30 September 2010
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on Lead Ammunition – WTF
Luckily the EPA denied the petition.(Read More EPA Denies Petition Calling for Lead Ammunition Ban)
SEP 29, 2010 08:05P.M.
“EPA today denied a petition submitted by several outside groups for the agency to implement a ban on the production and distribution of lead hunting ammunition. EPA reached this decision because the agency does not have the legal authority to regulate this type of product under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) “
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on Lead Ammunition – WTF
Congress expressly exempted ammunition from EPA authority under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976. But in the lead up to the denial, multiple sportsmen’s organizations wrote their members and asked that they email their congressmen and senators and defend lead ammunition. One of our readers in NJ did just that and as you can see from the letter above, Senator Frank R. Lautenberg’s response is right out of the CBD play book. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on Lead Ammunition
Clearly the senator believes the same lead in your ammunition is “a dangerous neurotoxin” and seems to go on to state his disappointment that “congress explicitly excluded from regulation any article subject to excise taxes, including pistols, revolvers, firearms, shells, and cartridges. “ Like the EPA should be able to determine your firearms is a toxic substance.
AmmoLand Gun News
Clearly we all know what Senator Frank R. Lautenberg’s feeling are on the second amendment and it should come as no surprise to us that he would be just as happy to regulate ammunition into oblivion.
Washington, DC --(Ammoland.com)- Anti gun Senator Lautenberg is well known for his hatred of freedom and firearms ownership by the sheeple and we are well aware of his many, many attempts to strip law abiding Americans of their right to keep and bear arms.
We can only hope that someday the residents of NJ will remove this dinosaur from public office. God Bless NJ!
But as one of his unfortunate new jersey subjects found out, that same campaign of misinformation is being applied at all levels of his organization where they seemingly never miss opportunities to spread miss truths.
A similar proposal to ban lead fishing tackle is still under consideration by the EPA. Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com
Quick Background: Hunters and Shooters may recall the recent end run by Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) - a leading anti-hunting organization - when they filled a petition with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban all traditional ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act of
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on Lead Ammunition – WTF
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
Tags: Ammo, Ammunition Bans, Ammunition News, Frank Lautenberg, Lead Free Ammo
after checking personally with Ms. Haley, enthusiastically told OpenCarry.org earlier this year that Nikki Haley would sign an open carry bill.
And just last week an exuberant Tim Schock, campaign director for Democratic candidate Vincent Sheheen emailed OpenCarry.org to confirm that
South Carolina’s Gubernatorial Candidates Pledge to Sign Open Carry Bill
“Vincent Sheheen would sign an open carry law if it were passed by the legislature and came across his desk as governor.”
SEP 29, 2010 06:59P.M. The open carry question posed to the candidates for governor of the Palmetto state makes no mention of whether the bill would require a license to open carry; but in most states, e.g., North Carolina, no license is required to open carry at age 18.
Both South Carolina’s Gubernatorial Candidates Pledge to Sign Open Carry Bill
And in 2009, South Carolina State Representative Dan Cooper (R – Anderson County) sponsored a bill endorsed by 36 other legislators to allow anyone who legally owns a handgun to carry it openly – no license required. OpenCarry.org urges the legislature to follow the lead of their future governor and send legislation legalizing open carry to his or her desk after the November election. Carry on! About: OpenCarry.org was founded in 2004 by Virginia gun-rights activists John Pierce and Mike Stollenwerk and has served to ignite the “Open Carry Movement” that is sweeping the country. In addition to being an invaluable legal resource for gun owners, the site has quickly grown to be a social networking portal for thousands of American gun owners. Visit: www.OpenCarry.org
Law Abiding Open Carry Citizens
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com OpenCarry.org South Carolina’s Gubernatorial Candidates Pledge to Sign Open Carry Bill
Sacramento, California --(Ammoland.com)- OpenCarry.org is pleased to announce that both parties’ candidate for Governor of South Carolina say they would sign a bill legalizing the unconcealed or “open carry” of holstered handguns in South Carolina.
Tags: Gun Bills, Open Carry, OpenCarry.org, Pro Gun News, Self Defense, South Carolina
South Carolina is one of only 7 states to generally ban open carry (see map at http://www.opencarry.org/opencarry.html). Here is the exact question posed to each candidate: “Would you sign a bill legalizing open carry if it came across your desk as Governor?” Speaking for Republican Nikki Haley, campaign spokesman Josh Baker,
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
wholesalers in America. Davidson’s stocks a vast inventory of firearms, possesses years of industry experience and has a reputation as both a “deal maker” and an “innovation leader.” Davidson’s product lines consist of offerings from the firearms industry’s premier manufacturers. Over and unders, combination guns, varmint rifles, hunting handguns, you name it, we stock it. If you are looking to purchase a firearm, then we think you will agree that Davidson’s/GalleryofGuns.com is a great choice. Visit: www.galleryofguns.com
Chuck is Back to Trigger the Vote SEP 29, 2010 06:47P.M. Chuck is Back to Trigger the Vote I told you I knew Chuck!
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com Chuck is Back to Trigger the Vote Tags: Chuck Norris, Elections, Gallery of Guns, Gun Voters, Trigger the Vote
Gallery of Guns
Leftover NJ Deer & Turkey Permits Available
Las Vegas, NV --(Ammoland.com)- Action hero Chuck Norris is riding to the rescue of the Second Amendment with a new ad encouraging gun owners, hunters and shooters to register to vote.
SEP 29, 2010 04:08P.M.
The National Rifle Association’s Freedom Action Foundation (NRA-FAF) is featuring Chuck Norris in a new series of advertisements for its “Trigger the Vote” voter registration campaign.
Leftover NJ Deer & Turkey Permits Available Tuesday, October 5
“Tough Like Chuck,” the first in the new series of ads can be viewed here: www.triggerthevote.org We encourage all eligible voters to register, and cast a pro-freedom ballot on Election Day.
New Jersey Fish and Game Trenton, NJ --(Ammoland.com)- The NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife reminds hunters that all leftover and unclaimed Fall Turkey Permits and all Deer Permits will become available for sale on Tuesday, October 5 at 10:00 a.m. Permits will be available until the permit quota is reached or the season ends, whichever comes first. Permits can be purchased at all license agents or online. Hunters are reminded that permits purchased online will take 7 – 10 business days for delivery. Hunters do have the option of paying for express delivery. Chuck is Back to Trigger the Vote Fall Turkey Permit lottery award winners have until Sunday, October 3 to claim their permit(s). Permits that remain unclaimed will be made available on October 5. The fall turkey season is only open in Turkey
About: Davidson’s Inc is one of the largest and most progressive firearms
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
Hunting Areas 1- 5, 8, 9, 11 and 20 – 22.
