AmmoLand Firearms News September 14th 2010 (2)

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14 October 2010

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR


legally licensed bow hunter to hunt from an elevated stand at a distance of 150’ from a building or structure.

Why Was NJ’s Bow Perimeter Bill So Important?

You still must have the legal right to be on the property, you can not trespass on posted private property and you can not be within 450’ of a school playground. If we take a quick look at the old 450’ law and draw a circle around a dwelling it excluded 14 acres of huntable area. The new law excludes only 2 acres.

OCT 14, 2010 07:23P.M. Why Was NJ’s Bow Perimeter Bill So Important? By Ed Markowski

This becomes important if your neighbor is an anti hunter and wants to stop you from hunting your own property. If you and your neighbor own adjoining five acre lots the 450’ law would exclude you from bow hunting on almost all of your property. Also it allows the bow hunter to have more of an impact in controlling urban deer populations which before this law passed they did not have access to. These urban deer populations populations are also the ones causing most of the problems. The most common of these being deer car collisions, destruction of trees and plants and the spread of Lyme disease. When hunters have access to a deer population, the State, through the setting of seasons and bag limits can do its job in controlling these populations. Without access there is no control. With each victory by the sportsmen and women of New Jersey comes the responsibility to live up to the high expectations that are being placed on us. New Jersey Bow Hunting Bill Signed Into Law

We will never convince the anti-hunters that we have a right to even exist. It is the non-hunting public that in the end will decide our fate. We have a great opportunity with the passage of the Sunday bow hunting bill last year and the perimeter bow bill this session to show the people of the State of New Jersey that hunters are an important tool in wildlife management. It is important to remember that hunting is a privilege granted by legislation. We must always remember that safety comes first and the best shot very often is the one not taken. If we continue to police our own ranks and prove to the public their trust in us is well deserved we will continue to make strides in increasing hunting, fishing and trapping opportunities in New Jersey. JOIN NJOA:

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance About: NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation,

TRENTON, NJ --( Now that the bill has passed and will soon become law we can stop smiling over a job well done and answer the question, why was this bill so important to bow hunters? First of all we have to understand what exactly the bill does. It allows a


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit:

shown loads, information on 29 Hodgdon, 19 IMR and 10 Winchester brand powders, 70 pages of articles on shooting and hunting from some of the top industry outdoor writers and 31 cartridge updates including the new 30 AR Remington and 338 Marlin Express.

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The 2011 Hodgdon Annual Manual is the complete data resource for the two new Hodgdon powders; Hornady Superformance and Hornady LEVERevolution.

Why Was NJ’s Bow Perimeter Bill So Important? This pair of new technology, high speed propellants that are currently used in Hornady’s factory ammunition will provide the handloader a significant performance boost in many popular cartridges.

Tags: Bow Hunting, Bow Perimeter Bill, Conservation Bills, Conservation News, New Jersey, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, NJDEP, NJOA, NJOACF, Pro Hunting Bills

Look for Hodgdon’s most inclusive Annual Manual yet at favorite newsstands and gun stores in early 2011. AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS

Hodgdon’s 2011 Reloading Manual Is The Authority

Cost is only $8.99 retail or $11.99 by ordering direct from Hodgdon at 913-362-9455, or write to 6231 Robinson, Shawnee Mission, KS 66202.

OCT 13, 2010 07:45P.M.

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Hodgdon’s 2011 Annual Reloading Manual Is The Authority

Hodgdon’s 2011 Reloading Manual Is The Authority Tags: Black Powder, Bullet Weights, Bullets, Bulletsmiths, Gun Powder, Hodgdon, Hornady, Primers, Reloading, Reloading catalogs, Smokeless Powder


‘No” Is Not An Environmental Policy OCT 13, 2010 07:14P.M. ‘No” Is Not An Environmental Policy There is evidence that certain organizations operate under the veil of environmentalism as a means of advancing anti-industry & antiglobalization agendas rather than promoting environmental stewardship.

Hodgdon’s 2011 Reloading Manual

Hodgdon Powder Shawnee Mission KS, --( Hodgdon The Gunpowder People is proud to announce the 8th Annual Reloading Manual. The 2011 Hodgdon Annual Manual features so much more than any regular manual: 100 pages of rifle and pistol data with well over 5,000


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

An Actual ‘NO Policy’ group’s NO BEAR HUNT lawn signs. New Jersey Outdoor Alliance A good illustration of the flaws inherent in a “no” policy can be made from public testimony during the recent hearing on NJ Department of Environmental Protection Black Bear Management Policy. The testimony of animal activist groups such as NJ Sierra, HSUS and others was based on an animal rights philosophy; bears shouldn’t be hunted because they have a “right” to live. Ultimately, the statements made by these groups relied on emotional appeals and half-truths (such as hunting doesn’t cull problem bears). While a “No” policy may be useful posturing for stopping a bear hunt it does not resolve the substance of the matter, which is conservation (sustainable use); the creation of a balance between bears and habitat and minimizing bear/human conflicts.

TRENTON, NJ --( There’s a spokesperson that is often quoted in the media on environmental issues I refer to by the fictitious name, Guru Jane. Guru Jane is quoted on a wide range of proposed environmental policy changes and conspicuously every position taken is, “no.” Excuse the slang, but, “No,” is no environmental policy, at least not a policy with any substance. Whether we are building a home, paving a new road, constructing office space, erecting a manufacturing plant or some other initiative the issue should be measured using a cost/benefit analysis between environmental impacts and economic benefits to society. Unless we have each resigned ourselves to dwelling in tents and living off the wilderness many of our modern day living choices comes with real environmental impacts.

