5 July 2011
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
the National Rifle & Pistol Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio from July 14-17.
National Firearms Museum to Display 1911 Centennial Collection at Camp Perry
The commemorative exhibit, located in Building 950, will feature pistols that illustrate the path to the very first Model 1911’s and showcase the evolution of the classic design which would change the history of American military handguns.
JUL 04, 2011 04:23P.M.
“The Colt Model 1911 is an important part of American military history and the history of the National Matches at Camp Perry. Each year, more than 2,000 NRA and Civilian Marksmanship Program competitors bring their Model 1911’s to shoot the NRA National Outdoor Conventional Pistol Championships and the CMP Trophy Pistol Matches,” said Mike Krei, Director of NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division.
National Firearms Museum to Display 1911 Centennial Collection at Camp Perry
The Model 1911, commonly referred to as the M1911, was created out of necessity following the carnage of the Philippine-American War. The American military recognized the need to upgrade from the standard military issue revolver to a more powerful service sidearm that could deliver the necessary stopping power to prevent lethal encounters at close range. Five of the pistols in the display were part of the U.S. Service Pistol Trials that paved the way for the military’s adoption of the M1911. The first is a Luger 1901, one of one thousand 7.65 mm purchased for initial testing by the U.S. Cavalry in 1901. There will also be three 1907 models chambered in .45 caliber in the display, including the Grant-Hammond 1907 Trials Pistol bearing serial number one, a Colt Model 1907 Trials Pistol, and the prototype Savage Model 1907, also serial number one. The final pistol, critical to the early stages of the M1911, is the Early Colt M1911 with serial number 4. This pistol was part of the first group of Coltmanufactured M1911’s shipped in January 1912.
National Firearms Museum to display 1911 Centennial Collection at Camp Perry
After the adoption of the M1911 by the U.S. military, Colt began initial production along with Springfield Armory, Remington, and Canada’s North American Arms as America entered World War I. The demand for the powerful and reliable pistol grew when World War II loomed and an updated pistol, the M1911A1, was developed. During the first and second World Wars, over 2.5 million M1911’s and M1911A1’s were ordered by the United States and continued in service through the Vietnam War. Three historical M1911’s used in war will be featured in the display including WWII Marine Aviator, Medal of Honor recipient and former NRA President Joe Foss’ Colt M1911, issued to him in 1943 at Guadalcanal. The next is a Colt M1911 ordered by Admiral Willis August Lee, a Navy Cross recipient and five-time gold medalist shooter at the 1920 Olympic Games. The final of these historic pistols on display is a Colt M1911recovered from a fallen American serviceman who escaped
National Rifle Association FAIRFAX, Va. --(Ammoland.com)- In celebration of 100 years of the Model 1911, the National Firearms Museum will have a special display at
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
the Japanese bombardment of Corregidor with 17 others in a small boat that traveled 29 days and over 2,000 miles to Australia.
Honeoye Falls, NY -(Ammoland.com)- This month’s featured thread brings up some interesting issues, but the one I am focusing on is that of the left wing media altering the facts to drive their agenda.
In addition to these eight firearms, two beautifully engraved M1911’s from the Robert E. Petersen Gallery at the National Firearms Museum will be on display.
The thread is titled NBC apologizes for cutting “under God” from Pledge of Allegiance before U.S. Open and revolves around the production staff at NBC intentionally editing out the phrase “under God” from their US open coverage of the Pledge of Allegiance.
To receive up to the minute reports, photos, and results during the Championships, check www.nrablog.com. To learn more about the National Firearms Museum, visit www.nramuseum.com or call 703-2671600. For more on the National Rifle & Pistol Championships at Camp Perry, or other competitive shooting events or programs, visit www.nrahq.org/compete or call 1-877-672-6282.
Now, there were many arguments in the thread about whether the phrase should even be in the Pledge or whether the Pledge is ‘communist indoctrination’. Those are secondary issues though when looking at how this major news media outlet chose to frame their broadcast to fit their political agenda.
Tags: 1911, Camp Perry, CMP Games, Gun Collections, Gun Collectors, National Firearms Museum
It is of course nothing new for television and print media to do these types of things but it is something that can not be ignored. This is obviously a religious issue for many, but let’s remember that it just as easily could have been a 2nd amendment issue.
AR15.com Forum – Thread Spotlight ‘Anti Gun Media’
How often do we see the words “assault rifle” used in coverage of criminal acts? How often do we see “ammunition stockpile” used when a gun owner is arrested with a few hundred rounds? I bet you could pick up any large city’s daily this morning and read about how “the gun show loophole” is allowing thousands of firearms to get into the hands of criminals.
JUL 04, 2011 04:10P.M. AR15.com Forum – Thread Spotlight ‘Anti Gun Media’
As responsible gun owners we know these things are sensationalized and sometimes even flat out made up by, for lack of a better word, ‘ignorant’ reporters and news editors. It’s not a stretch to say that if this had been coverage of a firearms related story this ‘news’ agency would have found a way to keep the words “shall not be infringed” from being published when the second amendment was referenced. The camel’s nose under the tent? I think we are at the point of the entire camel sharing our sleeping bags. If we as consumers allow these news outlets to continue to frame the facts in the manner of their choosing, it won’t be long (some would argue it’s already too late) until our history as a free people is eroded and twisted to show some liberal vision of what should have happened throughout the story of our great country as opposed to what really has happened.