Arizona Citizens Defense League Annual Meeting – Sold Out
A list of permit availability for deer and turkey permit seasons can be found at www.wildlifelicense.com/nj/ALS/unit_report.php . Reminder: In order to harvest a buck during the Permit Bow, Permit Shotgun or Permit Muzzleloader seasons, you must purchase an Antlered Buck Permit for each season in which you would like to harvest a buck. Each Antlered Buck Permit is $28.00 for adults and $12.00 for youths and is in addition to the regular antlerless deer permit.
SEP 29, 2010 03:43P.M. Arizona Citizens Defense League Annual Meeting – Sold Out Don’t forget! Wear a gun!
NOTE: If you purchase an Antlerless Permit PRIOR to the start of the season, and wish to harvest a buck, you must purchase the Antlered Buck Permit by the dates indicated below. You cannot purchase the Antlered Buck Permit once the season has begun if you have already purchased an antlerless permit for that season. Antlered Buck Permits must be purchased by the following deadlines: • Antlered Buck Permit – Bow – October 30, 2010 • Antlered Buck Permit – Muzzleloader – November 29, 2010 • Antlered Buck Permit – Shotgun – December 15, 2010 Arizona Citizens Defense League
Please see the 2010 Hunting Digest below for more details.
Catalina, AZ --(Ammoland.com)- Congratulations! The response to AzCDL’s 2010 annual meeting of members has been overwhelming and all luncheon seating has been booked to capacity. We are expecting 400 attendees.
Hunters are also reminded that Turkey Hunting Areas and Deer Management Zones are NOT the same. It is the hunter’s responsibility to know in what zone/area and season he/she wants to hunt. Hunters are urged to review their permit before leaving the license agent or completing the online transaction. Once the online transaction is completed or a permit fee is paid for and the buyer leaves the store there will be no returns, exchanges or refunds. There are no exceptions.
If you possess an annual meeting reservation ticket, that means you have a guaranteed seat at a table and a meal reserved for you. If you made your luncheon reservation by the September 25th deadline and have not received your ticket, please contact Fred (treasurer@azcdl.org).
New Jersey 2010-2011 Hunting & Trapping Regulations
If you have NOT made a luncheon reservation, we probably won’t be able to accommodate you. There will be no ticket sales at the door until AFTER all those with reservations have been seated AND we can confirm that there are open seats, probably not until after 1 PM. We also cannot guarantee that you will have a choice of meals, or that there will be any extra meals available.
For more information visit the Hunting and Trapping Permit Information page at http:/www.njfishandwildlife.com/permit_info.htm on the division’s website. Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com
Please do NOT arrive before Noon. Lunch is not served until 1 PM. Entry to the meeting is streamlined. If you have a ticket in your hand, you will be seated quickly.
Leftover NJ Deer & Turkey Permits Available Tags: Deer Hunting, Game Permits, Hunting News, New Jersey, New Jersey Fish and Game, NJDEP, Turkey Hunting
We need volunteers! This is going to be a fun, but busy, meeting with tons of raffle drawings, a silent auction, entertainment and thought provoking guest speakers. We’ll also have table sales of books and AzCDL goodies. And, we could use a few more smiling faces to greet our members and help them get seated. If you would like to help make the largest ever gathering of AzCDL members a fun and memorable
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
occasion, please let Fred (treasurer@azcdl.org) know.
In our alert yesterday we informed you about the endorsement of antigun Iowa Governor Chet Culver by the NRA.
Don’t forget! Wear a gun! We choose our words carefully since it’s Governor Culver who signed into law the bill that we described yesterday-the one that takes away guns from those who are merely accused of misdemeanor crimes.
As with all our annual meetings, the tasteful open carrying of firearms is appreciated. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! http://www.azcdl.org/html/join_us_.html
Governor Culver also refuses to answer the 2010 Iowa Gun Owners Gun Rights Candidate Survey… …the survey that Governor Branstad completed with 100% pro-gun responses.
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Many of you have been asking us how to contact the NRA-ILA to complain about this endorsement.
Arizona Citizens Defense League Annual Meeting – Sold Out The number to call is 800-392-8683. Tell them that we don’t need their political favors taking a toll on our gun rights. Urge them to reconsider this endorsement.
Tags: Arizona, Arizona Citizens Defense League, AzCDL, Pro Gun Groups, Pro Gun Organizations, Pro Gun Rallys
But there is more. Representatives from Iowa Gun Owners have been hearing rumors in the recent past that the NRA is about to endorse liberal, gun grabbing Senator Staci Appel over gun rights champion Rep. Kent Sorenson!!!
Shocking NRA Endorsements in Iowa
Iowa Gun Owners members will recognize Kent Sorenson as our lead bill sponsor in the House for the last two years.
SEP 29, 2010 03:31P.M. Shocking NRA Endorsements in Iowa
Besides being the lead sponsor of House File 596 (REAL Right-to-Carry) for the last two years, Representative Sorenson: • Co-sponsored HF86 – A Castle Doctrine bill that provides important legal protections to Iowa gun owners. • Co-sponsored HF2057 – A bill that disallows the government from demanding to know the make and model of your weapon prior to receiving a permit to carry it. • Co-sponsored HF87 – A bill that disallows the government from making lawful Iowans give their fingerprints, like a common criminal, as part of receiving a concealed carry permit. • Sponsored HF2267 – A bill that repeals Iowa’s unconstitutional permit to purchase handguns. If passed, law abiding Iowans will be able to purchase self-defense weapons from other law abiding Iowans without government interference.
Iowa Gun Owners Anti-gun Senator Staci Appel supported none of these in her capacity as a State Senator!
Iowa--(Ammoland.com)- Many of you have contacted us regarding the NRA’s recent endorsement of Governor Chet Culver in his bid for reelection.
But we’ve moved beyond rumors. Today two news outlets in Iowa have broken this story, confirming what we’ve been hearing. (See links below.)
For more details on this and other soon to be announced shocking endorsements from the NRA please keep reading.
• http://theiowarepublican.com/home/2010/09/28/nra-notrelevant-anymore/
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
• http://www.thebeanwalker.com/
Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Endorsements, Gun Politics, Gun Voters, IGO, Iowa, Iowa Gun Owners, NRA-ILA
This is an outrage! While Iowa Gun Owners prepares to launch our biggest grassroots initiative ever, to inform thousands of voters about the anti-gun positions taken by their State Representative and State Senators (or challengers) the NRA walks in behind us and is set to advocate for one of the most liberal gun-grabbers in the State of Iowa.
Nevada Sheriff’s & Chiefs’ Association Hosting Fourth Annual Concealed Carry Forum
Iowa Gun Owners urges you to contact the NRA-ILA (the division that makes the endorsement decisions) and let them know what you think of this decision.
