AmmoLand Shooting Sports News July 28th 2011

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28 July 2011

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR


collectors of firearms in every state where FFLGuard has clients.

FFLGuard Adds Industry NFA Gun Trust Lawyer David Goldman

“NFA Trusts,” “Firearms Trusts,” “Title II Trusts,” and “Class 3 Trusts” are all a specific type of legal instrument called “Revocable Living Trusts,” that deal with the unique issues of owning,transferring, and possessing Title II firearms (silencers, short barrel rifles and shotguns, AOWs and machine guns).

JUL 27, 2011 05:17P.M. When individuals purchase a Title II firearm sold by a Dealer with a Class 3 SOT, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the city or county where the individual resides is required to sign a document called a Form 4. This sometimes leads to delay or disappointment. Yet individuals can legally purchase and own a Title II firearms through a NFA Trust, wherein the Trust (not the individual) actually purchases and holds title to the restricted firearm or gun.

FFLGuard Adds Industry NFA Gun Trust Lawyer David Goldman Co-operative legal program continues to expand to meet the demands of the independent firearms retailer.

The NFA trust is not required to submit fingerprints nor seek the approval of the local chief of police. Instead the federal government will verify and investigate the application. Many individuals prefer the NFA Trust over creating a corporation or LLC to do the same thing because the NFA Trust is less expensive to operate, deals with issues of incapacity and death, and provides greater privacy as to who owns the Class 3 firearms.

FFLGuard New York City, NY --( FFLGuard, a cooperative legal program offered to Federal Firearms Licensees by The Chiafullo Group, LLP (“the Group”), a law firm based in New Jersey, provides costeffective and specialized legal counsel to independent gun retailers in the event of a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives (“BATFE”) compliance inspection, or in defense of civil litigation aimed at scrutinizing the retailer’s business practices. FFLGuard has experienced increased demand as the program has caught the attention of clients across the nation who face similar legal obstacles in their marketplaces.

“The ability to assist current and prospective FFLGuard clients with access to Mr. Goldman and his Gun Trust Lawyers will help our clients sell more products under their Class III License to qualified retail customers, while still keeping in line with our ‘Law Plus Guideline’ philosophy,” states Chiafullo. “We understand that the right to bear arms is a constitutional right that is always ‘under fire’ by current state and federal laws. Giving our FFLGuard clients better legal tools to comply with state and federal laws is part of our obligation to them, and aligning with David [Goldman] adds the bonus feature of giving our clients a ‘value-added’ service they can share with their customers.” Chiafullo added, “[if] both our clients and their customers have better access to and understanding of NFA Trusts, then it’s a win- win-win for the industry, FFLGuard, and the Title II weapon-buying public.”

Christopher Chiafullo, attorney and founder of the FFLGuard program, currently serves as its National Coordinating Counsel and Director of Special Operations. Chiafullo works with subject matter experts and firearms-specific counsel to develop FFLGuard’s “Law Plus Guidelines” and deliver the unique legal program nationwide, affording cost-effective compliance solutions to over 200 FFL’s in 36 states. Chiafullo recently asked attorney David Goldman, to join the FFLGuard program. He joins a growing and impressive group of experts in FFLGuard’s Special Operations Branch.

“This is the next step for our program as we continue to provide superior legal counsel to the independent firearms retailer,” Chiafullo said.

Mr. Goldman, founder of the Apple Law Firm of Jacksonville, FL, will provide his National Firearms Act (“NFA”) Trust expertise to the FFLGuard program. Specifically, FFLGuard will refer clients (and their retail customers) to Mr. Goldman and his network of Gun Trust Lawyers to utilize his expertise developing Gun Trusts for NFA firearms and

If retailers are interested in joining FFLGuard or would like additional information on the FFLGuard program, please visit or call 1-888-FFL-GRD1 (1-888-335-4731). Also, anyone can follow Mr. Chiafullo on Twitter: @FFLGuard.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

Tags: Automatic Weapons, BATFE, FFL,, Firearms Retailer Defense Fund, Gun Laws, Gun Lawyers, Gun Retailers, Gun Trusts, NFA Firearms, Semi Auto, Transfer Dealers

decline in hunting participation in recent years has been the lack of access to hunting lands. Despite opponents claims that H.R. 1581 would open affected lands to oil, gas and timber development, testimony from high level officials of the Obama Administration confirmed that, if released into multiple-use, these lands would not immediately be available for development, but would be afforded the safeguards under current land use plans and other environmental regulations. Any changes would only occur during the land use plan revision process after public and local input.


Safari Club International Champions Access for Hunting Before Congress

“We applaud Congress for taking the necessary steps forward to follow the agencies recommendations and put these lands into multiple-use. Unlike the current ‘one size fits all’ management of these lands, HR 1581 will allow for local communities to determine what multiple-use management is most appropriate and improve access for sportsmen.”

JUL 27, 2011 05:08P.M. Safari Club International Champions Access for Hunting Before Congress

About SCI Safari Club International – First For Hunters is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI’s approximately 200 Chapters represent all 50 of the United States as well as 106 other countries. SCI’s proactive leadership in a host of cooperative wildlife conservation, outdoor education and humanitarian programs, with the SCI Foundation and other conservation groups, research institutions and government agencies, empowers sportsmen to be contributing community members and participants in sound wildlife management and conservation. Visit the home or call (520) 620-1220 for more information.

Safari Club Internationa Washington, DC --( On behalf of millions of American sportsmen and women, Safari Club International’s (SCI) Director of Hunter Advocacy, Melissa Simpson, testified yesterday before the House Committee on Natural Resource’s subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands.

Becoming an SCI Member Joining Safari Club International is the best way to be an advocate for continuing our hunting heritage and supporting worldwide sustainable use conservation, wildlife education and humanitarian services. JOIN NOW:

Simpson provided testimony on H.R. 1581, the “Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011” on behalf of a sportsmen’s coalition that included the National Rifle Association and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.

