.95 adult, $49.95 child (age 6-12*)
* Children under age 6 not permitted on VIP Tour
Stop 1: The Amish Farm Observe the milking process and discover “Amish electricity” as you learn that the Amish do not milk cows by hand.

Stop 2: Amish Cottage Industry As the Amish population grows, more Amish turn to home businesses rather than farming. Visit an Amish workshop to see what they make and how they make it.

Stop 3: The Amish Home We’ll go to the home of one of our Amish neighbors for friendly conversation…a chance to sit, chat, and visit the Amish way.

Enjoy a 3–HOUR Experience featuring a traditional Amish Family-Style Meal, served in an Amish home.

$64.95 per person regardless of age*
* Small children must be in a car seat you provide.