SEP 29, 2010 03:18P.M.
Whether or not you are an NRA member we encourage you to call. As a grassroots gun owner/activist they should hear from you.
Nevada Sheriff’s and Chiefs’ Association Hosting Fourth Annual Concealed Carry Forum
The number to call is 800-392-8683. To be perfectly clear, Iowa Gun Owners is not endorsing or advocating for or against candidates. That is the job of the newly formed Iowa Gun Owners Political Action Committee (PAC). But we want you to be aware of the political issues surrounding your 2nd Amendment freedoms that we seek to defend and enhance.
NRA - ILA Charlotte, NC --(Ammoland.com)- NRA-ILA grass roots news recently debuted a new and improved format for the “Grassroots News Minute” video!
Please make your calls today. Contact Us
To view the current video in its new format, please click above: You can contact us in the following ways: Read More on these topics: • Email: info@iowagunowners.org * Concealed Carry • Phone: 515/309-7858 About: Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit: www.nra.org
• Mail: P.O. Box 3585, Des Moines, IA 50323 • Website: www.IowaGunOwners.org About: Iowa Gun Owners (IGO) was formed in January of 2009 to combat the oppressive gun laws in the State of Iowa. IGO does not believe that you, as a law abiding citizen, should have to beg permission from the government to be able to defend yourself and your family. That’s why we are working so hard to get a Vermont/Alaska style carry law passed in Iowa. In these states, unless you are a convicted felon or otherwise barred from possessing weapons, you don’t need a permit to carry a gun for self-defense! Join us now! Visit: www.iowagunowners.org
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com Nevada Sheriff’s & Chiefs’ Association Hosting Fourth Annual Concealed Carry Forum
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Tags: CCW, Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Laws, NRA, NRA-ILA, Self Defense, Workshops
Shocking NRA Endorsements in Iowa
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
place and one point behind Haagen and Torson was Roger Tremba.
Mcdonald Sportsmen’s August BPCR Shooting Match
About: Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association: Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Article I, Section 21, “The right of the citi-zens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.” We uphold, promote and support the right to keep and bear arms. Visit: www.pennarifleandpistol.org
SEP 29, 2010 02:59P.M. Mcdonald Sportsmen’s August BPCR Shooting Match Submitted by Dana Knezevich
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com Mcdonald Sportsmen’s August BPCR Shooting Match Tags: Black Powder, Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association, PRPA
Realtree Provides Hunters with Best Hunting Weather Data Available Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association
SEP 29, 2010 02:44P.M.
Butler, PA --(Ammoland.com)- Thirty-five competitors attended the August 7, 2010 Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette match at McDonald Sportsmen‘s Club.
Realtree Provides Hunters with Best Hunting Weather Data Available
Many of the old timers to this game shot very good scores, but some of the relatively newer competitors have been steadily learning the subtleties of the game and are also shooting good scores. This makes for numerous tied scores and some interesting shoot-offs at the end of the match. Ross Arnfield shot an excellent score of 30/40 to win the Iron Sight category. Karl Hovatter and Jim Radcliffe tied with 29/40, with Hovatter winning the shoot-off to take 2nd Iron Sight and Radcliffe finishing in 3rd place. RealTree
First Master was won by John Whitcomb. Kermit Hoke took 2nd Master after winning a shoot-off over Steve Maurer. AAA class was won by Mike Kanzeg after a shoot-off with Tim Trunick who finished 2nd AAA, and Mike Shamonsky took 3rd AAA.
COLUMBUS, Georgia --(Ammoland.com)- Realtree has launched an innovative iPhone application designed for hunters that displays up-todate radar images, current conditions and wind speed and direction on an interactive Google map.
Steve Blackstone won a shoot-off in AA class to take first place over Larry Kiehl who finished 2nd AA. The combined A & B class was won by Stan Waddingham followed by John Estok.
Realtree for iPhone is now available on the iTunes store for $3.99 at http://bit.ly/RealTreeApp.
Scope class was not immune to shoot-offs and close scores. John Haagen and Tim Torson both fired scores of 28/40. After the shoot-off Haagen emerged the winner and Torson settled for 2nd place. Finishing in 3rd
The iMap-enabled Realtree Weather application, developed by weather leader Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., (WDT) detects your location
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
and provides you with your local radar data, as well as current conditions, a 7-day forecast, humidity, wind direction and dew-point data.
Realtree camouflage patterns. In addition, Realtree is committed to supporting individuals and groups that work to ensure our outdoor heritage, the conservation of natural places and the wildlife that resides there. In fact, Realtree is one of the nation’s leading contributors to conservation groups such as Ducks Unlimited, the National Wild Turkey Federation, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and others. Realtree promotes its products and relationships widely on ESPN2, Outdoor Channel and other television networks, as well as through Realtree.com and many other outlets. For more information, check out www.realtree.com.
The Realtree application also offers severe weather information, including the latest US radar, IR satellite and lightning strikes, as well as a news tab featuring blogs. “Weather is a high priority for any hunter or outdoor sportsman,” said Mike Gauthier, vice president of sales for WDT.
About Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. Founded in 1999, Weather Decision Technologies has become a global leader in providing state-of-the-science weather detection, nowcasting, and forecasting systems and services to our partners and customers. WDT’s iMap services provide dynamic, web-based and mobile interactive mapping solutions for the world’s leading local media companies. WDT maintains operational and international offices in Washington, D.C.; Norman, Oklahoma and Atlanta, Georgia. http://www.wdtinc.com.
“With Realtree’s mobile application, we are bringing the most powerful, innovative and accurate weather, radar and satellite data available in the United States, transforming any iPhone into a reliable decision-making tool for the nation’s more than 23 million hunters.”
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com Realtree Provides Hunters with Best Hunting Weather Data Available Tags: iPhone, Realtree, Weather Decision Technologies
Trailblazer Adventure Program Celebrates “One Millionth” Participant
Realtree Provides Hunters with Best Hunting Weather Data Available Realtree Weather automatically detects the users’ current locations with a blue pin. Browsers can also simply type in the name of a location of interest and the application drops a pin on the map, marking that location and providing current weather conditions, temperatures, forecasts and highs and lows.
SEP 29, 2010 02:33P.M. Trailblazer Adventure Program Celebrates “One Millionth” Participant Milestone Marks Nearly a Decade of Leading Outdoor Youth Education.