Hunting is Mother Nature’s method of ensuring ecosystem balance. She does not grant animals “rights,” in fact, she uses a food web of predator/prey relationships (animals killing and eating plants other animals) as a means of sustaining life on earth and providing equilibrium in the ecosystem. If Mother Nature were to give plants and animals “rights” to live then how would life on earth be sustained? What would living things use for subsistence? A managed bear hunt not only provides a source of food for the hunter and his or her family, but in New Jersey’s case will help to provide equilibrium in the ecosystem with respect to available habitat and will assist in minimizing bear/human conflicts. Black bears are territorial creatures and culling opens up more territory for bears to recede from human contact as well as achieve reduction of aggregate numbers.

Functioning ecosystems sustain human societies. The food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe are the result of natural processes on which we all depend. On the other hand, building homes, roads, office space and manufacturing plants provide employment opportunities and paychecks for people to feed their families, generate tax revenue that subsidize programs that are of benefit to society and offer opportunities for better living. The key to weighing the merits of environmental tradeoffs is understanding the mechanisms of conservation (sustainable use) and how we might make use of them to work with Mother Nature so that we don’t compromise the integrity of our environment as we sustain or achieve our societal needs or preferences.

A common appeal made during the testimony by animal activists was, “Bears were here first and we shouldn’t kill them because we encroached on their wilderness.” There are two inherent problems in this statement. The first is that it divorces humankind from nature, when in fact we rely on nature for our everyday survival as much as any other living creature and no less than the earliest day our human forms occupied the earth. We’ve simply institutionalized the process through animal farming, agricultural farming and food distribution to the marketplace. The second problem is that the statement lacks ownership. Yes, humankind developed wilderness to accommodate modern day living; however, no one opposing the bear hunt has razed their homes or


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

businesses to provide more living area for burgeoning black bear populations. The statement is void of intellectual honesty and does nothing to address the bear quandary.

News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo ‘No” Is Not An Environmental Policy

Environmental Terrorists Amongst Us There is evidence that certain organizations operate under the veil of environmentalism as a means of advancing anti-industry and antiglobalization agendas rather than promoting legitimate environmental stewardship. These groups threatened law suits and misuse of legal loopholes to stop the bear hunt.

Tags: Animal Rights Groups, BEAR, Bear Hunting, Bear Management, Ecoterrorists, New Jersey, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, NJDEP, NJOA, NJOACF

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS These radical environmentalists groups were at the Black Bear Policy hearing and should concern all conservationists.

Current Pro Conservation Legislation In New Jersey

I use the term “radical environmentalists” because their movement does nothing to acknowledge the mechanisms of conservation or promote true ecosystem health and they fail to see humankind as part of nature. Their covert mission is to destroy industry, which is more likely to harm society while doing little to help nature.

OCT 13, 2010 06:31P.M. Current Pro Conservation Legislation In New Jersey By Tom Connors

There are many instances when people and groups use “No” as a shroud for environmental stewardship, but it is not wise to consider “No” as sound environmental policy. Understanding the precepts of conservation and giving equal significance to both environmental and economic variables is crucial for societal and environmental health. My next column will attempt to provide some insight in these decision making endeavors. (Also published in Federation News) • New Jersey Outdoor Alliance New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

• New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Conservation Foundation

TRENTON, NJ --( On August 19, Governor Christie has signed into law the much awaited bow perimeter bill.

• New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects Anthony P. Mauro, Sr. Chairman, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”

Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senators Van Drew and Oroho, and Assemblypersons Burzichelli, McHose, Albano, Milam, Moriarity, Chiusano, Addiego, Rudder and Riley that reduces the safety perimeter for bowhunting from 450 feet to 150 feet around occupied buildings.


“The eradication of natural predators of deer, such as the grey wolf, the mountain lion and eastern coyote has allowed the deer population to thrive and increase,” said Chiusano.

About: NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit:

“Hunting is vital to furthering agriculture in the state, and it helps preserve our forests. Bow hunting, in particular, is a safe and effective means of helping to control the deer herd which is essential to their overall well-being.” Governor Christie also signed into law a measure that will authorize counties to develop community based deer management plans and apply

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Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

for special deer management permits for county-owned lands. The diverse conservation organizations that supported these bills include the United Bow Hunters of New Jersey, NJ Audubon, Jersey Coast Anglers Association, Trout Unlimited, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, NJ Farm Bureau.


Shouldn’t Illegal Immigration Take a Back Seat to Guns OCT 13, 2010 05:07P.M.

The New Jersey Angling and Hunting Conservation Caucus have inspired new legislative leadership. Senators Donald Norcross and Steve Oroho will chair the Senate seats.

Shouldn’t Illegal Immigration Take a Back Seat to Guns Crime Control vs. The Bill of Rights by Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce

Assemblymen John Burzichelli and Gary Chiusano will chair the Assembly seats. New Jersey joins thirty-eight fellow states of the National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses. This sportsmen’s legislative caucus at its inception gathered interest from a bi-partisan group of twenty-six legislators, all having an interest in advancing angling, hunting, trapping, and forestry and conservation issues. The NJAHCC will provide opportunities for legislators, outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen to share information educate and inspire each other about the challenges and possibilities of New Jersey’s forests, marine, fish and wildlife resources.

AmmoLand Gun News Arizona --( The entire world, driven by news reports, has fixated on the enormous illegal-immigrant invasion Arizona has suffered under for years. The invasion had previously been ignored, a news-media black hole from which little information escaped.

The interaction between legislators and the outdoor community will ensure that our traditions and heritage that we cherish will continue and thrive. The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance looks forward with earnest working closely with our state caucus, the sharing of information, ideas and interaction with other state caucuses.

