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iZone E d u c a t i o n t h e p r o m i s e o f t ra n s f o r m a t i o n

corporate EXPERIENTIAL learning

The iZone Approach Customized Programs Beginning with an in-depth assessment of the clients needs, through interviews, questionnaires and discussions, a shared understanding of the needs is arrived at; the program is then designed working closely with the sponsor. Even after the program, iZone stays with the client for a post program follow-up to ensure that the desired outcomes are achieved. Ethos Products Choose from one of the pre-designed, tried and tested programs developed by the iZone team through years of experience.

attitude and

Our work with organisations begins with building new skills, capabilities and aspirations in TEAMS through reflection, conversation and conceptualisation, moves on to new awareness and sensibilities by building skills for visioning and systems thinking in leaders that helps them achieve personal mastery thereby moving the organisation towards new attitudes and beliefs.

beliefs awareness and sensibility

skills and capabilities

The iZone Methodology: Experiential Learning People typically think of learning in terms of academic activities, like reading and listening to lectures. Common sense tells us that most of our wisdom comes from actual life and work experiences. Despite this understanding, most people do not think about how they could develop on their ability to learn from experience. Experiential learning creates opportunities for people to reflect, thereby develop strategies for improvement. Usually we reflect when we face disappointment; when something does not work, we try to analyze failures to find out what went wrong. More often than not, we attribute these failures to external factors. Our methodology also helps reflect on our successes? - "What did I (or we) do that made that situation turn out so well?" By developing a habit of reflection, people develop their abilities to learn and improve. iZone uses an ‘out of comfort zone experience’ that takes people through the cycle of Experience- Reflect -Share-Plan. Skilled facilitators draw out understanding from participants themselves and help them internalize and OWN their learning.

CLIENTS Who do we address?

ICI India ITC Vodaphone Oracle Group M INX Media Brittania HSBC Cisco Nike Wipro DHL HSBX Erricsson Nestle’s Lanka PWC Reddington Unilever Red Cross Pepsi British Council Brandix Lanka Suntel MTV and many more....

Teams that have come together for the first time. Teams that face a challenge in the current context. Teams that need to celebrate their success. Team Leaders who are responsible for performance. Heads of Business Units who are responsible for profits Fast Trackers who are transitioning to more demanding roles

What are some of the outcomes of iZone programs? Understand their own interpersonal needs Understand behaviours, roles and perceptions Develop trust and empathy, let go of fears Understand how everyone counts Understand one approach to new situations Go beyond boundaries, believe in possibilities Develop achievement orientation Develop skills for seeking and giving feedback Strengthen emotional bonds Assess orientation in exercising leadership Sustain attention of others towards goals Take on leadership responsibilities Actively shape one’s role and career path Learn to delegate Develop skills for working in teams And much more.......................

What are some of the tools we deploy? Challenging outdoors activities Instruments like the FIRO B ® , Kolbs LSI, Johari etc Indoors activities, simulations, roleplays Team games, survival games Fun

About iZone iZone is a ‘Promise of Transformation’ using the outdoors to create a learning environment, to help individuals and organizations explore their potential, develop a spirit of enthusiasm, positivity and desire to excel. iZone seeks to do this by creating an alternate learning journey that awakens innate knowledge, 'drawing out; rather than 'pouring in’ ,thereby unleashing the latent power that resides within, through action oriented activities, exercises and simulations that include but are not limited to 'outdoor adventure' like mountain climbing, white water rafting, skydiving, skiing, rock-climbing, ballooning and paragliding.

Faculty and Leadership iZone corporate programs are designed, directed and delivered by a set of professionals who have run organisations & teams. They bring knowledge of real life team challenges, group process work, organizational change, personal growth and leadership. iZone has an international team and a presence in India, Sri lanka and Nepal .

Amit Chowdhury, alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad, mountaineer who has led a successful expedition to Mount Everest, Wing Commander Chowdhury has over 25 years of leadership experience and was awarded the Vishist Seva Medal by the President of India. He has facilitated learning initiatives for several corporate clients such as ITC, ICI Paints, Microsoft, Vodaphone, Oracle, Foster Wheeler, INX Media and Brittania, and is accredited on FIRO-B®.

Peter Stewart brings substantial multi-cultural experience and insights into corporate and private work practices and mixed work cultures. A passion for sports and travel has resulted in many outdoor and pioneering pursuits, including work with major network filming projects in Australia, Nepal, Tibet, India and Sri Lanka. Training alongside Robert Kiyosaki for eight years (New York Times Best Seller 5 years running & World Stage Presenter) Peter enhanced his training programs to combine the outdoors' and adventure as the learning medium for organizations like HSBC, Cisco, Nike, Wipro and several others. Peter is an Australian Citizen living abroad since 1995 and traveling Asia for work and research since the 80's.

Tirthankar Dash B.E (Electronics& Telecom) and an MBA with 12 years of collective experience in the corporate landscape covering industries of engineering, advertising, consumer goods, petrochemicals research & consulting, in India, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam with competencies in marketing, organisational process management, life enhancement skills training. Tirthankar has been a guest faculty in business schools and training institutions.

Saraswati Sharma (Associate Faculty) comes with over 12 years of corporate experience in Learning and Development. Saraswati has been delivering program on service skills, personal effectiveness, out bound team building, assertiveness skills, and effective communication skills programs. She has an International Diploma in Teaching and Training from City and Guilds (UK).She is pursuing internship program with 'Sumedhas' Academy for human context and is an accredited facilitator for administering the FIRO-B® instrument.

Rahul Monga (Associate Faculty), Adventurer, Aviator, Author, Speaker (First Indian to go round the world in a Microlight). An accomplished pilot, he has flown more than a dozen different types of aircraft. An avid mountain biker and a horse rider. Alumnus of National Defence Academy, he has been awarded the Shaurya Chakra by the President of India.

