The Portal del Clot area in Javea , above the underground carpark , which was turned into a pedestrianised square , is beginning to crumble after only seven years .The carpark and the plaza were both constructed by ECISA .It cost 2 million euros to build .Recently it has been a favourite haunt for skateboarders To prevent any injuries to passers by , parts have been cordoned off by metal barriers . Tiles are falling off and the council believes that there is a structural defect rather than mere wear and tear .This makes more sense as it was only completed in September 2007 . The ramps which were put up for skateboarding , roller skating and cycling , are all in tact and are quite safe to use . Overlooking this plaza is a building which cost over 6 million and was intended as a new town hall .It has never been used and it is also showing signs of wear with cracks and crumbling rendering .This was reported 18 months ago but it is getting worse .The council now wants ECISA to pay for repairs . The other carpark in Plaza de la Constitucion is also having problems with a leaking roof and although the council now owns both carparks , ECISA is responsible for repairs . Check Out The Full Indepth Details Here: Javea | New Plaza Begins To Crumble
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