The catalyst for the attention is my bill SB1070, empowering our lawenforcement agencies to deal with the invasion. We passed it because the federal government is aiding and abetting the invaders, instead of stopping them and defending the nation against a flood of biblical proportions.

Anthony P. Mauro, Sr. Chairman, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”

But SB1070 is a simple criminal statute, enacted to treat symptoms of a harmful crime — sneaking into our nation to commit felonies, leach off our successes, eat out our substance. A different law, SB1108, for which I am equally responsible, is the more important act.

JOIN NJOA: About: NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit:

SB1108 is no simple crime-control law. It repeals outrageous infringements to the Bill of Rights, reinstating wholesome fullness to the right to keep and bear arms. The media however, driven by a nearly fanatical racist miasma, blindly focused on the immigration-crime law — finding racism where none exists – at the expense of even noting the strengthened Bill of Rights, despite a packed news conference for SB1108.

Current Pro Conservation Legislation In New Jersey

Civil rights were reborn here on the same day the anti-invasion bill took effect, but this was ignored. While reporters cried racism, “Constitutional Carry” restored fundamental civil rights to anyone on the planet who enters Arizona legally. We’ve extended these rights to all people of Earth.

Tags: New Jersey, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, NJOA, NJOACF, Pro Hunting Bills

The God-given right to protect family, property and yourself from physical harm has been accepted since civilization’s dawn. Our Founders

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Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

ensconced it in the Constitution. This was uncontroversial and well understood, a deeply rooted basic human right until recently, when forces of darkness began attacking truths we hold to be self evident.

training regimen is a business-stimulus plan? Private enterprise has launched the campaign to promote “a culture of marksmanship” and gun safety to every resident. This is Arizona — learn to shoot straight. Marksmanship matters. Teach your children well. Why cover that, even if it is going up on billboards statewide?

Arizona now enjoys more robust protection for the right to arms than anywhere on Earth. How could media pundits miss that? In times recently past, a law that frees every decent adult on Earth to carry a gun with no prior permission would have precipitated a national uproar.

Constitutional Carry and the TrainMeAZ campaign have ignited a firestorm of entrepreneurism, and rekindled a burning desire to restore the nation of marksmen our Founders envisioned.

Are the media just tired of crying wolf? They screamed about imminent blood-in-the-streets when Arizona’s gun-permit law passed in 1994, but nothing ever happened (and they never apologized).

I personally urge America to examine what we’ve done with Defensive Display, Castle Doctrine inside and outside the home, Burden of Proof, Specious Lawsuit Immunity, Firearms Freedom Act and more. Emulate the freedom of spirit thriving in the Grand Canyon State.

They convulsed recently, anticipating wild-west mayhem when gun bans in National Parks were repealed. Nothing happened (not even remorse for the fear mongering). When Arizona’s restaurant gun ban was lifted a year-and-a-half ago, we endured fantasies about impending homicidal frenzy from “shotguns in nightclubs,” but it turned out that breakfast at Denny’s or lunch at Applebee’s remained tranquil. No correction has been issued or is no longer expected.

Visit and experience life as a free adult, not a ward of the state. You may not want to leave. And if you do, you’ll take the spirit of freedom home with you. Russell Pearce is the Republican State Senator from Arizona legislative district 18 and author of the anti-illegal immigration bill SB1070, and the Constitutional Carry law for firearms, SB1108, neither of which are controversial in point of fact.

So should the media pay attention to a law that restores our rights, instead of one that hampers criminals? Does it really matter that states nationwide now seek and are clamoring for Constitutional Carry for themselves?

Learn more about the TrainMeAZ Campaign at

So what if Arizona frees its women to put handguns in their handbags, go about their business, and return home without fear of arrest? The bill’s chief advocates, the Arizona Citizens Defense League ( spent five years reaching this point. Americans are carrying guns but no one’s getting shot? Who cares?

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Shouldn’t Illegal Immigration Take a Back Seat to Guns Tags: Arizona, Bill Of Rights, Castle Doctrine, Concealed Carry, Constitutional Carry, Pro Gun Republicans, Second Amendment, Self Defense

Train Me Arizona Campaign Kick Off Government Stimulates Business? Most of all, why tell people that government’s exit from the enforced-


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010


lower velocities associated with snub nose revolvers, to maximize expanded diameter.

Winchester Ammunition Introduces New Ranger Bonded .38 Special +P

This product is only available to law enforcement divisions through our nationwide network of Winchester Ammunition Law Enforcement Distributors.

OCT 13, 2010 04:07P.M.

For more information about the new Range Bonded .38 Special +P and all of Winchester Ammunition’s products visit

Winchester Ammunition Introduces New Ranger Bonded .38 Special +P

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Winchester Ammunition Introduces New Ranger Bonded .38 Special +P Tags: Ammunition, Ammunition Industry, Ammunition News, Winchester Ammunition


Winchester Ammunition Proud Sponsor Of Skeet Gold Medalist OCT 13, 2010 03:11P.M. Winchester Ammunition Winchester Ammunition Proud Sponsor Of Skeet Gold Medalist

East Alton, IL – ( Wincheste Ammunition’s new Ranger Bonded .38 Special +P round offers a great, new option for all law enforcement officers carrying .38 Special snub nose revolvers. The new round is a 130 gr. bonded hollow point and uses the same technology the Federal Bureau of Investigation uses as its primary service round. The Ranger Bonded line is engineered to maximize terminal ballistics, as defined by the demanding FBI test protocol, which simulates real-world threats. “The new Ranger Bonded ammunition is capable of penetrating a wide range of barriers from clothing to plywood and still effectively stops a threat,” said Brett Flaugher, Winchester Ammunition’s vice president of sales and marketing.