Delhi Nandini

Kolkata +91-9811279716

Gurgaon Amit Chowdhury +91-9871496229

Colombo Peter Stewart +94777588360

Ethos -Nano One day Teaming Program

Ethos-Nano serves as a medium for generating outstanding results by offering team members he tools and understanding they need o propel their teams oward great teamwork. The program helps leaders understand their critical role n guiding the team and provides them with a angible tool to unleash the potential that lies within each individual member and he team as a whole. Participants learn how to apply team principles and nspire their teams to achieve maximum results, hrough clear ommunication and a greater understanding of he roles of others. Teams see and experience the power of a shared vision and obtain the tools to ecreate this synergy in he real world..............

Challenges.. Team Performance Communication Understanding roles

Results.. s Greater understanding of the roles of team players and the role of the leader, with respect to

the team s Unleash individual potential within team members s Achieve high performance teamwork and maximize results s Diagnose team effectiveness based on each team members’ opinions, observations and perceptions

Flow.. The session begins with ice-breakers and some activities to help participants openly articulate their feelings and understand the basics of group dynamics. Following this foundation, participants take part in a challenging outdoor activity that provides opportunities for them to reflect on their behaviors while working as a team. The experience immerses participants in various roles (akin to roles in real life) for constructing a rope bridge and sending the team across. Next, participants go through a sharing session that connects their understanding to concepts of teamwork. Finally participants take part in another activity which given them an opportunity to apply their learning and achieve success. The program concludes with the creation of individual action plans and a commitment to carry forward these plans.

Ethos -Jumbo Hi Impact Teaming Program

The iZone methodology of experiential learning will strive to create a trueto-life-event for your team, from which participants will draw deep personal earning and practice new skills and behaviour. The program will involve a ourney of self-exploration, through challenging experiences, personal reflection sessions on patterns of behaviour, sharing and feedback, profiling instruments and conceptual frameworks. The team will thus go back completely charged to engage with work with a definite action plan. Emotional bonding will be a natural outcome of the program.

Challenges... How to build a culture of consistent high performance? How to get talented people to trust each other? How to get smart people to work together to get breakthrough results?

Invest 2-3 days with iZone A Powerful capability-building intervention that will help you build the skills and mindset to build great teams.

Results... Participants understand each others behaviour, Develop an achievement orientation, Focus on self, empathy, roles and communication Understand how everyone counts, trust others Understand how they react in a new situation how to complement each others learning styles, Going beyond boundaries, believing in possibilities, Seeking and giving individual feedback, Strengthen emotional bonds, and much more............. “ I have seen many training programs in the last 15 years, This has been the best ... The methodology and depth of the instructor is what makes it all come alive.� Ashraf Rizwan Head HR Vodafone Essar Digilink Ltd

Ethos -Perform Performance Enhancement Program

Every manager has the responsibility to speed up their organization's performance by harnessing the potential of those they lead. This one-day program provides a mechanism for ma ximi zi n g i n d i vi d u a l contribution through the use of clear, defined goals, accurate, honest and timely assessment as well as objective feedback. When applied in an manner that recognizes the value of each employee's contribution and input, the overall performance of the organization truly does get a boost

Challenges... Achievement Orientation Communication Defining Goals

Results... s Improved individual performance s Greater organizational results s Better ability to track results s Enhanced employee satisfaction

s Conviction for the value of setting high targets s Develop the attitude and conviction necessary to assess ones

team s Recognize the value and potential within each individual, and

understand the leader's motivations around releasing that potential s

Invest a day with iZone Flow... The session begins with activities that allow participants to open up and feel comfortable with talking openly and freely, remove inhibitions and apprehensions about the program. They then get into a challenging activity designed to drive personal conviction for the behaviors required to achieve results and where self-assess where the motivation to achieve comes from. Participants will experience the merits/demerits of setting either stretch or safe goals, under/over estimating own/groups contribution and taking appropriate risks to deliver results. Using the activity as a basis for discussion and analysis, participants examine three critical skills for high-performance: 1. How do you set targets 2. Esteeming others 3. Accurately assessing own/others capabilities. The program uses a series of exercises and group discussion to classify and explain effective leadership behaviors that lead to high performance. Each workshop concludes with the creation of individual action plans and a commitment to carry forward these plans.

Ethos -Life Symptoms Stress | Strained Relationships| Burnout | Poor Health

Missed Deadlines

Invest 4 days with iZone


,are you?

Not a vacation. Not Yoga. Not a spiritual program. Not a time management course. A 3-6 day experiential learning program that helps you take charge of your life. And what we’ll do is… challenges- physical and mental, introspect and share opinions, meet like-minded people

In the Himalayas

Learning 3-6-days away from it all. A place without ringing phones. Like minded people to speak and listen to. With an iZone facilitator to make the time purposeful and focused . Think about what’s really important to you. Take stock of what you’ve got, what is still undone. Inspect what blocks you, what compels you. Discover forgotten strengths. Find out how others handle it. Plan Do justice to conflicting demands. Say “Yes” to things that really matter. Say “No” when you feel unjustly pushed. Know where to spend your time & energy. Handle situations with ease.

“ I have seen many training programs in the last 15 years, This has been the best ... The methodology and depth of the instructor is what makes it all come alive.” Ashraf Rizwan Head HR Vodafone Essar Digilink Ltd

Why will it work The program uses a powerful technique — Learning through experience. You will immerse yourself in outdoor challenges, role-plays, discussions, activities and sharing thoughts. We’ve chosen each experience to highlight some dilemma, some idea, a new possibility or one of your hidden strengths. As you go through the program, your clarity will increase.

“Ethos”- Corporate learning experiences from iZone Education

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