2 November 2011
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
And you should have heard the City Attorney and police chief speak of other states prohibitions as justified–an irrational thinking process that suggests if New York does it so can Casper Wyoming.
Casper Wyoming To Vote for More New Gun Control
Talk about working for outside interests.
NOV 01, 2011 07:56P.M. Casper Wyoming To Vote for More New Gun Control
Republicans Mayor Paul Bertoglio and Republican council member Bill Brauer follows the lead of liberal Democrat Kim Holloway as the listen to police chief Chris Walsh push for tougher restrictions on gun rights. Wyoming Gun Owners
You should note that during the Casper City business meeting not one of the council members spoke in support of the rights guaranteed by the constitution.
Wyoming --(Ammoland.com)- When Constitutional Carry was signed into law in Wyoming we knew that the anti-gun politicians would come out of the woodwork.
They believe it’s simply up to them to wield their might with a stroke of a pen. Who needs a constitution Right?
And they did…by using their slick lawyer arguments and authority hungry police chiefs they have exposed a plan is to chip away at gun rights right under our noses.
Wrong –and this is also a violation of state law– under Wyoming statute municipalities cannot make their own gun laws. The problem is there is no fine or penalty when they do.
Too bad for them we’re on to them.
But these slimy politicians always forget one thing –that by supporting gun control– they may have to pay a huge political price.
Like usual they are selling their evil plan using the same old scare tactics, but you and I know better–this is just an attempt to chip away at your gun rights a piece at a time!
That’s why I need your help to flood Casper Mayor Paul Bertoglio’s with phone calls (307) 235-4726 and emails paulb@tribcsp.com, tell him to “leave your gun rights alone!
Here is what you need to know–at a recent Casper City business meeting the council members revealed they have built a coalition to lobby against your gun rights.
To Liberty,
You heard it right–an anti-gun coalition right here in Wyoming.
Anthony Bouchard Executive Director
In fact they have become so bold that Mayor Paul Bertoglio (Republican) and police chief Chris Walsh admitted that they are conspiring with other towns and lobby groups to challenge your constitutionally protected right to bear arms.
P.S. Wyoming Mayors have joined the anti-gun stance of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and that’s why it is important for you to become a member of Wyoming Gun Owners to help defend gun rights.
Incredibly the Casper council members are so paranoid they don’t even want you to have a pocket knife and intend to expand the city ordinance on sharp objects as well .
Wyoming Gun Owners is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1 Section 24 of the Wyoming Constitution.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
Wyoming Gun Owners is the only organization taking action at this level–with an aggressive program designed to mobilize public support for pro-gun legislation as well as opposition to gun control.
has been the gold standard for rugged, hard-nosed boating.The Drake 16 and 18 is that perfect blend of functionality and versatility. These boats are a direct result of what dealers and customers have been looking for.A rugged, maneuverable boat built to be sturdy and comfortable.
Mailing Address: 1740H Dell Range Blvd.#149, Cheyenne WY, 82009. Phone:(307) 222-9357. Web Address: www.wyominggunowners.org Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Anti Gun Sympathizers, Gun Banners, MAIG, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, WyGO, Wyoming, Wyoming Gun Owners
J. Paul Jackson, host of the Sportsman Channel’s “Drake’s Migration Nation is thrilled what has been accomplished: “As host of the of Drake’s Migration Nation television show for the last two years, if I have learned anything about the good folks at Drake Waterfowl Systems during that time, it is that they take the company motto, “Innovators in Waterfowl Hunting”, very seriously.Every product in the Drake line features innovations that the competition just can’t match.
Drake Waterfowl & Xpress Boats Partner on New Migration Nation Boat
At Drake, we are constantly striving to build new products that are of the highest quality and functionality.
NOV 01, 2011 07:42P.M. Therefore, when we decided that we wanted to partner with a boat manufacturer to build the ultimate boat for the Migration Nation, Xpress Boats was the obvious choice.From their quality all welded designs to their smart standard features and useful optional accessories; Xpress Boats has truly become America’s premier aluminum boat manufacturer.The result of combining Drake’s innovation with Xpress’ superior quality and craftsmanship produced a boat that even exceeded my high expectations, the new Limited Edition Drake’s Migration Nation Boat by Xpress.”
Drake Waterfowl & Xpress Boats Partner on New Migration Nation Boat
Key Features of the Drake 16 and 18 Models: • Innovative hull design is suitable for both outboard and surface drive motors • Handling capabilities and the durability and timber-toughness that made Xpress duck boats famous
Drake Waterfowl & Xpress Boats Migration Nation Boat
• Xtreme Coat paint • Longitudinal rib construction • All-welded design • Foam-injected floors Drake Waterfowl Systems • Floatation pods Olive Branch, MS --(Ammoland.com)- Drake Waterfowl and Xpress Boats have teamed up to create the ultimate series of duck boats.
• Xpress step transom
The 2012 Xpress Boats Drake 16 and 18 foot duck boats, inspired by the needs of television’s Drake Migration Nation.
• Multi-functional platform ideal for hunting, fishing and pleasure all in one boat
The serious hunter requires a comfortable, stable platform, designed for virtually any hunting condition.For years, the Xpress HD Duck Boat hull
More videos, photos, and updates on the new Xpress Boats – Drake 16 and Drake 18 models coming soon. Sign up Here
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
About: When we set out to create the best waterfowl hunting clothes on the market nearly four years ago, we knew immediately that a standard warm coat wouldn’t be near enough to impress the hard-core hunters that spend day after day in the field. We needed something to meet every condition a hunter can face… we needed a “SYSTEM”. This was the beginning of Drake Waterfowl Systems. Visit: www.drakewaterfowl.com
and Miami-Dade. We will not file the lawsuits if the city and county repeal the offending ordinances at their next council meetings and if there are no attempts to enforce the preempted gun control laws before their removal. Florida Carry works tirelessly to resolve these issues statewide and is pleased that these lawsuits may be avoided. We will have a small meeting on Saturday, November 12th, at Miami-Dade’s Black Point Marina Park to enjoy a morning of Fishing and answer any questions about Florida Carry and our pro-gun efforts.
Tags: Drake Waterfowl, Duck Hunters, Duck Hunting, Hunting Gear, Waterfowling, Xpress Boats
About: Florida Carry is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the fundamental civil right of all Floridians to keep and bear arms for self defense as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Florida Carry stands only to represent our members and the over 8 million gun owners of Florida. We are not beholden to any national organization’s agenda that may compromise that mission.
Florida Carry Suspends Filing of Lawsuits Against Miami Pending Repeal of Gun Ban Ordinances NOV 01, 2011 06:51P.M.
Florida Carry works tirelessly toward striking down ill-conceived gun control laws that have been proven to provide safe havens to criminals and be deadly to law abiding citizens.
Florida Carry Suspends Filing of Lawsuits Against City of Miami and Miami-Dade County Pending Planned Repeal of Gun Control Ordinances
Tags: Florida, Florida Carry, Gun Control, Lawsuits
Frank Virgilio to Address the New Jersey Second Amendment Society NOV 01, 2011 06:45P.M. Frank Virgilio to Address the New Jersey Second Amendment Society By Frank Jack Fiamingo
Florida Carry Miami, Florida - -(Ammoland.com)- As we reported earlier, Florida Carry, Inc. planned to file lawsuits today against the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County to end their unlawful gun control ordinances.
