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Side Arm Swivel Bar Stool Stationary Bar Stool Desk Chair
Kevco Base

Side Desk Chair
overall: 20.5"w x 27"d x 37-42"h seating: 20.5"w x 20.5"d seat height: 19-24" back height from seat: 19"
Arm desk chair in Brown Maple & Red Oak with any Heartland Fabrics material and any base Chair shown in Brown Maple with Golden Brown stain and Bone genuine leather.
Optional Short Arm

Optional Fabric Arm

Arm Desk Chair
overall: 25"w x 27"d x 37-42"h seating: 20.5"w x 20.5"d arm height: 25.5-30.5" seat height: 19-24" back height from seat: 19"
Swivel Bar Stool
24"w x 17"d back ht. from seat: 18" Optional Nail Head
Detail - please specify style when ordering

Side Desk Chair shown in Red Oak with PCL-175 Mineral stain and Whiskey genuine leather.