AR15.com Forum - Thread Spotlight ‘Anti Gun Media’
The only way to stop this behavior is to hit these news agencies where it hurts them the most- their wallets. Conservatives and moderates carry a big stick when it comes to consumer spending. What would happen if we were to all stand up and let the major advertisers of these companies know that we will not be spending our hard earned cash on their products as long as they continued to support this type of politically driven news? AR15.com We can always just sit back and complain about how things should be
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
different. That the media should be an impartial watchdog for the citizen, and how unfortunate it is that certain elites that control these companies can now push their belief systems on us and our children. But with just a little effort and a little energy, we can stand up and say enough is enough. It was interesting to note that while NBC apologized if anyone was offended, the well written apology was couched in terms that implied that this was not the first or last time they intended to use this behavior. Take a few minutes to read the thread and the story attached. Leave your 2 cents if you’d like. But, more importantly take a few minutes to fire off an email to a couple of NBC’s advertisers and let them know just exactly how you feel about this issue. Right To Carry Litigation – Get Involved
If enough of us stand together maybe we can reverse the trend of politically driven media coverage from our country’s major news outlets. About: AR15.Com originated in 1996 as a mailing list for firearm enthusiasts. As the years passed and interest grew, a website came into existence to present those same enthusiasts with a means to collect, share, and explore information. Shortly afterwards, a bulletin board was added to create a more interactive experience for the growing list of users. The site was still in it’s infancy, but was growing in popularity. Visit: www.ar15.com
AR15.com Honeoye Falls, NY -(Ammoland.com)- Gun owners have had much to celebrate over the last several years.
Tags: Anti-Gun Media, AR15.com, ARFCOM, Gun Owner Discrimination, Liberal Media, Lies about Guns
The Heller and McDonald decisions confirmed what gun owners had long known to be true regarding the Second Amendment; the number of “shall issue” Right-to-Carry states has grown to 37; the number of permit-less carry states now stands at four (with Wisconsin pending) and federal Right-to-Carry reciprocity legislation has gained momentum.
Right To Carry Litigation – Get Involved
With all of this success it’s sometimes easy to forget that there are still portions of this country where politicians continue to deny their citizens the means of self-defense outside the home, whether through discriminatory licensing procedures or outright carry bans. When lawmakers in these jurisdictions refuse to respect the natural right to self-defense through the legislative process, the NRA is taking the offenders to court.
JUL 04, 2011 03:29P.M. Right To Carry Litigation – Get Involved By Joe DeBergalis (DirectAction)
Such is the case in Illinois, where politicians surrounding the gun control hotbed of Chicago have denied the rights of all the state’s citizens, making Illinois the only remaining state that bans all manner of concealed carry. In response, the NRA and the Illinois State Rifle Association have filed suit against Illinois in the case of Shepard v. Madigan. The plaintiff, Mary Shepard, is a church treasurer living and working in Illinois. Despite complying with Illinois’ onerous firearm owner’s identification card requirement, obtaining Right-to-Carry permits from Florida and Pennsylvania, and acquiring five firearms training
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
certifications, Illinois law offers her no way to legally carry a handgun for her own protection.
are still those who insist on restricting the right of law abiding citizens to carry firearms for protection. While these forces have been entrenched for decades, the rapid growth of the Right-to-Carry movement proves that their days are numbered. The NRA and its local affiliates will be ready to act wherever democracy has failed… by using the judiciary just as the framers of the constitution intended, to protect the rights of the individual against the state.
The experiences of 40 Right-to-Carry states have proven Illinois’ policy misguided, but Shepard’s personal experience is downright outrageous. On September 28, 2009, while attending to her duties at the church along with an 83-year-old co-worker, a defenseless Shepard was viciously beaten within an inch of her life by a six-foot-three-inch 245pound convicted criminal. The NRA/ISRA brief lists her injuries as including “skull fractures, fractures to both cheeks, brain swelling, shattered teeth, a concussion, a loss of hearing, injuries to the vertebrae in her neck requiring surgical implants, torn rotator cuffs in her shoulders, [and] an injured clavicle.” Shepard’s co-worker suffered a similar fate.
As a Life Member of the Illinois State Rifle Association and the California Rifle and Pistol Association, I am very proud of the efforts of these hardworking organizations. I wholeheartedly encourage all [AmmoLand readers] to join their various NRA state affiliates. They are the NRA in your state and to a one, do a fantastic job. I would also like to thank all of you that have contributed to these causes through your advocacy by calling, writing, emailing and visiting your respective elected officials and respectfully making your views on these issues known. Together we are making a difference.
Illinois denied Shepard her right to self-defense, but in doing so created a compelling figure whose experience will hopefully serve to convince the courts that Illinois’ ban on self-defense outside the home is unjust and unlawful. Nearly as insidious as Illinois’ ban on concealed carry is the way in which some jurisdictions pick and choose which law-abiding citizens are worthy of exercising the right to self-defense. Over the years California localities have made this type of discrimination an art form, with the San Diego Sheriff’s Office attracting the attention of the NRA and California Rifle and Pistol Association Foundation in the case of Peruta v. County of San Diego. The case is currently making its way through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals after the U.S. District Court ruled in favor of San Diego County’s restrictive policy.
