Iken scientifica 2013 14 brochure

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Mexus Education Pvt. Ltd. 612, Midas, sahar Plaza, J.B. Nagar, Andheri ( East) Mumbai - 400 059. India Call: 09223224044/SMS: “IKEN” to 567 678 www.mexuseducation.com | www.ikenscientifica.com

Our Philosophy I hear...I forget I see...and I remember I do...and I understand. Old Chinese Proverb

We find answers only when we have questions! And questions are all around us. One reason that we humans have come a long way from living in caves to dwelling in today's world is our inherent curiosity. When we see

The Concept Innovate

Rediscover science. Redefine learning. Reward ingenious talent. The three R s that sum up the reason for iKen Scientifica a unique idea developed by Mexus Education. iKen Scientifica is a global competition for classes 4 to 9 designed to promote handson learning by introducing children to a wide array of concepts. iKen Scientifica endeavors' to provide students a real world exposure through application of scientific concepts. It is based on the belief that every child is a genius and it is through harnessing their inquisitiveness and curiosity that the gap can be bridged between theory and practical learning. It gives children the opportunity to prove their mettle on a global platform and earn big rewards.



something that is beyond our comprehension, it triggers a lot of questions and in the attempt of finding these answers we have discovered and invented so many things. And there are so many things yet to be discovered

What is iKen Scientifica all about:

or invented. It is our job as parents, academicians and teachers to provide the opportunity to our younger generation to question, explore, discover, and invent so that they make this world a better place to live. The basic ideology is that learning can be fun and triggering curiosity in the young ones and instill in them the ability to see things in an interesting way which we call as the 'scientific' way because it not only helps one academically but also in almost everything we do. We at MEXUS attempt the same by designing a competition which makes learning fun. Hands-on is the key attraction of iKen Scinetifica because learning is best when it comes by doing things!

A platform focusing on creation of innovative ideas amongst children where they explore and experiment with their curiosity. iKen Scientifica brings a challenging spirit among participants, where the competition serves only as an incentive to develop holistic learning capabilities within a child. It is a confluence of diverse ideas and talents across the globe.



How to Participate Registration Methoda

The teams successfully registered will receive a 'Round I booklet' that comprises of 30 industrial problem statements along with a model solution to a problem Students have to form teams of upto 4 students and register online or by post to

statement. Each level has 10 problem statements from which they have to choose

participate. Students from different schools can also form a group. Register

1 that is best suited for them. The team will have to make a detailed report that

online on www.ikenscientifica.com or fill the form and send it to us via post.

provides solutions to that particular industrial problem statement.


Registration forms will be available after 1 October, 2013.Online registration will open atwww.ikenscientifica.com after 1stOctober 2013. A team can fill and submit details online and register their teams. A team will have to pay registration charges of INR 600 to register. The payment can be made online or through cheque/demand draft for 'Mexus Education Private Limited'. th

These forms must reach us before the submission deadline which is 15 October 2013. The form is attached in this handbook and is also available online on our website. You can download additional forms for yourself and your friends from the website. Online submissions are highly encouraged. This will enable students to receive selection e-notifications & also enable them to check the status of their submissions online.


Competition Format


What is expected from you? Your project should reflect quality and be innovative, original and follow scientific methodology. Take the help of a guide he/she could be a teacher, a professor, a parent or a professional. Choose your topic and start early. This will help you organize your project in the correct format, with sufficient data and results. Read the flow of activity below to carry out your analyses. 1. Select your problem statement: The first step, selecting the problem statement, is the most important. Choose a problem statement that interests you you'll have a lot more fun. Second, while you are choosing your topic, check that you can access resources to solve the problem statement. 2. Sourcing information on your problem statement: After selecting the problem statement learn everything about it. Find information, statistics, existing solutions if any, their advantages/disadvantages, current research on the problem statement etc. You can use the many search engines available to find information or try various Science related websites on the internet. 3. Make a plan: Make an activity flow about how you will arrive at the solution you have in mind. Divide the work among the team members to utilize everyone's skills better. Decide in which format do you want record your solution, be it written documents, presentations, videos etc. 4. Designing your solution: If your idea can be put clearly on paper it can be made. It is important to put your idea and construction sketches on paper so that the Review committee can easily understand what you planned to make. List down the resources that you would need to make the solution project and do a cost analysis. Your solution should be appropriate, usage friendly, pocket friendly and feasible to do at a large scale. 5. Thrash your idea: Analyze things that could go wrong with your ideas. What problems could crop up when the solution is actually adopted to solve the problem statement. This will help you improvise on the disadvantages of your solution. 6. Consult your Guide: Discussion with your mentor should be an ongoing activity. The guidance will ensure that you are working in the right direction and the methodology you are using is apt and correct. 7. Preparing your report: This is when you finally arrive at your solution. It is not absolutely necessary to actually construct your problem solution in reality. You have to create a project report in the flow given in Appendix 1. Each section of the format should not exceed 250 words. The report should present an accurate idea of your solution to the judges during the screening stage. It is a very important document and you need to fill it in completely, to indicate the what, why and how of the solution. What should be the essential elements of your report?

