Chapter Twelve Methods of Interception and Various Combinational Ideas.
The method of decoying a piece to a desired square and the method of diverting a piece from defence of a square, the method of restricting a piece by means of a pin, and many other different methods usually at tend the carrying out of combina tional ideas. Amongst all these methods we pick out the method of interception on its own, though essentially it fulfils the same role as the method of diversion from defence of a square. The same role, in fact, but by another means. The method of interception consists of the fact that, by placing one's piece or pawn between the square interesting you and the location of the opponent's piece, you , as it were , cut or intercept the line of operation of the enemy pieces and thereby weaken the square on which your combinational attack is directed. The method of intercep tion is very difficult, invariably l inked to a sacrifice which is highly effective both superficially and also in its creative content. The ele ment of surprise further increases its effectiveness here. We recal l , in the immortal game, Anderssen Kieseritsky, the intercepting move of Anderssen 1 9 e5 , with which the communication from a l -g7 was broken and thereby the Black
queen was cut off from the critical g7 point. Here is a simple and altogether striking example of the surprising and convincing role which is often played by the method of intercep tion. Before us is a position from the game , Reggio..Mieses, Monte Carlo tournament 1 90 1 .
I f the White queen were not on h3 , defending the critical e3 squa re , Black would have mated in two moves - 22 . . Qe3 + 23 Be2 Qxe2 mate. Black cannot divert the queen from defence of the e3 square by simple means . On 22 . . . Bh4 + , White does not take the bishop , but replies 23 Ke2 and everything is in order with the e3 square. Therefore , White was ut terly surprised by the manoeuvre to which Mieses resorted , in order to intercept the connection of the queen with the e3 square , and 1 60