Kim Rhode Skeet Gold Medalist

The proprietary bonding process welds the lead and jacket together to work as one unit, controlling expansion and providing superior retained weight upon impact. By bonding the lead to the jacket, it ensures maximum stopping power. In addition, this same bonding process is used on the 9mm and 40 S&W ammunition selected by the FBI for use as their duty ammunition. The bullet offers a six segment jacket design for a consistent and programmed expansion at a variety of impact velocities, including the


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

medals, promote the shooting sports throughout the United States and govern international shooting in the U.S. Winchester has taken the initiative to become a leader in advancing and supporting conservation, hunter education and our country’s proud shooting sports heritage. To learn more about Winchester Ammunition and its line of new products, visit Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Winchester Ammunition Proud Sponsor Of Skeet Gold Medalist Winchester Ammunition

Tags: Competitive Shooting News, Kim Rhodes, USA Shooting, Winchester Ammunition

East Alton, IL – ( Winchester® Ammunition is a proud sponsor of this year’s women’s Skeet Gold medalist, Kim Rhode, at the International Shooting Sports Federation World Championship in Munich, Germany.


She also secured an Olympic Quota place at the 2012 Olympic Games.

Kelly Sorenson Returns to HEVI-Shot Ammunition

Rhode used Winchester AA®Target Loads to hit 97/100 targets to claim the only title missing from her trophy case.

OCT 13, 2010 02:50P.M. Kelly Sorenson Returns to HEVI-Shot Ammunition Kelly (Malloy) Sorensen Returns, Ron Petty Moves To New Role.

“It’s great to finally win a World Title in front of my parents,” said Rhode. “Their support along with the support of my sponsors has made winning two World Cup stages and a World Cup championship this year possible.” Rhode and her two teammates, Haley Dunn (Eddyville, Iowa) and Amber English (Colorado Springs, Colo.), combined for a strong team score of 205 targets and a team gold medal. Continuing the USA’s domination, the Junior Skeet women beat China by three targets earning them a team gold medal, too. “Winchester Ammunition has supported Kim for more than 20 years and we congratulate her on her first World Championship medal,” said Brett Flaugher, vice president of sales and marketing for Winchester Ammunition. “Her gold medal, and the team’s winning performance is a true testament to what happens when you combine great shooters with great products.” In addition to her first World Championship medal, Rhode, of El Monte, Calif., is an American double trap and skeet shooter, a four-time Olympic medal winner with two gold medals, and a six-time national champion in double trap. In 1996, she was the youngest member of the U.S. Olympic team to compete.

HEVI-Shot Ammunition

To view a list of Rhode’s highlights, click:

From 2001 to 2009, Kelly worked in accounting and sales for ENVIRONMetal, helping the company from its beginning as an alloy manufacturer through several transitions to become a leading producer of highperformance shotgun pellets, shotshells, and shooting accessories.

SWEET HOME, OR --( ENVIRON-Metal, Inc., makers of HEVI-Shot ammunition announced today the return of Kelly (Malloy) Sorensen as V.P. of Sales and Marketing.

Winchester Ammunition has been the exclusive ammunition sponsor of the USA Shooting Shotgun Team since 1999. The mission of the USA Shooting organization is to prepare American athletes to win Olympic


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

Kelly helped develop many of the sales and marketing systems the company uses today.


Sights Set High On Leupold & Pig Man VX-3 Contest

“HEVI-Shot wasn’t just a job for me,” said Sorensen, “It was a passion. I’ve missed working with the many great people I met in the industry, and that is one of the big attractions in coming back.”

OCT 13, 2010 02:31P.M. Sights Set High On Leupold & Pig Man VX-3 Contest

“Kelly brings a unique commitment to our retail and distribution customers, and the many hunters who trust our products for success in the field,” said Ralph Nauman, President. “We look forward to her leadership in sales and marketing, and we’re happy to have her return.” Ron Petty will continue to advise the company in a new consulting role, as part of his long-planned transition to a much-deserved retirement. “Ron got us tremendous ‘top-of-mind’ with customers and consumers, and we’re glad to have his expertise during this transition.”

Leupold Tactical Optics Groesbeck, TX --( In the midst of an extremely successful year for Leupold’s Pig Man: The Series, both parties have teamed up once again to bring their loyal customers and loyal fans the opportunity to win more premium gear from America’s Optics Authority along with some autographed swag from Brian “Pig Man” Quaca himself.

As part of this transition, ENVIRON-Metal closed the Prescott sales office on 31 May, and consolidated all operations at the Sweet Home, Oregon headquarters. Kelly can be reached at 541-367-3522 (office), 541-401-9710 (cell), or by email at

Beginning Monday, October 11, contestants can enter to win 1 of 3 Leupold VX-3 3.5-10 x 40 scopes featuring CDS (Custom Dial System) technology or an autographed Leupold hat signed by Pig Man.

About: HEVI-Shot – Providing the next generation of Shot Shell loads to hunters and Home Defense! Customers can continue to reach us at or by visiting: Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Kelly Sorenson Returns to HEVI-Shot Ammunition Tags: Ammunition News, Firearms Marketing, HEVI Shot, Shooting Industry News, Shooting Sports Jobs

Leupold & Pig Man VX-3 Contest Over the course of the 3 week contest, entries will be limited to 1 per week with new winners being drawn at the end of each week long segment. The contest requires contestants to study up on CDS technology and answer a question based on the information provided. If he or she is successful, their entry will be thrown into the hat with the chance at winning either a VX-3 with CDS or some Pig Man swag.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

Full contest rules can be viewed and entries can be submitted by logging on to

Red Wings Sporting Clays

Updates will be provided via Pig Man’s website at, Pig Man’s Facebook at, or on Pig Man’s Twitter at Leupold’s “Pig Man: The Series” is produced by Quacamolé Multimedia LLC in association with Track Ten Productions. For sponsorship information, please contact: Keith Rand Director of Marketing and Sales Quacamolé Multimedia, LLC. 903-391-8802 Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

Sights Set High On Leupold & Pig Man VX-3 Contest

Belmar NJ -( Please join me for a fun filled day of shooting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.