New Jersey Second Amendment Society New Jersey --(Ammoland.com)- Frank Virgilio is the State President of the New Jersey Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs. His organization represents hundreds of thousands of hunters and sportsmen throughout New Jersey.
Moments before the cases were filed with the court, we received assurances from the Miami City Attorney’s Office that their unlawful ordinances will be repealed on November 17th. Miami-Dade County has also agendaed a measure to repeal its gun control laws.
Mr. Virgilio has agreed to address Second Amendment issues from his We have subsequently decided to suspend filing the cases against Miami
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
personal point of view as well as that of the group he represents. It is obvious that he is a staunch supporter of the right to keep and bear arms. Mr. Virgilio will also speak about those issues of particular concern to the people and groups he represents. This will give us a unique opportunity to understand those issues that are of most importance to the thousands and thousands of hunters and sportsmen in our great state. There will be an interesting and informative Q&A session immediately after his presentation. As always, I encourage you to invite your family, friends and neighbors to attend this presentation. The meeting is FREE and open to the community. Of course donations to help support our mission are always gratefully appreciated.
National Archery in the Schools Program USA --(Ammoland.com)- Beginning with practice rounds on Thursday October 6 , 2011, 1,071 kids from around the world arrived at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex with their teams, teachers, parents and siblings to kick off the 2011 National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) World Tournament.
Please register for this meeting as soon as possible so that we can make appropriate seating arrangements. About: New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit: www.nj2as.com
According to NASP President Roy Grimes, “Out of the 1104 students who registered for ‘Worlds’, only thirty-three (3%) students were no-shows.” Grimes also states, “This participation level represents an increase of 19% over the 902 shooters in 2010 and 76% higher than the 609 students at our first world tournament in 2009.”
Tags: Frank Jack Fiamingo, New Jersey, New Jersey Second Amendment Society, NJ2AS, Pro Gun Groups
From these statistics, it’s obvious there is a growing interest for NASPstyle archery not only in the United States, but around the world as students from Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa joined the fun.
In fact, for the first time, a “Cultural Exchange” session was conducted at the tournament. Teachers asked for this type of activity to increase the educational experience for student archers. On Friday evening, half-way through the tournament, students from Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa positioned themselves in a booth with their country flags to meet students from the states. The session was so popular it will be expanded next year. Students signed flags, shared information, and answered quizzes about foreign locations. It seemed students most enjoyed comparing each others accent! Prizes were donated during the cultural exchange by Field Logic, Easton Technical Products, and Morrell Manufacturing.
2011 National Archery in the Schools Program World Championship NOV 01, 2011 05:42P.M. 2011 National Archery in the Schools Program World Championship By Brittany Jones
Expanding upon archery’s every-kid attraction, Robert Jellison, a Michigan NASP Coach says, “Archery is a sport that anyone can do and anyone can succeed at. There is no doubt in my mind that archery is a challenging sport, both physically and mentally, but you can truly get children of every age size, and athletic ability shooting arrows safely down range. “Jellison also proclaims how much he loves seeing his, “star athletes from other sports shooting on the same team with students who have never been on a “team” until archery.”
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
Evidence of Jellison’s diversity assertion was clear as students from all backgrounds, genders, and abilities took center stage during the hourlong awards ceremony on Saturday afternoon.
different from most other archery venues. At this world tournament cogender teams of 12-24 archers advanced from the NASP Nationals that were held in Louisville, KY. All the archers on each team compete. When their flight is finished scores for the team’s top 12 archers, including at least 4 from both genders, are summed to determine the team’s score.
During the competition every 4th thru 12th grade student archer shot 1 practice end of 5 arrows and 3 scoring ends of 5 arrows at 10 meters. They repeated this shooting format at 15 meters. A total of 30 scoring arrows were shot for a possible score of 300 points and 30 bulls-eyes (300/30). The largest division represented at the tournament with 505 boys and girls was the Elementary Division which includes grades 4th6th. Winners of their respective grades were as follows:
The top ranking school in the Elementary Division went to Eagle Mountain Magnet, Arkansas with a total score of 3291. In the Middle School Division, the top scoring team was fielded by Logan Hocking Middle School, Ohio with a total score of 3319. And finally, the top ranked school in the High School Division was Henderson County High School, Kentucky, with a total score of 3400.
• 1st Female 4th Grade: Shelby Goodrich (276/14) — Woodlawn ES, GA
At the conclusion of the awards ceremony Disney’s Mickey Mouse congratulated the students and their coaches and was still having his picture made with archers as the ceremonies ended. A big congratulations goes out to not only the top ranked archers at this tournament, but to every kid who had enough determination and selfconfidence to participate. (And parents and teachers willing to bring them!). Prizes were presented to winners by Mathews, Morrell, Easton, and Field Logic. The University of the Cumberlands awarded $2,400 college scholarships to each of the top five boys and girls in the High School Division. Bernie Morrell of Morrell Manufacturing provided target butts for the competitive and practice ranges. James McGovern of Rinehart Targets provided 15 dinosaur targets for the kids to enjoy on the “fun” 3-D range. The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission recruited most tournament volunteers and provided additional range building equipment.
• 1st Male 4th Grade: Spencer Bartlett (281/15) — Henderson Co. S. Middle, KY • 1st Female 5th Grade: Celsey Wood (278/13) — Eagle Mountain Magnet, AR • 1st Male 5th Grade: Jack Looney (292/22) — Eagle Mountain Magnet, AR • 1st Female 6th Grade: Kenzie Trent (284/19) — Anderson Co. Middle, KY • 1st Male 6th Grade: Clay Stevens (291/21) — Trigg Co Intermediate, KY
Of course this event would be impossible to present without those dedicated and generous volunteers. Nearly 50 people came from Florida, Virginia, Arizona, British Columbia, New Zealand, Illinois, Kentucky, and Wisconsin to serve as range officials. The most boring location during the entire tournament was again the 1st Aid Station with zero accidents or injuries to treat!
The Middle School Division competition was joined by 202 male and 136 female student archers. Winners of this Division were: • 1st Female Middle School: Ashley Padgett (292/22) — Meade Co , KY • 1st Male Middle School: Cody Bush (292/22) — Philo Jr. High, OH
It was evident in the excited smiles of student archers, proud family members and coaches that NASP continues to live up to its claim of “Changing Lives One Arrow at a Time”.
A total of 228 students competed in the High School Division. This division also produced the tournaments top Overall and Runner-Up Overall boy and girl champions.
Laura Jones, a teacher in Virginia says “Chickahominy Middle School started out last fall with kids who had never drawn a bow before in their entire lives.” She also says “It was not only their first school experience where they were treated like adults, but their first experience being on a sports team.” Archery has not been just another sport that kids can join and compete, but it is a one that has made kids with little or no confidence, kids who feel like maybe they weren’t good enough, build self-confidence and determination and realize they can do anything they put their minds too. “
• 1st Female HS & Overall Female Champion: Emily Bee (292/23) — Hartland HS, MI • Runner-Up Female Overall: Lauren Hawker (291/22): Armstrong HS, IL • 1st Male HS & Overall Male Champion: Ryan Long (296/26) — Madison Southern, KY • Runner-Up Male Overall: Nathan Parcell (295/26) — Meade Co. HS, KY
Take for example, the Overall Male Champion, Ryan Long. Ryan was an understudy at the Strickland Student Outdoor Adventure filming this summer.
