#Architecture 1o1 From Nothingness to Place
Amor Gonzรกlez Sรกnchez
A journey in 5 weeks to start a long trip.
February 2015
Week 1 Taking Pictures #RelativeSizeOfThings
Week 1 #TVWhitoutSignal
Week 1 Taking Pictures #MusicWithoutSound
Week 2 Learning to Skeach
Week 2 Learning to Skeach #SomePeopelTheyKnowThings
Week 2 Learning to Skeach
Week3 Making Collages #RomanceInManyDimensions
Week3 Making Collages #WhatMakesTheDesert
Week3 Making Collages
Week 4 Observing the Weather #ExcuseMeWhile
Week 4 Observing the Weather #SomePeopleWalk
Week 4 Observing the Weather
Week 5 Shaping Diagrams #YourMindWill
Week 5 Shaping Diagrams #YouStartToThink
Week 5 Shaping Diagrams
Week 6 Drawing Maps #ALineIsADot
Week 6 Drawing Maps #HumanBehaviorFlow
Week 6 Drawing Maps #ThisWorldIs
End So many place to visit So many people to know So many things to learn So many experiences to live So many to do So many to feel So many to think So many to love So many to enjoy So many to share Lot of knowledge Lot of emotions
Thanks for this amazing course.