Tags: Conservation Politics, Hunters Rights, Safari Club International, SCI, Washington DC

“H.R. 1581 would help hunters who are being denied or limited access to public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service,” Simpson says. “Currently, the Bureau and Forest Service are managing nearly 43 million acres of public land under the prohibitions of wilderness area study area policy, even though the agencies have recommended to Congress that these areas are not suitable for wilderness designation.” The protectionist management by the two agencies severely restricts hunter access to these lands by 1) failing to authorize roads and trails that would help disabled and elderly hunters’ access hunting areas; 2) prohibiting or limiting hunters from using carts for game retrieval and; 3) reducing hunters’ ability to access lands inaccessible by existing roads and trails. Studies have shown that one of the biggest reasons for the


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


already have a boater or hunter education certificate. The following kids completed all five days of the camp and received their boating and hunting education certifications:

First Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Summer Camp

Tyler Irvin, 12, of Gonzales; Jordan London, 12, of Baton Rouge; Taiylar DeMoss, 12, of Baton Rouge; Devon Regira, 12, of Geismar; Darren Ficklin, 12 of Geismar; Colton Strain, 12, of Clinton; Chance Truett, 13, of Baton Rouge; Scott Sugasti, 13, of Barataria, Daniel Sant, 13, of Baton Rouge, Cade Hood, 12, of Walker; Emma Gordon, 15, of Baton Rouge, Jeffrey Ragusa, 13, of Gonzales; Alexander Williams, 12, of St. Gabriel; Mac Prudhomme, 13, of Baton Rouge; David Johnson, 14, of Baton Rouge; Jamey Jacocks, 16, of Geismar; Jacob Jacocks, 15, of Geismar; Hunter Rube, 15, of Baton Rouge; and Cedric Brown Jr., 13, of Thibodaux. Sari Sant, 15, of Baton Rouge, received her hunting education certificate, but had to leave the camp early and missed the boating education portion.

JUL 27, 2011 05:03P.M. 20 Students Participate in First Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Summer Camp

On the final day of the camp, LDWF held a skills challenge consisting of skeet shooting, archery, canoeing obstacle course, fish identification test, casting and fishing contests to determine which two campers would win lifetime hunting and fishing licenses. The Louisiana Wildlife Agents Association (LWAA) donated lifetime hunting and fishing license went to Ficklin. Sugasti won the lifetime hunting and fishing license donated by the Louisiana branch of the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA). The LWAA and Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation provided a daily lunch free of charge for the five-day summer camp. Cabela’s in Gonzales also donated a rod and reel combo set that each child received to upon completion of the camp. CCA also had volunteers on site and gave each student a CCA membership.

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Louisiana --( The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) held their inaugural Summer Camp from July 1822 at the Waddill Outdoor Education Center in Baton Rouge for children 12 to 16 years old.

The boating education course is mandatory for anybody born after Jan. 1, 1984 to operate a motorboat in excess of 10 horsepower. The course includes information on choosing a boat, classification, hulls, motors, legal requirements and equipment requirements. The course also covers many navigation rules and charts, trailering, sailboats, canoeing, personal watercraft and more.

The camp was completely free of charge and participants were able to receive their official LDWF boater and hunter education certifications. The camp was split up between class room work and outdoor activities that consisted of fishing and canoeing in the ponds at the Waddill Outdoor Education Center, skeet shooting, air rifles, archery and casting practice.

The hunter education course is mandatory for anyone born on or after Sept. 1, 1969, who plans on purchasing a hunting license. The hunter education curriculum includes sections on ethics and responsibility, wildlife management, firearms and ammunition, safety in the field, wildlife identification and wildlife conservation. The major objectives of the hunter education programs are to reduce the number of hunting accidents, improve the image of hunting through ethical and responsible conduct and promote the shooting sports.

“The camp was a great success and well received by the kids and their parents. The department will definitely sponsor more camps for next summer since we had such a great demand and response for this first one,” said LDWF Secretary Robert Barham.

Tags: Hunter Education, LDWF, Louisiana, Youth Hunting

“Since most classes for boating and hunting education are done in one day, this camp allowed for a lot of extra time during the week for the kids to get hands on experience and guidance on a number of outdoor activities.” The camp was open to the first 20 children that registered who did not


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


When many people over the age of 40 were growing up, ROTC students would march up-and-down high school campuses with their semiautomatic M1’s – and no one would think anything of it. Shooting clubs on school grounds were also not uncommon.

Ron Paul Legislation Protects School Children from Mass Murderers

But within a couple a years of the enactment of the Kohl amendment, two disaffected teenagers walked into Columbine High School secure in the knowledge that they would be the only ones in the school who were armed.

JUL 27, 2011 02:56P.M. Congressman Ron Paul Introduces Legislation to Protect School Children from Mass Murderers

And, of course, Columbine triggered a slew of copycat episodes – laying a mounting string of innocent casualties at the feet of Herb Kohl and his misbegotten legislation. It’s time to say NO to criminal safe zones. And a great place to start is the blatantly unconstitutional gun free school zones act. Thankfully, Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) agrees and has introduced legislation to do just that.

Gun Owners of America

Rep. Paul recently introduced the “Citizens Protection Act of 2011” (H.R. 2613), which will repeal the Kohl amendment and thus remove the federally created criminal safety zones.

Washington, DC --( Columbine. Virginia Tech. Fort Hood.

The answer is they all occurred in government facilities where the private possession of firearms was prohibited.

Rep. Paul is one of the few members of Congress who respects the Constitution and who actually introduces legislation to restore federalism. And, unlike some legislators, Paul has a history of forcing the House to vote on his pro-gun proposals, thus putting other congressmen on record.

In Washington, unconstitutional legislation is commonplace. But sometimes unconstitutional laws can have deadly consequences. The socalled “gun free school zones act,” written by radical anti-gun Senator Heb Kohl, is one such law.

GOA is proud to stand with Rep. Paul in the effort to repeal the unconstitutional gun free zones law. For anyone who cares about liberty, now is the time to work on getting the 218 votes we need to pass this important piece of legislation.

Slammed through in 1996 as an amendment to a giant last-minute mustpass appropriations bill, the legislation disarmed school staff and other adults – leaving elementary and secondary school children defenseless to serial killers.

ACTION: Contact you congressman. Urge him or her to cosponsor Ron Paul’s Citizens Protection Act of 2011, H.R. 2613.

What do all of these shootings have in common?

Gun Owners of America 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102 Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 FAX: 703-321-8408

It also made it virtually impossible to drive your car down the street with your gun inside without violating the law by creating a 1000-foot socalled “gun-free zone” around every public and private school in the country. “Gun free,” that is, except for the criminals.

About: Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul

No one – including politicians, the police, or the individual citizen – can predict where the next deranged serial killer will attack. And yet politicians continue to create “criminal safe zones” such as schools, churches, parks, restaurants that serve alcohol, etc., where the lawabiding are disarmed.

Tags: Gun Bills, Gun Free Zones, Gun Laws, Gun Politics, Gun Rights, Gun Rights Champion, Ron Paul, Self Defense

The net impact of turning schools, in particular, into defenseless targets for serial killers has been dramatic.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


Tags: Alan Gottlieb, SAF, Second Amendment Foundation

Campus Concealed Carry Forum August 8th 2011


Dove Hunting Season Should Be Just Like The Good Old Days

JUL 27, 2011 02:49P.M. SAF, SCCC Hosting ‘Supporting Campus Concealed Carry Forum August 8th 2011

JUL 27, 2011 02:40P.M. Arizona Dove Hunting Season Should Be Just Like The Good Old Days 1 million acres opened to hunting; 10 white-winged dove limits; all day hunts.