Of course the team competition is what makes NASP tournaments
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
“Ryan advised Roy Grimes in July he intended to win the 2011 NASP world tournament”.
About USA Carry Launched in 2007, USA Carry has become a popular resource for the concealed carry community. Some of the resources include concealed carry laws for each state, permit maps, instructor lists & classes, active forums and more. They also provide concealed carry news and related articles. Visit www.usacarry.com
Grimes considered this to be quite an audacious prediction considering Ryan placed fourth at Nationals and those who placed ahead of him would also be at the World event. Ryan validated his prediction! If you would like to learn more about NASP and how to help our nonprofit foundation bring the program to more students please check us out at: at: www.archeryintheschools.org or www.nasparchery.com
Tags: Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Laws, USA Carry
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Tags: Archery News, NASP, National Archery in the Schools Program, World NASP Tournament
New Jersey Rockport Pheasant Farm Severely Damaged By October Snowstorm
Wisconsin Concealed Carry Now Legal
NOV 01, 2011 04:53P.M. New Jersey Rockport Pheasant Farm Severely Damaged By October Snowstorm
NOV 01, 2011 04:58P.M. Wisconsin Concealed Carry Now Legal
USA Carry New Jersey Fish and Game
Tampa, FL --(Ammoland.com)- Today, Nov, 1, 2011, Wisconsin’s concealed carry laws went into effect.
Trenton, NJ --(Ammoland.com)- The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife reports that the Rockport Pheasant Farm in Warren County sustained severe damage from the snow that blanketed the northern third of the state on October 29.
Residents of Wisconsin can now apply for their concealed carry permits. According to the WI DOJ, they also accept permits from the following states (unless you are a Wisconsin resident):
The 35 acres of range pens where pheasants were being held were heavily damaged by the weight of the snow despite Game Farm staff efforts to prepare for the storm prior to October 29.
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands
Rockport staff and Fish and Wildlife personnel from throughout northern New Jersey are working to stabilize the situation by capturing escaped birds, freeing others trapped in snow collapsed pens and repairing damaged pens.
Wisconsin residents can now download the application here. We have updated our Wisconsin Concealed Carry page to list all of the training requirements. We have also updated our Concealed Carry Maps to show the states they allow.
The response effort is expected to continue throughout this week. At this time, the number of pheasants that perished or escaped is not known. The number of pheasants lost to the storm damage and the impact of those losses on this year’s stocking schedule will be made public when the response effort is concluded.
The WI DOJ has also created a website that has links to the application, training requirements, address changes, out-of-state recognition and reciprocity, and an FAQ.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
To minimize disturbance to the work of the response crews and to facilitate the capture of escaped pheasants, Division of Fish and Wildlife Director, Dave Chanda, has given “Refuge” status to the entire 492 acre Rockport Wildlife Management Area, effective immediately. The order precludes hunting of any kind and will remain in effect until the pens have been repaired and as many pheasants as possible have been recaptured.
GunRightsPolicies.org John M. Snyder Manager Telum Associates, LLC Arlington, VA 202-239-8005 About John Snyder: Named the Gun Dean by Human Events, “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News, a “champion of the right to self-defense” by The Washington Times, and “dean of gun lobbyists” by The Washington Post and The New York Times, John M. Snyder has spent 45 years as a proponent of the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms as a National Rifle Association editor, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, treasurer of the Second Amendment Foundation, and founder of www.GunRightsPolicies.org.
Although this event will affect the number of pheasants that will be stocked on State Wildlife Management Areas, Director Chanda is confident there will be no reduction in the number of Wildlife Management Areas stocked nor will there be a reduction in the number of pheasants stocked on Saturdays, up to and including Thanksgiving. However, the Division may not be able to stock as many weekdays or as many pheasants on weekdays as in previous years. The Division of Fish and Wildlife will keep hunters and the media informed as more information becomes available through listserv messages and updates posted on its website at www.njfishandwildlife.com .
A former Jesuit seminarian, Snyder is founder/manager of Telum Associates, LL.C., founder/chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc., a director of Council for America, and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens. He is also the author of the book Gun Saint. Visit: www.GunRightsPolicies.org
Tags: Game Farms, New Jersey Fish and Game, NJDEP, Pheasant Stocking
Gallup Poll Shows Gun Grabbers on Dustbin of History
Tags: Gun Owner Rights, Gun Polls, John Snyder
NOV 01, 2011 04:37P.M.
Hunting and Trapping Seasons for Ohio Furbearers Opens November 10 2011
Gallup Poll Shows Gun Grabbers on Dustbin of History
NOV 01, 2011 03:32P.M. Hunting and Trapping Seasons for Ohio Furbearers Opens November 10 2011
Gun Rights Policies with John Snyder Arlington, VA - A recent Gallup Survey shows gun grabbers are on the wrong side of history. Americans support gun rights. Ohio Department Natural Resources
Revelation by Gallup that a record low number of Americans support a legal ban on handgun possession by private citizens demonstrates a positive change in the public attitude about personal protection.
COLUMBUS, OH --(Ammoland.com)- Ohio hunters and trappers preparing to pursue furbearers will find good populations of these
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
animals during the 2011-2012 season.
Ohio is among the nation’s leading producers of raw furs. Currently, there are 70 licensed fur dealers and more than 11,000 licensed fur takers in the state.
The season begins for most furbearing species on November 10, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife.
Additional hunting information is contained in the 2011-2012 Ohio Hunting Regulations brochure, available where Ohio hunting licenses are sold, on the Internet at wildohio.com or by calling toll-free 1-800WILDLIFE.
“Food sources and habitat conditions for furbearers remain good this year across Ohio,” said Division of Wildlife biologist Suzie Prange. “Fur takers can expect another good season for most species.”
The ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com.
For the seventh year, 43 counties will be open for river otter trapping from December 26 to February 29. River otters were reintroduced into four Ohio watersheds between 1986 and 1993 and have increased their range in the state. They were removed from the state endangered species list in 2002. Full details of open counties, checking and permit requirements can be found in the Ohio River-Otter Trapping Regulations.
Tags: Hunting News, Hunting Seasons, ODNR, Ohio, Trapping
Otis Appoints New Commercial Channel Manager
In most regions of Ohio, hunting and trapping seasons for fox, raccoon, opossum, skunk and weasel open November 10 and close January 31. The trapping season for mink and muskrat is open November 10 through February 29. Exceptions are Erie, Ottawa and Sandusky counties, and in Lucas County east of the Maumee River where raccoon, opossum, skunk, weasel, mink and muskrat trapping seasons will remain open through March 15,
NOV 01, 2011 03:29P.M. Otis Appoints New Commercial Channel Manager
Ohio’s beaver-trapping season opens statewide December 26 and ends February 29. There are no daily bag limits or restrictions on hours for hunting and trapping furbearers, with the exception of river otters, where bag limits are dependent on the county where the trapping occurs. Special hunting regulations for coyotes apply during the one-week, statewide deer-gun season, November 28-December 4, and the deer-gun weekend of December 17-18. A fur-taker permit is required in addition to a valid Ohio hunting license to hunt or trap furbearing animals, except for coyotes, which may be hunted or trapped year round without a fur-taker permit. A special ODNR Division of Wildlife permit is required to trap beaver and otters on state public hunting areas.