Using the “pinch zoom” method to zoom in and out of the map, users can access detailed radar information, all the way down to street level. The radar animates on demand, creating a continuous loop, allowing hunters to better predict storm paths. The radar data is updated every 5 minutes. Realtree Weather provides direct access to the nation’s conservation and hunting news, classic Realtree videos, articles and hunting tips from the team at Realtree. About RealTree: Realtree is the world’s leading camouflage designer, marketer, and licensor with over 1,500 licensees utilizing the Realtree camouflage brand. Thousands of outdoor and lifestyle products are available in
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
About Trailblazer: Trailblazer events are typically hosted at a Boy Scout camp or similar facility and features a variety of activities, demonstrations and orientation sessions designed to let children and their parents experience the outdoor lifestyle. Activities include firearm shooting and safety, archery, trapping, fishing and much more. All activities are conducted under the supervision of experienced “Trail Guides” with an emphasis on safety. USSAF Local Field Directors attend each event to ensure coordination between all participating organizations.
Columbus, OH --(Ammoland.com)- The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation’s (USSAF) signature outdoor education program for American youth, the Trailblazer Adventure Program, is preparing to reach a major milestone on October 2 with its one millionth participant attending an event. Thousands of youth and their families will be flooding seven Trailblazer Adventure Day locations around the nation including sites in Atlanta, Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, Traverse City, Michigan, Jackson, Mississippi, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Albany, New York and East Providence, Rhode Island.
Youth-serving partnerships include: Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Campfire USA, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club, Girls Incorporated and YMCA.
By the end of the day, over one million participants will have gone through the Trailblazer Adventure Program since its inception as an Atlanta pilot program in 2001.
Conservation organization partnerships include: National Shooting Sports Foundation, Masters of Foxhounds Association, Fur Takers of America, National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), its state chapters and the NWTF JAKES program, Ohio Division of Wildlife, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources- Wildlife, Wild Sheep Foundation, Bass Anglers Sportsmen’s Society, Kentucky Fur Takers Association, Safari Club International Foundation, Safari Club International Golden Gate Chapter, United Taxidermist Association (UTA), Hidden Haven Hunting Preserve, local sportsmen’s clubs, and the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit.
In 2002 Trailblazer grew with five pilots around the country averaging over 1,000 participants at each site. That tremendous growth continued reaching a record number of 200,000 youth and their families attending in 2009 alone. Trailblazer has received many awards and accolades including a U.S. Department of the Interior Take Pride in America award for its leadership in recruiting youth and families to outdoor sports.
Special partnerships: Three of the aforementioned organizations have signed agreements to provide leadership at Trailblazer events. These groups are the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), its state chapters, and the NWTF JAKES program, BASS, and the United Taxidermy Association.
“For close to a decade, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation has worked with all types of youth organizations to make Trailblazer the largest outdoor education program of its kind in the nation,” said Bud Pidgeon, USSAF president and CEO. “To have touched the lives of so many young people and their families and to have given them a taste of the wonders of outdoor sports has been awe inspiring.”
Also indispensable to the success of Trailblazer are generous financial sponsors including the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Ohio Division of Wildlife, Bushnell Performance Optics, Cabela’s, Charles Daly and the Crosman Corporation.
The Chair of the Trailblazer Program is Mary Cabela, co-founder with husband Richard Cabela, and brother Jim Cabela of the well known sportsmen store chain, Cabela’s. It is under her guidance and generosity that Trailblazer has the resources to introduce legions of youth and their families to shooting, fishing, hunting, and trapping.
Additional support: The Lee and Ramona Bass Foundation, ShikarSafari Club International Foundation, Mrs. Mary A. Cabela, William H. Flowers Jr. Foundation, Alan & Barbara Sackman, McBean Family Foundation, Bicknell Fund, Hampe Family Foundation, Inc., Mr. Richard C. Hampe, JCK Foundation, Northstar Youth Houndsman, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, West Virginia Trophy Hunters Association, and the Big Game Hunters Foundation.
Additionally, many organizations have provided invaluable resources to make Trailblazer a reality such as the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Boy Scouts of America, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, nearly every state wildlife agency, and numerous national conservation based groups such as Fur Takers of American, Masters of Foxhounds Association, and the National Wild Turkey Federation. In addition to these groups, tens of thousands of volunteers, many from the expansive national network of local conservation clubs, have donated their time and money to make each Trailblazer event a unique experience for the children and families attending.
For more information about the Trailblazer Adventure program, e-mail trailblazer@ussportsmen.org or visit www.trailblazeradventure.org. About USSAF The USSAF protects and defends America’s wildlife conservation programs and the pursuits – hunting, fishing and trapping – that generate the money to pay for them. It is responsible for public education, legal defense and research.
Trailblazer would not be possible without numerous conservation minded businesses such as Cabela’s, the Crosman Corporation, Bushnell Performance Optics, Henry Repeating Arms, and many more.
About NSSF
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
The NSSF is the professional trade association for the firearms industry. Formed in 1961, it manages a variety of public outreach programs with a special emphasis on promoting gun safety and participation in shooting sports.
About Cabela’s Cabela’s is the World’s Foremost Outfitter of hunting, fishing and outdoor gear. The leader in the outdoor equipment business, it has grown and prospered from simple beginnings to become the largest mail-order, retail and Internet outdoor outfitter in the world.
SEP 29, 2010 01:34P.M.
Heron Hill Winery Partners with Seneca White Deer Heron Hill Winery Partners with Seneca White Deer, Inc.
About the NWTF The National Wild Turkey Federation is a national nonprofit conservation and hunting organization that, along with its volunteers, partners and sponsors, has worked for the conservation of the wild turkey and preservation of the hunting tradition. When the NWTF was established in 1973, there were only 1.3 million wild turkeys. Today that number stands at more than seven million birds throughout North America, and hunting seasons have been established in 49 U.S. states, Canada and Mexico. About UTA The United Taxidermist Association was founded in September 2007 by a group of like minded individuals, seeking to promote unity and professionalism within the taxidermy industry. The UTA focuses on advancing the art of taxidermy with special emphasis on education and youth.
Seneca White Deer
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com Trailblazer Adventure Program Celebrates “One Millionth” Participant Tags: Cabelas, NSSF, NWTF, U.S. Sportsmens Alliance, United Taxidermist Association, USSAF, UTA
SenecaWhiteDeer.org Canandaigua, NY --(Ammoland.com)- Heron Hill Winery is partnering with the Seneca White Deer, Inc. in an effort to raise awareness and funds to benefit the preservation of these unique and treasured animals. This collaboration will help to protect the special herd of White Deer that reside at the former Seneca Army Depot located on the eastern side of Seneca Lake. This fall and winter, $2 from every bottle of Heron Hill’s Semi-Dry Riesling sold at the winery and at their two tasting rooms will go directly to benefit the Seneca White Deer. This is the winery’s most popular wine as it exemplifies the bright fruit flavors, crisp acidity and the mineral characteristics that make the Finger Lakes the premier Riesling region in North America.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
30 September 2010
Heron Hill Winery’s owner, John Ingle, is an avid conservationist and animal lover, saying “We’re honored to stand up for these unique and beautiful creatures and urge you to learn more about them and support our efforts to preserve them.” Dennis Money, President of Seneca White Deer, Inc., a not for profit organization dedicated to promoting ecotourism for a significant part of the Seneca Army Depot stated, “We applaud the support from Heron Hill Winery. Helping to promote our mission shows the environmental stewardship of the winery and their support for promoting tourism in the Finger Lakes.” The Environmental Stewardship Luncheon at the German House in Rochester, N.Y. on October 6, 2010 which is being hosted by Seneca White Deer, Inc. will mark the start of this fundraising partnership. The Semi-Dry Riesling will be available at all three locations; Heron Hill Winery on Keuka Lake, their tasting room on Seneca Lake and their newest tasting room in Bristol on the Canandaigua Wine Trail.
Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- On the heels of the most successful annual banquet and auction to date, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) Board of Directors selected officers for 2011 and voted to approve Walter McLallen as a member of the Board.
For more information about Heron Hill Winery on Keuka Lake and their two tasting rooms on Seneca and Canandaigua Lakes, visit www.heronhill.com. For more information about Seneca White Deer, Inc., and the October 6 luncheon go to www.senecawhitedeer.org.
Lindsay Thomas, former Congressman from Georgia, former Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) and current Vice-Chairman of the CSF Board, was elected by his peers to serve as Chairman of the Board.
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Current Secretary of the CSF Board and President of the Boone & Crockett Club, Robert Model, was elected to serve as Vice-Chairman, and CSF Board member and President of Lipsey’s and Haspel, Laurie Aronson, was elected Secretary. Paul Miller remains Treasurer, and long standing member Phil Morlock of Shimano, was selected to continue his service as Honorary Board Chairman.
Heron Hill Winery Partners with Seneca White Deer Tags: Conservation News, Fundraiser, New York, Seneca White Deer, Sportsmens Charitys, Whitetails
“Our mission is to support and unite the consensus of the over 300 members of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, the over 2,000 state legislators of the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses and the 28 state chief executives of the Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus in the bi-partisan effort of protecting the interests and concerns of America’s hunters and anglers,” said Thomas.
CSF Board of Directors Elects New Leadership & New Board Member SEP 29, 2010 10:42A.M.
“This means not only protecting the rights of America’s sportsmen but seeing that the natural environment that sustains our wildlife resources is protected and enhanced for future generations.”
CSF Board of Directors Elects New Leadership & New Board Member
McLallen is an avid sportsman and outdoorsman and is the founder and a Managing Director of Meritage Capital Advisors, a financial advisory boutique engaged in corporate finance, private equity origination and asset management. He has been an investor and member of the Board of Directors of The Freedom Group, the largest firearm and ammunition company in the nation, and its predecessors since 2006 and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.
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30 September 2010
“CSF is fortunate to have exceptional and quality individuals serving on our board. Their insights, counsel and guidance have been invaluable while increasing our role as the leader in organizing state and federal elected officials to promote a pro-sportsmen’s agenda,” said CSF President Jeff Crane.
Elizabeth Berkley Showgirls, Saved By the Bell), Eric Roberts, (Dark Knight, The Expendables), Erik Estrada (CHIPs), Ernie Hudson (Ghost Busters, Greg Plitt (Terminator Salvation), Ivan Sergei (The Break-Up, The Opposite Sex), Jake Busey (Starship Troopers, Contact), , Jessie Camacho (Curse Of Alcatraz, Host Of Telemundo), Julian McMahon (Nip/Tuck, Fantastic 4: Rise Of The Silver Surfer), Keith David (Platoon, Crash), Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk), Michael Copon (The Scorpion King: Rise Of A Warrior, Bring It On), Michael Rooker (Cliffhanger), Patrick Kilpatrick (Minority Report, Criminal Minds, Nip/Tuck, 24), Ralf Moeller (Gladiator, The Scorpion King), Rick Schroder (Get Him to the Greek), Ron Perlman (Sons Of Anarchy, Hellboy), Sandy Climan (Golden Global and British Academy-Award Winning Producer – The Aviator), Thom Barry (Cold Case, 2 Fast 2 Furious), Tim Abell (We Were Soldiers, Soldier Of God), Vinnie Jones (Smokin Aces 2, The Irishman, Magic Boys), Jon Michael McGrath II (Sporting Clays National & World Junior Champion), Moses Smith (California state champion), Sergeant Glenn Eller (Sporting Clays Gold medalist, Beijing, China Olympics), Sergeant Vincent Hancock (Sporting Clays Gold medalist, Beijing, China Olympics), Taran Butler (IPSC World Shoot Standard Gold Medal Team Champion, Superstition Mountain Mystery Multi Gun Tactical Champion), Tony Schumacher (National Hot Rod Association champion).
Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com CSF Board of Directors Elects New Leadership & New Board Member Tags: Board Appointments, Congressional Sportmen’s Foundation, CSF, Washington DC
40+ Celebrities Attending 2010 Hollywood Celebrity Sporting Clays Invitational SEP 29, 2010 10:09A.M. More Than 40 Celebrities Attending 2010 Hollywood Celebrity Sporting Clays Invitational To Benefit City Of Hope Bone Marrow Donor Program Event Is Open To The Public With Ticket Purchase.
AmmoLand Gun News LOS ANGELES, CA --(Ammoland.com)- More than 40 Hollywood celebrities and champions are joining forces with host Patrick Kilpatrick of Uncommon Dialogue Films to benefit the City of Hope Marrow Donor Program at the 2010 Hollywood Shotgun Sporting Clays Invitational. Triple B Shotgun Sporting Park is the backdrop for this star-studded competition on Saturday, October 9 in El Monte, California. More Than 40 Celebrities Attending 2010 Hollywood Celebrity Sporting Clays Invitational
More than 200 international shooters and 40 global celebrities will enjoy an exciting day of world class, eco-friendly sporting clays shooting to benefit the City of Hope Bone Marrow Donor Program. The City of Hope Mobile Bone Marrow Testing Unit will be on-site for celebrity and event participants to be entered into the national registry with the ultimate goal of finding a match for a patient in need of bone marrow or stem-cell treatment.
Celebrities and champion shooters include, Eva Longoria Parker (Desperate Housewives), James Woods (Once Upon A Time In America, The Virgin Suicides), Joe Mantegna (Criminal Minds, The Godfather: Part III), Colin Farrell (Phone Booth), Tom Selleck (Three Men and a Baby, Magnum PI), Aaron Eckhart (Dark Knight, Thank You For Smoking), Brian Austin Green (Beverly Hills 90210, Terminator), Cedric Yarbrough (Reno 911!, The 40 Year Old Virgin), Dominika Wolski (Andromeda, Dark Angel),
“It’s absolutely fun and challenging, a sport that anyone can enjoy,” said host and Uncommon Dialogue Films CEO actor Patrick Kilpatrick. “We’re doing something special … a vivid tournament, superbly catered, combined with Hollywood
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30 September 2010
gifting and unique tactical attractions.”