Second Amendment Foundation BELLEVUE, WA --( The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), in cooperation with Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), is hosting a forum “Supporting Concealed Carry on Campus” on Monday, August 8th at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Noon to 5 p.m. The forum is free and open to the public. This event will feature a Gun Free Zones debate between Colin Goddard of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime. Arizona Dove Hunting Season Should Be Just Like The Good Old Days An academic panel that includes Prof. Nelson Lund (George Mason University), Prof. Bob Cottrol (George Washington University) and Prof. Joyce Lee Malcolm (George Mason University) is also on the program. Another panel will discuss legislation supporting campus concealed carry. This panel includes Texas State Sen. Jeff Wentworth, Wisconsin Rep. Evan Wynn and Idaho Rep. Erik Simpson. Also appearing is Attorney Alan Gura, who successfully argued the cases of District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago resulting in U.S. Supreme Court rulings that struck down the handgun ban in Washington, D.C. as a violation of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and the handgun ban in Chicago by incorporating the Second Amendment to all fifty states through the Fourteenth Amendment. Student panels will discuss the campus concealed carry efforts as well as personal experiences of self-defense and crime on college campuses.

Arizona Game and Fish Department PHOENIX, AZ – -( Arizona Game and Fish has turned back the hands-of-time for dove hunters, with the launching of the new 2011-12 Arizona Dove and Band-tailed Pigeon regulations that are now available online at

Other speakers include SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb and Students for Concealed Carry on Campus President Dan Crocker.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

“For those of us with a little gray hair, the upcoming September 1st dove season will feel like a hunt from the olden’ days, now that we can once again hunt on much of the open, undeveloped public lands within municipalities, such as Phoenix,” said Rory Aikens, a public information officer with the Arizona Game and Fish Department for the past two decades.

directions to hunt, in order to prevent any conflicts with other recreationists or homeowners, and to have an enjoyable hunting experience. The early dove season opens on a Thursday this year, and runs from Sept. 1-15, statewide, with a 10-bird daily bag limit of mourning or whitewinged dove. Printed copies of the dove regulations are anticipated to be available the first week of August statewide at license dealers and Game and Fish offices.

A number of changes have been made to the dove regulations that have removed many barriers to this Arizona hunting tradition, most notably:

Dove hunters are reminded they will need a general hunting license and an Arizona migratory bird stamp. Both are available online, at Game and Fish offices and licensed dealers.

• Hunting access re-opened to approximately a million acres of open uninhabited lands within municipalities • Daily bag limit increased for white-winged dove to 10 birds

Overall, dove populations are doing well in Arizona. Many farms are growing grains, including corn, which are excellent dove attractants. Working a corridor in these areas will bode well for many hunters.

• Hunting hours extended until sunset statewide The increased access is a result of two recently revised state laws. Those changes transferred the authority to regulate the use of firearms for the take of wildlife within municipal boundaries to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission.

In addition, monsoonal rains have been adequate throughout the state bringing much needed new growth to desert flora, another excellent dove attractant. Finding a lone water tank in these newly opened desert areas could also provide some fast wing shooting action.

Because of these changes, dove hunters will no longer have to drive long distances to partake in this Arizona hunting tradition.

In either case, success will come to those that scout their areas the weekend before they go hunting, as much can happen between now and that 3 a.m. wake up on opening day.

However, Game and Fish has taken a prudent approach in its deployment of these shifted authorities and has closed hunting in many well-defined, densely populated metro areas. The flip side of this for dove hunters, especially those in the Phoenix metro area, is you will now be able to easily determine where you can and cannot hunt doves.

For more information about the recent law changes, the Phoenix metro no hunting map, a PDF copy of the dove regulations, or to buy your hunting license and dove stamp visit Basic season information, boundary description, and other field reference facts are available for smartphone users at

The closed to hunting boundaries are well defined in the notes section of the 2011-12 Arizona Dove and Band-tailed pigeon regulations. For the Phoenix metropolitan area, there is a map showing where you can and cannot hunt. The area is bounded by readily discernable roadways or waterways, such as the Gila River, and is available at

Looking To Try Dove Hunting? The Arizona Game and Fish Department has teamed up with local sportsmen-conservation organization to offer “how-to dove hunt” events that are designed for kids and for first-time hunters. These events are a great way to get a “hands on” experience hunting doves.

At first glance, these regulations may seem more complicated than in years past. However, with this one-stop resource comes some complexities. Hunters need to thoroughly understand the notes section before they go hunting.

• Sept. 4-5, Juniors Dove Hunt – Robbins Butte Wildlife Area near Buckeye – Game and Fish actively manages the land, and due to the water corridor it is rich with mesquite trees, wildlife food crops, and nesting habitat that attracts an abundance of dove (whitewinged and mourning) and other wildlife. Pancake breakfast provided, hosted by the Chandler Rod and Gun Club, for details visit

“A perfect example are the lands along the Carefree Highway corridor, between I-17 and US Route 60. These lands are primarily wide-open desert, but they fall within the city limits of Phoenix and Peoria. Before the law change, it was illegal to discharge a firearm within city limits, making hunting in these safe, open, unpopulated fringe areas also illegal – that is no longer the case,” said Aikens.

• Sept. 10, First-time Hunters Dove Seminar and Hunt – East Valley (Phoenix/Mesa/Chandler) – This is for first-time hunters for kids and adults. A safety seminar will be held on Thursday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m. and the hunt will be held on Saturday, Sept. 11 at 5 a.m. Some loaner shotguns and ammunition are available. Hosted by the Chandler Rod and Gun Club, contact David Carson at

In addition to the closed area descriptions, hunters are reminded of the quarter-mile law, and while that is a minimum, responsible, ethical hunters will find an area where there is plenty of open space in all


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

For a listing of other hunting events for youth and new hunters throughout the season, visit Cooking Your Harvest After the hunt, you will have harvested a game bird that provides a rich, lean red meat, and when not overcooked it is superb in a number of recipes. When the meat is filleted off the breastplate bone, it offers even greater recipe adaptation. The type of seasonings and side dishes you choose can customize these common methods listed below greatly: • Kabobs (dove and veggies) • Wrapped and stuffed (bacon and hot pepper are common) • Grilled (hot and fast) • Sauté (garlic, teriyaki, etc.)

The Michigan Iron Industry Museum will host a Civil War artillery encampment on Saturday and Sunday, August 6 and 7 on the museum grounds. Admission is free; donations are encouraged.

• Diced in chili (slow cooked with tomato base) Dove hunting is a deep-rooted family tradition. When done properly, dove hunting is very safe, challenging, exciting, and provides a great meal. When the season is over, clean and oil your shotgun, but don’t put it back into storage – the fall small game hunting season starts up Sept. 30, with quail, squirrel and more. To get the latest hunting news, sign up for the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s e-news at and select Hunting Highlights and Wildlife News.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources Michigan --( Michigan Iron Industry Museum visitors will be treated to the sights and sounds of the Civil War during “Iron Ore and the Civil War,” a two-day event featuring re-enactors and musicians on Aug. 6-7, the Department of Natural Resources announced today.