Otis Technology Gun Care Lyons Falls, NY --(Ammoland.com)- Otis Technology, manufacturer of advanced gun cleaning systems and accessories is excited to announce Frank Devlin as its new commercial channel manager.
Otters that are accidentally captured, either in excess of bag limits or in closed counties, must be released unharmed. Otters that cannot be released must be turned over to the Division of Wildlife.
Frank joined the Otis team in February of 2011 as the company’s key account sales manager and has led Otis in developing new opportunities in the retail shooting sports and hunting markets.
Beaver trappers in particular are advised to watch for otter sign and modify set placements where necessary. The Ohio State Trappers Association and the Division of Wildlife have published a guide on how to recognize otter sign and use various otter avoidance techniques while trapping for beaver in areas closed to otter trapping. A copy of the publication and reports about observing otters in Ohio can be ordered by calling 1-800-WILDLIFE.
Frank brings over twenty years of sporting goods and consumer product sales experience.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
Hunters, Shooters Give & Receive Gifts Related to their Sport During the Holidays NOV 01, 2011 03:23P.M. Hunters, Shooters Give & Receive Gifts Related to their Sport During the Holidays
Otis Technology’s Frank Devlin “In a short time, Frank has shown extraordinary sales results and has taken Otis to the next level in the sporting goods market.” says Otis’ VP of Sales and Marketing, Len Nelson. “His experience in building relationships, category management, and market expansion has added significant strength to our sales force and supports the strategic growth of our company overall.” “The future of Otis relies on exploring new opportunities. I am honored to be given the challenge of promoting such an unbelievable product in new territories, as well as expanding current areas. I see an unlimited amount of growth potential,” states Frank.
Hunters, Shooters Give & Receive Gifts Related to their Sport During the Holidays
Otis Technology is known for manufacturing the most advanced gun cleaning systems available. The superior Breech-to-Muzzle® design combined with unmatched quality has positioned Otis as the gun care system of choice with the US Military. Otis Technology is SMART GUN CARE.
Southwick Associates
Tags: Jobs, Otis Technology, Shooting Sports Jobs
FERNANDINA BEACH, Fl --(Ammoland.com)- While choosing the right gift for some friends and family may be a perplexing decision during the holidays, apparently that choice is much easier to make if that person hunts or shoots. Asked if they gave or received hunting or shooting items as a holiday gift this past year, 59.8 percent of those sportsmen and women questioned by HunterSurvey.com or ShooterSurvey.com said they had. Of the respondents who said they had given or received a gift related to their sport, hunting-related items seemed to be the ones most often unwrapped with 65.7 percent of the gifts falling in that category. Shooting items accounted for 29.5 percent of the gifts given to sporting men and women.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
“These findings certainly won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has stood in line at a cash register or tried to find a parking spot at an outdoor retailer during December, but it does underscore the value to hunting and shooting retailers and manufacturers in structuring special promotions that will appeal to the sporting consumer during the holidays,” said Rob Southwick, president of Southwick Associates, which designs and conducts the surveys at HunterSurvey.com and AnglerSurvey.com. Those who hunt, fish and target shoot are invited to participate in the surveys conducted on HunterSurvey.com and AnglerSurvey.com. Each month, participants who complete the survey are entered into a drawing for one of five $100 gift certificates to the sporting goods retailer of their choice. About: Tom McHale describes himself as a conservative gun-totin’ bible-clingin’ literary assault dude who enjoys finding humor in just about anything. His web blog My Gun Culture is an irreverent, twisted look at gun news bordering on the ridiculous. It covers shootin’ stuff, loud noises, defending your own, the occasional mall ninja, and about 200 years of the American way. These are the (partially) true stories of My Gun Culture says Tom. Visit: www.mygunculture.com
About AnglerSurvey.com and HunterSurvey.com: Launched in 2006, AnglerSurvey.com and HunterSurvey.com help the outdoor equipment industry, government fisheries and wildlife officials and conservation organizations track consumer activities and expenditure trends. The information above represents only a small sample of the vast amount of data collected from the complete survey results and available to government agencies, businesses, the media and other interested parties. Results are scientifically analyzed to reflect the attitudes and habits of anglers and hunters across the United States.
Tags: CCW, Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Laws, Concealed Carry Weapons, Half-Cocked, My Gun Culture, Tom McHale, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Carry
Tags: Gun Gear, Hunting Gear, Shooting Industry News, Southwick Associates AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
Gun-Free Presidential Debates
NOV 01, 2011 12:14P.M.
Half-Cocked: Concealed Carry Season Opens in Wisconsin
Gun-Free Presidential Debates
NOV 01, 2011 02:04P.M. Concealed Carry Season Opens in Wisconsin – Half-Cocked Cartoons by My Gun Culture
Gun-Free Presidential Debates
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
position papers. As we always say, “It doesn’t make sense to own a gun and not know the rules.” Visit: www.gunlaws.com Tags: Alan Korwin, Conservative Politics, Gun Politics, Gun Rights, Gun Voters, GunLaws.com
BATFE Gun-Smuggling Brochure Resurfaces
PHOENIX, AZ --(Ammoland.com)- The lamestream media told you: Look — over here – look, it’s economic policy, and jobs, and not enough jobs, and economic policy, and the debt, and the deficit, and government waste, and jobs and economics, and, and, and…
NOV 01, 2011 11:56A.M. BATFE Gun-Smuggling Brochure Resurfaces
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: Not a single presidential candidate in any debate so far has mentioned guns. The Second Amendment — the number one issue for huge numbers of Americans, has been hidden from view, avoided, virtually censored, never raised. Have you noticed, or has the clamor about economy blinded you so effectively?
None of the reporters ask where the candidates stand on gun rights. No one asks about Fast and Furious, or brings it up. What a great forum for confronting the Obama Administration on flat out malfeasance, and stonewalling, and felony gun smuggling for political ends. Won’t somebody raise the issue, just once, and get the nation talking.
PHOENIX, AZ --(Ammoland.com)- The lamestream media told you: Nothing (NBC). Very little (ABC). Nothing lately (CBS). FOX News presented a one-hour special that all but called the BATFE Fast and Furious gun-smuggling scheme the Watergate for Mr. Obama. Special segment host Sean Hannity directly associated Nixon’s illegal activities with this drug-cartel gun-smuggling operation.
By narrowing down the examination of the presidential contenders to a small handful of related issues, the public is being shortchanged, transparency is absent, and, and, and, we haven’t gotten a frickin clue where these people stand on the right to keep and bear arms.
Comments that, “We will never run any stories like that because it could hurt our beloved president,” from the three networks, could not be confirmed.
Here’s betting that if and when the subject finally comes up, the wannabees mouth pablum, and the interviewers let them all slide without cutting deep. That’s an easy prediction – the lamestream perpetrators (accent on the last two syllables) don’t know enough about guns or gun policy to ask incisive questions. OK, I’ll suggest one, “So, if you stand in such vigorous support of the Second Amendment, do you support marksmanship training in schools?” About GunLaws.com: Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Bloomfield Press, founded in 1988, is the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Our website, gunlaws.com, features a free national directory to gun laws and relevant contacts in all states and federally, along with our unique line of related books and DVDs. “After Your Shoot” for media review is available on request, call 800-707-4020. Our authors are available for interview, call to schedule. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed analysis on proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard, fact sheets and
Project Gunrunner: The Southwest Border Initiative
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: A full-color brochure produced by BATFE in March of 2009 at the start of the federal gun-smuggling operation has resurfaced, and seems to implicate BATFE in illegal operations. The brochure clearly outlines known criminal activity, which congressional testimony and other evidence has confirmed BATFE knew about and in fact ran for an extended period of time.