The following should be the elements of your report: 1. Primary Solution Report in the format given in Appendix 1 2. Supplementary information/Data 3. Presentation slides or videos 4.Ethics statement: Credits and Acknowledgement See sample problem statement and solution for more understanding.

Do's and Don'ts 1.Merely repeating and existing solution will not help you go past the screening stage. 2.Writing about the science principles used. Or an essay about the problem statement. It is more important to describe how the scientific principle is used to arrive at the practical solution. 3.Making a wild hypothesis, without analyzing data and current research and accumulating proof to support your solution 4.Making unsubstantiated claims to violate known laws and principles of science. 5.Simple posters and models that explain science/technology principles.




Our Academic Review Committee (ARC) will evaluate

Judging Criteria

your synopsis. Academicians and industry experts in

Tips for Parents/Mentors 1. Give encouragement, support and guidance

Science and Technology are part of our ARC. The ARC

1. Creative Ability

reviews all the synopses received for participation and

2. Scientific thought OR Engineering Goal

selects the most promising ones. Shortlisted synopses

3. Thoroughness

will then be shortlisted for Scientifica Competition Round

4. Skill

4.Please provide access to resources, like household material, building bricks, internet access.

5. Clarity

5.Help the team design a project that is safe and properly supervised.

2. Following are the criteria on the basis of which ARC will judge the submissions.

6. Teamwork

2.Make sure that the children feel it is their project. Make sure that the work is primarily of the team 3.The main goal should not be the medal or the prize

6.It is suggest that you allow 4 weeks to prepare the solution and the solution report. Start as early as possible.

The teams may face penalty in screening on account of the following

Penalty Criteria 1. Use of hazardous materials like corrosive and dangerous chemicals. 2. Use of controlled substances as per state and federal regulations 3. Use of Animal subjects as a part of the conducted research 4. Pathogenic agents 5. Use of high voltage electricity source. Use portable batteries. Only 5V DC direct supply should be used. Use of chemical battery, lead acid batteries is highly discouraged 6. Any other potentially hazardous substance. 9


Prizes to be won!

What is the next round? Global Platform Enterprise Index Report

Hands-on science

Global Recognition

Be on National television Round II of iKen Scinetifica competition is the Contraption challenge.A

There are lots of exciting prizes to be won at every stage of iKen Scientifica

contraption is a sum of several parts where one part triggers the

Competition. Winner teams of the competition will get a chance to compete

functioning of another. Thus by a series of such parts, a long contraption

with the participants from all over the globe and can also win an educational

can be setup. Each of these contraptions needs to highlight a different

tour to an international destination.

scientific concept or a combination of concepts. A 'theme' for the

Visit www.ikenscientifica.com for more details and email your queries at

contraption challenge will be disclosed after the submissions for Round I


are closed. Given below is a pictorial representation of how a unit of Contraption is triggered by a Trigger mechanism and so on.



iKen Scientifica Journey Preparatory book Marketplace setup

Scientific aptitude test

Idea selling

Iken Scientifica 2009 – 2010 – Season 3  Participating Cities: 15  Participating Students: 2,00,000

iKenScientifica 2008 – 2009 – Season 2  Participating Cities: 21  Participating students: 1,00,000

iKenScientifica 2007 – 2008 – Season 1  Participating Cities: 3 (Mumbai,

Pune and Panchgani)  Participating Students: 10,000 students from 300 schools  Prize Money and Scholarship: Rs. 6 lakhs 11

students across 1000 schools  Prize Money and Scholarship: Rs. 50 lakhs. New Rounds Introduced: TechnoMaze and JunKreate  Student Icons of India were sent on an educational trip to Singapore.

students across 700 schools  Partners: National Geographic Channel and Ministry of Science & Technology,  Parle-G, among various educationists and industry experts. The event was aired for the first time on National Geographic Channel  Prize Money and Scholarship: Rs. 50 lakhs and a chance to meet the former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Iken Scientifica 2012

Iken Scientifica 2011 Iken Scientifica 2010  3 Countries – India, Kuwait and  

  

UAE Participating Cities: 70 from India Participating Students: 300,000 students across 2500 schools from all 3 countries Eight Winners to visit NASA (USA) on all Paid Trip 50 Laptops to top 50 winners Total Prize Money and Scholarships worth Rs. 1 CR.

 10 Countries  Participating Cities: 140+ across

the globe  Participating Students: 230,000

students from all 10 countries  Six Winners to visit NASA (USA) on all Paid Trip  Total Prize Money and Scholarships worth Rs. 1 CR.

Real life problems

17+ countries 150+ cities in India 4000 Schools Workable solutions 500,000 students Total Prize Money and Scholarships worth Rs. 1.5 CR.     

Educational Games

Team Rounds

Model Making


In-depth analysis


More learning solutions from iKen

iKen Scientifica Presence around the world




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