Tags: Contest, Leupold, Optics, Pig Man, Quacamolé Multimedia, Shooting Media News

This unique fundraising event will help to ensure that nearly 11,000 young people in the Jersey Shore area continue to receive the best Scouting program possible.


Jersey Shore Council 1st Annual Clay Shoot Celebrating the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary

Our program serves some of the most disadvantaged kids in the state providing a safe haven and opportunity to grow.

OCT 13, 2010 02:15P.M.

Anthony P. Mauro, Sr. Chairman, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”

Beginners are welcome and instruction will be provided. Shotguns are available if needed. For more information contact: Todd Lamison (732) 349-1037 x18,

Jersey Shore Council 1st Annual Clay Shoot Celebrating the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary Red Wings Sporting Clays, Port Republic

JOIN NJOA: About: NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

Jersey Shore Council 1st Annual Clay Shoot Celebrating the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th Anniversary

The Trophy Bag Kooler features an antimicrobial liner that prevents mold, mildew and bacteria growth, a durable, water-resistant polyester outer shell, dual purpose antler flaps, and draw string leg holes with slide locks. It helps eliminate bugs and flies and can maintain temperatures of 36 to 40 degrees of a harvested animal when used along with KoolerGel. The bag is easy to clean with soap and water.

Tags: Boy Scouts, Competitive Shooting News, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, NJOA, Youth Shooting Sports


For more information, call 866-789-6941 or log on to trophy bag kooler.

Trophy Bag Kooler Introduces the Game Fresh System

Trophy Bag Kooler produces official licensed products of Mossy Oak/ Haas Outdoors Inc. Haas Outdoors Inc. is headquartered in West Point, Miss., was established in 1986 and is home of Mossy Oak (

OCT 13, 2010 01:54P.M.

Mossy Oak specializes in developing and marketing modern camouflage designs for hunters and outdoorsmen. Mossy Oak patterns can be found on a multitude of products worldwide. Haas Outdoors Inc. is the outdoor industry leader in modern camouflage design, international licensing and marketing. Haas Outdoors Inc. markets its services and products under widely recognized brands including: Mossy Oak, BioLogic, Mossy Oak Productions, MOOSE Media, Nativ Nurseries, and Mossy Oak Properties.

Trophy Bag Kooler

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Trophy Bag Kooler™ Introduces the Game Fresh System

Trophy Bag Kooler Introduces the Game Fresh System Tags: Dear Hunting, Hunting Gear, Hunting News, Mossy Oak


NRA News Interview with Mike Krei – Director of NRA Competitive Shooting Mossy Oak

OCT 13, 2010 12:48P.M.

Bethany, OK -( Trophy Bag Kooler, known for its short-term portable storage units for transporting or aging harvested game, has introduced the Game Fresh System.

NRA News Interview with Mike Krei – Director of NRA Competitive Shooting

The Game Fresh System includes everything you need to keep meat as fresh as possible from the field to the processor or taxidermist. The Game Fresh Spray™ is an antimicrobial spray, that when applied to cleaned meat, helps disinfect and control the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms on wild game or raw meat. The specially formulated KoolerGel™ is reusable and stays colder longer than conventional ice.


The Game Fresh System includes one Trophy Bag Kooler in your pattern choice (now available in the new Mossy Oak Break-Up® Infinity™), one six-pack of KoolerGel and one 8-ounce bottle of the Game Fresh Spray.

Charlotte, NC --( NRA grass roots news recently debuted a new and improved format for the “Grassroots News Minute” video!


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

This segment includes an interview with Mike Krei, NRA’s Director of Competitive Shooting. To view the current video in its new format, please click above: Read More on these topics: * NRA News About: Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit:

Potterfields Donate $1 Million to National Wild Turkey Foundation (From lef to right) Larry and Brenda Potterfield, MidwayUSA; Peggy Anne Vallery, Chair NWTF National Board of Directors; George Thornton, CEO NWTF; and Robert “Doc” Dettmer, Member NWTF National Baord of Directors

Mike Krei – NRA’s Director of Competitive Shooting Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo NRA News Interview with Mike Krei – Director of NRA Competitive Shooting Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, NRA


Midway USA

Potterfields Donate $1 Million to National Wild Turkey Foundation

Columbia, MO --( Larry and Brenda Potterfield of MidwayUSA recently donated $1 million to the National Wild Turkey Foundation to support youth shooting programs, including the JAKES Take Aim program.

OCT 13, 2010 12:45P.M.

The JAKES Take Aim program will provide opportunities for youths, ages 17 and under, to try shooting in a safe, fun environment. With the generous donation from the Potterfields, the NWTF aims to triple the annual number of youth shooting participants at its JAKES outreach events – from 50,000 to 150,000 youths – by 2014.