” ‘I believe that this is a much larger scandal than what took place in Watergate,’ said Babeu, who is president of the Arizona Sheriff’s Association.” This according to The Arizona Republic. Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar said, “When you facilitate that and a murder or a felony occurs, you’re called an accessory.”. “That means that there’s criminal activity.”
According to the information published by BATFE itself: “Firearm trafficking is the movement of firearms from the legal to the illegal marketplace. It is one of the most pressing problems in the firearms industry today… Firearms originating in the United states have been used to murder U.S. citizens and foreign officials… In response to the violence on the U.S.-Mexican border, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (BATFE) is committed to denying the tools of the trade to drug trafficking organizations…”
In a letter to Congress AG Holder “said he felt compelled to comment because of ‘irresponsible and inflammatory’ statements about the case by a House member who said those involved with Fast and Furious should be regarded as ‘accessories to murder,’” according to The Arizona Republic state newspaper. The brochure issued by BATFE confirms that the agency was aware its actions were strictly illegal, but does not directly implicate Holder or Obama. Holder’s testimony to Congress was replete with contradictions and statements that did not stand up to scrutiny, hence the ongoing investigation.
The brochure explicitly acknowledges that what BATFE was doing was strictly illegal, against established policy, and that BATFE was engaging in these specifically known and outlawed acts. BATFE facilitated “the movement of firearms from the legal to the illegal marketplace.”
In other news, it was learned last week that a county attorney within Arizona may be planning a separate action with regard to the illegal smuggling operation, but details will not be released until the plans are settled. After prodding, it was not clear if the state taxing authority would look into tax violations for one of the straw buyers, who spent sixfigure money on guns he could not legally buy, with no visible means of support, and hence no paid taxes.
BATFE knowingly did this, aware that, “Firearms originating in the United states have been used to murder U.S. citizens and foreign officials.” BATFE countermanded their stated policy by supplying, instead of denying, “the tools of the trade to drug trafficking organizations.”
Evidence is almost insurmountable that Eric Holder and Mr. Obama knew in advance about Fast and Furious, let the program run, and used the bogus stats to bolster a case against private gun ownership and for government registration of firearms.
In congressional testimony, BATFE agents denied knowing what they were doing, or taking responsibility for their actions, and in fact promoted some of their staff who were directly involved in supplying guns to the cartels, which they knew would be used to commit murders.
They had been promoting the supposed iron-river into Mexico both here and abroad, until it became evident that the numbers they used were false.
Both houses of Congress are investigating the murderous behaviors, and both Rep. Isaa and Sen. Grassley have now demanded information from the FBI, who appears complicit in the operation. Several of the straw purchasers BATFE used could not possibly pass a NICS background check, run by the FBI and required for every purchase made.
In still other news, a document is apparently circulating in the halls of government seeking to eliminate the BATFE. Rumors of such a plan have been circulating for years, and internal scutllebut suggests BATFE is a laughing stock among the rough riders of federal law enforcement.
In other news, 10 of 15 Arizona Sheriffs have declared their intent to investigate BATFE criminal activity in the federal government gunsmuggling operation:
“Multiple sources, including sources from ATF, DOJ and Congressional offices have said there is a white paper circulating within the Department of Justice, outlining the essential elimination of ATF. According to sources, the paper outlines the firing of at least 450 ATF agents in an effort to conduct damage control as Operation Fast and Furious gets uglier and as election day 2012 gets closer. ATF agents wouldn’t be reassigned to other positions, just simply let go. Current duties of ATF, including the enforcement of explosives and gun laws, would be transferred to other agencies, possibly the FBI and the DEA. According to a congressional source, there have been rumblings about the elimination of ATF for quite sometime, but the move would require major political capital to actually happen.
“A majority of Arizona’s county sheriffs on Friday (10/8/11) called upon President Barack Obama to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the government’s botched gun-smuggling case known as Operation Fast and Furious. “At a Phoenix news conference, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said the sting operation, which allowed an estimated 2,000+ firearms to reach narcotics cartels in Mexico, was a betrayal that should lead to the removal of Attorney General Eric Holder and possible criminal charges against those responsible.
” ‘It’s a serious white paper being circulated, how far they’d
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
get with it I don’t know,’ a confidential source said. http://tiny.cc/lrwd7
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wins Champion in Leadership Award
“After a town hall meeting about Operation Fast and Furious in Tucson, Ariz., ATF Whistleblower Vince Cefalu, who has been key in exposing details about Operation Fast and Furious, confirmed the elimination of ATF has been circulating as a serious idea for sometime now and that a white paper outlining the plan does exist.”
NOV 01, 2011 11:23A.M. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wins ‘Champion in Leadership’ Award for Hiring of People with Disabilities
“ATF” is an abbreviation of BATFE, which the bureau prefers, since five-letter acronyms are seen as less manly. Since the group now claims jurisdiction over really awesome wild fires, it’s acronym perhaps should be BATFERAWF. If you add “And Gun Smuggling” you get BATFERAWFAGS. According to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, jpfo.org, which bills itself as America’s Most Aggressive Defender of Gun Ownership, having a Keystone Kops organization life BATFE in charge of firearms is far superior to having a massively powerful and invasive group like the FBI take charge of the civil right to arms. “Leave BATFE in place, but replace their badges and guns with business cards and notepads, so it’s clear they’re just bureaucrats,” one member was heard to say.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
About GunLaws.com: Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Bloomfield Press, founded in 1988, is the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Our website, gunlaws.com, features a free national directory to gun laws and relevant contacts in all states and federally, along with our unique line of related books and DVDs. “After Your Shoot” for media review is available on request, call 800-707-4020. Our authors are available for interview, call to schedule. Call for cogent positions on gun issues, informed analysis on proposed laws, talk radio that lights up the switchboard, fact sheets and position papers. As we always say, “It doesn’t make sense to own a gun and not know the rules.” Visit: www.gunlaws.com
Washington, DC --(Ammoland.com)- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has received a prestigious award from Virginia’s Department of Rehabilitative Service for its leadership in increasing employment and accessibility for people with disabilities, highlighting successful efforts by the Service to make the agency a model workplace. The Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services presented its 2011 Champion in Leadership Award to the Service for acting on its own principles in maintaining a disability-friendly workplace, and for providing thousands of accommodations annually to disabled employees throughout the United States.