Tags: AGFD, Arizona, Bird Hunting, Dove Hunting, Hunting News


Civil War-related programs will combine a living-history encampment, artillery and small arms demonstrations, period music, and children’s games with the smell of black powder, wood fires and cornmeal Johnny cakes.

Michigan Iron Industry Museum to Host Civil War Encampment Aug. 6 – 7 2011

“This is a family-fun event where people experience everyday life of the Civil War and commemorate the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States,” said museum educator Barry James. “Museum guests will be able to enter the campsite and interact with the costumed interpreters to learn about soldiers’ pastimes, food and life during the mid-19th century.

JUL 27, 2011 02:32P.M. Michigan Iron Industry Museum to Host Civil War Encampment Aug. 6 – 7 2011

Battery D, 1st Michigan Light Artillery, a living history group, will recreate Civil War army life with artillery and small-arms drills, period cooking and soldiers’ pastimes. The First Michigan Infantry assembled for federal service in 1861, just two weeks after the fall of Fort Sumter and the start of the war. At least 90,000 Michiganians enlisted, and more than 14,000 died during the war.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

The state’s wartime contribution of not only manpower, but also iron ore resources, was instrumental in helping to preserve the Union – a fact President Abraham Lincoln is said to have recognized b y stating, “Thank God for Michigan.” In addition to the army life demonstration, the event will feature children’s games and activities. The costumed youth of the museum’s student auxiliary - “The Future Historians”- will play table games, croquet, snap-apple, Blind Man’s Bluff and walk on stilts. The documentary “Michigan in the Civil War” will be shown twice daily in the museum auditorium. The film includes segments on Michigan’s contribution to events such as the Underground Railroad, Fort Wayne, Michigan Women in the War, Gettysburg, the capture of Jefferson Davis, and many more. The 90-minute documentary will be shown at 1 and 3 p.m. Montana Shooting Sports Association The museum entrance is located on US-41E, one mile west of Junction M-35, in Negaunee Township. Admission is free, but donations are encouraged.

Missoula, MT --( A course entitled “Gun Safety for Personal Protection and Concealed Weapon Permits” will be hosted in Missoula by the Montana Shooting Sports Association and taught by Gary Marbut on Saturday, August 20th.

The Michigan Iron Industry Museum is one of 11 nationally accredited museums administered by the Michigan Historical Center, an agency within the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It overlooks the site of the Carp River Forge, a pioneer industrial site listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The museum is open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information call 906-475-7857 or visit online at

This one-day course will focus on safe handling, storage and use of handguns suitable for personal protection, selecting a personal firearm, issues of personal protection, allowable use of lethal force, concealed weapon permits, kids and gun safety, and shooting skills, and will include both classroom and shooting range sessions.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to

Graduates will receive a credential qualifying application for a Montana concealed weapon permit. The class will begin at 9:00 AM, and finish about 4:00 PM. Class size is limited to the first 20 registrants and preregistration and pre-class study are required.

Tags: Civil War, Civil War Reenactment, MDNR, Michigan

Tuition is $100 per student. Students should be 16 years or older. For further information or to register, call 549-1252 or email


Gun Safety for Personal Protection & Concealed Weapon Permits Course JUL 27, 2011 02:22P.M.

Gary Marbut, president Montana Shooting Sports Association author, Gun Laws of Montana

Gun Safety for Personal Protection & Concealed Weapon Permits Course Saturday, August 20th 2011

About Montana Shooting Sports Association: MSSA is the primary political advocate for Montana gun owners. Visit: Tags: Concealed Carry Weapons, Firearms Training, Gun Training, Handgun Training, Montana, Montana Shooting Sports Association, MSSA


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


Like all Summit climbers, Viper features the RapidClimb Stirrups, QuickDraw, SummitLokt and DeadMetal technologies.

Summit Viper SD Tree Stand in Realtree AP Camo

• Stand Weight: 20 lbs.

JUL 27, 2011 02:17P.M.

• Construction: Aluminum

Summit Viper SD Tree Stand in Realtree AP Camo

• Tree Size: 8 – 20″ Diameter • Seat Height: Adjustable • Seat Size: (base) 18″ wide by 12″ long (backrest) 12″ wide by 20″ long • Overall Size: 20″ wide by 36″ long • Platform Area: 20″ wide by 28 3/4″ long • Seat Frame Size: 19 3/4″ wide by 26 1/2″ long • Weight Limit: 300 lbs. The Viper retails for $279.99. For more information about the Viper SD, and all of Summit Treestands’ new products, please visit

Summit Viper SD Tree Stand Tags: Hunting Blinds, Hunting Gear, Realtree, Summit Tree Stands, Tree Stands


Win a 3 day Hunt with Wildlife Energy JUL 27, 2011 02:03P.M. Win a 3 day Hunt with Wildlife Energy

Summit Tree Stands COLUMBUS, Georgia --( Summit Treestand’s lightest sit- and-climb stand, the Viper is its best all-round climber. Available in Realtree AP, the Viper boasts a perfect balance of roominess, comfort, features and light weight. Wildlife Energy Drinks

The versatile padded seat can be raised for bow hunting and lowered for hunting with a gun and the solid front bar makes climbing easy and works well as a gun rest.

Maurice, LA --( The outdoor industry’s first energy drink, Wildlife Energy Drink, has debuted the Wildlife Energy Hunt


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


drinks and energy shots, or to become a distributor call or email 800311-3853,

Founded in 2007, Wildlife Beverage Company has been giving back to the outdoor industry through sponsorships and donations to conservation agencies, including the Coastal Conservation Association, Delta Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, National Wild Turkey Federation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Kids Hunting for a Cure.

Tags: Contests, Energy Drinks, Wildlife Energy Drinks


Michigan Law Creates Mentored Youth Hunting Season

Without the support of Wildlife Energy’s customers and fans, these contributions wouldn’t be possible. To thank their loyal customer base, Wildlife Energy has decided to offer up a 3 day, 2 night, hunt at their private hunting land in Mississippi.

JUL 27, 2011 01:53P.M. Jay Davidson, President of Wildlife Beverage Company, shares his enthusiasm about the company and promotion:

New Michigan Law Creates Mentored Hunting for Youth for 2012 Season

“Over four years ago when Wildlife Beverage Co. was founded, we knew that we wanted to support wildlife conservation and to promote hunting, fishing, and the outdoor lifestyle, because it was a heritage that has been in our family for generations and we want to help insure that it will continue for generations to come. We are a small family owned business with core family values. We are super excited now about the opportunity to give back to the consumer as well. It’s going to be a great time with good hunting and incredible Cajun Cuisine…..Ca C’est Bon..”