About: AR15.Com originated in 1996 as a mailing list for firearm enthusiasts. As the years passed and interest grew, a website came into existence to present those same enthusiasts with a means to collect, share, and explore information. Shortly afterwards, a bulletin board was added to create a more interactive experience for the growing list of users. The site was still in it’s infancy, but was growing in popularity. Visit: www.ar15.com Tags: AR15.com, ARFCOM, CCW, Constitutional Carry, Gun Rights Movement, Joe DeBergalis, Lawsuits, Right to Carry
Under California law a locality can issue a permit if the applicant shows “good cause.” The NRA and CRPAF have argued that in light of the Heller decision, self-defense is a “good cause.” The County of San Diego’s interpretation of “good cause” to require a “special need” or “specific threat” flies in the face of Heller and only serves as a means to discourage the lawful carry of firearms in San Diego County.
Mayor Bloomberg Flat-Out Lies in New Anti-Gun Ad Campaign
The U.S. District Court opinion stated that the County of San Diego’s requirement that an applicant detail a “specific threat” or “special need” in order to obtain a permit is not an unlawful restriction on the right to bear arms. Why? With reasoning that would surely puzzle any proponent of “condition one” carry, the court held that concealed carry can be restricted because California allows for the open carry of unloaded handguns, and the “armed” citizen can supposedly draw and load his pistol while under attack! While a bill restricting even this level of carry (currently making its way through the California Assembly) should be fought as a restriction on the right to bear arms, “empty carry” is obviously far from ideal. The Ninth Circuit should reject this bad alternative, overturn the lower court ruling and recognize self-defense as a “good cause.”
JUL 04, 2011 01:47P.M. Mayor Bloomberg Flat-Out Lies in New Anti-Gun Ad Campaign
It should amaze any reasonable person that despite the experiences of the vast majority of the country that operates under a “shall issue” or permit less carry system. With a 47-year-low in the murder rate, 37-year low in violent crime and the outstanding scholarship of John Lott, there
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
And NRA has noted federal studies showing that less than one percent of imprisoned gun criminals obtained their guns at gun shows. That Bloomberg resorts to lies shows something about his character. That he resorts to lies that are so easily disproven shows how desperate he has become, as he tries to convince the American people and Congress to go along with his agenda. And maybe that should tell the billionaire anti-gun gadfly that some things cannot be bought at any price. About: Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit: www.nra.org
National Rifle Association FAIRFAX, Va. --(Ammoland.com)- This week, the most visible gun control advocate in this country, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, appeared on MSNBC and CNN, promoting his new TV ad urging that Congress impose so-called “terrorist watchlist” gun control legislation.
Tags: Assault Weapons, Automatic Weapons, Gun Show Loophole, Lies about Guns, MAIG, Mayor Bloomberg
The ad features an edited portion of the well-known video of a scragglylooking al Qaeda misfit claiming – falsely -- that jihadists can buy machine guns at gun shows in the United States, without a background check.
California Police Crack Down on Prohibited Persons Possessing Firearms & Ammunition
Everyone in Congress knows the machine gun claim is a lie, and surely most are familiar by now with the many problems of “watchlist” legislation. But when Bloomberg appeared on MSBNC’s “The Last Word,” hosted by self-proclaimed socialist Lawrence O’Donnell, O’Donnell didn’t blame Bloomberg’s dishonesty for his pet legislation’s failure to move.
JUL 04, 2011 01:45P.M. California Police Crack Down on Prohibited Persons Possessing Firearms & Ammunition
O’Donnell instead said Congress is “in favor of illegal guns,” to which Bloomberg outrageously added, “Congress must believe that there is a constitutional amendment that says the right of terrorists to buy arms shall not be infringed.” O’Donnell asked, “What does the NRA say?” and Bloomberg replied, “They won’t say anything.” That, of course, is another lie. NRA has said – many times -- that 95 percent of the people who are on the watchlist are already ineligible to possess firearms in the United States, because (according to the FBI) they are not U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens of the United States. NRA has also pointed out repeatedly that the “watchlist” legislation would violate a watchlisted person’s right to due process of law, by preventing him from clearing his name and getting his firearm rights restored in a fair hearing. NRA has also said that supporters of the legislation have yet to come up with a single violent crime committed by a watchlisted person with a gun acquired after a federal background check.
CalGunLaws.com San Diego, CA --(Ammoland.com)- NRA and CRPA are contacted hundreds of times each year by individuals who were unaware that they were subject to a firearm possession restriction and are seeking to help restore their right to possess a firearm. Typically, they discover the restriction only when they attempt to purchase a firearm and are denied after a background check is
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
performed. Often these individuals have unwittingly possessed firearms safely for years for hunting and/or family-protection. On June 16th, 2011, California Attorney General Kamala Harris announced the results of a statewide sweep of persons prohibited from owning and possessing firearms and ammunition who were found in possession of those items. (press release at: http://oag.ca.gov/news/press_release?id=2521 “fact sheet” at http://ag.ca.gov/cms_attachments/press/pdfs/n2521_apps_fact_sheet.pdf). Restrictions on individuals from possessing firearms under California and federal law include restrictions on the possession of ammunition.
theory and practice. CalGunLaws.com is designed and organized to make it easy to research the law and to locate source materials and related information. All of the articles are cross referenced. Note the two sections on the right: Related Items and Related Law. Related Items will take you to any article related to the one you are currently viewing. Related law takes you to the related law and statutes for the item you are looking at. Tags: calgunlaws.com, California, Gun Bans
AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS The Attorney General claims in her press release that, “[s]eizing guns from felons, gang members and other prohibited persons is the kind of smart, proactive law enforcement that makes a difference in the everyday lives of Californians…We are all safer thanks to the sworn officers who carried out this sweep and I am committed to strengthening this program.”