Potterfields Donate $1 Million to National Wild Turkey Foundation

“Thanks to the generosity of Larry and Brenda Potterfield, more young people will have the chance to try shooting sports and may discover a passion that they will enjoy for the rest of their lives,” said George C. Thornton, NWTF CEO. “This program will be a step toward solidifying the future of shooting sports in America.” Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, remarked, “Brenda and I believe in supporting youth programs that teach our next generation about shooting and shooting safety. The NWTF is doing a great job with our


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

youth, who are the future of shooting, conservation and the outdoor industry. We are proud to help them change the future.” • For more information about the Potterfields or MidwayUSA, please visit or cal 1-800-243-3220. • For more information about the NWTF and the JAKES Take Aim program, please visit About: Midway USA – We distribute shooting, hunting and outdoor products to our Customers, relying on high-performing Employees, cutting-edge technologies and modern leadership and management principles. For more information about MidwayUSA or the new self defense product line, please visit or call 1-800-243-3220.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington, DC --( What is a perfect way to celebrate America’s rich wildlife heritage?

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Go outdoors and enjoy the natural world around you. See for yourself during National Wildlife Refuge Week, October 10-16.

Potterfields Donate $1 Million to National Wild Turkey Foundation

Whether you hike or paddle, fish or hunt, enjoy a family event or lie in wait to capture that prize-winning animal photo, you’ll find plenty to see on a wildlife refuge — one of 552 units in the National Wildlife Refuge System, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. You will also find much to learn, through refuge talks and exhibits and displays on cultural heritage. Friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you get started.

Tags: Donations, Larry Potterfield, Midwayusa Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federation, NWTF, Youth Shooting Sports


Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week October 10-16, 2010

This year’s National Wildlife Refuge Week focuses on our most pristine and undeveloped natural lands, particularly those in the 19.3-millionacre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2010. “In its vastness, remoteness and beauty, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge awes and humbles us and puts our human ambitions in perspective,” says Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. Because it is one of the last relatively undisturbed ecosystems on the planet, he notes, the Arctic Refuge is also the site of vital research on climate change, predator-prey relationships and species decline. “This land has been entrusted to the American people,” says Salazar.

OCT 13, 2010 12:30P.M. Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week October 10-16, 2010

“The challenge for us is to be enlightened stewards of the land, preserve its character and oversee it with respect.” Salazar expressed hope that National Wildlife Refuge Week celebrations will prompt citizens nationwide to discover a renewed sense of wonder in nature and take action to conserve wildlife. “Americans should take pride in their country’s great wildlife legacy,” says Salazar. National Wildlife Refuges are dedicated to the conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats. The nation’s 552 national wildlife refuges and

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


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14 October 2010

37 wetland management districts also offer a wide range of wildlifedependent recreation — from fishing, boating, hunting and hiking to wildlife observation and photography, nature interpretation and environmental education. Refuges offer many programs and events geared to families and children. These include festivals, junior naturalist classes, boating and fishing instruction, crafts and more.


The Refuge System includes more than 2,500 miles of land and water trails. There is at least one National Wildlife Refuge in every state and one within an hour’s drive of most major cities.

Texas Migratory Hunting Bird Report No. 7

Texas Migratory Hunting Bird Report No. 7 OCT 13, 2010 11:27A.M.

Amateur radio enthusiasts once again are supporting Refuge Week by operating special event stations on several wildlife refuges. Ham radio operators at refuge stations will communicate with operators at other refuge stations as well as stations across the United States promoting refuges. Amateur radio operators must obtain permission from the refuge manager to operate within the boundaries of a national wildlife refuge. Interested licensed operators can find a registration form and more information at: • For more information on National Wildlife Refuge Week events: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

• For more information on a specific refuge:

AUSTIN, Texas --( Weekly migratory bird hunting reports are posted from early September through early February.

For more information on the Arctic Refuge, including a timeline of refuge history, visit To learn more about North Zone Dove: This week’s front should bring new migrants to the Arctic Refuge 50th anniversary events, see region, however, as oft is the case, hunter participation slows down in October. Afternoon watering holes have produced lately with two weeks See also, on Facebook, “Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 50th of dry weather. Lubbock and Abilene fields have produced good shoots in Anniversary Celebration.” scouted fields. Fields near Paris and Red River County have scored around treelines and in soybean fields. The season runs through Oct. 24. About: Prospects are fair to good. The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats Central Zone Dove: Birds have been best over corn and milo, and for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader around watering holes in the afternoon with the recent dry weather. and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our Grain fields with gravel nearby have been steady during the past few scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources, weeks. Fields around San Antonio, Castroville, Hondo, Uvalde and Del dedicated professionals and commitment to public service. For more Rio have been best. An influx of birds should arrive this week with the information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit forecasted front. Fields around Hankamer, Sealy, Columbus, Katy and Waller have been fair to good. Dry weather has encouraged farmers to begin shredding fields of goatweed and croton and doves have been Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports hitting those fields and picking up scattered seeds. The season runs News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News through Oct. 24. Prospects are fair to good. at Ammo South Zone Dove: McMullen County hunters have enjoyed good shoots around goatweed and sunflowers. Harlingen, Brownsville and Laredo hunters have see mixed flights of whitewings and mourners in milo and sunflowers. Milo and sunflowers near Raymondville and Port Mansfield have been good in the afternoon. Bay City, Blessing, Danevang and El Campo fields have been best in the afternoon around shredded fields of croton and goatweed. More birds should arrive with the cool front forecasted for this week. The season runs through Oct. 31.

Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week October 10-16, 2010 Tags: Ken Salazar, Public Land, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USFWS, WMU


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14 October 2010

Prospects are fair to good.

HARRISBURG, PA --( Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe today said the agency supports the recent enactment of House Bill 181, and that it – hopefully – will put to rest, once and for all, the false notion that its Wildlife Conservation Officers had “more authority than any other law enforcement officer in the Commonwealth.”