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Not only will the grand prize include a 3 day, 2 night hog hunt at Wildlife Energy’s private hunt club, which includes necessary licenses, meal and lodging, but the grand prize winner will also have the opportunity to hunt and kick back with Wildlife Energy prostaffer Neal Rohrbach, the host of the popular Outdoor Channel television show, Outdoor Channel Outfitters.

Michigan --( A new law recently signed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder will provide new hunting opportunities for youth under the age of 10 by creating a mentored hunting program for the 2012 hunting season. The program is known as the Hunter Heritage Program. “This is a great opportunity for Michigan’s youth,” said DNR Director Rodney Stokes.

To enter the contest or review the official rules, log on to, or the Wildlife Energy Facebook Fan Page and click on the Wildlife Energy Hunt Giveaway tab. Fans can also register in person at the Arkansas Outdoors Expo, August 20-21 in Conway, AR, or the Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Expo in Douglas, GA on August 25-26. The sweepstakes will run through September 30th, 2011.

“Our youngsters can start hunting earlier with a safe program, which can have a lifelong impact on their interest in conservation and natural resources. Since becoming Director, I made increasing participation in our hunting heritage one of my top four priorities. This program will help us achieve that goal.”

About Wildlife Energy Drink Wildlife Energy Drink was developed by sportsmen for sportsmen and is dedicated to the American outdoor sportsman in every way, from its distinctive outdoor-themed packaging and shotgun shell energy shots, to its support of wildlife conservation projects and outdoor programs. Wildlife Energy Drink is superior to any other energy drink on the market when it comes to taste and performance-enhancing properties, carefully formulated for times where extended endurance is needed. From early-morning hunting adventures to late-night fishing expeditions, Wildlife Energy Drink can increase your vigilance and wakefulness, improving concentration and reaction speed.

The new law provides hunting opportunities for youths under the age of 10 by allowing them to hunt in conjunction with the mentored youth hunting program. The Natural Resources Commission (NRC) has been charged with developing the program under the law. The law also creates a mentored youth hunting license, which allows mentored youths to participate in a wide variety of hunting opportunities on a single license. Mentored youth hunting license holders will be able to hunt deer, turkey, small game, trap fur-bearers and fish for all species on this license.

For more information about the Wildlife Energy Hunt Giveaway, the


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

In the coming months, the NRC will engage both department staff and external partners in developing the mentored youth hunting program, with the objective of having the program start in the 2012 license year.

certification? If you are 10 years of age or older with hunter safety certification, you can purchase regular hunting licenses.

Under the new law:

Tags: Families Afield, Michigan, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Youth Hunting

• A parent or legal guardian of the minor child must apply for the license on behalf of the child; AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS • A mentored youth hunting license will cost $7.50;

6th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair Dates Set By Brownells

• The mentor, who must be at least 21 and possess a valid hunting license, will need to accompany the youth at all times;

JUL 27, 2011 01:48P.M. • At age 10 the youth will no longer be eligible for a mentored youth hunting license, but will need to either take hunter safety and then purchase a regular license, or hunt under an apprentice license for up to two years.

6th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair Dates Set By Brownells

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to Frequently Asked Questions: Re -Hunter Heritage Law/Mentored Youth Hunting Program What does the new law do? The law allows youths under the age of 10 to hunt with a mentor. Mentored youths will be required to obtain a mentored youth hunting license and hunt in conjunction with the mentored youth hunting program, which is now being developed. When does the program begin? In the coming months, the NRC will engage with both department staff and external partners in developing the mentored youth hunting program, with the objective of having this program up and running for the 2012 license year.

Jerry Fisher with the students from Trinidad at Brownells 5th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair

How much will a mentored youth hunt license cost? The cost for a mentored youth license is $7.50. The fee was established in the legislation that created the license. What hunting privileges are provided under this license? Resident small game, combination deer, spring and fall turkey, allspecies fishing, and resident fur harvesters. Des Moines, Iowa – -( Brownells has announced that the 6th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair will be held April 27 and 28, 2012 at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown in Des Moines, Iowa.

What is the apprentice license? The apprentice license is for anyone 10 years of age and older who has not received hunter safety certification. An individual may hunt with an apprentice license for two license years. A regular licensed hunter who is 21 years or older must accompany the apprentice license holder into the field.

The industry-exclusive event is expected to draw more than 175 attendees and 35 employers. “The Gunsmith Career Fair is the place to network for gunsmiths and the companies who employ them. It really is a

What license do I purchase once I receive my hunter safety


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

must-attend event. Many pros from the Guilds are there and they’re not afraid to share their secrets,” said Pete Brownell, President of Brownells.


Canton Ohio Councilman Goes on Anti Concealed Carry Rant After His Officers Caught on Tape

Seminars designed to assist new and experienced gunsmiths with their career and business development are once again an integral part of the event with many chances for hands-on discussions with guild members and other industry professionals. Top companies in the firearm industry and government agencies will once again be on hand to interview attendees for positions at their businesses.

JUL 27, 2011 11:41A.M.

The schedule is set up to make it possible for attendees to network with potential employers, fellow gunsmiths and exhibitors. Recent graduates, working gunsmiths, soon-to-graduate gunsmithing students, gun shop owners and other firearm-related businesses are all invited to attend, as well as anyone interested in beginning a career in the gunsmithing profession.

Canton Ohio Councilman Goes on Anti Concealed Carry Rant After His Officers Caught on Tape

“We are absolutely delighted at the response we get from everyone that attends the Career Fair,” commented Frank Brownell, CEO of Brownells. “The seminars have fantastic information and it’s great to see so many employers with jobs to fill. 2012’s Career Fair is going to be even better than the past events and we’re looking forward to hosting it,” continued Brownell.

AmmoLand Gun News Canton, OH --( After a video of Canton, OH police officers threatening the life of a concealed carry permit holder went viral and on national TV, an elected town council member went on this rant against concealed carry and the right of people to defend themselves.

Those interested can sign up at ! Attendees and exhibitors are urged to register and book rooms early. Those arriving early will have a chance to tour the Brownells facility in Montezuma, Iowa on Thursday, April 26, 2012.

Is it any wonder that Police Officer conduct like that of Daniel Harless can go “unnoticed” or maybe even encouraged with people like this running the show in Canton, OH? This is an excerpt from an interview on a radio show, WHLO 640 AM, featuring Canton City Council President Alan Schulman.