Black Bear Sought In Attack Near Colville WA JUL 04, 2011 01:36P.M. Black Bear Sought In Attack Near Colville WA
This media event highlights the ongoing efforts by the California Department of Justice to track down and prosecute individuals illegally in possession of firearms or ammunition using its Armed and Prohibited Person System (APPS). We expect this to be the beginning of a more focused effort by California law enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute individuals illegally in possession of firearms or ammunition. This will be particularly likely if the additional funding being sought is made available.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
While APPS has been used to accomplish good things, unfortunately harmless individuals are often swept up in the effort. Many of these individuals are not even aware that they are restricted from possessing firearms and that they may have been illegally possessing firearms, albeit safely and without incident, for years.
Washington --(Ammoland.com)- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) officers are searching for a black bear reported to have attacked a female jogger northeast of Colville yesterday. According to the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office, a 36-year-old woman was attacked by a black bear while she was jogging in the late morning on a trail between Thomas and Gillette lakes, 17 miles northeast of Colville on the Colville National Forest. She dropped to the ground into a protective fetal position and the bear batted at her and then left the area. Later in the day she was treated and released at Mount Carmel Hospital in Colville.
As is most often the case, ignorance of the law is no excuse. A person can be charged with a felony if they fall within a prohibited class and are found in possession of firearms, ammunition, or certain firearm parts. (Cal. Penal Code §§ 12021, 12021.1, and 12316). Lawyers for NRA and CRPAF have now published several articles that may assist those individuals in determining their eligibility status, in avoiding prosecution and other legal difficulties, and possible in having their rights restored. These materials are posted here.
Today WDFW officials were notified of the incident by the Sheriff’s office. WDFW enforcement officers are working with U.S. Forest Service (USFS) staff to investigate the scene of the incident, place bear traps and possibly use dogs to find the bear. USFS campgrounds are maintained at Thomas and Gillette lakes.
About: CalGunLaws.com is an online research resource designed primarily for use by attorneys and interested firearm owners. CalGunLaws.com strives to provide easy access to and facilitate understanding of the multitude of complex federal, state, and local firearm laws and ordinances, administrative and executive regulations, case law, and past and current litigation that defines the California firearms regulatory scheme in
WDFW Enforcement Capt. Chris Anderson said that because of the time that has elapsed since the attack, finding the bear may be difficult. If officers find the bear and determine that it was the animal involved in
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
the attack, the bear will be euthanized, according to WDFW policy. There have been five other bear attacks on humans and one reported fatality in Washington, according to historical records. Last September a man was seriously injured by a bear near Lake Wenatchee. Washington’s black bear population is estimated at 25,000 to 30,000 animals. WDFW receives an average of about 417 black bear complaints annually, ranging from glimpses of bears to encounters. Black bears are classified as a game species and may be harvested during prescribed hunting seasons by licensed hunters who have purchased bear tags. Typically, black bears avoid people but can pose a safety risk if they become habituated to human food sources. Bears become overly familiar with humans if they are fed or find unsecured garbage, bird seed, pet food, windfall fruit or compost piles. Arizona Game and Fish Department WDFW officials offer the following advice to minimize the risk of injury if a bear is encountered in the wild:
PHOENIX, AZ – -(Ammoland.com)-Thanks to new laws passed by the Arizona Legislature this past session and actions by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission on Saturday, June 25, dove hunters will find it simpler this year determining where it is legal to hunt after the season opens Sept. 1.
Don’t run. Pick up small children, stand tall, wave your arms above your head and shout. Do not approach the animal and be sure to leave it an escape route. Try to get upwind of the bear so that it can identify you as a human and leave the area. Don’t look the bear directly in the eye, as the animal may interpret this as a sign of aggression. If the animal does attack, fight back aggressively
Senate Bill 1334 prohibits municipalities and counties from enacting any ordinance, rule or regulation limiting the take of wildlife during an open season established by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. SB1334 also amends state law (Arizona Revised Statutes 13-3107) by permitting the discharge of a firearm within the limits of any municipality while lawfully taking wildlife during an open season established by the Game and Fish Commission. This new law takes effect July 20.
Problem bear encounters may be reported to local WDFW regional offices, or WDFW’s dangerous wildlife reporting line, 1-877-933-9847. In an emergency, dial 911. Tags: Animal Attacks, Bear Attacks, Black Bears, Washington, WDFW
However, nothing in SB1334 prohibits municipalities from regulating the discharge of firearms within a quarter mile of occupied structures. AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS Basically, these new laws leave the decision making of where people can legally hunt in the experienced hands of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. But hunters can’t expect carte blanche – the Game and Fish Commission is taking a conservative, thoughtful approach in its deployment of these shifted or modified authorities.
AZ Dove Hunters Will Find It Simpler To Locate Legal Hunting Areas This Year JUL 04, 2011 01:33P.M.
“It’s a balancing act. We wanted to maximize hunting opportunity while at the same time minimizing potential conflicts, said Commission Chairman Robert Woodhouse, who is from Yuma. “We also considered geo-political realities, recognizing that one size does not necessarily fit all within the various municipal boundaries, as each locale is unique.”
AZ Dove Hunters Will Find It Simpler To Locate Legal Hunting Areas This Year New state law opens up tracts of undeveloped public lands within municipalities.