Tags: Alan Korwin, Arms Trafficking, ATF, BATFE, Fast & Furious, Gun Trafficking, GunLaws.com, Project Gunrunner, Straw Purchases, Washington DC
“Receiving this award is an affirmation of the Service’s solid commitment to foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace,” said Director Dan Ashe. “We are honored to receive this distinction and will continue to work with our state partners to increase employment of people with disabilities, including veterans.” Hiring and retention efforts in the Service have led to a 75 percent direct placement rate of individuals with disabilities across the agency. The Service has also increased the number of individuals with disabilities brought in for unpaid work experiences, which have led to hiring of candidates into open positions here and elsewhere. The Service’s hiring practices for individuals with disabilities were also recognized by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Collaborative’s (MARC)
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
Disability Workforce Consortium. MARC is comprised of individuals from the following agencies: the Washington, D.C., Department on Disability Services in partnership with the D.C. Department of Employment Services and the D.C. Metro Business Leadership Network; the Maryland Department of Disabilities in partnership with the Maryland Department of Education, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) and the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation Division of Workforce Development & Adult Learning; and the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services in partnership with the Virginia Employment Commission and the Virginia Community College System/ Workforce Development Services. Through its disability hiring efforts, the Service has been able to provide wounded veterans with transition opportunities and appropriate work accommodations. The Service’s efforts for disabled veterans garnered the “Best in Practice” recognition from the Department of the Interior (DOI) along with the Department’s “Diversity Partnership Award.”
National Rifle Association
The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources, dedicated professionals, and commitment to public service. For more information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit www.fws.gov. Connect with our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/usfws, follow our tweets at www.twitter.com/usfwshq, watch our YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/usfws and download photos from our Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/usfwshq
FAIRFAX, Va. --(Ammoland.com)- Joseph Collins has experience in the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Army and as a police officer. He’s served tours of duty in Bosnia and Iraq, and is now an instructor at the International School of Tactical Medicine. He is highly respected in all of these fields and has faced death on numerous occasions – but there is more to this rough and tumble cop than meets the eye. Watch the feature video above. About: Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit: www.nra.org
Tags: Awards, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USFWS
Joseph Collins – The Colors of Commitment NOV 01, 2011 10:50A.M.
Tags: Law Enforcement, National Rifle Association, NRA, NRA Life of Duty
New NRA Patriot Profile Features Joseph Collins: The Colors of Commitment
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
suspiciously quiet on the issue lately, and seem happy to accept today’s new permit law as a permanent inevitability.
Wisconsin Concealed Carry Law Now in Effect
But we have other plans.
NOV 01, 2011 10:42A.M.
It is one thing to give lip service to something when victory seems within easy reach.
Wisconsin Concealed Carry Law Now in Effect It’s a completely different matter to fight when the going gets tough. With that sentiment, we’ll let the other groups claim victory. For our part, we’d simply like to welcome you - and invite them - to Phase II of the fight to restore our inalienable right to bear arms. Stand by for details on Constitutional Carry soon … and thanks for your support of gun rights in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Gun Owners
About: WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim they’re “pro-gun” – all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut by politicians – but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control – regardless of the political party – and work tirelessly to restore the Second Amendment. Visit www.wisconsingunowners.org
Wisconsin --(Ammoland.com)- Gun owners wishing to apply for a Wisconsin concealed carry permit may visit the Wisconsin Department of Justice website to print an application, which became live today. Click Here for the WI DOJ Concealed Carry Page Applications, proof of training and the $50 application fee may be mailed to:
Tags: Concealed Carry Laws, Constitutional Carry, WGO, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Gun Owners
Wisconsin Department of Justice ATTN: Firearms Unit PO Box 7130 Madison, WI, 53707-7130
Appeals Court Upholds Second Amendment Foundation Victory In Lawsuit V. Seattle Parks Gun Ban
A Wisconsin Hunter Education Certificate qualifies as sufficient training under this law. A duplicate may be purchased for $3.75 and printed using the Wisconsin Conservation Licensing System through the Wisconsin DNR. Click here to obtain a duplicate. Visit the WI DOJ webpage for additional FAQs on training requirements.
NOV 01, 2011 10:24A.M.
Businesses who don’t want the patronage of gun owners are now posting No Guns Allowed signs, as required by law. Please bookmark the WGO Don’t Buy List page and report any anti-gun businesses so we can disseminate this information to gun owners.
Appeals Court Upholds Second Amendment Foundation Victory In Lawsuit V. Seattle Parks Gun Ban
A Few Words on Constitutional Carry When WGO was founded less than a decade ago, we were the sole voice fighting for Constitutional Carry (referred to then as “Vermont-style carry”) in Wisconsin. And while some groups jumped on the Constitutional Carry bandwagon earlier this year when everyone assumed the newly-controlled legislature could easily pass it, many of these individuals or groups have become
Second Amendment Foundation
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
BELLEVUE, WA --(Ammoland.com)- The Washington State Court of Appeals for Division 1 today unanimously upheld a 2010 King County Superior Court ruling against the City of Seattle’s ban on firearms in city parks in a lawsuit originally brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, other gun rights groups and five individual plaintiffs.
the cities suing gun makers and numerous amicus briefs holding the Second Amendment as an individual right.
SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said he had always been confident that the Appeals Court would rule “in favor of the law and against the attempt by Seattle to dance around it.”
Tags: Gun Bans, Lawsuits, SAF, Second Amendment Foundation
GLOCK Donates $50,000 at 2011 IACP Conference
“We told former Mayor Greg Nickels he was wrong,” Gottlieb said, “and we have reminded the city under Mayor Mike McGinn that it was wrong, and now the Appeals Court has confirmed our position.”
NOV 01, 2011 09:42A.M. GLOCK, Inc. Donates $50,000 at 2011 IACP Conference Pistol manufacturer reaches $250,000 in donations for the Concerns of Police Survivors.
SAF was joined in the lawsuit by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the National Rifle Association and Washington Arms Collectors. Writing for the Court, Presiding Chief Judge Ann Schindler noted, “We hold that under the plain language of RCW 9.41.290 and RCW 9.41.300, the city’s attempt to regulate the possession of firearms at designated park areas and park facilities open to the public by adopting the Firearms Rule is preempted by state law.” “This is not only a victory for the citizens of Washington State,” he said, “but also for the State Legislature, which had the wisdom in 1983 and 1985 to pass and strengthen our preemption statute. This law has become the model for other state statutes across the country. “The ruling is also an affirmation of Judge Catherine Shaffer’s original trial court ruling last year,” he continued. “She had the foresight to include observations about our state constitutional right to bear arms but also the Second Amendment.
From Left to Right: Mark Hannan – Great Lakes Region Trustee, Warren Ackerson – Central Region Manager – GLOCK, Linda Moon Gregory – National President, R. Lee Ermey – GLOCK Celebrity Spokesperson, Mariah Hughes – Chief Executive Officer, Bob Radecki – West Region Manager, Larry Burlingame – East Region Manager
“Now that the Second Amendment has been incorporated to the states through our victory in McDonald v. City of Chicago,” Gottlieb concluded, “it is going to be impossible for anti-gun politicians in the Evergreen State to defy our preemption statute and our constitutional rights. Such local rules and ordinances are illegal, and now they know it for sure.” The Second Amendment Foundation (www.saf.org) is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. In addition to the landmark McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court Case, SAF has previously funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles; New Haven, CT; New Orleans; Chicago and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners, a lawsuit against
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
Glock Pistols
AcuSport Partners With FFLGuard To Deliver National Firearms Act Legal Services Plan to Gun Shops
SMYRNA, Ga. --(Ammoland.com)- GLOCK, Inc. donated $50,000 to the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) during the 2011 International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference held in Chicago, Ill., Oct. 22-26. GLOCK, Inc., Regional Manager’s Warren Ackerson, Bob Radecki and Larry Burlingame, along with GLOCK Spokesman, R. Lee Ermey, presented a check to the organization during a donation ceremony at the GLOCK booth (#1518) on Mon., Oct. 24 at 11:00am.