Of all the shooting sports, sporting clays is the most contemporary. Fourperson teams coupled with two celebrities per team will compete against each another in the day-long extravaganza to achieve the highest point total. Attendees will rotate from station-to-station to shoot biodegradable, clay saucers launched at varying speeds, angles, heights and directions.
Tags: Clay Target Shooting, Competitive Shooting News, Fundraiser, Hollywood Sporting Clays, Outdoors Personalities, Skeet Shooting, Sportsmens Charitys
The Oldest of Songs, One Of The Hunt
Safety is paramount at the 2010 Invitational. Responsible firearm handling is the order of the day as international competitors, instructors and long-time shooting actors, producers and directors will counsel and supervise those celebrities who are new to the sport.
SEP 29, 2010 08:36A.M.
Sideline activities include Kriss TDI Sub-Machine Gun demos, explosives demos by Trip Wire, an acoustic lunch-time performance from rock band Oh Darling, a Busettii Bike demo, a demo by Griffin Personal Defense Tool, US Army interactive games, fly-casting demos, color guard, bag piper, a Star Spangled Banner choir with Louise Mandrell in attendance and specialty shotgun games.
The Oldest of Songs, One Of The Hunt He could no more stop hunting than he could stop breathing. The music played too loudly in him. By Dr. T. C. Jennings Presented by Bernard+Associates
Following the red carpet and a gourmet breakfast, celebrities will receive mandatory safety and shooting instruction with a state-of-the-art loaner shotgun for the day. Participants walk the course or travel by golf-car from station-to station with some stops sporting extra activities and special treats for added fun and adventure. Competitors will shoot a total of 100 clays split into two parts with a break for a gourmet picnic lunch. At the end of the event everyone will gather for a casual cocktail party, awards ceremony and eclectic live auction. Honors include top, runner up and third place male and female shooter, top, runner up and third place male and female celebrity shooter as well as gift bags for everyone. One of those small town bar n breakfast joints that smelled of coffee, smoke, burned bacon & eggs, good smells to a deer hunter.
International shooters include Olympian, world and national champions as well as all-around recreational shooters who purchase $500 singleentry tickets, $1,800 for a team of four plus (with VIP treatment), or $150 for the cocktail party to join celebrities to benefit the charity event. Triple B Clays Shotgun Sporting Park is located at 831 Rosemead Blvd. in El Monte, CA 91733-4211. For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit: HOLLYWOODSPORTCLAYS.COM “It really is time the green movement and shooting/outdoor sports which contribute so much to conservation are joined together with Hollywood glamour,” noted Kilpatrick.
Sporting Classics Magazine Columbia, SC --(AmmoLand.com)- Five a.m., opening day breakfast hadn’t changed much.
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Hank, Frank and Floyd, two of the brothers nursing hangovers, Pastor Fred, Harry and Earl still commandeered the corner table, raucous as
40+ Celebrities Attending 2010 Hollywood Celebrity Sporting Clays
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30 September 2010
crows in a cornfield.
“Pardon me, Pastor, but for chrissakes, Earl, the bacon looks like a couple of hummingbird tongues, the eggs look like scrambled canaries, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say the toast is burned blacker than the stain in a hobo’s undies. You expect us to eat this mess?”
Earl owned the place, “The Shot,” he named it, one of those small town bar/breakfast joints that smelled of coffee and smoke and burned bacon and eggs, good smells to a deer hunter. Folks ladled out jam and jelly with a communal spoon and poured cream from the same pitcher and sugar from the same jar. Winston still tasted good like a cigarette should, everybody carried lever actions and wore wool, and most downed a deer by season’s end. A shot of Earl’s coffee in the morning, a shot at a deer during the day, and a shot of Earl’s whiskey in the evening . . . no matter what, everybody took a shot. Hence the name.
Laughter and disgust drowned most of the conversation and as the restaurant filled, the last voices Jack heard were Harry’s complaining how his deer-chasing shorthair always ripped his tongue on briars and bled like he’d “swallowed a box of knives,” and one of the brothers bragging how his new girlfriend could swat down grouse like she was “backhanding stepchildren.” From their gestures, though, he knew they’d turned to buck stories, each measuring invisible spreads bigger than the others.
Time seems to stand still in a small town. Jack Troutwine sat in a back booth sipping bitter black coffee and listening to their voices. Twenty years gone as a boy and back as a man, no one had recognized him but he remembered them, the rhythm and cadence of their words familiar as old friends. Snippets of conversations reached across the restaurant and across the years to his booth, making him smile.
Finishing his coffee, Jack rose to leave, never able to eat on opening day, his nerves likely to jitterbug with anything in his stomach, his excitement keen as ever.
“Dogs and dopes are going to inherit the earth and I hope it’s the dogs,” Father Fred intoned, disgusted with some chicanery somewhere.
Jack reached across the table, careful not to squeeze the pastor’s hand too hard, and nodded at the others. He noticed a walker behind Hank, his face a geography of gullies and ravines, and grey hair curling from beneath the brothers’ caps. Even Harry, the youngest, wore a web of spider veins in his cheeks, the patina of age purpling his skin. Time had found another entrance, separating then from now.
“Jack? Jack Troutwine? Well I’ll be damned,” Pastor Fred remarked, catching Jack’s eye and rising to stand unsteadily on his cane.
“Not the poor?” Frank winked at Floyd, figuring he’d goosed Pastor Fred in the gospel for once. “Hell no. That’d mean dopes like you two would be in charge. Give me a Chihuahua anytime. At least it has enough sense to sit in an old woman’s lap instead of chasing her from bar to bar half the night and throwing away good money hand over fist.”
“Home for the hunt?” “Yessir.”
Whistles and jeers greeted the retort, flushing the brothers deep red as the Woolrich coats that hung from their chairs. “Don’t think I didn’t hear about you two boys stuck in a poor man’s hoist last night.”
“How’s your father? I haven’t seen him in a month of Sundays.”
Floyd shrugged. “I sure didn’t.”
“Aren’t we all.”
The brothers glared accusations at one another before Frank spoke. “How’d you know we were in the ditch? We didn’t tell anybody, did we, Floyd?”
“You hunting the marsh or the swamp field?”
Pastor Fred grinned like he had God in his back pocket. “The Lord is my shepherd, boys, and keeps a good watch out for the wolves who threaten my flock.”