For instance, based on the department’s studied evaluation, the Game and Fish Commission has closed a well-defined densely populated core area within the Valley of the Sun to hunting. The boundaries of this area, which crosses multiple municipal
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
boundaries, are well defined by major roadways, making it much simpler for hunters, municipal leaders and law enforcement officers to determine where hunting is legal. The Base and Meridian wildlife area and a couple of small county islands within this closure area will remain open to hunting dove with shotgun shooting shot.
lawful hunting within municipal boundaries,” said Commissioner John W. Harris, a veteran law enforcement officer who is currently the police chief of Sahuarita. “Even though such authority with regard to hunting has shifted to the capable hands of the Game and Fish Commission, the commission and the department will work closely with chiefs of police and other municipal leaders to thoughtfully and properly address concerns.”
All restrictions in Arizona Revised Statutes Title 17 (the state game laws) apply, such as not hunting within ¼ mile of an occupied building and not shooting from or across a roadway.
Keep in mind that the dove commission order is just the first step. In August, the commission will consider recommendations for modifying all the commission orders so these new laws and authorities can be fully implemented.
In addition, municipal hunt management units created by the commission, such as those in the Valley of the Sun, Tucson and Flagstaff, also impose certain restrictions on hunting, especially for the use of firearms while taking wildlife. For instance, within the greater Phoenix metropolitan units, the legal firearms for hunting doves are restricted to the use of shotguns, shooting shot.
“The department and commission have a long-standing track record of utilizing adaptive management principals not just within biology frameworks, but also within public administration venues as well,” said Ordway. “When it comes to hunting within municipalities, we expect to adapt and evolve while working cooperatively with other government entities and our outdoor stakeholders.”
The first commission order adopted since the passage of this law establishes the 2011 season on dove, which is a migratory bird that also falls under certain federal hunting constraints and guidelines. The commission unanimously approved the dove season at its June 25 meeting.
Detailed regulations and boundaries are anticipated to be available in mid-July at www.azgfd.gov.
Leonard Ordway, assistant director for the Field Operations Division, pointed out that in the past, dove hunters – especially those in the Valley of the Sun where there are lots of different municipal boundaries to contend with – often found it difficult or sometimes even impossible to determine where one could legally hunt dove.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. If anyone believes that they have been discriminated against in any of the AGFD’s programs or activities, including employment practices, they may file a complaint with the Deputy Director, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086-5000, (602) 942-3000, or with the Fish and Wildlife Service, 4040 N. Fairfax Dr. Ste. 130, Arlington, VA 22203. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation or this document in an alternative format by contacting the Deputy Director as listed above.
Ordway said the change in the law will make it easier for dove hunters to determine where they can hunt, and will also once again open up tracts of uninhabited and undeveloped public and State Trust land within municipalities to hunting. “For example, hunters will find the return of hunting opportunities on those large areas of open land that have been annexed but won’t be developed for years, or those highly productive yet un-posted agricultural lands within municipalities,” he said.
Tags: Arizona, AZGFD, Dove Hunting
Tacamo Magazine Kit Shipping Schedule
Ordway said this is especially important for families. “This new approach to hunting in municipalities makes it simpler for parents to take their youngsters hunting, quite often closer to home, so they can re-connect with nature. This is truly a quality of life improvement for outdoor families now, and will help in passing on the hunting and outdoor tradition to future generations.”
JUL 04, 2011 01:22P.M. Tacamo Magazine Kit Shipping Schedule
The commission and department will be working closely with counties, municipalities, chiefs of police and other major stakeholders to continue taking a thoughtful and cooperative approach to hunting within municipalities. “In the past, chiefs of police had the authority to approve or to close areas to discharge of firearms, thus closing what would otherwise be
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
About: RAP4 is recognized as a leader in compressed air-powered marking technology, with patented innovations for military and law enforcement tools and industry-leading paintball sport equipment. Headquartered in San Jose, California, RAP4 has distributors across America and around the world. Trained staff members are available by phone or in person for consultations, and to troubleshoot or train your personnel on use of their equipment. visit www.rap4lesslethal.com Tags: Airsoft Guns, PaintBall, RAP4, Real Action Paintball, Tacamo RAP4 AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS
San Jose, CA --(Ammoland.com)- Real Action Paintball and Tacamo are proud to announce shipment of our hot new Mag Fed Conversion Kit for Tippmann and BT Paintball markers!
North Carolina Gun Politics – The Good, The Bad, & The Disappointing
We have crews working around the clock to satisfy the outstanding demand for these new game change kits. Each week this month we’ll have a new, exciting Mag Fed Conversion Kit to ship to players around the world.
JUL 04, 2011 01:14P.M. North Carolina Gun Politics – The Good, The Bad, & The Disappointing
Shipping this first week of July are the Mag Fed Conversion Kit For Tippmann Phenom! To use them, simply disassemble your Phenom and follow the enclosed instructions to reassemble the parts inside the Mag Fed Conversion Kit. By using most of the original parts, you retain the reliability, function, and other characteristics of your tactical marker. By using the Mag Fed Conversion Kit, you gain the look, balance, and accessory rails that truly make your marker as real as it gets. The Mag Fed Conversion Kit gets that hopper out of your field of vision, and off of your marker completely for the most realistic look and balance in paintball. Interchangeable magazines feed your marker a stack of paint under constant pressure to eliminate chopping and ensure that a ball is there, in the chamber and ready, right when you need it…regardless of the angle of your marker or whether you shake it or not.
Grass Roots North Carolina for Firearms Education North Carolina --(Ammoland.com)- “The idea of a concealed-carry in an Applebee’s bothered people…” - Republican Speaker Thom Tillis, after restaurant carry language was removed from gun legislation which passed.
Add force-feed, and hyper-realistic looks and function to your marker with the Mag Fed Conversion Kit!