Waterfowl Migration: The Panhandle has good numbers of playa lakes brimming with water. The coast has adequate water but is drying. Pintails, shovelers, teal, gadwalls, wigeons and redheads are showing on the coast. More specklebellies and ducks should show up with the forecasted front. The Panhandle is loading up with teal, pintails, wood ducks, gadwalls and wigeons. The High Plains Mallard Management Unit runs Oct. 23-24 and Oct. 29-Jan. 23, 2011. The North and South zones open Oct. 30.

“For years, the Game Commission has been attempting to correct the misinformation that our WCOs could operate outside the boundaries set by the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court rulings, especially in relation to search and seizure,” Roe said. “Our WCOs follow all of the constitutional requirements and court-issued rules and regulations regarding searches and seizures. They are trained to do so, and they receive updates on changes in the laws as new court rulings are issued.

About: The Mission of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, (TPWD), is to manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas and to provide hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. Visit:

“In addition, this bill codifies a 2006 case from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in which the Court found that Game Commission Officers may act pursuant to the ‘open fields’ doctrine, which permits Officers to enter certain areas, such as pastures and woods, without first having obtained a warrant. However, as specifically noted in the bill, the authority to enter property pursuant to the open fields doctrine does not extend to buildings or curtilage, which is generally defined as the area immediately adjacent to a structure that is generally enclosed and to which an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy. To enter a building or curtilage, an Officer must first obtain a warrant or be within one of exceptions to the warrant requirement.”

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PA Game Commission Supports Enactment Of House Bill 181

Roe also noted that, annually, Game Commission WCOs issue between 9,000 and 10,000 citations for a wide variety of violations, but they also issue 12,000 to 14,000 warnings.

OCT 13, 2010 11:16A.M. PA Game Commission Supports Enactment Of House Bill 181

“While we have maintained a 96 to 97 percent conviction rate for all of the citations issued, we still only record six or seven official complaints as a result of the more than 190,000 law enforcement contacts we have with the public,” Roe said. “With all of the interactions our Officers have with the public, I believe our continued high conviction rate and low number of official complaints speak volumes about the professionalism of our Officers, as well as their adherence to the law. “The bottom line about this new law is that it doesn’t limit the authority of our Officers, it merely brings Title 34 – the law governing their authority – into the 21st century and is now up to date with current case law.” House Bill 181, sponsored by Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster), passed the House by a vote of 192-0 on June 1, 2009, and received a unanimous vote in the Senate on Sept. 27. Gov. Edward G. Rendell signed the bill into law on Oct. 7, making it Act 64 of 2010.

Pennsylvania Game Commission


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14 October 2010

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SOCIAL CIRCLE, Ga. --( Prohibiting chronic wasting disease from entering Georgia is an ongoing effort. Anyone interested in wildlife – hunters, wildlife watchers and processors, among others – are encouraged to help keep Georgia’s quality deer herd CWD-free.

PA Game Commission Supports Enactment Of House Bill 181 Tags: Conservation Officers, Fish and Game, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Wildlife Officers

CWD, a contagious neurological disease affecting deer, elk and moose, belongs to a group of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, the same group of diseases affecting some domestic animals, including bovine spongiform encephalopathy or “mad cow disease.”


Chronic Wasting Disease Not Present In Georgia Deer

Hunters can help reduce the risk of spreading CWD into Georgia by understanding current regulations that prohibit the importation of live cervids and restrict the importation of certain cervid carcass parts from known CWD-infected states.

OCT 13, 2010 11:09A.M. Chronic Wasting Disease Not Present In Georgia Deer Import regulations designed to keep deer herd CWD-free.

“The potential introduction of CWD poses a serious threat to Georgia’s economically and culturally valuable white-tailed deer resource,” explains John W. Bowers, assistant chief of Game Management for the Wildlife Resources Division. “We encourage hunters to be knowledgeable of and to abide by current importation regulations and restrictions.” According to current hunting regulations, importation of any live cervid is prohibited. In addition, importation of any whole cervid carcass or carcass parts from any state with a documented CWD case is prohibited with the following exceptions: boned-out meat, commercially processed meat, meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached, clean skull plates with antlers attached, clean antlers, finished taxidermy heads or clean upper canines (buglers, whistlers, ivories). This fatal disease attacks the nervous system of cervids and to date has been detected in 18 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces, including Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Virginia, Missouri and North Dakota discovered their first cases of CWD earlier this year.

Chronic Wasting Disease In Deer

Infected animals develop a characteristic spongy degeneration of the brain, which results in extreme weight loss, abnormal behavior, loss of bodily functions and eventually, death. Though scientific investigations are ongoing, current research suggests that the agent responsible for the disease may be spread both directly (animal to animal contact) and indirectly (soil or other surface to animal). Currently, there is no evidence that CWD poses a risk for humans. Other Georgians can help by reporting any known illegal importation of deer species or carcasses to the department at 1-800-241-4113. Residents also should avoid feeding deer as this unnaturally concentrates animals and increases the likelihood of disease and parasite transmission.

Georgia Department of Natural Resources


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14 October 2010

Since 1998, the division has been testing suspect and hunter-harvested deer for evidence of CWD. To date, more than 5,500 deer have been tested with no confirmed positives. The states nearest to Georgia with a confirmed case of CWD are Illinois, West Virginia and Virginia.

SOCIAL CIRCLE, Ga. --( For the 2009-2010 hunting season, Georgia reported 45 hunting incidents, 14 of which involved firearms. With the upcoming Oct. 16 opening of firearms deer hunting season, hunters are encouraged to review the ‘Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety’ before heading to the woods.

For more information about CWD in Georgia or for general information regarding deer hunting in Georgia, visit the division’s Web site at and search under “Hunting” and “Game Management.” For more information about CWD in general, visit the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance’s Web site at .