NOV 01, 2011 09:39A.M. AcuSport Partners With FFLGuard To Deliver National Firearms Act Legal Services Plan to Gun Shops Distributor AcuSport Finds New Ways to Support Class III Retailers.
“GLOCK is proud to contribute to organizations such as C.O.P.S., which plays such a vital role in helping to rebuild the lives of the families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty,” said Gary Fletcher. “GLOCK is extremely proud of our long history of supporting the individuals and families of those that go in harm’s way.” This marks the fifth consecutive year that GLOCK, Inc., has donated to C.O.P.S., bringing total GLOCK donations to the organization to $250,000. C.O.P.S. is dedicated to supporting friends and families of law enforcement officers in their grief after the loss of that officer. The nonprofit organization supports families with scholarships, child and teen camps, counseling and programs designed for spouses and parents, and support for the department in which the fallen officer served.
AcuSport Accepting the donation on behalf of C.O.P.S. were National C.O.P.S. President, Linda Moon Gregory; C.O.P.S. Chief Executive Officer, Mariah Hughes and C.O.P.S. Trustee, Mark Hannan.
BELLEFONTAINE, OHIO --(Ammoland.com)- AcuSport Corporation, a leading distributor of shooting and hunting products, provides customized solutions and products that are specifically designed to increase the growth and profitability of independent retail businesses.
About GLOCK, Inc. GLOCK, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of pistols and accessories. GLOCK’s superior engineering has produced a pistol with only 34 parts and a rugged polymer-frame, providing industry-leading reliability shot after shot. GLOCK is renowned for its pistols which are safe, featuring three safeties; simple, offering a low number of components to provide reliability; and fast, with no encumbering parts to slow the speed to fire. This combination makes GLOCK pistols the first choice among consumers and law enforcement, with 65% of agencies nationwide choosing to carry GLOCK. Austrian-engineered, the company has manufacturing facilities in the United States and Austria. Based in Smyrna, Ga., GLOCK, Inc. is an advocate for our nation’s law enforcement and military personnel, as well as all citizens’ Second Amendment right to bear arms. For more information, please visit www.teamglock.com.
AcuSport is excited to announce its exclusive distributor-partnership with FFLGuard related to its National Firearms Act Legal Services Plan (NFA- LSP). FFLGuard, the firearms industry’s cooperative legal services program and their group of firearm lawyers, subject matter experts, and professionals, provides cost-effective and specialized legal counsel to independent firearms retailers. AcuSport has been a supporter of the FFLGuard program, since its launch in 2008, and continues its support by teaming with FFLGuard’s latest NFA-LSP initiative to better address the legal needs of retailers across the nation.
Tags: Glock
FFLGuard The NFA-LSP is a comprehensive package of materials and legal services
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
aimed at supporting both current SOT holders and retailers seeking to enter the Class III market. The offering includes a companion piece to FFLGuard’s “Law Plus Guidelines,” as formulated by FFLGuard in consultation with ATF, in an effort to keep Class III retailers compliant and away from the “willfulness” threshold that triggers potential license revocation. Also included with the NFA-LSP is access to David Goldman, Esq., and his NFA Trust practice, which includes: five (5) redeemable vouchers for NFA trusts to be formed at a 50% discount; and ten (10) $100 redemption certificates. These vouchers and certificates are available for retailers and their Class III customers for NFA trust formation. Retailer support is further delivered through one (1) hour of FFLGuard HelpDesk time regarding and NFA related legal issue and a one (1) hour teleconference with FFLGuard’s Director of Field Operations, Scott Braum, on the implementation of the Law Plus Guidelines for NFA. Other components of the comprehensive plan include a redemption voucher for the day-long seminar on NFA matters presented yearly by attorney Mark Barnes at a special rate, a sample ATF Form 5630.7 and instruction sheet, and numerous informational brochures including an overview of Class III products with emphasis on the suppressor market.
to join in on this opportunity as well, because we see it as such a tremendous value.” Based in Bellefontaine, Ohio, AcuSport Corporation is a nationwide distributor of shooting and hunting products with regional sales offices in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Minnesota, Texas, Montana and California. If retailers are interested in joining FFLGuard or would like additional information on the FFLGuard program, please visit www.fflguard.com, call 1-888-335-4731 Ext. 710, follow them on Twitter (@FFLGuard), or contact your AcuSport Sales Professional at 1-800-543-3150. AcuSport is committed to providing superior industry business solutions for the independent firearms retailer. Tags: AcuSport, FFL, FFLGuard.com, Gun Retailers, Gun Shops
Sale Of Live Foxes Permitted In West Virginia
“The NFA-LSP is truly a complete offering that will benefit any retailer currently in the Class III market, or those wanting to enter this rapidly expanding market segment” stated Christopher Chiafullo, attorney and founder of the FFLGuard program, who serves as its National Coordinating Counsel and Director of Special Operations. “The more comfortable we can make retailers about being within the confines of the law, the more likely they will be to sell Class III firearms… which makes everyone happy from manufacturers, to distributors, to retailers, to ATF, to the firearms industry as a whole.”
NOV 01, 2011 09:31A.M. Sale Of Live Foxes Permitted In West Virginia
The standard fee for a one-year subscription to the NFA-LSP is $995 for all FFLGuard clients on their full-service plan. Through an exclusive partnership with FFLGuard, AcuSport retailers can purchase the NFALSP for $495 the first year and each year thereafter, whether or not they are current clients on FFLGuard’s full-service plan. AcuSport’s decision to offer this expanded solution as part of their CustomerLink offering “[w]as a natural fit,” states AcuSport Director of Business Integration, Kenan Ikels. West Virginia DNR “Our retailers have experienced superior service from the FFLGuard program over the last three years, and we are so confident in the value of this program that AcuSport has agreed to subsidize the cost by offering a substantial discount only available through AcuSport’s CustomerLink program,” noted Mr. Ikels.
SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – -(Ammoland.com)- West Virginia trappers will be allowed to sell live foxes to hound-coursing pens in West Virginia during the 2011-2012 trapping season, according to Curtis I. Taylor, Chief of the Wildlife Resources Section of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.
He finished by stating that “[t]he partnership with FFLGuard to offer the NFA-LSP combined with an expanding offering of Class III products allows AcuSport’s retailers to take advantage of this growing segment of our industry ultimately increasing customer satisfaction levels for the end consumer… We are encouraging our manufacturing partners
All foxes used in hound-coursing pens must be live-trapped in the county in which the pen is located. “This action will help to avoid any additional westward spread of rabies and reduce the possibility of moving diseased animals across the state,” said Taylor.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
“In addition, because raccoons are the primary carriers of the raccoon strain of rabies, the sale of live raccoons remains suspended for the 2011-2012 trapping season.”
Thanks to all of you that expressed appreciation for the format and the goal of educating and encouraging our legislators to become stewards of our environment by using the principle of conserving natural resources. This approach also makes clear the important role of anglers and hunters as custodians of the environment.
Hound-coursing pens are licensed in West Virginia and regulated by best management standards which are designed to promote humane treatment of the wild animals being pursued.