About: At Brownells Everything is Guaranteed period! Forever, 100%, with no restocking fees. Brownells is the world’s largest supplier of firearm parts, gunsmithing tools, reloading equipment and accessories. Stocking more than 50,000 items, the company supplies armorers, gunsmiths, and shooters worldwide. All of their products are backed by a 100% satisfaction, unconditional, lifetime guarantee. For more information, or to place an order, call 800-741-0015 or visit

Listen to the video above for his shocking response and leave us a comment below on who is right and who is wrong? Tags: Concealed Carry, Concealed Carry Laws, Ohio, Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Only Ones, Restaurant Carry, Self Defense

Tags: Brownells,, Firearms Industry, Gun Industry,, Gunsmiths, Shooting Industry News, Shooting Sports Jobs


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


Memorialize Your Loved One with Holy Smoke Ammunition JUL 27, 2011 11:25A.M. Memorialize Your Loved One with Holy Smoke Ammunition

Memorialize Your Loved One with Holy Smoke Ammunition Once the caliber, gauge and other ammunition parameters have been selected, you (by way of your funeral service provider) will send approximately one pound of the decedent’s ash to Holy Smokes. Upon receiving the ash, the professional and reverent staff will place a measured portion of ash into each shotshell or cartridge. For example, one pound of ash is enough to produce 250 shotshells (one case). Holly Smoke You will be shipped the finished ammunition, boxed in available labeled ammunition boxes. Mantle-worthy wooden carriers with engraved name plates are also available. Your return shipment will also include any unused ash in a separate, labeled container.

Mobile, Ala --( You want to plan your loved one’s final arrangements in a way that not only celebrate his or her life but also reflect that person’s passions and interests. Holy Smoke LLC can help you honor the deceased outdoors person with a unique memorial that commemorates his or her love for shooting sports.

“We provide compassionate personal service, exceptional quality and a truly unique memorial,” Parnell says. For more information, check out

Have your loved one’s cremated ash placed in live ammunition so you can share one more round of clay targets, one last bird hunt or one last stalk hunt. Simply tell the folks at Holy Smoke what type of hunting or shooting the descendent practiced, and they can help you decide what will best suit your needs.

Tags: Ammo, Ammunition News, Holy Smoke

Holy Smoke was started by two state law enforcement officers, Clem Parnell and Thad Holmes, who realized there was a need for an individual’s choice in how his or her life could be remembered or honored. “What better way to be remembered than in a celebration of a life well spent?” Parnell asks. “We provide an ideal means for showing your love and respect for the deceased sportsman or woman. Not to mention, our services cost a fraction of what most funeral burial services cost, and they’re more ecologically friendly than most of the current funeral interment methods.”


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011


Tags: Gun Retailers, Gun Shops, KGI, Knesek Guns, Shooting Industry News

New Management at Knesek Guns


JUL 27, 2011 11:14A.M.

Genetic Testing Reveals Mountain Lion Killed in Connecticut Originated in South Dakota

New Management at Knesek Guns

JUL 27, 2011 10:22A.M. Genetic Testing Reveals Mountain Lion Killed in Connecticut Originated in South Dakota Traveled to Conn. through Wis. And Minn, Tests also show Milford animal was likely same one spotted in Greenwich.

Knesek Guns, Inc Van Buren, AR --( Knesek Guns, Inc. (KGI), a leading firearms distribution company based in Van Buren, Arkansas has announced the creation of a new management structure which is designed to expand upon its current core strengths as a global firearms, munitions and defense articles company. Effective July 25, 2011, Mr. Tyler Barham has been placed in the position of Director of Operations of KGI. Mr. Barham’s appointment as Director of Operations is the cornerstone of a management realignment at KGI that will focus the company on future growth and expansion to serve clients worldwide. KGI hopes to welcome new customers as well as continue to build upon its relationships with current clientele. Currently, KGI serves a variety of entities ranging from individual consumers to an established network of dealers, distributors and government facilities. During the past 9 years, KGI has grown into a dynamic and innovative company in the defense article field.

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Connecticut --( The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) said today that results of genetic tests show that the mountain lion killed in Milford, Conn. in June made its way to the state from the Black Hills region of South Dakota and is an animal whose movements were actually tracked and recorded as it made its way through Minnesota and Wisconsin.

“As Director of Operations, Tyler will bring a new vision to guide KGI in the years ahead as well as assist in the maintenance of our leadership in the ever-changing firearms industry” said Max Rodriguez, director of Business Development for KGI. Prior to his selection as KGI’s Director of Operations, Barham spent the past six years managing several locations within the communications field and more recently has begun his own practice as a private consultant. The realigned senior management team includes leaders of KGI’s functional service teams that focus on specific client sectors.

Genetic tests also show that it is likely that the mountain lion killed when it was hit by a car June 11 on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in Milford was the same one that had been seen earlier that month in Greenwich, Conn. DEEP Commissioner Daniel C. Esty said, “The journey of this mountain lion is a testament to the wonders of nature and the tenacity and adaptability of this species. This mountain lion traveled a distance of more than 1,500 miles from its original home in South Dakota – representing one of the longest movements ever recorded for a land mammal and nearly

KGI was founded in April of 2003 by Mr. Larry R. Knesek, to serve clients as a premier international distributor of fine firearms. Mr. Knesek owns, operates, and consults several companies in various fields worldwide. Visit:


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

double the distance ever recorded for a dispersing mountain lion.”

lion and indicate it was from the animal killed in Milford. DEEP is having additional tests conducted by a second lab to see if a more definitive link can be established.

“The confirmation of a wild mountain lion in our state was the first recorded in more than 100 years,” Commissioner Esty said. “This is the first evidence of a mountain lion making its way to Connecticut from western states and there is still no evidence indicating that there is a native population of mountain lions in Connecticut.”

Results of Genetic Tests Substantiate Necropsy Findings Results of genetic tests on the Milford mountain lion have substantiated information and observations obtained through a detailed necropsy performed by a veterinary pathologist from a United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) forensics lab.

Link to South Dakota Population and Animal Tracked through Wisconsin and Minnesota

The necropsy, performed at DEEP’s Sessions Woods Wildlife Center, Burlington, Conn., showed the young, lean, 140-pound male mountain lion was not neutered or declawed – characteristics that seemed to indicate it was not a captive animal that had escaped or been released.

The genetic tests reveal information about the mountain lion’s origin and travels were conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service Wildlife Genetics Laboratory in Missoula, Montana. DNA tests show that tissue from the Milford mountain lion matches the genetic structure of the mountain lion population in the Black Hills region of South Dakota.

The examination of the animal also showed it had no implanted micro chips, which are commonly used in domestic animals. Porcupine quills were also found in the animal’s subcutaneous tissue indicating it had spent some time in the wild. Examination of the stomach contents, tissues and parasites is continuing. It was estimated to be between two and five years old but a more precise age is being determined by microscopic analysis of an extracted tooth.

The Forest Service lab also compared the Milford mountain lion’s DNA to DNA samples collected from individual animals occurring outside of the core South Dakota population. This led to a match with DNA collected from an animal whose movements were tracked in Minnesota and Wisconsin from late 2009 through early 2010. DNA from the Connecticut specimen exactly matched DNA collected from an individual mountain lion at one site in Minnesota and three sites in Wisconsin.

