Spanish News | Financial Sector

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The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has told the Financial Times that he does not feel that Spanish banks will need to be given any more money than they have already been given but he is urging stronger EU countries such as Germany to support the Spanish economy . Last June Spain was forced to borrow 100 billion euros .A later audit revealed that the country´s lenders would need a combined capital injection of 60 billion . He says that you cannot expect Spain to carry out expansion policies at this time but those countries that can , should . Rajoy also defended Spain´s decision not to ask for help from the European Central Bank via its Outright Monetary Transactions programme . He says that he doesn´t care what people think about that decision , he did what was correct for Spain . Spain has resisted a bail out because there are such stringent conditions placed on any country that chooses to go down that route . Rajoy and his PP government has faced growing criticism over their handling of Spain´s economy . The unemployment rate is 26.6% and is predicted to go up to 27% by the end of the year . Although he concedes that unemployment is Spain´s biggest problem he still says that the economy has turned the corner. He sees 2014 as the year of economic growth . Check Out The Full Indepth Details Here: Spanish News | Financial Sector

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