[Analysis] With HB 650 signed by the Governor and scheduled to become law on December 1, congratulations are due to all who responded to GRNC alerts by calling and e-mailing the NC General Assembly.
• Shipping the first week of July: Tippmann Phenom Mag Fed Kits • Shipping the second week of July: Tippmann Model 98 and BT variant Mag Fed Kits
Thanks are also due volunteers of the Legislative Action Team for many hours spent at the legislature, our Director and Co-Director of Communications for dozens of alerts, often sent with little notice, to our Webmaster for alerts promptly posted, to gun show volunteers for alerts distributed to thousands of gun owners and to all others who helped win this crucial victory. Once again, you have demonstrated the value of an all-volunteer organization in defending our rights.
• Shipping the third week of July: Tippmann A5 Mag Fed Kits • Shipping the fourth week of July: Tippmann X7 Mag Fed Kits Place your order now to reserve your Mag Fed Conversion Kit, and we’ll ship it to you on the above schedule so that you can dominate your field this summer. Rely on the quality, revel in the experience, and take the field by storm!
CHAMPS As usual, politicians’ records are more checkered. Heroes of the General Assembly include Rep. Mark Hilton (R-Catawba, GRNC ****), who
Real Action Paintball – As Real as it Gets!
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
acted as primary sponsor for nearly all gun bills in the House; Sen. Buck Newton (R-Nash, Wilson, ****), who spent long hours restructuring bills to make them acceptable to leadership, and who delivered on committee hearings promised, House Rules Chairman Tim Moore (R-Cleveland, ****), for courage in giving hearings to bills not always favorably regarded by leadership, Sens. Debbie Clary (R-Cleveland, Rutherford, ****) and Andrew Brock (R-Davie, Rowan, ****), for working to support numerous pro-gun bills, Rep. George Cleveland (R-Onslow, ****) for his stalwart support in committee and during floor debates, Rep. Glen Bradley (R-Franklin, Halifax, Nash, ****) for introducing the “Firearms Freedom Act” and for supporting gun bills on the floor, and Rep. Kelly Hastings(R-Cleveland, Gaston, ****) for being the most tenacious Second Amendment supporter among incoming House freshman.
CHUMPS House Majority Leader Paul (“Skip”) Stam (R-Wake, GRNC eval. under review) worked to weaken both Castle Doctrine and HB 650, and then paradoxically voted for final passage of both. From his proposed committee substitute for Castle Doctrine to apparently orchestrating the McGrady amendment, which removed language for guns in locked vehicles at places of employment from HB 650 (during which debate Stam employed the bizarre argument that he owns everything which crosses his property), to objecting in caucus to bringing gun bills to committee votes, Stam worked to undermine gun bills in the GOP caucus.
NC Senator Berger quickly forgot the pro gun voters who put him in office. Disappointing Frankly, we expected more from Republican leadership, specifically Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg, ****) and Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger(R-Guilford, Rockingham, ****). But it quickly became apparent that support for gun rights voters who helped “bring ‘em to the dance” would be forthcoming only insofar as it could be done without sticking their necks out.
Beyond the usual anti-gun Democrats, others who worked to subvert your rights included Rep. Deborah Ross (D-Wake, 0-star), who tried to insert a “poison pill” into HB 111 for parks and restaurant carry, Rep. David Guice(R-Henderson, Polk, Transylvania, GRNC eval. under review) who weakened parks carry by exempting certain recreational facilities, and Rep. Chuck McGrady
What resulted was a “thrust and parry” fencing match as we pressured chamber leaders to move gun legislation and they responded by adding and then removing bills from committee calendars, playing a “shell game” of inserting gun language into this or that bill, insisting on vetoproof majorities rather than simple majorities before bringing bills to the floor, and worst of all, removing items deemed “too controversial” from the legislation which passed.
(R-Henderson, GRNC eval. under review), who offered the amendment to remove guns in locked vehicles from HB 650. Perhaps most pathetic was Sen. Ellie Kinnaird
What we got…and what we will The result was, at best, half a loaf. We got the long-awaited Castle Doctrine, and somewhat weakened version of the parks carry GRNC has sought since 1997, and some other enhancements. Meanwhile, Tillis and Berger nixed guns in locked vehicles at places of employment, guns in locked compartments on educational property, and concealed carry in restaurants. The stated reason for the latter was poor polling on the topic.
(D-Orange, Person, 0-star), who after initially being ruled out of order during the floor debate over HB 650, eventually managed to insert her usual anti-gun screed (albeit pointlessly) into the record, neatly lumping gun owners in with terrorists. Poor, old Ellie. She seems increasingly out of touch.
Said Speaker Tillis to the Charlotte Observer: ““The idea of a concealed-carry in an Applebee’s bothered people…” The good news is that HB 111 - which contains restaurant carry - passed the House and remains alive for consideration when the legislature convenes next year. GRNC will be working hard on a campaign to pass it. As an opening shot, we suggest gun rights supporters contact Senator Berger and Speaker Tillis and tell them that what “bothers” them are Republican leaders who more or less immediately forgot who put them there.
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
About: Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a nonprofit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in 1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment, GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North Carolina. Visit:www.grnc.org
http://www.wral.com/apps/feedback/feedback/?d_id_person=525 • Stacy Davis: http://www.wral.com/rs/bio/3463714/ About: Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a nonprofit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in 1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment, GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North Carolina. Visit:www.grnc.org
Tags: Grass Roots North Carolina, GRNC, Gun Bills, Gun Politics, North Carolina, Pro Gun Groups
Tags: Castle Doctrine, Grass Roots North Carolina, GRNC, North Carolina, Paul Valone
Grass Roots North Carolina Featured On WRAL-TV
JUL 04, 2011 12:55P.M.