It also highlights the significance the NJOA axiom “Preservation through conservation.”
Trappers are urged to use extreme care when handling live animals due to the dangers of exposure to rabies and other diseases. Live animals may only be held by trappers during the trapping season and 60 days thereafter.
Almost every single email I received not only commented on the wisdom of using the above format but also expressed confusion about NJOA endorsements for 2011. I’m happy to explain.
Live foxes shall be held according to temporary or permanent housing requirements as specified by law.
Firstly, the NJOA has endorsed only one legislator for the 2011 General Election; Senator Donald Norcross. The process the NJOA uses for endorsing a candidate(s) is as follows:
Please contact your local DNR wildlife biologist for more information about the sale of live foxes. DNR offices are located in Farmington (304825-6787), Romney (304-822-3551), French Creek (304-924-6211), Beckley (304-256-6947), Point Pleasant (304-675-0871) and Parkersburg (304-420-4550)
1. Endorsement must be requested. 2. A review is made of the legislator’s voting record on bills regarding outdoors issues.
Tags: Dog Training, Fox Hunting, Furtaking, Hound Coursing Pens, Hunting Dogs, Trapping, West Virginia, WVDNR
3. A review is also undertaken to determine whether the legislator demonstrates an understanding, appreciation, and pursuit of conservation of natural resources.
The 2011 NJ General Election and Your Legislators email sent yesterday (see link the follows: http://www.njoutdooralliance.org/njelections/legislators.html ) was not an endorsement. It highlighted those legislators that responded to the NJOA Questionnaire and are members of the New Jersey Angler and Hunter Conservation Caucus (NJAHCC). It gives you the opportunity to get more legislators involved in the issues important to you.
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Responds to Your Emails NOV 01, 2011 09:23A.M. New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Responds to Your Emails
Generally speaking, the legislators responding positively to the Questionnaire, and/or participate in the NJACC, understand outdoors issues. They may not agree with the particulars of each of our positions, but they certainly understand the importance of the scope. From the emails I’ve received, it would be short-sighted for any legislator to believe that anglers and hunters are not “on the ball” when it comes to their voting records. Every email singled out a legislator(s) action that did not square with his words. The emails also displayed an understanding for a legislator’s opposition on fringe issues, but were unforgiving on core issues such as the removal of fixed gear from the artificial reefs. Again, the NJOA’s “2011 General Election and Your Legislators” is to be used as a guide. It displays the legislators that responded positively to the NJOA Questionnaire and/or are members of the NJAHCC. As grassroots activists, the guide gives you the opportunity to contact the legislators who haven’t responded and/or are not NJAHCC members and ask them to become involved in issues important to you.
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance TRENTON, NJ --(Ammoland.com)- I received an overwhelming response to the “2011 NJ General Election and Your Legislators” action alert sent recently. I’d like to take a moment to respond to the many comments I’ve received.
It also gives you the opportunity to contact a legislator(s) and request
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
that his or her actions match his words. We are fortunate to have a form of government that allows us to express ourselves and work to effect change, let’s exercise it to its fullest extent.
Wisconsin --(Ammoland.com)- When you read the quote above, you’re no doubt thinking, “That sounds like a good thing.”
Again, here’s the link to “2011 General Election and Your Legislators” www.njoutdooralliance.org/njelections/legislators
But upon closer examination you will notice that the “privilege” of selfdefense that AB69 and SB79 purport to advance only apply to your home, business or inside your vehicle.
Thank you for helping to make New Jersey a conservation-minded state.
Inside your vehicle…?
Anthony P. Mauro Sr. Chairman, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”
Think about that for a moment.
JOIN NJOA: http://www.njoutdooralliance.org/support/njoa.html About: NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: www.njoutdooralliance.org Tags: Anthony Mauro, Conservation Politics, Gun Politics, New Jersey, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, NJOA Why is State Rep. Dean Kaufert refusing to amend castle doctrine legislation to include all areas where free people may go? Why is he restricting self-defense to the interior of your vehicle?
Wisconsin Castle Doctrine – What Are They Hiding?
Bad guy approaching your car. Bad guy drawing weapon. Bad guy pointing weapon at your children.
NOV 01, 2011 08:59A.M.
At this point, you still don’t have the “privilege” of self-defense (according to this legislation), so hang tight and let him get closer … much closer.
Wisconsin Castle Doctrine – What Are They Hiding? “‘Castle Doctrine’ establishes the presumption that an individual who forcibly enters ones home, business or occupied motor vehicle [emphasis added] is there to cause death or great bodily harm, and allows force, including deadly force, against that person.” – NRA-ILA e-mail alert 10/28/11
Bad guy grabbing your car door. Bad guy … climbing inside. Is he inside the car? Is he close enough to touch your wife and grab your kids? OK, NOW you may defend yourself. Let me tell you something: If an attacker is inside your car, it’s too late. The most outrageous thing about these bills is how Rep. Dean Kaufert (R-55th) and the establishment republicans are refusing to expand the legislation to “any place a person may legally be.” This should be a very simple thing for a pro-gun legislator to do. So what’s the problem?
Wisconsin Gun Owners
They’ve already refused to listen to gun owners who wanted the legislation to recognize the “right” of self-defense, and have instead
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
2 November 2011
opted to insult us by codifying this most basic of inalienable rights as a “privilege” – a clear step backwards.
Second Amendment. Visit www.wisconsingunowners.org Tags: Castle Doctrine, NRA, WGO, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Gun Owners
Now, without this much-needed amendment, the legislation will be lacking in necessary areas of protection. Is the institutional gun lobby silently ushering this bill along to give cover to state politicians? Why won’t Rep. Dean Kaufert and the republican caucus act like they’re in power and make this bill a real slam-dunk pro-gun piece of legislation? Why are they surrendering this fight when they control the legislature? (Did gun owners waste their votes on them?) A vote is scheduled for today, Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 11 am. Therefore, you need to act quickly. ACTION: 1. It is urgent that you call and e-mail Rep. Dean Kaufert 608-2665719(Rep.Kaufert@legis.wisconsin.gov) and your representative (Click Here to find your state representative) urging them to amend AB69 and SB79 to include “any place a person may legally be.” 2. Contribute something to this lobbying campaign so we can effectively amend what should be good pro-gun legislation but is instead being hi-jacked by incompetence. In Liberty, Corey Graff Executive Director P.S. If you believe you have a right to self-defense any place you happen to be, then State Rep. Dean Kaufert (R-55) is working against you by refusing to amend castle doctrine legislation to include “any place you may legally be.” Rep. Kaufert and the republican caucus seem to think you need to let a mass murderer inside your vehicle before you may legally use deadly force in self-defense. A vote is scheduled for Tuesday morning, 11/1, so call Rep. Kaufert immediately at 608-266-5719 and e-mail: Rep.Kaufert@legis.wisconsin.gov Tell Rep. Kaufert you want AB69 amended and the vote delayed. About: WGO works for grassroots gun owners, not politicians. While many gun lobbies fight for “reasonable gun control,” WGO sets a higher standard: Defining the terrain of pro-gun political battle. Sure, many groups claim they’re “pro-gun” – all the while they provide cover for anti-gun deals cut by politicians – but only WGO truly informs gun owners, remaining committed to a 100% pro-gun position. We oppose all gun control – regardless of the political party – and work tirelessly to restore the