Vespa velutina is the Asian hornet and farmers in Alicante province are concerned that there could be an influx of them and they want the provincial government to take preventitive measures .This large wasp like creature ( insect ) has already caused problems in Galicia , Cantabria and Catalu単a with serious environmental and economic impact .This exotic species will kill bees and also poses a risk to many other beneficial insects .It has spread quickly through France and has had a devastating effect on the fruit harvests . The Agrarian Association of Young Farmers of Alicante are asking for funding and assistance from the Department of the Environment to help detectand eradicate the nests . There is a particular threat to bees and these insects prevent them collecting nectar , which is their staple food and so the hives become depleted .The risk to humans is minimal unless they swarm and all nests need to be removed professionally . Check Out The Full Indepth Details Here: Alicante | An Asian Hornet Threat
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