Labs Involved in Testing with DEEP Personnel from several agencies have expended a great deal of time and effort in investigating the mysterious appearance of this mountain lion in Connecticut. These include the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service’s Wildlife Genetics laboratory, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources , and the New York State Museum in Albany.

The Midwestern DNA samples were obtained by collecting scat (droppings), blood and hair found while snow tracking the mountain lion at locations where sightings of the animal were confirmed. In addition, at least a half dozen confirmed sightings of a mountain lion in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan are believed to be of the same animal. The distance between the first documentation in Minnesota and the spot where the animal was killed by a vehicle is nearly 1,000 miles and is nearly double the longest distance previously recorded for a dispersing mountain lion.

Additional Comment from Commissioner Esty “A wild mountain lion traveling through our state is certainly an anomaly,” Commissioner Esty said. “It is, however, a strong symbol of what we all hope for – that wilderness areas and biological diversity can be preserved and protected. Thankfully, through the hard work and dedication of conservations, wildlife experts and everyone who cares about our environment and natural resources our state and nation have made great progress in achieving this goal.”

Dispersal is a normal behavior of young male mountain lions searching for females but they seldom travel more than 100 miles. The path of the mountain lion led Wisconsin biologists to dub the male cat the “St. Croix Mountain lion,” after the first county where a confirmed sighting of it occurred.

Background on Mountain Lion Siting in Connecticut At approximately 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 11, 2011 DEEP was notified by State Police – Troop I, of a collision between a motor vehicle and a mountain lion Northbound on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in the area of Exit 55 in Milford.

Link Between Milford Mountain Lion and Animal Scene in Greenwich, Conn. There were sightings of an animal that was believed to be a mountain lion in Greenwich, Conn. in early June. The last verified sighting was June 5, at the Brunswick School there. A scat sample at that location was taken by the Greenwich Police Department and sent out for testing.

The animal was struck and killed by a 2006 Hyundai Tucson SUV. The operator of the vehicle was uninjured. DEEP had been working with the Town of Greenwich Police Department to investigate prior sightings of a large cat in that town. Based on photographs taken of the animal and other evidence it appeared that the

Genetic tests performed by the U.S. Forest Service Wildlife Genetic lab, Missoula, Montana on this scat determined that it was from a mountain


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

animal was a mountain lion. The last “credible sighting” in Greenwich was June 5.

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Connecticut --( At approximately 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 11, 2011, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) was notified by State Police – Troop I, of a collision between a motor vehicle and a Mountain Lion Northbound in the area of Exit 55 in Milford.

Tags: Big Game Hunting, Connecticut, Conservation News, Hunting News, Mountain Lions

AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS The operator of the involved vehicle was driving a 2006 Hyundai Tucson SUV when it collided with the Mountain Lion. The Mountain Lion died due to injuries sustained during the collision and the driver was uninjured.

Connecticut DEEP Announces Mountain Lion Killed on Wilbur Cross Parkway Early Saturday Morning

The 140-pound male Mountain Lion has been transferred to a DEP facility for further examination. The large cat may be the one sighted in Greenwich on Sunday, June 5.

JUL 27, 2011 10:17A.M. The Connecticut DEP has been cooperating with the Town of Greenwich Police Department to investigate recent sightings of a large cat in the King Street area of Greenwich. Based on photographs taken of the animal and other evidence it appeared that the animal was a Mountain Lion. Mountain lions can travel long distances and may have found its way to Milford.

Connecticut DEEP Announces Mountain Lion Killed on Wilbur Cross Parkway Early Saturday Morning

There is no native population of mountain lions in Connecticut and the eastern mountain lion has been declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This incident is still under investigation by DEP EnCon Police, part of which will be to determine if in fact the cat killed in the collision is the same cat seen in Greenwich. Tags: Big Game Hunting, Connecticut, Conservation News, Hunting News, Mountain Lions


Indiana 2nd Amendment Patriots Saturday Meeting JUL 27, 2011 09:52A.M. Indiana 2nd Amendment Patriots Saturday Meeting


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

Amendment Patriots


Countdown Begins for 2012 Olympic Games JUL 27, 2011 09:37A.M. Countdown Begins for 2012 Olympic Games Indianapolis, IN --( I just want to remind everyone that our 2nd Amendment Patriot meeting will be this Saturday at 6 PM at the West Side Sportsman’s Club. We will have a presentation from fellow Patriot Janet. Margie and I just got back from a trip across country to Ogden ,Utah and all points in between, 3553 miles round trip. The destination was to see the John Browning museum in Ogden. It was worth it and so was all the landscape between here and there.

USA Shooting COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.--( July 27 marks the one-year countdown to the opening of the 2012 Olympic Summer Games in London, England.

It was also another chance to check the pulse on folks in other parts of the country. I got to tell you, there’s reason to take comfort and at the same time to be concerned. I’ll talk a little about that at our meeting, too. I’ve had a very busy summer accepting speaking engagements throughout the state and across state lines. I love it.

Coming off of its success in Beijing, the USA Shooting Team has continued momentum through successful World Cup seasons and Olympic qualification, creating high expectations and much anticipation for London.

Margie is asking folks to bring their favorite summer meal for the pot luck dinner. Don’t forget soda pops and desserts. Thanks everybody.

Five members of the USA Shooting Team have already been nominated to Team USA.

We’ll see you on Saturday. Jim and Margie 2nd Amendment Patriots STAY UNITED About: The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs. Visit:

Kim Rhode leads the way for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team as she enters her fifth Olympic Games. Photo courtesy of the ISSF In shotgun, Kim Rhode (El Monte, Calif.) was the first American athlete nominated and will be competing in Women’s Skeet. Heading to London

Tags:, Indiana, Pro Gun Groups, Second


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

with four Olympic medals, Rhode is once again considered a medal contender. With a podium finish in London, Rhode will become the first American Olympian in an individual sport to win five medals in five consecutive Olympic Games. Staff Sergeant Josh Richmond (Hillsgrove, Pa.) of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit will be shooting in Men’s Double Trap next July, following deployment to Afghanistan this fall to serve his country.


Gear Court: The good side of Evil Roy Steel Reactive Targets JUL 27, 2011 09:00A.M. The good side of Evil Roy Steel Targets

In rifle, two-time Olympic medalist Matt Emmons (Browns Mills, N.J.) will be competing in his third Olympic Games in Men’s 50m Rifle Three Position. Sergeant First Class Eric Uptagrafft (Phenix City, Ala.) will represent the U.S. in his second Olympic Games in Men’s 50m Rifle Prone. Finally, in Women’s 50m Rifle Three Position, Jamie Beyerle (Lebanon, Pa.) will compete in her second Olympic Games. To date the USA Shooting Team has secured 16 of 28 potential country participation quotas for London and will compete for additional quotas in the upcoming World Clay Target Championships and Pan American Games later this year. Over the next twelve months, U.S. shooters will compete in the U.S. Olympic Trials to earn the final spots on Team USA. Show your support for your USA Shooting Team athletes as they qualify for Team USA by ‘liking’ USA Shooting’s Facebook Page or by visiting .

