Spanish News | Young Children Suffering Back Pain

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The fact that children all over most of the developed world are expected to carry their academic books , PE kit , lunch and goodness knows what else , on their backs in a rucksack , is causing concern for the development of their backs and the development of back issues in teenagers and even younger . It is not the carrying of the bag for short periods but the excessive weight that they carry .Back pain in school age children is becoming very common .As many as two in every three is suffering from lower back problems . A physiotherapist in Torrevieja says that some of these bags weigh as much as 15% OF THE CHILD´S BODY WEIGHT .pOOR POSTURE IS AN ADDED ISSUE AS IF THE CHILDREN CARRIED THEIR BODIES CORRECTLY THEN THE DAMAGE WOULD NOT BE AS GREAT .Too many children also lead sedentary lives and this adds to muscle weakness .Too much time is spent infront of TV´s ,computers , tablets and the like . Parents need to take much more control of the weight and the way in which their children use backpacks and schools need to think of the way in which they organise their books and materials enabling youngsters to leave books that they are not using at school .It has also been suggested that youngsters use a trolley with wheels to save the stress on their backs . Check Out The Full Indepth Details Here: Spanish News | Young Children Suffering Back Pain

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