“It’s as good an opening day spot as any, I suppose. Been an awful dry summer, though. From what I heard, even the turtles were packing canteens. Collar-up weather today, though.”
About then Earl’s wife dropped steaming plates of breakfast around the table, stilling the din for a second, long enough for Hank to lambaste the food starting with the bacon, an opening day tradition.
Jack grinned and nodded. “How ‘bout you?”
“Good. A little slower.”
“The swamp field, I think.”
“None of us old farts hunts much more than memories, Jack,” Pastor Fred responded for the group. “We still do breakfast, though, and talk deer like when you were a kid, and Earl still antes up a free drink if you shoot a good one. Right, barkeep?” He slapped Earl on the back and laughed.
“Hey Earl, these pigs of yours fly?” “What do you mean, Hank?” Earl winked and played along while everybody leaned in for Hank’s jibes, wondering how he’d outdo last year’s tirade.
Small talk gave way to pause, allowing Jack to leave before the silence
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30 September 2010
stretched to awkward. Good lucks followed him out the door where a light snow drifted across the parked trucks, swirled into small tornadoes by the wind. Backing out, he glimpsed crow tracks walking the edge of his eyes, shook his head ruefully and pointed his headlights toward the swamp field.
deer whirled, grabbed her sisters by the hand, it seemed, and disappeared as if never there. “Goodbye, girls,” Jack whispered, staring at an empty field except for the trees and grass and rising wind that loosed snow squalls from a bank of black clouds. The rest of the morning snow and sun traded turns as Jack squinted for another glimpse of the supernatural.
Rituals remain, he thought, hearing the whispers of his own mortality, but we don’t. Grateful to still be part of the hunt, he watched the restaurant fade in the rearview mirror.
By noon his concentration flagged and his mind sifted through memories of other hunts. He remembered every deer he’d ever killed, from the orchard eight-point to the first one as a 14-year-old boy, a doe taken with a .410 slug on the last day at dusk deep in the cedar swamp he studied now. Searching in the dark, uncertain of his aim, he finally found it dead under a thicket of pin cherries when his flashlight reflected green off the doe’s vacant, iridescent eye. Bending to touch its fur, he choked back tears, overcome with joy and sorrow.
An hour later Jack Troutwine shivered in the darkness before dawn, happy with his discomfort while awaiting the most important morning of the year. He believed in hunting the hard way, with no blinds or bait, just an overturned bucket in a field overlooking a cedar swamp with the wind in his face. Jack had always hunted this way, believing a level playing field made the experience true. Pulling the gun to his shoulder like an old friend and aiming at an oak across the field, he felt confident knowing it fired where it pointed and huddled down into the rhythm of the hunt as snow stung his skin like slivers of ice. Weaving among ragged, grey clouds, a half-moon glowed like a gem in the black ear of night and the sky wore a sparkly number sequined with stars, both promising sunrise despite the snow that powdered the trees and clung to his coat. It reminded Jack of an old time ticker-tape parade layering the landscape with confetti.
Gathering himself, he struggled the deer to a small stream that meandered among the dense cedars, in his mind feeling again the cold water pressing against his boots as he floated the doe downstream through the swamp on a starry, cold night toward camp. Hearing the shot, his father had waited anxiously in the light of a gas lantern, the hiss of its mantle sinister to the old man as he watched for his boy before breaking into a grin when he caught sight of him holding his gun in one hand and a hoof in the other. Together they gutted the deer and dragged it to the truck, their breath white as moonlight in the cold, before emotion overwhelmed him and Jack cried openly.
The snow also coated the fur of a swollen-necked buck resting under a cedar deep in the swamp after a night of carousing. If Jack had known, he would’ve shivered with more than cold.
“It’s the way you’re supposed to feel,” his father counseled. “If you felt otherwise, you wouldn’t be a hunter who honors what God gives you; you’d be a poacher, which is the same thing as a killer. Wait here.”
The morning’s music was sung by the usual choir, owl song and pheasant reveille followed by mallard chuckle and the whistle of wood ducks seeking refuge elsewhere. Woodpeckers banged the timpani, startling loud-winged doves onto the low branches of a hawthorn. Bluejays shouted the sun’s coming as the sky brightened beneath clouds turned to cotton candy in the pink wash of dawn, pools of blue forming between them as if someone had broken through ice. Across the field young maples mixed with birch and poplar began to glow like sparklers in the gathering light, their yellow leaves bright as finches, while a clump of shrubs blushed red knowing nakedness was soon to come. Of all moments, these were Jack’s favorite, the hymn of color and sound that foreshadowed morning.
He went to the animal and returned to touch its blood to Jack’s lip. “You’re not a boy anymore.” Jack accepted the covenant, understanding that hunting had imbued in him a compassion and respect for life unlike any other experience, teachings he would honor for the rest of his life, and he knew that day he could no more stop hunting than he could stop breathing. The music played too loudly in him. The irony of taking a life to revere it, however, was not lost on him, a dilemma he would never resolve, and he knew his elation in taking an animal always would be tempered by grief for its death.
Minutes later three apparitions hugged the swamp edge. The color of shade, they eased from the cedars cautiously and angled toward him, jittery in the wind, ears alert, ghosting into the brown grass invisible as chameleons. Lifting and lowering their heads in syncopation, they moved with stealth, furtive and shy and impossibly silent as they closed within 15 yards, eyes locked to his, sensing wrong. Jack hung a crosshair on the biggest deer when all three heads dipped.
Late that afternoon. The resting buck arose rejuvenated and hungry. Sidestepping a downed cedar, he moved silently through the thick underbrush toward the edge of the swamp where a gnarled oak littered the ground with acorns, the same one Jack aimed at in the morning. Wind-gusts paused his pace and the deer stood still as a statue while reading a thousand sights and sounds and smells from the landscape, recognizing them all, sorting safety from each.
Pow! He heard the shot in his imagination and watched the doe fall before lowering his rifle, dry run done. Cutting man-scent in a swirl of wind, the
Jack saw no movement even after the deer entered the field to follow the
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30 September 2010
doe trail. By now evening veiled the swamp and joined the deer, draping shade over the snow-powdered grass. Something out of place caught Jack’s eye, something extra, a stump he hadn’t noticed before. Raising his rifle slowly, he laid the crosshairs against the object just as sunset seeped under the clouds to reveal a row of red candles glimmering in the dusk, seven in all, a moment’s menorah. Swamp buck, Jack thought, noting the reddish-dark horns. Heart racing, he braced his elbow on his knee and aimed. In the instant between the touch of the trigger and the sound of the shot, the buck fell, heart and shoulder shattered by the bullet. Trembling from the hunt’s crescendo, Jack racked the rifle and watched for the deer to rise and run. Struggling to quell his emotion, he waited 20 minutes before walking toward the oak where the buck lay dead. A red splash darkened the snow like spilled wine. Taking a thin wafer of the dark snow, he placed it to his lips and listened to the wind sing in the field.