Gear Court: Hatfield’s Tactical Racker
Grass Roots North Carolina Featured On WRAL-TV Happy Independence Day!
JUL 04, 2011 11:04A.M. Hatfield’s Tactical Racker … no more worries when you get in a jam
Grass Roots North Carolina for Firearms Education North Carolina --(Ammoland.com)- Celebrate by knowing you just won back a little piece of your freedom! Generally, gun rights supporters can expect to get slammed in news interviews. At best, they might get a 15-second sound bite. So imagine our surprise when WRAL reporter Stacy Davis contacted us to do a reasonably extensive piece on Castle Doctrine.
Hatfield’s Tactical Racker
Then imagine our delight when the piece turned out to be well thought out and balanced, and even dispels common misconceptions about the topic. HELP ENSURE PRO-GUN MEDIA LIKE THIS IN THE FUTURE: • View the complete article and video by going to: http://www.wral.com/news/state/nccapitol/story/9805007/ Thank Stacy Davis and WRAL for the balanced piece:
Women’s Outdoor News
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
Rolla, MO --(Ammoland.com)- When I began shooting handguns, one of the first problems I encountered was the difficulty in being able to properly rack my pistol.
News.:www.womensoutdoornews.com/category/reviews/gear-court/ About: The Women’s Outdoor News, aka The WON, delivers news, reviews and stories about women in the outdoors. Born out of a desire to serve the burgeoning outdoor market for women and to inspire as many women to go outside as possible, The WON pops into email in-boxes, RSS feeds and Twitter Feeds with updates during the work week. Visit: www.Womensoutdoornews.com
I was first taught to utilize the slingshot technique, which I immediately found I could not do quickly, due to my inability to get a good grip on the rear of the slide, and just plain lack of strength. Now I always use the overhand grip, but I still sometimes find that my hand slides a bit on the barrel, especially if it is not completely dry. When I was first contacted about reviewing the Hatfield Tactical Racker, I’ll be honest, I had no idea what it even was. Once I learned that it was specifically designed to improve the shooter’s ability to manipulate the slide, I was ecstatic. This could solve my fear of being unable to quickly clear a jam in an emergency situation.
Tags: Gear Court, Glock, Hatfield Gunsmithing, Hatfield Tactical Racker, jennifer yoder, review
Hatfields Gunsmithing designed the tactical racker in two different sizes to fit all GLOCK pistols. When I first received it, I had no idea how to attach it to my pistol. I realized that I needed to remove the slide cover plate and replace it with the Hatfield Racker; the problem was that I had no clue how to do this. There were no instructions on the packaging, but a quick search on Hatfield’s website led to a short demo video. After watching the video, I was easily able to remove the slide cover plate and install the Hatfield Racker in less than five minutes on my GLOCK 19.
When I went to the range, I took along a second GLOCK 19 that did not have the Hatfield Racker installed so I could really get a feel for the difference. The first thing I noticed was that I could easily utilize the slingshot method on the gun with the Hatfield Racker; I still struggled to do so without it. Because I am accustomed to the overhand method of racking, I knew that even with the Hatfield Racker attached, in an emergency situation, my habitual method would not change. I quickly noticed, however, that the Hatfield Racker also helped with this type of grip as it stabilizes your hand by giving you a place to rest your thumb.
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects Charity Sporting Clays Event
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects Charity Sporting Clays Event JUL 04, 2011 10:24A.M.
Another benefit that the Hatfield Racker brings is the ability to rack your pistol with only one hand. I tried this out by holding the pistol in my right hand, and resting the Hatfield Racker on the edge of a picnic table. The Hatfield Racker easily held the slide, so that when I pushed the gun downward with only one hand, it quickly chambered a round. GLOCK has a reputation for being tough and durable; the same appears to hold true for the Hatfield Racker. It is machined from billet aluminum then hard anodized for a tough finish. It has a solid feel to it, and when installed on my pistol, I could tell it was secure.
Picturesque Hudson Farm in Andover NJ
The Hatfield Tactical Racker would definitely be a great addition to any GLOCK. It makes me feel a lot better knowing that I can easily clear a jam or chamber a round in any situation with the Hatfield Racker attached to my pistol. It is available for all GLOCK models and comes in black, silver, red and blue. You can learn more about it by going to hatfieldsgunsmithing.com, or if you are in the northern Virginia area, you can stop in their store and see it for yourself. For more gear reviews, visit the Gear Court at Women’s Outdoor
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
Farm NJOA Charity Sporting Clays event. Some of the amenities include a well-equipped Pro-Shop, the stately mansion/club-house dating back to the 1800′s, complete dining facilities, motel and guest room accommodations, challenging course ranges, planted game food plots, hunting blinds, hiking trails, even a state of the art manufacturing facility. The Farm raises over 20,000 sport-birds per year on-site and employs a full staff of pro-instructors, chefs, gunsmiths and care-takers. (www.HudsonFarmNJ.com) Why you should attend: 1. This is a “once in a lifetime experience” you will not soon forget 2. Hudson Farm is one of NJOA’s primary supporting sponsors
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
3. This event raises funds for the NJ Quail Project and Reef Rescue
TRENTON, NJ --(Ammoland.com)- Final Reminder: Please join us for a “once in a lifetime” shooting experience!