“Ultimately, each hunter is responsible for keeping themselves and others safe while pursuing deer this hunting season,” says Walter Lane, Hunter Development Program Manager of the Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.

Any hunter who observes or harvests a deer in Georgia that exhibits CWD symptoms should immediately call a local Wildlife Resources Division office or call 1-800-241-4113.

“This includes respecting all firearms and being absolutely certain of their target.”

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The ‘Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety’ is an excellent safety checklist, covered in all hunter education courses and well worth a review by any hunter who utilizes firearms to hunt.

Chronic Wasting Disease Not Present In Georgia Deer Tags: Chronic Wasting Disease, CWD, Deer Hunters, Deer Hunting, Georgia

The Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety are as follows: • One: Control the direction of the firearm’s muzzle. Keep the safety on and fingers off the trigger at all times until ready to shoot.


Hunters Urged To Follow Firearms Safety Ten Commandments

• Two: Identify the target and what is beyond it before shooting. Know the identifying features of the game hunted and be absolutely certain that what you are aiming at is that game.

OCT 13, 2010 11:03A.M.

• Four: Be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions and that only the proper size ammunition is used in the firearm.

• Three: Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.

Hunters Urged To Follow Firearms Safety Ten Commandments

• Five: Always unload a firearm when it is not in use, leave the actions open, and carry empty firearms in a case to and from shooting areas. • Six: Never aim a firearm at anything that you do not intend to shoot. Avoid all horseplay with a firearm. • Seven: Never climb a tree or fence, or jump a ditch or log, with a loaded firearm. Never pull a firearm towards you by the muzzle. • Eight: Never shoot a bullet at a flat, hard surface or at water. Make sure backstops are adequate during target practice. • Nine: Store firearms and ammunition separately and beyond the reach of children and careless adults. • Ten: Avoid all alcoholic beverages and drugs before and during shooting.

Georgia Department of Natural Resources For more information on firearms safety, visit


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

or contact the Wildlife Resources Division’s Hunter Education office at (770) 388-0045.

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Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Hunters Urged To Follow Firearms Safety Ten Commandments Tags: Georgia,, Gun Safety, Hunting News, Hunting Safety, Hunting Tips

About: Located in the heart of Wyoming, Hi Mountain Seasonings was founded in 1991. It is the premier manufacturer of kits for homemade jerky and sausage. Hi Mountain Seasonings has successfully captured distinct, traditional Western flavors in its Jerky Cure & Seasonings, Western Style Seasonings, Bacon cures and other products that make up the unique line of gourmet Western seasonings. For additional information, write: Hi Mountain Seasonings, 1000 College View Drive, Riverton, WY 82501; call toll-free 1-800-829-2285; or visit the company website at


HI Mountain Seasoning’s New Jerky Knife is a Cut Above the Rest. OCT 13, 2010 10:50A.M.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo HI Mountain Seasoning’s New Jerky Knife is a Cut Above the Rest. HI Mountain Seasoning’s New Jerky Knife Tags: Advantage Hunting, Custom Knives, Gun Gear, Hi Mountain Seasonings

HI Mountain Seasoning’s New Jerky Knife is a Cut Above the Rest.


Georgia Firearms Deer Season Opens October 16 OCT 13, 2010 10:38A.M. Georgia Firearms Deer Season Opens October 16

Hi Mountain Seasonings Riverton, WO -( – Hi Mountain Seasoning’s new Jerky Knife is the perfect tool for cutting flawless slices of jerky every time. The nine-inch razor-sharp 420 stainless steel blade ensures superior edge retention and durability for literally decades of use. The knife is ergonomically designed with a five inch rubberized Kraton handle that provides a no-slip grip for comfort during long periods of


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

14 October 2010

hunts are offered, including ladies-only and adult/child hunts. Dates and locations for these hunts, as well as WMA maps, are available in the 2010-2011 Georgia Hunting Seasons and Regulations guide at . During the 2009-2010 firearms deer season, 305,000 licensed hunters harvested more than 398,000 deer in Georgia. Hunters are allowed a season total of ten antlerless deer and two antlered deer (one of the two antlered deer must have a minimum of four points, one inch or longer, on one side of the antlers). A valid hunting license is required to hunt deer during firearms season, as is a big game license and a deer harvest record. In most cases, a separate WMA license is required to hunt on a WMA. All deer hunters must wear at least 500 square-inches of fluorescent orange above the waist to legally hunt during firearms season, except on archery-only areas.

Georgia Firearms Deer Season Opens October 16

Georgia is considered the top destination in the country for non-resident hunters and continues to draw tens of thousands of hunters from across the country each year. The state’s quality deer herd and the availability of vast acres of public hunting land serve as the main appeal. For more information on deer hunting seasons and regulations, visit . Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports News Ammo Submit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News at Ammo Georgia Firearms Deer Season Opens October 16 Tags: Deer Hunting, Deer Seasons, Georgia,, Hunting News, Hunting Seasons

Georgia Department of Natural Resources SOCIAL CIRCLE, Ga. --( It is finally that time of the year again for Georgia hunters. Firearms deer season opens Saturday, Oct. 16 and lasts through Jan. 1, 2011 in the Northern Zone and in the Southern Zone, through Jan. 15, 2011. “Regulated hunting is the most cost effective and efficient means of managing the deer herd,” says John W. Bowers, assistant chief of Game Management for the Wildlife Resources Division. “In addition, sportsmen and women provide more than $30 million each year to fund wildlife conservation in the state through license fees and selfimposed excise taxes collected on the purchase of firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and fishing equipment.” More than one million acres of public hunting land is available to hunters in Georgia, including more than 100 state-operated wildlife management areas. In addition to traditional hunters, many special


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