Sporting Classics Magazine About: Sporting Classics is the magazine for discovering the best in hunting and fishing worldwide. Every page is carefully crafted, through word and picture, to transport you on an unforgettable journey into the great outdoors. Travel to the best hunting and fishing destinations. Relive the finest outdoor stories from yesteryear. Discover classic firearms and fishing tackle by the most renowned craftsmen. Gain valuable knowledge from columns written by top experts in their fields: gundogs, shotguns, fly fishing, rifles, art and more. From great fiction to modern-day adventures, every article is complemented by exciting photography and masterful paintings. This isn’t just another “how to” outdoor magazine. Come. Join us! Visit: www.sportingclassics.net Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com
Swamp buck, noting the reddish-dark horns. Heart racing, he braced his elbow on his knee and aimed. “Thank you,” he murmured, kneeling to care for the deer before heading back to Earl’s, his heart filled with the song of the hunt.
The Oldest of Songs, One Of The Hunt Tags: Deer Hunters, Deer Hunting, Shooting Media News, Sporting Classics Magazine, Whitetails
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30 September 2010
sometimes they were on paper, but not in the scoring area. Of course the tears would roll down, but they got better and better”. he said.
For Three Pennsylvania Steel Eagles Highpower Shooters It ’s All In The Family
Over the years the Horomanski family has traveled to matches in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, and most recently, North Carolina, improving at each event. The girls attended the Eastern Junior Highpower Clinic and Championship at Camp Butner, North Carolina, and did very well shooting and socializing.
SEP 29, 2010 08:35A.M. For Three Pennsylvania Steel Eagles Highpower Shooters It ’s All In The Family By Steve Cooper, CMP Writer
They went down there and didn ’t want to leave,. Curt said. They made a lot of friendships at Butner and I think it really helped them a lot. “I enjoy going to shooting events because I like making friends from all across the country”. said Marie, the youngest. “ We used to stay to ourselves but now we feel more comfortable meeting new shooters and getting to know them”. The girls admit they are a unique group because many of the shooting events they attend are populated primarily by boys. Each of them learned to load ammunition prior to shooting in competitions, Curt said. These events are a great place for them to meet boys the marrying kind – I ’ll be honest. These young guys are very polite and very responsible young men. While dad is traveling with the girls, mom is back home with the girls younger brother, but she attends matches when she can. They have an eight-year-old brother helping them load ammo and pretty soon he will join them on the line, once he es 12, Curt said.
When asked who inspired the Horomanski girls, Elyse, Marie and Jenna to become highpower shooters, they quickly pointed out their father, Curt.
Elyse, who shot her personal best at Camp Perry this year, said ”Our mom is learning about shooting and she ’s really supportive. She always makes sure we have bug spray, sun tan lotion and food and water. I agree that its fun meeting people and getting an opportunity to improve my shooting and being with my sisters. I love competing as an individual and team because we ere always challenging ourselves to do better. You know what they say, practice makes perfect,. Jenna said. ”
Civilian Marksmanship Program “We are always trying to improve and we don‘t dwell on past mistakes.” CAMP PERRY, OHIO - -(Ammoland.com)- Curt Horomanski, 52, of Monroeville, Penn-sylvania, says he es happy to provide shooters for the Steel Eagles junior rifle team. His oldest daughter Chessa, 22, recently graduated from the junior ranks but he still has three daughters shooting with the Steel Eagles and members of the Pennsylvania Rifle and Pistol Association.
Bob Eikey, 41, of Jeannette, Pennsylvania, the Steel Eagles Highpower Director, said he es happy to have families like the Horomanski es involved. ”To Curt es credit, he es been doing the job of three parents and I know it ’s a lot of work dragging three teenagers around to these events”.
Elyse, 19, Jenna, 16, and Marie, 14 , all point their fingers at dad when asked who es the driving force behind their participation in service rifle competition. The girls didn ’t take the traditional route of shooting air rifle or .22 caliber smallbore rifle prior to jumping into highpower. All of the Horomanski girls fired nothing but AR-15 rifles from the start, their dad says.
Eikey said. ”It ’s a sibling-oriented sport. We have also got a couple of brothers and some cousins that shoot with us too. Eikey is assisted by Joe Hendricks, 42, of Wexford, Pennsylvania. Hendricks has a solid history of high-power shooting and coached his own very successful junior team several years ago, Eikey said. ”He ’s one of the best coaches in the country.
They all started at 12,. Curt said. ”We started in club shooting and they went to the firing line standing and didn ’t hit the target very much,
”We are growing as fast as we can grow and improving at every match,. Eikey said. A former Ohio State University rifle shooter, he ’s been
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30 September 2010
participating in highpower for about 10 years and he es enjoying working with juniors,” he said. ”You know, shooting is a sport of small numbers, so we ’re trying to grow our programs and do the best we can. We ’ve been successful attracting new juniors to our program by attending gun shows and distributing information”. Eikey said. He said he has been experimenting with new ways to introduce the program to youngsters and has had success attending gun shows and handing out information about the organization. As a result, he attracted about 400 junior shooters who expressed interest. ”We waited for them to contact us and we eve been successful acquiring some promising new shooters. We chased off the Kool-Aid drinkers and those who just wanted to shoot our ammunition and recently we brought on four new shooters”. he said. ”I certainly can ’t do this alone, but I will do anything I can to help families grow our team. We have got some very generous sponsors and they supply us with gear and we make the most of it.” The Steel Eagles 7 of 7 two-person junior team of John Yates, 18, of Hackettstown, New Jersey, and Brian Deyoung, 15, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, took top honors in the At-Large category of the National Trophy Junior Team Match and won Freedom es Fire medallions. The Steel Eagles Gold six-person team placed second in the National Trophy Rifle Team Match behind the California Grizzlies Team Seeley. Firing members for the Steel Eagles were Jacob Perryman, 17, of Pleasant Gap, Joseph Hendricks, Jr., 14, of Wexford, Elyse Horomanski, Nathan Evagash, 16, of Glenshaw, Thomas Trent, 16, of Penn, and Garrett Miller, 19, of West Chester. • For complete results of the 2010 CMP National Trophy Rifle Matches, log onto: http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgibin/report_matchResult.cgi?matchID=5690. • To view photos from the matches, log onto: http://cmp1.zenfolio.com/. Brought to you by - AMMO LAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Land.com Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Land.com For Three Pennsylvania Steel Eagles Highpower Shooters It ’s All In The Family Tags: Camp Perry, Civilian Marksmanship Program, CMP, Competitive Shooting News, High Power Rifles, Pennsylvania, Shooting Clubs