Learn more about Hudson Farm: http://www.hudsonfarmnj.com/
Monday, July 18, 2011 New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects Charity Sporting Clays Event
“Preservation through conservation” Anthony P. Mauro Sr. Chairman, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”
Individual Shooter @ $350 each Sporting Clays Fees includes cartridge carrier, shells, breakfast, and lunch.
JOIN NJOA: http://www.njoutdooralliance.org/support/njoa.html About: NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: www.njoutdooralliance.org
Squad of 4 Shooters @ $1,100 (includes Station Sponsor sign and name in program) • 8:00 am Registration/Breakfast • 9:15 am Safety Speech & Course Rules • 9:30 am Day Program Begins • 1:00 pm Lunch
Tags: Anthony Mauro, Charity Events, Clay Target Shooting, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, NJOA, Sportsmens Charitys
Register online: https://phibetagib.wufoo.com/forms/njoa-environmental-projectssporting-clays/ About Hudson Farm: HUDSON FARM, located on 3,000 acres of beautifully landscaped farmland in Andover, New Jersey, has a long standing reputation of being one of the finest sport-shooting clubs in the entire United States. Industry leaders, dignitaries and even past US presidents have visited this pristine facility to experience its grandeur. Hudson Farm simulates a day of shooting at one of the great estates in England. It’s a once in a lifetime experience that necessitates a good deal of preparation. Fortunately, that preparation can be a one-stop by visiting our Hudson
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
USA Shooting Nominates Eric Uptagrafft to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team JUL 04, 2011 09:28A.M. USA Shooting Nominates Eric Uptagrafft to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team
Eric Uptagrafft’s outstanding performances in 2010 and 2011 earned him a nomination to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team. Uptagrafft has been a dominating force in Men’s 50m Rifle Prone for the past two seasons. He began 2010 with a sixth place finish at the first International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup in Sydney, Australia. Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft scored 594 match points and 103.1 points in the final for a total of 697.1 points.
USA Shooting COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. --(Ammoland.com)- Eric Uptagrafft’s outstanding performances in 2010 and 2011 earned him a nomination to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team.
At the second leg of World Cup competition in Beijing, China, he climbed onto the podium with 598 match points and 103.2 points in the final for the bronze medal. Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft continued to solidify his topthree world ranking with a silver medal at his home range during the ISSF World Cup USA.
In patriotic fashion, USA Shooting is honored to announce that 1996 Olympian Sergeant First Class Eric Uptagrafft (Phenix City, Ala.) has qualified for a nomination to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team pending approval by the United States Olympic Committee. Upon approval, Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft will compete in his specialty event-Men’s 50m Rifle Prone. Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft is a member of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit stationed in Fort Benning, Ga. As a proud soldier and American, Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft will compete in his second Olympic Games with his sights set on gold. Following the 2008 Olympic Games, USA Shooting adopted a point selection procedure for athletes to gain an Olympic nomination. Points are awarded based on competition performance at International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cups and World Championships.
In the presence of U.S. Army dignitaries, Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft’s hold didn’t falter as he shot 597 match points and the highest final of 105.8 points for the silver medal. At the 2010 ISSF World Shooting Championships in Munich, Germany, he placed seventh overall with 598 match points and 102.3 points in the final for a total of 700.3 points. Maintaining his momentum, Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft was on target at the first ISSF World Cup of 2011 in Sydney, Australia. He shot 599 match points and 104.2 points in the final for a total of 703.2 points. Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft’s performance earned him a silver medal and an Olympic participation quota for Team USA in London 2012. Shortly thereafter, he followed up that performance with yet another silver medal at the ISSF World Cup Changwon. Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft shot 699.6 total points (596+103.6) to break the U.S. Olympic selection point threshold. In his most recent match at the ISSF World Cup USA, he finished fifth overall with 598 match points and 101.9 points in the final for 699.9 total points. National Rifle Coach Major Dave Johnson said, “Eric is one of our most experienced international athletes. This benefited him in his pursuit of the point system slot for the U.S. Olympic Team. He’s had an outstanding year and has earned the slot and the respect of his competitors worldwide. I expect to see him on the podium in London.”
Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR news@ammoland.com
5 July 2011
Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft said, “It is the realization of a dream to compete in the Olympics again. I’ve learned a lot since Atlanta and look forward to the challenge. I’d like to thank the U.S. Army, the USAMU, and USA Shooting for helping me reach my intermediate goal of making the team and for helping me prepare for next summer.” USA Shooting would like to congratulate Sgt. 1st Class Uptagrafft and wish him success in his training for London 2012. To learn more about Olympic shooting and Eric Uptagrafft, please visit the USA Shooting website. ELEYELEY is a Proud Sponsor of the USA Shooting Rifle and Pistol Teams: ELEY Limited, manufacturer of the world’s most consistently accurate rimfire ammunition, has been the Official Sponsor and Official Supplier of .22 rimfire ammunition of the USA Shooting rifle and pistol teams since 2000. For more information on ELEY and their products, please visit www.eley.co.uk. About USA Shooting USA Shooting, a 501c3 non-profit corporation, was chartered by the United States Olympic Committee as the National Governing Body for the sport of shooting in April 1995. USA Shooting’s mission is to prepare American athletes to win Olympic medals, promote the shooting sports throughout the U.S. and govern the conduct of international shooting in the country. Check us out on the web at www.usashooting.org and Facebook. Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, Olympic Shooting, USA Shooting