Evil Roy Steel Targets

About USA Shooting: USA Shooting, a 501c3 non-profit corporation, was chartered by the United States Olympic Committee as the National Governing Body for the sport of shooting in April 1995. USA Shooting’s mission is to prepare American athletes to win Olympic medals, promote the shooting sports throughout the U.S. and govern the conduct of international shooting in the country. Check us out on the web at and on Twitter at Tags: Competition Shooters, Competitive Shooting News, ISSF, Kim Rhode, Olympic Shooting, Shooting Teams, USA Shooting

Women’s Outdoor News Rolla, MO --( Ladies, are you tired of going out to shoot and have to keep changing targets? Then I have the target for you. The Evil Roy Steel Reactive Targets from Action Target. They have a variety of different head options and will hold up to thousands of hits with no damage. They come in two grades; one for pistol and one for rifle calibers. With proper care, they will provide years of reliable use. Action Target will warranty it for a period of one year for faulty components or workmanship. I recently had the opportunity to field test one of the rifle targets with my .308 rifle. I used the 12” rifle target at 200 yards. It was great! I received instant feedback on each hit, and I didn’t need to keep checking to see if I made a good shot. My family was impressed with my shooting skills. All they had to do was hear me hit the target. It was a thrill shooting at the


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

steel target and getting the immediate feedback. The exciting part is, you don’t have to walk down to look at your target to see how well you hit.

Gun Rights Policies with John Snyder USA --( The recent mass murder in Oslo, Norway demonstrates that decent citizens need to be able to acquire and use firearms for the defense of their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

The stand folds up to less than 3-feet long, so you can take it anywhere and carry it with ease. They are made with a certified 550 Brinell armor steel target plate for maximum safety and durability. The heavy duty target is suitable for rifles when used at appropriate distances of 100 yards and beyond. The angled target plate has no exposed bolts or clamps for much safer shooting. No tools are required for assembly, use, or storage. They come with a choice of 6″, 8″, 10″, or 12″ circular plate. They also have cowboy action shapes to choose from.

When Anders Brevik allegedly murdered nearly 100 civilians, he used an automatic firearm, according to a police reports, even though the civilian acquisition and possession of such arms are prohibited in Norway, which generally has restrictive firearms laws. After the reports to police of the killing rampage, it took an hour and a half for law enforcement officials to arrive at the scene. Brevik apparently continued the killing spree until he ran out of ammunition.

They are available from GSS Competition LLC starting at $148, including shipping. It’s a good idea to check with your local gun range to make sure they allow steel targets before taking it to the range.~Georgette Wood

What all this tells us is that the strict Norwegian gun control laws did not prevent the mass murder. They did make it virtually impossible for a prospective armed Norwegian legally to have the gun which he or she could have used to take down the violent criminal perpetrator anytime during the 90-minute horror.

For more gear reviews, visit the Gear Court at Women’s Outdoor About: The Women’s Outdoor News, aka The WON, delivers news, reviews and stories about women in the outdoors. Born out of a desire to serve the burgeoning outdoor market for women and to inspire as many women to go outside as possible, The WON pops into email in-boxes, RSS feeds and Twitter Feeds with updates during the work week. Visit:

Other incidents indicate the same truth about citizens and guns. A couple of years ago, on November 11, 2009, Maj. Nidal Malik Hassan allegedly killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas and wounded many others before being stopped heroically by local police. Even though this occurred at a military base, service men and women were prevented from having the guns they could have used to stop Hassan because of a Clinton-era policy preventing American military personnel from being armed at bases in the United States.

Tags: Action Targets, Evil Roy Steel Reactive Targets, gear review, Georgette Wood, GSS Competition, teamwon

On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho murdered 32 people and then himself at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Even though the Commonwealth of Virginia has a law allowing individuals with a state-issued permit to carry a concealed firearm, VA Tech policy prohibits professors and students from carrying guns on campus even if they have such a permit. The policy did not stop Cho, but it did prevent anyone from being able legally to stop Cho.


Oslo Lone Wolf Murders Show Citizens Need Guns JUL 27, 2011 03:01A.M.

Just last fall, the Al-Qaeda linked Internet magazine Inspire encouraged lone wolf militant Islamist terrorists to go into restaurants in downtown Washington, D.C. during the lunch hour, and fire away at diners in the hopes of killing a number of people, including federal employees. Washington, D.C. prohibits even law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms. The powers-that-be there render law-abiding citizens defenseless in the face of a potential mass-murdering terrorist.

Oslo Lone Wolf Murders Show Citizens Need Guns

Contrast these incidents with the January 16, 2002 incident at the Appalachian Law School in Grundy, Virginia when two students with guns stopped what could have been a mass murder when they tackled a culprit after he had killed three people. Consider, too, the October 1, 1997 incident in Pearl, Mississippi, when an assistant principal at a high school went to his car, got his gun and shot the murderer of two students.


Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR

28 July 2011

Recall the April 24, 1998 time in Edinboro, Pennsylvania when a bystander pointed a shotgun at the murderer of a teacher when he stopped to reload. The message is clear. Gun laws do not stop mass murder. Citizens armed with guns do. Guns save lives. As a matter of fact, citizens with guns stop crime two and a half million times a year, according to Professor Gary Kleck, Ph.D. of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Fortunately, federal legislators are beginning to realize that guns can be used to stop crime. Over 240 Congressmen have cosponsored H.R. 822, the proposed National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011 by Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL). H.R. 822 would allow people with permits to carry concealed firearms issued by a state to carry in other states. Sen. John Thune (R-SD) says he’ll introduce a national reciprocity bill in the near future. The word is getting around. Gun laws do not stop crime. Citizens with guns do. Guns save lives. Support national right to carry reciprocity. About John Snyder: Named the Gun Dean by Human Events, “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News, a “champion of the right to self-defense” by The Washington Times, and “dean of gun lobbyists” by The Washington Post and The New York Times, John M. Snyder has spent 45 years as a proponent of the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms as a National Rifle Association editor, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, treasurer of the Second Amendment Foundation, and founder of A former Jesuit seminarian, Snyder is founder/manager of Telum Associates, LL.C., founder/chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc., a director of Council for America, and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens. He is also the author of the book Gun Saint. Visit: Editorial Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, or other sponsors and partners. See the Editorial-Review Process for more details. Tags: Gun Free Zones,, John Snyder, Self Defense


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